1886, News Clippings


Sheriff’s sale judgment against James L. Askew in favor of Samantha L. Rich. MM 7 Jan 1886

M.J. Motsinger arrived from Malden, Missouri and gave us a choice piece of venison as a New Year’s gift. MM 7 Jan 1886

Johnson County Journal — The death of B.S. Smith, 83, removed the county of a pioneer. He came to this county in 1818, age 18. He was mustering officer early in the history of the county and clerk of the county three times. He has been the husband of seven women, all of whom preceded him to the world beyond, save the last one. He was a member of the Baptist Church. He never wore spectacles and could read and write as well as ever he could and had a remarkable memory for dates and events.

MM 14 Jan 1886

John M. Bainbridge returned Monday from Kansas. He is pleased with the west and will return in the spring. MM 14 Jan 1886

Hugh Comer and Jennie Henderson were married Friday in Cairo. Both are well known here. MM 21 Jan 1886

Crab Orchard — Oliver Davis, 80 years 3 months 14 days, died at his residence here on Dec 15. He was born in Montgomery County, Tennessee in 1805 and came to this state over 60 years ago and settled on the place where he died. He leaves a large family of sons and daughters.

John Corder, age 17, taps the beam at 192 and a pair of twelves are full tight.

Jim Culbreth has a broad grin on his face. It’s a girl. MM 28 Jan 1886

Cottage Home — Will Coleman and Mary Reed were married 3 Jan.

Eli Cammack and Mrs. Annie Fitch were married 3 Jan. MM 28 Jan 1886

The wife of Solomon Motsinger of Crab Orchard died Monday. MM 28 Jan 1886

Stonefort — Henry Seals, one of our worthy citizens living in Pope County, died last week.

The infant son of Samuel Crawford died last Thursday at the residence of

A. Bergen after a long and lingering illness. His wife’s mind has for some time been nearly destroyed.

A. Simpson’s wife, recently sent to the asylum in Anna, will come home in a few days. MM 28 Jan 1886


James Lewis, colored, was fined $25 and costs for keeping a gambling house. MM 4 Feb 1886

Wesley Reynolds, an old landmark in Southern Illinois, died the 30th at his residence in Johnson County. MM 11 Feb 1886

David Scoby, 87, father of ex-County Commissioner John Scoby, died 19 Jan at his residence in Crab Orchard Precinct. He was born in Smith County, Tennessee in 1799 and came to Illinois in 1842. He was a member of the Baptist Church. MM 11 Feb 1886

Rebecca Hendrickson died at her home 22 Jan. She was born in Montgomery County, Tennessee in 1807 and came to Illinois 55 years ago. She was the mother of 11 children, 10 living. MM 11 Feb 1886

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Frank Hall died last Saturday in Grassy Precinct. Born in New York, he was one of the leading school teachers and a Baptist minister. Burial was at Chapel Hill by the Masonic order. His name was given as J.F. HALL elsewhere. MM 11 Feb 1886

Charles Owen of Carterville and Ardenia Gulledge of Marion were married 31 Jan at the residence of Mrs. Owen in Bainbridge. MM 11 Feb 1886

L.F. Chesier, sentenced to Chester from Johnson County for 25 years for murder, died Saturday of consumption. MM 11 Feb 1886

Non-resident notice — J.E. Hicks vs E.M. Birdsell & Co. — bill to cancel mortgage. MM 11 Feb 1886

A convict named Sanders, serving three years for larceny from Franklin County, suicided by jumping from a ledge of rock about 75 feet high. MM 18 Feb 1886

Stonefort — H.L. Weber and Jennie Beggs were married Thursday at Harrisburg. Will Kerrell and Julia Hall were married Thursday at Cairo. Mr. Kerrell was at one time an operator at this place. She was raised in this precinct. They immediately started for Texas. MM 18 Feb 1886

Milo Erwin has gone to Peoria to practice law. MM 18 Feb 1886

Tax sale — To John W. Cole, W.L. Watson, Fletcher Ferges, W.N. Roberts, Joel Chapman, William North and Abe North — Peter Wastier purchased 2 parcels, one assessed to Abe North, the other to W.L. Watson.

W.J. Spiller purchased land assessed to T.F. Mathews. MM 18 Feb 1886

Tax purchase — To Healey & Stewart, T.P. Heasley, Reuben Heasley, Thomas Stewart, M.A. Smith, Mc. Hawes, R. Borton, Robert Donovan, L.A. Mckinney and the Creal Springs Improvement Co. — J.D. Baker purchased land assessed to Heeley & Stewart.

To Amanda Burns, Sela A. Lewis, C.C. Lewis, Susan I. Edmondson, Lewis G. Edmondson, Martha E. Tanner, Thomas M Tanner, Stephen R. Burns, Elizabeth N. Burns, Thomas Dallas, Mary A. Dallas, Mary A. Henshaw, William N. Henshaw, Catherine Burns, J.M. Burns, William I. Russell, Martha A. Wilkins, Elizabeth C. Wilkins, James Williams, Thomas Burns, Oby Burns, Isaac N. Burns, Catharine Williams, Oby Rich, John Alexander and Mary J. Alexander — W.W. Duncan purchased land assessed to John Burns — M.L. Baker, assignee.

To Sarah Metzgar, Sarah Warren, James Warren and James B. Bradley — J.D. Baker purchased land assessed to Sarah Metzgar.

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To Louisa Abney, Lovina Davis, J.B. Harris, J. Ford and E.G. Creal W.W. Duncan purchased – M.L. Baker, assignee.

J.D. Baker purchased land assessed to Ambrose Ellet

J.D. Baker purchased land assessed to J.T. Harris.

W.W. Duncan purchased land assessed to William Dewoody M.L. Baker, assignee, then J.T. Rainey and J.S. Rainey, assignee, then William Dewoody, assignee. MM 24 Feb 1886

Non-resident notice — Harriet N. Westbrook vs Henry Westbrook ­divorce. MM 24 Feb 1886

Ed Ellis of Carterville has removed his stock of goods to Kansas. MM 24 Feb 1886

Globe Democrat — W.R. Hall, formerly of this place, married Mrs. Brooks Johnson. She visited Marion 2 or 3 years ago. MM 24 Feb 1886

John Stocks and Emma Henderson were married 22 Feb. MM 24 Feb 1886


Stonefort The wife of S.J. Crawford died Thursday night after a long and painful illness. She leaves a son about 4 years old,.. Burial was by Order of Rebecca. MM 4 Mar 1886

Rock Creek — This precinct can boast of one public library at Black School. MM 4 Mar 1886

Our county alms house contains 31 inmates. MM 4 Mar 1886

Tax purchase — J.D. Baker purchased land assessed to Ambrose Ellett.

J.D. Baker purchased land assessed to J.T. HARRIS. MM 4 Mar 1886

S.S. Ireland and Mrs. Mary Weaver were married last Wednesday. MM 11 Mar 1886

A man named McIntosh, living 7 miles west of Vienna, was assassinated last Tuesday night while sitting by the fireside at home. MM 11 Mar 1886

Stonefort — Amos Burns is the happy father of 3 new girls born last week. MM 11 Mar 1886

James W. Turner will open a select school for a term of 10 weeks at Crab Orchard Monday, April 6, 1886. Tuition per term: Grade A, $5.50 — Grade B $5.00. MM 11 Mar 1886

A girl was born to Hartwell Hendrickson. MM 11 Mar 1886

Marion Public School burned last Wednesday night. MM 11 Mar 1886

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Walter Loomis was found dead one mile south of Makanda. He had just returned on the afternoon train from Villa Ridge where he has fruit interests. While walking home he was seized by convulsions. He was found by Charles Orr. He was a member of the New Baptist Church in Makanda. MM 18 Mar 1886

Vienna Times — A coroner’s jury found Frank Mcintosh was shot by James H. Arnett, Henry Newton and Miles Newton, who were arrested. Joe Newton, who was under arrest, was turned loose because there was no evidence against him. MM 18 Mar 1886

Crab Orchard — Frank Crossley and Minnie Bones were married last week. MM 18 Mar 1886

Steve Culbreth returned from the pen last week. He was pardoned. MM 18 Mar 1886

Marriage license Albert Harris and Jennie McCall. MM 18 Mar 1886

Mrs. Margaret Ford was found insane Tuesday and sent to the asylum. MM 18 Mar 1886

C.R.P. King was adjudged insane and sent to the asylum last week. MM 18 Mar 1886

W.W. Grant and Jane Watson were married Thursday. MM 18 Mar 1886

Final settlement — James C. Miller admr. estate of Philip Turnage. MM 25 Mar 1886

Marriage licenses:

John Smith — Elizabeth Dugger

Isaac Dugger— Paralee Smith

James M. Roberts — Catharine Cox

William Tippy — Elizabeth Moody MM 25 Mar 1886


Edgar Barham, son of Joseph and Harriet, was buried Sunday in Barham Cemetery. He was almost a man in age. Life is hanging by a slender thread and may be blown out when we least expect it. MM 1 Apr 1886

Marriage licenses:

W.A. Bradshaw — Alice Carter

Lee Reeder — Elizabeth Long

Silas E. Spiller —- Lucy Lamaster MM 1 Apr 1886

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W.L. Goddard of Lake Creek committed suicide last Monday morning at 5 o’clock by shooting himself in the head with a pistol. He was about 60 years old. MM 8 Apr 1886

Dwina — The young son of Widow Ellis was complaining of feeling bad for a few days. At 8 o’clock on the day he died, he told his brother he was going to die. A few minutes later he told his aunt the same thing. He died about 9 o’clock that night of unknown cause. MM 8 Apr 1886

Henry Pease, an old Marion boy, is now at Phillipsburg, Montana. MM 8 Apr 1886

Marriage licenses:

J.G. Davis — Jadie D. Cram

Andrew J. Doughty –Ellen Phemister

John Smith — Wilmoth Jordan

John R. Belcher — May Edgar

Elam O. Ogle — Laura Bratton MM 8 Apr 1886

H.C. Mitchell and Della Goodall, daughter of John, were married Wednesday. MM 15 Apr 1886

John White, an old Marion boy, married Vinnie Nigh of Olney. MM 15 Apr 1886

Marriage license — Al. Russell — Dollie North MM 22 Apr 1886

Chancery sale — William B. Cundiff vs Lydia A. McBride. MM 29 Apr 1886


Adj. Notice — Jacob Rendleman and J.M. Kilbreth exec. of estate of James S. Childers.

Final settlement Jesse Bishop admr. estate of George Batts.

Chancery sale — Evansville National Bank vs J.M. Eubanks et al.

Gam Scott & Co. vs M.J. Gill et al. MM 13 May 1886

Mary A. Pettit vs George Craige et al. MM 13 May 1886

Non-resident notice — Harriet Hall vs Robert Hall — divorce. MM 20 May 1886

R. Borton and his brother-in-law paid us a visit. Mr. Borton is one of the leading lawyers in Clyde, Kansas. He informs us he will be back here in July. MM 20 May 1886


David Williams shot and killed John Adams Friday near Fountain Bluff, Jackson County. MM 3 Jun 1886

G.A.R. notes: – Corinth Post G.A.R., assisted by Sons of Veterans and a large number of friends, decorated 13 graves of soldiers at Zion. Speakers were Rev. Crenshaw. W.T. Toler, R.E. Burns and M.S. Strike.

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The people in the neighborhood of Union Grove strewn flowers over those buried there. Carterville Post decorated 13 graves at Hampton’s and held services there. Among those at Hampton, one is a Confederate grave that was marked the same as those who wore the blue. Revs. Reef, Doty and Seay, Dr. T. Coyle, Dowell and others spoke. J.W. Hartwell and Dr. Casey went to the Graves burying ground on Saturday and the Ridenhours on Sunday in Johnson County. Among the prominent in the former city of the dead is Dr. Casey’s father, Captain Casey of the 31st, who fell before Vicksburg. There are also others who shared the same fate and were likewise honored. Joe was one of the speakers. MM 3 Jun 1886

Marriage licenses:

William J. Kelley — Mary L. Davis

Levi Gibbs — Irene Meredith

George G. Strike — Mary E. Davis MM 10 Jun 1886

The State Board of Health has instructed the authorities at Crossville, White County, to kill all dogs and cats in that vicinity, as it is represented that small pox is disseminated from house to house by these domestic animals. MM 10 Jun 1886

J.M. Gregg of Harrisburg died Friday in Colorado. He was a lawyer. The body was brought back home and buried Monday. MM 17 Jun 1886

It’s a girl for J.D.R. Turner. MM 24 Jun 1886

In cutting down a huge cypress log rafted from the Tennessee River, the Paducah Lumber Company found an eighteen-pound loaded shell. The saw cut into it about one fourth of an inch. It was probably fired into it at the Battle of Shiloh. The bark of the tree had so completely grown over it that there was no outward sign of its presence. MM 24 Jun 1886

L.T. Edwards, 71, died Wednesday at Creal Springs. He was born in Tennessee and brought to Illinois when quite young by his father and settled in White County. He came to Williamson County in his teens and made his home here and in Jackson County since. His father was in the War of 1812 and a Major in the Black Hawk War, having a command in the Illinois Regiment in which President Lincoln was Captain. He was a member of the first legislature that met after Illinois was admitted to the union. L.T. Edwards was attacked three months ago by cancerous trouble above the left eye until the eye was forced from the socket, the tumor expanding upon the forehead and down the left cheek. His sufferings were indescribable, not a moment was he rid of his agony. Hence, death provided a happy relief. Few similar cases are recorded. MM 24 Jun 1886


Resolutions of Respect — Lodge No. 1 F.M.B.A., Burnside Township, Johnson County ­Brother Wilson F. Vancleave. Condolences to the widow and family. MM 8 Jul 1886

Shannon Holland left last Thursday for a two week visit to his old home in Virginia, his first visit in over 25 years. MM 29 Jul 1886

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W.T. Moore and Matilda E. Jeter were married Monday. MM 29 Jul 1886


Shannon Holland returned Monday from Virginia. MM 5 Aug 1886

The hog wallow at the well on the northeast corner of the square should be filled. MM 5 Aug 1886

Carey E. Wiley and Effie Goodall were married Sunday. MM 5 Aug 1886

Non-resident notice — Joseph Lucus vs Emma Lucus — divorce. MM 12 Aug 1886

Emma Hudson, 27, wife of Dr. T., died last Thursday. She was a kind and indulgent mother, a faithful wife and beloved by all who knew her. MM 12 Aug 1886

Alonzo L. Furlong, 18 years 6 months 5 days, son of C.A., died 14 Aug at his father’s residence near this city. He was sick a short time with malaria, coming home Monday from Vergennes where he was station agent. MM 19 Aug 1886

J.W. Carmichael returned home last week accompanied by his brother from Texas. [It had been reported earlier that he was going to Missouri to visit friends.] MM 19 Aug 1886

Creal Springs — Charley Herrin and family left for New Mexico last Wednesday. They will settle at Lake Valley where H.U. Herrin, Charley’s brother has been living the last 5 years. MM 26 Aug 1886

Chancery sale — George White vs James J. Thetford and Nannie Thetford.

Non-resident notice — William T. North vs A.P. Carmichael, Juliett Carmichael, Solomon Sitter, Joel K. Oakes, Thomas Gentry deceased, John G. Campbell, Jane & James Collins, Mary & Taylor Smith, Roena & John Wingfield, Alice & Martin Collins, Rosetta, Mat11e & Minnie Cox. — foreclosure. A.P. Carmichael, Juliett Carmichael and Solomon Sitter are non-residents.

William Homier vs Archibald Merielees, Matilda M. Merielees, Samuel A. Coale Jr., George Walker, Jessie Walker and Henry T. Mudd. All are non-residents. MM 26 Aug 1886

Admrx. notice — Meribah Anderson admrx. estate of James A. Anderson.

Non-resident notice — Amanda Alger vs A. Hartley Alger — divorce.


William H. Walker vs Marietta Walker alias Marietta Williamson divorce. MM 1 Sep 1886

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Benton Standard – Will Odle, a young man helping thresh wheat at E.M. Rotrammel’s was killed last Tuesday. He fell into a separator and his leg was ground off. The foot and leg came out in a half bushel. The ligaments and arteries hung down a foot and a half from the part of the leg not ground off. Doctor Rotrammel of Frankfort treated him but he died soon. MM 1 Sep 1886

Last Saturday night our citizens were aroused by a pistol shot. It was soon learned that Mahala Calvert had shot her husband, J.B. Calvert. They had been separated for some time and have had considerable trouble since then. She threatened that if he didn’t quit keeping company with other women that she would shoot him. He was taking home another woman when his former wife stepped up behind him and shot him with a 32 caliber revolver, the ball entering behind the left shoulder blade and lodging just above his left nipple. He is in a very precarious condition and just what the result will be is hard to tell. She is in the jail at Pinckneyville. MM 16 Sep 1886

Albert Amman of San Antonio, Texas, visited relatives in Marion last week. MM 16 Sep 1886

Sheriff’s sale judgment against Jasper Hill and S.W. Pedigo in favor of Newart Machine Co.

Adj. Notice — W.T. Fowler admr. estate of Sarah L. Fowler.

J.H. Stewart admr. estate of Z. Karnes.

I.N. Walker guardian of S.W. McMillan, H.H. McMillan, Mary McMillan, John F. McMillan and Louisa I. McMillan, minors — to sell real estate. MM 23 Sep 1886


Thomas Dunaway is the father of a bran new boy. MM 7 Oct 1886

Calvin Smith, one of Crab Orchard’s leading merchants, died Tuesday. MM 7 Oct 1886


Daniel Richie of Rock Creek Precinct died Friday.

John Richardson of Grassy died Monday.

Calvin Smith died at Crab Orchard.

Mrs. Fannie Robertson, formerly Fannie Swindle, died Sunday in Union Precinct.

Marion Russell, one of the neglected survivors of the Civil War, died in Union

Precinct. He was almost totally disabled and drew $8 per month. On the oceans of time,

the masses move along with a constant dropping out along the way. MM 14 Oct 1886

Preparations are being made to celebrate the birthday of Elizabeth Hendrickson near Union Grove the 7th of Nov, that being her 100th birthday. Friends and relatives are coming from other states. Richmond Hendrickson and his mother are here from Minnesota, Clark Baker and wife from California, and word has arrived from relatives in Kentucky that they will be here. MM 21 Oct 1886

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Judson H. Jenkins and Mary A. Johnson were married 11 Oct at the residence of the bride’s grandfather, Thomas Stone near Bainbridge. MM 21 Oct 1886

Atlas McNeill and Ida Moudy were married Sunday. She is the daughter of John Moudy and he is the son of J.A. McNeill. MM 21 Oct 1886

Mahala Calvert was sentenced to 2 years in the pen on Tuesday for attempting to murder J.B. Calvert. MM 21 Oct 1886

Robert Lowe, formerly of Marion now of Kansas City, subscribed to the Monitor. MM 28 Oct 1886


James T. Goddard, 68, died 29 Oct at the asylum in Anna. He was one of the earliest settlers and a prominent merchant until an attack of mental derangement. He leaves one of the oldest and largest brick buildings as a monument to his memory. A long procession of carriages and pedestrians followed the remains to their last resting place. Burial was in the old cemetery. MM 4 Nov 1886

The old cemetery has been cleaned up and a new fence erected around it. MM 11 Nov 1886

It’s a boy for Noah Cash. MM 11 Nov 1886

Blue Duck, the Cherokee, was received at the prison in Chester for a life sentence. The total number of inmates is 736, of whom 13 are females. MM 11 Nov 1886

Marriage licenses:

Stephen L. Culbreth — Frances Jane Wilburn

Levi Thompson — Jane Arms

Sylvester C. Stephens — Gertrude Chamness

William J. Aller — Ella Eaton MM 11 Nov 1886

The 100th birthday of Elizabeth Hendrickson was celebrated Sunday. Relatives came from California, Minnesota, Kentucky and other states. Services were opened by a reading of a biographical sketch of her by Rev. C.E. Cline of the Northwest Iowa Conference and a sermon was given by Rev. A, Ransom of the Central Illinois Conference. After this a dinner was spread wherever room could be found. A group photograph was taken consisting of Mrs. Hendrickson and the representatives of four generations. The day was blustery but everyone seemed to enjoy the occasion. She has lived longer in the M.E. Church than any other person in the world. The crowd was estimated at 3,000. MM 11 Nov 1886

The bodies of Mrs. Fellows and her daughter, Fannie, were removed from the Carbondale Cemetery to this place Monday. Mr. A.F. White informs us that the body of his father, Col. White will also be brought to this place. MM 11 Nov 1886

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Crab Orchard — The wife of Terry Thompson died Friday. MM 18 Nov 1886

Stonefort — Mac Wilson, an engineer at New Castle Coal Mine, came to town Saturday night. It is supposed he drank enough whiskey to make him drunk. Starting home, he sat on the railroad track a quarter of a mile from town and went to sleep. The lightning express hit him and severed his body. He leaves a wife and 7 little children to weather along in the world as best they can. MM 18 Nov 1886

Benton Chronicle — Frank Evans of Williamson County obtained a judgment of $5,000 damages here against the Whorton brothers. About a year ago, they engaged in a quarrel near Lake Creek and one shot Evans, resulting in the loss of a leg. They are now in the pen. MM 18 Nov 1886

On Jul 17, 1857, James D. Pulley and wife Amanda, John Goodall and wife Sarah A. deeded the present school site in this city to John M. Cunningham, Williford Ferrell and William Hopper, directors and their successors. A two-story frame building was erected, containing four rooms. About six or eight years ago, the addition of 2 rooms were built. It was completely destroyed by fire on March 3, 1886. B.F. Mangoild built a new school for $10,000. [Lengthy article.] MM 25 Nov 1886

William Perrine of Mercer County, Pennsylvania, a relative of N.G. Perrine of Lake Creek, is visiting. MM 25 Nov 1886

Master’s sale — Joseph Dugger vs Jasper N. Parks et al — foreclosure.

Levi Swinford et al vs Ethan A. Sprague. — declare trust & partition.

A.B. Blankenship — vs Julia Walston et al — foreclosure.

William T. North vs A.P. Carmichael et al — foreclosure.

Lillius L. Burns admrx. estate of John W. Morris. MM 25 Nov 1886

Orel Blaine Stephens, son of Isaac and Lucinda, died 23 Nov aged 2 years 1 month 8 days. He was the second child laid to rest by his sorrowing parents. Burial was in Pleasant Grove. MM 25 Nov 1886


Francis Knight, an aged man of Southern Precinct.

J.H. White, a teacher at Creal Springs Public School.

Martha Evans of this place. She is the mother of Dr. Evans. MM 25 Nov 1886


Mrs. William Amman has returned from Pass Christian, Mississippi where she has been with her daughter, Mrs. Fanny Kimmel and husband. Fanny has been in delicate health about eight months and was taken south four weeks ago for her health. She is much improved. MM 2 Dec 1886

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Marriage licenses:

Elijah M. Harris — Arabella H. Evett

Marcellus H. Hendrickson — Lucy M. Sanders

John H. Weaver — Dora Moore. MM 9 Dec 1886

Alvin Chamness and Callie Cloud were married 1 Dec at the residence of the bride’s parents at Bainbridge. MM 9 Dec 1886

County Commissioners Report – It was ordered that all able-bodied men, residents of this County, over 21 and under 50 years of age, subject to road labor, be required to perform five days labor on the public roads in their respective road districts or pay the sum of $7.50. MM 16 Dec 1886

The 2-year-old son of Newt Manning fell into a kettle of boiling water and died. His father was killing hogs. MM 16 Dec 1886

Wolf Creek – Milo Moulton, son of Si Erling, died the 6th. MM 16 Dec 1886 

John Hunter and Emma Cox were married Sunday. MM 16 Dec 1886

Addison R. Roberts and Mrs. Mary B. Peebles were married Sunday at the residence of the bride’s father, C.A. Furlong. MM 23 Dec 1886

Separation notice — My wife, Louisa Walker, on Dec 17 did desert my bed and board … James H. Walker MM 23 Dec1886

John A. Logan died last Sunday. [Lengthy account.] MM 30 Dec 1886

John Bain died yesterday at his home in Vienna. He located in that county 62 years ago. MM 30 Dec 1886

F.P. Furlong, of Mexico formerly of this place, is here on a visit. MM 30 Dec 1886

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