1879, News Clippings, April thru June

April 1879

There are only 11 totally disabled pensioners on the pay rolls. They each draw $72 per month, $864 per year. MM 3 Apr 1879

Ladies, you can get 14 yards of the best calico ever brought to Marion at Tom Dunaway’s on south side of square, for $1. [Another ad says 25 years of best calico for $1 at same place.] MM 3 Apr 1879


John D. Price, 47 years                                                James Smith, 25

Sarah Hall, 43 years                                                    George Carmicle, 37

James E. Thompson, 6 months                                    Mrs. Sarah Walker, 27

Corinth Items – Robert V. Greeny, died near Galatia 23 Mar, born this county and was a citizen of Corinth many years, moved to Galatia a few months before he died. His remains were carried back to the Burns neighborhood where they were interred March 25. He left a young widow and child. MM 3 Apr 1879

Lake Creek Items – Simpson Dorris, Walter Clayton and Jesse Adams, with their families, left for Kansas to make their home. A daughter for John Grant.

William Titsworth, physician and surgeon of Lake Creek, Ill. Special attention to diseases of women and children. EP 3 Apr 1879

Jack Cazad will spade your garden. Cazad is the Jack of spades.

Mrs. L.D. Hartwell joined the Christian Church Tuesday evening last week.

In Memoriam, Marion Christian Temperence Union – death of John D. Pride.    EP 3 Apr 1879


Chancery sale – J.U. Crain vs Jane Alexander, et als, decree to enforce vendor’s lien.

Final settlement – A.J. Miller, admr. estate of James L. Ramsey.

Chancery sale – C.H. Denison vs John C. Landers, et al, foreclosure of mortgage. EP 3 Apr 1879

Non-resident notice – Terry Williams and others vs Marion Boles, Mary E. Myers and George W. Myers, all 3 are non-residents.

Chancery sale – James T. Otey vs Elizabeth Edwards, et als, foreclosure of mortgage.

John O’neal, guardian of Lola Cole, minor, to sell real estate. MM 3 Apr 1879

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H.A. Basinger – boy                                                     John F. Hill – girl

J.V. Trammell – girl                                                     Joseph Parsons – girl

A girl for Dr. McCarty of Carterville. MM 3 Apr 1879

Marriage Licenses:

Robert Copeland and T. Winters

C.O. Perry and Nancy Hunt

MM 3 Apr 1879

Grassy – Leroy Graham and R. Kilbreth were married the 25th and started to his father’s in Kentucky the same day. MM 3 Apr 1879

Herrin’s Prairie – D.R. Harrison bought the tools and farming utensils of Jim Shirley who is off to Missouri. Otis White, little grandson of Mrs. R.A. Duncan fell off a straw stack and badly fractured his right arm last week. Daddy Adams who left for Southern Kansas last fall, has returned.    MM 3 Apr 1879

Union Grove – J.L.D. Hartwell is the teacher at Walker School. MM 3 Apr 1879

Crab Orchard School will open next week for 3 months, H.U. Shackleford, teacher.

Della Spiller closed the winter term at Pulley schoolhouse last Thursday.    MM 3 Apx 1879


Isaac D. Jones, 18 years                                                   Eva Brown, 1 year

William Pritchett, 16 years                                              Jane Bowman, 3 years

MM 10 Apr 1879

Emily Waddle, colored, died last week. EP 10 Apr 1879 Mr. T.H. Dorris, son of Josiah Dorris, died the 5th of consumption.    MM 10 Apr 1879

Lake Creek – Miles Gardner of West Frankfort and Mollie A. Perrine were married Apr 5 at the residence of her father, N.G. Perrine.    EP 10 Apr 1879

The people of Grassy divided the district last fall and built two fine school houses. One is near the residence of Alec Clark, on a high hill. The past winter term, taught by Royal Graham, closed March 20. Soon after he married and he and his fair bride departed on a pleasure trip to Kentucky. The other one is located in the northeast corner of Jacob Rendleman’s woodland, between his residence and the residence of J.C. Martin. The present term is being taught by J.M. Kilbreth and will close April 4. It is expected he will marry immediately. MM 10 Apr 1879


Leander J.  Boyd – girl                     Giles Nelson – boy

John Kelly – boy                              Marion F. Sims – boy

John R. Roor – girl                     Thomas Davis – boy

E.W. Thompson – boy                     George McCown – girl

MM 10 Apr 1879

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Marriage Licenses:

James B. Bradley and Elizabeth Goodall

John Huffman and Margaret Larger

Miles Gardner and Mary A. Perrine

Noah A. Norris and Martha J. Grimes

MM 10 Apr 1879

Mary Halstead vs William J. Halstead, bill for divorce MM 10 Apr 1879

Snow on April 3. How’s that for spring?   MM 10 Apr 1879

Scoharrie Prairie – Rev. Mode, of the German Evangelical Association, preached his farewell sermon the Sabbath last. Miss Louisa Stotlar is the teacher at the school house on the prairie this summer.

James W. Keeler has been visiting Jeffersonvi11e and will start his school there Monday.

Mr. Mitchell, of Frankfort, who has been teaching at Leigh District this winter, closed school there Friday. MM 10 Apr 1879

Stonefort – W.E. Chitwood closed his school at Old Fort Tuesday.

The stave and heading factory is turning out staves by the thousands daily.

W.J. Ridgway has purchased the new business house of Capt. M.J. Potts.

J.V. Trammell has gone to St. Louis on business, from which place he will go to Springfield, for the purpose he says, “to see how Pa looks in the capitol.” Guess he looks all right.

MM 10 Apr 1879

Crab Orchard – L.K. Corder, of Galatia, formerly of this place, is lying low with pneumonia and is being treated by Dr. Scott who still has hopes of his recovery. MM 10 Apr 1879

Jeffersonvilie – Lafayette Hunter went to Hamilton County last week after his brother Noah Hunter who expects to attend school at Frankfort this spring.    MM 10 Apr 1879


A petition to Governor Shelby M. Cullom for the pardon of John Owen, convicted at March term, 1871, of the murder of Masten Walker and sentenced to 25 years.

Chancery sale -James T. Otey vs Elizabeth Edwards et al, foreclosure of mortgage.

Adi. notice – W.A. McDonald, admr. estate of Nancy Bundy.

Trustee sale – Monroe T. Vick and Elvira R. Vick, note to Blair and Atwood, G.W. Young, trustee.

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Adj. notice – W.W. Young, admr. estate of James M. Edwards. MM 10 Apr 1879

Marriage License :

John T. Hundley and Martha E. James   MM 17 Apr 1879

Scoharrie Prairie – Henry Stine has sold his grocery to Lon Durham.

John Baiar has sold his buggy.    MM 17 Apr 1879


J.L. Grant – boy                                                                  T.C. Watkins – boy

Gustavus Davis – girl                                                         W.B. Hawkins – boy

B.D. Gent – boy                                                                 John Chamness – girl

J.C. McInturff – girl                                                           Isaac McAnally – boy

Ephraim Cooksey – boy                                                     James Blades – girl

Reynold Swafford – girl                                                    Thomas Milligan – girl

James Smith – boy                                                             Leander Turner – girl

Jefferson Tippy – boy                                                         Parham Cutler – girl

MM 11 Apr 1879

Rev. Boles preached his farewell discourse Tuesday night and left yesterday for his field of labor in Irvington, Indiana. Mrs. Boles will spend the summer among friends here. A daughter for Sheriff Duncan Thursday night. J.E. Manier was received into the Christian Church, was baptized in the mill pond last Tuesday by Elder Williams. Silas Calvert’s farm sold for $176 at an administrator’s sale last Saturday week.     MM 17 Apr 1879

Makanda – We welcome as permanent residents, Mr. and Mrs. CM. Gerwig, late of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.     MM 17 Apr 1879

Cottage Home – W.J. Jones of Grassy and Mrs. Ivans of Saratoga were married Apr 11.

An infant of John Grimes died Apr 12.    MM 17 Apr 1879

Advertisement – Most wonderful and marvelous success in cases where persons are sick or pining away from a condition of miserableness, that no one knows what ails them, (profitable patents for doctors,) is obtained by the use of Hops Bitters. MM 17 Apr 1879

Groceries – Peebles & Shackleford, Crab Orchard

John H. Perry has bought the interest of H.U. Shackleford.

John P. Moore, boot and shoemaker.

John E. Gallagher, attorney at law, office in Covers Building, southeast corner of public square.

George W. Young, county judge and attorney at law, west side of public square.

A.M. Askew, dealer in family groceries, northeast corner of square.

William Aikman, lumber.

Kern & Mitchell, dry goods, northwest corner of public square.

The Marion String Band is prepared to furnish first class music for parties, picnic, dances….      MM 12 Apr 1879

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Laborer’s wages in Colorado are $3 & $3.50 per day.

The family of G.W. Evans of Holden, Missouri arrived here Friday last.

Another chubby little girl made her appearance at the residence of Sheriff Duncan Friday morning.

John H. Haxter, southern baking, north side of square, one door east of Goodall House.    EP 12 Apr 1879

In memoriam – Hall of Andrew Jackson Lodge 486 A.F. & A.M., death of Brother William V. Harper.     MM 17 Apr 1879

Herrin’s Prairie – Anna Blair went to Blairsville last week to teach. MM 17 Apr 1879

Dr. Bundy, assisted by Drs. White and Graham, last Monday near Sulphur Springs, performed a most heroic surgical operation, opening the body of Mrs. Kennedy and removing an enormous pelvic abscess. Lady doing well.    EP 12 Apr 1879

Samuel Davis and Elizabeth Lawrence were married Thursday by Squire Howell.    MM 24 Apr 1879

I will not be present at the funeral of James Edwards on the first, as has been announced. T.J. DAVIS   MM 24 Apr 1879

A.V. Stull, proprietor of Marion Marble Yard, is putting up a fine monument for W.T. Davis, over the grave of his wife. MM 24 Apr 1879

Last Friday, Mrs. F.L. Hathaway of Anna, slipped into her husband’s saloon through a window and in the presence of her husband, put a pistol to her right temple and fired, died in a few moments. He says she came to shoot him. She was a sister of Jack McNamee who shot his wife and then himself at Tamaroa last summer.    MM 24 Apr 1879


Emanuel Bulliner – girl                                                 James E. Forbes – boy

W.W. Tippy – boy                                                          Scott Jones – boy

Hardy Walker – boy                                                      William C. Dorris – girl

John W. True – boy                                                       J.G. Collins – girl

Edmund Harris – girl                                                    William A. Graves – girl

A.G. Pulley – boy                                                           B.F. Davis – girl

J.W. Flint – boy                                                              James M. Campbell – girl

Jerry Marshall – boy                                                     E.V. Snoddy – girl

MM 24 Apr 1879

Marriage Licenses:

James H. Albright and Milla Sweet

Sam Davidson and Elizabeth Roach

W.P. Groves and May L. Clarida

L.P. Norris and Della Simmons

W.T. Edwards and Susan A. Teal  

MM 24 Apr 1879

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Scoharrie Prairie – Mike Peterson is out buying calves for his brother Will Peterson of Fayette Co.

Mart Wetzer, our jovial blacksmith of Jeffersonville, is doing a good business.

Milo Duncan has been quite low with consumption, is sinking very rapidly and it is thought he cannot last but a few days longer.    MM 24 Apr 1879

Grassy – The old Lady Cain who tramped from Marion to Jonesboro, has quit tramping. She has drawn $2,000 from her son who was killed in the late war.    MM 24 Apr 1879


John E. Weaver, 77 years Cornelius Weaver, 20 years

John Turner, 16 years

Effie Motsinger, 3 years

Mrs. William S. Parsons, 65, died 19 Apr. Her husband found in her a patient wife and an affectionate mother, as even those orphan children, over whom she had control, can attest.

A child of John Grimes died Apr 12, funeral at Gentry graveyard by Elder Little of the Primitive Baptist Church.

Hall School House – Jesse Lee, of Saline County, formerly of this section, died of pneumonia Apr 8, confined to his room 4 days, was a young man just entering the prime of his manhood.

Benjamin Franklin died Apr 8. Old Uncle Ben had reached a ripe old age and died without an enemy.    MM 24 Apr 1879

Cherry Valley – James B. Bradley and Elizabeth Goodall were married at the residence of the bride’s father, Richard Goodall.    24 Apr 1879

Frank Winn of Williamson County and Perbonia Deaton of Johnson County were married recently.    MM 24 Apr 1879

Grassy – Martin Davis hung himself over a limb and bit about half his tongue off. Dr. Baker says there is enough left. MM 24 Apr 1879


Adi. notice – Huldah C. Smith admrx. of estate of James C. Smith. MM 24 Apr 1879

Chancery sale – C.H. Denison vs John C. Landers, foreclosure of mortgage.

Adi. notice – I.C. Fuller admr. estate of James A. Gray.

Chancery sale – J.U. Crain, complainant, vs Jane Alexander et al, decree to enforce vendor’s lien.

Final settlement notice – A.J. Miller admr. estate of James L. Ramsey.    EP 24 Apr 1879

May 1879

Frank Sparks will emigrate with his family to California in a few days.    EP 1 May 1879

Senator Logan has been challenged by one “Majah” Lowe, a southern fire-eater, to fight a duel.    MM 1 May 1879

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Marriage Licenses:

William Manning and Susan Day

Winfield Smith and Martha Bulliner

Stephen Culbreath and Ellen Sullivan

James B. Mosley and Annetta C. Darnell

John C. Landers and Mary Norris

Benjamin Shurer and Paulina Priddy

Joseph Tibbs and Mary A. Wooter

MM 1 May 1879

Herrin’s Prairie – Lafayette Hunter is to teach school in White County.

Gertrude Brown will take up an eight week select school on the prairie at the close of the summer session at Frankfort. MM 1 May 1879


Final settlement – William Murphy admr. estate of Thomas Ray. MM 1 May 1879

Adi. notice – Giles Nelson admr. estate of W.H. Nelson.

Sheriff’s sale – Judgment against C.C. Bradley in favor of D.R. Harrison, surviving partner in late firm of Herrin & Harrison. EP 1 May 1879

Stonefort – Capt. M.J. Potts has left here and located at Cairo where he will engage in business, was an expert in the drug business.     MM 8 May 1879

Scoharrie – Martin Feurer, living east of here, had his barn destroyed by fire a few days ago, lost feed, bridles, saddles, harnesses and all farm equipment. MM 8 May 1879

Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Goodall celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary Friday.    [There is a lengthy description of guests and gifts.]     MM 8 May 1879

Cottage Home – A girl for Andrew Donovan.

W.R. Baker was baptized at Pleasant Hill Sunday last.

MM 8 May 1879

Marriage Licenses:

John Herman and Mary J. Whitesides

Joseph H. McNeil and Tabitha Stewart

William M. McMurry and M.H. Walker

James M. Chenoweth and Mary E. Cash

Frank Heil and Susie Scholl

MM 8 May 1879


John Real – boy                                                        W.A. Belcher – boy

Charles Grimes – boy                                              

MM 8 May 1879

A young man named Armstrong was brutally murdered one mile north of Ava Tuesday night. His head was broken in, his throat cut and he had a pistol wound to the neck. Two men named Crews were arrested. [A lengthy account.] MM 8 May 1879

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A petition for the reprieve of Drayton McCowen who was sentenced to 4 years at the April term 1878 for assault to murder on the person of Sib Caroline Logan.    EP 8 May 1879


Admr. sale of real estate – Hiram Beers admr. estate of Teague Duty.    MM 8 May 1879

Scoharrie – Eva Perrine will teach a select school in Six Mile this summer.      MM 8 May 1879

Grassy – A girl for Andrew Donovan.    MM 8 May 1879

A wife in the house is worth two in the street.

Union Grove – Uncle Jesse Hendrickson has a sorrel colt 26 years old.

One Rodgers recently found a terrapin with J.E. Weaver 1856 inscribed on its breast, the oldest I know of. MM 22 May 1879

Stonefort – Robert Ward died last week from a relapse of the measles.

Herrin’s Prairie – Henry Reid, a young man in the bloom of youth, died Saturday.

Gertrude Brown will commence teaching immediately after the institute at Marion, this summer.

Grassy – The baby of James Gentry died recently of brain fever. An 8 pound girl for W.N. Sanders.    MM 22 May 1879

John Welborn of Rock Creek Precinct hung himself May 14 in his barn. He left a note saying” I see I cannot make a living -no difference between me and Harriet.” …. ate breakfast and failed to come in for dinner …. used a cotton rope on a rafter …. wife found him.    MM 22 May 1879


In memoriam – MCTU – Death of sister Fannie M. Fellows who died 10 May, 18 years, 2 months and 18 days.

Hall Schoolhouse – The funeral of Uncle Joe Blackburn will be attended to next Sunday near Old Stone Fort by the Masonic Fraternity.

Rev. Hoppas will attend the funeral services of James Bickers and others at the Bolton graveyard Sunday.   MM 22 May 1879

W.E. Clayton, of Lake Creek, who recently went to Kansas, informs us by postal card that he has located in Cresco, Elk County.

Uncle John Stroud brought 29 squirrels to market Saturday, the product of one day’s hunt. “And,” said Uncle John, “It was a poor day for squirrels.” Dr. W.W. Hall, once a citizen of Marion and lately of Randolph County, called on the Monitor Monday. He now practices medicine at Atilla.

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Thomas Dwyre is now attending his mill at Stonefort. MM 22 May 1879

John Wheatley made an affidavit that John A. Logan raised Company G 15th Regiment Tennessee Volunteers and that Wheatley joined. Others from Williamson County who served: R.H. Wheatley; Thomas Corder; Harvey Hayes; William Tinker; Jackson Brown; Jackson Lowe; Fleming Gent, Martin Williams; R.H. Cunningham and others. Edward Satterfield, attorney at law said Samuel K. Casey brought Logan a command from Gov. Yates as Colonel, about the time Logan proposed to interfere with the trains at Big Muddy, said there were two sides to the issue, one to make up a regiment for the Union Army or go to prison. In his last Democratic speech, Logan said he wished his right arm would be paralyzed if he raised it against his Southern brethren. In McLeansboro, he tried to cut down the American flag at a soldier’s meeting, said its hoisting was an insult to him. He ran the Sellers brothers out of the town of Benton because they were trying to make a Republican paper out of what had been a Democratic one. He “whooped the rascals up because they were G-d d-d abolitionists.” Wheatley said Logan persuaded him to join that Tennessee regiment, rode with them (about 70) to Paducah, told them to cross the river there because Federal troops were at Cairo, said he needed to settle affairs at home and would meet them later. The next time they saw him was at Belmont and he was in the Federal Army and in the fight Capt. Cunningham and I chased him so closely he was compelled to dismount. We captured his horse and delivered it to General Pillow of the Confederate States of America. I served in that company from May 28, 1861 to Jul 20, 1862. This affadavit was made Sep 30, 1868.      EP 22 May 1879


James Tippy’slittle child died Friday.

The funeral of James M. Edwards will be at Union Grove Sunday week.

Col. E.B. Watkins of Mound City died Sunday of congestion of the stomach.

John Welborn of Northern Pct. hung himself last week, left note saying he could not support his family, left wife and 1 or 2 children.    EP 22 May 1879

Prof. C.C. Stotlar will open a select school in the Public School building in Carterville the first Monday in July. Special attention will be given to preparing teachers for the duties of the school room.    MM 22 May 1879


Chancery sale – Nancy Bulliner et als vs John L. Bulliner, partition of real estate.

Chancery sale – William Ricords vs Thomas M. Edwards et als, foreclosure of mortgage.

Adi. notice – Sarah A. Tippy admrx. estate of John J. Tippy.

Sheriff‘s sale – Judgment out of Jackson County against Jonas G.  Elliot in favor of F.E. Albright.    EP 22 May 1879

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Chancery sale – Phillip T. Russell vs William Wasson and wife, foreclosure of mortgage.

Petition to Gov. Cullom for pardon of Joseph Crosson, convicted at Apr term 1876 of grand larceny, same for Sib Williams convicted of assault to murder at Apr term 1878 and sentenced to 4 years.    MM 22 May 1879

Carrol Swafford’s wife was buried Sunday last.

John Deloach was made city marshal Thursday night last. EP 29 May 1879

Ellis Waddle, colored, was adjudged insane and will be taken to the asylum at Anna today.

Cottage Home – A girl for Esquire Collins.    MM 29 May 1879

Marriage licenses:

William E. Carver and Nancy Eddings

Samuel Cooksey and Mary Frye

W.M. Hampton and E. Huddleston

David C. Flynn and Sarah A. Meade

J.W. Robertson and Sarah M. Miller

MM 29 May 1879

June 1879

Prof. D.C. Flynn of Dexter, Mo and Sarah A. Meade, of Grassy, were married 27 May at home of her father, Col. G.F. Meade, by Elder D.R. Sanders. They took a trip to St. Louis and then home to Dexter.    MM 5 Jun 1879

Marriage Licenses:

John Jourdan and M. Bozarth

George Jeter and Emma Price

W.H. Smothers and M.A. Stoker

D.W.  Dunn and Jemima Edwards

MM 5 Jun 1879

Births – A boy for W.H. Overton. MM 5 Jun 1879

Deaths – Milly Tippy, 1 year.    MM 5 Jun 1879

The meeting at which the funeral of James M. Edwards was to be preached last Sunday at Union Grove was rained out. It will be preached Sunday, June 29th.    MM 5 Jun 1879


Chancery sale – Robert Allyn as trustee of estate of Lucy M. Finch vs John Goodall, Marion C. Campbell et als, foreclosure of mortgage.

Chancery sale – Mary B. Allyn vs John Goodall, Marion C. Campbell et als, foreclosure of mortgage.

Chancery sale – James M. Scurlock vs John Goodall, Marion C. Campbell et als, foreclosure of mortgage.

Chancery sale – Nancy Bulliner et als vs John L. Bulliner, partition of real estate.

Chancery sale – William D. Sanders et als vs Sydney A. Owens et al, foreclosure of mortgage.

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Chancery sale – William Ricords vs Elizabeth J. Edwards, foreclosure of mortgage.    EP 5 Jun 1879

Marriage license – Martin V. Holt and Nancy Clendenin MM 12 Jun 1879


James M. Gent, 62 years

Nancy Ann Kirk, 30 years

MM 12 Jun 1879


George W. Darrow – boy                                                  William Baker -boy

James H. Dunn – girl                                                         John M. Stephens -boy

MM 12 Jun 1879

Last Monday evening, Don Goodall, infant son of Harding Goodall, was kicked in the face by a mule colt, was playing in street, ran up behind it and slapped it…. was hit above eyes, cutting gash on each side of face. Dr. Bentley sewed up the cuts.    MM 12 Jun 1879

Hall School House – A young man named Mayhan, employed by W.J. Hall, quit plowing about sundown, got on mule and started home, was thrown and died at 1 a.m., buried the following day at Stonefort.

Isaac Hall has erected a nice monument over his wife’s grave. MM 12 Jun 1879

Cottage Home – William Smothers and Mrs. Mary Stokers were married Jun 5.

Sarah Allman was thrown from a horse the 5th and her collar bone was broken.     MM 12 Jun 1879


Abbie Toothaker, aged 4 years, 6 months and 19 days, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J.W. Toothaker, died June 7, funeral at M.E. parsonage and burial in City Cemetery.    MM & EP 12 Jun 1879

A little child of M.T. Vick was buried Sunday. EP 12 Jun 1879

Carbondale Free Press – Twice during the last fortnight Judge Dougherty has been called home on account of a death in the family. First, his son Alexander and Tuesday his granddaughter who lived with his family and was as endeared to him as one of his own children.    MM 12 Jun 1879


Jackson County, Illinois – Elizabeth Tomlinson admrx. estate of Henry J. Tomlinson vs John T. Tomlinson, Ella C. Hewett, James H. Hewett, Henry L. Tomlinson, Thomas H. Tomlinson, Charles D. Tomlinson, William H. Howell, James R. Goswell, T. Marion Bird, George Klutz, William Ahlers and Henry Koeough, petition for sale of real estate in Sections 20 and 17 in Township 8 South, Range 1 east, town of Blairsville. MM 12 Jun 1879

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Richard H. Brown, of Mt. Carmel and son of Rep. R.F. Brown, former newspaper man from here, married Flora May Brown of Mt. Carmel last week and passed through here on the way to Fairfield.      MM 19 Jun 1879


Miss Cad Hopper died Monday in this city.

Cottage Home – Elder W.H. Blankenship, pastor of Free Will Baptist Church, died Saturday.    MM 19 Jun 1879

Last week John Springs was arrested on a charge by Ellen Fulton of breach of promise and placed under a $1,000 bond. His bondsman surrendered him on Thursday morning to the sheriff. The Deputy Sheriff took him to the residence of Miss Fulton and he offered to marry her. She refused and he was then given over to the custody of Jailer Smith and held until the evening when Smith made a demand for jailer’s fees. They were not forthcoming and he was set free and immediately left for parts unknown.    MM 19 Jun 1879

Marriage Licenses:

James A. Hayes and Mary J. O’Neal

S.A. Harrison and Eva J. Perrine

John Woofinbarger and Myra Shackley

James T. Deloach and Flora Jack

George W. Creel and Susan Brown

W.V. Henry and Leat Ann Jones

Lafayette Merrell and Susan S. Springs

MM 19 Jun 1879

Steven A. Harrison and Eva J. Perrine of Lake Creek, were married at the residence of the bride’s parents Tuesday by Esquire Thomas Newton, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Pricket in attendance.    MM 19 Jun 1879


There is a new Denison at Charley’s house. EP 19 Jun 1879

Scoharrie Prairie – A boy for Nathan Perrine. A girl for Jack Leigh.  MM 19 Jun 1879

Van Simmons and Owen Bruner went to Cartervilie and Crainville last Monday, peddling meat and vegetables. After disposing of the load, they stopped in Crainville and unhitched the team to stay awhile. They become engaged in a quarrel and Bruner stabbed Simmons.  They had been drinking. Bruner lives in Marion. [Lengthy account.]  MM 19 Jun 1879


Chancery sale – Elijah W. Motsinger et al vs Nancy J. Motsinger et al, dower, homestead and partition.

James Bolton and Edward Clark vs Elizabeth J. Edwards et al for tax deed.    EP 19 Jun 1879

John Springs has gone to Texas for his health.

The funeral of J.M. Edwards will be preached at Union Grove one week from this Sabbath. A basket dinner will be one of the features of the occasion.    EP 19 Jun 1879

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P. White – boy

William Deloach -girl

John C. Fletcher – girl

Cottage Home – a new baby for Levan Rushing.

MM 26 Jun 1879


Sarah Ann Perry, 56 years.

The infant son William and Rosalee Hendrickson died Wednesday of last week, buried in City Cemetery. The father was at Chester and arrived Thursday morning. EP & MM 26 Jun 1879

A.M. Pace, cashier at Marion, was summoned to his former home in Mt. Vernon by the death of his father. E.V. Snoddy, living one mile east, died the 21st.

John Sims, age 14 or 15 years, son of Obediah Sims, of Northern Precinct was plowing with a young mule ….unhitched him to ride him home, was thrown off and the buckle of his shoe caught in the harness….mule dragged him up and down the lane, kicking the life out of him ….buried Tuesday. MM 26 Jun 1879

Marriage license – William E. Marks and Drusilla Gold. MM 26 Jun 1879

Crab Orchard – Thomas McHaney and Dug Teal intend to go to St. Louis this week to join the U.S. Navy. Tom Dwyre has removed to Stonefort and his vacancy was immediately filled by J.F. Corder of Corinth.    MM 26 Jun 1879

John Dunaway was fined for disturbing the peace and cleared of assault and carrying a concealed weapon.

Elder Cline will preach the funeral of James M. Edwards at Union Grove the 29th.    MM 26 Jun 1879

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