Extracted chiefly from the newspapers, Marion Monitor (MM) and Egyptian Press (EP)
The well on the northeast corner of the square has been nicely curbed in. EP4 Jan 1883
Levi C. Simmons died at his residence here on Jan 1 of pneumonia, aged 67 years 9 months 21 days. He was born in Tennessee and lived in Williamson County since 1864. He left a wife and several children. Burial was in Barham Cemetery. EP4 Jan 1883
The grand jury indicted Marion Hindman, Elias Hindman, John H.Q. Davis and D. A. Connell all of Carbondale for the murder of Cal Hopper last August. MM 4 Jan 1883
Marriages – Dudley Aikman of Marion and Kate Bem of New Athens were married Jan 1 at the residence of the bride’s parents by Rev. Lyons of Marissa.
Winfield S. Pavey and Hattie H. Caplinger were married Jan 1 by P.H. Lang. He is from Indiana and settled here about a year ago.
George McMath and Martha Watson were married New Year’s night at the residence of the bride’s father, Dr. A.D. Watson in Carterville by William Smith MM 4 Jan 1883
Admrx. sale – Julia A. Caplinger admrx. estate of Newton Bradley. MM 4 Jan 1883
A correspondent writes from Creal Springs that everything moves smoothly and rapidly. Ray and Deming are in the grocery business. William Creal has his livery stable in order and furnishes rigs to the public. The talk of moving the Sulphur Springs post office to Creal Springs is common. Within 60 days, one hundred inhabitants were added to the town. MM 4 Jan 1883
Little boys and girls have a knack of being struck by a sudden pain just before school time, which will disappear in some mysterious manner about 15 minutes after the school bell has rung. Such sickness is prevalent and is generally diagnosed as a “school pain” by those acquainted with the disease. EP 4 Jan 1883 [My children all had this illness at some time. I called it “schoolaroo stayhomus.” My grandchildren have it sometimes, too. HSL]
Chancerv sale – William E. Wiley vs William J. Rogers and Serena Rogers, foreclosure.
Adi. notice – Jerome B. Holland, admr. estate of N.B. Calvert
Sheriffs sale – Judgment in Franklin county against Sarah E Adkins in favor of officers of Franklin County Court, et al, Franklin County. EP4 Jan 1883
My wife, Milla A. Dunaway having left my bed and board… J.A. Dunaway. EP 4 Jan 1883
A little boy who has been used to receiving his older brother’s old toys and old clothes, remarked “Ma, will I have to marry his widow when he dies?” EP 11 Jan 1883
Sam Pleasant, connected with the vendetta, who fled the county with Tom Russell 6 or 7 years ago, surrendered to authorities in Murphysboro. We believe he stands indicted for complicity in the murder of Dave Bulliner. EP 11 Jan 1883
Henry Pease, formerly of this county but a resident of California 8 years, is visiting. EP 11 Jan 1883
Chancery sale – Charles Nohl & Co. vs Henry W. Norman and Harriet E. Norman, foreclosure.
Carter Brothers vs C.S. Blackman and Mariah Blackman, foreclosure. EP 11 Jan 1883
Kraff Holmes & Co. of St. Louis on Dec 18, 1882 attached the stock of goods belonging to Charles M. Lee. Afterwards comes William B. Lee demanding trial of rights by property. EP 11 Jan 1883
Deaths – Hattje Allyn, youngest daughter of Dr. Allyn, president of Normal of Carbondale died of rheumatic fever yesterday. MM & EP 11 Jan 1883
Ada Parker, 4 years and 4 months, daughter of P.M. & Mary J. Parker, died Tuesday. MM 11 Jan 1883 EP says died yesterday.
James A. Viall, lately of New Burnside was declared insane at Carmi last Monday. He had been abroad from here for three months in hope of recovering his health. MM 11 Jan 1883
J.H. Davis and Mrs. Isabella Mayhew were married yesterday at her residence 12 miles east of Marion by Rev. Willis Corder. MM 11 Jan 1883
Blairsville – Mr. William Talley is recovering from two dangerous cuts and a broken arm received in a personal encounter with a man named Everett. While chopping a few days ago, Nealy Copeland inflicted a severe wound to his foot and for a while it was thought he would bleed to death. Doctors Thomas of Blairsville and Ferrell, Perry and Fain of Carterville were called in and used their utmost efforts to check the flow of blood, but without success. For ten days somebody has been holding the ends of the severed arteries with their fingers day and night to prevent a hemorrhage. It is thought that a few more days of this treatment will place Mr. Copeland out of danger. MM 11 Jan 1883
Last Thursday, Albert Dunaway walked into the store where L.D. Hartwell, Jas. Ralls, Hartwell Hendrickson and others were seated around a stove and without a word started firing, hitting Hendrickson in the shoulder. He failed to meet bond and was taken to jail in Pinckneyville. MM 11 Jan 1883
Albert Monroe and Martha N. Stacey, both of Carterville, were married the 11th. EP18Jan 1883
Philadelphia News – Brigham Young’s grave is utterly neglected and his widows never visit it. They went there once to cry over his remains, but it made the ground so sloppy that they all caught cold. EP 18 Jan 1883
Marriages – Cyrus N. Oliver and Washie M. Casey were married on the 24th by W.W. Young.
Albert Monroe and Martha Carlisle of Carterville were married Thursday by Rev. John A. Rodman.
Carrie Bairs and Perleamon Hearn were married 11 Jan at the residence of the bride’s mother by Rev. G.W. Lamaster. MM 18 Jan 1883
Dr. Harrison carries off the honor as the first man in the county to put up a telephone line. He has connected his store and residence in Herrin’s Prairie. J.M. Bainbridge of this place has followed suit. MM 18 Jan 1883
Tax Purchase – To J.H. Stover, George Mitchell, J.C. Mitchell, E.E. Mitchell, Chloe Mitchell, Lou Mitchell, Nettie Mitchell, Emily A. Mitchell, Ellen & Wyatt Starret, J.C. Owen. Joseph T. Rainey purchased real estate assessed to J.C. Owen, J.M. Campbell, assignee. MM 18 Jan 1883
Robert Gent died at his home in Maiden, Missouri on the 5th. His brother, D.A.S. Gent attended the funeral. EP 18 Jan 1883
Tax purchase – A.H. & J.C. Miller purchased land assessed to Jasper Howell and also some assessed to B.F. Maneese.
To E.C. Dawes & Co., J.M. Campbell purchased, John W. Erwin assignee. John W. Erwin purchased land assessed to James Borders.
To Margaret Howerton, W.B. Howerton and William Miller – James T. Smith purchased.
A.H. & J.C. Miller purchased land assessed to George W. Pateet. MM 25 Jan 1883
Elihu Palmer, a young man of St. Louis and formerly of Carbondale, met his wife on the street of the former city one day last week and shot her in the neck. He then shot the brains out of the back part of his own head. At last account, both were still alive. He has highly respected parents living in Carbondale. EP 25 Jan 1883
Tax sale – To William L. Ewing – J.E. & William J. Gibbs purchased. To F.M. Norman, John S. Norman & M.A. Norman, his wife, Henry W. Norman & Harriet Norman his wife – J.C. Jackson and W.H. Warder purchased, Goddard, Peck & Co. assignee.
Adj. notice – Mariah Davis admrx. estate of W.J. Davis. EP25 Jan 1883
Dr. George L. Owen died the 26th at his home in Bainbridge. He had been confined to his home several days and suffered a paralytic stroke last Thursday. He was born in the “Old Bay” state 7 Dec 1813 and was a surgeon in the Civil War. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Robert W. Hamilton of Murphysboro and grandchildren, the children of his late son, A.N. Owen. Burial was in the old cemetery at Carbondale. MM&EP1 Feb 1883 EP says died Saturday.
Dr. Charles Whitnel died the 26th of consumption at his home in Sulphur Springs. EP 1 Feb 1883
Tax purchase – To Mary Finney – H.C. Mitchell purchased To J.H. Kent – H.C. Mitchell purchased MM 1 Feb 1883
The courthouse at Nashville was destroyed by fire last week. MM 1 Feb 1883
The Benton Standard is talking about our George Moore (Foxie) and claims that George is said to be the sweetest kisser in town. His touch is soft and velvety and he has a dying fall upon his lips like a sweet south wind breathing upon a bank of violets. The girls say some of our boys kiss like they were eating hot mush. MM 1 Feb 1883
George W. Pulley and Harriet Goodall married Jan 22 at the bride’s residence. EP 1 Feb 1883
A girl was born Sunday to John W. Burton. EP 1 Feb 1883
J.C Hundley has sold his interest in the St. Nicholas Saloon in Carterville to A.H. Billings. EP 1 Feb 1883
Chancery sale – Mary L. Brown, J.J. Brown, A.S. Brown and J.E Brown, the last three minors, sue by their mother and next friend, Mary L. Brown, petition for partition.
Carter Brothers vs C.S. Blackman and Mariah Blackman, foreclosure.
Tax sale – To John W. Williams & K.A. Williams his wife and
Ethelbert Springs – F.M. Goodall purchased, Seymour Sabin & Co. assignee.
To J.P. Clemens – J.T. Raney purchased, H. Webber, assignee.
To Maning Campbell and Harry Stearns – W.P. Goodall and John W. Vick purchased, George H. Goodall assignee, who assigned it to W.T. Davis & Hugh Lauder.
To Joseph F. Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Sarah Smith, Isabelle Smith, Amanda Smith, Florence Smith, Martha Smith, Pheby Smith, Burton Smith, J.M. Smith andn.H. Dunn – Joseph T. Raney purchased land assessed to Joseph Smith, B.B. Smith assignee.
To Henry Spicer, R.H. Wise and Sophronia Wright – Levi Ferrell purchased land assessed to R.H. Wise, Stephen Tanner assignee. EP 1 Feb 1883
Tax purchases – C. Davis purchased land assessed to Thomas Davis.
To J.P. Clemens – Joseph T. Rainey purchased, H. Webber assignee.
To W.D. Arnold – L.C Campbell purchased L.C Seay (formerly Campbell) purchased
To Elizabeth Halstead, J.C.S. Halstead, John Gambell, Mary Gambell, Aaron Smith, Ad Aline Smith, Scott Smith, Martin Smith, H.P. Crain and Sarah Crain – J.M. Campbell purchased, W.H. Eubank assignee.
To R.J. Calvert, J.M. Campbell purchased, W.H. Eubanks assignee.
To John Jenkins, J.B. Willeford purchased.
To G.H. Pritchett, J.T. Rainey purchased, I.N. Swann, assignee.
F.M. Goodall purchased land assessed to W.D. Dewoody.
F.M, Norman purchased land assessed to C.C. Norman, William D. Norman, assignee.
To Frank Bentley, the heirs of Dr. George L. Owen – W.P. Goodall and John W. Vick purchased land assessed to Frank Bentley. On bottom it says W.P. & George H. Goodall purchased. MM 8 Feb 1883
George W. Lamaster and Alice Cundiff were married Sunday by Thomas Newton. MM 8 Feb 1883
Steve Culbreth, serving 12 years from Williamson County, attempted suicide Monday. He had been cranky for some time and was placed in the solitary building. He made a rope of his underclothing, tied the end to a cell door, stood on a bucket and tied his legs together, then tied the rope attached to the door around his neck and kicked the bucket. He will be sent to the insane asylum at Anna. MM 8 Feb 1883
Alfred Pease died at home in Carbondale on Wednesday last week. Burial was in the cemetery in this city. EP 8 Feb 1883
Joshua S. Harrison died at home in Palo Pinto County, Texas Dec 30, 1882, aged 68 years. He was a former resident of this county, coming here from Wilson County, Tennessee. He lived here a number of years, moved to Missouri where he lived a few years until the war, when he returned and then went to Texas. He is the uncle of D.R. Harrison of Herrin’s Prairie and a member of A.F. & A.M. He is survived by 3 children. EP 8 Feb 1883
Last Thursday night, the residence of W.S. Washburn, in this city, was entered while he was asleep upstairs. They took his pants and vest downstairs and rifled the pockets of $525 in paper money and silver money, then quietly made their departure, Mr. Washburn not having been awakened in time to receive their thanks or bid them adieu. The same night the residence of Prof. J.P. Davis was entered. They got a watch and 75 cents. The clothing was found the next morning in an adjacent street. EP 8 Feb 1883
Tax sale – To heirs of James Henry & John Cogdall and J.E. Hayner & Co. -Goddard & Burton purchased land assessed to James Henry.
To Peebles & Ridgway – J. A. Benson purchased.
To heirs of William Nolen – Emma E. Benson purchased.
To Samuel B. Springs, Joseph A. Springs, William N. Springs, Ethelbert Springs, Martha Ann Ollis & William Ollis – F.M. Goodall purchased land assessed to T.B. Springs, R. Borton & W.H. Warder assignees.
To B.S. Young and D.C. Wharton, trustee of Day & Matlock – Goddard & Burton purchased land assessed to B.S. Young.
To O.T. Prickett – W.E. Wiley purchased.
To Charles Eggington – W.E. Wiley purchased.
To John Bridges, Margaret Bridges, Julia Ollis, Frank Jackson, Susan Jackson, & Indiana Lannom – W.J. Lannom purchased land assessed to Mary Jackson.
To Lutitia Dilliner, Jas. Dillinger [note different spelling] – F.M. Goodall purchased land assessed to Lutitia Dilliner, R. Borton & W.H. Warder assignee.
To E.C. Dawes & Co, & A.H. Grider Jr. – W.E. Wiley and S.W. Dunaway purchased land assessed to E.C. Dawes & Co.
To W.C. Boyt and Hugh Lauder – A.H. & J.C. Miller purchased land assessed to R.M. Hundley, Harriet Lauder assignee.
To N.A. Tranbarger, B.F. & William B. Cundiff – F.M. Goodall purchased land assessed to William Cundiff, R. Borton & W.H. Warder assignees.
To W.W. Peebles – F.M. Goodall purchased, R. Borton & W.H. Warder assignees.
To Barnett McGlasson, Elias Payne, Parilla Swain, W.S. McGlasson and Sarah E. Adkins – W.E. Wiley & S. W. Dunaway purchased land assessed to Barnett McGlasson.
To Sarah Edrington & John B. Edrington – W.E. Wiley & S.W. Dunaway purchased land assessed to Sarah Edrington.
To Thomas Duncan – O.S. Tippy purchased.
To William Phelps and L.P. Askew – F.M. Goodall purchased land assessed to William Phelps, R. Borton & W.H. Warder assignees. To Ben Springs – O.S. Tippy purchased.
To heirs of M.S. Colp, William N. Colp, Josiah Colp, Melissa Pitcock, Charles Colp, Sarah Ellett, Sidney Craig, Mary A. Lowery, Louisa M. Sweet, L.B. Colp, LA. Colp, M.L. Colp, Ellen Smith, Eva Rush – Goddard & Burton purchased land assessed to M. S. Colp. EP8Feb 1883
Young B. Hill died at the residence of James M. Tippy, his brother-in-law, in Carbondale the 9th of quick consumption. He was 24 years, 10 months and 9 days and leaves a young wife. Burial was in Barham Cemetery. EP 15 Feb 1883
Tax sale – To S.W. Dunaway, Sarah A. Snider, Albert Dunaway, James Stanfield – F.M Goodall purchased land assessed to James Stanfield, R. Borton & W.H. Warder, assignees.
To William Craig and David Wallace – W.E. Wiley and S.W. Dunaway purchased land assessed to William Craig.
To Thomas Williams, Minyard Dial, G.B. Mcglasson and heirs of Thomas M. Snider – F.M. Goodall purchased land assessed to Thomas Williams, R. Borton and W.H. Warder assignees. To I.R. Belcher – Goodall & Vick purchased land assessed to I.R. Belcher, Isham Harris, assignees.
To Campbell & Erwin and W.F. Erwin – Theodore Hudson purchased land assessed to Campbell & Erwin.
To S.E. Sweet and Cole Blackburn – J. A. Benson purchased land assessed to S.E. Sweet.
To W.L. Ewing – William E. Wiley purchased.
To R.H. Miles and Jacob Hayes – F.M. Goodall purchased land assessed to R.H. Miles, R. Borton & W.H. Warder assignees.
To Joseph Bradley – F.M. Goodall purchased, R. Borton & W.H. Warder assignees.
To W.C. Swanner – Wiley & Dunaway purchased.
To Calvin Bowers and Nancy Motsinger – J. A. Benson purchased land assessed to Duke Motsinger.
To John Davis and Nancy Davis – Emma E. Benson purchased. To C.F. Hayes, L.C. Parks and Samuel Crosson – F.M. GoodalL purchased land assessed to C.F. Hayes, R. Borton & W.H. Warder assignees.
To James Russell, Jackson Jordan, Samuel Dunaway, Albert Dunaway, Sarah A. Snider – Helen Yost purchased land assessed to James Russell. Helen Stotlar formerly Helen Yost.
To Elizabeth Halstead, Mary Gambell, Reubin A. Smith, John L. Bulliner, Monroe Bulliner, George W. Bulliner, Manuel H. Bulliner, Amanda Jane Bulliner, and Martha L. Bulliner. – Helen Yost purchased land assessed to Nancy Bulliner. Helen Stotlar formerly Helen Yost.
To D.R. Harrison – F.M. Goodall purchased land assessed to J.D. Herrin – R. Borton and W.H. Warder assignees.
To William R. Rogers, Ebenezer Spinning and Joseph Smith – J. A. Benson purchased land assessed to Joseph Smith.
To James Arterberry and R.C. Morgan – William E. Wiley purchased land assessed to James Arterberry.
To J. J. Newton – Wiley & Dunaway purchased.
To John S. Gulledge and D. Hurd & Son – J.C. Jackson purchased land assessed to N.M. Gulledge.
To James Jenkins – Wiley & Dunaway purchased.
To E.C. Dawes & Co., C. & S. Railroad Co. – Helen Yost purchased land assessed to C&S. Railroad Co.
To heirs of William Nolen, William N. Colp, Josiah Colp, John H. Colp, La. Colp, Melissa Pitcock, Charles Colp, Mavrel Ellett, L.B. Colp, M.L. Colp, Eva Rush, Ellen Smith, Thomas Rush, Mary E. Sands, Alice Colp, Aughty Colp, Sarah J. Ellett, William Ellett, John Ellett, Ameal Ellett, George Ellett, Michael Ellett, Louisa Ellett, Rosa Ellett, John Ellett Jr., Maggie Ellett Jr., Malona Ellett, Oscar Ellett, Lizzie Ellett, Maggie Ellett, Andrew Ellett and Marvell Ellett – Emma E. Benson purchased land assessed to William Nolen.
To Peebles & Ridgway, Harrison Carter, Volentine Rich and W. A. Smothers – J. A. Benson purchased land assessed to Peebles & Ridgway.
To A.T. Thompson and Sarah E. Fuller – Helen Yost purchased land assessed to A.T. Thompson. Helen Stotlar formerly Helen Yost.
To M. Connor and heirs at law of M. Comer [note different spelling], Emily Comer, Ella May Comer, Mary Comer, also John Mitchell and James Mason – Goddard & Burton purchased land assessed to M. Connor.
Chancery sale – Julia A. Dunaway vs John T. Newton et al, bill for partition and assignment of dower. EP 15 Feb 1883
Tax sale -To Williams & Williams, George W. Williams, Francis M. Williams, the heirs at law of Francis M. Williams, deceased, and M.C. Crawford – Junior Pritchett purchased land assessed to Williams & Hundley
To James McSparin – Helen Yost purchased. Helen Stotlar formerly Helen Yost.
To M.A. Spiller, S.W. Spiller, M.M. McRee – C.W. Spiller purchased land assessed to M. A. Spiller.
To Dunaway heirs, S.W. Dunaway, J.A. Dunaway and Sarah A. Snider -Goodall & Vick purchased land assessed to Samuel Dunaway, A.B. Lollis assignee.
To W.G. Doty – Goodall & Vick purchased land assessed to E.T Doty, F.M. Doty assignee.
To McAldredge [no first name] – William E. Wiley purchased.
To Mary Saul, former widow of Henry Dearing – Goddard & Burton purchased land assessed to Henry Dearing.
To Thomas Griffeth and Thomas Gribble – Helen Yost purchased. Helen Stotlar formerly Helen Yost.
To C.M. Scott – Wiley & Dunaway purchased, Thomas M. Hancock, assignee.
To Mrs. O.T. Prickett, B.F. Tranbarger and N. A. Tranbarger -William E. Wiley purchased land assessed to O.T. Prickett.
To S.H. Bundy Sr. – W.P. Goodall and John W. Vick purchased land assessed to J.M. Washburn, Reuben Borton & W.H. Bundy assignees.
To J.M. Furlong, James A. Dick, James H. Shouse and First National Bank of Vincennes – J.A. Benson purchased land assessed to J.M. Furlong
To Nelson Peak, Sarah B. Peak, J. Clement Peak, Margaret E. Robinson, Minnie Follis, & Mary Follis – Emma E. Benson purchased land assessed to Peak heirs.
To James Arterberry and R.C Ragan – William E. Wiley purchased land assessed to James Arterberry.
To Joseph Braley – F.M. Goodall purchased, R. Borton & W.H. Warder assignees.
Sheriffs Sale – Judgment against Ed Calvert, A.C. Calvert, Jerome B. Calvert in favor of John H. Sanders.
Judgment out of Franklin County against L.B. French and O.C French in favor of Thomas J. Duncan & Co. EP22 Feb 1883
James Norris, sentenced to 18 years for murder at the April term 1876, had his sentence commuted to 12 years. He has behaved himself in prison and will be released in July next. EP 22 Feb 1883
Casper Davis of Malden, Missouri, once a citizen of this place, is visiting. EP 22 Feb 1883
Barton’s Free Press – Dr. H.V. Ferrell of Carterville came down Monday and operated on Willie Sanders for necrosis of the tibia and removed several pieces of dead bone. Doctors Edwards & Lightfoot assisted EP 22 Feb 1883
John Manering of Franklin County died last week of pneumonia. His remains were brought over the river in a boat and interred in a cemetery on Eight Mile Prairie. MM 1 Mar 1883
H.T.B. Moy and Mrs. Josie Hinchcliff both of Carterville were married Mar 25 at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. S. Dunaway, this city. EP 1 Mar 1883
Mrs. W.E. Wiley writes from Ft Worth, Texas that the climate there is perfectly delightful and that vegetation of nearly all sorts is far advanced. EP 1 Mar 1883
Admr. Sale – John W. Burton admr. estate of R.M. Hundley
Lou M. Ellett admr. estate of Marevill Ellett vs Marevill F. Ellett. EP 1 Mar 1883
There are 22 inmates at the poor farm. EP 8 Mar 1883
Mrs. O. McLoed and son of Crawfordsville, Indiana are visiting Prof. J.P. Davis and wife. Mr. McLoed is the father of Mrs. Davis. EP 8 Mar 1883
Admr. sale – S.S. Vick admr. estate of E.T. WILEY. EP 8 Mar 1883
M.W. Robertson will leave Monday for his orange farm at Ft. Meade, Florida. Mr. Hopper, who has been hired to oversee the enterprise, will accompany him. EP 15 Mar 1883
The post office at Sulphur Springs has been discontinued and a substitute established at Creal Springs. EP 15 Mar 1883
Non-resident notice – D.R. Harrison vs Lawrence Cole and Linnie Cole. Admrx. sale – Martha A. Cannaday admrx. estate of G.W.L. Cannedy. Chancery sale – Julia A. Dunaway et al vs John T. Newton et al, bill for partition, assignment of dower. EP 15 Mar 1883
Salinda Stanley who has been making her home with Dr. J.J. Fly near Pulley’s Mill, suicided Tuesday by taking an overdose of morphine. She had been in poor health and often told her associates she wanted to die. She was the daughter of William Stanley who was killed at an election in Southern Precinct 13 or 14 years ago. EP22 Mar 1883
M. Van Simmons, 41 years 1 month 10 days, died 19 Mar of consumption at the residence of his brother-in-law L.D. Hartwell. Burial was in Marion Cemetery. EP 22 Mar 1883
Douglas Martin, a young farmer of Franklin County, suicided the 11th by shooting himself. Family troubles were the cause. EP22 Mar 1883
W.W. Grant is now at Battle Creek, Michigan, seeking reparation of his health. EP 22 Mar 1883
Mrs. Thurston, 72 years, living near Benton, was sitting by the fire on the 12th. A spark flew out, igniting her clothes and she burned to death. EP 22 Mar 1883
Sheriffs sale – Judgment against David Craig, James M. Craig and William S. Cannon in favor of people & c for the use of William Z. Roach. Judgment against Frank Brown, S.W. Dunaway and F.M. Goodall in favor of William H. Hinchcliff. EP 22 Mar 1883
J.T. Mosely of Neptune, Cheatham County, Tennessee, in company with his brother E.W., paid us a call Monday. He is a well to do farmer and merchant. EP 29 Mar 1883
George Goodall is the happiest “Pap” in the village. He has been “Pap” since Tuesday. It’s a great big boy and looks just like its “Pap.” EP 29 Mar 1883
The wife of Joshua Rice died Friday of consumption. Burial in Marion Cemetery. EP 29 Mar 1883
Admr. sale – W.H. Grant admr. estate of F. Doty.
Non-resident notice – Emanuel H. Bulliner vs Thomas Sisney, Sidney Sisney, Belle Sisney, Sarah Sisney and William M. Hindman guardian of said (Sisneys) and also William Crain and unknown heirs of Martha J. Crain, bill for partition. EP 29 Mar 1883
Napoleon Chapman of Lake Creek was taken to Anna Insane Hospital the first of last week. EP 4 Apr 1883
A proof of the new two cent stamp has been taken and it bears the face of George Washington instead of Grant. Thanks. EP 4 Apr 1883
Non-resident notice – James M. Washburn vs W.D. Conley, A.J. Conley, NT. Conley, Hardy Conley, James Conley et al, petition for partition. Final settlement – D.R. Harrison admr. estates of Letha A. Perry, Joseph T. Perry and Hardy W. Perry. EP 4 Apt 1883
Found – One ladies gold breast pin. The owner can have the same by calling on Allen Scurlock and paying 25 cents for this notice. EP 12 Apr 1883
Miss Minnie White will begin a select school at the public school building beginning Monday, May 7 for 8 weeks. $2 per pupil. EP 12 Apr 1883
A letter from Sula Hudgens, written from St. Francis, Arkansas: The town is not quite a year old, has a population of 250, most of them Illinoisians. G.H. Spiller, an old resident of Illinois, has a sawmill here. EP 12 Apr 1883
Miss Blanch Calvert is at Battle Creek, Michigan seeking restoration of her health. EP 12 Apr 1883
John F. Lusk and wife of Grass Lake, Michigan, formerly of this place, arrived Friday for a visit with relatives and friends. EP 12 Apr 1883
Murphysboro Independent – Pleasant, of whom an indictment is pending for the murder of Bulliner 8 or 9 years ago and who gave himself up a few months ago, was released Tuesday on $1,000 bail. EP 12 Apr 1883
The Logan House, Murphysboro, was destroyed by fire Monday morning. A traveling man named Snapp of Springfield perished in the flames. EP 12 Apr 1883
Adi. notice – Mary Hedges admrx. estate of Daniel Hedges.
Sheriffs sale – Judgment against Mary Shaw, Mary A. Morris, James Morris, Rebecca Easley, William Easley, William A. Shaw, Jeff Shaw, Martha E. Shaw, Rhoda Shaw and Gilly Shaw in favor of William W. Clemens.
Non-resident notice – Ella Peterson Vs Milton Peterson – bill for divorce. EP 12 Apr 1883
Mrs. A.M. Pace of Longton, Kansas is visiting here. EP 12 Apr 1883
The Creal Springs Hotel is now ready for guests. Dr. C. Brown and Co. EP 19 Apr 1883
Dr. J.J. Graham moved from Carterville to Creal Springs to practice. EP 19 Apr 1883
James Maddox of near Pulley’s Mill, while hunting last week set a double barrel shotgun on a stump, the gun discharged and the shot entered his abdomen causing almost instant death. EP 19 Apr 1883
Joanna Menees, wife of C.G., died Apr 7. EP 19 Apr 1883
Final settlement – Perry Hess and J.F. Hall exec, estate of Truman Hall.
Sheriffs sale – Judgment against Nathan Riddle in favor of Caroline Williams, Rebecca Williams et al. EP 19 Apr 1883
Rap, rap, rap is the sound of the hammer. Rip, rip, rip the sound of the saw and other familiar noises greet the ear of those who visit the young, but thriving town of Creal Springs. MM 19 Apr 1883
Creal Springs – Two summers ago, the sight of this romantic and health-producing village was an old field, dotted here and there with sassafras sprouts. Today we view what only nature and art can produce; namely blocks of substantial residences, store houses and hotels for the accommodation of the sick and the afflicted; and last but by no means the least, nature pours forth her limpid streams of health- producing water, which we think merits the title of “the modern Siloam.” MM 19 Apr 1883
Ransom Powell, millionaire of Healsburg, California, brother to William and James T. Powell and Mrs. Elizabeth Spiller, recently surprised his relatives by presenting each of them with an elegant present. James T. Powell of Carterville received a cane mounted with gold with the name of the donor as well as the receiver inscribed. The others were given a pair of eye glasses made of solid gold. He left here some 20 years ago, a poor boy. He is expected to visit this county in May. MM 19 Apr 1883
C.C. Baird returned from Florida Monday where he had been in quest of his health. MM 19 Apr 1883
C.C. Baird is quite ill with consumption. He received baptism last Sunday. MM 19 Apr 1883
A man named Kirby shot a man named Pulls at Carbondale. The cause was drunkenness. MM 19 Apr 1883
Henry McHaney, formerly of this county, now of Maiden, Missouri, is visiting family here. MM 19 Apr 1883
Non-resident notice – James M. Washburn vs W.D. Conley, A.J. Conley, NT. Conley, Hardy Conley, James Conley et al – non- residence of W.D. Conley, A.J. Conley, NT. Conley, Mary Patton and husband W.D. Patton, Dovey McBride and husband FA. McBride, Robert Ballantine, Hardy Ballantine and unknown heirs of Hardy S. Conley, deceased. EP 26 Apr 1883
Non-resident notice – Emanuel H. Bulliner vs Thomas Sisney, Sidney Sisney, Belle Sisney and Sarah Sisney, William H. Hindman guardian of the above 4, also William Crain and unknown heirs of Martha J. Crain, deceased. Non-residence of Thomas Sisney and William Crain. EP 26 Apr 1883
A boy named Baker, 10 years old, was jailed Saturday for stealing a ten dollar bill from his grandfather, William F. Chitty of Crainville. EP 26 Apr 1883
Dick Toney of Carbondale has been added to the tonsorial force of West Side Barber Shop. Dick is a good barber. EP 26 Apr 1883
Mrs. George W. Goddard will draw a pension of $28 per month, the same as her husband drew before his death. EP 26 Apr 1883
Mrs. Lanningham, an old lady, mother of O.H. and W.P., who live at the Gregg place, died Monday after a lingering illness. EP 26 Apr 1883
C.C. Baird died at his residence at Carterville Monday of consumption. Lum was a young man possessed of a good heart and all who knew him will be pained to learn of his being snatched off, as it were, in his youth. EP 26 Apr 1883
Mrs. Betsy McIntosh, mother of Ben, died Monday night at the home of Rev. Wilson Chamness, 5 miles southwest at an advanced age. She was a zealous member of the Baptist Church. EP26 Apr 1883
I wish to say to the public that the flour that has been manufactured at Aikman’s Mill during the past 6 weeks has been made contrary to my wishes and that I am not responsible for that time or the quality of flour thereafter. J. W. Berry. EP 26 Apr 1883
J.W. Berry, head miller at Aikman’s Mill the past 6 or 8 months has removed to Indiana. EP 26 Apr 1883
Mr. Frank Wadkins, son of Ira Wadkins of Carterville, fatally shot himself near Anna on Monday last. MM 26 Apr 1883
Ella Peterson vs Milton Peterson – bill for divorce. EP26 Apr 1883
(Extracted from microfilm at Morris Library and/or Illinois State Library by Helen Sutt Lind, published in Events in Egypt, Vol. 3)