1877, News Clippings, January thru June

1877, News Clippings, January thru June

See also, 1877, News Clippings, July thru December

____________________   January, 1877  ______________________

4 Jan – The Governor denied pardon for Sam Music. MM

We learn from W.M. Wilhelms that scarlet fever is raging in Vienna. John Hartly lost 3 children last week (only ones he had.) KM

8 or 10 years ago a man and wife in company with a young woman made an appearance in Spring settlement, a few miles west of this place … stopped at residence of Mr. Stanfield and remained for some time … went to DuQuoin where the young woman gave birth to a child…the couple returned to the settlement with the child and made arrangements with a man named “Check” Overturf to keep it until called for … the couple and the young woman left for Texas … Overturf employed Sam Elkins to keep the child, Elkins took the child to DuQuoin, then to Ashley and left the train there and took passage on the hack for Mt. Vernon.  After a few miles, he left the hack … the child was found dead in a corn shock, had been murdered … he fled, but recently returned to Spring settlement and was arrested.    Benton Standard EP

11 Jan – Miss Lizzie Gray of Vienna is visiting her brother Dr. Gray of this city. MM

Rev. C.W. Hutchinson, who for past year has lived at Raleigh, is now located in Norris City. MM

The residence of James Howell caught fire and was nearly destroyed. The water in the well gave out and the Big Muddy River was resorted to. Mr. Howell had the coat burned off his back and his body was severely blistered … lived at Blairsville. MM

4 Jan – Marshall Boles married Julia Pritchett at residence of the bride’s father in Southern Precinct last Sunday … Zana White married Laura Ann Smith at residence of Esquire Neely in Union Precinct last Sunday.  EP

James Benedict died recently from a saw log rolling off a wagon on him … lived 3 miles east of Carbondale. EP

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In memoriam – Herrin’s Prairie Lodge #693 A.F. & A.M.  – John G. Williams, born Posey County, Indiana October 6 1838… came to Williamson at age 14 … joined Christian Church at age 19 and Odd Fellows at age 25 … married Nancy A. McDonald September 14, 1865 … married Mrs. Louisa M. Pope January 13, 1872 .. Made a Mason in October 1872, joined Grangers in 1874. EP

11 Jan – Never before in the history of this county has game been so cheap – last Friday dressed quails sold at 2 cents each and rabbits at 3 cents each. EP

The governor refused to pardon Terry Crain—EP & MM

Old Mrs. Stroud, wife of Daniel and mother-in-law of A.J. Hann died yesterday   EP.   MM says died Tuesday night.

W.H. Crippen of Ava, formerly of this place, called on us Monday. EP

18 Jan – Newton Walker was appointed postmaster at Wolf Creek. MM

E.D. Stevens,   8 years and 6 months died January 16 … Mrs.  Stevens, whose little son died Tuesday, has another child dangerously ill. MM 8 EP

W.P. Springs is going to the Black Hills.  EP

Amanda Scott and James Carter were charged with adultery … case continued. MM

Buddy Pearce, who was shot by Arnett on Nov. 4, died the 8th. He was shot below left shoulder blade, is supposed the ball struck his spine as the lower part of his body was paralyzed. Johnson County Yeoman EP

A penny collection in the Sunday Schools for the benefit of the orphans of the late P.P. Bliss, was taken up last Sunday. EP

Marriage licenses issued since last newspaper:

10 Jan – Silas M. Fowler and Amanda Lance

11 Jan – Jesse M. Cochran and Eliza Ann Ford, Wiliam Nix and Mariah F. Spinning

16 Jan – Able L. Howerton and Sarah E. Hamlett, William Summersett and Evaline McDonald    MM

25 Jan – The trial of Zadoc Mitchell for illegal use of pension money was held at Springfield last week … jury failed to agree, 9 for acquittal and 3 for conviction … judge threw case out and Mr. Mitchell returned home…J.G. Mitchell is his brother.  MM

Marriage licenses:

William Despain and Louisa Eckols

Joshua T. Jenkins and Nancy J. Bell

Thomas  Bracey and  Elizabeth Grant

Neeley M. Allsup and Nancy K. Hoover

William G. Saul and Mary Dearing

James F. Hampton and Eliza T. Bridges MM

Andy Brown, colored, living in Second ward, plunged a Barlow knife up to the handle in the shoulder of his wife Friday evening. Carbondale Observer EP

Abriam Glass and Henry Ockletree, colored, were charged with stealing hogs from Henry Gray … Glass came clear; Ockletree was bound over in sum of $100. EP

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____________________   February, 1877  ______________________

1 Feb – Miss Harriet Hartwell has an attack of scarlet rash at residence of C.A. Furlong, near where she is teaching school. MM

A very interesting book for everyone to read is Erwin’s History of Williamson County, clothbound $1.    EP & MM

John Cline started to New Orleans today with a large cargo of poultry. MM

Dr. George Avatt of Union County was thrown from a horse and a 2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Littleton died Friday. EP

John R. Washburn, son of James M. and S.M. Washburn, died at Ewing 28 Jan 1877, father is member of Legislature.  EP  MM says son of Hon J.M. Washburn of Carterville … father was on the way to see him and met the corpse in street in Benton, on its way to its final resting place … died of pneumonia, sickness was of short duration … was attending Ewing College … buried Hurricane Cemetery near father’s residence.

Marriage license:

Isaac Moake and Margaret E. Ralls

Joseph Ballard and Cinderella M. Crain

A.B. Grogan and Mary E. Gibbs

John Travelstead and Louvina McComb MM

8 Feb – Laura, wife of W.E. Wiley of this city, died suddenly Sunday of congestion of the lungs … husband was away and arrived in time to see her buried … a train on the C. & S. railroad was chartered last Tuesday to convey her remains to Carbondale for burial.    EP & MM

In Memoriam – Blazing Star Lodge #458 A.F. & A.M. – Stephen Motsinger who died November 30, 1876. EP & MM

John M. Young of this city died Tuesday afternoon … was connected in business with C.M. Kern … died of pleuro pneumonia … 41 years old, 10 months and 5 days .. victim of consumption, death caused by pneumonia … buried Marion Cemetery by Masonic Fraternity on the 6th.

Blacksmithing at the old stand of Rice & Brock,  by J.H. Slankard

Dr. Ballenger, physio-medical physician, can be found at Pulley House ready to attend to the afflicted at all hours of the day and night.

Died 30 Jan 1877 at residence of Frank Benson in Johnson County, Mrs. Mary J. Ballenger, wife of Dr.  I.A.  Ballenger … born Alabama…moved to Pocohontas, Arkansas in childhood .. .married six years ago and came to Williamson County for her health … 42 years old .. .husband was absent and arrived only in time to see her expire … died of congestive chill … sick very short time and death was sudden and unexpected. MM

Marriage license:

Everett Staton, 65 and Mrs. Martha Barnett, 35

Jesse Shrives and Jane Grenlstuff

Thomas Kirkham and Martha E. Tibbs

Charles Arnold and Mary Baker

Jefferson Motsinger and Mrs. Mary A. Allen

William B. Cundiff and Louisa J. Guthrie

Lewis Garner and Barbara E. Graves

John Pullem and Sophia Davis

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15 Feb – William R. Tinker died in this city 12 Feb., age 54 years, was taken ill with a chill after which typhoid and erysipelas set in … wife died a short time ago.. .survived by son Dr. J.C. Tinker. Funeral at Baptist Church by Elder Boles … body accompanied to cemetery by United Friends of Temperance, of which he was a member EP  & MM

Died near Corinth on the 7th, May Maria, daughter of Alfred M. and Mary F. Mouton, aged 6 months and 4 days. MM

Mr. O.H. Wiley had a very severe attack of smothering last Friday and has been considered dangerously ill ever since. EP

Near noon on the 7th, Benjamin Odle, about 16 years old, left on a horse to take dinner to the men working In the woods … thrown from horse against a tree and died of a fractured skull … found by Taylor Hays … lived with uncle 1 mile east of Frankfort. Benton Standard EP

27 Feb – Charles Hundley and Myrta Alden of Carbondale were married at residence of bride’s parents Feb. 15 … John B. Edrington and Mrs. Sallie Awlsbrook were married Saturday at M.E. Church. Mm & EP

John Cline and wife left yesterday for New Orleans. John has a large cargo of turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens and 3000 dozen eggs. EP

Mayor Goddard was baptized Into the Christian Church last Sunday. EP & MM

Mr. R.M. Allen received a letter from Capt. A.P. Corder last Thursday … the Captain is now living in California and enjoying good health. EP

Logan Norman, 13 or 14 year old son of F.M. Norman was killed in this city Tuesday forenoon … Mr. Norman was moving from this place to the country … 2 or 3 of his boys were going eastward in a two horse wagon … team became frightened and ran … the boys jumped from the wagon, Logan was last to jump, and made a misstep and fell between the wheels … hind wheel passed over his body, injuring him so badly he died after dark. EP

States Attorney Hartwell prosecuted the following cases last week: People vs O.P. Peeples, Dr. T.R. Scott and Willis Corder for attempting to commit abortion upon Mary E. Allen, tried and set at liberty; Mary E. Allen vs G. Peebles and a girl at the poor house vs A. Cash for bastardy, both cases compromised on terms satisfactorily.    EP    [The March 22 edition says Willis Corder had nothing to do with it.]

J.  Thomas Henry and Jennie McCoy eloped. He applied for a license and was refused because she was underage … when next heard from they were on their way to an unknown country. She is daughter of Chesley McCoy who recently returned to this county after a 23 years tour in the glittering gold fields of California. MM

Logan Norman was injured at 12 o’clock, was unconscious till his death at 6:30 … buried Bethlehem Cemetery. MM

A.F. white and others declare they will pull out for the Black Hills about March 1. MM

George Powell and Amanda Spiller were married last Sunday at Frankfort by Squire Thomas White.  MM

A son of Wesley Morgan, 3 miles west of Frankfort, about 13 years old, was thrown from a mule and killed on the 13th. MM

Bill Bowman, who murdered a little girl near Carbondale, escaped from the Pinckneyville jail. MM

Stephen T. Hearn, son of J.T. and M.A. Hearn, died 16 Feb of scarlet fever, aged 16 years, 3 months and 2 days … professed religion 4 months ago and joined the M.E. Church at Union Grove. MM

Nancy N.  Motsinger was appointed guardian of John T. Carmichel.  MM

Married at the residence of the bride’s father in Carbondale on February 15,  J.C. Hundley, salesman for Charles P. Kellogg and Co., and Myrta, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alden. (Lengthy account giving a list of gifts.) MM

 Marriage licenses:

John W. Arnold and Larilda L. Turner

G.W. Corman and Janey Benedict

George Thedford and Delvina Roberts

J.H. Edrington and Sarah Alsbrook

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____________________   March, 1877  ______________________

1 March – Charley Lee and James Hendrickson have gone to Colorado. MM

Mrs. Blaine of Oregon, sister of Mrs. Tibbs of this county, was in this city Tuesday visiting her old schoolmate, Mrs. Ewan. MM

The Monitor report visited Schoharie Prairie and had supper at the residence of R. Holland … through the kindness of George Holland, we attended church at Jeffersonville and listened to a sermon by Rev. Crim of the Christian Church. Jeffersonville is chock full of businesses and business men … boasts of a dry goods and grocery store, a flouring mill, saw mills, hotel, blacksmith shops, post office, etc. … I made the acquaintance of Mr. George Pike, Miss Maggie Orth, Elder Crim, Presiding elder Fox of the German Evangelical Association and Mr. George Holland and lady. From Mr. Resin Holland we learned the prospect of a good wheat crop is very flattering. MM

Joseph P. Chester of Carmi shot and killed himself Friday. EP

J.M. “Mal” Hargon and Martha C. Cabaniss were married 22 February, both of Marion. EP (MM says married on 24 February)

George Thedford and Delfina Roberts were married  at residence of J.B. Roberts in Union Precinct 22 February. EP & MM

Fellowship Lodge No. 89 A.F. & A.M. – death of brother John M. Young. MM

P.H. Lang celebrated his 52nd birthday February 26 … born Athens, Alabama … soon after his birth his parents moved to Kentucky and to Marion in 1848. MM

Oliver H. Wiley died at his residence in Marion February 24, aged 69 years, 2 months and 24 days … born North Carolina, moved to this county 45 years ago … leaves aged wife and daughter, Mrs. A. Marion Askew … funeral Sunday at Baptist Church, conducted by Rev. J.A. Rodman. EP & MM

Alfred T. Jackson, the insane conspirator, was transferred from the jail to the asylum at Anna. MM

Near Pinckneyville, lives Jane Harbison, the widow of Revolutionary War soldier, age 76 … married in South Carolina 60 years ago … she was 16 … he died 45 years ago and she has drawn a pension since then … perhaps the only widow of a Revolutionary soldier living in the state. EP

Business cards:

Dr. John C. Tinker, office at Hundley and Hollands Drug Store

P.H. Lang, Dry goods and grocery … will give $1 for return of book either lost or stolen, title “Life of Parson Brownlow.”

Thomas Davis, farm implements, Studebaker wagon which took the gold medal at the Centennial Exposition, reapers, mowers, spring wagons, plows, riding and walking cultivators, livery stable – East Main Street.

J.L. Seawright Cabinet Shop, undertaking a specialty, coffins kept on hand and made to order on shortest notice, pictures framed, southwest corner of square.

Denison and Bundy, Marlon Drug Store, north side of square.

Carbondale City Drug store – Edward N. Horse and Coapany, established January 1, 1875, west side of square, Carbondale. First class fountain will disperse cold soda and beer during the summer months. EP

Marriage license:

Frank Shirs and Melvina Barns

John M. Hargon and Mrs. Martha C. Cabniss

John Brown and Sophronia Chilcut

Eli Ozment and Josephine Eckols

Loren B. Ralls and Josephine Jack

John G.  Ewell and Arrabelle Younkin

Business cards |All at Marion unless noted otherwise.]

W.H. Bentley, physician and surgeon, at his residence at the Frank Goodall place.

F.M. Youngblood, attorney at law.

W.C. Willeford, physician, office on north side of town at his residence at the Thomas Newton place.

Hartwell and Warder, attorney at law, office in Robertson’s block.

O.W. Catlin, attorney at law, Carbondale.

L.D. Hartwell, attorney at law.

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George W. Goddard, attorney at law and notary public, office on southeast corner of square in Cover building.

James M. Washburn, attorney at law, Carterville.

A.D. Norman, attorney at law. Chapman’s Block, Carbondale.

Dr. Z.  Blay, dentist, office over Hundley and Holland’s Drug Store, work put up equal to any in the state. A set of teeth for $5. Special attention given to filling and preserving teeth.

A.N. Lodge, County Superintendent of Schools, office over Vick and Sons Drug Store.

E.A. Phillips, agent for the American Company. It pays to insure against fire and lightning.

Charles Martin, manufacturer of boots and shoes, west side of square, Carbondale.

Charles Link, fashionable barber and hair dresser, Robertson basement.

S.H. Bundy, physician and surgeon, office at residence on West Main Street. Special attention to diseases of females, and diseases of the eye, ear and throat.

Ingersoll and Shepherd, jewelers, Goddard block, west side of square.

A.J. Cardin, carpenter and builder… churches, schoolhouses, barn, residences, etc.

William Dunston, dealer in harness and saddlery, northwest corner of square.

A. Scurlock, dealer in threshing machines, wheat drills, plows, steel and iron, etc., 2 blocks north of square. EP

6 Mar – Tom Davis has named his new boy Samuel J. Tilden. Good luck, Tom. EP

Nr. and Mrs. Daniel Simpson have a brand new boy. They had to run the steelyard pea out to the 11th notch to find his avoirdupois. EP It’s a boy, whispered D.D. Simpson as he galloped up the street Monday evening. Mother and child are doing well.  MM

Judge Buckley, late of Northern Alabama, is now in this county prospecting for a farm to suit him. In all probability he will locate in Old Williamson. EP

Charles R. Hopper arrived here from U.T. Monday. EP

To keep moths out of old clothing, it is recommended to give it to the poor. EP

Marshaline J. Berry vs William H. Berry – bill for divorce – he is a non-resident … Nancy J. Rogers vs Hiram J.  Rogers – bill for divorce – he is a non-resident. EP

The co-partnership of J.H. Duncan and R.M. Hundley, known as J.H. Duncan and Co., ceases to exist. Dated 30 Jan 1877. EP

Robert Cagle and Ans. Horrell started with their families to Kansas on Monday. Cal Moore and Amos Palmer accompanied them. Schoharie Prairie MM

C.J. Keaster has on hand a choice lot of sorghum molasses which he will sell cheap.   Call and see him. MM

Alfred P.  Bridges vs Margaret P. Bridges – bill for divorce – she is a non-resident. MM

Lettie Larue, only daughter of Dr. John and Mrs. Lou Huddleston died 28 Feb of scarlet fever, 7 years, 1 month and 6 days.  MM

Mr. A.F. Weber of Stonefort died last week … buried with Masonic honors Thursday last in Weber burying ground near Raleigh.  MM

W.E. Wiley is very low with typhoid, mm

The first brick house built in the county still stands in Schoharie Prairie … was partly demolished in the heavy tornado in May, 1876. MM

Marriage licenses: Edwin W. York and Mariah J. Harris Hezekiah Davis and Mary M. Crain William A. Ogden and Clarissa I. Baker M.C. Dunn and Artimeis Beasley    MM

Duncan and Holland, lumber, J.H. Duncan and C.T. Holland MM

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15 Mar – Between the 20th of this month and April 1, a party from this vicinity consisting of G.W.C. McCoy, G.W. McCoy, A.F. White, W.P. Springs, George White, Steve Stilley and Brice Holland, will leave here for the Black Hills. They ship via Missouri River to Fort Sully and thence to Deadwood, overland 140 miles. MM

Keep your children off the square. Some of them will get drowned in that pond on the west side. MM

Marriage licenses:

William R. Dickerson and Martha A. Ketchum

W.H. Walker and Marietta Hoover

John W. Townsend and Martha E. Head

Thomas S. Dogger and Nancy E. Deaton

Wade H. Nelson and Harriet E. Ollis

Allen King and Lena C. Stewart

William R. Rogers and Cornelia A. Wright

Mulkey Simmons and Mary E. King

J.J. Butts and Julia A. Greathouse

E.W. Grimes and Eliza Headspeath

Robert Craig and Elizabeth F. Turnage MM

3 children of John Rumage of Crab Orchard, are down with scarlet fever. MM

Milo Erwin has been spending the week at his brother-in-law’s, John H. Rumage at Crab Orchard. MM

Died at Schoharie Prairie, Sunday, March 11, the little son of T.B. and E. Duncan, aged 11 months and 2 days. MM

Business cards:  [All in Marion.)

M. Cantor, clothing and gent’s furnishings

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Mrs. M.E. Goddard, millinery and dressmaking

Milo Erwin, attorney at law

R.M. Hundley, druggist, physician and surgeon

A.N. Lodge, physician and surgeon and Superintendent of Schools

S.W.S. Pribble, family groceries, bakery and confectionery

W.M. Reed, coal dealer

Mrs. C. Roberts, proprietress of Goodall Hotel

M.W. Robinson, general hardware, stoves, tinware, etc.

William Rex, restaurant and groceries

F.M. Sparks, groceries and provisions

L.C. Wright and Co., packers of leaf tobacco

J.B. Willeford, coal dealer

Vick and Cline, druggists, west side of square

M.T. Vick, groceries, notions, etc.

J.B. Calvert, attorney at law EP

22 Mar – Last Sunday Alex Howerton attended church at Kimmell School with a pistol in his pocket … it discharged and passed through a very tender part of his anatomy and lodged in his thigh. MM

Marriage licenses:

Neadham Davis and Harriet Wright

B.H. Moss and Sarah Kerney

Last Monday week, William May, George May and George Norman drove 300 head of sheep from this county to Harrisburg for William Baldwin of Massachusetts. He is buying sheep in this county and shipping them to the old Bay State. MM

Last Friday night Nead Davis was brought to this city from New Burnside, under custody of an officer … Harriet Wright preferred a charge of bastardy against him, he concluded to “hitch on” to Harriet in order to get himself out of limbo,  Uncle Charley Robinson and States Attorney Hartwell procured the license and Squire Doty performed the ceremony — after the ceremony some crude chap drawled out, “Salute the bride”, whereupon Davis, with a good humored wink remarked, “I have charge of this hairpin, now, you bet” and the groom and bride went their way enjoying the unison of “two hearts that beat as one.” Married Saturday the 17th.    EP & MM

Marriage etiquette for widows – It is contrary to custom to invite guests to the marriage of a widow. If a widower marries a young girl, the etiquette is the same as that of the first marriage. A widow must marry in the morning, early, without show, and has only her witnesses and those of the intended. Her dress must be plain, of quiet color, black, however, is not admissible. On leaving church, the bride invites to breakfast the witnesses who have formed the party, but no other guests are invited to this repast. On the 15th day after the marriage, cards are sent bearing the new address of the married pair. A widow never makes wedding calls after marrying. Those who receive the cards do the visiting. There is a month allowed for the return of cards and the visits, when a single lady marries, after having passed the usual age for marrying, the ceremony should be simple and obtrusive. EP

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Last Saturday, the 10th, at a little grocery called Crossroads near Mascoutah, St. Clair County, the proprietor of the grocery named Richard Schrdenber, aged 60, stood before a mirror, placed the muzzle of a pistol to his right temple and fired, committing suicide. EP

Business cards:    (All in Marion unless noted otherwise.)

North & Campbell and Co., general merchandise, north side of square

Mann & Edwards Mill, rolling, carding, spinning, dyeing, large lot of ready-made rolls of yarn, also flour milling. West Main Street.

J.S. Gulledge, handling leaf tobacco

The Cash House, J.B. Bainbridge and L.A. Goddard, dry goods, etc., west side of square in Goddard Brick Block

Dr. John Vick, physician and surgeon, office at Vick and Sons Drug Store, west side of square

A.S. Trammell, M.D., P.O. Pulleys Mill

W.W. Young. J.P. , Lake Creek Precinct, P.O. Marion

H.W. Beers, Constable, Corinth

Parks and Son, general merchandise, Crab Orchard

Peter Crossley, wool carding, corn grinding, cotton gin and distilling essential oils. Crab Orchard

Joseph Meser, grocery, provisions, hardware, Jeffersonvllle

J.T.  Cunningham,   harness and saddlery manufactory, boots & shoes

I. A. Ballenger, M.D., office in Bainbridge

J.T. Wright and Co., dealers in leaf tobacco, warehouse at depot

A. G. Sheppard, watchmaker and Jeweler, west side of square

Goodall & Aikman, general grocers, north side of square in F.M. Goodall’s basement, below Denison & Bundy, druggists

Westbrook & Howell, dry goods, south side of square

T. Dunaway, general merchandise in Dunaway block, south side of square

J.L. Dunaway, grocery and provisions, in Dunaway block, south side of square

S.W. Dunaway, general merchandise, southwest corner of square

Goodall & Burkhart, dry goods, west side of square

Bainbridge & Goddard, dry goods, west side of square

Kern & Mitchell, general merchandise, northwest corner of square

W.M. Dunston, harness and saddle manufactory, northwest corner of square

B. Gallagher, furniture, undertaker, in Goodall & Campbell block, north side of square

William Rex, restaurant, confectionery, groceries, meals 25 cents, north side of square

M.W. Robertson, hardware, groceries, east side of square

P.H. Lang, dry goods, groceries, southeast corner of square

Mitchell Drug Store, post office building, east side of square

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W.H. Eubanks, County Clerk, office in north room, Goodall and Campbell block, north side of square

M.S. Strike, Circuit Clerk, office in south room of Goodall and Campbell block, north side of square

J.H. Reynolds, Police Magistrate, general blacksmithing, North Main Street (Market).

Thomas Davis, livery stable and farming implements, East Main St. MM


Courts – Circuit and Chancery sessions on second Monday in April and October. Judge M.C. Crawford, Prosecuting Attorney Joseph W. Hartwell, Clerk Matthew S. Strike, Sheriff W.J. Caplinger, Master in Chancery James M. Washburn.

County Court – Meets second Monday in Jan, Apr, Jul and Nov. Judge, Jesse Bishop; States Attorney, Joseph W. Hartwell, Clerk, W.H. Eubanks; Sheriff, W.J. Caplinger.

Probate Court – Meets for probate business the third Monday each month, except Jan, Apr, Jul and Nov. Meets for law business the second Monday in Jan, Apr, Jul and Nov. Judge, Jesse Bishop, Clerk, W.H. Eubanks.

Board of County Commissioners – First Monday in Mar., Jun., Sep. and Dec. and on second Monday in July.   Commissioners: C.M. Bidwell, Lake Creek; James B. Roberts, Union; R.H. Wise, Sarahville, Treasurer, George W. Chitty; Sheriff, W.J. Caplinger; Superintendent Of Schools, A.N. Lodge;  Coroner, D.O. Allen.

Municipal Office – Mayor, G.W. Goddard; Aldermen; O.H. Wiley; C.M. Edwards; William Hendrickson; W.H. Howell; James C. Jackson and James L. Adams. Attorney, J.B. Calvert; Clerk, John R. Little; Treasurer, H.T. Goddard; Police Magistrate, John H. Reynolds; Marshal, W.H. Davis.


Marion Council No. 58 R. & S.M. meets the third Monday night each month. J.M. Burkhart, T.I.G.M.  and A.N. Lodge, Sec.

Marion Chapter No. 100 meets third Wednesday night each month, Milo Erwin, H.P. and W.H.  Bundy, Sec.

Fellowship Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 89 meets Friday night before the full moon in each month. A.N. Lodge, W.M. and L.A. Goddard, Sec.

Chapel Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 719 meets at hall near Wolf Creek on or after full moon of each month. H.J. Huggins, W.H. and J.F. Hall, Sec.

Herrin’s Prairie Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 693 meets at Herrin’s Prairie on Saturday night before the full moon, each month. A.H. James, Sec. and D.R. Harrison, W.M.

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Benevolent Encampment No. 171 meets the second and fourth Thursday evening each month at Odd Fellows Hall. John R. Little, C.F. and G.W. Young, Scribe.

Williamson Lodge I.O.O.F. No. 392 meets every Saturday night. Brice Holland, N.G. and John R. Little, R.S.

Sulphur Springs Lodge I.O.O.F. No. 502 meets every Saturday night. J.J. Graham, N.G. and John D. Neely, R.S.

Corinth Lodge I.O.O.F. No. 502 meets every Saturday night. C.W. Miller, N.G. and C.H. Mitchell, R.S.

Regular County Grange meets the fourth Saturday each month at 10 A.M. at Odd Fellows Hall in Marion. W.M. Reid, W.M. and J.C. Landers, Sec.


United Baptist – John A. Rodman, Pastor. Regular services the second Sabbath each month at 11 A.M. and 3 and 7 P.M. Sabbath School every Sabbath. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night.

Christian Church – W.H. Boles, preacher in charge. Services first and fourth Sabbath, each month.

E.M. Church – Rev. W. Full, Pastor. Services first and third Sabbath each month at 10:30 A.M. and every Saturday and Sunday night except the fourth. Sabbath School at 2 P.M. Prayer meeting every Thursday night.

M.E. Church – Rev. T.J. Davis, Pastor. Regular services every Sabbath, alternating from 11 A.M. to 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 9 A.M. Prayer seating every Wednesday evening. EP

15 Mar – Mrs. Batts, of western part of town, died last Thursday night. EP

R.D. Gray, Postmaster at Attila was in the city Tuesday … said the subscribers at his office do not get the Press the same week it is published. EP

John A. Logan is out of office for the first time since he attached himself to the Republican Party. EP

The mayor of Carbondale now gets $100 per annum. The mayor of Marion gets $24 per annum. EP

Charles Williams of New Burnside was waylaid at Shawneetown on the night of the 6th, beaten and robbed of $10. EP

Milo Erwin informs us that scarlet fever is prevalent among the children in and about Crab Orchard. 2 or 3 of the Holderfield children and a child of Dr. Huddleston have died. Three of John Rumage’s children are afflicted, but will recover. EP

22 Mar – Abraham Lincoln, in his attack of Small Pox said, “Now I am willing to see the office seekers, for at last I have something I can give ’em all.” EP

Elder Trickett left here for his home in Hamilton County, Monday. 109 persons joined the Christian Church during his stay here. EP

Joe, Sam and Lee Brack had a fight with their brother Hampton Brack and brother-in-law John Dungey. EP

29 Mar- J.T. Walters of Anna has opened a new business on the northeast corner of the square, in the room recently occupied by Jake Sharp as a shoe shop. MM

Cypress Hill Happenings – Mrs. Clark’s little girl died of scarlet fever the 23rd. MM

R.H. Warren and Mrs. Sarilda J. Cline were married here on March 28. EP

Jake Sharp has moved his boot and shoe shop to the southwest corner of the square, next door to S.W. Dunaway’s dry goods store. EP

The Black Hills expedition consisting of G.W.C. McCoy, G.W. McCoy, W.P. Springs, W.B. Phillips, P.M.  Teague, Stephen Stilley and A.F. White will take passage on the evening train today. In addition, Brice Holland and W.J. Aikman will leave soon. MM

Married at residence of bride’s father in Lick Creek, by Rev. D.R. Sanders, M.D., Dr. Miles J. Baker and Rhoda J. Gallegely … married at Caledonia, Pulaski County 11 March, A.L. FULL of Marion and Alice E. Eason of Pulaski County … married at Crainville 25 March by Esq. Crain, M.M. Powell and Nannie Hill, all of Crainville … MM

Calvin Brown married Uncle John R. Stewart’s youngest daughter, Hulda J. at residence of bride’s father.    Corinth Cullings MM

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Carbondale Observer – Married on the 6th, by C.D. Howell at residence of bride’s father B.J. Baker, Will Ogden and Clarissa J. Baker of Williamson County. MM

The wife of Peter Crossly of Crab Orchard died last week. Dr. Scott is treating one of Mr. Crossly’s children for salivation. MM

Wyatt Ferrell, who has been to Texas for some time, is home again. MM

Joseph B. Motsinger of Crab Orchard, died Wednesday of last week. MM

William G. Cochran of Union County, died unexpectedly at the residence of Dr. E.L. Dennison in this city, Tuesday night of last week … He had been visiting the doctor and started home … a shower of rain forced him to return to shelter … he walked from the wagon to the house … as he approached the door he remarked he was fainting and at once fell and died in a few moments. MM

David Davis, son of William Davis, living near Union Grove, was handling a pistol Friday … It discharged and the ball passed thru his hand, striking the suspender buckle on his father nearby … the fall flattened and the buckle was battered … it is evident his life was saved by the buckle. MM

Marriage licenses:

Meredith M. Powell and Nannie L. Hill

Martin Mayfield and Emily Groves

Isaac Drew and Elizabeth Jackson

John Summers and Mary Gambill

James D. Green and Mary E. Kirk

James C. Carter and Mary Ann Smithson

J.P. Edrington and Rebecca Grogan

R.H. Warren and Sarilda J. Cline

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____________________   April, 1877  ______________________

5 Apr – A subscription is being taken in our midst to raise money to fence and otherwise improve the cemetery at Coalbank Church – a good move.  Cypress Hill Happenings MM

Elder W.H. Boles and Louisa Spiller were married last Thursday at the home of the bride’s father, William Spiller.   EP & MM

Brownlee Cawthorn and family have returned from Kansas whither they went last fall. Cypress Hill Happenings MM

Cypress Hill Happenings – On Easter morning our quiet little town was startled by a sound like the approach of a mighty hurricane. All eyes ware turned in the direction of the sound, when, lo! It was a buggy drawn by 2 bay horses that were flying at a breakneck speed with the back curtain of the buggy trailing in the mud. Following in hot pursuit were several young man and ladles on horseback and mule back. A glance at the occupants of the buggy told the whole story. Joe Monroe had suddenly appeared in our vicinity and captured Miss Rhoda Shoddy and was hurrying away with her for the purpose of getting “hitched” in wedlock, followed by a crowd of young folks anxious to see the knot tied. So there they all went, pell mell, halter skelter, more like maniacs than sane persons, startling the cattle, geese and hogs out of the road until they arrived at the residence of the aged and venerable W.S. Allen, where they were made one flesh. The funniest is yet to be told. Joe failed to ask the bride’s parents for their consent and the father, becoming rather anxious, asked Joe if he aimed to take his girl away. Joe responded, “Yes.” “Well”, said the father, “treat her kind and bring her back to see me.” May they live long and be happy. MM

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Jeffersonville Jottings – Last Saturday this reporter visited Jeffersonville, classically known as Shake Rag.    The Post Office is kept by W.J. Duncan, A.J. Duncan is in general merchandise, Dr. Berges engineers the drug store, J.C. Baiar is one of the fat, jolly, good natured and jovial people that you always like to meet and his place of business where he keeps a good stock of groceries, notions, farming implements, ate, is a general meeting place when there is any fun going on. His jokes are good and numerous and we are sorry our time with him was so limited. Joe Meiser keeps a general stock of groceries, hardware, notions, etc. M. Feurer family moved to town last week … Webster Duncan returned home last week from Ewing College … William Schuster of Benton is spending the summer in near vicinity … George PIKE still circulates among the belles of the community … Miss Haggle Orth is severely afflicted with disease of the eyes and is under the care of Doctor Titsworth … In the evening we attended an oyster supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brown near this city. Ben Whorton, Doctor Titsworth and Henry Stein furnished the music. MM

Schoharie Scraps – Dr. Holland, son of Resin Holland, and daughter of Morgantown, West Virginia, have been visiting his parents and return home this week. MM

Ed Roberts of Corinth, called at the Monitor office Tuesday last. He was walking with a cane and informed us that he had been to near the business end of a horse. Ed returned to Prosperity, Franklin County, yesterday. MM

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Buckley, living near Cross Roads, 3 miles east, was playing in a field with her brother, hurt her finger … neither can tell how it happened. Dr. Dennison hopes to save the finger from amputation. MM

Marion Russell, late of this county, now of Missouri, arrived in Marion Monday last for a visit. MM

Walter Warder is wrestling with the mumps and all he can say is “heap muchee jaw, jaw.” MM

Marriage Licenses:

William H. Boles and Nancy L. Spiller

Joseph R. Marrow and Frances Snoddy

12 April – Our friend and neighbor, R.P. Dodds of Stonefort, gave us a call … is now in the drummer business, representing the firm of Preston and Brothers, Evansville, Indiana. MM

Dr. Corey, late of Arkansas and Dr. Ballenger of this city, called on us last Friday, Dr. Corey contemplates locating in Marion and will practice with Dr. Ballenger. MM

The trial of Horace Carter, charged with manslaughter, is going on as we got to press. MM

Rev. T.J. Davis and wife celebrated their tin wedding last Monday in this city. EP & MM

Mr. Gill, who lived a mile south of Corinth is dead. MM

A boy for Mr. and Mrs. M.T. Vick. MM

Mrs. Julia Hall of Austin, Texas is visiting relatives in this city, her former home … her brother is Mr. Goddard. MM

Charley Rumage, 5 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Rumage died Friday night of scarlet fever. MM

The Infant daughter of J.D. Grider, of this city, died Sunday night says J.V. Grider. MM & EP

J.M. Campbell of Crab Orchard has had 5 cases of scarlet fever in his family … one was fatal on March 31 … others are still confined to bed. MM

In Circuit Court this week – George Crenshaw charged with assault with a deadly weapon, death suggested and case struck from docket. Hugh Clark, charged with gaming, death suggested and case struck from docket. John Carter and Amanda Scott, charged with adultery. MM

Edgar, infant son of James and Arrena H. Tanner died of scarlet fever March 29, aged 22 months and 11 days. MM

Selinda Jane, youngest daughter of James M. and Frances E. Campbell died 31 March, 4 years, 9 months and 12 days. MM

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The History of Williamson County – $1 cloth, 65c paper. MM

19 Apr – Enos A. Phillips, old and esteemed citizen, died Monday 16 April at his home in this city, in the 50th year of his age … buried in City Cemetery with honors of United Friends of Temperance, of which he was a member. EP & MM

The infant child of James Robinson was buried in the City Cemetery yesterday.    EP & MM

A reward of $100 is offered by Hardin County authorities for the arrest of Alexander Wilson who shot and killed Jamas Vinyard at Elizabethtown on Monday of last week — about 21 years old. MM

Frank Lowe received $500 from Col.  Brush in Jackson County Court a couple of weeks ago, last of reward for his services in detecting and bringing to justice the murderers of Spence and Sisney … He has received $7100 in all. He states out of this large sum he only gets $1500 over and above expenses. MM

Cypress Hill Happenings – Tommie Eaton the obliging and courteous salesman of Mayhew and Farmer’s Store, has retired from the store and took a sewing machine agency. MM

Marriage licenses:

14 April W.A. Roberts and Miss S.H. Sizemore

W.D. Alexander and Miss Telitha C. Smith

James Midgett and Mrs. Mahala McCormack

The steam saw mill of Duncan and Holland burned Sunday morning at 2 o’clock, 2 miles east of here … $1500 loss. MM

Cypress Hill Happenings – Joe Monroe and wife, whose wedding was announced 2 weeks ago have separated … Joe has gone to Missouri. MM  26 Apr

Corinth Cullinqs – Married 19 March at residence of Dr. F. McAnally, Willis E. Mitchell & Emily E. McAnally.   MM  26 Apr

26 April – At the residence of W.E. Hearn, his dog fell in the cistern and stayed until he was deal all over. Mr. Hearn had concluded to kill the little fellow, but not that way. Dogs of the United States cost 50 million dollars and 2 million sheep are killed by them annually. Corinth Cullings  MM

Crab Orchard Chips – Scarlet fever has been the cause of 15 precious souls leaving this world of pain and sorrow. MM

Governor Collum pardoned Terry Crain, convicted at August term in 1876, Jackson County. He was one of a party of recruits for the 128th Illinois, going from Marion to Camp Butler on 8 October 1862 … at Crab Orchard bridge, Jackson County, they met Edwin Burbridge, a war of words ensued and Burbridge was wounded by a stone supposed thrown by Crain. Burbridge died soon after. (Lengthy account listing names of some of the people asking his pardon.) MM

Divorces granted: L.D. Hartwell vs Eola Hartwell Marshaline J. Berry vs William H. Berry John T. Wilson vs Eliza J. Wilson Lovina E.  Mosley vs Charles Mosley Alfred P. Bridges vs Margaret W. Bridges Mahala Dover vs Neander Dover

In case of Joseph W. Stover vs Sarah J. Stover, evidence showed both parties guilty of adultery, no decree granted.

Marriage licenses:

Edward M.  Hicks and Susanna Barringer Singleton M. Crain and Effie Ann Jourdin Henry H. Helbert and Lavina E. Eaton John Norton and Ann Eliza Morris Jacob Moake and Mary Gourley

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____________________   May, 1877  ______________________

3 May – Miss Alice Woolfe, teacher at No. 6, Township 9, Range 4, was arraigned Monday before Esquire Richey for assault and battery upon Mrs. Potter’s little boy, age 6 … parties compromised before the trial and defendant paid costs. Cypress Hill Happenings MM

Corinth Cullings – Uncle Charles Chadwell and wife and Ed Roberts have rolled out for Kansas. MM

A bran new boy for Charles Mitchell MM

DuQuoin Tribune – The sons of James and Alex Bibiy of Franklin County, went hunting a few days since, by some mishap the gun in the hands of Alexander’s son discharged, the load striking the other boy in the breast, killing him almost instantly. MM

Last week T.C. Cowan sheared 4 sheep, getting 34 pounds of wool. Johnston City Journal  MM

Matrimony is on the increase. Gilbert Graves has joined himself for better or worse to a Miss Tanner, his step sister. Esquire Richey did the job. Cypress Hill Happenings MM

Dr. Blay extracts teeth without pain with nitrous oxide gas. MM

Mrs. Susan E. Campbell, widow of George Campbell, of Crab Orchard, died at her residence Sunday after a long and painful attack of pneumonia … survived by Sulia, who is married, and 3 little boys … buried in the City cemetery in this place on Monday.    EP & MM

William Edwards’s youngest child died Sunday of scarlet fever … his other child is recovering. Crab Orchard Chips MM

In Jackson County, Jake Hightower, brother of O.P. Hightower, city marshal of Carbondale, shot and killed W.D. Kendrick … both lived at Boskeydell, both had been drinking in the forenoon … between 11 and 12 o’clock, Kendrick went home and found Hightower with his wife, sister-in-law and son about 9 years old … shot him 3 times, once in the forehead, once in right temple and once in right arm. Some men living there held him for 2 hours and then started walking to Carbondale … after about 2 miles; he pulled his gun and said, “Gentlemen, I don’t care for your company any further.” The men had not disarmed him, bowed at his request and returned. MM

Marriage licenses: T.J. Wilson and Mary J. Moake Gilbert Grooves and Nancy J. Turner Moses Boliner and Elvina Tanner James Wiggs and Mary Ann Phemister William L. Crain and Martha J. Sisney Samuel Landam and Indiana Jackson Charles Taylor and Sarah M. Brock Thomas Hughes and Mary Milwood    MM

Charles Taylor married Sarah M. Brock at residence of the bride’s father, 2 miles southwest of Marion, Sunday … A marriage came off at the Goodall House Monday Morning. Thomas Hughs spliced hands with Mollie Millwood. EP

Fred Walters was called home to Anna due to the death of his mother-in-law. EP

A donation party for Stephen McCormick family that lives in the old building on west Street known as “Read House” was held … he is sick with pneumonia and his wife is blind … has several children too young to assist in making their support. EP

Crab Orchard Chips – At this writing there is considerable uneasiness felt among friends of Willis Corder. He left his home here Sunday evening under peculiar circumstances and he is thought to be insane. His brother Jim followed him to Marion where he made his escape from him and has not been seen since … has been acting very peculiar for several days. EP

10 May – Horace Carter, who the governor pardoned 2 weeks ago for the accidental shooting of William Willeford, has returned home. EP

Susan A. Ray,  of near Corinth, is very low with consumption and cannot live many days … Susan Ray,  wife of James Ray, died 6 May aged 23 years, 11 months and 7 days … buried Union Grove. EP & MM

William J.  Hearn, son of Rev. S.L. and Phoebe Hearn, died 6 May, aged 6 years, 10 months and 13 days.    EP    MM says 8 years old. (William died of typhoid fever.)

The Jury in the Aaron Heal case was discharged … could not reach verdict. He is charged with killing a man named Summers in Saline County 2 or 3 years ago. EP

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Drs. Corey and Ballenger have an office in W.P. Goodall’s building, first door south of the Monitor building, second floor … L.D. Phillips moved to town last week and is occupying the late residence of his father, E.A. Phillips. MM

Marriage licenses:

William Warren and Mary Ann Harris Jesse Watson and Mary C. Gentry    MM

Middleton Musings – Our little town is now christened and takes rank with the municipalities of America. We are now in Middleton, a mile east of Cypress Hill … Dr.  Bran of Saline County has located a mile and a half east … chickens are $3 per dozen. MM

Grayville independent – This is the way it is done in White County: Wiley Downs has buried two wives since the first of January. Last week, another license was issued to him. MM

Willie Mccarty’s father kidnapped him for a short time Monday evening at Anna … parents have been separated a number of years. (Lengthy account] MM

Willis Corder has returned home seemingly in his right mind.  MM

Middleton Musings – Frank Richey and Fannie Shackleford were married last Monday … Elder James King preached the funeral sermon of James Clarida at Coalbank Church last Sabbath … he was a member of  the Odd Fellows   MM    17 May

Carterville Occurrences – John York skedaddled with one Miss Stacy some time since … left wife and 2 children … he has since been back, and as there is no telling when he will come again, everybody must look out for their girls.    MM   17 May

The City Marshall’s salary at Golconda has been raised from $150 to $400 per year, says the Herald… MM 17 May

The wife of Frank White died Monday night.    MM 17 May

Sneed Caplinger, son of Sheriff W.J. Caplinger, was afflicted very suddenly in his optic nerves last Monday week … fears are entertained that he will lose his sight. MM 17 May

Henry Uhls, a lad, is now confined to the Jackson County jail … He went to DuQuoln and hired a horse at livery stable for purpose, he said, of buying chickens … a few days later he sold it for $20 and a shotgun.    MM 17 May

W.H. Scoby, who left this county last September for Missouri, arrived in Marion Monday enroute to his old home in Crab Orchard Precinct.    MM   17 May

Marriage licenses:

Ananias Davis and Arvagine Deaton

William M.  Gentry and Mary Allman    MM   17 May

Mrs. Julia Hall, wife of W.R. Hall of Austin, Texas, was a passenger on the evening train, on her way home … her brother-in-law, J.B. Bainbridge accompanied her to St. Louis.  MM 17 May

Drs. Corey and Ballenger treat all forms of disease, medical and surgical, in the best manner. Their practice is purely physiological … they use innocent and powerful medicines, rejecting all poisonous substances and all violence, as bleeding and blistering. Diseases of children and females, both acute and chronic are carefully treated.    MM    17 May

George H. Teeter died at Murphysboro Saturday the 5th, killed on the railroad track.    EP    17 May

A son was born to Police Magistrate Reynolds Tuesday morning. EP

Lake Creak Lodge Grange P. of H. – In Memoriam – death of J.J. Dorris 4 Mar 1877.     EP    17 May

24 May – Married at Corinth, at home of N.E. Hearn, father of the bride, on 17 May, J. Leander Roberts and Mallie E. Hearn, by Rev. Laughlin. The Methodists had been renting Leander’s house, the preacher now lives in a less imposing house south of the one previously occupied. MM

Emory Harrison Harrell, prominent resident of Frankfort, died the 17th, aged 41 years, 6 months and 7 days. MM

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A boy at Pierce Furlong’s. MM

Mrs. Joe White is lying vary low with scrofula at the residence of her father, W.S. Allen. MM

Marriage licenses:

J.L. Roberts and Mallie E. Hearn

John Brown and Eliza J. Smith

Thomas M. Hileman and Margaret Bishop  MM

Isaac W. McDonald who killed George Brush at Carbondale over 3 years ago, was released from the pen the 16th. MM

William B. Duncan died at Jeffersonville Friday … funeral at Schoharie Prairie Saturday … one of most respected citizens. MM

One day last week John Deloach chastised Cyrus Calvert for indecent exposure … fined $3 … Calvert fined $20 for public indecency and given until Monday to give bond … skipped out instead. MM

A letter was received from Brice Holland to his better half … he is in the Black Hills … one of his feet, cut with an ax about a year ago, became inflamed from the old wound, rendering him unable to work. EP

31 May – Married at residence of Esquire W.W. Young Thursday evening, 24 May, Nancy A. Odum and John Gambill … married at residence of bride’s father in Herrin’s Prairie by Rev. Dr. Evans on Sunday,  May 27, W.M. Davis and Jennie Evans, both of Marlon, attended by A.J. Benson and Leona White. The following attended the ceremony: Thomas Davis and wife; Dan Davis and wife; the family of G.N. Moore;  John Moore and lady; Joseph Barham; A.J. Benson and lady; John Davis Jr. of Carbondale.    EP & MM

Rev. Rodman baptized by immersion Mrs. Mary Grogan at Mann and Edwards mill pond last Sunday. MM

A stranger arrived at Mr. M.J. Turner’s not long ago – a girl – they call her Ida. MM

Mr. Lucillous Turner rejoices over a fine boy. He calls him Lucius Burgis Turner. MM

At Boskeydell, Jackson County, a man named Vaughn cut and dangerously, if not fatally, wounded a man named Anderson, a fellow laborer at a saw mill there MM

Marriage licenses:

Henry Craig and Susan Ingo

N.M. Davis and Jennie Evans MM

Advertisement – Stowell Patent Ventilation Bosom Pads – Being hollow, light and open, promotes development, imparting to the wearer an elegant form. Sample pairs sent by mail, 50 cents, extra quality 75 Cents. Stowell Manufacturing Company, 454 Broadway, New York, New York. MM

Advertisement – Pond’s Extract – the people’s remedy, the universal pain extractor. The people’s remedy for piles, sprains, lameness, burns, scalds, bruises, soreness, boils, ulcers, old sores, wounds, etc. Also cures toothache, headache, sore throat, hoarseness, diphtheria, asthma, catarrh, rheumatism, neuralgia, colic, diarrhea, etc. It is a great specific for hemorrhages from all organs and promptly arrests bleeding from any source. Send for pamphlet. Pond s Extract Company, 98 Maiden Lane, New York, New York. MM

Carbondale – Mrs. Maggie Goodwin, wife of J.R. Goodwin, ran away with J.B. Jones, the sewing machine agent … Jones came on to Marion in the machine wagon and she followed on the evening train … They spent the night at John W. Erwin’s, claiming to be man and wife … the husband and John W. Toler, Deputy Sheriff of Jackson County followed them and caught up with them at John Rumage’s near Crab Orchard … they secured names of witnesses and turned the amorous couple loose to go on their way rejoicing. MM

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____________________   June, 1877  ______________________

7 Jun – Willis Airman is home from the Black Hills. EP

Emma F. Snyder, the feminine evangelist reports 147 conversions in 3 weeks at Effingham. EP

24 May – Willie Warder, reared near Grantsburg, will graduate with highest honors of his class at the close of the present term of Carbondale Normal … He was selected to deliver valedictory, June 14 … He is not quite 18 years old. Vienna Yeoman EP

Dr. Joseph Hunter of White County, late of Williamson, was in Marion Monday visiting the Williamson County Medical Association. MM

Two of Greenwood Norman’s oxen were killed by lightning Saturday night. MM

The new grocery store of Cash & Bradley is located on the southwest corner of the square … new barber shop of J.F. Walters is on the northeast corner of the square … 100 pieces of print just received. 20 yards for $1 at Cantor’s Clothing store. MM

The funeral of Martin E., son of Dr. M.M. McDonald of Crab Orchard will be preached at Liberty, Franklin County on the first Sunday in July by Revs. C.E. Cline and R.W. Laughlin. MM

Rev. C.W. Hutchison attended the funeral of Mrs. Corlby at the Mount Pleasant Church near Crab Orchard Sunday. MM

14 Jun – A meeting was held at the National Cemetery in Mound City May 30 … a committee on decoration was appointed from each county in the 18th District, to decorate the soldiers’ graves … Judge Bishop, N.J. Perrine and R.M. Hundley from Williamson County. MM

Dr. S.H. Bundy has secured the pauper practice. Including that of prisoners … will receive $350 per year. MM

John Davenport has a cat at his house that recently had a litter of kittens and by some means killed them while quite young, has captured a young rat and is suckling it and raising it. MM

First to return from Deadwood is W.J. Aikman, soon followed by Brice Holland and last Sunday evening, Teague. MM

The funeral of Archibald Clarady will be preached at Pleasant Grove Church the 4th Sunday in July by elders King and Caldwell. He died 20 Dec 1876. MM

Middletown Musings – The funeral of Able C. Davis will be preached at Coalbank Church the 4th Sunday this month by Elders King and Caldwell. MM

Marriage licenses: _

James N.  Bradley and Sarah J. Pritchett T.H. McKimeis and Josephine Carter John Reynold and Luclnda Bloodworth    MM

Sand Ridge Scrapings – was you ever in Sand Ridge? We have 44 souls in our town. MM

The dead Is alive! Hugh Storret, recently reported dead has turned up alive. This seems like a miracle. MM

Crab Orchard Chips – The funerals of Mrs. Corley and Mrs. Wicks were preached Sunday the 3rd at Mt. Pleasant Church by Reverend Hutchinson. MM

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The funeral of Edmund, son of Dr. M.M. McDonald and lady will be preached at Liberty Church in Franklin County Sunday July 1, by Rev. Cline. Rev. Laughlin will assist. MM

Mrs. John A. Logan has been visiting in this city since Thursday. MM

21 Jun – H.B. Parker, a school teacher for 10 years in Franklin County, was sent to the insane asylum at Anna. EP

The Riggs family that left here a few years ago for Minnesota, is enroute back here, one has already reached the neighborhood from which they started. MM

Mrs. Dow Phillips is very low with consumption. MM

S.B. Jones of Carbondale, the sewing machine agent of elopement notoriety, appeared before Judge Bishop … fined $25 and costs, a total of $34.80. MM

Marriage licenses:

John 0. Armes and Susan F. Flannagan Tobias Yates and Mary Grimes           MM

Mrs. Bainbridge and children Luella and Jimmie, left Tuesday for De Soto, Missouri to visit friends and relatives … accompanied to St.Louis by brother, L.A. Goddard. MM

Dr. George L. Owen returned last Monday from an extended tour of the west, taking in Colorado and the mountains … he represented the Monitor in the Illinois Press Association in the above mentioned excursion. MM

28 Jun – A party was held at residence of Dr. Bundy last Saturday for the 17th birthday of Samuel H. Bundy Jr. EP

Pit Spring returned home Thursday from the Black Hills, foot sore, weather beaten, flat broke and thoroughly disgusted with what he saw of the Black Hills and the great west, generally. EP

Last Friday the sheriff of Jackson County arrested 2  young men of this city, Lon Etherly and William Deloach … They were accused by Henry Uhles, who is of this place, and now in jail at Murphysboro for horse stealing, Uhles said they helped him rob a man named Roach of $441 at Becoup Bridge, Jackson County … they were acquitted. EP

The wife of L.H. Turner died the 14th. Middleton Musings MM

Frankfort Lodge No. 567, A.F. & A.M. – Death of Emery H.  Harrell MM

Marriage licenses:

J.C. Fletcher and Mrs. Sarah Beasley

John Watson and Mrs. Sina Ogles

Peter Crossley and Isabella Hendrickson

Joseph M.  McDonald and Alice Livingston MM

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(Extracted from microfilm at Morris Library and/or Illinois State Library by Helen Sutt Lind, published in Events in Egypt, Vol. 1)

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