Early Monday morning workmen for the Concord Construction Co. of E. St. Louis began taking up the brick of the pavement on the public square to make way for the new concrete pavement which is to be laid on the four corners of the square and about the court house. The new pavement is to conform with the concrete pavement of the state highway which circles the square. Work of removing the brick on N. Market St. which is also part of the paving project financed by city motor fuel tax funds being expended under the supervision of the state division of highways was begun last week. Brick being removed from the public square are being hauled to the hitch yard in the rear of the fire department. Plans entertained by the city councilmen for the past year contemplate that the brick will be used in the enlargement of the brick building which houses the fire station.
(Extracted from local newspapers and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at http://www.marionfire.us )