Extracted chiefly from the newspapers, Marion Monitor (MM) and Egyptian Press (EP)
One day last week, Charles St. Clair and a friend of Benton, were out shooting. The friend accidentally shot one of St. Clair’s eyes out and badly injured the other and badly disfigured his face. EP 5 Jan 1882
According to Illinois law, it is now unlawful to kill quail. EP 5 Janl882
Amos Porter, of this city, died Monday of pneumonia. EP 5 Jan 1882
Admr. sale of real estate – John W. Burton, adm. estate of R.M. Hundley. EP 5 Jan 1882
Sheriffs sale – Judgment against Junior Meredith in favor of Richard Goodall, for use of John B. Willeford. MM 5 Jan 1882
A.M. Askew of Missouri, paid for a subscription for John S. Eubanks of Ashland, Oregon. MM 5 Jan 1882
Thomas Mohler will leave for Pocahontas, Arkansas soon. He subscribed to the Monitor. MM 5 Jan 1882
Dick Yancy received a pension check for $2700. MM 5 Jan 1882
Grassy – L.T. Rushing is a happy man – a girl – mother and child doing well. MM 5 Jan 1882
John W. Burton and Gussie Hundley, daughter of the late Col. R.M. Hundley, were married Dec 28 by Rev. Jesse Higgins of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Centralia, at the residence of the bride’s uncle, Dr. A.N. Lodge. Her mother, also dead, was the daughter of Hon. Willis Allen. The groom, a lawyer, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Burton of Carbondale. MM and EP 5 Jan 1882
The ugly and painful cancer that Levi Simmons has been carrying on his upper lip for many months, sloughed off a few days ago. EP 12 Jan 1882
Deaths – Mrs. Odum, a widow of this place, mourns the loss of a bright little girl who died last Sunday of pneumonia.
The wife of Isaac McCoy, 3 miles northwest, died Saturday.
William Fain of Carterville, died Friday night. EP 12 Jan 1882
Dave Gurley, a young man living near Makanda, accidentally shot himself recently
while out hunting. The body was found after a search by friends. MM 12 Jan 1882.
Chancery sale – Elizabeth Odle and Sarah Harris vs Mary Maxey, John H. Maxey, et al. EP 12 Jan 1882
An attempt is being made to have Governor Cullom grant a pardon for John Bulliner, sentenced to 25 years. He was one of the Vendetta gang, but was driven to it by the assassination of his father, brother and other relatives. MM 12 Jan 1882
Non-resident notice – Nancy J. Davis vs P.M. Davis, divorce. EP 19 Jan 1882
James Logan, brother of the senator, has lately been made postmaster at Murphysboro. EP 19 Jan 1882
A new boy for John Cline and a newer one for John Reynolds. One Democrat and one Greenbacker is better than a Republican. EP 19 Jan 1882
Governor Cullom has agreed to pardon John Bulliner, one of the Vendetta gang. But it was never proved that he killed anybody. EP 19 Jan 1882
Isaac N. Privett received $1100 in pension money and will hereafter receive $8 per moon. Ike was an eastern Tennessee Union man. EP 19 Jan 1882
Mrs. James T. Duff and 2 children arrived here last Thursday from Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, where they joined Mr. Duff who is one of the able assistants of Hugh Lauder, the lumber man. This is the third family that has arrived from the same place. John F. Duff, another employee of Hugh Lauder, returned recently to that state and has brought a bride back with him. They will make their home at Carbondale but will move here soon. TL19 Jan 1882
John H. Potts, who killed Kelly Davis at the Carbondale fair last fall, was acquitted by a Jackson County jury at Murphysboro last week. Truly money will accomplish much. MM 19 Jan 1882
Blairsville – Cunningham Kennedy and son, Ed and Lawrence Cole are in New Orleans, working on a large building for the railroad king, Jay Gould. MM 19 Jan 1882
John Kelley and Miss Annie A. Warren were married Monday by John B. Davenport, Esq. MM 26 Jan 1882
Deaths – Joseph Burney and John Hessie, employees of Harrison Coal Mine, were killed Wednesday by coal caving in.
Ex-Judge Mckinzie, a leading lawyer of Hampton, Iowa, who sent General Sherman’s signal during the war, “Hold the fort, for we are coming,” immortalized in verse, died on the 15th after a lingering illness of consumption. MM 26 Jan 1882
Governor Cullom has agreed to pardon John Bulliner who was convicted of murder in the second degree in 1875. Extraordinary provocation is the cause of the pardon. MM 26 Jan 1882
200 barrels of flour from Mann & Edwards Mill were shipped to New Orleans this week. MM 26 Jan 1882
Notice to compound desperate debts – Heirs at law of Samuel Dunaway, deceased. S.W. Dunaway and Frank Brown, admrs.
Adi. notice – Thomas Hill admr. estate of J.M. McCarty. EP 26 Jan 1882
Tax purchase notice – Notice to John Everett – Sham Harris purchased land assigned to John Z. Hudgens.
Mary A. Askew purchased land assessed to F.M. Goodall.
Chancery sale – Mary Etherly vs C.M. Edwards and A.J. Mann – foreclosure.
Also Elizabeth Ross vs same.
Adi. notice – William Barter and Samuel Barter admrs. estate of James Barter Sr. MM 26 Jan 1882
William T. Davis and Mary Barham were married 31 Jan at Pulley House by Elder John A. Rodman. She is the daughter of Joseph Barham and the groom is Circuit Clerk. EP 2 Feb 1882
Adi. notice – M.L. McCarty admx. estate of Charles M. McCarty.
Tax purchase – John W. Morris purchased land assessed to Trustees of T8 R2 E.
EP 2 Feb 1882
Final settlement notice – N.B. Calvert and J.L. Calvert admrs. estate of W.S. Calvert. MM 2 Feb 1882
Pauper apprentices – There are a number of children under the age of 16 at the county poor farm. Any of said children will be apprenticed to responsible persons by the board of County Commissioners upon application to the County Clerk in accordance with Section 6, Chapter 9, revised Statues of Illinois. It is hoped that the good people of Williamson County will assist in procuring good homes for this unfortunate class. By order of County Board, Marion, HI. Jan 28,1882. MM 2 Feb 1882
Blairsville – Samuel Russell is negotiating for the Phillip Russell farm near
here, which he wants for his son-in-law, John North.
Two Germans, Moudinger and Wildy have located here. MM 2 Feb 1882
The notorious Dick Bowen, horse thief, who has escaped twice from the county jail here – the last time six weeks since – was captured in Newport, Kentucky. Sheriff Duncan left the other day to bring him back. MM 2 Feb 1882
Captain J.B. Fulton, chief engineer of the Southern Illinois Hospital for the Insane at Anna, fell through an elevator from the fourth floor in that building last week and was killed instantly. He leaves a wife. [Lengthy account.] MM 2 Feb 1882
Sheriff Duncan returned Thursday from Newport, Kentucky with Dick Boren and Dick is again residing at the Perkins House, [county jail] EP9 Feb 1882
Births – A plump little girl made her appearance at the home of R. Borton last Thursday.
There is a bran new boy at the home of William McIntosh, born Monday morning. EP 9 Feb 1882
Clarkson N. Potter’s 7 brothers were his pall bearers. EP9Feb 1882
Carterville – James Wade and Julia Richardson were married last Sunday at the residence of the bride’s father, 2 miles north by Esq. Davenport. EP 9 Feb 1882
Non-resident notice – Emma Fox vs James Fox – divorce. EP 9 Feb 1882
Mary Jane Slankard, wife of John H. Slankard, died 3 Feb at her residence in Carterville, aged 34 years, 8 months and 15 days. Having a first class education, she had a decided literary talent and was a regular contributor to the St. Louis Observer and Cumberland Presbyterian. The Funeral was held at the home of J.L. Calvert and burial was in the Marion Cemetery. MM and EP 9 Feb 1882 In the same issue of EP her husband thanked the ladies of the Presbyterian Church at Carterville who waited on his wife during her illness, especially those who wove the beautiful wreath and placed it on her brow. MM 9 Feb 1882
Tax purchase notice – To Alfred McGowen by William Schaffer
To William Whittaker’s heirs, by George H. Goodall. MM 9 Feb 1882
Grassy – Uncle E.P. Cannon is prepared for the maple sugar season. We understand that he will run a large number of trees.
The teacher at Ogden School has given it up because of the unruly conduct of the larger scholars. MM 9 Feb 1882
W.J. Sanders and Louisa Phemister were married 6 Feb at the residence of L.T. Rushing, Esq. MM 9 Feb 1882
Lloyd Garrison Young, 5 months and 4 days, son of Col. and Mrs. G.W. Young, died 11 Feb of enlargement of the brain. Burial was in Marion Cemetery. MM 16 Feb 1882
Charles William Coram May, 3 years, 4 months and 18 days, son of George W. and Sarah May, died 12 Feb of scarlet fever. Burial was the same day in the Marion Cemetery. Few people attended the funeral, the death having been caused by a contagious disease. The Board of Health ordered the danger flag to be displayed on his place of business which is also his residence. Later Saturday evening, he moved his family in a house just west of the shoe shop and the danger signal was moved there. His child died soon after moving there. The public school is closed because of it. Another child is sick with the same disease.
He sleeps! Oh! Lay him gently down To long and peaceful slumber Till God shall all his ransomed crown and all his jewels number. EP & MM 16 Feb 1882
Tax sale -James L. Durham purchased land assessed to John Presley and Henry Boles.
W.E. Wiley purchased land assessed to Riley Farmer, George M. McNeill, James Mitchell and Robert Booth.
Little and Goodall purchased land assessed to J.L. and M.R. Doran, Goodall & Dunaway, George M. McCage, S.B. Robertson, Elando Darnell, assigned to J.R. Little and by him to C.T. Holland. J.M. Cline purchased land assessed to George H. Pritchett. George Schuey purchased land assessed to Margaret Taylor. EP16 Feb 1882
Adi. notice – Millie A. Sweet, admrx. estate of Thomas Sweet.
Tax purchase notice – Little and Goodall purchased land assessed to Waller
and Whitehead and assigned to R. Wharry and to Samuel Powell.
Charles Erwin purchased land assessed to James Traves.
Harvey Isaacs also purchased land. MM 16 Feb 1882
The home of Arabella Mayhew, widow of C.A.P. Mayhew, burned on Saturday, 11 miles east. She is the daughter of Mrs. Cline. EP23 Feb 1882
Tax Purchase – Mary A. Askew purchased land assessed to W.D. GambelL, J.M. Gray, James Summers, I.M. Lewis estate, Samuel Hardison, Ira Watkins, J.B. Borum, Seth Reynolds, W. A.D. Violet and James L. Goddard.
Thomas Davis purchased land assessed to Fannie Williams.
J.A. Benson purchased land assessed to M.S. Culp, A. King, J.B. Echols, James
Henderson, William Culp, Dan Carter, George McNeill and Sarah
Non-resident notice – Julia A. Luckobee vs William Luckobee – divorce. EP23Feb 1882
Tax purchase notice – To Silas Parker and M.J. Gill.
Adm. sale of real estate – John B. Willeford, adm. estate of George H.
Willeford. MM 23 Feb 1882
Mrs. J.J. Hendrickson came home from Minnesota last Saturday because of the illness of her mother. Mr. Hendrickson is now in Montana but will return for the trial of Hilliard for the murder of Bruce Hendrickson. After that, Mr. and Mrs. Hendrickson expect to go to Montana and make that state their future home. MM 23 Feb 1882
Deaths – Edmund Harrison, aged about 80 years, died 31 Jan near Jeffersonville after a short and painful illness. He had lived in this county since 1852, joined the Regular Baptist Church in 1846. It was often said of him, “The best sermon he ever preached was his noble Christian life.” EP & MM 23 Feb 1882
Mary L. Evans, wife of G.W., died 18 Feb aged 27 years, 11 months and 29 days and was buried in Barham Cemetery. She is survived by her husband and 3 children. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Harrison of Warrensburg, Missouri also survive and attended the funeral. Mr. Harrison is deputy sheriff of his county. EP23 Feb 1882
Isaac McCoy, an old settler, died at his home 3 miles west last Thursday. EP 23 Feb 1882 & MM 2 Mar 1882
Julia S. Mohler, wife of Thomas I. of this city, died last Thursday, age 32 years and 4 months. Burial was in Marion Cemetery. EP & MM 23 Feb 1882
Mrs. E.J. Baker, wife of B.J., died 18 Feb after a 6 day illness. Burial was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery.
There are three cases of small pox at Dongola. Mrs. Westover died there of the disease. MM 23 Feb 1882
Frank Lauder, brother of Hugh Lauder, lumberman, arrived here Monday and will make his home here. MM 23 Feb 1882
Adi. notice – Margaret Hoffart, admrx. estate of Henry Hoffart.
Tax purchase notice – To Granville Gosnell, J. A. Benson purchased and assigned to Zachariah McElroy. MM 2 Mar 1882
Tax sale – CM. Kern purchased land assessed to James A. Gray. EP 2 Mar 1882
Gus Jackson has left Carterville under a cloud of suspicion. MM 2 Mar 1882
Deaths – Vinnie E. Campbell, 1 year, 2 months and 15 days, daughter of M.C., died Wednesday, and was buried in Cunningham Cemetery. The illness resembled scarlet fever, but the doctors said it was not. EP 2 Mar 1882
J.S. Tucker, of Rock Creek, died recently, one of the early settlers. MM 2 Mar 1882 Henry Gray died at his residence, one mile east Monday, 27 Feb, aged 52 years, 10 months and 10 days. He had been confined to his bed 3 months. He had typhoid fever a year ago and never fully recovered. Four weeks ago he was afflicted with typho pneumonia. He leaves a wife and 2 sons. Burial was in Sanders Cemetery. EP&MM2Marl882
Deaths – Charles Matthew Edwards died 5 Mar, aged 48 years, 10 months and 16 days. He was a junior member of Mann and Edwards and left a wife, 2 sons and 2 daughters. He took sick on the 28th and died of general congestion. He had $12,000 in insurance. Burial was in Union Grove Cemetery. He was a Mason. EP and MM 9 Mar 1882 MM says he died of consumption of the bowels.
Nancy Emily Wallace, step daughter of Nick Woody of this city, died last Monday after a long and painful illness. She was 13 years, 1 month and 6 days. EP 9 Mar 1882 MM says Emma Wallace.
Marriages – James Ray and Mrs. Mary Jane Colp, both of Franklin County, were married here the 1st. EP 9 Mar 1882
George W. Odum and Sarah M. Moore at the residence of Levi A. Jones on 16 Feb. MM 9 Mar 1882
W.B. Hall, formerly of this county, now of DuQuoin, and Lizzie Emery of that city on the 8th. EP 9 Mar 1882
Union Grove beat Jeffersonville last week in a baseball tournament. MM 9 Mar 1882
N.H. Cammack and son of Cambridge City, Indiana, have purchased a large tract of land in Grassy Precinct and will erect a sawmill at Cottage Home. MM 9 Mar 1882
Mayor Goddard ordered all places of business to be closed Monday from 9 to 10 a.m. in respect to the memory of the late C.M. Edwards whose funeral took place then. MM 9 Mar 1882
Adi. notice – Hugh M. Richart adm. estate of William Thompson Hannah Hunt admrx estate of Perry Hunt MM 9 Mar 1882
Carey Wiley and Thomas Mohler left for Charleston, Missouri last Thursday and will work in Little and McKean’s mill down there. EP 9 Mar 1882
Professor C.C. Stotlar, principle of Carbondale Public School was arrested on a charge of unreasonable punishment of a pupil. A trial was had with a verdict of not guilty. EP9Mar 1882
Sheriffs sale – Judgment against I.W. Williams, Ed G. Creal, J. Dick Neely and E.W. Veach, in favor of the people of the State of Illinois for the use of John R. Little, adm. estate of Mary E. Williams, out of the lands, tenements, goods and chattel of E.W. Veach. EP 9 Mar 1882
Adi. notice – A.J. Davis adm. estate of Samuel Riggs.
Non-resident notice – Eliza J. Davis vs James C. Davis – divorce.
Tax purchase notice – To L. Harris – Mary F. Hall
Non-resident notice – Hugh A. Mccarty vs James F.Onley
Tax purchase notice – To Annie Fich, formerly Annie Grain, widow of S.S.
Grain – Little & Goodall purchased – N. W. Crane, assignee.
MM 16 Mar 1882
Deaths – Robert White, brother of Al White, living a few miles south, died one day last week.
The wife of W.L. Evett of Carterville died the 8th.
Mary A. Roberts, a widow and twin sister of Mrs. J.L. Dunaway of this city, who lived in Grassy Precinct, died Thursday of paralysis after only 16 hours illness. EP 16 Mar 1882
Riley Darrow of Lake Creek Precinct, died Friday of consumption. He was a Mason. He leaves a wife and relatives. Burial was at Jeffersonville. His name is also written as J.R. Darrow. EP & MM 16 Mar 1882
The oldest Odd Fellow in the world, Joseph Patterson, died in New York a few days ago. He was initiated in England 65 years ago, before the order was introduced in the U.S. and after his removal to this country, he was initiated into the American Branch. EP 16 MAR 1882
K.C. Crain of the firm of Crain and Son and Robina McMath were married at Crainville the 12th. May all their squalls be little ones. EP 16 Mar 1882 MM says Columbus Crain.
Chester, this state, is lighted with electricity and it is said the lights can be seen at a distance for 20 miles. EP 16 Mar 1882
The Baptist Banner has been transferred from Cairo back to Benton on account of the late flood. This is the first time we ever heard of a Baptist running from water. EP 16 Mar 1882
My wife, Rachel Jackson, has left my bed and board… Mar 4, 1882 F.D. Jackson EP 16 Mar 1882
Jeffersonville is improving very fast. She has two very good drug stores now. MM 16 Mar 1882
Non-resident notice – Seymore, Sabin and Co. vs John W. Williams and Kesiah A.L. Williams – foreclosure of mortgage.
Elizabeth Krysher vs William L. Stearns, Ester Stearns, John M. Eubanks, Louisa B. Eubanks and unknown heirs of Wilson B. Shearer -foreclosure of mortgage. EP 16 Mar 1882
Emily A. Mitchell and Nettie Mitchell, the latter a minor who sues by Emily A. Mitchell, her mother and next friend, vs Mary A. Askew, James C. Mitchell, Chloe Mitchell, Lou Mitchell, George L. Mitchell, E.E. Mitchell, Ellen E. Starret and Wyatt L. Starret- bill for partition . The last two are non-residents. MM 16 Mar 1882
James Alva Kebby, barber, formerly of this place, died Sunday at Carterville. He was feeling indisposed, quit his shop early Saturday morning and went home where he was overcome with excruciating agony and died within 24 hours. He leaves a wife and 1 child. The funeral was held at the Methodist Church in Marion. MM 23 Mar 1882
George A. Culp, formerly of this place, is now in Las Vegas, New Mexico working on a paper called The Guide to New Mexico. EP 23 Mar 1882
W.B. “Buck” Meredith of Union Precinct is going to Nebraska for permanent residence. EP 23 Mar 1882
C.W. Metzgar bids us adieu this week. He is going back to Warren County, Pennsylvania. [He was editor of the Monitor] EP23Mar 1882
Mrs. P.H. Lang has been confined to her room with consumption for 12 months. She is very low and death at any time would not surprise her family and friends. EP 23 Mar 1882
The oldest living Mason in the world is Col. Nathan Hunton of Unity, New Hampshire, having been initiated into that order in 1803. MM 23 Mar 1882
Grassy – L.D. Graham and G. Rushing were ordained to the ministry at the last meeting at Pleasant Hill Church. MM 23 Mar 1882
Tax sale – To Peter Brown, A.R. England – Little and Goodall purchased land assessed to Peter Brown and A.R. England and assigned to C.T. Holland
Attachment notice – William W. Clemons vs Mary Shaw, Mary A. Morris, James Morris, Rebecca Easley, William Easley, William A. Shaw, Jeff Shaw, Martha E. Shaw, Rhoda Shaw and Gilley Shaw. EP 23 Mar 1882
There is a copy of the Bible in Centralia that was published in 1608, much older, by the way, than the King James edition. EP30Mar 1882
Scarlet fever is effecting the little ones in the homes of Messrs. Tyner, Cid Norman, J.R. Little, William Perrigin, Theodore Campbell, Carroll Swafford and Dr. G.W.Evans. EP 30 Mar 1882
Tax sale – Little and Goodall purchased land assessed to Moses Holl, assigned to Wiley Holshouser, he assigned it to William F. Smith. Final settlement – Maria Eaton admrx. estate of Benjamin Eaton. EP 30 Mar 1882
Lake Creek – Mr. Wastier died last Thursday. He was over 70 years of age and was sick just a few days before he died. He had been living with Peter Wastier who took the very best care of him during his old age.
A strange wedding took place here Thursday night. Henry Hayes Sr., 73, and Mrs. Richey, a widow lady. Quite a happy couple. George Fry’s oldest child departed this life.
Wiley Horrell died in Kansas. He had went to his brother’s to see if it wouldn’t improve his health. When he got there, he was quite low from traveling and died shortly after his arrival. His brother, J.L. Horrell, took the remains to Frankfort, where his people live. He is survived by a wife and family. The funeral was conducted by the Masons.
John Clayton died 22 Mar at his father’s. The funeral was held at Williams Prairie Church. MM 30 Mar 1882
Adi. notice – Peter Wastier adm. estate of Henry Wastier.
F.O. Sims and W.T. Gill admrs. estate of Wesley Burns.
Tax purchase – L.C. Campbell purchased land assigned to W.M.D. DeWoody and
assessed to Dallas DeWoody, also land assessed to Dallas DeWoody and
assigned to Florence A. DeWoody. MM 30 Mar 1882
Marriage licenses:
James Baskins and Mary A. Johnson
W.E. Askew and Mary Polk
Jno. A. Springheart and Mary Williams
H.M. Turner and Malinda Travelstead
Isaac W. Hall and Mahal A Webber of Stonefort MM 30 Mar 1882
W.B. Meridith informs us his address is South Bend, Nebraska.
Warren Walker closed Blankenship School, 1 mile west of Marion Saturday.
MM 30 Mar 1882
This morning at 7, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Hartwell, a young Republican put in his appearance. MM 30 Mar 1882
Deaths – The widow of the late Governor John Dougherty, of Jonesboro, died the 28th, age 74 years. EP6 Apr 1882
The infant of David and Polly A. Sheretz was buried yesterday in Union Grove. Mrs. Elizabeth Parks, 85 years 8 months and 5 days, died 19 Mar at her residence 1 mile east of Crab Orchard. She was born in North Carolina in 1796, moved with her parents to Tennessee in Mar 1815 and to Illinois, settling at Crab Orchard. She had lived in present home 50 years. She has 11 children, 75 grandchildren, 127 great great grandchildren and 3 great great great grandchildren.
Carbondale – William Mahaffey, of Carbondale, brakeman on C & and V RR, was run over by the cars and killed on the 20th. MM 6 Apr 1882
U.S. Marshal Davis, of Springfield, arrived here last Thursday and with the assistance of Constable John A. Ensminger, arrested John I. Walls, living near Stonefort, who was taken to Springfield and convicted for violation of the revenue laws. He was sent to jail, not having the money to pay his fine. MM 6 Apr 1882
Carbondale– John Alman Jr. is the happy father of a fine girl. MM 6 Apr 1882
Marriages – Thomas Watson of Murphysboro and Mrs. Ann Thomas of Carterville, were married 30 Mar at Carterville by Rev. J.J. Maxey.
Carbondale – William Johnson and Miss Isabelle Anderson were married the 22nd at the residence of Sarah Frank by Rev. George Pomroy. MM 6 Apr 1882
Non-resident notice – Hugh A. McCarty vs James F. Onley et al, bill in chancery.
Tax purchase – To Sarah A. Travelstead, widow of F.L. Rushing and John Travelstead, her husband and to Lucinda D., George W., Cordelia and Frances L., heirs at law of F.L. Rushing. L.C. Campbell purchased and assigned to Martin Gentry.
Adi. notice – In the matter of the late partnership of McCartney, Onley and Co., L.D. Hartwell, receiver, will adjust all claims the third Monday in April 1882. MM 6 Apr 1882
Deaths – Alexander James, Carterville Precinct, died Thursday last of pneumonia. A little child of William Edwards died last Friday of scarlet fever. EP 13 Apr 1882 MM says Katie Edwards, daughter of W.H. Edwards.
Georgia L. Wroton will teach a select school for a term of six weeks commencing May 22. Daily sessions are 5 hours long, held in the east room (downstairs) in the public school building. Children from first to fourth grade and also children 5 years old will be received. $1.50 per term. EP 13 Apr 1882
An effort is being made to secure a pardon for Allen Baker. The warden complimented him in a letter on his good behavior. EP 13 Apr 1882
Tax purchase – To Amanda Fulcher – A.J. Kimmel purchased.
To J.W. Landrum – John R. Little and George H. Goodall purchased and
assigned to G.H. Goodall.
Final settlement – H.W. Beers, adm. estate of John F. Carter. MM 13 Apr 1882 Tax sale – To Mary Gamble, John Gamble, Adaline Smith, Aaron Smith, John Bulliner and Lorenzo Hinchcliff – W.S. Smith purchased land assessed to George Bulliner. EP 13 Apr 1882
Frank Rice, who has been at Maiden, Missouri the past 3 or 4 months, returned last Thursday. EP 13 Apr 1882
Deaths – Phillip H. Bentley, 21 years 5 months 18 days, oldest son of Dr. W.H. Bentley, died suddenly Tuesday morning last of pulmonary congestion at his father’s residence. EP20 Apr 1882 MM says died Monday.
Abram R. Pugh, 37, of Murphysboro, died Thursday. The disease was of pneumonial character and fastened itself upon him some 10 days ago. He had suffered several years with a disease of throat and lungs. His friends hoped a change of climate would restore his health and arrangements were being made for a sojourn to New Mexico. He was born in Wales and came to this country as a child, a poor and friendless boy, left to make his own way. He worked in the mines and with the assistance of his brother George Pugh, attended college and studied law. He graduated from Law College of Ann Arbor, Michigan about 1870 and immediately began a practice in Murphysboro. He enlisted when a mere lad in 15th Regt. HI. Cav. Burial was in the Murphysboro Cemetery. Carbondale Press, 15 Apr 1882.
Lake Creek – John Baker Sr. died the 15th of typhoid pneumonia. He was among the oldest German settlers. MM 20 Apr 1882
Connie Duff, daughter of Judge A.D. Duff of Carbondale, married C.H. Ralker of Centralia a few days ago. EP 20 Apr 1882
The firm of Mann and Edwards is dissolved because of the death of C.M. Edwards, also by the sale of said A.J. Mann to Judiah E. Edwards of his interest. In the future, the business will be conducted by Mrs. Judiah E. Edwards and John D. Edwards, under the style of J.D. Edwards and Co. MM 20 Apr 1882
Peter Smith, Carterville, was ordered to report to Dr. McDonald for examination on application for an increase in pension. He lost a leg at Shiloh and draws $24 per month. MM 20 Apr 1882
Tax purchase – To Sarah McGuire and Thomas McGuire, her husband, Artimiss A. Dunn and M.C. Dunn, her husband, J.M. Beasley and J. A. King -Alexander Beasley purchased.
To D. W. Dunn, Sid Dearing, E.M. Jerdon and S.M. Carter – John R. Little and G.H. Goodall purchased. MM 20 Apr 1882
Adm. sale of real estate – C.G. Menees and J.W. Bradley admrs. estate of James Manees.
Tax sale – Little and Goodall purchased land assessed to J.W Landrum and assigned to J.R. Little. EP 20 Apr 1882
There are 302 students at the Carbondale University.
Senator Logan is seriously ill.
Mr. William Proctor is the newly appointed custodian at the Marion Library. EP 20 Apr 1882
Tax sale notice – W.S. Smith purchased land 3 Aug 1880.
Notice to Mary Gamble, John Gamble, Adeline Smith, Aaron Smith, John Bulliner and Lorenzo Hinchcliff.
Non-resident notice – Seymour, Sabia & Co., Inc. vs John W. Williams and Kesiah A.L. Williams – mortgage foreclosure.
Final settlement – Maria Eaton admrx estate of Benjamin Eaton Attachment notice – William W. Clemons, Mary Shaw, Mary A. Morris, James Morris, Rebecca Easley, William A. Shaw, Jeff Shaw, Martha E. Shaw, Rhoda Shaw, Gilley Shaw. Attachment demand.
Non resident notice – Elizabeth Krysher vs William L. Stearnes, Ester Stearnes, John M. Eubanks, Luvisa B. Eubanks, heirs of Wilson B. Shearer, deceased. EP 20 Apr 1882
Tilden Davis, son of Thomas and Lizzie Davis, died 20 Apr aged 5 years 6 months 11 days. Burial was in Marion Cemetery. EP 27 Apr 1882 MM says son of Thomas and Parthena.
Marriages – Jefferson Norman and Elmina Kelly were married the 20th by Esq. P.H. Lang, at the residence of the bride’s father.
Jennie Hood married a man from Kansas City, Missouri on the 13th and on the 15th, the Massac Journal chronicled her death. EP27 Apr 1882
A fight occurred between Charles Hampton and a man named Chamness recently with the following injuries: the forehead of Chamness decorated with three parenthesis and Hampton’s left cheek with a good sized strawberry. Hampton was fined $3 for assault and battery and disturbing the peace. Bad blood exists between the Calmness’s and Hampton, which grew out of a love affair between Charles Hampton and a daughter of Doc Chamness. EP 27 Apr 1882
In memory of little Corum May, written by Rev. George W. May.
Sweet little Corum used to stand Around our cottage door, Waiting to greet me when I came Each evening from the store.
And when he’d see me coming home Out to the gate he’d run, And round my neck his arms were thrown “Papa, I knew you’d come.”
He was my joy, my heart’s delight In those days just gone by, But as I’m dreaming o’er the past A tear comes to my eye.
He calls no more when I come home As oft he used to do, “Papa, I knew you were coming home, I’se looking out for you.”
Alas! How lonely now our life As through the world we roam, No more his voice calls out to me To bid me welcome home.
His arms no more thrown round me now As oft he used to do, No voice now calls me at the door “Papa, I knew twas you.”
Yet, oh what comfort to my heart That when I’m called away, From toils below to joys above In that eternal day.
That when he’ll meet me at the gate Just as I’m passing through, “Papa,” he’ll say with his sweet voice, “I’se looking out for you.” EP 27 Apr 1882
In memoriam – Lake Creek Lodge No. 729 A.F. & A.M. – the death of Brother J.R. Darrow. EP 27 Apr 1882
Charlie Dowell, who was so badly butchered by a Negro convict at the Chester penitentiary last Thursday, is in a fair way to recover. EP 4 Mav 1882
In memoriam – Egyptian Lodge No. 325 K & L of H – death of Sister Mary E. Evans. EP 4 May 1882
Attachment notice – W.H. Warder Vs rector, wardens and vestrymen of Grace Church of Springport, New York. EP 4 Mav 1882
T.N. McHaney, one of our Williamson County boys, writes us from Kennett, Missouri. Theodore went to Missouri in 1880, resided in Malden, entered into business at Hornersville where he was appointed postmaster, removed to Kennett and is now postmaster there. MM 4 May 1882
W.H. Warder, son of Joseph Warder of Carbondale, and Meta Goodall, daughter of Hardin Goodall, were married 26 Apr at the bride’s residence by Rev. G.W. Scawthon. MM 4 May 1882
Dr. Hudson, late of Tennessee, has come to stay and will make his home with his son, Dr. Theo Hudson, south of town. MM 4 May 1882
Isaac Perry, 67, died the 25th at his residence 3 miles northeast. MM 4 May 1882
Mr. A. Lauder’s tram-way, extending from his sawmill on Wolf Creek to Bainbridge, was completed last week. A steam engine of a few horsepower will be used as a motor and the drawing of logs to the mill and lumber to the railroad station will be almost a pleasure. EP 11 May 1882
Last Friday, A.M. Askew entertained 3 venerable guests, as follows: Grandmother McIntosh, aged 78, Grandmother Wiley, Mrs. Askew’s mother, aged 78 and Grandmother Askew, Mr. Askew’s mother, aged 84. EP 11 Apr 1882
Joseph Stocks of Eight Mile, came home last week after 2 years in the far west. He is one of a party that accompanied Abe North on his western trip in 1880. MM 11 May 1882
Stonefort – Parson Nelson, living 4 miles west, lost his wife by death last Tuesday. MM 11 May 1882
James Vaughn killed William Watts, the town marshal of Tamaroa, last August. The Sheriff of Perry County will, in a short time, kill Vaughn by hanging him. EP 18 May 1882
Murphysboro Independent – Sheriff Fox was apprised of a murder that took place near De Soto, this county, last Saturday. Frederick Selger alias “Dutch Fritz” killed John Ahart “Dutch John”, both Germans. The murderer was captured yesterday. He says Dutch John’s horse had been getting into his field. They met Sunday and quarreled. Dutch John hit him with a club and he struck back with a like instrument. EP 18 May 1882
Adi. notice – Telitha C. Perry admrx. estate of Isaac W. Perry
Final settlement – John Brown and Curtis Brown admrs. estate of John D.
Herrin. EP 18 May 1882
Lake Creek – Jim Ralls died Friday of pneumonia fever. He leaves a wife and 5 children. MM 18 May 1882
Stonefort – Joseph Agners of New Burnside and Mary Murry of Stonefort were married 15 May. MM 18 May 1882
Pat Connor was sentenced to 25 years for the murder of Theodore Metzger at Carterville. The jury was out 20 hours and six of them were for hanging. MM 18 May 1882
Tax purchase – W.S. Murphy and brother purchased land assessed to J. and J. Slevin and Mary Sanders. MM 18 May 1882
Deaths – Charles W. Yost, a cigar maker of Mt. Vernon, was shot dead by R.A. Smith, city marshal, there last Thursday. Smith fled and a $900 reward is being offered.
George Willis Goddard, only son of George W. and Sarah E., died 23 May, aged 1 year 5 months 2 days. MM says died Wednesday.
J.C. and Lillie Mitchell lost two children to scarlet fever. Willie died Monday, aged 1 year 8 months and Mabel Clare died Wednesday, aged 4 years 1 month 23 days. Burial was at Corinth. MM&EP 25 May 1882
George Grimes, witness for the defense in the Yewell murder trial, started for home on Wednesday of last week with a companion. They concluded to try the speed of the horses. His horse fell, throwing him off. He was picked up, insensible, and died Friday morning. It is supposed his skull was fractured, but the doctors said there was no internal injury. MM 25 May 1882
Frank Deming was found not guilty of the murder of William Yewell in Grassy Precinct last September. MM 25 May 1882
DuQuoin Tribune – Last Saturday, Judge Wall sentenced Vaughn to hang June 16 at Pinckneyville for the murder of Watts at Tamaroa about a year ago. He received the sentence without showing the least emotion. MM 25 May 1882
J.W. Alsup was sentenced to 5 years for stealing a mule. He is a young man and has been trading in the mercantile business at Attila. He has been caught trying to beat the government out of revenue, but mule stealing was hardly expected of him. He has a young wife. MM 25 May 1882
William J. Gibbs vs Emma Gibbs, divorce on the charge of adultery. At one time it seemed the attorneys for both would engage in mortal combat. The jury returned a verdict for the defendant in 10 minutes. MM25Mav 1882
E.J. Creal has just returned from the northern part of the state where he has spent 6 weeks under the treatment for the “morphine habit.” Mr. Creal was well pleased with the cure. While north, he had an analysis made on the mineral springs which have lately made an appearance on his farm. This analysis shows these waters to possess remarkable chalybeate qualities, making them superior to the famous Eureka Springs of Arkansas. He says eminent medical men are of the opinion that these springs will positively cure cancer, diabetes, Brights Disease, kidney and liver complaints, dyspepsia, rheumatism and many similar troubles. MM 25 May 1882
(Extracted from microfilm at Morris Library and/or Illinois State Library by Helen Sutt Lind, published in Events in Egypt, Vol. 3)