Extracted chiefly from the newspapers, Marion Monitor (MM) and Egyptian Press (EP)
July 1879
Mahala Vinyard was tried on a charge of fornication last Monday, was sent to jail in default of $100 bail. MM 3 Jul 1879
An aged lady named Norris committed suicide by hanging on Tuesday last week near Ogden’s mill in the southwest part of county, aged about 85 years. MM 3 Jul 1879
The funeral of James M. Edwards was preached by Elder Cline at Union Grove last Sunday, was member of Masons.
Carterville – Jack Padgett, barkeeper, is in jail for badly beating Dave Waldron. MM 3 Jul 1879
Carbondale Observer – We received a very pleasant call last week from Dr. Fly of Pulley’s Mill, Williamson County and our Mr. P. Rodden, who is traveling for Stone and Yanch, agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Co. Dr. Fly is a very pleasant conversationalist and, we learn, enjoying a fine practice. MM 3 Jul 1879
Hayden And Arnold of Carbondale are getting up a tombstone with the following inscription on it: Infant son of Elizabeth Blackburn born and murdered January 18, 1878 Cruel murderer shed a tear O’er my dull and lifeless clay Could you see my present bliss Your hard heart would melt away. [Referring to a case at Stonefort where the body of a baby was found in Little Saline Creek. Lizzie Blackman was first arrested. Later, her father, Squire Josiah Blackman was arrested, along with his wife and J.P. Murray. The paper stated at that time that Lizzie was innocent. MM 3 Jul 1879
Mahala Vinyard was committed to jail at this place Monday last, being unable to give security in the sum of $100 for her appearance at our Circuit Court on the second Monday in the present month. Her offense – charged – is living in adultery with John L. Dunaway. EP 3 Jul 1879
Sheriff’s Sale – Judgment against R.M. Allen in favor of Torian & Barbour, same against R.M. Allen and H.B. Norman, in favor of Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Co. EP 3 Jul 1879
Berry Pulley was adjudged insane and goes to the asylum this week.
Dr. John H. Mitchell left for Kansas Friday to view the prospects of locating there.
J.H. Wise, Saline Pct., returned home from a tour of the west, taking in Southern Kansas and other points west, is well pleased and contemplates emigrating.
A son for Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Hartwell Tuesday evening last. James H. Perry and Ella Parks were married 2 Jul at residence of bride’s father, L.C. Parks of Crab Orchard.
Cottage Home – A baby for Sam Baker.
Hall School House – The funeral of Old Uncle Samuel Wright was attended last Sunday at Walnut Grove graveyard. MM 10 Jul 1879
Corinth – An infant of James Hearn of this place died the 4th. MM 10 Jul 1879
John L. Dunaway was adjudged insane last Thursday, has been taken to the asylum at Anna. He is not at all raving, but has talked and acted strange for some time….almost total wreck and shows what intemperance and 1icenteousness will do for a man. We sympathize with his family and hope a short stay in the insane hospital may restore his mind. EP 10 Jul 1879 Mayor L.A. Goddard returned home from Hot Springs, Arkansas Friday…. visited relatives in Missouri.
His cousin, Miss Laura Spiller of Lebanon, Missouri accompanied him home. EP 10 Jul 1879
A.J. Reese, a member of the Legislature 1870-71, is keeping a saloon in Cobden….had confrontation with a customer and Reese was perforated with 2 pistol balls. Alas! How are the mighty fallen. EP 10 Jul 1879
John M. Cunningham, employed at Chicago post office, passed the 4th with relatives in this city. EP 10 Jul 1879
A 12 year old son of Samuel T. Burnett was killed by a mule the 2nd in Rock Creek Pet…. had been plowing and had taken out for supper…. riding mule and it threw him…. a chain wrapped around his neck and he was dragged to death…. clothes entirely torn from body.
Mrs. McDonald, of Southern part of county, died suddenly last week from drinking cold water while overheated. EP 10 Jul 1879
Jo P. Roberts has moved to Mound City to practice law in partnership with R.W. McCartney of Metropolis. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Davis are enjoying the company of a new daughter. MM 17 Jul 1879
Marriage Licenses issued past three weeks:
James W. Ice and Mary A. Chamness
John N. Hicks and Louisa Eaton
Trice Stafford and Phoebe A. Lawrence
Charles Wood and Julia A. Fox
Thomas O. McMinn and S.E. Hampton
John H. Perry and Luella Parks
William Boyd and Esther Hangle
George W. Swafford and Bell Calvert
G.W. Halstead and Fanny Williams
John M. Smith and Susan J. Smiley
Aaron Guard and Angelinia Haning
William Rainey and Debby Williams
Thomas Bennett and Sarah Harrison
MM 17 Jul 1879
A little child of Marsh Calvert died here last week. MM 17 Jul 1879
The wife of Thomas Benton, of the Jonesboro Gazette, died last week of cerebro spinal meningitis.
Wednesday the 9th, 3 miles west of Benton, Franklin Co., a man named Pyle and his son were stacking wheat. A storm came up and lightning struck Pyle, killing him instantly, was struck on head, ran downward and split his toes open…. son was knocked senseless, wheat caught fire, friends dragged both away, the boy will recover. EP 17 Jul 1879
Capt. F.M. Norman, living east of here, drew $3,000 arrearage in pension. He belonged to the 110th Ill Vols.
Dr. L.H. Spencer, late of Grand Tower, has taken up permanent residence in our town.
Mahala Vinyard was tried in Circuit Court at this place last Thursday on a charge of keeping a bawdy house. She came clear and no sooner than free, gave the sheriff a ‘cussing.” For this, she was arrested by the city sanhedrin and Squire Holland fined her five dollars and the fringe. She made a good note and was released. EP 24 Jul 1879
A boiler on the engine of a threshing machine bursted at Columbia, Pope Co, blowing out each end. Killed were Joseph Wertman, engineer, Charles Barrett and Japeth Hill. Several others were hurt and at least two more are expected to die. MM 24 Jul 1879
Marriage License – John A. Odle and Nora A. Morgan MM 24 Jul 1879
A new daughter for Judge Young Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Stull are happy over the arrival of a little stranger last week.
Douglas McMunn of Northern Twp, was adjudged insane and will be sent to the asylum, the sixth person from this county in the past 2 weeks. MM 24 Jul 1879
A child of Elder Little died 19 Jul, his wife is also very low. MM 24 Jul 1879
Inscribed to Mrs. Dr. Titsworth of Jeffersonvi11e, on the death of “Little Eva”, by her friend, L.M. Watkins:
Bereaved mother, what can feeble friendship say
To soothe the anguish of this mournful day?
They, they alone, whose hearts have bled,
Know how the living sorrow for the dead.
I’ve felt it all – Alas! Too well I know
How vain all earthly power to hush thy woe!
God cheer thee, sorrowing mother, tis not given
To ward the blow that falls from heaven.
I’ve felt it all – as thou art feeling now
Like thou, with stricken heart and aching brow.
I’ve sat and watched by dying beauty’s bed
And burning tears of hopeless anguish shed.
I’ve gazed upon the sweet but pallid face
And vainly tried some comfort there to trace.
I’ve listened to the short and struggling breath
I’ve seen the cherub eye grow dim in death.
Like thee: I’ve veiled my head in speechless gloom
And laid my Eva in the tomb. Marion, Ill Jul 13, 1879
MM 24 Jul 1879
Adi. notice – Martha J. Carmicle, admrx. estate of George W. Carmicle.
Chancery Sale – Enos A. Phillips vs J.H. Duncan and Co., decree to enforce vendor’s lien. EP 24 Jul 1879
J.A. Dunaway filed for appointment as conservator for John L. Dunaway, alleged to be insane. MM 31 Jul 1879
General Logan is spending a few days with friends in Jackson County. MM 31 Jul 1879
Mrs. Grimes died the 21st after suffering a long and severe illness of several months, leaves family of dependent children. MM 31 Jul 1879
Sam Brack, son of Eli as, living 3 miles southwest, died Sunday in great agony from measles, internal hemorrhage and typhoid fever. EP 31 Jul 1879
Notice of application for pardon of Samuel Music, convicted of murder of William Spence and sentenced to 14 years. A.E. Brewer EP 31 Jul 1879
Sheriff’s sale – Judgment against John Goodall, Marion C. Campbell and Samuel W. Dunaway in favor of James B. Field, Edward P. Thayer and Emery H. Munroe, partners in the firm of Field, Thayer and Co.
Final settlement notice – James H. Donahoo, admr. estate of Robert Lipsey. MM 31 Jul 1879
Milo Erwin informs us that he will return to Marion this fall and practice law.
Cottage Home – J.M. Kilbreth and Annie Lence were married at residence of bride’s father on Jul 30.
August 1879
Judge Harker held court at Cairo last week and sentenced Glass to hang Aug 21 for the killing of Newman last spring. Delaney Grace and Catharine Johnson were married at Old Stonefort last Saturday. MM 7 Aug 1879
Marriage licenses issued in last two weeks:
John W. Clarida and Mary M. Lewis
J.M. Kilbreth and Anna M. Lence
William Springs and Martha J. Norman
Joseph H. Davis and Melissa Boren
K.E. Norman and E.G. Lanningham
James Willyard and Laura B. Adams
John Thomas and Annie Smith
W.H. Hinchcliff and Cynthia Walker
Jesse B. Forehan and Arista Epperson
Dewitt C. Snoddy and Marth J. Gould
MM 7 Aug 1879
Senator John A. Logan honored our city with a visit Friday, the guest of M.C. CampbelL.
K.L. Norman and Emeline Lanningham were married 31 Jul. EP 7 Aug 1879
Adi, notice – R.M. Hundley admr. estate of Featherstone Doty.
Adm. sale – S.S. Vick and CM. Edwards, admrs. estate of E.T Wiley.
Sheriff’s sale – Judgment against Joseph Kimmell and Michael Kimmell, in favor of James B. Roberts. EP 7 AUG 1879
Chancery sale – Terry Williams et al vs Marion Boles et al, partition of real estate previously sold to George James, other tract previously sold to W.R. Davidson and another previously sold to William Robinson.
Adi. notice – Agnes Howard admrx. estate of E.S. Howard MM 7 Aug 1879
The post office was removed Thursday last to the room in the Goodall & Campbell block, recently vacated by the bank. MM 14 Aug 1879
Rev. E. Bolander, of Jeffersonvi11e, was in Marion last week soliciting contributions for the purpose of building a church house for the German Congregation of the Evangelical Association at that point. The house is to be built on land donated by Adolph Doering, one and a half mile from Jeffersonvi11e, on the Blairsville to Fancy Farm Road. Our citizens contributed quite liberally. MM 14 Aug 1879
Marriage Licenses the past week:
Thomas Hill and Sarah E. Davis
Henry Dunn and Barbara J. Bowman
Ezekiel Dunn and Nancy Smith
J.S. Motsinger and Nora J. Ensminger
A.J. Young and Julia M. Hewlett
John S. Bandy and Sally Risinger
Perry Grear and Harriet S. Dollars
George Bulliner and Amanda Bennett
Hugh King and Martha H. Wilson
Henry D. Sands and Mary E. Lipsey
Charles Woods and Mary J. Mccrea
MM 14 Aug 1879
Franklin Co – John M.C. Smith was killed Aug 6 at Garrets Prairie by Robert Ashby…. Ashby had rented a piece of land from Smith to raise tobacco, failing to use the land. Smith wanted it to plant wheat this fall, Ashby refused and went to the field where Smith was plowing and threw a club at him…. Smith threw the club back and went on plowing. Ashby drew a revolver and shot him in the abdomen. Smith ran and Ashby fired again, hitting about one inch above the first wound. Smith died within 15 minutes. Ashby fled. MM 14 Aug 1879
Cottage Home – Perry Grear and Miss Dollar were married Aug 10 at residence of bride’s father. MM 14 Aug. 1879
Miss Lizzie McFarland is visiting her cousin, Miss Helen Yost, here.
The Monitor was visited by J.H. Manier and his daughter, Mrs. Emily Bennett, of Ft. Smith, Arkansas.
Aunt Rebecca Davis has returned to our midst and the boys all seem glad, as she has several good looking girls. MM 14 Aug 1879
Hall School House – Tom Dugger says it is a Republican in principal and he doesn’t care who knows it. Mother and child are doing wel1.
W.R. Powell and family, of Stoddard County, Mo, are visiting this vicinity. MM 14 Aug 1879
Assignees notice of final settlement – J.R. Little, assignee of H.M. Basinger.
Chancery Sale – Griffin J. Baker vs Ephraim Harris, foreclosure of mortgage. MM 14 Aug 1879
Last night R. Borton, proprietor of the Mclnturff Mills, this city, was robbed of $125 in five dollar bills…. money taken from under his pillow at the Pulley House…. A peddler named Dominick O’Donnell had put up here also….was arrested on his way to the depot and had money corresponding to that lost by Mr. Borton, in both amount and size. EP 14 Aug 1879
Marriage Licenses this past week:
Jacob Teal and Elvira Whitaker
Richard Smith and Sarah Cook
J.O. Williams and Lavina A. Edmonds
R.H. Hendrickson and G.C. Ghent
Archibald Batts and Lottie Davis
Jas T. Angel and Mary E. Hankins
MM 21 Aug 1879
The baby of Mr. and Mrs. O.P. Henson died Sunday in Union Pet.
David Corder, a young man was found dead last week on the banks of Saline Creek, 6 miles east of Marion.
Thomas J. Wilson, editor of the Mt. Vernon News, died at his residence there last week. MM 21 Aug 1879
A stillbirth occurred at the home of J.E. Manier Friday. EE 21 Aug 1879
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Privett rejoice in the possession of a new son.
Felix Furlong was kicked by a mule at the Prairie Church, 5 miles east, Sunday, broke his leg between the knee and ankle. The rain Friday ruined ten or fifteen thousand bricks for Marion Norman at his kiln west of town.
William J. Spiller is preparing to burn a kiln of brick on his farm north of town.
John Wall, once of this city, is going to start a paper at Coulterville.
D.D. Hatfield of DuQuoin, a director of the Covenant Mutual Benefit association, spent a few days in this city last week. At the residence of Elder Wilson, Mr. King of Tennessee wedded the parson’s youngest daughter, Hattie. MM 21 Aug. 1879
Grassy – J.E. Townsend has sold his farm and will go to Kansas soon.
Joel Oakes was visited by midnight visitors who borrowed a wagon load of corn, 4 shirts and some other clothing. MM 21 Aug. 1879
Herrin’s Prairie – Ephraim Roberts was thrown from a horse and seriously injured last week. A girl for Thomas Duncan. MM 21 Aug 1879
The following schools were reported as taken:
Clemmie Spiller – Stotlar School in Herrin’s Prairie
Alex Stotlar – Parsons School House
J.H. Duncan – Ferges
Ada Lamaster – Phelps Prairie
Dan Walker – Baird
Ella Spiller – Chitty
Nannie Hendrickson – Robinson
John L.D. Hartwell – Cherry Valley
MM 21 Aug 1879
Adi. notice – Caroline Arterberry admrx. of estate of Nathan Arterberry. EP 21 Aug. 1879
Guardian’s Final Notice – John A. Baiar and Margaret Baiar, admrs. estate of John C. Baiar. Public notice given to Elizabeth Favor, Mary H. Harrison, Barbara Conrad, Caroline Martina and Margaret Orth, surviving children of Jacob Orth, deceased.
Final settlement – Thomas A. Stephens and R.P.W. Turnage, admrs. estate of John Stephens.
Adi. notice – Judith Pride admrx. estate of John Pride. MM 21 Aug. 1879
Scoharrie – Mr. Edgar Thompson of Graves Co, Kentucky is visiting his sister, Mrs. Dr. Titsworth of Jeffersonvi11e. Mr. Beverly Nall was bit on the hand by a copperhead a few days ago – is recovering. MM 28 Aug 1879
Ben Swindler, using George Mitchell’s threshing machine on Friday, while feeding the machine at Fletcher Ferges, was bitten by a reptile, supposed to be a spider. Only prompt treatment saved his life. Three pints of whiskey was administered to him before the poison was counteracted. MM 28 Aug 1879
A $200 reward has been offered for the capture of Robert Ashby. who shot and killed John M.C. Smith near Fitts Hill, Franklin Co, three weeks ago. He is 19 years old, 5″ 5″ or 6″, cross eyed, somewhat tongue tied and 120 pounds. MM 28 Aug 1879
Mrs. Charles Samuels was found drowned in the well on their premises in Crainville last Thursday morning…. had retired at usual hour and seemed in good health and spirits…. missed about 3 o’clock and found … had been partially demented for some time.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Privett died last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hendrickson lost a child last week. [EP says a stillbirth.]
Grassy – Mrs. Mary E. Harris of this settlement, died recently of chronic dysentery…. ill nearly a year. MM 28 Aug 1879
Marriage Licenses:
John Sutten and M.E. Youngblood
James M. Lemon and Amanda E. Tucker
John N. Blue and Amanda T. Groves
George Edwards and Elizabeth Somers
Joseph Fozzard and Emma Evans
James T. Henry and Rachel A. Norton
MM 28 Aug. 1879
Chancery Sale – Griffin J. Baker vs Ephraim Harris, foreclosure. MM 28 Aug 1879
D.A. Davis and family and N.C. Rogers, the last installment of those who moved to Arkansas, returned to Marion Monday. James and Bruce Hendrickson contemplate a move to Minnesota next month.
September 1879
C.W. Miller, A.C. McMunn and Sanders, all of Northern Pet., have gone west. Post office address unknown. MM 4 Sep 1879
Marriage Licenses:
Joseph Bloodworth and Julia Rumley
Leroy Norman and Clementine C. Hasten
James B. Baldwin and Frances E. Tate
S. Holdsbrook and Cyntha J. Burpo
S.W. White and Nancy J. Ray
Thomas B. Hunnicutt and Mary E. Davis
MM 4 Sep 1879
Albert Dunaway entered the store of his uncle, S.W. Dunaway last Monday with a shotgun and threatened to shoot him…. bound in sum of $1,000, in default of bond was sent to jail. EP 4 Sep. 1879
A hundred years hence! What is it that is born today that will live to see it? And what, if it does, shall he see – a daily balloon to London and an afternoon trip to Florida? Will the docks, now echoing with the hiss of steam, be filled by strange, unearthly shapes, with wings and fans and gandy bags of gas? Will freight trains, drawn by noiseless power, pass swiftly beneath the sea, parcels dart like lightning around the world? Stranger things than these have happened within a hundred years and some may live to see even greater wonders. EP 4 Sep 1879
Waldo Slankard, son of J.H. and M.J. Slankard, died 27 Aug, aged 7 months and 19 days.
Hall School house – Arthur Tanner, aged 1 year, 8 months and 17 days, son of Stephen and Sylvia Tanner, died 21 Aug, also an infant child of John Wright. MM 4 Sep 1879
A double murder near Galatia – Samuel H. Pemberton and Little Bill Roberts. Pemberton, a farmer who also attended to suits before Justices of Peace, had been to Galatia to attend a lawsuit … had difficulties with parties interested in suit … started for home in Hamilton Co … was waylaid near county line and both shot through head. J.B. Calvert will defend the accused parties. EP 4 Sep 1879
Sheriff’s Sale – Judgment against Douglas McMunn and Andrew C. McMunn in favor of the People of Illinois.
Judgment against H.M. Graves in favor of Marcus L. Ballard.
Adi. Notice – Penelope Smart admrx. estate of Joseph B. Smart. EP 4 See 1879
A list of letters remaining in the Marion Post Office, which if not called for within one month, will be sent to the dead letter office:
Margarette Adams Addie J. Rankin Joseph W. Kelley
Democrat editor W.S. Taylor W.W. Linsey
Nancy Hutchinson D.C. Warren G.C. Norman
Henry Harris Miss Sarah Wright A.B. Parker
Samuel Hysour Rosa Clark Lyonst Strassnyer
W.H. Morrison Douglas Coffer A.N. Westcott
James More W.B. Craige Peter Wagner
Rev. W. Wacke
Persons calling for any of the above, please say they were advertised. W.N. Mitchell, P.M., Marion, IL Sep 1, 1879
Marriage Licenses:
Jas. Sheretz – Mary E. Keaster
Robert McKinney – Vina Bradley
George Fry – Annie M. Stumpf
Albert C. Calvert – Martha J. Lee
H.T. Carter – Mary M. Stewart
R.J. Bradley – Sarah J. Cooper
John H. Stewart – Elizabeth Moake
MM 11 Sep. 1879
Josephine Caywood McCarty, wife of Dr. J.M. McCarty of Cartervi11e, died at home Friday, Sep 5 of congestive chills, aged 34 years, 3 months and 16 days … born Nicholas Co, Kentucky in 1845, converted and joined Methodist Church in 1866. She leaves husband and 4 small children. Burial was in the Marion City Cemetery. MM 11 Sep 1879
Lesbia Corley, 7 years, 6 months and 27 days, daughter of Dr. C.V. and Adaline Corley, died Sunday, Sep 7. MM 11 Sep. 1879
Ex- Lieutenant Governor John Dougherty, 73 years old, died at his home in Jonesboro Sunday. EP 11 Sep 1879
Last Saturday night at the old mill in this city, Silas McGowan and Isaac Wicks engaged in a fight over a difference of opinion as to the price of 2 bushels of potatoes. Both are old men, perhaps 60 years old. EP 11 Sep 1879
James Sheretz and Mary E. Keaster were married 3 Sep at the residence of the bride’s father near Carterville.
Robert McKinney of Center Co, Tennessee and Vinie Bradley were married at the residence of the bride’s mother in Herrin’s Prairie. EP 11 Sep 1879
Hamilton County – At Sneed Schoolhouse, B.F. Greer, writing master, was stabbed in four places by two young men named Prince and it is thought he will die. EP 11 Sep 1989
Chancery Sale – Thomas Pulley vs Iradell Williams et al, foreclosure of mortgage. MM 11 Sep 1879
Robert M. Hundley vs Isham Blankenship et al, mortgage foreclosure.
Robert Copher et al vs John Tygett, petition to sell real estate.
Samuel S. Vick as Master in Chancery vs Robert Hankins, mortgage foreclosure
Sheriff’s Sale – Judgment against Ephraim P. Cannon, Joel K. Oaks, James Collins and Martin Gentry, in favor of Mary Reed. EP 11 Sept 1789
A new cemetery is needed in this place … it often occurs in digging a new grave, an old one is dug into. EP 18 Sep 1879
The hand of affliction was laid heavily upon family of George Thompson near this city. His son Floyd, a lad of 13 summers, died on the 8th and 3 days later his daughter, Hester, age 2, died. They came from Shawneetown less than 2 months ago and settled on the Grog farm near southeast part of this city. Miss Carrie Houts, daughter of Rev. C.J. Houts and sister of Mrs. R.T. Goddard of this city, died the 10th at residence of parents in Carlyle, IL. MM 18 Sep 1879
The wife of Dr. John Nutting of Carbondale died last week.
James P. Stockton, for several years editor of Grand Tower Item, died a few days ago at Hot Springs, AR. EP 18 Sep 1879
Albert Dunaway, who has been under peace bond for threatening to shoot S.W. Dunaway, was given up by his bondsmen, Frank Goodall and M.C. Campbell last Friday and is now in jail. MM 18 Sep 1879
Marriage Licenses:
G.H. Turner – Luella Travelstead
John Bradshaw – Catherine Dixon
MM 18 Sep 1879
Scott Rhea will teach at Leigh School the ensuing term. George W. Brock met with a serious accident last Monday at his blacksmith shop … preparing to shoe a wild colt belonging to Scott Tippy …animal kicked him below left shoulder, knocking two ribs loose and breaking a third. MM 18 Sep 1879
Grassy – Tuesday night, the 2nd, someone broke into the store of I.N. Walker and got about $2 in money, several pairs of socks and some other things. Mr. Walker will give a pair of socks as reward for the arrest of each of the parties interested in the theft and the return of the goods. MM 18 Sep 1879
Levi Holbrook and Cynthia J. Burpo were married the 3rd at home of bride’s father, Joseph H. Burpo. MM 18 Sep 1879
Adi. notice – S.L. Jent and Josiah Dorris admrs. estate of J.M Jent
Final report – B.R. Felts admr. estate of William H. Felts MM 18 Sep 1879
Dr. J.L. Owen, postmaster at Bainbridge, has held this office continuously for 35 years. We do not believe there is any other postmaster in the country bearing a commission of earlier date than the doctor’s. MM 25 Sep 1879
Last Saturday, P.H. Lang made an affidavit that he stood in mortal fear of W.H. Campbell, asking that he be placed under bond … complaint dismissed by Justice Reynolds at Lang’s cost. MM 25 Sefi 1879
Miss Laura Spiller returned home to Lebanon, Missouri this week. MM 25 Sep 1879
Judge James N. North, formerly of this county, now of Boulder, Colorado, was Chairman of the Republican State Convention last week in Denver. MM 25 Sep 1879
W.W. Grant will teach Crabtree School, 3 miles east. MM 25 Sep 1879
It’s a boy for J.F. Connell of the Press, Sep 21.
It’s a girl, standard weight, for Jim Mitchell. MM 25 Sep 1879 EP says a girl for J.C. Mitchell, yesterday morning.
Marriage Licenses:
G.F. Adams – Louisa Gray
James A. Roach – Ruth J. Braswell
Allen Bickers – Amanda Turner
Thomas J. Handcock – Sarah Gregory
W.C. Bass – Sarah Henry
James A. Roberts – Sarah E. Chamness
MM 25 Sep 1879
Admr. sale of real estate – M.J. Turner and C.W. Parks, admrs. estate of Charles W. Turner.
Mortgages sale – John P. Clemmons and wife Martha A. Clemmons. Blakeslee and Brother, mortgagees. MM 25 Sep 1879
(Extracted from microfilm at Morris Library and/or Illinois State Library by Helen Sutt Lind, published in Events in Egypt, Vol. 2)