In 1905, The First Baptist Church conducted a tent meeting near the Aikman Crossing in which there were a number of conversions. A lot was purchased at the corner of South Russell and West Chestnut and a chapel was constructed on it to house the mission Sunday School.
On August 10, 1910, 25 members of the First Baptist Church presented a petition to the church asking for a joint letter of dismissal in order that they might organize a Baptist church at the Chapel
On August 29, 1910, the Second Baptist Church of Marion organized, with 34 charter members. E.L. Carr became first pastor November 3, 1910; his salary was $240.00 per year. Three new deacons were ordained.
In 1915 C.B. Taylor served three-fourths time as pastor at $45.00 a month.
In 1919 P.A. Hill became the first full-time pastor at $100 a month. A Committee was appointed to discuss the proposition of remodeling or building a new church.
In 1923 the church voted to build a basement for a new sanctuary. The budget for the year was $2,500. This action was followed by a week’s study in stewardship. Every male member was asked to sign the note to borrow money for the building.
By 1931, the church had grown to a membership of 146 and in 1935 a building fund was started which grew from $40.91 in January to $139.78 in June. The first permanent sanctuary for the church was completed in 1939 and a homecoming was held. In 1945 the church budget was $5,200.00 and in 1947 the pastor’s salary was $50.00 a week.
In 1949 separate class rooms were built for Junior and Intermediates Departments.
On August 6, 1952, the church voted to build the first section of a new Educational Building at a cost of $7,900.00. On September 21, a vote passed to complete the second floor of the educational building at a cost of $7,100. The church budget for 1952 was $11,229.00.
By 1961 membership had grown to 987, the budget was $49,766.08 and church property valued at $160,000.00. On November 19th the new educational building was dedicated.
The church purchased five acres in the Parish Park Addition in 1963 for future construction of a mission chapel. Then on June 28, 1964 the church approved the building of Parish Park Heights Baptist Chapel at a cost of $70,000. The Parish Park Chapel was dedicated in December of 1964 and became the 910th church in the Baptist movement.
On June 25, 1967 groundbreaking for construction of a new sanctuary began and in June 1968 the new sanctuary, offices and music room were completed at an approximate cost of $170,000.00. Membership was then 1,091.
In 1969 the staff was expanded to add a minister of education and music and the bus ministry began.
In 1971, pastor Wally Curlee, came to the church on February 21. He had sponsored Direct Missions (Rochester, Illinois. Paul’s Chapel Church, Marion).
1975 Sponsorship of the Mission in Marissa, Illinois, began.
1976 Three full-time ministers were placed on staff. The church was running 4 bus routes and the annual budget was $180,000.00. Sunday school membership was 1,104.
The church experienced phenomenal growth in the early 1980’s. In 1985, the church membership stood at 1,451 with an average Sunday school attendance at 405 and enrollment of 967. The budget for this year was $334,635.
Rev. Bob Wagoner began pastoring at the church on July 13, 1980. In 1992, church membership was 1,841; Sunday school enrollment was 1,525 with average attendance of 589. The annual budget was $524,000.
In 2012, the staff is Mark Mohler, Pastor; Danny Ward, Music/Senior Adults; David Blue, Education; Ashby Tillery, Youth/College/Recreation; Melinda Lamb, Office Manager; Heather Phillips, Secretary; Dwan Ward, Website/Graphic Design; Jesse Morgan, Custodian.
The church is located at 308 S. Russell St. on the corner of Russell and W. Chestnut.
(Data from Bicentennial Edition of the Marion Daily Republican 1976; Sesquicentennial History 1989, WCHS; Second Baptist Church website; original church photo by Carl Sorgen; current photos and compiled by Sam Lattuca 01/13/2013)