1881, News Clippings, January thru March

January 1881

Hon. Wesley Trammell has abandoned the use of tobacco after having been a perfect slave to it over 40 years.

Snow #15 came down last Monday night.

M.P. Wilburn, a resident of Texas for 2 years, formerly of this place, is visiting friends and relatives here. EP 6 Jan 1881

Thomas Pulley, one of oldest and best citizens, died Sunday at his residence east of Marion, member of Christian Church. MM 6 Jan 1881

Tom Hilliard, who stabbed Bruce Hendrickson, was arrested Monday night at his step father’s house…. was concealed in a garret that was never used, as there was no entrance… the only way he could have got in there was a plank was left off, supposedly by carpenters when the house was built …. Coroner Brock received word from someone in the neighborhood of his step-father and took a posse of J.H. Duncan, Caleb Holland, William A. McIntosh and William Swindell. MM 6 Jan 1881

The Hurricane Church house, near Carterville, burned down last Sunday night.    It was one among the oldest church houses in the western part of the county. A total loss.      MM 6 Jan 1881

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Adi. notice – John W. Burton admr. estate of William Groves

Chancery sale – Thomas Davis vs John H. Reynolds and wife Almira, foreclosure.    EP 6 Jan 1881

Snow #17 came Thursday and #18 came Sunday.

Mrs. Yeskey, of New York, New York, is visiting Mrs. M. Cantor. Angus Wall, son of John A. Wall, is proprietor of the Marissa Monitor.

Elisha Webb, the Mormon preacher, has been holding forth at the ME Church this week.

Attila – J.P. Wellborn, of Elmo, Texas, is visiting relatives in this place.

Mrs. Mason, mother of William E. Wiley, is seriously ill at residence of H.T. Goddard.    EP 13 Jan 1881


Thomas H. Edwards died at his home in Hamilton County Saturday He is a brother to CM. Edwards of this city and father of Hon. John C. Edwards, State Senator of 46th District. The wife of Finis Pulley, living 4 miles east, died Sunday. EP 13 Jan 1881

E.F. Swindler and Annie Mitchell were married 26 Dec at residence of bride’s father, S.F. Mitchell, by Rev. Rohrbough of the ME Church. This is a clear case of Swindling and Mr. Mitchell can congratulate himself on having a Swindler for a son-in-law and in spite of the good morals of the community and the severe penalties of the laws of the state, it is likely that Swindlers will increase. MM 13 Jan 1881

D.H. Sheretz and M.S. Sanders were married 29 Dec at the residence of T.J. Sanders.

J.W. Browning and M.J. Cauthon were married 2 Jan at Spring Grove Church.    MM 13 Jan 1881

Estray notice – Taken up by 14 Dec 1880 by Wesley Trammell, T10 R4 E, one Mexican mare pony about 14 hands high, about 6 years old, blood bay, left eye out. Two burned bars on left thigh. Appraised at $25.   MM 13 Jan 1881

Measles are literally slaying the people of Johnson County. No less than 13 coffins went out of the town of Vienna last week. EP 20 Jan 1881

Johnny Goodall has been in poor health some time and has been at Hot Springs, Arkansas the past 4 or 5 months, is in a fair way to regain his health.

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Snow #19 Thursday night.

Isaac McCluney, living a short distance south, was chopping wood Saturday, slipped and fell off a log and broke his spine. Recovery is doubtful. EP 20 Jan 1881

Richard Borum is in jail here, the same pen he was in, in 1865. He soaped himself and slipped out a 12 inch hole in the window. He was caught by Sheriff Duncan at Emporia, Kansas a few days ago. He is charged with stealing horses, burglary, etc, crimes committed in this county just after the war.    EP 20 Jan 1881

B.F. Kelley, a school teacher 4 miles southeast, has pupil Winona Lewis, 14, daughter of A.J. Lewis. He told her to study her 4th grade reader lesson, she hesitated, he told her again, she hesitated and he whipped her with a peach tree switch. She went home without leave at recess. When she came back the next day, he whipped her again, making marks on her arms and shoulders.    Her father had him arrested, charged with assault and battery. He was fined $5 plus costs.    EP 20 Jan 1881


Phelps Prairie – A little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stroud died the 11th.

John Adams, living west of Brooks farm, died Wednesday of pneumonia….  leaves wife and several small children. EP 20 Jan 1881

Ed Mangold, son of B.F. of Cobden, accidentally shot himself in Anna on the 28th [Jan?] with a pistol he had loaded to shoot a chicken with. The ball passed through his skull on the right side and lodged in the left. He died the next day.

M. Cantor received a letter from New York telling of the death of his sister, Mrs. Curstein of Ashley. She had been in feeble health for some time and it was thought the trip to her home would be of some benefit.    MM-20 Jan 1881

Hon. Milo Erwin, member of Legislature, and Hon. J.W. Hartwell, Assistant Sgt. at Arms in the Senate, are in Marion. MM 20 Jan 1881

Tally one more for Marion – a girl at the residence M. Cantor, our clothing merchant.    MM 20 Jan 1881

The county lost its courthouse some years ago to a fire … county is in debt and not able to build one…. the idea of paying one thousand dollars a year for the privilege of holding court over a store room is certainly false economy. MM 20 Jan 1881

Mt. Vernon. Ill.. Jan 18 – E.P. Pace, old and prominent citizen and merchant of this city, died tonight. His place in the Methodist Church cannot be filled.    MM 20 Jan 1881

Grassy – Drs. A.P. and M.D. Baker have purchased of Mr. Joel Oaks his fine farm lying around the Oaks School House. Mr. Oaks, after a long residence in Grassy Precinct, contemplates removing, perhaps west.

Mr. G.W. Chitty has just closed a land sale with Mr. William Spence of Jackson County to the amount of $5,000. Mr. Chitty has purchased a farm in Hamilton County, near McLeansboro. MM 20 Jan 1881

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Notice of final settlement – Z. Hudgens, admr. estate of Martha Canady.    EP 20 Jan 1881

Bill for partition and assignment of dower – Mary Talley, L. Talley, Sarah Priddy, Elisha J. Jouralds, William M. Talley, Gertrude Talley, the last three being minors who sue by William Talley, their next friend vs Reuben Talley.

Petition to sell real estate and pay debts – H.W. Beers admr. estate of John F. Carter vs Minerva C. Milligan, James Milligan, Martha B. Carr, W.A. Carr, Ester Jane Miller, John F. Carter and John Barr – Martha B. Carr, W.A. Carr, and John F. Carter are non-residents.    MM 20 Jan 1881

W.R.Hall of Lebanon, Missouri talks of taking up residence in California.

Open up your wallets. The sheriff is coming for taxes.

John E. Manier had his toes smashed on the St. Louis Coal Railroad a few days ago and they were amputated.

A man who gave the name John Spain was acting strangely in the neighborhood of Crainville Monday. He was brought to Marion and adjudged insane.

The house of Henry Ockeltree, colored, burned in the northeast part of town Monday and he lost all his household goods. A subscription paper was circulated for the relief of the family and the citizens contributed liberally. EP 27 Jan 1881

Phelps Prairie – Joshua Sanders and Susan Sanders were married 13 Jan.    EP 27 Jan 1881


William Maples, brakeman on IC Railroad, was run over by a car in Carbondale Wednesday of last week and literally chopped and ground to pieces.

Charles T. Pace, about 56, died 19 Jan at home in Mt. Vernon. He was the eldest brother of A.M. Pace, of the banking house of Pace, Goddard and Co. in this city…. member of ME Church, delegate to General Grand Conference in Cincinnati, has served as Supt. of Mt. Vernon Sunday School for 17 consecutive years. He leaves a wife and 7 children.

Phelps Prairie – Isham Copher, living northwest, died the 20th. Mrs. McCuen, a widow, died last Saturday at Carterville. She left 8 children.    EP 27 Jan 1881

Larke Harrington has made arrangements to live in Blairsville, Arkansas and will soon take up abode there.

Dr. Stephens, post master at Bainbridge, closed his office on the 1st.

Hon. Milo Erwin and J.W. Hartwell have returned to their respective posts at Springfield. MM 27 Jan 1881


Another one of the old landmarks was removed from life’s shore Friday night in the passing of Mr. Isham Copher of Herrin’s Prairie. Time with its rapid currents sweeps us off one by one. Are you ready?

Barton’s Free Press – William A. Maples, about 25, of Makanda, married and the father of 2 children, was killed by falling from a train….was a farmer who took a job with the railroad and was on his second or third trip…wife is daughter of R.J. Johnson, Esquire. MM 27 Jan 1881

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Josiah Davis and Sam L. Gent admrs. estate of J.M. Gent MM 27 Jan 1881

Non-resident notice – Harriet Jennings vs Jerome B. Jennings, bill for divorce    EP 27 Jan 1881

Rock Creek – Rev. E.F. Senter, Marion, preached two very able and impressive discourses to a large and attentive audience at the residence of James H. Turner last Saturday night and Sunday.

Little Jack Perkins carelessly handled a revolver and it went off and shot him through the hand last Monday.

Carterville – P.G. Henderson disturbed the quiet by some “tall cussin” one day last week and was fined $3.50.

Carterville – James Jourdan and Mrs. Alexander were married Tuesday at the ME Church. Some of the merry boys gave the happy couple, as they came through town, a few verses of “Roll, Jourdan, Roll.”

Phelps Prairie – Charles Adams, who has been in Missouri some time, returned Saturday a week ago.   


Rock Creek – Robert McCowen Jr., about 16, died 24 Jan after a long and painful illness.

Rock Creek – The 4 month old infant of Monroe and Nancy Brewer was found dead in bed Monday.

Mrs. Thomas DeLoach, daughter of William Jack, died Monday at residence of father, was buried at Perry’s Tuesday. EP and MM 3 Feb 1881

I.C. Owens of Vincennes, Indiana and Laura V. Cooper of Buckhannan, West Virginia, were married 27 Jan at ME parsonage in Corinth by Rev. A.B. Rohrbough.

February 1881

James W. Turner will open a 12 week select school at Stonefort on Monday, April 11, 1881….tuition per term, $2, boarding from $2 to $3 per week….for particulars, address James W. Turner, Attila, Ill.    MM 3 Feb 1881

Tax sale notice – John Bridenstine purchased property 18 Jun 1879.    EP 3 Feb 1881


Grassy – The son and only child of G.B. and Mariah Goodman died 1 Feb.

Mrs. Julia Dunaway and Miss Julia Hudson were called to Carbondale Tuesday to the bedside of Andrew Snider, who is very ill. Later – we learn he died the 8th and was buried Wednesday.    EP and MM 10 Feb 1881

Phelps Prairie – John M. Duncan, aged about 20, a school teacher in the district where he lived, died 29 Jan at residence of his uncle, Fletcher Ferges.

Carterville- The wife of Timothy Harris died last night of pneumonia, some miles northwest.

Gill J. Burr, editor of Murphysboro Era, died at home Monday of typhoid fever.      EP 10 Feb 1881

The population of the United States has increased in 91 years from about 4,000,000 to 50,000,000.

Wyatt Lee, a colored man, has a barber shop on the west side.

Lige Spiller said he can remember when he was handsome.

Carterville – Two maiden sisters, Sallie and Jenie Nelson, living on the farm of their brother, Mart Nelson, a little south of here, had all their wordly goods destroyed by fire Friday night. The fire began in the kitchen where there had been no fire for 2 or 3 days.

Dr. McDonald of Crab Orchard is getting so fat that he is real saucy.    EP 10 Feb 1881

Merry Eldridge Wroton died on the night of Jan 31 at home of his parents.    That dread destroyer, pneumonia, took him away on the eve of his 22nd birthday. He had the respect of all who knew him. His mother’s love was the guiding star of his life and it led him ever in the path of virtue and honesty.

Beyond the flight of time, Beyond this vale of death, There surely is some better clime, Where life is not a breath.

MM 10 Feb 1881

Fresh bread, 26 loaves for $1, cakes 3 dozen for 25 cents, at J.H. Haxter’s Bakery and Restaurant.    MM 10 Feb 1881

We now have had 25 snows.

We heard a bluebird singing Monday.    Glory!    MM 17 Feb 1881

Pinckneyville Democrat – Perry Martin, the supposed murderer of James Shaw of DuQuoin, has been convicted of highway robbery in Missouri and sentenced to 12 years. If he lives thru that dose, he will probably be brought back here and tried for murder.      MM 17 Feb 1881

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Corinth – Resolutions of Respect, Andrew Jackson Lodge No. 487 AF & AM – The death of Brother Francis M. Martin 26 Jan 1881 a kind father and loving husband. M.S. Strike, Oliver Cox and J.H. Stewart, Committee.    MM 17 Feb 1881

William A. Saylor, Jackson County Treasurer, died Tuesday of last week at his home in Murphysboro.    MM 12 Feb 1880


A daughter for W.S. Washburn Tuesday night    MM 12 Feb 1880

John Cline and wife are parents of baby boy #2.    EP 12 Feb 1880

Riley Burke and Thomas Kee visited Mr. Durham near Jeffersonvi11e and ordered him to leave the county. He didn’t and instituted a lawsuit against them. Kee skipped out, Burke packed a trunk and started, but a pistol shot persuaded him to halt. He is now in jai1.    MM 12 Feb 1880

James Blankenship and Anna Odum were married 8 Feb at the residence of John Landers, Esquire.    MM 12 Feb 1880

Murphysboro Era – We have received papers containing the account of the killing of John Corder, about 30 years old, son of Capt. A.P. Corder, for many years a resident of Carbondale and Marion, who was killed in an affray at the Ukiah House at Ukiah, Mendocino County, California…. was shot Monday by Sam Logan…. Corder was about to enter hotel just as Logan stepped out of Wal Hogan’s saloon…. seeing Logan, Corder drew a pistol, shot at him and missed…. Logan then ran up to him and fired a fatal shot…. Corder was found in the hotel, seated on floor with a cocked pistol in his hand…. Officer Jamison wrenched it from his hand…. Corder said, “Take it, he has killed me.” …. died on the floor about 30 minutes later… he had been hunting Logan with a shotgun around town all morning. His father, Anderson P. Corder, was State Senator from the Williamson County District from 1856-1858…. went to California 6 years ago, is a Justice of peace in Ukiah and a prominent member of the Methodist Church South.    MM 12 Feb 1880

Sunday last, two wagon loads of “the boys” of our city visited the classic village of Carterville where whiskey, straight and beer and wine flows as freely as it ever did in Hoboken…. number of boys got drunk and on the way home William Cook and Charles Roberts began quarreling. Cook had a pistol and a knife, shot at Roberts and the powder burnt Marsh Cruse …. ball missed and the gun was taken from him … he made four ugly gashes on Roberts’ person, one in neck, one in forehead, one on wrist and one on back. In fact, he came near cooking the young man’s goose. Dr. Denison sewed up his wounds. Another beautiful illustration of the effects of whiskey. Carterville saloon keepers violated the laws of the state by selling on Sunday.    EP 12 Feb 1880

Pulaski and Williamson Counties are both asking for appropriations from the State to rebuild a courthouse. Both were destroyed by fire.   MM 17 Feb 1881

Dare to do right, Dare to be true, Kick at your mother-in-law, If she kicks at you.

MM 17 Feb 1881


Nora Calvert, 13, daughter of J.L. Calvert of this city, died of pneumonia on the 9th.

Rock Creek – Mandana Williams, aged about 8, died of dropsy on the 31st at the home of her mother.    EP 17 Feb 1881

Phelps Prairie – Miss Hattie Bracy has such a bad boil on one of her feet that she is unable to get about.

John Appleton is wrestling with an attack of measles and we are informed none of his family has had them.

Rev. Matthew McNeil preached at White School House the first Sunday of this month.    EP 17 Feb 1881

Carbondale Observer – Mr. E.J. Ingersoll has totally lost the use of his left eye. EP 17 Feb 1881

John E. Manier, who had his toes amputated, is now able to walk about.

George W. Brock, Coroner, has his office in J.M. Cline’s Drug Store.    EP 17 Feb 1881


1 Feb – a boy to William F. and Samantha E. Crosson

1 Feb – A boy to McClenen and Sarah A. Turner

6 Feb – A girl to John L. and Nancy Lewis   EP 17 Feb 1881

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Chancery sale – Decatur Lewis and Mary E. Gallagher vs Eugenia Lewis and Cora Lewis, minors and Robert M. Hundley, partition and dower.        EP 17 Feb 1881

Died in Williamson County on Nov 2, 1880, from a violent breaking out of the mouth, the national greenback-labor-reform-social-sorehead party, infant son of Brick Pomeroy and Widow Butter.

Go dig a grave with a paper pick, Go get it a paper slab, Go bury the infant down by the creek Where the babbling waters bab, Go close the grave all over nice, With a flat paper sod; Then stamp on the slab the bold device; “Here’s where we shot our wad.”

MM 24 Feb 1881

The Chronicle says the tax books show there are 2,057 dogs in Franklin County.    MM 24 Feb 1881

A petition is being circulated for the governor to pardon John L. Bulliner out of state prison. It is said he is afflicted with incurable consumption. MM and EE 24 Feb 1881

The infant babe of Tom Klope fell in the fire and was badly burned. It is thought it will recover.    MM 24 Feb 1881

Go to John H. Reynolds shop for good, homemade coffins, cheap for cash.

Goodall and Mohler are tobacco manufacturers in Marion. Eggs 10 cents a dozen, butter 15 cents a pound, Irish potatoes 80 cents a bushel.    EP 24 Feb 1881

Deaths – Aunt Peggy Meredith, living 4 miles southeast, died last week, aged 76 years.

Peter Boles, living in south part of county, died Tuesday of measles, left a wife and 2 children.

Alex Crain, died at his residence 2 miles southeast Tuesday of consumption. He was buried in Hurricane Cemetery by the Masons.    EP 24 Feb 1881

Carterville – John T. North and Maggie Russell were married last week.

Peter Cooper is 90 years old.

Bob Ashby, sentenced for the murder of Smith in Franklin County, fell from the top of the new cell house at Chester and was so badly hurt it is thought he will die.

Carterville – William Montgomery, widower, and Miss Lizzie Singleton were married 16 Feb.    EP 24 Feb 1881


Tax purchase notice – Francis M. Furlong bought land assessed to William Drownd.

N.B. and J.L. Calvert admrs. estate of William S. Calvert, J.B. Calvert is attorney for estate.    MM 24 Feb 1881

March 1881

Carterville – There was a little knock down occasion in the company store on payday.   William Montgomery called his son-in-law, George McMath, a liar. George became real indignant and thumped the old gent in the mouth, knocking him 6 or 7 feet backwards. Montgomery arose and asked for an explanation and George gave him a left-handed one to the stomach, got him by the throat and held on until taken off by someone near. McMath went before Squire McNeill and was released on easy terms, which was justice, as he was much aggravated.    EP 3 Mar 1881

Grandpa Grasty married Angeline Crain, sister of Alex Crain, deceased, last Wednesday.

The 29th snow came last Sunday.   EP 3 Mar 1881

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Mrs. Ira Watkins died Thursday of erysipelas, so says Dr. Brown.

John Slater, “Uncle Jacky, about 80 years old, died 26 Feb at home of son, W.H. Slater. He was a member of Lake Creek Church and served in the Black Hawk War, (1845) [error – it was in 1832]      EP 3 Mar 1881

W.W. and John R. Russell, of Eight Mile, were in town Friday. W.W. is a guard at the prison at Chester. He said Robert Ashby fell from the third tier of the cell house Friday, breaking his collar bone and fracturing his skull.   MM 3 Mar 1881

Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Weaver have moved to Harrisburg. MM 3 Feb 1881

Rev. C.J. Houts, father of Mrs. M.E. Goddard of this place, died at his residence at Metropolis last week. He was one of the oldest ministers belonging to the Illinois Conference, ME Church.    MM 3 Mar 1881


Tax purchase notice – William Barter bought land assessed to J.M. Goddard estate.

John R. Little bought land assessed to S.C. Mooneyham and transferred it to J.M. Anderson.   MM 3 Mar 1881

L.S. Kinser bought land July 1879, assessed to Aaron Alexander.

John P. Moore bought land 14 Jul 1879, assessed to John H. White estate.

Samuel Doren bought land 24 Jun 1879, assessed to Laura A. Branch.

Non-resident notice – Isaac Gulley vs Lydia Gulley, bill for divorce.

Admr. sale of real estate – Malvina Robertson admrx. estate of Rhoda M.A. Brown.    EP 3 Mar 1881

Mrs. Mary Dunaway has ordered an $85 monument from A.V. Stull, for her late husband, W.A. DunawaY.    MM 10 Max 1881

Last Saturday at noon, an old man and his wife, named McCormick, residing in south part of county, were eating dinner. One of their acquaintances entered the sitting room and took $105 and some valuable papers from a chest. EP 10 Mar 1881

The County Board has appointed Dr. G.W. Evans County Physician at $240 per annum, the doctor to furnish all medicines.

Isaac Stephens’ dray horse died Saturday. This is a serious loss, as he is a poor man.

Frank Rice says he goes to John Schruab’s to sit up with the children who have the measles, but that’s “too thin.” His girl doesn’t stop at Powell’s now.

Snow #31 last Thursday, #32 Friday, #33 Saturday, #34 Tuesday. EP 10 Mar 1881


A.J. Slater, one of our oldest men and for 25 or 30 years of Lake Creek, died last week.    MM 10 Feb 1881

Mary Josephine Roberts, daughter of Pleas, died Monday and was buried in Roberts Graveyard.

Carterville – Mrs. John Burns, formerly Miss Wagoner, died Friday, also her mother died yesterday. Both were buried in Hurricane.    EP 10 Mar 1881


Non-resident notice – Elzie E. Warren vs Christy Ann Warren, bill for divorce.   MM 10 Mar 1881

Tax sale notice – J.M. Burkhart bought land assessed to J.M. Edwards.

W.H. Willeford bought land assessed to W.B. Willeford. MM 10 Mar 1881

John Dungey bought land 14 Aug 1879, assessed to Jane Dungey.

J.R. Little bought land assessed to S.H. and A.D. Norman, Thomas Davis, assignee.    EP 10 Mar 1881


Rev. Christopher J. Houts, 68 years, 1 month and 28 days, born Princeton, KY, died in Metropolis 23 Feb.

Carterville – Bud Wagoner died the 11th of pneumonia. EP 17 Mar 1881

Carterville – John Cundiff and Janie Stocks were married last Friday.   EP 17 Mar 1881

Little Birdie Cantor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Cantor, lost one of her thumbs last week from a door slamming shut upon it.

William D. Sinks and Mary E. Dorris were married 3 Mar at residence of Mrs. Sarah J. Dorris, by W.W. Young, Esquire. EP 17 Mar 1881

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North School House – Mr. John Alexander has bought a large tract of land in this neighborhood. Mr. Alexander is a staunch Republican and an energetic farmer.    MM 17 Mar 1881


Tax purchase notice – Felix M. Parks bought land assessed to F. Parks

Non-resident notice – Wilson B. Shearer vs Mary E. Shearer, bill for divorce

Non-resident notice – Susan Washburn vs C.L. Washburn, bill for maintenance

Bill for partition – James H. Dunihoo et al vs Julia Spiller et al, non-residence of Julia Spiller and her husband John Spiller and Sarah A. Samuel, Nancy E., William R. and Eli L. Lipsey. MM 17 Mar 1881

Lake Creek – George Pike is glad to see the wet weather hold out for it gives him plenty of work. Old boots and shoes will leak. Remember his place of business.

There is talk of a schoolhouse being built in town this summer. It is what we need here when the roads are bad and we are deprived of schooling our children.

Mr. Murphy has a new kind of chicken. He went to the other side of Benton, through the rain, to get them. They are called the Plimoth Rock.

Henry Stein is on the jury this week. He says they won’t have him on the whiskey cases.

Jake Stein has bought the old mill that was owned by John Powell.

Henry Hartkopf is fixing to build him a house on his farm. He thinks when done, he will get him a bird to put in it. Well, Henry, you can’t be blamed, for you need a housekeeper.

Mr. John Brown is visiting his daughter Maggie at Carbondale.

Bidwell and Darrow have received a fine supply of drugs.

George Duncan never got any farther than Carterville on his trip to California. He bought the store of Jim Powell and will do business in that town.

Phillip Laugher is employed to teach summer school at Williams Prairie.

Dick Pulley was in town Saturday buying eggs to ship.

Mrs. B. Conrad has come back to her old home and is employed by her father, John Brown, to attend his store this summer.

MM 17 Mar 1881

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Non-resident notice – Debby Ann Spruce and W.C. Spruce vs George Robertson,  John Robertson, Charles Robertson, Mary E. Pearson and Richard Pearson,  Susan Toler, Polly Robinson, Ailsa Vinson and John Vinson, Miranda McGowen and John McGowen, Mary Ann Tanner and James Tanner, Charles Robertson, George Robertson, Caroline Robertson, John B. Robertson, Mary Howard and Scott Howard, Marinda Robertson, Martha Robertson, Charles M. Robertson,  a minor, Henry Glen, Charles Glen, George Glen, Sarah Boyd and Jackson Boyd, Nancy Glen and Amanda Glen, the last two are minors.   [* are non-residents.] EP 24 Mar 1881

Phelps Prairie – Robert Spiller, who went to St. Louis a few weeks ago, returned last week on account of poor health. Miss E.G. Spiller and brother, Robert, we understand, will go to Missouri in a short time.

James Perry and family started Tuesday of last week for Kansas where they will make their home.    EP 24 Mar 1881

Lt. John Cunningham, of the US Army at Fort Leavenworth, has been visiting relatives and friends here since Thursday.

Snow #36 Sunday, #37 Tuesday.

A $200 reward has been offered for the capture of Robert McMillon, charged with the murder of Louisa Harrison. EP 24 Mar 1881

Murphysboro Independent – Last week at Campbell Hill in Jackson County, Loyd Bagwell beat and kicked his four year old son until life was nearly gone. The child is deaf and dumb. The mother has been dead three years. The father was arrested, but escaped, was recaptured and is now in the Pinckneyville jail. EP 24 Mar 1881

Aunt Betsy Chenoweth, 77, died 2 Mar of measles at the residence of John Appleton. EP 24 Mar 1881

Attila – We learn from John Anderson that Ed Brenen, of Harrisburg, committed suicide Friday by hanging.  24 Mar 1881  EP 31 Mar – says his name was E.L. Brennan and was a hard drinker. There is a temperance lecture in this.]

Attila- A boy was born 17 Mar to J. and H.E. Matthews. EP 24 Mar 1881

Ed Brennen committed suicide Sunday by hanging at Harrisburg Friday of last week.    MM 31 Mar 1881


Adi. notice – J.R. Little admr. estate of George L. Dunaway EP 31 Mar 1881

Tax purchase notice – Andrew J. Davis bought land assessed to J.T. Hayes.

Non-resident notice – Martha A. McKinzie vs John McKinzie, bill for divorce.

Sheriff’s sale – Judgment against John Goodall, Marion C. Campbell and Samuel W. Dunaway in favor of Edward Martin & Co. MM 31 Mar 1881

Peter Wastier’s uncle, who is over 70 years, came to Peter’s house last week. He is quite feeble.    MM 31 Mar 1881

A man in Iowa had accumulated $30,000 when he learned he was going to die. He wrote letters to relatives in the east, asking for aid to live through the winter. None responded except a niece who sent him $50 from her earnings as a school teacher. Now the old man has willed her all his money. Moral – When your uncle in Iowa asks you for money, send it to him. You may never get anything, but you won’t miss the chance.    MM 31 Mar 1881

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Lake Creek – Bill Darrow is going back to his old home in Tennessee.

Jeff Richerson entered into partnership Thursday with Miss Surls, both of Franklin County.    MM 31 Mar 1881

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mohler mourn the loss of an infant child last Monday.

Mr. W.H. Willeford died at his residence 6 miles south, one of oldest residents of this county.    [No date given for death.] MM 31 Mar 1881

William E. Hearn, who became an invalid and went to Florida last Autumn, has entirely regained his wanted health.

Mr. H. Goodall, who has been a confirmed invalid for several years past, left Monday for Battle Creek, Michigan, for the benefit of his health. Mr. J.M. Burkhart accompanied him.

Joab and Johnnie Goodall, who have been to Hot Springs all winter for the benefit of the latter’s health, returned home Monday. Johnnie’s health is not much improved.

Fruit jars will be cheaper next summer as a reissue of the patent on the mason jars has been refused.    EP 31 Mar 1881

In Memoriam, Herrin’s Prairie Lodge No. 693 AF & AM – Death of Brother Alexander L. Crain.    EP 31 Mar 1881

Snow #38 Tuesday. Snow #39 yesterday. If it had all come at once, it would have been 2 feet deep.    EP 31 Mar 1881

Emma Sanders, well known in Marion, and G.R. GLOBE were married the 13th at Moberly, Missouri.    EP 31 Mar 1881


Carbondale Observer – Two of Elder Germane’s children had mumps and scarlet fever.   The youngest died Tuesday.

Carterville – Mrs. Copher died last week of typhoid fever. The wife of G.C. Phillips, living west of Sam Russell on the new Carbondale and Marion Road, died last night. EP 31 Mar 1881

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