1880, News Clippings, January thru March


At a new trial, the Crews brothers were sentenced to 14 years each in Jackson County for killing Armstrong. At the first trial, the sentence was 35 years each.   MM 1 Jan 1880

James M. Tally appeared Saturday before Squire Vick on a charge of bastardy by Mary A. Moake … under $600 bond. Mr. Cunningham Kennedy’s residence and entire contents burned Christmas in Western Pet. No insurance. MM 1 Jan 1880

The Monitor is being sent to Henry Pease, Furgison Mines, California and L.K. Tucker, Scottsville, Kentucky. MM 1 Jan 1880

Harrisburg Chronicle – Blufe Travelstead was coming to town Wednesday with a load of chickens, drove into creek by Capt. Cain’s, drowning horses and chickens and almost himself …. was rescued by some men working nearby …. was so chilled it was thought he would die.   MM 1 Jan 1880 Monroe Mosley, charged by Sarah Tibbs with bastardy, was arrested again for trying to commit an abortion …. trial set for Monday, continued to Wednesday, January 7.    MM 1 Jan 1880 arrested again for trying to commit an abortion …. trial set for Monday, continued to Wednesday, January 7.    MM 1 Jan 1880

A shooting took place last week on Wednesday night near Askew’s mill, 5 or 6 miles southeast of this city. John McCluney and Albert Borem have had a grudge of long standing. They met at a social function at the residence of Lee Askew. McCluney shot at Borem ———- ball cut Borem’s overcoat and struck Lee Askew just below the naval.    MM 1 Jan 1880


Resin Holland of Schoharie Prairie died Monday of pneumonia. He leaves wife and several grown children.

J. McKee Peebles, President of First National Bank and senior partner in Peebles & Ridgway in Shawneetown, died last week. W.N. MitchelL died at his residence in this city 30 Dec 1879 in 67th year of age …. b Wilson Co, TN and moved to Franklin Co in 1831  …. taught school two years in Old Frankfort which was the county seat of what is now Franklin and Williamson …. helped divide territory and form Williamson County and was county surveyor here 20 years ….    Lieutenant in 60th 111 Vol in Civil War and resigned his position at Vicksburg because of bronchitis …. elected County Clerk on Republican ticket, his opponent being John M. Cunningham, Democrat  ….we believe he was the first Republican official ever elected in this county ….    postmaster past 12 years …. buried Zion Cemetery. Peace to his ashes     MM and EP 1 Jan 1880

Marriage Licenses:

S.H. Summers – Sarah Hinchcliff

G.W. Woodward – Martha E. Smith

James M. Mosley – Hannah Scoby

W.E. Mamker – Bell Spinning

Sam R. Weaver – Nancy J. Smith

J.A. Crossen – Paulina Thompson

L.W. Throgmorton – S.A. Allman?

Terry W.  Brock – Sarah E. Doty

George L. Walker – Annie Blair

Jos.  Pilta – Mary Mannering

S.W.  James – E.E. Denny

William A.  Durham – Martha Rich

W.A.  Fowler – Mary J. Borders

J.M. Chilcuit – Emma Stockton

Wiley Stockton – Louisa V. Brown

John Welborn – [blot on name]

MM 1 Jan 1880

Marion Mosely and Margarett Tibbs became too intimate … he was arrested on a charge of bastardy and attempting to commit an abortion …. has newly made wife …. parties of the affair are all residents of the eastern part of the county. EP 1 Jan 1880


Mrs. William Cook of this city died 30 Dec.

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Rev. L.J. Simpson died at Vienna, Johnson Co, 27 Nov 1879, aged 54- years …. minister Cumberland Presbyterian Church 30 years…. Chaplain 120 Regt Ill Vols (this is a temperance notice] EP 1 Jan 1880


Adi. notice – James L. Hunter admr. estate of George W. Hunt, Arabelle S. Mayhew and John M. Cline admr. estate of P.A.C. Mayhew

Adm. sale of real estate – N.B. CaLVERT and J.L. Calvert admrs. estate of William S. Calvert       MM 1 Jan 1880

Adi. notice – W.J.Y. Bennett admr estate of Martha J. Onley

Trustee sale – Stephen Collins, an unmarried man, to W.D. Sanders, Augustus E. Ayres and Edward P. Kirby, trustees.

Sheriff’s sale – Judgment against Francis M. Westbr00k, F.M. Norman, John B. Willeford, M.C. Campbell, H.J. Freeman, J.S. Norman, J.W. Clarida, C.C. Norman and- A.T. Benson, in favor of John Huddleston      EP 1 Jan 1880

Marriage Licenses:

L.C. Travelstead – Dasia T. Mofield

G.F. Furlong – Mary A. Willeford

Resin Cash – Sarah E. Berry

Isaac H. Pulley – Sarah F. Angel

John E. Radford – Eliza A. Bickers

John A. Baiar – Annie S. Holland

MM & EP 8 Jan 1880

Mrs. G.W. Duncan, mother of Sheriff Duncan, was thrown from a horse a few days ago and seriously hurt, it is feared, fatally.

Lee Askew, the young man accidentally shot by McCluney on Christmas Eve is still alive…

Dan Davis’ little girl swallowed a lot of poison which she found laying around loose. Dr. Evans was called in and by prompt action saved her life.  MM 8 Jan 1880

A little child of Mr. and Mrs. A.V. Stull came near drowning last week, was playing and his mother heard splashing in a coal oil barrel and found him head down with his feet above water. MM 15 Jan 1880

Marriage Licenses:

George W. Peebles – Mary B. Furlong

Robert C. Armstrong – Susan Lance _[MM says Susan Lane]

EP 15 Jan 1880


Chancery sale – Hardin Goodall vs William J. and Mary A. Pulley – mortgage forelosure     MM 15 Jan 1880

Adi. notice – Daniel and William Sanders admrs. estate of Joseph Sanders    EP 15 Jan 1880

Uncle Charely Starrick received $900 in back pension last week. MM 22 Jan 1880

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Last Tuesday Sheriff Duncan arrested and lodged in jail, “Bone Williams, on a charge of murdering a man named Willis in Hardin Co, Kentucky some 2 years ago …. $250 reward which the sheriff will probably get. Williams says the killing was in self defense ….was tried before a Justice of Peace and came clear …. was advised to leave the country lest the dead man’s friends kill him …. went to Texas and came to Williamson County 6 or 8 months ago …. after he left, a Hardin County Grand Jury found a bill against him …. Sheriff of Hardin County is on the way to get him.    MM & EP 22 Jan 1880

Marriage Licenses:

George W. Bickers – Albertine Deaton

Isaac V. Mulkey – Susan Priddy

Samuel Westbrook – Lucy Taylor

John Butler – Arrinda Vancil

EP 22 Jan 1880

My wife, Elizabeth Thornton has left my bed and board not responsible for her debts. Nathanial J. Thornton EP 22 Jan 1880

Grassy – Robert C. Armstrong and Susan M. Lane were married 12 Jan at residence of D.R. Sanders.


Allen Cox, late of Western Pet., died a few days ago ….taught and practiced temperance, morality and Christianity …. was President of Sunday School Association in Western Precinct 3 years and a teacher in the public schools.

Grassy – Jimmie Brandon, son of W.H. and Celia J. Brandon, [no date]     MM 22 Jan 1880

Albert Dunaway left Monday for St. Louis where he will attend the Institution for the Catholic Brotherhood …. was accompanied by J.R. Little. MM 22 Jan 1880

S.B. McNeill, of Saline Pet, tells us that Hez Arnold has bought the Henry Wise farm and Mr. Wise will go to Arkansas. This is the second time he has made arrangments to go west. MM 22 Jan 1880

George W. Evans, W.B. Pace, L.A. Goddard and E.C. Pace have dissolved the banking firm of Evans, Pace and Co. EP 22 Jan 1880


Adi. notice – Malvina Robertson admrx. estate of Rhoda M.A. Brown.    EP 29 Jan 1880

Sunday afternoon, three boys and a girl, ages 14 to 2 years old, arrived here, afoot  … said they had walked all the way from Metropolis, going to Wisconsin …. gave name Adams …. said father and mother were both dead …. were kept overnight by J.M. Eubanks and put aboard the train Monday with $28 contributed by good citizens …. EP 29 Jan 1880

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February 1880

A letter from Metropolis, IL to Marshal Bircheit, printed in the Paducah News on 21 Jan 1880 – On Sunday, Jan 4, my wife died of consumption at this place and day before yesterday somebody kidnapped my four children: Anderson D. “Andrew” Adams, age 15 next Feb; Eliza G. Adams, age 13; Robert G. Adams, age 10 and Belle Wood Adams aged 2 ½, no trace except they went out the Brooklyn Road from Metropolis …. will pay liberally for their return to me. Robert G. Adams MM 5 Feb 1880

Letter from Albany, Wisconsin, 29 Jan 1880, to J.W. Eubanks -The conductor charged me nothing from Marion to Carbondale, paid one fare from there to Beloit and from there a ticket and a half, am home at last without walking. I wish you could know how I love the people of Marion. Please thank them all for me once more. When I was in Marion, I told you my father was dead, but the last time I saw him he was alive and as drunk as a dog. He began to drink when my mother died and the day I left Metropolis, he hit me on the head with a hatchet and threatened to kill us all. So we were afraid and left. I was advised by everybody when I got to the railroad to say my father was dead, so I did as I was advised by Mr. Lee Chapman and Mr. Wesley White, but I hated to lie.

Your friend, Andrew Adams

 MM 5 Feb 1880

Marriage Licenses:

Benjamin Jacobs – Julia A.B. Masters

E.L. Brown – Maggie A. Orth

MM 5 Feb 1880

The “pusson” who went to Bainbridge’s corn crib last Thursday night and left a pair of fire tongs near the door, can have them by calling on Jim Bainbridge and explaining now he came to leave them.    EP 5 Feb 1880

A 10 pound son was born to John P. Moore 3 Feb.  MM 5 Feb 1880


A little child of A.V. Stull died in this city on Wednesday, last week.    MM 5 Feb 1880

Prior to 1861, the British Common Law was in force in Illinois. By marriage, the husband became entitled to all his wife’s personal property, of every kind and nature and during the marriage he was entitled to all the rents and income of the land and had full control of it.    His interest in her land could be sold on execution in payments of his debts; the dry bone of the title was left in her, but she was divested of all beneficial interest in the enjoyment of the land. A creditor of the husband could drive her off her own land and keep her out of possession as long as the marriage continued.    On Feb 21, 1861, the legislature passed an act giving a married woman the right to hold and enjoy all her property; both real and personal, the same as if she were sole and unmarried, entirely free from the control or interference of her husband or his creditors …. but held her husband, as head of the family, was still entitled to the wages earned by his wife, by her labor …. In 1874, the legislature passed an act which placed husband and wife upon an absolute equality above the law…. MM 5 Feb 1880

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William A. Saylor, Jackson County Treasurer, died Tuesday of last week at his home in Murphysboro.    MM 12 Feb 1880


A daughter for W.S. Washburn Tuesday night    MM 12 Feb 1880

John Cline and wife are parents of baby boy #2.    EP 12 Feb 1880

Riley Burke and Thomas Kee visited Mr. Durham near Jeffersonvi11e and ordered him to leave the county. He didn’t and instituted a lawsuit against them. Kee skipped out, Burke packed a trunk and started, but a pistol shot persuaded him to halt. He is now in jai1.    MM 12 Feb 1880

James Blankenship and Anna Odum were married 8 Feb at the residence of John Landers, Esquire.    MM 12 Feb 1880

Murphysboro Era – We have received papers containing the account of the killing of John Corder, about 30 years old, son of Capt. A.P. Corder, for many years a resident of Carbondale and Marion, who was killed in an affray at the Ukiah House at Ukiah, Mendocino County, California…. was shot Monday by Sam Logan…. Corder was about to enter hotel just as Logan stepped out of Wal Hogan’s saloon…. seeing Logan, Corder drew a pistol, shot at him and missed…. Logan then ran up to him and fired a fatal shot…. Corder was found in the hotel, seated on floor with a cocked pistol in his hand…. Officer Jamison wrenched it from his hand…. Corder said, “Take it, he has killed me.” …. died on the floor about 30 minutes later… he had been hunting Logan with a shotgun around town all morning. His father, Anderson P. Corder, was State Senator from the Williamson County District from 1856-1858…. went to California 6 years ago, is a Justice of peace in Ukiah and a prominent member of the Methodist Church South.    MM 12 Feb 1880

Sunday last, two wagon loads of “the boys” of our city visited the classic village of Carterville where whiskey, straight and beer and wine flows as freely as it ever did in Hoboken…. number of boys got drunk and on the way home William Cook and Charles Roberts began quarreling. Cook had a pistol and a knife, shot at Roberts and the powder burnt Marsh Cruse …. ball missed and the gun was taken from him … he made four ugly gashes on Roberts’ person, one in neck, one in forehead, one on wrist and one on back. In fact, he came near cooking the young man’s goose. Dr. Denison sewed up his wounds. Another beautiful illustration of the effects of whiskey. Carterville saloon keepers violated the laws of the state by selling on Sunday.    EP 12 Feb 1880

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Tax Purchase notice – G.J. Johnson purchased land 17 Jun 1878 assessed to S. Dunaway.    MM 12 Feb 1880

The penalties for obstructing census takers, who begin labors in June, are severe. The law says all persons above 21 years who refuse to furnish the information requested by enumerators shall forfeit and pay sum not exceeding $100, to be recovered in action of debt. Presidents, directors or other officials of private corporators who refuse are made liable to a penalty not to exceed $10,000. Only two weeks is allowed for the completion of the census. Compensation to enumerators is as follows: 2 cents for each living inhabitant, 2 cents for each death reported, 10 cents for each farm and 15 cents for each manufactory.    No mileage or travel expenses.    EP 19 Feb 1880

The penalty of a baby is sleepless night, so Bill Washburn says.   EP 19 Feb 1880

J.M. Aikman and Ida M. Gallagher were married 18 Feb at Methodist Church, this city, by Rev. Ransom. Mamie Anglade was first bridesmaid, J.W. Westbrook was first groomsman, Ella Hundley was second bridesmaid, L.A. Goddard was second groomsman, Addie Fellows was third bridesmaid, A.J. Benson was third groomsman, Kate Schuey was fourth bridesmaid and A.M. Pace was fourth groomsman. Reception was held at the home of bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gallagher. The following is a partial list of the many handsome and costly presents received:

One fine walnut top bedroom suit – B. Gallagher

Lace handkerchief – Mrs. Annie Holland

Table cloth and napkins – Mrs. Ellen Holland

Silver napkin ring – W.L. and Emma Benson

Handsome lace bed set – MRS. H.T. Goddard

Book – Joab Goodall

Silver sugar spoon – little sister of bride

Pair of silver vases – Miss Mamie Anglade & J.W. Westbrook

Set of glassware & set of tea plates – Mr.  & Mrs. J.B. BainbridgE

Elegant bronzed lamp – Miss Addie L. Fellows & A.J. Benson

Silver pickle stand – Joab Goodall

Gold thimble – Miss Helen Yost

Book, “Hair Breadsthescape” – unknown

Elegant castor – F.M. Goodall, Mrs. J.H. Duncan, Mrs. M. Cantor & Mrs. M.W. Robertson

Pickle castor – Miss Katie Schuey & A.M. Pace

Toilet castor – MRS.  DR. S.H. Bundy & MRS. DR. W.H. Bentley

Set of silver tea spoons – MRS. B. Gallagher

Silver butter knife – Eddie Gallagher, brother of bride

Set of silver knives & forks – the groom

Silver clock – Miss Ella Hundley & L.A. Goddard

Silver napkin ring – Mamie Anglade

Set glassware – Willie Gallagher, brother of bride

Bible – A.G. Shepherd

Half dozen napkins – Mrs. W.W. Clemens

Set of glassware – Mrs. Ella Holland, sister of groom

MM and EP 19 and 26 Feb 1880

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Adi. notice – W.W. Young adm. estate of Abel Hunt MM 19 Feb 1880


Stonefort – Little James Barden died 12 Feb

Hall school House – William Elliot, a young man, who, for some time has been living with William Henshaw, died the 9th of pneumonia …. sickness was of short duration …. just entering prime of life.

Hall school House – Mrs. Sarah Henshaw, wife of William, died Wednesday, Feb 11 of pneumonia …. leaves husband and 2 small children, also on the 8th, an infant of Mr. Henshaw died, making in all, three deaths in his house this month. MM 19 Feb 1880

C.H. Sauther, sign and ornamental painter, has been doing work for Messrs. Clemens & Burton in front of their office on the south side of the square.    MM 19 Feb 1880

A letter to the Monitor from Shibboleth, Kansas – On 1 day Sep, 1879, I left Northern Precinct, Williamson County, bound for the west, to Decatur Co, Kansas, on northern tier and third county from Colorado line…. parties looking for government land would do well to come here …. R.A. Mchaney MM 19 Feb 1880

Mr. and Mrs. James Pillow rejoice in a son born last Friday. MM 19 Feb 1880

E. Sessions, E.I. Hathaway, Simon Aden, A.S. Wilbur, William Walker, Thomas R. Davis, John Scott and G.R. Dale were arrested in Union County for murdering a man near Dongola. MM 19 Feb 1880

Stonefort – Harrison Epperson is doing a boss job selling coffins.    MM 19 Feb 1880

Marriage Licenses:

Thomas J. Spiller – Liza Adams

W.D. Slankark – Elizabeth Swofford

Jackson Stotlar – Sarah M. Wingfield

G.M. Craig – Lavinia R. Dollar

MM 19 Feb 1880


James Edrington died at his residence near Perry Church Saturday.    MM 26 Feb 1880

Bear Creek, 21 Feb – Mr. George Sanders died this week EP 26 Feb 1880

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Marriage Licenses:

James M. Aikman – Ida M. Gallagher

Theodore Metzger – Sarah Booth

Albert Benedict – Susan C. Harris

MM 26 Feb 1880

Mr. W.B. Shearer, who resided many years in this city, but for last 7 years a resident of Portland, Oregon, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. J.M. Eubanks. He made the trip from Portland to St. Louis, including stoppages, in 14 days, the fare being about $60.    MM 26 Feb 1880


Chancery sales – James M. Carter vs David P. McFadin and Mary E. McFadin, foreclosure.

Robert T. Townes, surviving partner in firm of Fountain & Townes vs Henry Snider, foreclosure.   EP 26 Feb 1880

Edward L. Denison vs John Pressley et al, foreclosure. James R. Moore vs Jas. L. Hunter et al.

Decatur Lewis and Mary E. Gallagher vs Eugenia Lewis and Cora Lewis, minors, and Robert M. Hundley, bill for partition and dower.    MM 26 Feb 1880

Non-resident notice – James Wicks vs Lerner B. Borders, bill in chancery for specific performance.

Petition for sale of land – Harriet Wicks admrx. Christopher C. Borders vs James Wicks, Lerner B. Borders, Mary J. Fowler, Martha W.  Borders Jr.

Final settlement notice – William L. Culp admr. estate of William Nolen.

Sheriff’s sale – Judgment against Henry C. and Eliza A. Bicker in favor of John A. Russell.    MM 26 Feb 1880

Carbondale. Illinois. 22 Feb – Simeon Walker, of Richview, died this morning at the residence of his son, Simeon Walker, postmaster at this place. He was born in Georgia 13 Apr 1802 and moved with his parents to Illinois in 1809. They settled in St. Clair County, near the present site of Belleville. At this early date it was necessary to guard against Indians and his father helped build a fort. Simeon joined the ME Church at Old Shiloh Camp Ground and was licensed to preach at age 18. He is the father of five living sons, all licensed preachers of the ME Church and all were present at the time of his death: Samuel, located at Clement; Levi, Chaplain at the Southern Illinois Penitentiary; William, Route Agent on the St. Louis and Southeastern Railroad; Simeon, Postmaster at Carbondale and Thomas, Postmaster at Richview. The funeral was at the Richview burial ground at 11 o’clock Tuesday. His son Levi was Chaplain of the 60th Illinois during the Civil War, son Simeon was Captain of the 60th Illinois and the deceased was Chaplain of the 15th Illinois Cavalry.  MM 26 Feb 1880

March 1880

Bear Creek – Elijah Cagle and Melissa E. Duncan were married Wednesday of last week at the residence of Fletcher Ferges. They will make their home in Kansas.    MM and EP 4 Mar 1880

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The wife of Dr. G.L. Owen of Bainbridge, died Thursday of pneumonia at her residence 4 miles west of this city …. buried Carbondale …. had arrived at about her three score and ten years …. aged husband is lying at death’s door.

The wife of James Grimes, living near Spillertown, died Friday in childbirth. The infant died too.

Uncle Bob McClintock, 82, died Saturday at residence of his son-in-law, James Wiley and was taken to Corinth for burial. Mrs. Sarah Ellen Holland, 28 years, 8 months and 19 days, widow of Festus Holland who died about 18 months ago, died last Thursday at the home of her stepfather, W.P. Goodall. She was ill seven months. She leaves one son, Charley, aged 6 years Burial was in the Sanders graveyard beside her husband. MM and EP 4 Mar 1880

The infant of Lizette Calvert died last Thursday.

William J. Yost died at home in Metropolis 24 Feb of pneumonia. MM 4 Mar 1880

Marriage Licenses :

E.E. Cagle – M.E. Duncan

T.W. Robertson – Alice Kinney

John Hand – M.J. McDaniel

William R. Turnage – Gemima Bearden

Robert A. Mosley – M.R. Hawkins

MM 4 Mar 1880

John E. Hand and Martha J. McDannal, both of Lake Creek Precinct, were married 29 Feb at home of Mildred Felts. They will make their home in Franklin County.    MM and EP 4 Mar 1880

Jerome B. Jennings is the prosecuting attorney in St. Clair County, Missouri.    EP 4 Mar 1880

Boarding house soup is made as follows: Hang a chicken in the sunlight so that the shadow will fall into a pot of water that has been seasoned with salt and pepper. When the cook is very busy, moonlight will do as well, though the soup will not be quite so rich.    EP 4 Mar 1880


An aged lady named Corder died in the eastern part of the county Saturday.

Mrs. Wesley Council, of Carterville, died of heart disease Wednesday of last week

A young school teacher, son of Thomas Watson, five miles west, died Friday of pneumonia.

In Memoriam, Blazing Star Lodge – Death of William H. Scoby 24 Jan 1880.    EP 11 Mar 1880

Rufus Hearn, son of William E. Hearn, of this city, married Miss Lippencott at DuQuoin Saturday.    EP H Mar 1880

James W. Turner will open a select school in Crab Orchard on Monday, April 5, 1880 for a term of 12 weeks. The school will be made of special benefit to young teachers and those preparing to teach. An intermission will be given for the purpose of attending the Institute, should it be held during the term of school. Tuition is $6 for the term. EP 11 Mar 1880

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The Beasley-Hedges bastardy case from Northern Precinct was compromised in Justice Holland’s court by the defendant paying $100 and costs of suit.    MM 18 Mar 1880

Marriage Licenses:
Douglas B. James – Ada L. Rodd

W.A. Cain – Ruth A. Beaver

Moses Hoil – Christina Finley

MM 18 Mar 1880

It should be generally known that a law has gone into effect, by which married women are permitted to acknowledge deeds & c in the same manner as if they were unmarried. It is not necessary, when they are brought into the august presence of the notary, that they be placed “separate and apart from their husband” and then to declare that they “signed the deeds freely and without fear or compulsion of their husband.” EP 18 Mar 1880

Bear Creek – Mrs. Anderson Moake was buried the 12th. EP 18 Mar 1880


Adi. notice – W.R. Henshaw admr. estate of W.T. Ellett. Adm. sale – F.M. GOODALL admr. D.B.N, estate of Vincent Hinchcliff MM 18 Mar 1880


Sula Hayes, 18, well known young lady, died the 18th at residence of G.W. McInturff, two and one half miles south. MM and EP 25 Mar 1880

Mrs. Charles H. Mitchell, Northern Precinct, died Sunday. MM 25 Mar 1880


Addison M. Pace and Katie Schuey were married Thursday at the residence of J.B. Bainbridge by Rev. Ransom. The groom is a cashier at the banking house of Pace, Goddard & Co.  [EP gives lengthy account of gifts received and a list of guests.] MM and EP 25 Mar 1880

W.M. Dunston and Susan Norton, both of this city, were married last Sunday.

Rock Creek – Robert Downs of Franklin County and Sarah Turner of this county, were married the 6th.

Rock Creek – Albert Absher, of this county and Sarah Gould were married the 10th.    EP 25 Mar 1880

William M. Dunston and Susie C. Norton were married at the residence of John M. Cline.    MM 25 Mar 1880

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The Ashby-Smith murder case, on change of venue from Franklin County, was continued until July term.    EP 25 Mar 1880

Word comes to town that George W. Dunaway, who has been an inmate of an inebriate asylum in St. Louis for a couple of months, is hopelessly insane.    MM 25 Mar 1880

John Russ has contracted with the County Commissioners to build a bridge 34 feet long over Wolf Creek for $30 – less than one dollar a foot. Bridges, it will be observed, are cheaper than they used to be.    MM 25 Mar 1880

Dr. J.J. Graham of Sulphur Springs called at the Monitor office and informed us that on Saturday the 21st of April, the Odd Fellows will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Order at Sulphur Springs.    MM 25 Mar 1880

Marriage Licenses:

Willard Durham – Mary J. Rowland

Addison M. Pace – Katie Schuey

James A.  Rodgers – Oney Chambers

H.J. Harrison – Mae E. Foster

William M. Dunston – Susan C.  Norton  

MM 25 Mar 1880


Adi. notice – Sarah M. Gregory admrx. estate of A.C. Gregory MM 25 Mar 1880

Chancery sale – Frank Brown and Samuel W. Dunaway admrs. estate of Samuel Dunaway.    EP 25 Mar 1880

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