The fire committee from the city council met with other city officials to decide on the proposition of removing the fire department to the building recently purchased for a city hall. It was decided to make the change as soon as convenient. The corner room of the city hall on the ground floor facing Court Square will be remodeled to accommodate the fire department. The entrance will be widened and concrete floor put down on the same grade with the paving on the square. Sleeping quarters for the firemen will be in the east end of the building and stalls for the horses near the center of the room. The quarters that will be occupied by the fire department will be 55×26 feet for the present but later on will be enlarged. Ultimately the city will occupy the entire building. The room now occupied by the feed store will be used for the city court room. When the change is made the city officers will occupy the entire second story of the building except that portion reserved for sleeping quarters by the firemen. At the time the change is made an opening will be made through the second floor to the sleeping quarters so that the firemen can slide down a pole to the room below.
(Extracted from the Marion Daily Republican and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at )