1888, News Clippings, January thru July


Uncle Ezekiel Rhea has passed from time to eternity. He died 30 Dec of heart disease. TL 5 Jan 1888

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. S.B. Hull died Saturday. TL 5 Jan 1888

Grassy — Rev. J.F. Kirk lost his little girl, Phena Kirk, last Friday and his little boy is lying low with pneumonia. TL 5 Jan 1888


We note the return home from Malden, Mo. last week of A.J. Hammack and H.F. Arnold.

M.V. Mallady left his home Friday morning, returning in a few minutes. He found his household affairs in a confusing condition; his wife was in an adjoining room and had suddenly lost her eyesight. In a few hours she became hopelessly insane and later still she is reported to be dying.

William Joyner who has been in Erin, Tennessee working at the stave factory, came home last Thursday and spent a few hours with old chums. TL 5 Jan 1888


Condolence — Death of Brother U.S. Kirk 3 Dec 1887. Lodge #104 F.M.B.A.

The mother of A.M. Askew died last Friday at her home here. She was quite old. TL 12 Jan 1888

Williams Prairie

Jasper Harris of Texas and Laura Groves of Benton were married the 19th.  Barnum Greenwood and Mary L. Reel were married 1 Jan. TL 12 Jan 1888

Robert W. Spiller and Annie Cox were married 5 Jan at the residence of the bride’s father, G.W. Cox of Pulley’s Mill. TL 12 Jan 1888

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cline lost by death one of their little ones Monday night. TL 12 Jan 1888

Lake Creek –

A 9 pound girl was born 30 Dec to the wife of Frank Avery. TL 12 Jan 1888

In Memoriam — Lake Creek Lodge No. 729 A.F. & A.M.

George Oeth, 72, died 30 Dec at his residence at Lake Creek. TL 12 Jan 1888

Crab Orchard

Two coffins left town last week. Aunt Sallie Russell died 17 Jan, aged 60 and a little babe of James Carter’s died 17 Jan, aged 3 months. TL 26 Jan 1888


Since my last report, the wife of M.V. Mallady and Dr. B.S. Young have died. TL 26 Jan 1888

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Notice of adj.

Sally Ann Ralls, admrx. estate of Allen Lewis Ralls TL 26 Jan 1888



Death has again visited our ranks and called to another world Mrs. Robertson and Alyadia and Rosco Pernell, son and daughter of John Pernell. TL 2 Feb 1888

Ezilda Felts and James Avery were married 24 Jan at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Felts. TL 2 Feb 1888


A little son of Thomas Duncan, Herrin’s Prairie, died Sunday.

Freddie Kilbreath, 1 year 1 month 12 days, son of John M., died. [no date] TL 9 Feb 1888

Lake Creek

A 12 pound boy was born to the wife of Thomas Johnson. [no date] TL 9 Feb 1888

Crab Orchard — Uncle Hamilton Corder, an old pioneer, died 6 Feb. TL 9 Feb 1888

Marriage licenses

F.M. Spurlock — Julia Simpson

W.E. Wiley — Lula Campbell

John W. Morris — Mary M. West

James A. Hicks — Laura B. Campbell

George D. Mitchell — Minnie V. Gulley

George Emory — Sarah E. Fitzgerrell

Robert A. Ashbey — Alice D. Felts

W.S. Owens — Paralee Dougherty

Andrew Jarraghan — Emma B. McDonald

Elijah M. Atwood — Mary J. Sheets

Leonard Wherly — Mary E. Grider

Lawrence Murphy — Arista Finley

John C. Taylor — Amanda P. Keelin

William H. Forbes — Sarah E. Lee

Robert W. Spiller — Margaret A. Cox

Joel S. Swofford — Mary Hall

William M. Hindman — Emma J. Nelson

Charley Upchurch — Tennessee Nicholson

Nathan H. Midgett — Sarah A. Rader

Barnum Greenwood — Mary L. Reel

L.W. Lyerla — Martha F. Donelson

George H. Stewart — Laura Alsup  TL 9 Feb 1888

Chas. Zimmerman of Carterville and Alice Rodman of Creal Springs, daughter of Eld. John Rodman, pastor of the Baptist Church in Metropolis, were married Wednesday. TL 16 Feb 1888

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Lake Creek

Harrie Stein died 9 Feb of measles and brain fever. He was aged about 8 years old. TL 16 Feb 1888

Hamilton Corder died 6 Feb at Crab Orchard, aged 86 years 8 months 6 days. He was born 31 May 1807 in North Carolina. He moved to Tennessee with his parents when he was about 10 years old and to Illinois when about 21 years old. After coming to Illinois, he married Permelia Keaster. He was a member of Davis Prairie Church. He left 8 children, 23 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren. TL 16 Feb 1888

Comrade Jasper Brewer of Crab Orchard has our unfeigned sympathy in the death of his 15-year-old son who died Sunday of pneumonia. TL 23 Feb 1888

Ella White, daughter of Samuel White of this city, died last week. At the time of her death, nearly the entire family was prostrated with measles. Later, on Tuesday night this week, his son Thomas White died. TL 23 Feb 1888

George W. Duncan, late of Lake Creek, returned home from West Plains, Missouri with typhoid fever. He has been in business there for some time past. TL 23 Feb 1888

A little girl of Marion Morgan’s, of this city, died last week. TL 23 Feb 1888

The Masonic fraternity of this city was called upon last Friday to attend the funeral of Mr. D.A. Phillips, one of their members. TL 23 Feb 1888

Lake Creek

Willis Goddard, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Goddard, died 17 Feb of measles and pneumonia.

Lake Creek – John Spiller died of pneumonia 20 Feb at his residence 3 miles north. He was just getting over the measles when he took a violent attack of fever. He left a wife and 4 children. TL 23 Feb 1888

Eight Mile

Some of our citizens have got the Washington fever. Dr. A.B. Tomlinson says he expects to migrate there next September. TL 23 Feb 1888

Last Friday at the schoolhouse in Williams Prairie, a difficulty occurred between the son of John Struth and a brother of George Garrett. Struth shot Garrett, the ball passing through his right side and lodging in his left shoulder.       TL 23 Feb 1888

A memorial tablet to General John A. Logan was dedicated 9 Feb at the Metropolitan Methodist Church in Washington City. Attending was his family: Mrs. Logan, John A. Logan Jr. and wife, Major Tucker and Mrs. Tucker, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrews of Ohio, the father of Mrs. Logan Jr. Also Logan Guards of Honor, John A. Logan Camp of Veterans, judges of the U.S. Supreme Court, senators and representatives of Congress. A large audience room of the church was completely filled. The tablet is of Georgia marble, a nearly square pink slab set in a large one of gray, known as Creole marble. TL 23 Feb 1888

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It is not likely that half the people of Western Precinct know there is a soldier of the War of 1812 in the precinct. John Q. Adams, 95 years old, was in the artillery service under Captain Simmons. His father was a Revolutionary soldier and a cousin to one of the President Adams. Mr. Adams was born 2 Feb 1893 in Fairfax County, Virginia, has had 3 wives and 24 children, 60 grandchildren and 30 great grandchildren. He moved to

Tennessee in 1850 and to Illinois in 1855. He has lived in this county and Perry
County up to the present. He married at the age of 17 and his oldest child is over 75 years old and lives in Texas. He draws $8 per month pension. TL 23 Feb 1888

Prof. B.F. Kizer and Frank Joyner will open a normal school in the public school building in Marion on Monday, April 16, 1888, for a term of 10 weeks. Tuition is $5. Good board can be secured for $2.50 to $3 a week. TL 23 Feb 1888

Notice of adj. — Jesse Parks admr. estate of Sarah E. Russell.

Tax sale

To George Farmer and E. Cooksey – George A. Goodall purchaser

To Philip Speers, William. H. Ridgway and Pat McFaden — W.H. Warder purchaser

To Robert Benson, Robert H. Benson, Mary Benson, Henry Hudson and Leonidas Doty — J.D. Baker purchaser

To Alex Smith, Alex W. Smith, Alexander W. Smith — M.L. Baker purchaser

To J.H. Reynolds, John Reynolds, John H. Reynolds, J.W. Hartwell, Martha Hartwell and William Hadley — M.L. Baker purchaser

To J.U. Tanner, Cynthia C. Tanner, C.0 Tanner, Charles A. Aiken — M.L. Baker purchaser

To Lauder & Palmer — J.W. Baker purchaser

To Mike Ellett, Michael J. Ellett, Fountain E. Allbright, F.E. Allbright, H.V. Ferrell, A.B. Ellett — W.H. Warder purchaser

To Sarah Snider — J.W. Barham purchaser

To Sarah A. Edmonds and Sarah E. Edmonds — W.P. Goodall purchaser

To C.P. Elders — A.B. Scurlock purchaser

To James Connor, Margaret Connor and Margaret K. Connor — W.H. Warder purchaser

To Jasper Creal — J.F. Perkins purchaser

To E.C. Dawes — G.N. Moore purchaser

To Mary Eatherly — W.P. Goodall purchaser TL 23 Feb 1888

Sheriff’s sale

Judgment against John U. Tanner in favor of Goss & Phillips Manufacturing Co. TL 23 Feb 1888


John T. Duncan, 7 months 3 days, son of T.J. and Harriet L. Duncan, died 27 Feb. Burial was in the new cemetery. TL 1 Mar 1888

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Crab Orchard – Oscar Brewer, 14, son of M.J. Brewer, died. [no date] School was closed and a great concourse of people followed his remains to Coal Bank Cemetery. Sabbath School sang his favorite song, “Angels, Guide Me Home” and prayer was by Calvin Graves.

George Whitlock lost a little boy 24 Feb to a relapse of measles.

Charles Bruce died 25 Feb.

Mrs. B.F. Ensminger, 57, died 24 Feb. The funeral was at the home, conducted by Revs. Kelly and Robert Lewis of Stonefort. Burial was in the old family graveyard on the same farm where she died. TL 1 Mar 1888


The wife of John Meador died Friday after a 6 months illness of consumption.

Miss Ella Osborn and James Corder were married Wednesday.

E.E. Pulley will leave the 20th for Arkansas where he intends to engage in the mercantile business.

Dr. John P. Murrah died on or about the 1st after an illness of 36 hours.

Charley Joiner returned Saturday from Cairo where he has been in the employ of the New York Store Co. TL 1 Mar 1888

B.H. Jeter and John Jeter were called Friday to Washington County to see their aged father. It is believed he is dying. TL 1 Mar 1888

Spring term opens at the Creal Springs Seminary 12 March, G.H. Murrah, Principal. TL 1 Mar 1888

Tax Sale

To Asa Chapman and Ed Campbell — M.L. Baker purchaser

To George W. Sweet and Frances Tuttle — W.P. Goodall purchaser

To Catherine Hughes, Teeta Childers, John Vinson, Amanda Price, Joseph Price, George Minor, Catherine Vinson, Rosalie Vinson, Clay Jones, Elma Jones and Della Jones — W.H. Bundy purchaser

To Gann Brothers, John H. Taylor, Luke W. Gann, Nancy A. Gann, Isaac W. Gann and K.E. Gann — A.B. Scurlock purchaser

To James Nelson — W.P. Goodall purchaser

To Burgess Smith, Catharine Smith, Martha Coffer, Susan Willmore, Thomas R. Smith, John M. Smith, John Smith and Peter Smith — A.F. White purchaser

To Eli Holmes — George N. Moore purchaser

To J.M. Trammell — M.L. Baker purchaser

To T.B. Springs — George N. Moore purchaser

To Gann Brothers, Luke W. Gann, John H. Gann, Isaac W. Gann and John L. Mayer — W.H. Warder purchaser

To J.B. Blair — G.N. Moore purchaser

To Thomas Williams and Lavina Robinson — W.H. Bundy purchaser

To W.H. Smith — G.H. Goodall purchaser

To Thomas Ridgway — G.N. Moore purchaser

To John McCann, John McCown — J.W. Barham purchaser

To W.H. Smith — G.H. Goodall purchaser

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To R.H. Edmondson — M.L. Baker purchaser

To H.G. Lufkin, Annie Lufkin, Horace G. Lufkin, G.M. Bleeker, George M. Bleeker — J.D. Baker purchaser  TL 1 Mar 1888

Jimmie Jones, 2 years 10 months 3 days, son of Thomas and Emma Jones, died Tuesday. Burial was in the old cemetery. TL 8 Mar 1888

Barbara Deloach, 41 years 8 months 5 days, wife of John W. Deloach, died 25 Feb. The funeral was at the First Baptist Church where she had been a member about 14 years. She had been confined to her home the last few years. She leaves a husband and 6 children. TL 8 Mar 1888

Johnnie Skelley died 4 Mar. The funeral was at the M.E. Church. TL 8 Mar 1888

Frank Bones of Crab Orchard passed through this city Tuesday enroute to Elk City, Kansas. While here he ordered the Leader sent to him. TL 8 Mar 1888

Esquire James Morris of Corinth was buried Tuesday. He was 75 and had been a J.P. about 40 years. TL 8 Mar 1888

Henry Norman, contractor for lumber for the courthouse, was among our visitors Saturday. TL 8 Mar 1888


Atkins Post No. 655 G.A.R. was organized a few days ago. The officers were:

Corn. Maj. — J.N. Sanders

Sen. Vice — A.J. Phemister

Jun. Vice — J.D. Fly

Qr. M. — S.D. Baker

Qr. M. Sgt. — J.M. Davis

Adj. — J.N. Cannon  TL 8 Mar 1888

Lake Creek

Lige Pike received six hundred and fifty odd dollars from “Uncle Sam’s” bureau last week.

A bouncing baby boy was born 29 Feb to the wife of W.E. Weaver. His birthday comes but once in four years. TL 8 Mar 1888

Crab Orchard

Granville Ogle, an old soldier, died 1 Mar. TL 8 Mar 1888

Notice of adj.

J.H. Kopp admr. estate of George Oeth. TL 8 Mar 1888


James Morris, 75, died 4 Mar. 47 years were spent with his surviving wife. A Mason, he was buried in Corinth Cemetery. TL 8 Mar 1888

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A boy was born last Friday to Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Keeler. TL 15 Mar 1888

L.C. Fuller informs us his son, Carrol Fuller, is laying brick in Mound City. He will return about the 25th of this month to deliver the brick for the new courthouse. TL 15 Mar 1888

Stonefort: John Young and Martha J. Henderson were married Sunday.

Thomas Dugger, who left here about a year ago for Kansas, returned last week. TL 15 Mar 1888

The marshal of Dexter, Missouri came here last week with requisition for Thomas Miller, Mark Russell and Ed Gallagher, charged with unfair dealing in the tan business over in Missouri. He said the offended party probably wanted to get out of a bad bargain he made in buying territory for the tan business. TL 15 Mar 1888

Mrs. Matilda Trigg of Simpson Township, Johnson County, dropped dead the 8th of heart disease while getting breakfast. TL 22 Mar 1888

Willie J. White, 2 years 2 days, son of G.W. and Sarah White, died 19 Mar and was buried in Mclnturff Cemetery. TL 22 Mar 1888

M.J. Perry of this city jumped from the 3:30 train. His had went under it and he lost a thumb and the first two fingers. TL 22 Mar 1888

Henry Van Dyke of Stonefort called on us and subscribed to the Leader. He was a member of Co G 2nd Ohio. TL 22 Mar 1888


Moulton Carter, 75, died last week at his home in Johnson County. He was a local preacher of the M.E. Church. His father lived to reach 100 before his death several years ago in Johnson County. TL 5 Apr 1888

Dan Holman and Josie Warren were married Sunday. Also M.C. Tippy and Bettie Roberts married last Thursday. TL 5 Apr 1888

A child of Mr. and Mrs. George Leman died this week, the second one called from them recently. TL 5 Apr 1888

Willis Pillow, son of J.W. and Mertie Pillow, died last Tuesday. TL 5 Apr 1888

Mr. Hardin Wall, living in the vicinity of Western Saratoga, Union County, drowned last week while attempting to cross Bradshaw Creek. TL 5 Apr 1888

Ulysses Pemberton, who shot and killed his father near Galatia, was sentenced to 15 years for manslaughter. TL 5 Apr 1888

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A report on April 2 from Malden, Missouri says that parties who once lived in this county, Mchaney at Crab Orchard and Rice in Marion — got into a fight at a social club. T.J. Rice, ex saloon keeper, shot R.H. Mchaney 3 times, fled and shot himself in the head. McHaney still lives. TL 5 Apr 1888

Alpha Gowens, a little girl living at Thomas Johnson’s at old Stonefort, died Friday of measles. TL 5 Apr 1888

Cottage Home — Wash Wagoner died 16 Mar, one of the pioneers of the county and among our octogenarians. TL 5 Apr 1888

Adj. notice — Wesley Burnett admr. estate of Sarah J. Tanner TL 5 Apr 1888

William Channaberry, near Union Grove, died Sunday. He was a young man full of hope for a prosperous and useful life when called to answer the last summons. TL 12 Apr 1888

Ed Duncan of Herrin’s Prairie and Laura McNeil of Carterville were married last Sunday at Hurricane Church. TL 12 Apr 1888

The people vs M.M. Powell for killing William Huddleston at Harrisburg last winter began in Circuit Court in this place. TL 12 Apr 1888

An exchange says as this is leap year every married woman is entitled to sleep on the front side of the bed and get up and build the fire. The husband who refuses to allow her these rights is worse than a brute. TL 12 Apr 1888

A new boy arrived at the residence of O.P. Peebles of Crab Orchard last Monday. TL 26 Apr 1888

Paulina G. Anderson of Creal Springs was adjudged insane yesterday and ordered to the asylum. TL 26 Apr 1888

T.J. Throgmorton boasts of his 6th son, born Sunday. TL 26 Apr 1888

The funeral sermon of Hamilton Corder, late of Crab Orchard, will be preached by Rev. Caldwell at Davis Prairie Church Sunday. He was one of the oldest citizens of this county. TL 26 Apr 1888

T.L. Dowell of Eight Mile and Julia Walker were married Sunday at the residence of Benjamin F. Walker. Both are school teachers. TL 26 Apr 1888

Preparations are being made to observe Decoration Day at Graves Cemetery on the Marion and Vienna Road, Johnson County. Among the patriotic dead buried there is Capt. Casey, father of Dr. Casey of this city, who fell in front of Vicksburg while in command of Co D 31st Ill. TL 26 Apr 1888

Martin Odum informs us that Stephen Holmes who attempted suicide is yet alive and appears better. The food he takes passes off through the gunshot wound and, notwithstanding the apparent change for the better, no hopes for his recovery are entertained. TL 26 Apr 1888

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J.W. Peebles started for Clyde, Kansas to see his brother-in-law, Jud Jenkins whose death from measles is looked for. TL 26 Apr 1888

A 3-year-old son of S. Walker, 6 miles northwest, went into a lot where a mare was and was knocked down by the animal. Both bones in his right leg was broken. Dr. Casey dressed the wound. TL 26 Apr 1888

Hattie Sheeley, wife of Dr. Sheeley of Malissa, Texas, is visiting here. Her brother is L.D. Hartwell. Her health is very poor and Texas does not agree with her. TL 26 Apr 1888

Wolf Creek — Rev. Miles Roberts of the Missionary Baptist order died Sunday at his residence. He was a kind father and husband. TL 26 Apr 1888

Adj. notice — William H. Hinchcliff admr. estate of Esther Hinchcliff TL 26 Apr 1888

Sale of real estate — Amanda Childers admrx. estate of George W. Bulliner TL 26 Apr 1888


Mrs. Sarah Colley, sister of Mrs. Seay, and son of Wingo, Graves County, Kentucky are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Seay of this city. TL 3 May 1888

Theodore Mchaney of Kennett, Missouri called on the Leader yesterday. He is visiting Creal Springs for his health. He reports his brother is rapidly recovering from wounds received at the hands of Thomas Rice. TL 3 May 1888

Corinth — Another of Uncle Sam’s boys of 1861-65 departed from this scene of strife. Wilson Henry died Friday and was buried at Pleasant Grove. IL 3 May 1888

J.H. Jenkins was born 11 Apr 1858 in Monongahala County, West Virginia and came to Illinois in 1863. He married Miss M.A. Johnson 14 Oct 1886 and moved to Clyde, Kansas 24 Nov 1887 where he died 26 Apr. Jud’s death is sad and hard for his aged parents to survive. Burial was in the family cemetery east of town. TL 3 May 1888

Chancery sale — Cary E. Wiley et al vs Mary Eatherly et al TL 3 May 1888

J.A. Ensminger went to Kankakee Friday to take Jones to the asylum. TL 10 May 1888

William Aikman has potato slips. 15 cents per hundred. 1 mile southwest. TL 10 May 1888

Samuel White and Dollie Russell were married Thursday. TL 10 May 1888

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Frank Hampton of Eight Mile attempted suicide at Carterville Saturday, the result of a love affair. He placed a revolver against the side of his head near the temple. The ball ranged upward. TL 10 May 1888

Washington Thompson, a farmer of Saline County and member of Stonefort Lodge, died Thursday. TL 10 May 1888

Mr. and Mrs. S.S. Ireland started for Kansas yesterday. TL 10 May 1888

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lee have gone to Verndale, Minnesota to visit their daughter, Mrs. Jas. Hendrickson. TL 10 May 1888

Lake Creek – At Pleasant Hill Church house a few nights ago during services, while Ed Morris was standing outside, he was struck by unknown persons and knocked down. Though he was inclined to be somewhat rowdy and a worthless fellow generally, that does not justify such a cowardly sneak to assault him in that way. TL 10 May 1888

Knoxville, Tennessee Journal — Mrs. Anna Burkhart, who lives six miles north of here, mother of the Knox County coroner, is almost 87 years old. She was born in Knox County and has lived under every presidential administration except Washington. She had an uncle and grandfather killed by Indians in Union County when the country was first settled. In 1879, she received a pension as a result of the War of 1812. She went to Knoxville for the money but has never been back. At that time her son tried to show her a railroad car but her eyesight was so bad she had to pass without that pleasure. She has a son in Illinois and often talks of going to see him. (She is the mother of J.M. Burkhart of Marion.) TL 17 May 1888

Barton’s Free Press — Zadok Wharton of Williamson County died 8 May at his residence. He was born 1 Apr 1799 near Indian River Inlet, Sussex County, Delaware. He was a ship carpenter and in 1815 he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio for one year, then to West Chester, Ohio where he was a merchant and traded for about forty years. He came to Illinois in 1860 and settled in Schoharie Prairie where he resided until his death. He married Zilpha Walker of New York in 1829. Four children were born, three living: Ben Wharton of this city and Mrs. B.F. Evans of Williamson County. [This is two.] His wife died in 1871. TL 17 May 1888

William D. Shreeve and Mollie Cravens were married Sunday. TL 17 May 1888

Chancery sale:

Isham Harris vs J.W. Hartwell and Martha Hartwell

Robert L Carmichal vs Martha J. Carmical et al

J.W. Westbrook vs William Cannon and Cynthia J. Cannon TL 17 May 1888

On Decoration Day, graves were decorated in the Old Cemetery, New Cemetery, Perry Camp Ground and T.N. Cripps graveyard east of Marion and Allen graveyard south of Marion. TL 24 May 1888

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Last Friday at Creal Springs a man named Smith burned to death in the calaboose. He had been put in jail Thursday evening and was a stranger to this place. TL 24 May 1888

H.L. Skelley, late of this city, was mashed by the cars on the Short Line at Fredonia. He was laying face down on the tracks and the train could not stop. The body was taken to the residence of his uncle, J.L. Adams of this city. Burial was in the new cemetery. TL 24 May 1888

Blairsville — P.T. Russell and Nellie Rush were married Sunday. TL 24 May 1888

The post office at Lake Creek has gone from Brown & Darrow’s to the drug and general grocery of Burgess & Kopp. Dr. Burgess is the new post master. TL 24 May 1888


George W. Duncan of Lake Creek has gone west. TL 7 Jun 1888

Adj. Notice — J.M. Edmonds admr. Estate of George Hubbs TL 7 Jun 1888

John Pearson, living in the southwest part of town, died Sunday of paralysis. TL 14 Jun 1888

A.J. Sanders will deliver the last load of brick for the courthouse, making 350,000. Besides these, there are 65,000 Belleville brick. TL 14 Jun 1888

There is a well on the farm of John Sweet, 33 feet deep, which has stood several feet in water since dug, until last year when it went dry during the drought. John Culp has rented the farm and lives on it. A few days ago, his little two or three year old boy was playing around the well, climbed upon the curb and fell in. The father jumped over the curb and scaled down the rocky wall. He expected to find his son dead but he was trying to climb out and told his father he wanted out of there. He had a scalp wound. TL 14 Jun 1888

Last Saturday, Monroe Springs, living near the Saline County line, drowned while bathing in Saline Creek. He was hunting with James Springs and when they came to the creek, he proposed to go swimming. He was about twelve feet from Jim and called to him that he was cramping. Jim could not swim and Monroe was in water that Jim could not wade in. He was a teacher and his place in Prof. Turner’s school can never be filled. Burial was in Pleasant Grove. TL 14 Jun 1888

Chancery sale — W.W. Kimball Co. vs Richard Tony and Alice A. Tony. TL 14 Jun 1888

Mrs. T.J. Throgmorton died unexpectedly. TL 21 Jun 1888

Mr. Sanders says he has made no money on the brick contract for the courthouse. It has proven a loss to him, likewise Mr. Elliott has suffered (though worse) in his stone contact. TL 21 Jun 1888

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For thirty days Wilder picture man will give you 100 pictures of yourself, to all who have one dozen cabinets taken. So, come quick. W.W. Wilder TL 21 Jun 1888

Mr. S.T. Lauder of Carterville was killed Monday by the cars near Carbondale. TL 28 Jun 1888


E.F. Conant died at his residence here Saturday. He came to Marion a few years ago and had charge of the Edwards Woolen factory then went east. He returned to Marion last summer and married Georgia Wroton in August. Burial was in the new cemetery. TL 5 Jul 1888

Mrs. M.D. Spinning, wife of Ebenezer Spinning, died near Corinth in her 80th year. She left five daughters and a sister. A short time before she died, she saw Pa and other loved ones at her bedside, who had come to welcome her to the other shore. TL 5 Jul 1888

Samuel Lauder, about 36 years old, was found dead Tuesday in the yard of the I.C. R.R. at Carbondale. He was born in Scotland and worked for Bryden Mines on the M & 0 road. He formerly lived at Carterville; his wife lives at Bryden. His brother, John Lauder, took his body to Carterville for burial. TL 5 Jul 1888

John M. Bainbridge has returned for a couple of months. He says it is hot in Arkansas and a change of climate is necessary for his health. TL 5 Jul 1888

Benton Standard — Miss Dean Adams was married Wednesday to Mr. Cabiness of Marion. They will live in Marion. TL 5 Jul 1888

Stonefort — George Wise returned home a few days ago from New Orleans where he has been in the employ of the J.I. Case Plow Company. TL 5 Jul 1888

Stonefort — W.A. Wood of Stonefort and Sarah Balance of Burnside were married 4 Jul.

John McSparin and Gracie Whitaker, both of Saline County, were married the 7th. TL 12 Jul 1888

Edward T. Aikman and Ella Gent were married 8 Jul. Nearly three years ago, at the coffin of her mother, Ella took her mother’s place and discharged her duties so faithfully as the justly merit the love and honor of her brothers and sisters. TL 12 Jul 1888

Eight Mile — M.J. Elliot of this county and Clara Meisenhemer were married 27 Jun at the residence of the bride’s parents in Jackson County. TL 12 Jul 1888

Sheriff’s sale — Judgment against Hezekiah Davis in favor of Gaar, Scott & Co. TL 12 Jul 1888

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Baker — their first born. TL 19 Jul 1888

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Mrs. Harriet Robinson and Charles Edwards were married Tuesday. TL 19 Jul 1888

E.L. Darrow of Lake Creek died Tuesday. He had lived in this county from 1864 and came from Cheatham County, Tennessee. TL 19 Jul 1888

Stonefort — The greatest thing in the way of improvement this week is a telephone line running from J.W. Rose’s store to A. Burnan’s saloon.

Mrs. India Culbertson of Dongola, sister to W.G. Anderson of this place, died Sunday. She was about 50 years old and leaves one daughter.

Amanda Trammell of this place and L.O. Whitnell of Vienna were married Sunday. TL 19 Jul 1888

The cutting affair that took place here the 4th resulted in the death of George White, the younger of the two boys attacked by Earnest Duncan. Drs. Casey, Denison and Willeford amputated his arm Tuesday and he died within two hours. TL 26 Jul 1888

Stonefort — Frank Miles left Monday to resume work on the Mo Pac near Sedalia, Missouri. TL 26 Jul 1888

Sheriff’s sale

Judgment against E.T. Gallagher and William Gallagher in favor of M. Cantor. Judgment against F.M. Norman and H.W. Norman in favor of Gaar, Scott & Co. TL 26 Jul 1888


William Chanaberry voted for William Henry Harrison in 1840 in Tennessee and will vote for the grandson in 1888.

Thomas W. Swann voted for William Henry Harrison in 1840 in North Carolina and will vote for his grandson in 1888.

William Caplinger voted the Whig ticket in 1832, voted for Old Tippacanoe in 1840 and will vote for the Young Tippacanoe in 1888.

Wyatt Lindsay voted for Harrison in 1840 in Tennessee and will vote for the grandson in 1888.

S.S. Ireland voted for Harrison in 1840 in Tennessee and will vote for G.B. Fisk, the Prohibition candidate, in ’88.

Thomas Harris was not yet 21 by a month in 1840, but will vote for Young Tip in 1888.

James Dunn voted for Van Buren in 1840 but will vote for Harrison in 1888.

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Jack Jenkins voted for Van Buren in 1840, voted the Whig ticket in 1842 and thence forward till the Republican party was organized and has voted with that party until now. He is very enthusiastic for Harrison and Morton.

Uncle Daniel Peters voted for Jackson in 1828 and 1832, fought for Texas independence with Gen. Houston, voted for Little Van in 1836 and 1840, will vote for Cleveland and the red Bandana in 1888 and bids fair to live and vote the Democratic ticket for many years.

A. Little voted for Van Buren in ’40 in North Carolina and will vote for Cleveland in 1888.

Uncle Bill Spiller voted the Democratic ticket in 1836-40 and will still vote that ticket in 1888.

A.T. Benson voted for little Van in 1836-40 and will vote for Cleveland in 1888.

Peter Foe’s voted for Hugh L. White in 1836 in Tennessee and voted for Tip and Tyler in 1840.

A.J. Lewis voted for Van in 1840 and voted the Democratic ticket until 1860. The last ten years of this time he has been praying for forgiveness of his political sins. He has voted the Republican ticket since 1860 and will vote for Ben and Levi next November.

Grandpa Evans was 80 years old this week and says he feels as much like living as he did 15 years Ago. He voted for Jackson in 1832 and has voted the Democratic ticket every chance since. He voted for Van Buren in 1840, voter for Grover Cleveland in 1884 and will vote the Democratic ticket this fall.

John McAnally voted the Democratic ticket from 1838 to 1860 when he became a Republican and has adhered to that faith since and never wavered. He was a Mexican War soldier and is enthusiastic for Harrison and Morton and the Republican ticket.

Uncle Joe Stover says he voted for Van Buren in 1840, Polk in 1844, in 1848 he voted for Zack Taylor and for Scott in 1852, but in 1856 he returned to the Democratic party and voted for Granny Buchanan and Stephen A. Douglas in 1860. That ended his democracy. He has voted the Republican ticket since and will vote for Ben and Levi the 6th of November next.

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James S. Cash commenced voting n 1840 for Old Tippacanoe and Tyler too. He voted the Whig ticket until 1860 and since has voted the Republican party. He will vote for Harrison and Morton this fall.

Jacob Perry is 86 years old. He voted his first vote in Tennessee for John Q. Adams, voted the Whig ticket then forward (Tip and Tie in 1840) until 1860 when he commenced voting the Republican ticket. He will vote this fall for Harrison and Morton and down to coroner.

William Price voted the Democratic ticket in 1836 and still adheres to that faith, willvote for Cleveland and Thurman this fall.

Early O’Neal of Northern voted for Harrison in 1840 in North Carolina and the Whig ticket in 1860. He was a gallant soldier in the 56th Illinois (Gen. Raum’s old regiment) and is enthusiastic for Harrison and Morton.

A.I. Cooper of Northern voted for General Harrison in 1840 in New York and will vote for his grandson next November. He is 72 years old.

Uncle Rick Reed of Herrin’s Prairie was 94 years old last April, was born in North Carolina, was a resident of Tennessee for a time, settled in Illinois when it was a territory, has lived under every administration of the government from Washington to Grover Cleveland, voted his first vote for James Monroe in 1816 and has voted the Democratic ticket ever since. He will vote for Cleveland this fall.

John R. Stewart of Northern commenced voting the Whig ticket in 1836, voted for Harrison in 1840 and will vote for Ben Harrison in 1888.

Thomas R. Stewart of Northern voted his first vote for Old Tippacanoe in 1840 and has voted the Whig and Republican ticket to the present and will vote for the grandson in 1888.

Dr. S.M. Mitchell voted for Harrison in 1840 and the Whig ticket until 1860 and has since voted the Republican ticket. He will vote for Harrison and Morton this fall.

Benjamin Weaver of Northern was born in Kentucky and moved to Indiana when a boy, voted for Harrison and Tyler in 1840, moved to Illinois and voted for Fremont and has voted the Republican ticket to the present and will vote for Harrison and Morton.

Uncle Jack Perkins commenced voting for Jackson in 1832, voted for Van Buren in 1836 and 1840 and will vote for all the Democratic candidates in 1888. TL 26 Jul 1888

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