Extracted chiefly from the newspapers, Marion Monitor (MM) and Egyptian Press (EP)
Effie Dale Bracy, 2 years 1 months, daughter of B.D. & Sallie A. of Carterville, died 24 Dec. MM 1 Jan 1885
The infant son of Thomas Mitchell died Saturday. MM 8 Jan 1885
John C. Dockins died Saturday. He leaves a mother and 5 sisters and brothers. MM 8 Jan 1885
Samuel West of Dakota Territory is visiting friends and relatives here. MM 8 Jan 1885
Jackson Follis and Ida Bed Well were married 25 Dec. MM 8 Jan 1885
John Davis died Jan 10 at Carbondale. He was almost 79 years old and resided in this vicinity before Marion came into existence. He had lived at Carbondale some years. Burial was in the new cemetery. MM 15 Jan 1885
Non-resident notice – Albert & J. Blakleslee, doing business as Blakleslee and Brothers, vs A.H. North and the Mansfield Machine Works who are impleaded with W.R. Farmer and Mrs. W.R. Farmer – foreclosure. MM 22 Jan 1885
We forgot to mention last week that sons were born to Mr. & Mrs. H.C. Purdy of Carbondale and Mr. & Mrs. Marion Sanders of this city. MM 29 Jan 1885
Robert Moulton, 85, died the 9th at his home in Wakefield, New Hampshire. He is the father of A.M. Moulton and Mrs. S.M. Mitchell of Corinth. MM 29 Jan 1885
Mr. and Mrs. John Ensminger attended the funeral of Major P.L. Ward in Carbondale on the 20th. MM 29 Jan 1885
Ed Richerson and Eliza Ray were married 29 Jan. MM 5 Feb 1885
Tax purchase – To R.D. Holland – A.F. White purchased.
To R.M. Hundley – A.F. White purchased – W.F. Goodall, assignee.
MM 5 Feb 1885
Lake Creek – Wash Darrow died Friday from a relapse of pneumonia. MM 5 Feb 1885
Isham Blankenship, 63, died Monday. Burial was in the new cemetery. MM 5 Feb 1885
Tax purchase – M.M. McDonald purchased land assessed to Benjamin F. Edwards-W.P. Goodall, assignee. MM 12 Feb 1885
Benton Chronicle – A game called “Onions” has taken the place of “Snap” at the social parties in this place. It is played this way – half a dozen girls, more or less, go into a room by themselves and one bites an onion. A young man is then admitted who kisses all the girls to see if he can detect the one who tackled the onion. If he can’t, the girls all kiss him. It is said by those who have played it to be a much better game than “Snap” and to give more general satisfaction. MM 12 Feb 1885
Tax purchase – To W.R. Farmer and Abraham North – George H. Goodall purchased land assessed to W.R. Farmer.
To W.S. Farmer, Blakleslee and Brothers – L. A. Goddard purchased land assessed to W.S. Farmer.
L.A. Goddard purchased land assessed to William E. McAnally
L. A. Goddard purchased land assessed to E.C. Dawes & Co. and Carbondale and Shawneetown Railroad Co.
To John McGavin and John McGovern – L. A. Goddard purchased land assessed to John McGavin. MM19 Feb 1885
John D. Edwards and Co., millers, is making arrangements to replace grist stones with rollers. This, in connection with their flourishing woolen factory, will be quite a meritorious enterprise. Williamson County will then have three roller mills within her borders. MM 19 Feb 1885
Lucian Holland left yesterday for an appointment in mail service on a route running from Denison City, Texas to San Antonio. MM 19 Feb 1885
Tax purchase – To Moses Armes, L. Doty and F.M. Armes – L.A. Goddard purchased land assessed to Moses Armes.
To B.G. Hilliard, Jo Stark and B.A. Hilliard – W.H. Warder purchased land assessed to B.G. Hilliard – Isham Harris, assignee.
To B.G. Hilliard, Jo Stark and B.A. Hilliard – George H. Goodall purchased land assessed to B.G. Hilliard – Isham Harris, assignee. MM 26 Feb 1885
Stella Lodge and Edward J. Mitchell were married the 18th. She is the daughter of Dr. A.N. Lodge and wife. He is the son of J.G. Mitchell of Virginia City, Illinois. [A long list of gifts.] MM 26 Feb 1885
T.J. Maxey and Arabella Belcher were married Sunday at the residence of T.J. Belcher near Lake Creek. MM 5 Mar 1885
William H. Grant and Candace Felts were married 26 Feb at the residence of her father, M. V. Felts near Lake Creek. MM 5 Mar 1885
Admrs. notice – Martin Odum admr. estate of Edmund H. Winters MM 5 Mar 1885
John Bem returned Monday from New Athens, Illinois. MM 12 Mar 1885
Non-resident notice – Jane Hoover vs James 1. Hoover. Bill for divorce. MM 12 Mar 1885
Tax purchase – To heirs of Jonathan Miller, deceased and John Crain – A.J. Benson purchased – C.W. Miller, assignee. MM 19 Mar 1885
J.C. Swinford, 86, former Williamson County resident, died suddenly Monday at Percy, Randolph County while seated in a chair. MM 19 Mar 1885
Charles H. Dunaway, 23 years 9 months 28 days, son of Samuel, deceased, died Mar 14 at the residence of his mother in this city. He fell a victim to the appetite of intoxicating liquors which brought him to his grave at this early age. He is survived by his mother, wife, babe, brothers and sisters. Burial was in the family cemetery. The body was conveyed to the cemetery on a special train. MM 19 Mar 1885
Alma Mitchell, 28 years 8 months 2 days, died Mar 11 of pneumonia. She was born 9 Jul 1856, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Roberts and married Dr. H.C. Mitchell 5 Oct 1879. A few hours before she died, she said she was not afraid to go. She left a husband and children. The funeral was at the M.E. Church at Corinth. MM 19 Mar 1885
Lucian Holland returned last week after one month as mail agent on a Texas railway. MM 26 Mar 1885
Lake Creek – William Barham has moved here from Tennessee with a family of six girls. This is good news for the boys. Sam Casey and Ed Lewis have made a “brake.” That is right, boys, show some spunk. MM 26 Mar 1885
Indian Camp – Mr. Springs closed out a six month term of school in District 3. A damper was cast over all by the announcement of the death of one of the students, William Cumming. School adjourned and they marched to the cemetery. It was a touching scene to see the children cast their evergreens into the grave as a last token of respect for a little friend. MM 26 Mar 1885
Mal Hargon, 45 years 9 months 3 days, died Mar 19. John Marion Hargon, bom Madison County, Mississippi, was a printer who moved to Marion 14 years ago. He served in the 10th Mississippi Regt in the late war. He was a member of the Roman Catholic Church. The funeral was by Father J. Klocke of DuQuoin. Burial was in Brown Cemetery, west of town. MM 26 Mar 1885
23 applied for teaching certificates. The following reached the required average for second grade:
Rufus A. Harris 75 Elmer Copeland 76
Jennie Reynolds 76 Leroy Slater 78
Claude Evans 79 Walter F.Carver 81
Loulieb.Nance 82 B.F. Boker 83
Viola Keaster 85 Thomas L. Dowell 86
Lewis C. Crain 80 MM 2 Apr 1885
The aged grandmother of Dan Holman, who has been very ill for some time, died Sunday. The body was taken to the family cemetery for burial. MM 9 Apr 1885
Bernice Lucile Fowler, 2 years 10 months 20 days, daughter of Hon. James M. Fowler, died 2 Apr of typhoid fever. MM 9 Apr 1885
Lake Creek – The first day of April was Uncle Zadok Wharton’s 86th birthday. Mrs. Harrison, 73, took dinner with him. MM 9 Apr 1885
Saline Precinct — Uncle Tom Parks, aged and respected citizen, died Friday.
Thomas Dugger’s small child’s clothing caught fire one day last week and it almost burned to death but is now in a fair way to recover. Mrs. Dugger burned her hands considerably trying to extinguish the flames. MM 9 Apr 1885
Cottage Home — Two of our old-time pioneer settlers, Uncle Mart Gentry and Uncle Jimmy Childress are laying at the point of death.
Frank Spence has sold his farm and went to Southern Nebraska. MM 9 Apr 1885
William H. Bundy and Alice Brevard were married Thursday. He is Deputy Sheriff. MM 16 Apr 1885
Admr. notice — Phoebe Blankenship and Elisha B. Adams Admrs. estate of Isham Blankenship. MM 23 Apr 1885
Adj. notice – Ephraim and David Herrin admrs. estate of James Herrin. EP 23 Apr 1885
The Howerton boys who shot and killed Smith at a wheat threshing in Johnson County, near the Williamson-Johnson line last summer, were acquitted. EP 23 Apr 1885
Blairsville — James Howell, 69, and Susan Walker, 49, were married Sunday. MM 30 Apr 1885
Sheriffs sale – judgment against James Ellis and Catherine Lucas in favor of M.C. Tippy.
Admr. notice – Ida L. Dunaway admrx. estate of Charles H. Dunaway. EP 30 Apr 1885
Charles M. Lee and Artabel Davis were married Apr 26 at Creal Springs. The groom is a mechanic. The bride is the only daughter of Thomas Davis, a retired merchant living three miles east of Marion. She has been given the advantages of a collegiate education. EP 30 Apr 1885
Jane Eliza Ireland, 66 years 11 months 6 days, wife of S.S., died at home in this city Apr 26. She was a member of the Baptist Church. She leaves 2 daughters: MRS. J.B. Davenport and Mrs. John L. RuST of Carterville. Burial was in Barham Cemetery. EP 30 Apr 1885
Marriage licenses since Jan 1:
John Ollis — Amy Cash
T.V.B. Tayborn — Mollie Roland
Thomas Elders — Mollie Hedgecock
Emanuel Walker — Alice Cofer
Richard Odum — Mary A. Simmons
W.H. Hudgens — Harriet C. Johns
M.M. Roberts — Mary A. Groves
Millard Clark — Sophia Tregoning
William Fox — Josephine Ozmont
Henry Boswell — Margy Rowland
William A. Borum — Anna F. Almaroad
Ricklef A. Lyerla — Emily Alexander
James Tayborn — Susan Lucas
T.J. Jordan — Nancy McCormack
W.E. Richerson — Eliza Rhea
James P. Curran — Rachel S. Stephens
J.H. Vaughn — Alice J. Baker
A.J. Day — Mary A. Smith
D.L. Bush — Sarah J. Pleasant
William H. Chitty — Samantha Moulton
Andrew J. Smith — Minnie F. Halstead
Reuben Hudspeth — Mollie Newton
John C. Modgelin — Elizabeth Wyett
Moses S. Martin — Sarah A. Arms
John B. Samuel — Flora D. Council
W.B. Menees — Louisa A. Roberts
Isaac Daulton — Mary A. Nelson
A.J. Summersett — A.L.J. Matthews
Ed J. Mitchell — Stella B. Lodge
T.J. Maxey — Alcena A. Belcher
Alva Damron — Mary E. Garrett
Sol J. Motsinger — Areena Edwards
Henry Grant — Candace Felts
D.E. Chaney — Gertrude Kennedy
Henry D. Smith — Sarah E. Williams
Williford Davis — Martha L. Mathews
Samuel Huffstutler — Emma Murry
James B. Hudgens — Eliza E. Russell
F.M. Fletcher — Harriet E. Thompson
Silas Harris — Sarah Gibbs
Asberry Williams — Nancy Springs
J.A. Springs — Louisa B. Ward
John T. Moak — Nancy A. Menees
James M. Howerton Rosella H. McDaniel
Michael Williams — Nannie B. Barham
K.L. Wadkins — Ada R. Smith
F.M. Roberts — Alice Yewell
William A. Jackson — Martha A. Moake
Samuel Henderson — Sarah Stroud
Shelton C. Camden — Alveretta Jones
Thomas F. Smith — Delosia E. McKown
James Worley — Louvina E. Knight
Jasper F. Noel — Ida S. Clark
Charlie Allen — Carrie Cawthon
Sneed Caplinger — Mary Corder
William H. Bundy — Alice Bevard
Ben Newsome — Fannie M. Stone
James T. Howell — Susan A. Walker
Isaac C. Odle —Laura A. Williams
Levi Vaughn — Ada Ford
L.M. Dougherty — Susan Simmons
R.H. Bowes — Lillie Cover
Charles M. Lee — Sadie Belle Davis
James Swanner — Rebecca E. Trammel
Thomas E. Broad — Annie Barham
George Glasscock — Fannie Hammonds
A.M. Dowell — Eugenie Lewis IVIM 7 May 1885
Thomas Dunaway has a bran new girl to match his new brick building. MM 7 May 1885
Thomas E. Broad and Anna Barham were married Wednesday.
A.M. Dowell and Eugenie Lewis were married Sunday and will live at Pinckneyville.
Jennie Houts was married to George Quante of Metropolis last week. She is well known here. MM 7 May 1885
Ed Brown of Sedgewick, Kansas, an old Marion boy, is visiting friends in this county. MM 15 May 1885
A Washington dispatch under the date of the 4th inst., tells of a narrow escape Mrs. John A. Logan had from injury at the hands of a burglar. She was entertaining some friends at her new house on Iowa Circle when her attention was arrested by the sound of footsteps in her sleeping room above. She quietly ascended the stairs and was horrified to fins a well-dressed white man in the act of rifling her escritoire. The thief, upon discovering Mrs. Logan’s presence, made a vicious lunge at her with a large butcher knife, which she avoided by rushing out of the room. Before the inmates of the house could be assembled, the thief made his escape by jumping from the second story window on P Street. The only article of value carried away with him was a set of jewelry belonging to Miss Case, the lady from whom General and Mrs. Logan rent the house. MM 15 May 1885
Arthur E. Bracy of Marion and Florence Crain of Crainville were married Thursday of last week. MM 21 May 1885
Prof. C.C. Stotlar has bought land and as soon as he finishes his present school will leave for sunny Kansas. He is employed as principal at a school in Sedgewick. MM 21 May 1885
J.D. Edwards and Co. have leased their grist mill to C.C. Stotlar and Scott Prindle for 5 years. The new proprietors have begun removing the burrhs which they intend to replace with rollers. The woolen mill will continue under the old management, MM 28 May 1885
Non-resident notice — Mary A. Grace vs Solomon Grace — bill for divorce.
Admr. notice — G.C. Phillips, exec. of will of Harrison A. Phillips. James Sellars admr. estate of Willis Lance. MM 28 May 1885
Prof. C.C. Stotlar has changed his mind and will stay. MM 28 May 1885
Admr. notice — Elizabeth Parks admr. estate of Thomas Parks MM 4 Jun 1885
Cora Lewis left last week for Noble, Arkansas where she will teach school. MM 4 Jun 1885
A quarterly meeting was held Sunday at Perry’s Camp Ground. MM 4 Jun 1885
Noah Cash of Marion and Eva Hill of Crainville were married last Thursday. MM 4 Jun 1885
Corinth — Mrs. Mollie Shuller of Hutchinson, Kansas visited her father, W.A. Corder MM 4 Jun 1885
Mary A.L. Leamon, 25, wife of George, died last Friday of consumption at the home of Dr. E.L. Denison. Burial was in Old Marion Cemetery. MM 4 Jun 1885
Chancery sale — Amanda M. Willeford, John B. Willeford and Susan E. Gent vs Polly A. Blankenship, Martha A. Young, Bethany J. Reid, Mary A. Davis, Daniel A. Davis, William J. Spiller, Susan E. Spiller, George Spiller, Maud Spiller and Sarah Williams — partition of dower. MM 11 Jun 1885
The best of bookkeepers are those who borrow your novels. MM 18 Jun 1885
The people of Grassy propose to celebrate the “glorious fourth” in grand style at Grassy Mounds, one mile south of Wolf Creek. MM 18 Jun 1885
Uncle Mart Gentry gave friends and relatives a dinner last Tuesday, his 60th birthday. 57 persons besides his family partook. MM 18 Jun 1885
Chancery sale — Reub1n Fozzard vs John G. Alexander and Tirzah J. Alexander — foreclosure.
Stich M. Carter vs Bluford Jordan and Mary H. Jordan — foreclosure. MM 18 Jun 1885
Charles L. Calvert and Hattie Russell were married last week on Wednesday. MM 25 Jun 1885
J.H. Kastendeick and Mary M. Stone were married 17 Jun at Billings, Missouri. She is a former resident of Marion. MM 2 Jul 1885
Saline Precinct — Isaac Hall, who has been living in Arkansas, returned last week bringing a small pet bear. He was accompanied from Cairo by his little grand daughter, Miss Minnie Hall MM 2 Jul 1885
G.W. Evans and Dora Vick were married last Wednesday. MM 9 Jul 1885
Swan Skelton was arrested and charged with burning the barn of his divorced wife in Crab Orchard. MM 9 Jul 1885
In memoriam — Brother Charles M. Murrah — Lake Creek Lodge No. 729 A.F. & A.M. MM 9 Jul 1885
L.D. Hartwell received sad intelligence about his youngest brother, George, in Texas. A team of horses ran away with him and threw him into a barbed wire fence. It is feared death will result. George was well known here. MM 16 Jul 1885
Robert C. Fitzgerrell, son of J.J. of Franklin County, married July 6 in Benton to Laura Hundley of Carbondale. She was raised in Marion. MM 16 Jul 1885
Farmer and Fruit Grower — Considerable excitement occurred at the residence of Mr. Tygett in Western Saratoga last Saturday by a dog suffering from hydrophobia. It snapped at several other dogs and two cows, the latter died. It bit two of Mr. Tygett’s children. They were brought to this place on Tuesday hoping a madstone could be found. Mrs. John Williams of Anna had one. It was applied to the bites on the little boy’s leg. It stuck like a leech for three applications, after which it would not adhere, which was thought to be evidence the poison had been extracted. It would not stick to the bite on the girl’s leg, as it was merely a scratch made thru her clothing. MM 16 Jul 1885
Chancery sale — Case of ex parte vs John O. Taylor MM 23 Jul 1885
Theodore Aikman, son of William and Mattie Gent, daughter of D.A.S., deceased, were married 15 Jul at the home of the bride’s mother, two miles north. J.M. Bainbridge and Jeff Chism were groomsmen. Mollie Tyner and Lou Bainbridge were bridesmaids. MM 23 Jul 1885
An analysis of the stomach of John B. Henson who died last January in Perry County reveals poison was administered. Suspicion rested on his wife and the grave was opened and the stomach examined. MM 23 Jul 1885
Spannuth was killed Monday at Bainbridge. He was assisting in loading piling on cars when a large piece of timber gave way and fell on him. He came here a few months ago from Casey, Illinois to erect a creamery and had pushed the enterprise to a point where success would have crowned his efforts. The funeral was held by Rev. G.W. Lamaster at the Perry Church where the remains were buried. MM 30 Jul 1885
Last Saturday night a man named Mauphin was taken from the Mound City jail, shot and hanged. The body was left hanging until day. He was jailed for brutally murdering his son-in-law at Mound Junction. This is the second case in two years. MM 30 Jul 1885 [MM 6 Aug has a lengthy account and says he killed Daniels.]
The leader of the Adventists have fixed the last day of the world at May 14, 1886. MM 30 Jul 1885
Charles T. Boyd and Ida Weeks were married at the home of the bride’s parents in Wichita, Kansas. Charles has a large number of friends in Marion. MM 30 Jul 1885
Admr. sale — Samuel T. Russell exec. will of John Q. Russell MM 30 Jul 1885
Sheriff’s sale judgment against Oliver S. Tippy, Z. Hudgens, M.C. Campbell, William T. Davis and James H. Duncan in favor of Leroy A. Goddard 8 Aug 1885
H.L. Spannuth was born Lebanon County, Pennsylvania 11 Oct 1831, of Lutheran parents. He moved to Dark County, Ohio in 1865 and lately moved here from Clark County. MM 6 Aug 1885
Not amid the din of battle
Not struck down by bursting shell
But in the arms of those who loved him There the grand old hero fell.
Fell into eternal slumber Into painless, perfect rest
The nerveless hands in peace are folded
No pulse stirs the silent breast.
Tho death has claimed the old commander His glorious deeds remain
And in the pages of our history
Bright will shine his honored name.
And the tomb that holds his ashes Per will be the nation’s shrine A spot to love and guard as sacred Thro’ the varying lapse of time. MM 6 Aug 1885
Charles A. Edwards vs Mary Edwards — bill for divorce. MM 13 Aug 1885
William A. Chamness of Bainbridge died Sunday at 2 p.m. He was taken with a chill Saturday and was unconscious until death. He was buried with Masonic honors.
Mrs. A.A. Baker, wife of Dr. Baker, died Aug 7th of consumption. Burial was in the old family cemetery on the farm of Dr. G.J. Baker. MM 20 Aug 1885
Non-resident notice — Martha A. Snider vs Jonas Snider — divorce. Christina Newman vs John P. Newman — divorce. MM 27 Aug 1885
M.M. Mitchell, wife of Dr. S.M., died Saturday. Burial was in Corinth Cemetery. MM 27 Aug 1885
Non-resident notice — K.L. Williams vs R.W. Grimes and R.M. Grimes.
Thomas Stumm vs Thomas M. Walker, Sarah H. Walker and Matilda Russell.
Jennetty E. Pat1erson vs Josiah Patterson — divorce. MM 3 Sep 1885
Uncle Johnnie Hill, 64 years 11 months 2 days, died Sep 5. He was born 3 Oct 1820, the second oldest white child born in the county, Christopher Menees being the oldest. He was the father of 14 children; 10 are married, grandfather to 45, all of whom were at the funeral. 500 to 600 people attended the funeral. MM 10 Sep 1885
May Maria Mitchell was born in Milton, Stafford County, New Hampshire 1 Sep 1833 and died 21 Aug 1885 after an operation for an ovarian tumor. Her maiden name was Moulton. She began teaching school at age 16 and came west in 1855. She taught at Old DuQuoin, Tamaroa, Mt. Vernon and Marion and came to Corinth in 1859. She married Dr. Samuel M. Mitchell 1 Jan 1860. [lengthy] MM 10 Sep 1885
Sheriff’s sale judgment against Amzi T. Thompson in favor of Sarah E. Thompson.
Notice of final settlement – estate of Samuel T. Russell, Cass C. Russell surviving administrator. MM 10 Sep 1885
J.F. Carver sold a 780 acre farm and mill on the Saline to Mr. Brandriff of Ft. Wayne and will move his family to Ft. Wayne. He is a leading member of the M.E. Church of Marion. MM 17 Sep 1885
Kate Cabiness, 15 years 8 months 14 days, died Tuesday of typhoid fever. Burial was in the Frank Brown Cemetery. MM 17 Sep 1885
Attachment notice — Sheriff & McNabb Brothers firm composed of Jos. P. Sheriff, R.L. McNabb and John W. McNabb vs Edwin Bennett. MM 24 Sep 1885
Maria M. Ewen, 32 years 5 months 29 days, wife of Joseph, died 19 Sep. Burial in Lake Creek Cemetery. MM 24 Sep 1885
Lost between the courthouse and my residence, 2 $20 bills wrapped together. Finder will be suitably rewarded. A.F. White. MM 8 Oct 1885
John M. Bainbridge left last Wednesday to seek a new location in Kansas or Colorado. MM 8 Oct 1885
Tobe Woods of Eight Mile was sentenced to 3 years for forgery. MM 8 Oct 1885
Samuel Russell and Lizzie Ralls were married Sunday. MM 8 Oct 1885
Sheriff’s sale — judgment against E.L. Denison and C.H. Denison. In favor of S.W. Dunaway.
Judgment against A.M. Askew and Mary A. Askew in favor of Novelty Iron Store. MM 22 Oct 1885
B.P. Wharton and W.W. Wharton were tried and convicted of assault to murder. Walt was sentenced to 5 years and Polk to 4 years. MM 22 Oct 1885
Lake Creek — Thomas Richerson killed his cousin, Jefferson Richerson on Saturday. Their wives had some trouble and the men tried to settle it. They quarreled and were separated. Thomas picked up an axe and struck Jefferson who died in a few hours. MM 22 Oct 1885
Some bran new Republicans have been added to the already large majority in Grassy. Among the happy fathers are Rev. T.O. McMinn, P.R. Parker, James Jones and Jack Davis. MM 22 Oct 1885
L. Benson of Marion and May D. Pope of Herrin’s Prairie were married last Thursday. [A lengthy list of gifts.] MM 29 Oct 1885
W.J. Benson, son of 0.P., born 23 Jul 1859, died 3 Nov 1885 of typhoid. He lingered 38 days. MM 5 Nov 1885
Lovett Locklier of Northern Township died last Thursday. He was A Civil War soldier, One by one they answer the last roll call and go to the eternal camping ground, MM 12 Nov 1885
Wyatt Gill, 20, son of Thomas living near Union Grove, accidentally shot himself in the head Tuesday while hunting. MM 12 Nov 1885
Antice Lamaster is laying dangerously low at the home of her father, Rev. G.W. Lamas ter. MM 12 Nov 1885
Mike Uhls and Anna Dillingham – Sunday.
Simeon Ewan and Mrs. Nancy Dunaway – Sunday
Andrew Baysinger and Minnie McInturff – Sunday MM 12 Nov 1885
Sale of real estate — William Barter and Samuel Barter exec. will of James Barter. MM 12 Nov 1885
Antice Lamaster, born 23 Feb 1862, died 11 Nov 1885, aged 23 years 8 months 17 days. She was a member of the Methodist Church. The day before she died, she called her family to her bedside and bade them farewell. She told her grandmother she would meet her in Heaven and asked her father to write her brothers and sisters in Minnesota. [lengthy] MM 19 Nov 1885
Ulysses Grant is the name of a new Republican at P,M. Parker’s.
John H. Duncan has a new assistant editor for “Our Public Schools,” born Sunday night. MM 26 Nov 1885
Chancery sale — Hardin Goodall vs R.P.W. Turnage and Elizabeth Turnage — foreclosure. MM 26 Nov 1885
Horace Ramsey was tried and acquitted of arson. There was no evidence against him and the verdict was a just one. MM 26 Nov 1885
Crab Orchard:
The G.A.R. will use the second story of W.A. McDonald’ s building for their lodge room.
Uncle Ham Corder, 85, is still sprightly and a fluent talker. He killed deer and bear in this county 50 years ago. Of course he votes with the G.O.P.
Uncle Oliver Davis, 87, came out and voted the Republican ticket the last election. Douglas was the last Democrat he voted for. MM 26 Nov 1885
The Latham, Kansas Journal reports J.M. Bainbridge of Marion, Illinois, has accepted a position in J.D. Boggs dry goods house. He came to Kansas for his health. MM 26 Nov 1885
Adj. Notice — W.H. Williford admr. estate of W.J. Henson. MM 3 Dec 1885
An application for the pardon of B.P. Wharton and W.W. Wharton. Nancy Wharton. MM 3 Dec 1885
Pulleys Mill — Isaiah Lowery and Emma Pritchett were married Monday. MM 3 Dec 1885
Stonefort — George W. Kelly died the 26th of hearts disease, that silent missle. Saturday night, Lon Beggs, under the influence of liquor, went to the residence of Mrs. Rogers where Bill Wayman and a woman named Sula Trammell lived. Wayman struck Beggs with a heavy iron shovel, breaking his jaw. He was arrested, but escaped. [Lengthy account.] MM 3 Dec 1885
“Pa” is the latest title to Prof, Kimimell’s name. It’s a girl. MM 10 Dec 1885
John Alexander Logan arrived at the home of Representative and Mrs. J.M. Fowler last Sunday. The doctor feels he owes his country a debt and will pay it in Republican boys. MM 10 Dec 1885
Officers elected to Marion Post No. 319 G.A.R.:
J.P. Copeland — Post Commander
J.L. Adams — Senior Vice Post Commander
Thomas F. Keeler — Junior Vice Post Commander
L.D. Hartwell — Post Adjutant
George W. Young — Post Quarter Master
James J. Elliot — Post Surgeon
Rev. G.W. Lamaster — Post Chaplain
I.N. Privett — Officer of the Day
P.M. Parker — Officer of the Guard
Sergeant Major and Quarter Master Sergeant were not appointed. MM 10 Dec 1885
Stonefort — This month is like November, remarkable for its fatalities among Stonefort citizens. A dispatch from Golconda announces the drowning deaths of William Craig and George Craig, two of this town’s most worthy young men. Their father, George, said they were going on a trip to New Orleans with a flatboat load of potatoes for J.C. Baker of Golconda. They wrote home for their overcoats and Mr. Craig expressed them by return mail. Five miles below Metropolis a gale blew in from the west and they drowned. MM 10 Dec 1885
Stonefort — Mrs. G.W. Kelly is administrating on her husband’s estate.
D.W. Choiser and Willie Beggs were married in Johnson County last week. MM 17 Dec 1885
Last Saturday was the day for election of officers in George W. Youngblood Post in this place. J.A. Whitaker was elected Commander and Dr. T.J. Osburne surgeon. MM 17 Dec 1885
A boy for Henry Bynum. MM 17 Dec 1885
Another boy, James Farmer, was lost on the fatal boat . [With the Craig boys.] The blame rests on a captain who refused to let them cut the anchor loose. MM 17 Dec 1885
Stonefort — Nat Wolf of Minneapolis was on our streets a few days ago. MM 24 Dec 1885
Mrs. Susan E. Gent, 45 years 4 months 21 days, died Tuesday at her home 2 miles north. MM 24 Dec 1885
John 13. Davenport admr. estate of John M. McCarty. MM 24 Dec 1885
Sale of real estate — James Sellars admr. estate of Willis Lance. MM 31 Dec 1885
Theodore Aikman, 25 years 8 months 27 days, died Saturday at the home of his father one mile southwest. MM 31 Dec 1885
It is evident from police reports that more things than stockings were full Christmas night. MM 31 Dec 1885
In Lake Creek Precinct, the mother of Dr. J.M. Fowler was killed by her daughter last week. The young lady had been insane for some time. She struck her over the head with a shovel. She was adjudged insane and sent to the asylum. MM 24 Dec 1885
(Extracted from microfilm at Morris Library and/or Illinois State Library by Helen Sutt Lind, published in Events in Egypt, Vol. 3)