Extracted chiefly from the newspapers, Marion Monitor (MM) and Egyptian Press (EP)
Elvira Wilburn of Northern, was charged with murdering her own child. After giving birth, she broke its skull and threw it in a well. She is about 17 years old. Her mother is living and her father is dead. MM 3 May 1883
Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson of Carterville lost a son aged about 6 years. EP3Mav 1883 MM says Little Jimmie Thompson was buried in Murphysboro.
Mr. Bernhardt Graetz of St. Louis is visiting his brother-in- law Mr. H. Spieldoch. EP3Mav 1883
C.W. Metzger, former editor of the Marion Monitor, married Mary V. Gill the 11th in Washington, D.C. EP 3 May 1883
At Carbondale last Thursday, Kirby shot and killed Pullis. EP 3 May 1883
Fred C. Kirkham, former resident now of Coffee County, Kansas, is visiting. EP 3 May 1883
Sheriffs sale – Judgment against James Mcgill in favor of Charles Thomas. EP 3 May 1883
Adj. not. – A. J. Davis admr. estate of Samuel Riggs. MM 10 May 1883
Anna Fruit Grower – Frank Wadkins, living several miles east, was accidentally shot and killed by his own hands. He had borrowed the gun from Peter Williams who told him it was not loaded. When he got home, he took the stock off, poured coal oil in the barrel and placed the breech in a fire. It was loaded and went off, striking him in the abdomen. MM 10 May 1883
Mon Aikman is the happy father of a bran new son. EP 10 May 1883
A crowd of 1500 was at Creal Springs last Sunday. EP 10 May 1883
Final settlement – Sallie Binkley admrx. estate of Jane E. Lee. EP 10 May 1883
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Jackson occurred Sunday at Hunter graveyard north of town. MM 17 May 1883
Assignees notice – George S. Powell assigned Henry G. Price and Johnathan Price, comprising late firm of Henry G. Price & Brothers. MM 17 May 1883
Mrs. Mary Harris of northeast part of county was adjudged insane Tuesday. MM 24 May 1883
Albert Dunaway has been a happy father since Tuesday night. An 8 pound boy. MM 24 May 1883
Henry Pease writes us that his address is Phillipsburg, Deer Lodge, Colorado instead of Sonora, California. MM 24 May 1883
Elvira Wilburn was sentenced to 14 years for murdering her infant. MM 24 May 1883
William Chanaberry of Lake Creek died Sunday of dropsy. MM 24 May 1883
City Council proceedings 14 May 1883 – Goodall & Tippy were allowed the sum of $1000 for 10 acres of land to wit: the west half of NE 1/4 Section 13 for a city cemetery. G.W. Evans, R. Borton and T.J. Goodall were appointed to draft plans and speculations and have a plat drawn of the cemetery, etc. MM 31 May 1883
Chancery sale -Case of exparte – Thomas Baldwin, Frances Peebles, Martha J. Burroughs, Sarah E. Wright et al – petition for partition. Charles E. Kern, James M. Young, Laura B.Young and Charles Young. The last 3 are minors who sue by Z. Hudgens, their guardian. Petition for partition.
Sheriffs sale – Judgment against John Goodall, Marion C. Campbell and Samuel Dunaway in favor of Leroy A. Goddard. MM 31 May 1883
Elvira Wilburn and Pad Henderson were taken to Chester Penitentiary Monday, she for 14 years and he for 1 year. MM 31 May 1883
John Stroud, one of the oldest inhabitants of this county, died the 22nd at his residence a short distance southwest of Marion. MM 31 May 1883
R.M. Hinchcliff and Chloe Mitchell were married Thursday. MM 31 May 1883
Adi. notice – George H. Goodall admr. estate of Rosannah Pavey.
Sheriffs sale – judgment against Edward Palmer in favor of H.G. Price. MM 7 Jun 1883
In Carterville, Mrs. Peter Smith dragged a woman named Tibbs out into the street by her hair. MM 7 Jun 1883
Isaac Hammer and Cornelia Brown married Thursday at Carterville. MM 14 Jun 1883
Barton’s Free Press – Monday a woman about 35 years old, carrying a babe, took breakfast at Mrs. Feltes restaurant. About 3 o’clock she left the babe and did not return. She was seen getting on a train. She said her name was Leary and was from Creal Springs. The girl baby is about one month old. Mrs. Moon has taken it and proposes to raise it. MM 21 Jun 1883
Chancery sale – David Waldron vs Edith Henry et al. MM 28 Jun 1883
Wednesday at Carterville, Hurricane Church, a large brick structure recently established, was struck by a wind storm. The end walls were demolished, leaving the building a perfect wreck. MM 28 Jun 1883
An organ man giving the name W.T. Jones was in Marion a few days ago with a young lady purporting to be his wife. It has been discovered she is the wife of a man named HOWE living at Stonefort. He also lost $60 to Jones. MM 28 Jun 1883
George W. Stover of Carterville married a lady named Baysinger who lived near Pulley’s Mill. MM 5 Jul 1883
My wife, Parale Caplinger has left my bed and board… J.C. Caplinger. MM 5 Jul 1883
Isabella W. Bundy, aged 34 years, wife of William H. Bundy, of this city, died the 27th after a protracted illness of consumption at the residence of her father, Mr. Warden in Carbondale. She left a husband and little child. Burial was in Hurricane Cemetery. EP5 Jul 1883
Emma Benson was baptized in Edward’s mill pond Friday by Elder Butler of the Christian Church. EP5 Jul 1883
Little Amzi Mitchell, son of James C. and Lillie Mitchell, of this city, died July 4, aged 28 days. The funeral was this morning at Zion Church. They have lost 3 or 4 children of tender years. EP 5 Jul 1883
The undersigned will make a daily round trip with hack from Marion to Creal Springs at
$1.25 round trip or 75 cents to the springs without return. All orders can be left at Pulley
House (Mrs. Simmons, proprietress) where the undersigned may also be found on
Sundays and mornings and nights. Israel Haller MM 5 Jul 1883
Land sale – The following, forfeited to the state for taxes due will be offered for sale –
R.P. Dodd, Bolton and Thomas Murray’s estate, Bolton.
Admrx. sale – Telitha C. Perry admrx. estate of Isaac Perry.
Guardian sale – J.A. Lasley, guardian of James A. Christie and Etta Dora
Christie, minors. Chancery sale – D.R. Harrison vs Lawrence Cole and
Linnie Cole. – foreclosure.
J.E. Haynor & Co. vs Allen Scurlock and Jane E. Scurlock his wife -foreclosure.
L.D. Hartwell receiver of assets of Charles McCarty & Co. vs Hugh A.McCarty and America McCarty et al.
Joseph Dugger vs William R. Bennett and wife Mary – foreclosure. Joseph Dugger vs H.N. Langley and Martha J. Langley – foreclosure. C.C. Presson vs George W. Williams and Priscilla Williams -foreclosure.
Sheriffs sale – judgment against John R. Dupree in favor of W.J. Stone EP5 Jul 1883
- Jul 1883 – judgment against Lutitia Gill in favor of Martha McKenzie. MM 12 Jul 1883
Bethany Mary Dunaway, wife of Thomas, died the 15th after suffering a lingering and painful disease. She was 33 years old, the mother of 3 children, one of whom died before her and the daughter of Elder and Mrs. Benson who survive with 1 sister and brother. Burial in Barham Cemetery. MM 19 Jul 1883
Shortly after sunset Tuesday evening, a rich natural treat was given to those whose attention was drawn to the northwestern heavens. A portion of the Mississippi River, with wooded banks and a fog floating over the water were plainly seen in mirage – a rare sight in this climate. MM 26 Jul 1883
Last week we received a call from John F. Davidson, an old soldier who was wounded seven times in the battle of Gettysburg. One of the balls pierced his thigh and shattered the bone. A piece of that bone which has been wandering through his anatomy ever since that day has just lately been extracted and Mr. Davidson carries it proudly around as an evidence of what he suffered for his country. MM 26 Jul 1883
We heard from our former fellow citizen E. Pavey who left here last spring for Van Wert, Ohio where he was married soon after arrival. He and his wife will come to Williamson this fall to locate, after a visit to Niagra Falls. MM 26 Jul 1883
Charles H. Davis shook the dust of Missouri off his feet and has returned. He is with Col. Manning in Herrin, making hay while the sun shines. MM 26 Jul 1883
T.J. Matthews of Carterville left on the train Saturday to take charge of the magnetic springs near Brush Lake, Ohio. MM 26 Jul 1883
Elder W.H. Boles, recently of Marion, Indiana, has accepted the pastorate of the Christian Church in Topeka, Kansas. MM 26 Jul 1883
Since the latter part of 1849, permits have been granted to 16,000 people buried in the Vicksburg, Mississippi Cemetery. Also the National Cemetery at the same city contains 16,600 persons, a total number of 32,600 bodies buried in a city of 12,000. MM 26 Jul 1883
Mr. Price of Creal Springs, who had a small show in Marion on the day of the Robbins Circus, met with a fatal accident Thursday last. While putting up a rope to be walked in connection with his show on the picnic grounds, he fell from a high tree. He was taken home in great agony and died Saturday. MM 26 Jul 1883
E.J. Cooksey, proprietor of East Side Hotel, Creal Springs, made us a business call. He reports his house is filled to overflowing with guests and the number of applicants is constantly increasing. MM 26 Jul 1883
Belle McElvoy, wife of William living north of town, died Tuesday. She was the daughter of Joshua Rice of this place. MM 26 Jul 1883
Non-resident notice – Joseph Kent and Jones Fuller Jr., Harris Fuller and Amanda Fuller, the last 3 named minors who sue by Joseph Kent, guardian vs Nancy Gregory, Jas. Gregory, Sarah Annie Fuller and unknown heirs of Elizabeth Porter, and Albert Russell, Emily Carter, Leroy Carter, Luella Henson and John L. Henson. MM 26 Jul 1883
Chancery sale – Louis Garesche and Adele Garesche vs Thomas K. Slevin et al – foreclosure. MM 16 Aug 1883
John H. Duncan and Mary Spiller were married Sunday at the home of the bride’s parents, 1 mile north. [Lengthy list of gifts.] MM 30 Aug 1883
Edmund Newsome, Carbondale surveyor, is engaged in laying off the new Marion Cemetery this week. MM 6 Sep 1883
Mr. E. Spiller was called away Monday last to the sickbed of his father, living a few miles north of Lake Creek. MM 13 Sep 1883
Crab Orchard – John Marton, 63, commonly called “Uncle Jakey,” died at his residence here Aug 22 of paralysis.
Tom Bundy, the giant boy, taps the beam at 200 pounds and wears number 12’s. MM 13 Sep 1883
Mary L. Owens, wife of John C, died Sep 3 of a congestive chill. She was a young lady, highly esteemed. MM 13 Sep 1883
Non-resident notice – Benjamin J. Baker vs Rettie Baker – bill for divorce. Nancy C. Lee vs R.D. Lee – bill for divorce. MM 13 Sep 1883
Frank Golding and Hattie Chamness were married last Sunday. MM 20 Sep 1883
John Edward Reynolds, 3, son of J.H. & A.C., died Thursday of diptheria and two more children are sick. MM 20 Sep 1883
Non-resident notice – Mary E. Groves vs William P. Groves – bill for divorce. Thomas J. Morris vs Saphronia Morris – bill for divorce. MM 20 Sep 1883
A public sale will be held Oct 6 for lots for burial purposes at the City Cemetery, one half mile north. Lots will be sold to the highest bidder, providing the bid equals or exceeds the minimum price fixed by the City Council. MM 20 Sep 1883
The roller mill suspended work Tuesday on account of the death of Mrs. Jerome Aikman. MM 20 Sep 1883
Charles Robinson, age 74, father Of MRS. J.L. Adams, died Thursday night. Burial was in the old cemetery. MM 20 Sep 1883
Creal Springs. Illinois. 21 Sep 1883: $300 reward for the arrest of Randolph and John Howerton, the murderers of Frank Smith 20 Sep 1883 in Johnson County. Randolph is 5′ 9″, 130 pounds, about 26 years old, freckled face, curly hair and blue eyes. John is 5′ 10″, 150 pounds, about 23 years old, light complexion and grey eyes.
J. Thomas & W.L. Smith. MM 4 Oct 1883
Peter Mandrell vs Samantha F. Mandrell bill for divorce. MM 4 Oct 1883
Mrs. Emily Mitchell will remove shortly to Olney, Illinois to be nearer her son, John H. White. Miss Minnie will remain in Marion. MM 4 Oct 1883
Mr. William Spiller is here visiting his son, Elijah Spiller. MM 4 Oct 1883
John H. White of Danville visited his folks here. MM 11 Oct 1883
Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, 78, died Sunday at the residence of her son, Thomas, northeast of town. Burial was in the old cemetery. MM 11 Oct 1883
James Wicks left Tuesday for Nebraska. MM 18 Oct 1883
The funeral of Mollie Calvert, late consort of LON And daughter of Joseph Kimmell, will be preached by Elder R.B. Trimble at Kimmell School House, 7 miles south, Sunday Oct 28. MM 18 Oct 1883
Senator John A. Logan and lady paid Marion a visit last Saturday. MM 18 Oct 1883
The wife of A.Q. Davidson, living near Ferges School House, died Tuesday of consumption. MM 25 Oct 1883
The wife of Martin Bruner, of this place, died Sunday, about 40 years old. MM 25 Oct 1883
John B. Drueke of Cottage Home and Miss Cordelia C. Spence of Anna were married Oct 14 at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Hazy Spence in Anna. They left for the home and business of the groom. He is a blacksmith. MM 25 Oct 1883
Dick Toney, otherwise known as “the dude,” captured a large hornet’s nest in the neighboring woods. On Tuesday he started to Carbondale with the intention of presenting it to Prof. FRENCH, of the Normal. MM 1 Nov 1883
J.M. Hargon and Julia L. Hargon were married last Thursday. MM 15 Nov 1883
People vs Charles H. Dunaway for assault with intent to murder Charles M. Lee – guilty of common assault. MM 22 Nov 1883
Theodore Aikman will leave soon for San Antonio, Texas for his health. He suffers from heart disease and hemorrhage of the lungs. MM 22 Nov 1883
Albert Dunaway was sentenced to 6 years for assault to murder Hartwell Hendrickson. MM 22 Nov 1883
Charles Burton alias Bob Horton was captured in Indiana last week and brought back to Marion. He pled guilty to stealing CM. Bidwell’s money and was sentenced to 3 years. MM 29 Nov 1883
T.N. McHaney of Kennett, Missouri, former resident of this county, is visiting here. MM 6 Dec 1883
Admrx. final settlement – Julia A. Caplinger admrx. estate of Newton Bradley. MM 13 Dec 1883
The wife of Dr. A.P. Baker, who has been very low with consumption, suffered a fractured collar bone from coughing. MM 13 Dec 1883
Daniel R. Pulley, former resident now of Arkansas, is visiting friends and relatives. MM 13 Dec 1883
(Extracted from microfilm at Morris Library and/or Illinois State Library by Helen Sutt Lind, published in Events in Egypt, Vol. 3)