Extracted chiefly from the newspapers, Marion Monitor (MM) and Egyptian Press (EP)
January 1879
James Durham almost froze to death Wednesday night of last week, … horse fell with him, injuring him so badly he couldn’t walk…was exposed to intense cold for five hours.
Ally Fowler was badly frostbitten same night. MM 2 Jan 1879
James Durham, of south part of county, became drunk and fell from horse on Christmas night…lay for 9 hours…is thought his legs would have to be amputated. EP 2 Jan 1879
Jennie McInturff, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. McInturff, is very low with pneumonia fever. MM 2 Jan 1879
Last Monday the Monitor was honored with a visit from Zourie Gallagher and her cousin, Miss Ida Odekirk, of Fon du Lac, Wisconsin. MM 2 Jan 1897
Marriage licenses:
Sylvanus B. Blankenship – Mahala E. Davis
George Mitzler – S.J. Thompson
Willis J. Aikman – Parle Vick MM 2 Jan 1879
Mrs. Marshall Calvert, living one and a half miles northeast, died Sunday. She leaves a husband and 2 children – one is 2 weeks old. Burial in City Cemetery. MM 2 Jan 1879
In Franklin Co, Knob Prairie, Wiley Smith was murdered on Christmas Eve by a comrade.
Fountain Gleanings – Uncle Jacky Hudgens, 75, died Sunday, Dec 29, at home of son, Z. Hudgens, 6 miles south. A child of James Bradley died the 28th.
John Bradley Jr. was found dead in bed of consumption one day last week, lived 4 miles southeast.
Lake Creek Items – Mrs. Hicks died the 24th of pneumonia, had been sick a number of weeks. EP 2 Jan 1879
Miss Lizzie Ward died the 16th at home of uncle, D.B. Ward. EP 2 Jan 1897
Lake Creek Items – Henry Stein has bought the stock of groceries belonging to Joe Meiser and will continue business at Meiser’s old stand. EP 2 Jan 1879
Non-resident notice – Abel Hunt vs John Hays, attachment demand – also bill in chancery for same.
Allen D. Norman, admr. of estate of Jonothan Norman, will make final report.
Admr. sale – Parmelia Sanders and William C. Sanders, admrs. estate of Jesse Sanders.
Sheriff9s sale – Judgment against M.H. Moore in favor of William Groves.
Adi. notice – W.H. Mcdonald, admr. estate of Lucinda M. Mcdonald.
Non-resident notice – William D. Sanders, Augustus E. Ayers, Edward P. Kirby and A.M. Bevridge Vs Sydney A. Owens, Luetta Owens, Arretta Owens, Elizabeth Halstead, C.S. Halstead, Adeline Smith, Aaron Smith, Mary E. Gamble, John A. Gamble, Amanda J. Crain, Hezekiah P. Crain, John L. Bulliner, Monroe Bulliner, Edmund H. Bulliner, George W. Bulliner And Martha L. Bulliner -Non-Residence Of Mary E. Gamble, John A. Gamble, Adeline Smith, Aaron Smith And Woodson Owens, – foreclosure on trust deed.
Admr. sale – Nancy C. Spiller, admr. estate Samuel R. Crain.
Adi. notice – Phillip Turnage, admr. estate of James Turnage. EP 2 Jan 1879
Married at residence of bride’s father, S.S. Vick, Esq., by Rev. Toothaker, Willis J. Aikman and Parle Vick. Attendants were A.M. Pace, Katie Schuey, A.J. Benson and Ida M. Gallagher. An infair was held at home of Mrs. Alfred Aikman, mother of the groom. MM 2 Jan 1879
A row occured Tuesday last between Mrs. T.M. Perrigen and Martha Springs, known among the boys as “Squalling Suse.” Each were fined $3 and cost for disturbing the peace. Mrs. Perrigen paid her fine and Noisy Susan went to jail. MM 2 Jan 1879
A boy Sunday for Pleas Roberts. MM 2 Jan 1879
A list of letters remaining in the post office at Marion, IL on Jan 1, 1879, which, if not taken out in one month, will be sent to the Dead Letter Office:
Z.T. Adams, Dr. J.C. Adams, H. Atkinson, Miss Ella Bay, Dr. Z. Blay, Charles Buck, Bluementhal and Co. James M. Clayton, George Conover, Miss Sue Jones, Miss Persiller Jones, J.D. Kirkham, Mrs. Lenora B. Lewis
Miss Ellen Meredith, R.B. Mcdermott Henry W. Norman, Mary Ann Perry, Adam Dyerla, C. T. Edwards, H.W. Emerson, Albert Evans, John Fitzgerald, Mrs. H. Fowler, Douglas Garnett, Mrs. L.A. Hatch, John Hamlet, Julia Patten, Alfred Porter, Hannah Stout, J.M. Tatune, D. P. Thursbe, E. John Taylor, A. Van Buren, James S. Williams Sr.
Persons calling for any of the above letters, will please say that they were advertised. W.N. Mitchell, P.M. MM 9 Jan 1879
Deaths: Isaac W. Campbell, “Uncle Ike”, 63, died of pneumonia at his residence in this city on the 7th, was sick one hour….had been a businessman in this county, burial was in the City Cemetery. MM and EP 9 Jan 1879
The wife of J.M. Powell of Crainville, died Saturday, was an invalid for some time.
James Milligan, late of Northern Pet., died 5 Jan, born 1806 in NC, his father moved to TN and from there to Franklin Co., IL in 1818 … he lived in this vicinity 61 years … was great hunter, often killing six or eight deer in one day. … lived with present wife, Telitha Johnson, about 49 years … has large family, all married and living near him. MM 9 Jan 1879
Thomas Bones of Crab Orchard, has sold his stock of drugs to Dr. Carson. The doctor now occupies the house in which the stock was kept … Thomas Bones will soon open a dry goods store in the Capt. Cunningham house … The firm of W.J. Ridgway and Co., of Stonefort, has ceased … W.J. Ridgway and Co. have opened a large assortment of dry goods and groceries at their old stand on the south side of the public square -W.J. Ridgway and Bro., Stonefort. MM 9 Jan 1879
Marriage Licenses:
James Grasty – Margie Henderson
Pleasant E. Cagle – Flora L. McCown MM 9 Jan 1879
Scott Mchaney, who for several months has been teaching in the western country, returned home here a few days ago … MM 9 Jan 1879 [The 16 Jan issue says he returned from Ft. Griffin, TX.]
Births: [All in this list say “and wife.”]
W.C. Etherton – boy F.P. Johnson – boy
John Donahoo – girl Thomas White – boy
T.L. CampbelL – boy F.P. Furlong – boy
William Cross – girl William Warren – boy
J.C.H. Culbreth – girl John W. Shaw – girl
James King – girl F.M. Ice – boy
J.N. Watson – boy J.S. Parsons – boy
Laban Carter – girl John Cruse – boy
A.J. Watson – boy Thomas Stotlar – boy
Stanley Bell – boy David Lanier – girl
William Jackson – girl MM 9 Jan 1879
A.V. Stull and Co., dealers in marble monuments, headstones, tablets & c, northeast corner of public square. Tailor Shop, cutting, making, cleaning, farmer’s produce of every description taken in exchange for work. N.L. Seaver, room opposite Monitor office. MM 9 Jan 1879
352 males and 297 females were born from 7 Dec 1877 to 7 Dec 1878. One case of triplets and 11 cases of twins. There were 204 deaths. The following are causes and numbers:
heart disease – 1 typhoid fever – 15
erysipelas -2 remittent fever – 4
whooping cough – 4 childbed fever – 3
pneumonia – 32 croup – 8
consumption – 12 injury – 5
stillborn – 13 unknown – 9
disease of kidneys – 3 debility – 2
opium poisoning – 1 congestive fever – 8
tonsilitis – 1 cancer – 1
inflammation of ear – 1 scarlet fever – 1
congestive chill – 2 meningitis – 17
inflammation of bowels – 10 dropsy – 2
lockjaw – 1 dysentery – 2
convulsions – 8 paralysis – 3
heart clot – 1 billious colic – 2
hemorrhage of lungs – 2 from ulceration – 2
apoplexy – 2 rheumatism – 2
diptheria – 2 rupture – 1
softening of brain – 1 cholera infantum – 1
suicide – 2 pyemia – 2
bronchitis – 3 scrofula – 2
hydrocephaulas – 4 EP 9 Jan 1879
H.W. Beers, admr. estate of Teague Duty vs Sarah Duty, Frances Stilley and P.H. Stilley her husband, Andrew H. Duty, William Duty, James A. Duty, Betsey A. Duty, Huston Duty, and Betsey Duty, non-residence of Frances Stilley, P.H. Stilley and Andrew H. Stilley. MM 9 Jan 1879
Non-resident notice – Abel Hunt vs John Hays
Chancery sale – S.M. Mitchell for use of W.R. Youngblood vs William Carrens, mortgage foreclosure.
Adm. sale -F. Doty admr. D.B.M. of estate of A.J. Fulk. Trustee sale – Abel C. Davis and wife Dieluza Ann Davis to William A. Atwood, W.D. Sanders, Augustus E. Ayers and Edward P. Kirby, trustees. EP 9 Jan 1879
Scott McHaney of Ft. Griffin, TX, made a trip on horseback to his home in Crab Orchard … has been visiting friends and relatives near Jeffersonville this past week.
MM 16 Jan 1879
C.C. Norman, esteemed citizen, died the 9th, lived 1 mile north.
Isaac W. Campbell, cirrhosis of liver
Maima S. Davis, phthsis pulmonalis
Mr. Brown, father of John Brown of Jeffersonville, died last Sunday, age 68.
Joseph Blackman SR., 74, died at Stonefort the 8th.
The wife of Andrew Scott, of New Burnside, died the 8th. Her suffering was brief and she expressed one regret in death -that being to leave her infant son, Willie. She was a member of the Methodist Church. MM 16 Jan 1879
Mrs. John Sprouse died Jan 7 at home of congestion of stomach. Mr. C.C. Norman died last Thursday near Crab Orchard. EP 16 Jan 1879
R. Borton has leased the Frame Mill in Marion. Meal, flour, bran, ship stuff, chop corn and feed. Also manufactures sassafras oil and other standard oils. South of west of public square. MM 16 Jan 1879
Permits to pair:
Albert McInturff – Araminta Smith
Perrin Craig – Ida A. Turnage
G.W. Black – Rosa Winder
James M. Mosley – Elzera J. Parker MM 16 Jan 1879
G.W. Wade – boy & girl John W. Hartwell – girl
J.H. Slankard – boy J.D. Duncan – boy
O.P. Henson – boy S.W. Hudgens – boy
Thomas Willard – boy C.A. Norman – boy
John W. Smiley – girl W.L. Starrett – girl
H. Webb – girl S.C. Caplinger – boy
George W. Kent – girl Thomas Echols – boy
Tom Jackson –girl
Corley School house
Slankard has been the happiest man in town this past week. Cause: a bouncing boy arrived Thursday night last, the fruition of 12 years of married life.
MM 16 Jan 1879
J.M. Gregg, Representative, married Julia Reynolds, dau of J.Y. Reynolds, Clerk of Saline Co.
MM 16 Jan 1879
Corinth – The tax gatherer is to be in Robert’s store Feb 13. MM 16 Jan 1879
Hampton Schoolhouse, Grassy Pet., burned Wednesday night last week.
A.M. Askew visited his brother at Dexter, Missouri last week. Fountain Gleanings -Married at residence of bride’s father, W.D. SMITH on Jan 9, Araminta Smith and Albert McInturff. EP 16 Jan 1879
Yesterday, Frank Tibbs, three and a half miles northeast of here, accidentally shot his son, Frank…was going turkey hunting, he raised the hammer to put in a cap and it slipped from his thumb …. ball hit son in upper part of thigh, went through his leg and lodged in his pocket …. is not expected to recover. EP 16 Jan 1879
Legals: N.B. Calvert, Admr. Estate of Silas M. Calvert Vs Joseph L. Calvert, George M. Calvert, Martha C. Owen, Clementine Parks, Mary J. Hall, Virginia Scurlock, Herman Calvert, Belle Calvert, John Calvert, Gertrude Calvert, Emily Calvert, Willie Calvert, Alonzo Calvert, James Calvert, Malissa
Hall School House – James Tanner, known as Cut Leg Jim, left this section recently by railway for Southern Texas where he will hereafter make his home. He was accompanied by Rev. Martin Odom as far as Cairo, Illinois. MM 23 Jan 1879
Featherstone Doty, 68, died 21 Jan, member of Baptist Church, funeral today at his old homestead, 4 miles north. [MM says died yesterday.]
A child of Berry Pulley died the 21st.
Lake Creek Items – Grandfather Brown, father of John Brown, died of consumption at this place Jan 12. EP 23 Jan 1879
Mr. Russell, of Bainbridge, died Friday.
Cottage Home – The wife of Rev. Thomas McMinn died the 19th, leaves a husband and three little ones.
Corinth – A child of W.R. Hampton died 15 Jan at the home of Thomas McClintock. He buried his wife last summer and had provided homes for his children among friends. Burial was in Zion Church yard. MM 23 Jan 1879
Martha Gibbs, thrown from a buggy during the last fair and severely injured, has gone into a decline and it is thought she can never recover. EP 23 Jan 1879
Tobias Yates – girl James Smith – girl
Hiram Coleman – boy James H. Mcroy – girl
Henry W. Norman – boy Giles Raney – boy
Hall School House – Girls for Ely Holmes and Skelt Moore.
MM 23 Jan 1879
Lake Creek Items – A daughter for Tom Duncan. EP 23 Jan 1879
Hall School House – Last Sunday, Henry Vaughn had H. Carter arrested for the purpose of having him placed under a bond to keep the peace. After hearing the evidence, Esq. Wall released him for cause insufficient. MM 23 Jan 1879
Marriage Licenses:
James F. Fiveash – Fanny E. Parker
Charles H. Edward – Mary E. Allen
William Reynolds – Martha F. Rushing
Thomas J. Price – Nancy Ann Susan Malvina Jane Gaddis
John M. Davis – Amanda C. Keaster MM 23 Jan 1879
Jeffersonville – Joe Maiser has sold his grocery store to Henry Stein. MM 23 Jan 1879
Another accession to the Greenback Party arrived at the residence of Judge J.E. Gallagher yesterday morning and will be ready in 21 years to help the Judge worry the “ring.” MM 23 Jan 1879
Truths Hops Bitters, (a medicine, not a drink). Hops, Buchn Mandrake, Dandelion …. they cure all diseases of the stomach, bowels, blood, liver, kidneys and urinary organs, nervousness, sleeplessness, female complaints and drunkenness. $1000 in gold will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. For sale by W.A. Dunaway, Druggist. MM 23 Jan 1879
Attila – Our old bachelor friend, Monroe Mosely, took a wife yesterday – Miss Jane Parker.
Corinth – Ed Roberts’ frozen fingers, toes and ears are about well. Ed is a wiser boy than he was a few days ago.
Stonefort – W.J. Ridgway and Bro. will sell you 17 yards of best prints for $1 and 13 yards of best brown domestic for $1. MM 23 Jan 1879
Sheriff’s Sale – Judgment against P.H. Lang in favor Of Appleton, Noes and Mand, also one in favor of Horace Stone and Co.
Dissolution notice – Partnership between S.W. Dunaway and G.N. Moore, firm of Dunaway & Moore. EP 23 Jan 1879
Guardian’s Sale – James A. Stephens, guardian of Thomas J. Ice and James W. Ice, real estate in Franklin Co.
Adm. Sale – Mahala Weber, admrx. of estate of Archibald Weber. MM 16 Jan 1879
Fountain Gleanings – William Butlar, 22, died Jan 20 of consumption at home of Aunt Phoebe Simmons.
Lake Creek Items – The wife of Trice Stafford died the 23rd of consumption.
Crab Orchard Cullings – Dr. Carson’s father died in Johnson County.
The 8 year son of Jack Cazad died Thursday of dropsy.
David P. Baker, old and respected citizen, on Saturday attended a meeting of Odd Fellows at Harrisburg held in Durham building, fell 15 or 20 feet. He died Sunday and was buried in the old family burial ground on Baker’s Ridge. [From Harrisburg Sentinel] EP 30 Jan 1879
Mrs. M.J. Spencer, wife of Dr. S.H. Spencer [EP says L.H. Spencer] formerly of Marion, died at the residence in Grand Tower 26 Jan, buried City Cemetery here…. funeral procession started from home of her brother, John H. Manier. The funeral discourse was delivered by Rev. Toothaker.
John Maushardt, 49, of typo pneumonia
Frederick D. Townsend, 1 year, of cerebro spinal meningitis Charlotte Calvert, 26, of septicamia Henry Brown, 68, of phthisis pulmonalis
Amanda J. Bearden, 1 year, of pneumonia
Young Frank Tibbs, accidently shot by father some 2 weeks ago, died from the effects of the wound yesterday. MM 30 Jan 1879
Freeman Parks and Theodore McHaney embarked in the fur business recently. They rode 10 days, bought 4 pelts and cleared 10 cents.
George W. Stacy sold his farm and left for St. Louis the 22nd. EP 30 Jan 1879
Marriage Licenses:
John H. Batson – Martha J. Stroud
J.D. Goddard – Emma Spiller MM 30 Jan 1879
John W. Mordtin – boy Thomas G. Moultin – boy
George M. Hawkins -boy John M. Stephens – girl
James C. Durham – boy W.S. Halleday – girl
John P. Arnold – girl W.A. McCombs – boy
John J. Stanfee – girl William A. Casler – girl
Jesse Roach – girl C.W. Spiller – boy
William Donnely – boy Pleasant E. Roberts – boy
MM 30 Jan 1879
Patric Gaivir – girl Henry Gunster – girl
John McKinsey – boy N.R. Davis – boy
John F. Stevens – girl Rufus Counsel – girl
John Anderson – boy S.D. Thompson – girl
John Scoby – boy James Barringer – boy
Alfred Hayten – girl T.B. Jackson – girl
W.D. Thompson – girl Paul Summers – boy
Ward’s Mill – Mr. John Albright of Johnson Co, fell on ice the 17th and broke his left arm between the wrist and elbow and dislocated his wrist. MM 30 Jan 1879
February 1879
Fountain Gleanings – Uncle James Pritchett died the 29th. Charles Schimer of Chester, shot himself last week … leaves wife and 6 children … spoke and wrote German, French and English … was a Mason … and slave to alcohol. Dr. Blay who lately moved to Kansas is dead. EP 6 Feb 1879
Marcellus M. Hearn died 1 Jan of peritonitis. Nancy J. Bagget died 5 Jan of croupous pneumonia. C.C. Schaffer died [no date] of pneumonitis
Cottage Home – A child of James Sanders died 3 Feb.
Carbondale Free Press – Meredith M. Powell died at his residence here, Wednesday, Jan 29, in the 28th year of his age … born Williamson Co, son of W.T. Powell, moved to Carbondale when the town was quite young … health began to fail two years ago and he spent some weeks in Colorado and other parts of the country … member of Fraternal Lodge #576 A.F. and A.M. and Marion Chapter No.100 R.A.M. MM 6 Feb 1879
Marriage Licenses:
J.C. Caldwell – Nancy A. White
Frederic W. Phillips – Mary C. Cudd
George T. Hays – Nancy A. Carter
William H. Perry – Luella Willeford
James Jeffries – Cynthia Conway
John W. Bandy – Mary Erwin MM 6 Feb 1879
John L. Mitchell has hung out his sign and is prepared to do dental work. MM 6 Feb 1879
Crab Orchard – Wyatt L. Starrett is the happiest man in town because the new pension law gives him $1,492.65.
Atilla – Thomas J. Welborn, late of Kingman, Kansas, will permanently locate on the Cal Stilley place. MM 6 Feb 1879
James Stotlar – girl D.F. Fiveash – girl
B F. Mcneil – boy C.H. Bradbury – girl
T.P. Sheretz – girl J.V. Hearn – girl
W.C. Manning – girl S.H. Cash – girl
Samuel Chase – girl A.J. Sligar – girl
It was a season for girls
Corinth – A girl was born 24 Jan to James Hearn and wife.
Crab Orchard – a boy for Dr. McDonald of St. Louis. MM 6 Feb 1879
Corinth – Mrs. Hearn has been very sick for several days and is not expected to recover. 6 Feb 1879
Fountain Gleanings – Little Joshua Watson, son of George Watson, had chicken pox last week.
Lake Creek Items – Little Freddie Reel was baptized at the German Church last Sunday, Rev. Moody officiated. George Duncan’s new sleigh, “Eclipse,” arrived here this morning, made by T.C. Watkins of Marion and is an excellent specimen of workmanship. It is a perfect beauty, but, oh, it came too late. EP 6 Feb 1878
Trustee Sale – Trust deed from Henry F. Willeford and wife, Matilda C. Willeford, William T. Howerton, trustee. MM 6 Feb 1879
Jeffersonville Jottings – John Baiar contemplates having wheels put on his sleigh for spring use. Some of the boys say it is no use as he will not have to make any more trips to Town Mount.
William Phillips has taken a claim in Kansas, having united in marriage to Miss Kansas Cood.
Mrs. Mary Brim has moved from Benton to our place and located in Bunker Hill.
William Murphy and Co. will soon remove their mill to the farm of Joe H. Williams. MM 13 Feb 1879
David Beers, aged about 45 years, living in east part of county, was adjudged insane and sent to the hospital at Anna. EP 13 Feb 1879
2 Feb – at bride’s father’s, Fred W. Phillips and Cansas Cadd, all of this county. EP 13 Feb 1879
2 Feb – At Baptist Church at Herrin’s Prairie by Rev. McAlpin, Dr. W.H. Perry and Luella Willeford. They repaired to the home of Alec James where they, friends and relatives partook of a sumptuous dinner.
Married at Herrin’s Prairie by Esquire Roberts, J.W. Bandy and Mary E. Erwin. MM 13 Feb 1879
Hall School House – Riley Harrison has moved from this vicinity to the river below Golconda.
Rev. Tanner sold his real estate and will move to Texas this fall.
A small child of Willis Johnson died Saturday, his mother is also sick and not expected to live. MM 13 Feb 1879
Alonzo Owen died Sunday at his residence, three and one half miles west of here, of pneumonia … was sheriff here in 1873-74 … leaves wife and 3 small children, buried Dunaway burial place. EP 13 Feb 1879
The rumors of the death of Dr. Blay are true. He died of pneumonia in Junction City, Kansas.
A.L. Owen of Bainbridge died 8 Feb of pneumonia.
Mr. Robert Owens, living short distance from Stonefort died at 11 today of pneumonia.
The wife of James Mosely died the 3rd, left husband and 6 chi1dren.
Martha R. Manier – pneumonia
Elbert A. Stewart – worms
Millard Vaughn – diptheria
Mary Jane Dean – typhoid fever
Martha Ann Ray – peritonitis
Mila E. Clark – diptheria
A.J. Cazad – dropsy
Frank Davis – death from fall
Nancy Vaughn – pneumonia
Georgia Ann McMinn – pneumonia
Wade Hampton – pneumonia
Elizabeth M. McDonald – pneumonia
MM 13 Feb 1879
Marriage Licenses:
William Waddington – Sarah A. Smith
J.M. Kelly – Martha Bowers
John H. Jerrold – Julia A.E.J. Tally
G.R. Goodman – Mariah Chitty MM 13 Feb 1879
Haywood Beasley was thrown from a horse against a stump last Saturday and severely hurt. MM 13 Feb 1879
Cottage Home – A boy for W.A. York a few days ago.
Atilla – Monroe O’Neal, late of Kansas, has concluded to permanently locate in Williamson County; has built him a snug little house near Pleasant Grove where he wishes to be planted when he is done breathing here. MM 13 Dec 1879
Dr. Bundy has returned home to stay, having quit the missionary field, and will resume the practice of medicine. Chronic diseases and diseases peculiar to women are his specialty.
A.M. Askew has taken charge of the Landrum Mill at Crainville. W.W. Barton and B.P. Barton of Jeffersonville were among our callers Monday. They are extensive dealers in Poland-China stock of hogs. MM 13 Feb 1879
Non-resident notice – Elizabeth Lawrence vs Willis Lawrence, bill for divorce.
Attachment – David R. Harrison, surviving partner in late firm of Herrin & Harrison, vs C.C. Bradley.
Estray: – Iron gray mare taken up by Hezekiah Davis, T9 R3 E.
James H. Gregory purchased, for taxes, real estate assessed to G.W. Huffhine and John Robinson. MM 13 Feb 1879
Admr. sale – Z. Hudgens, admr. estate of George M.C. Duncan.
Adi. notice – I.C. Fuller, admr. estate of James A. Gray. EP 13 Feb 1879
Timothy Stewart – boy M.L. Tippy – girl
George Arterbury – girl Price Scaggs – boy
William Murphy – boy S.M. Carter – girl
Cornelius Poe – boy W.J. Foster – girl
John Walker – boy Alex Beasley – girl
James T. Henderson – boy T.W. Richie – girl
G.M. Clendenen – girl George W. Gamble – boy
J.K.P. Mitchell – boy A.B. Appleton – girl
Madison Davis -boy MM 13 Feb 1879
Marriage Licenses:
George H. Williams – Martha E. Kelley
Frank Childers – Mary E. Rushing
Robert Creek – Jane Cleny
Total of 28 taken out since Jan1, 1879. MM 20 Feb 1879
C.K. Huddleston – boy W.B. Sizemore – boy
Thomas Dillingham – girl F.E. Smith – girl
W.E. McAnally – boy John Reps – girl
James Campbell – girl George Lynch – girl
Edwin F. Gasett – girl George McEwen – boy
John A. Grimes – boy W.H. Brumitt – boy
Charles H. Malone – girl M.J. Brewer – boy
J.C. McHaney – girl Felix M. Parks – boy
William L. Creed – boy George Parks – boy
James A. Crant – boy MM 20 Feb 1879
People vs Nathan Gunter, bigamy, tried by jury and convicted. Sentenced to 1 year, new trial granted by court.
MM 20 Feb 1879 – Nathan Gunter has been unlawfully mixed up with two women, sentenced to 1 year in pen, given new hearing, went to jail unable to post $600 bond.
EP 20 Feb 1879
Frank Wise is in jail in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. MM 20 Feb 1879
Grassy – A man was found dead in Ephraim Kimble’s straw stack…. probably dead 6 weeks … is supposed he escaped from the asylum. MM 20 Feb 1879
George Underwood – congestion of brain
P.E. Dorris – pneumonia
James Pritchett – capillary bronchitis MM 20 Feb 1879
Andy Scott, colored, living a few miles east, died Saturday. EP 20 Feb 1879 [MM says died Sunday one mile east.]
Mr. Nelson, living in western part of county, died Saturday, said to be tallest man in county. EP 20 Feb 1879
Robert Copher, living near Perry’s Camp Ground, 2 miles north, died Saturday, numbered among earliest settlers of county. MM and EP 20 Feb 1879
Mrs. Doty, widow of Featherstone Doty, whose death was announced but a few days ago, died last week. MM 20 Feb 1879 CEP says died Saturday at residence 3 miles north.]
Special notice is hereby given that my wife, Mrs. M.J.L. Holderfield, has left my premises without any just cause and I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract. Crab Orchard, Ill. W.T. Holderfield MM 20 Feb 1879
This is to notify all persons not to harbor or trade with my wife, Nancy Bigers, on my account, for I will not be responsible for her acts and doings, as she has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation whatever. This 7th day of February AD 1878. James Bigers MM 20 Feb 1879
“Marion is the best point in Southern Illinois for a good resident dentist” – Monitor Jan 30. He is here – arrived Tuesday night of last week, the guest of Dr. McIntosh and wife. The doctor thinks there is nothing like it. Mother and child doing well. MM 20 Feb 1879
Herrin’s Prairie – L.O. Bean, our school teacher, dismissed his school last week to attend the funeral of his uncle, Lon Owen of Bainbridge. MM 20 Feb 1879
Admr. sale – S.S. Vick and CM. Edwards, admrs. estate of E.T Wiley.
Allen D. Norman, admr. estate of Jonothan Norman, final report. EP 20 Feb 1879
Non resident notice – Mary Halstead vs William J. Halstead, bill for divorce. MM 20 Feb 1879
Judge A.O. Harker opened Circuit Court Monday.
Perry Martin et al, grand larceny, continued.
Joseph Brack, selling liquor, change of venue from County Court.
Barn Mann, burglary, acquitted.
Samuel Dunaway, perjury, continued. Samuel S. Vick et al, letting ground for gaming at fairgrounds, change of venue to Jackson
Nathan Gunter, bigamy, convicted and sentenced to one year in pen, new trial granted.
John Chancey, murder, jury secured and court adjourned till morning. J.W. Hartwell, State’s Attorney and Val Chosier of Harrisburg for the people. W.S. Morris of Elizabethtown and W.W. Clemens for defendant. Jury: J.F. Perkins, Marion; L.L. Gallimore, Southern; George Childers, Herrin’s Prairie; S.A. Harrison, Lake Creek; J.B. Davenport, Marion; Allen Wilson, Crab Orchard; William Gamble, Lake Creek; R.P. Turnage, Bainbridge; James Pinkerton, Marion; William Ables, Bainbridge; Robert Adams, Marion and Moses Atwood, Marion. MM 20 Feb 1879
James A. Davis was stabbed by John N. Swan last Friday at Walker Schoolhouse. L.D. Hartwell, teacher, reports: Swan and a boy named Owen had been violating the rules and the director had been called upon to expel them. Before the directors took action, the class was called upon to recite and Swan refused. Davis, who was visiting, made the remark that he was teacher and would make him recite. A quarrel arose. Both boys were expelled. Dr. Fowler dressed the wound. MM 27 Feb 1879
George Cox of Herrin’s Prairie, died 20 Feb of pneumonia at ripe old age, father of Mrs. Annie Holland of this city, at time of his death, his wife was not expected to recover but is now convalescent. MM and EP 27 Feb 1879
Steve Albright of Herrin’s Prairie, was consigned to the tomb the 11th inst., died of congestive chill.
Cottage Home – An adopted son of Lark Smith died Feb 16.
Mrs. Col. Hundley died Monday morning last.
William Schafer lost his mother to death some time since.
James H. Renson, of typhoid fever.MM 27 Feb 1879
The wife of Henry James, 3 miles west, died Monday night, leaves a family of small children. MM and EP 27 Feb 1879
S.H. Norman, a few miles east, died Friday of pneumonia. MM and EP 27 Feb 1879
Emeranda Hundley, wife of Dr. R.M. Hundley, died the 24th, age 36 or 37, buried City Cemetery, funeral by Eastern Star Lodge EP and MM 27 Feb 1879 MM 6 Mar says she left a husband and young daughters.
Mrs. Baldwin, of Corinth, died Friday of consumption. MM 27 Feb 1879
Silas Fowler, 2 miles east, died Monday.
Lake Creek Items – Little Bennie Lawrence, son of A. Lawrence died the 17th of a congestive chill. EP 27 Feb 1879
Spencer Pike, son of P. Pike, is nursing a broken arm, the result of a fall while playing with his brother, Thomas. John Chancey, charged with the murder of John Whittaker in Stonefort some months ago, was sentenced to four and one half years. MM says John Chaney.
Fountain Gleanings – Little George Watson, son of Mathew Watson cut his foot pretty badly with an ax last Thursday. EP 27 Feb 1879
A report of the Public school at Scoharie Prairie for the month ending 18 Feb 1879. [The first grade is scholarship, the second is deportment.]
Antis Barham | 98 99 | Verda Sowell 92 90 |
Luella Barham | 99 97 | Rutherford Bidwell 90 95 |
Ida Bidwell | 99 98 | James Barham 98 99 |
Matilda Bidwell | 99 100 | Henry Barham 95 98 |
Anna Eason | 98 100 | James Chapman 98 100 |
Matilda Falimer | 85 96 | Willie Chapman 85 100 |
Lucy Follis | 90 98 | Charlie Duncan 86 100 |
Mary Follis | 90 96 | Jeffie Follis 98 98 |
Ellen Johnson | 88 98 | James Follis 98 100 |
Mary Leigh | 96 98 | Jackson Follis 98 98 |
Ellie Leigh | 97 100 | Marion Follis 94 98 |
Rozamon Powell | 99 99 | Miles Leigh 95 99 |
Nettie Powell | 96 98 | George Leigh 94 99 |
Nora Powell | 97 100 | Eddie Leigh 95 100 |
Libba Powell | 100 100 | William Powell 95 100 |
Amanda Powell | 99 100 | Thomas Powell 97 100 |
Samantha Roberts | 95 97 | Ransom Powell 90 95 |
Katie Sowell | 100 99 | Johnnie Roberts 85 97 |
Emma Sowell | 98 99 | Reuben Roberts 95 95 |
Sallie Sowell | 99 99 | Jasper Roberts 90 98 |
Dan B. Ferrill | 96 98 |
The names of all the pupils do not appear, only those attending during the month. 17 cases of tardiness, total loss of time is 3 hours and 50 minutes. James W. Keeler, Teacher EP 27 Feb 1879
Atilla – G.W. Dillingham has gone to Green County, his family wi11 soon follow.
Cottage Home – Frank Childers and Mary E. Rushing were married at residence of bride’s father by Esq. Collins. MM 27 Feb 1879
Marriage Licenses:
Daniel Harterman and Sarilda Johnson
James M. Turner and Sarilda Adeline Edna Francis Ellen Wood
Hiram Glover and Susan E. Baysinger MM 27 Feb 1879
Grassy – Masten Harris’ little girl got her ankle broken the 14th inst., but is rapidly inproving under the treatment of Dr. Miles D. Baker.
Hall school House – Orrin Hall left this vicinity very unexpectedly recently for Southern Texas, where he contemplates living. MM 27 Feb 1879
Admr. sale – Martha Ann Canady and C.O. McCown, admr. estate of G.W.L. Canady. EP 27 Feb 1879
Non-resident notice – Joseph Tibbs vs Mary Elizabeth Tibbs bill for divorce, she a non-resident.
Non-resident notice – Mary Halstead vs William J. Halstead, bill for divorce MM 27 Feb 1879
J.C. Halstead – girl M.O. Robinson – boy
J.A. Clark – boy J.T. Locklier – girl
James C. Hobbs – boy Thomas J. Pike – girl
D.M. Burns – girl Thomas H. Blades – boy
T.F. Bracy – girl MM 27 Feb 1879
The following item appeared in The News, published at Anderson, KY, the week after General Logan was elected to the U.S. Senate: General John A. Logan, who was elected to the U.S. Senate by the Republicans of the Illinois Legislature last week, was found severely wounded on the battlefield of Fort Donelson by our esteemed circuit clerk, Capt. W.E. Bell, who, thinking him dead, took off his splendid sword and belt and sent them to his family. Capt. Bell, who was then a gallant Confederate soldier, came upon General Logan stretched out upon the ground, dressed in full regimentals, his arms folded across his breast, his eyes closed, and giving no signs of life. While standing over, as he supposed, the dead body of the Federal Colonel, Capt. Bell was joined by Capt. Maderia, of the Confederate side, who recognized in Logan his old school mate. Maderia was deeply moved at what he thought to be the untimely fate of his youthful companion, and directed Capt. Bell where to send the sword of the fallen chieftain. Logan was shot through the lungs and his life hung on as thread for a long time. Maderia was afterward killed at Chickamauga. MM 27 Feb 1879
Atilla – G.W. Dillingham, of this village, has gone to Greene County, whither his family will soon follow. MM 27 Feb 1879
The wife of Joseph Edmonson, 24 Feb.
March 1879
Hall School House – Mrs. Samuel Tanner, 27 Feb, born 8 May 1810 in Wilson Co, TN, obtained hope in Christ in the year 1834 and joined the United Baptist Church. MM 6 Mar 1879
Fountain Gleanings – Nora Phillips, 5 year old dau of S.J. and M.J. Phillips, died 25 Feb of inflammation of stomach. EP 6 Mar 1879
A.N. Owens of pleuro pneumonia
Louisa Gamble of whooping cough
John R. Dixon of croup
A. Nelson of pneumonia
Emeline Stroud of congestion of brain
Mary M. Henry of pneumonia
Norah J. Phillips of gastric remittent fever
Florence Stratton of cerebro spinal meningitis
L.O. White of an urism of digital artery of middle finger
MM 6 Mar 1879
An accidental poisoning at Stonefort. Mrs. Henry Good told her husband she felt like she was having a chill and would take a dose of quinine. She took strychnine and the mistake was not discovered until after she took it. A physician was sent for, but too late to save her life. MM 6 Mar 1879
A man in our county boasts of having 100 fights and never been whipped – Dixon B. Ward, over 70 years old. EP 6 Mar 1879
Susan Baysinger and H. Glover were married Mar 26. EP 6 Mar 1879
Trustee sale – Note signed by Monroe T. Vick and Elvira R. Vick, George W„ Young, trustee.
Non-resident notice – Griffin J. Baker, admr. of estate of Jonothan Baker, vs Ephraim Herrin, bill to foreclose mortgage. MM 6 Mar 1879
In Memoriam – Marion Temperence Union – Emaranda Hundley died 24 Feb 1879 in the 38th year of her life. MM 6 Mar 1879
Marriage Licenses:
Joseph H. Holden and Eola Calvert
George Henderson and M. Jourdan
John C. Stiles and E. Hamsin MM 6 Mar 1879
Newton E. Stanley – girl Marion Morgan – boy
John Howell – boy F.M. Lence – girl
Henry Moulton – girl M.C. Barnett – boy
Jesse J. Fly – girl Thomas J. Chitty – boy
George W. Chitty – boy Joseph Bourland – girl
S.A. Jones – boy MM 6 Mar 1879
Wolf Creek – G.B. Goodman and Mariah Chitty were married the 13th by Rev. J.P. Throgmorton at the residence of the bride’s father, G.W Chitty.
Hall School House – A girl for Frank Hall.
Cottage Home -A girl for John Thaxton MM 6 Mar 1879
J.P. Murray, B.F. ST. John and D. Bozarth filed a claim with County Commissioners for $90 for holding a post mortem examination on the body of John Whitaker. Claim denied. MM 13 Mar 1879
General Kelly, aged about 15 years old, died at father’s residence in this city last Thursday.
Ann Booth, James Henry Durham, Stephen Albright, Emeranda Hundley, George Gambril’s 2 children, of Jeffersonville.
Cherry Valley – The wife of George Roberts died last Friday, leaves a large family.
Cottage Home – The wife of John R. Durfee died 6 Mar. MM 13 Mar 1879
The wife of Pleas Roberts, 2 miles south, died Friday.
Lucy Robinson, 2 miles west, died 6 Mar of pneumonia.
Carbondale Observer – Chester Haynes and Dick Johnson, both colored, quarreled last Friday and Johnson stabbed Haynes to death. EP 13 Mar 1879
Jeffersonville Jottings – Some of the boys around Hartwell Church make it unpleasant for Dug Durham when he goes sparking in that vicinity, by throwing stones. Don’t do that boys; it is naughty.
We are informed that W.W. Dorris has laid out a town site named Burktown on his farm and the citizen’s talk of running Henry Hofart for mayor.
Berry Burk will soon erect a new house on his farm, recently purchased from W.W. Dorris. MM 13 Mar 1879
Cherry Valley – Mr. Hawkins, teacher at Thorn Thicket School, quit last week – rumor says there will be a wedding soon. MM 13 Mar 1879
If the Mexican War pension ever gets through Congress, Jeff Davis will not be on the roll, notwithstanding he was an officer in the Mexican War. It was provided in the bill that Jeff should be debarred the drawing of a pension. EP 13 Mar 1879
James Wiley and Mary McClintock were married Sunday at the residence of John Goodall.
Fountain -James Davis and Anna Pulley were married 12 Mar at residence of bride’s father, Thomas Pulley. EP 13 Mar 1879
Mahala Vinyard, a frail woman and a chronic offender of the peace and dignity of our city, was in the police court again Monday last and was fined $3 on a charge of disturbing the peace. If this woman would forever abandon these quarters our people would be far from grief torn. EP 13 Mar 1879
Advertisment – Cure by absorption. Holman Liver and Ague pad. Also body and foot plasters. Holman Liver Pad Co., Rooms 2 and 3, Singer Buildings, St. Louis, Mo. MM 13 Mar 1879
Adi. notice – Mariah Eaton, exec, estate of Benjamin Eaton. MM 13 Feb 1879
Tax sale notice – William T. Nolen bought land. EP 13 Mar 1879
Mr. E. Borton received a letter last week from his home in California announcing the death of his wife. She retired to bed in seeming perfect health and was discovered dead the next morning. MM 13 Mar 1879
Jim Mitchell has a curiosity in the shape of a pure white squirrel on exhibit at his drug store, imported direct from Germany. He has named him Bismarck. Sol Mooneyham brought it over in a wagon. MM 13 Mar 1879
Marriage Licenses:
C.M. Burnett and Polly Jenkins
G.W. Roper and Sarah E. Williams
J.M. Wiley and Mary McClintock
J.W. Minor and Margaret Hanson
MM 13 Mar 1879
Thomas W. Leath – boy W.B. Willeford – girl
Robert Amory – boy Michael Morris – boy
James Woods – girl William Bloodworth – boy
MM 13 Mar 1879
Cherry Valley – Mrs. James Caskey was baptized into the Christian Church Sunday at her residence, being unable to go elsewhere.
Cottage Home – Will Clark and Mary Brandon were married the 9th.
Crab Orchard – Dr. McDonald returned home Saturday from St. Louis, has been attending medical school. He carries with him a diploma. MM 13 Mar 1879
Zi White received an appointment as weigh agent of the railway postal service and took his departure Monday for Flora where he will join the train. His run is from Flora to Beardstown and his duties will be to weigh all mail matter passing over the route. His salary is $3 per day. [Note from Helen Lind: In 1956, I made the same salary for chopping cotton 10 hours per day in Dunklin County, Mo.] MM 20 Mar 1879
Scoharrie Gleanings – John A. Baiar has purchased the grocery which formerly belonged to his father. MM 20 Mar 1879
Spillertown School, W.H. Campbell, teacher, will close Saturday.
Kimmel School, John H. Perry, teacher, closed last Friday. Miss Lou Mitchell’s school at Lamaster School house, closed Friday.
Andy Arnold was fined $25 by Squire Holland for buying whisky for a habitual drinker.
Gertie Brown closed the winter term of school at Frankfort the 7th, will open spring term in 3 weeks. MM 20 Mar 1879
Schoharrie Gleanings – Rev. McveilL filled his monthly appointment here Saturday night and Sunday, Rev. Picard, Thursday night. – James W. Keeler will take up a select school at Jeffersonville April 7 and teach a 12 week term. – Mollie A. Perrine closed her school at Crab Orchard last week. MM 20 Mar 1879
Stonefort – W.E. Chitwood contemplates opening a 12 week select school on Apri1 7.
Herrin’s Prairie – Alec Stotlar closed his school last week. MM 20 Mar 1879
Olive Ann Richeson, Silas Fowler, Edgar F. Turner.
Hall School House– The wife of I.W. Hall on 4 Mar and James Bigers of pneumonia on 8 Mar.
Cottage Home – M.W. Spence of pneumonia on 15 Mar. Mary J. Henry, wife of Purd Henry, died May 1877 in Ukiah, California, daughter of Anderson Corder, born 7 Mar 1841 in Williamson Co where she passed her childhood … graduated from St. Vincent’s Academy in Morganfield, Union Co, KY in 1863 … married 6 Aug 1866 and moved to California in Nov 1869 … survived by husband and 5 children, the oldest 10 years. Also survived by aged parents who mourn the child they hoped would be the comfort of their last hours, and for this they gave up old friends and old associations and came in their life’s decline to make their home among strangers. MM 20 Mar 1879
There is a new boy at John Dillard’s, same for William Kingrey. EP 20 Mar 1879
Adi. notice – W.A. McDonald, admr. estate of Nancy Bundy MM 20 Mar 1879
Marriage Licenses:
J.H. Davis and Anna Pulley
W.T. Roberts and Mary Barham
J.A. Kibby and Mary A. Phillips
James Ray and Minnie Fuller
MM 20 Mar 1879
Corinth – Rev. Mr. Flint and family were called to Franklin County a few days ago to attend the funeral of Mrs. Flint’s father who died Feb 22 near Benton. MM 20 Mar 1879
James Kibby and Mary Phillips were married 12 Mar at the bride’s residence by Esq. J.H. Reynolds.
J.H. Davis and Analiza Pulley were married 12 Mar at the bride’s residence by Elder A.T. Benson.
Dick Lee and Nancy C. Waldron, both of Cartervilie, were married Saturday. MM 20 Mar 1879
Stonefort – Mr. W.H. Ridgway expects to start for Texas the first of May.
A girl for Tom Slankard.
The stave mill will start up business tomorrow (March 18) MM 20 Mar 1879
Herrin’s Prairie – Lafayette Hunter of Enfield stops on the Prairie occasionally.
MM 20 Mar 1879
Thomas C. Smith – boy Logan T. Hicks – girl
Oliver Cox – boy James A. Collins – boy
M. Feurer – boy S.D. Basinger – girl
John E. Corder – girl J.H. Bryant – boy
G.B. Womack – girl William M. Cash – girl
John Casey – boy John Sisney – girl
MM 20 Mar 1879
Thomas Lauder, Carterville, old and highly respected citizen, died Wednesday of last week.
Jack Pride died of pneumonia at his residence in northwest part of town Sunday night, leaves a large family. An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Smith died last Tuesday evening in Marion.
William Cutcher, of double pnumonitis. J.M.T. Hatfield, of typhoid fever and pneumonitis. George Carmicle died at his residence near Jeffersonvi11e Friday, the 14th, of pneumonia.
Mrs. Sarah Hall, wife of Isaac W. Hall, died 4 Mar, age 43, born Williamson Co. 12 Jan 1836, married 1 Jan 1857, buried in family cemetery, leaves husband and child. MM 27 Mar 1879 John Pride died Sunday at his residence here, leaves wife and several small children. EP 27 Mar 1879 [MM 30 Apr says he was member of Temperence Union.]
J.E. Weaver of Lake Creek, one of oldest citizens of the county, died Thursday. MM 27 Mar 1879
The residence of Hon. W.J. Allen is advertised to sell under foreclosure of mortgage at the Illinois Central depot Tuesday, April 22, amount due is $2200. MM 27 Mar 1879
Grassy – M.L. Baker’s school closed the 14th. He will soon take up the study of law under Youngblood in Benton. MM 27 Mar 1879
The school at Oak Grove, Emma Perry, teacher, let out last Friday…. She had a hard time, was arrested by Mr. Grimes on a State’s warrant for whipping one of his boys …. two directors dismissed her …. charges later found to be false and when they learned she was going to sue them, she was reinstated and her wages raised $5 per month. MM 27 Mar 1879
A St. Louis undertaker advertises “the most comfortable hearse in the city.” MM 27 Mar 1879
More farmer’s wives are in the hospital for the insane than representative of any other class. The wives of farmers have harder work and fewer joys than any other class. Hence, they die or go mad. MM 27 Mar 1879
Scoharrie Prairie – Eva Perrine, teacher at Beaver Pond School, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Scoharrie. MM 27 Mar 1879 The funeral of James M. Edwards will be preached by Elder C.E. Cline at Union Grove, Sunday, June 1. Rev. T.J. Davis will be present and take part in the exercises.
Dr. Theodore Hudson amputated a finger and toe for James Durham, from a freeze. MM 27 Mar 1879
Professor Prosser is a professional beat – at least he beat Mrs. Cline out of his board bill.
Melissa Hayes and George Bowyer were married at Carbondale last
Thursday night. L.A. Goddard, W.L. Benson, W.J. Westbrooks and
A.J. Benson of our city attended. EP 27 Mar 1879
G.W. James and E.A. Atwood, admrs. of estate of Moses Atwood. Chancery sale – Adolphus H. Grider, vs Christopher C. Norman, Francis M. Norman et als, partition of real estate. Those indebted to Moses Atwood, deceased, those not settled by April 1 will be collected by law. G.W. James and E.A. Atwood, admrs. EP 27 Mar 1879
S.D. Hyson – girl James Mulligan – girl
John W. Thaxton – girl J.H. Hyson – boy
W.A. York – boy Thomas A. Felts – boy
James C. Youngkin – girl M.M. Roberts – boy
William H. Kingrey – boy MM 27 Mar 1879
The school in District 4, Northern Pet., taught by J.W. Carmichael, closed Friday with appropriate exercises … has been one of the best ever taught in the district and the directors have shown their appreciation of Mr. Carmichael by engaging him for next winter’s school. MM 27 Mar 1879
Marriage Licenses:
J.L. Shackelford and E.J. Turner
Charles Cash and Rhoda Biddy
L.D. Graham and R.F. Kilbreath
R.D. Lee and Nancy E. Waldron MM 27 Mar 1879
Cherry Valley – Mr. Decab Caplinger of Sherman, Texas, is visiting his uncle, John Caplinger. MM 27 Mar 1879
A petition will be presented to the governor for a pardon for John Owen who was sentenced to 25 years for the murder of Masten Walker. MM 27 Mar 1879
Charles Glass murdered Carter Newman in Cairo Saturday … had previous trouble … he entered his room, found him in sleep and crushed his skull with an ax. MM 27. Mar 1879
George L. Boyer and Melissa Hayes were married the 20th at the Methodist Church at Carbondale. MM 27 Mar 1879
Harrisburg Sentinel – Last night lightning struck the home of Turner Ware … shock was felt all over town, arousing the most drowsy sleepers. However, Uncle Turner and Aunt Martha didn’t get out of bed. They were astonished this morning to find the kitchen stove busted and ashes scattered all over the room, doors all standing open, wash stand upset, bottom knocked out of a bucket, kitchen floor broken up and stove pipe in a dilapidated condition. Only a few shingles were knocked off and a few bricks in flue displaced. MM 27 Mar 1879
(Extracted from microfilm at Morris Library and/or Illinois State Library by Helen Sutt Lind, published in Events in Egypt, Vol. 2)