Extracted chiefly from the newspapers, Marion Monitor (MM) and Egyptian Press (EP)
October 1879
Joe Burns, the barber, died at residence of Josiah Davis near Union Grove last Monday.
William Wagoner, age 98, died 22 Sep at residence of Elder Willis Corder…. born in Kentucky and came to this county at early age, helped open road from Sarahsville to Frankfort…. became helpless and an inmate of the poor house, but the Baptist at the Prairie Church, five miles east of Marion, of which he had for years been a member, agreed to support him and moved him to the residence where he died. MM 2 Oct 1879
Marriage Licenses:
Bureal Shears – Harriet Glenn
John M. Baskins – Mourning Pate
Jesse Crow – Sarah J. Armstrong
Henry Hudgens – Josephine Durham
Joseph D. White – Louisa V. Manning
MM 2 Oct 1879
A little boy of W.S. Calvert, deceased, was playing near a mule a few days ago and came near losing his nose from kick of the mule. He will probably be disfigured for life. MM 2 Oct 1879
Mr. and Mrs. S.F. Mitchell have gone to Kansas to visit their son, Roe Mitchell, who is quite ill.
Dr. J.F. Tidwell of Atilla tells us Mr. R.P. Dodd is on his way back from Kansas to his former home in this county, also that the Doctor’s father, E.S. Tidwell of Elm, Texas will spend the winter in this county. MM 2 Oct 1879
Sheriff’s sale – Judgment against H.L. White, J.J. White and W.B. Meredith in favor of P.M. Smith, guardian of Anderson Alexander.
Non-resident notice – Jonathan Edwards and Equitable Trust Co. vs Matilda Landrum and George F. Crain, as admrs. of estate of James W. Landrum, James L. Landrum and Wesley A. Landrum -bill to appoint receiver and foreclose trust deed. Last two named are non-residents. EP 2 Oct 1879
Rev. Ransom preached an able discourse at Union Grove last Sunday on the resurrection, on the occasion of the funeral of Marcellous M. Hearn. Attendance was large – the house full and very attentive. MM 2 Oct 1879
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ebbi died last Thursday.
Louisa Hobbs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Green Hobbs, died Friday at residence of her father in this city.
EP says daughter of Green Robb died last week.
Hall School House – A child of Milo Henshaw died the 27th.
MM 9 Oct 1879
Estella Hendrickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Hendrickson, died Friday, aged 10 months. Buried family burying ground.
Estella Ensminger, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ensminger, died 4 Oct at home of parents. Buried City Cemetery.
Mr. Roe Mitchell died near Fredonia, Kansas last week. As he reached manhood he fell victim to the dread monster and passed away. Mrs. CM. Kern has been dangerously ill the past week, prostrated by news of the death of her brother, Roe Mitchell She received the telegram last Wednesday evening. MM and EP 9 Oct 1879
While attending Roberts-Mitchell wedding last Sunday, Ed Mitchell and his lady were thrown from a buggy…. going from Dr. Mitchell’s to Corinth…. both bruised and scratched and buggy badly wrecked. MM 9 Oct 1879
H.C. Mitchell and Miss Alma Roberts, daughter of George Roberts, were married at Zion ME Church 5 Oct by Rev. CE. Cline and left Monday for St. Louis for a few days, from there they go to Chicago. MM 9 Oct 1879
It is reported that Black Bill Crain has made his escape from the penitentiary. We give as we heard – rumor. MM 9 Oct 1879
Hall School House – Samuel Arnold and family, Hibert Arnold and family, Gris Long and family, Daniel Bullinder and family and Rev. Andy Bullinder started for Arkansas the 21st. John Wright and family and John Ivey and family intend to start for the same place soon. MM 9 Oct 1879
A daughter for John Ensminger Friday. MM 9 Oct 1879
Chancery sale – Zachariah Hudgens admr. estate of Oliver H. Wiley vs William N. Mitchell and Emily A. Mitchell, mortgage foreclosure.
Frank Brown and Samuel W. Dunaway admrs. estate of Samuel Dunaway vs Samuel S. Vick et al, mortgage foreclosure.
Non-resident notice – George James vs Terry Williams as admr estate of Joseph T. Williams, Terry Williams, Elijah Peterson, Mary Jane Peterson, Martha P. Carter, Peron Carter, W.H. Carter, Mahala J. Simpkinson, Parlia Dailey, Calvin Dailey, Mary Ann Haines, W.H. Boles, Mary E. Moyers, George W. Moyers and Marion Boles. [Last seven are non-residents.]
Sheriff’s sale – Judgment against A.M. Askew and Mary Ann Askew, partners in A.M. Askew and Co., in favor of Thomas Davis.
Adi. notice – T.A. Hill admr. estate of John Kelly. EP 9 Oct 1879
Mrs. Peter Miller of Bainbridge Pet., apparently in good health, fell dead at her residence Saturday morning. MM 16 Oct 1879
Gertie Hendrickson, 2 years and 9 months, daughter of James and Mary Hendrickson, died Thursday, buried Union Grove.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Springs died Sunday morning. MM and EP 16 Oct 1879 MM says Pitt Springs, James Edrington1 s baby died last Thursday. EP 16 Oct 1879
George Mitchell tripped while hulling clover near Crainville and dislocated his shoulder. Two physicians were required to set it. MM 16 Oct 1879
Harry Little, about 3 or 4 years old, son of John R. Little, fell into Mr. Little’s well in this city and came near drowning. After striking the water, he caught hold of a pump chain and thus kept his head above water till John Springs and J.C. Mitchell rescued him. MM and EP 16 Oct 1879
J.H. McKinney received arrears of pension last week, some $800, and invested money in J.Z. Hudgens farm. Jim was a prisoner in Andersonville 9 months. J.Z. Hudgens has sold his farm and will remove to Lake Creek Pet. after the election. MM 16 Oct 1879
William Schaffer of Burnsides has twin girl babies.
A brand new boy for James M. Campbell Monday – 10 1/2 pounds. MM 16 Oct 1879
Marriage Licenses:
Russell Gower – Josephine Felts
John Z. Sizemore – Sarah C. Phelps
Jos. W. Kelley – Samantha T. Belcher
Jeremiah C. Norman – Orlena A. Bower
MM 16 Oct 1879
Cairo Argus Journal – Mrs. W.J. Yost of Metropolis passed through the city last evening on her way home from Hot Springs, had been to see husband who is stopping there for his health. Several days since she received a dispatch saying her husband was dead. She went to Cairo and received another dispatch saying he was not dead. To all appearances he was dead, shrouded and laid out. After several hours it was discovered the body did not grow cold. A consultation of physicians resulted in a majority saying he was dead, but one, Dr. Reed, insisted he was not. Two galvanic batteries were applied to the body and immediately he began to show signs of life. Bringing him back to life was a slow process, but it was eventually accomplished and he has been gaining ever since and is now able to partake of a fair meal, converse, write, etc. He now appears to have a better prospect for recovering his health than he has had for some years. MM 16 Oct 1879 [This “jump start” apparently gave Mr. Yost an extra four months of life as the MM reported on Feb 24, 1880 that Mr. William J. Yost died of pneumonia at his home in Metropolis.]
Alexander Walker of Johnson County was arrested for selling liquor without a license at a camp meeting, was examined before Commissioner Adams at Springfield and sentenced to five days in jail. MM 16 Oct 1879
Non-resident notice – Martha J. McCombs vs Joseph Alexander McCombs for divorce and alimony, he a non-resident. MM 16 Oct 1879
Cairo Bulletin – Frank Dresser and his brother who were killed by Ute Indians when they sacked the White River Agency and killed old Father Meeker, are said to have been late of the town of Anna. Frank’s body was found in a coal cave where he crawled to die. The others were found on the common, stark naked and mutilated. EP 23 Oct 1879
Cairo Bulletin – The case of the People vs Mrs. Mecham (Meacham) and Morris Howard for the murder of James Mecham, called during the recent term of Pulaski County court, was laid over until Feb term ….both are in jail…. murder was a blood thirsty shocking affair in the extreme. EP 23 Oct 1879
Marriage Licenses: [Edge of paper cut off.]
John S. Webb – Mary J. Basinger
? S. McClarey – Sarah C. Smith
James H. Roberts – Levina Moore
John S. Miller – Nancy E. Wood
? D. Joiner – Edna F. Parks
MM 23 Oct 1879
Theo McHaney shot and killed a bird a few days since that measured six feet from tip to tip of wings. MM 23 Oct 1879
Robert Ashby who murdered John Smith the 5th of last Aug near Fitt’s Hill, Franklin Co, was captured in Bourbon County, Kansas last week and brought back to Benton. MM 23 Oct 1879
John T. Owen, convicted of murder in the March term of court in Williamson County and sentenced to 25 years, has been paroled and last Thursday returned to his farm near Union Grove. Governor Beveridge commuted his sentence to 14 years and now he is pardoned on the recommendation of the Judge and Prosecuting Attorney in the case. MM 23 Oct 1879
John H.Haxter and Mary Wehr, both of this city, were married 27 Oct by Esq. John H. Reynolds. MM 30 Oct 1879
Marriage Licenses:
S.F. Phillips – S.J. Clayton
John F. Hughey – Sarah Jackson
W.H. Forbes – Alshea Harper
Petus Priddy – Penelope Watson
J.H. Haxter – Mary Wehr
MM 30 Oct 1879
Uncle Bill Parsons contemplates a trip to Dade Co, Missouri in the near future, the home of his son-in-law, David G. Young. MM 30 Oct 1879
A petition for pardon to Governor Cullom for John Kelley, convicted in Feb 1877 of assault to murder.
Bill for divorce – Mary M. Parker vs Al Parker
Non-resident notice – Emma E. Bell admrx. and John Bell admr. estate of Seth Bell vs Emma E. Bell, widow of Seth Bell, John Bell, Seth Bell Jr., Martha Jones, Caroline Jones, Nancy Jenkins, Emma Meace and Wash Keys. John Bell is non-resident.
Adm. sale of real estate – James M. Fowler and William T. Fowler admrs. estate of James M. Fowler. MM 30 Oct 1879
November 1879
Saturday night at the residence of Roy Norman, three miles east, Henrietta Coons and William Linsey were sitting up courting. He had a revolver in his pocket and when she learned of it, she took it from him. In a scuffle, the gun discharged and she received a wound in the breast. Dr. Bundy was called to dress the wound. EP 6 Nov 1879
P.A.C. Mayhew, living ten miles west, committed suicide last Saturday by taking arsenic. Financial troubles are said to be the cause. He leaves a wife and 2 or 3 children. His wife is the daughter of Mrs. Cline, proprietress of the Cline House in this city. Later – it is learned he did not suicide. A post mortem showed he died of congestion of bowels and stomach. EP 6 Nov 1879
A protracted meeting has been going on at Perry’s Camp Ground, three miles northwest, the past two weeks. Rev’s A. Ransom, G.W. Lamaster, S. Hearn and others have been laboring in the good work. EP 6 Nov 1879
Mrs. Florence Mitchell’s millinery is established under the supervision of Mrs. Litaker and Mrs. Mitchell has taken charge of the well-known Pulley House. EP 6 Nov 1879
At Carterville, Dr. J.M. McCarty has completed a new building to be occupied by his large stock of drugs and medicine. Mr. Golden is building a very respectable business house. Mr. Pribble has a new hotel, Mrs. Pribble a millinery store, Charles Boyd is the merchant in tailoring and clothing trade and W.H. Phillips is in blacksmith and wagon making. EP 6 Nov 1879
Adi. notice – Martha J. Watson admrx. estate of W.J. Watson.
Sheriff’s sale – Judgment against James A. Boren, John S. Barrett and Columbus Baird in favor of John D. Freeman. EP 6 Nov 1879
George Lopas and Laura Browning were married at Benton last Saturday. EP 13 Nov 1879
A letter was received from HQ 13th Inf. USA, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, from Lt. John Cunningham, directing a change of address from Chicago. John is an old Marion boy. MM 13 Nov 1879
Colonel Meeker, the Indian agent murdered by Indians during the recent uprising of Utes, is a former resident of Union County, near Anna. MM 13 Nov 1879
Marriage Licenses:
Charles 0. Herrin – Lucy Blair
D.J. Lingle – Lena McNeely
William Taylor – Jane Craig
Henry Norris – Jane Lindsey
George W. Harris – Mary Ann Lee
MM 13 Nov 1879
Herrin’s Prairie – Nathaniel Cox, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of the county, wandered away from home last Wednesday and nothing has been heard from him since. MM 13 Nov 1879
Miss Julia Cox died at the residence of William Aikman Monday last. She was a sister of Mrs. Aikman. MM 13 Nov 1879 EP says she died Tuesday.
We have D.R. Harrison to thank for the following: At a meeting of the county Sunday School Executive Committee, the following were appointed as Executive Committees for the precincts, to assist the Vice President in more fully organizing the precincts and carrying on Sunday School work: Western – H.M. Richert, J.W. Morris, Mrs. Ann Kennedy, William Thompson and Stanley Bell
Carterville – James Stover, W.E. Sizemore, ____Smith, Mrs. Sam Williams and Elder Gabriel Cox
Eight Mile -William Haden, Warren Crain, Charles Manard, Giles Nelson and John DOwell
Grassy -Elder David Sanders, T.J. Throgmartin, _____Craig, Calvin Howell and I.N. Walker
Southern – Samuel Dowdy, A.J. Chitty, Scott Nelson, Mrs. Ida Bloodworth and James Jones
Bainbridge – John Landers, F. Brown, Mrs. H. Bean, Elder McAlpin and Mrs. Jerome Holland
Herrin’s Prairie – Thomas Stotlar, G.W. Roberts, J.W. Blair, W.A. Stotlar and J.E. Gibbs
Lake Creek – Abram Kelley, W.W. Dorris, C.K. Oliver, Carol Clark and W.G. Batts Marion – A. M. Pace, J.S, Gulledge, Mrs. Nance, Mrs. Dr. Bundy and Mrs. J.E. Gallagher Union – Jo Stark, Dr. White, David Bennett, Perry Henson and Elder Knight
Saline – Finley Roberts, Robert Miles, ___Smith and Henry Wise
Rock Creek – William Barter, A.L. Thompson, Elder S. Allen, Wesley Parks and Elijah Turner
Crab Orchard – Dr. McDonald, B.F. Ensminger, Elder Willis Corder, Thomas Bones and Motsinger
Northern – B.F. Weaver, W.E. Hearn, Oliver Cox, George Ray and Mrs. M.M. Mitchell
EP 13 Nov 1879
Sheriff’s sale – Judgment against Edward L. Dennison in favor of Samuel Dunaway.
Trustee sale – Jonas G. Eliot and wife Sarah J. Eliot to R.J. Adams, William S. Sanders, Augustus E. Ayers and Edmond B. Knight. EP 13 Nov 1879
City Marshal Hendrickson arrested Steve Culbreath Monday for carrying a concealed weapon…. not guilty.
D.R. Harrison of Herrin’s Prairie and Mrs. Harriet E. Backus of this city were married 18 Nov by Rev. Hugh McAlpin at residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. Clemens.
Dr. Cagle, a dentist from Metropolis, has located in Jeffersonville. MM 20 Nov 1879
Mr. Gigleux, father of Joseph J. Gigleux, died last Saturday at the residence of his son.
The untimely death of Miss Henrietta Coons occurred last Monday….growing out of carrying a concealed weapon. MM 20 Nov 1879
Clay Palmer and Mrs. Sally Young were married Friday night at the residence of the bride. MM 20 Nov 1879
The Benton Legal Tender is getting so high toned that it calls upon the citizens of that burg to quit spitting upon the sidewalk. MM 20 Nov 1879
A.M. Askew is visiting relatives in Dexter, Missouri. MM 20 Nov 1879
James Smith – Nancy E. Culp
H.C. Palmer – Sarah A. Young
Martin Sowells – Polly J. Abner
J.W. Meredith – Rebecca Williams
D.R. Harrison – Harriet E. Backus
MM 20 Nov 1879
DuQuoin Tribune – Last Sunday, Joseph Moore of St. John’s, with a couple of companions in front of his house, were talking of trading guns….took revolvers from pockets….on examining them, his friend’s thumb slipped off the hammer….ball struck Moore in chest. He got to his feet and walked about 25 steps to the door of the house and fell. The young men are 21 to 25 years old and had lately moved to St. John from Williamson Co. Moore was taken to Williamson Co. for burial. EP 20 Nov 1879
Bill for divorce – Florence R. Mitchell vs Joseph Mitchell MM 20 Nov 1879
Non-resident notice – Sarah M. Taylor vs Charles S. Taylor, bill for divorce. EP 20 Nov 1879
H.C. Palmer, late of Tennessee, and Mrs. Sallie Young, sister of Mrs. A.F. White, were married 12 Nov. [lengthy account] EP 20 Nov 1879
Vienna Journal – John Smith, son of Alex Smith, accidentally shot himself in the arm on the 13th and died while the arm was being amputated. MM 27 Nov 1879
A boy 16 Nov for H.U. Shackleford.
A boy for Mr. and Mrs. Dunston Wednesday of last week. MM 27 Nov 1879
Mart Groves returned home from Texas Saturday last. MM 27 Nov 1879
Julia A. King filed a bastardy case against I.J. Pitts in Southern Pet. He has “gone west to grow up with the country.” MM 27 Nov 1879
Rolla Holland and Miss Mollie Roberts, both of Northern Precinct, were married 20 Nov by Rev. Green Mitchell at the home of bride’s father, W.E. Hearn. MM 27 Nov 1879
Marriage Licenses:
N. Alexander – Susan A. Butts
Holland [Rolla] Holland – Mollie Roberts
William Pyles – Lucinda C. Fulcher
Henry L. Ray – Alice Beers
MM 27 Nov 1879
Bill for divorce – Casander Lowery vs Fredrick Lowery
Bill to remove cloud and for relief – Sarah Lang vs E.A. Hitchcock, assignee of Appleton, Noyes and Maude, non-residence of defendants MM 27 Nov 1879
Trustee sale -Henry Stocks and wife Sophronia E. Stocks to James A. Boren, Lemons Boren trustee.
Final settlement -Arthur Blake admr. estate of George Bulliner.
Adi. notice – L.A. Goddard admr. estate of James Goddard EP 27 Nov 1879
Stockholders meeting – Edwin Harrison, Samuel M. Dodd, A.C. Bryden, E.C. Dawes, J.M. Richart, H.F. Campbell and J.S. Bridges, stockholders in St. Louis Coal Railroad Company. Andrew C. Bryden, President, James C. Bryden, Secretary. EP 27 Nov 1879
December 1879
Mrs. Jeff Russell of Eight Mile Prairie, died week before last….clothes caught fire by some unknown means ….rushed to barn where husband was working….burned so badly she died the next day. MM 4 Dec 1879
Lost – A pocketbook containing two $20 bills and 2 notes, one signed by Martin Feurer and O.P. Manker, the other by J.M. Collins for $9.45. The finder will receive liberal reward by leaving same with C.M. Kern, Marion. J.H. Edwards MM 4 Dec 1879
Carbondale Observer – A lad named W.G. Parres, living on west side of county, was killed Wednesday by accidental discharge of gun while hunting….found lying on face with clothing on fire, body badly burned and disfigured. MM 4 Dec 1879
Hall School House – Daniel Bulliner and family, Aaron Arnold and family and James Carter and family, who moved to Arkansas about a month ago, have returned. The rest of the party is daily looked for. MM 4 Dec 1879
Tom Tanner rejoices over the advent of a son. MM 4 Dec 1879
Joseph Edmonson, hurt 3 months ago at horse racing, is still unable to move any part of the body, his flesh being apparently dead without the least feeling whatsoever. The doctors pronounce the case a mystery. MM 4 Dec 1879
Marriage Licenses:
Samuel Tanner – Louisa Wilkin
W.J. Caplinger – Julia A. Bradley
Henry Malone – Esther Greeney
Richard Harper – Rebecca J. Owen
MM 4 Dec 1879
W.J. Caplinger and Mrs. Julia A. Bradley were married 2 Dec by Judge George W. YoUNG at bride’s residence at Herrin’s Prairie. MM 4 Dec 1879
The Golconda Democrat says Elisha C. Brown, old and well-to-do farmer of Hardin Co, delivered a load of potatoes to Joe Shetler last Saturday…. rank heavily during the day….horse ran away with him…. found Sunday morning dead in the road, the overturned wagon bed lying across him, his neck and jaw broken. EP 4 Dec 1879
Carbondale Free Press – Mrs. Nancy Hindman, wife of Silas G. Hindman of this city, died at residence the 24th, in the 50th year of her age….born 28 Jul 1830, daughter of Noah and Susan Woodward, married 22 May 1858 ….was stricken down with paralysis in spring of 1861 and confined to bed 3 years and an invalid the rest of years, not being able to walk without help for 18 years. EP 4 Dec 1879
There was a burglary at the woolen mills of Mann and Edwards, jeans and blankets valued at $75-$80 stolen.
John, Washington and Albert Mocaby, brothers, were fined $10 each and sent to county jail for 6 hours for stealing watermelons. EP 11 Dec 1879
Mary A. Mayes and Hiram Fowler, both of Crab Orchard District, were married 4 Dec. EP 11 Dec 1879
Anna Fruit Grower – Tuesday morning, on front street opposite Hall’s store, a team was pulling a wagon loaded with kegs of nails. James Rice, a young man, was riding on top to keep them from rolling off. One rolled and he grabbed it and fell with it. While on ground, another keg hit him in the head, crushing it. He left a blind mother and her children who are fatherless. EP 11 Dec 1879
Virginia Dunston, wife of W.M., died 8 Dec at residence in Marion, age 30 years and 6 months … member of Baptist Church, left 4 small children. EP 11 Dec 1879
Carbondale Observer – Mrs. Harriet Edwards, wife of Dr. J.H. Edwards, died 2 Dec at 11 p.m., 32 years, 2 months and 8 days ….funeral today from the residence one mile west of Carbondale …is sister to Mrs. J.V. Grider of Marion. MM 11 Dec 1879
Marriage Licenses:
Hiram Fowler – Mary A. Mays
J.H. Schaffer – Clara M. Gibbs
MM 11 Dec 1879
The trial of Robert Ashby for the murder of Smith will take place at Benton the 17th inst. MM 11 Dec 1879
Obediah Stinson, blacksmith from Benton who has been working for J.H. Reynolds a year past, had a quarrel in Belleville last Oct with Lum Benson sent a 4 page letter to Benson by a small boy, John Kelley, inviting him to meet him on the “bloody sands of the arena”, or any other place. Lum turned it over to the law….Stinson arrested and tried to run away…. at preliminary trial next day it was proven it was no challenge and he was discharged. MM 18 Dec 1879 EP gives his name as T.A. Stinson and says simply that he challenged Benson to a duel.
Spiller Brothers have moved a portable saw mill on western part of the G.J. Baker farm. From the way the saw rings, the boys mean biz. But Griff says he don’t care a snap whether a wheel turns or not for the boy weighs six pounds and the mother is doing well. MM 18 Dec 1879
Pink Parker and others from here have gone to Murphysboro to work on the new railroad and coke ovens.
George W. McInturff writes on Dec 11 from Eureka Springs, Arkansas, a good advertisement for the Springs – says he will be home Jan 1, 1880.
Mr. Eugene Roberts, who has been in Colorado the past year or two, returned to Corinth last week. MM 18 Dec 1879
Marriage Licenses:
W.J. Pierce – Nannie Peters
Douglas Durham – Susan Hartwell
James R. Corder – Ellen Edwards
Thomas Wadkins – Luella McCown
Monroe Tolbert – Alice Parks
MM 18 Dec 1879
Admr. sale of real estate – Louisa M. Wiley admrx. estate of G.W. Winters
James H. Steward admr. estate of Morrison Benjamine MM 18 Dec 1879
As the old red cent has now passed out of sight, like the old oaken bucket, its history is a matter of sufficient interest for preservation. The cent was proposed by Robert Morris, the great financier of the Revolution and was named by Jefferson two years later. It began to make its appearance from the mint in 1782. It bore the head of Washington on one side and 13 links on the other side. The French Revolution soon created a rage for French ideas in America, which put on the cent, instead of the head of Washington, the head of the Goddess of Liberty, with the neck thrust forward and flowing locks. The chain on the reverse side was displaced by the olive wreath of peace, but the French liberty was short-lived and so was her portrait on our cent. The next head or figure that succeeded this – the staid classic dame with the fillet around her hair -came into fashion about 30 or 40 years ago and her finely chiseled Grecian features have been but slightly altered by the lapse of time. MM 25 Dec 1879
Last Friday, W.N. Mitchell, postmaster at Marion, was stricken with paralysis and conveyed to his home ….is on way to recovery…. disease is confined to his back and the back of his head. EP 25 Dec 1879
Monroe Pulley became intoxicated and struck Pleas Roberts with an ax handle, fined $3 and $1.75 cost. EP 25 Dec 1879
Two bran new “brats” are in town – one at CM. Kern’s and one at W.G. Doty’s. General Logan is the father of a bran new little Logan. EP 25 Dec 1879
Sarah I.E. Doty and T.W. Brock were married 21 Dec. EP 25 Dec 1879
Mr. and Mrs. CM. Kern rejoice in the possession of an infant daughter born last Thursday.
Rev. R.H. Manier, brother of J.H. Manier of this city, married Mrs. L.J. Hargrove of Shawneetown the 24th.
Bainbridge Pet – Thomas Wadkins and Flora McCowan were married last Sunday week. MM 25 Dec 1879
The trial of Robert Ashby for the killing of John McSmith in Franklin County, will come up in the January term of Circuit Court here on change of venue. MM 25 Dec 1879
Constable Holland brought Monroe Mosley before Squire Reynolds, charged with bastardy by Sarah Tibbs. He married another girl last week. MM 25 Dec 1879
Our young friend, James Pulley, has been the past 4 or 5 years struggling manfully against his besetting sin and is now as industrious and temperate young man as can be found anywhere. Away from whiskey, there isn’t a pleasanter or more gentlemanly young man in the city…. MM 25 Dec 1879
(Extracted from microfilm at Morris Library and/or Illinois State Library by Helen Sutt Lind, published in Events in Egypt, Vol. 2)