
   Welcome to Marion History Preservation

This site was born out of the need for a consolidated forum in which to preserve the rich and interesting heritage of Marion Illinois. My aspirations for this site are that Marion citizens who still live in town and those who have moved away will find it a rich resource for all things Marion.

Do you Remember the Kimmel Building Fire on North Market or the Cox Hardware Fire on the Square ?

Thanks to photos taken by A.C. (Cliff) Storme back in 1963 that were donated to the Williamson County Historical Society, we get a chance to look back at these events.

To view the Kimmel Fire photos from December 17, 1963, Click Here!

To view the Cox Hardware Fire photos from May 7, 1963, Click Here!

Marion History Trivia

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Check your Family Photo Albums !

Is your family a pioneer family that arrived here before 1839? Did anyone in your family serve the city in some capacity ? Perhaps, a family member owned a business or played a role in Marion’s development? If so, please consider preserving that information and sharing it with the rest of Marion. We want your stories, memories and photos. Look for old buildings or long gone landmarks in the background of family photos and share.

Voluntary History Researchers Needed

This is a huge undertaking and will require considerable time. Anyone who has an interest in or has already researched any of the categories listed in the navigation bar above could help us out considerably by  contacting us and allowing us to use your data. Any author contributions will be given full credit on the site for their work. Even if you don’t already have information but would like to help in some way please contact me. Thanks, Sam Lattuca

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Post Revision History

9/19/2023 Update data to Bank of Marion

3/1/2024  Update date & pictures to Marion City Hall

8/1/2024  Add photo and text to W.T. Grant Co.

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