Judge George W. Young, of Marion Illinois, was born January 8, 1845. His parents died during his infancy, and he was bound to Geo. W. Binkley, who was a farmer living on the farm where the plat of Whiteash is now located Continue reading
Monthly Archives: March 2013
The three-story, red brick house was erected by W. J. Aikman at 1414 W. Main Street on the northeast corner of West Main and North Russell Streets in 1906 at a cost of $10,000. Continue reading
Announcement of the closing of the Orpheum Theatre as a result of the owners decision not to correct fire and safety hazards cited by state and city officials rang down the curtain of a show house that was the city’s chief place of entertainment during most of its more than a half century of operation. Continue reading
At the age of 91, William Jasper Stockton wrote a biographical sketch in 1939 in which he said the first school he attended was in a barn owned by his uncle, Isaac at Coal Bank which was located between Marion and Spillertown. Continue reading
The sight of workmen building paved parking lots on public and private property in the segment of downtown Marion North West of the Tower Square Plaza calls attention to another of the ongoing programs to enable a municipality founded in the 19th century to accommodate late 20th century demands. Continue reading