Extracted chiefly from the newspaper “The Leader” (TL)
Roscoe Oglesby Nall, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. B.K. Nall was born in Lake Creek precinct near Jeffersonville on the seventh day of January 1885 and died 16 Dec 1891 after a brief illness of croup, in the sixth year of his life. When the hour of death drew near, this boy of only six called his relatives and assembled friends to his bedside and gave them a farewell kiss and embrace while death was permeating his body. TL 7 Jan 1892
Mrs. James White of near Cana survived the death of her husband one week and was called home. TL 7 Jan 1892
My wife, Sarah Henderson, having left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I hereby give notice to all I will not be responsible for any debt she may contract or any contracts she may make. William Henderson TL 7 Jan 1892
Simeon Jones of Bainbridge was adjudged insane last week and sent to the Southern Illinois Hospital. TL 7 Jan 1891
Logan Kelley, a young man well known in this city, died Monday at his residence east and near town. TL 7 Jan 1892
Crab Orchard — Dr. Wolfe is improving. TL 7 Jan 1892
Non resident notice — Nora 0. Travelstead vs John Jefferson Travelstead divorce TL 14 Jan 1892
Notice of adj — David Upchurch admr estate of Ira Upchurch TL 7 Jan 1892
L.W. Lewis, while in the west, was with Mr. Davis, a former citizen of Marion. Mr. Davis left this place in company with F.M. Goodall and others in ’49 in search of gold in California and has been west in the mountains since that time. TL 14 Jan 1892
Mr. W. McCreery of Thompsonville died last week aged nearly 70 years. His wife, 67, survives him. They were married nearly 49 years ago. Out of a large family of children, only two are living: J.M. of Thompsonville and M.W. of Benton. TL 14 Jan 1892
Mrs. M.E. Chamness of Bainbridge died Saturday. TL 14 Jan 1892
W.R. Davis died of La Grippe and his daughter DELLA died at of consumption at Creal Springs. The funeral was Monday at Carterville. TL 14 Jan 1892
Dogwood — Cal Hurley and Mary Eaton were married. [no date] TL 14 Jan 1892
Carterville — Felix Kelley Sr., 76, died last Monday at his residence here. He leaves a wife and a large number of children. Burial was in the new cemetery. TL 21 Jan 1892
Paulina C. Chamness, nee Stephens, wife of M.E., was born 2 Sep 1842. She united with Crab Orchard Baptist Church on 20 Jun 1857 and was baptized by Elder W.B. Chamness on the 30th of August, following. On 9 Feb 1862, she married M.E. Chamness. She was the mother of three sons and three daughters, four of whom survive. Two are married and two are single. The funeral sermon was preached by W.W. Woodside and the text was Timothy 4:6-8. Burial was in Crab Orchard Church Cemetery. TL 21 Jan 1892
Mr. Stein of Lake Creek, father of our former citizen, Jake Stein, died Monday at quite an old age. TL 21 Jan 1892
Mr. and Mrs. W.C.S. Rhea rejoice in the birth of a daughter. TL 21 Jan 1892
John H. Webber and his mother of Stonefort attended the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s child here Tuesday. TL 21 Jan 1892
Dr. J.L. Wolfe of Crab Orchard, last week was sent to the Southern Illinois Asylum at Anna. Completely broken down, it’s not thought he will survive long. TL 21 Jan 1892
Edith M. Smith, 4 years 11 months 17 days, daughter of J.C.B. and Julia Smith, died 18 Jan. TL 21 Jan 1892
Levi E. Jones was born in Indiana, moved to Illinois and located in Lake Creek precinct, where he lived until his death 16 Jan. He was 65 years 1 month 11 days. TL 21 Jan 1892
Tax sale — To H.G. Lufkin — J.M. Cline purchaser
To T. Lysaght — J.M. Cline purchaser TL 21 Jan 1892
John B. Edrington of New Burnside, former citizen of this place, committed suicide by taking poison at Simpson Tuesday. TL 28 Jan1892
Blairsville — That grim old monster “Death” has carried off three of the family of John Walker consisting of John Walker, Mrs. Rena Walker and an infant in just one week. Other deaths are Mrs. Ann Howell, Mrs. Jas. Gosnell, an infant of B.F. and Vina Leach, two children of John Colp Jr. and one for W.N. Colp. TL 28 Jan 1892
Henry Stein of Murphysboro called at the Leader office. He had been to Lake Creek to attend the funeral of his father, George Stein, aged 82 years. He had lived in Williamson County since 1865. TL 28 Jan 1892
Eight Mile — Mrs. Anna Painter died 15 Jan, aged about 66 years. Buried in Hurricane Church Cemetery. TL 28 Jan 1892
Tax sale — To F.M. Norman — A.J. Benson purchaser
To Roy Norman — Geo. H. Goodall purchaser
To C.K.S. Willard, Francis Knowing, G.W. Bradshaw and W.A. Bradshaw — A.B. Scurlock purchaser TL 4 Feb 1892
Final settlement — John Adams admr estate of Sarah Farrer TL 4 Feb 1892
Court notice
People vs Watson, assault to murder, hung TL 4 Feb 1892
Carrier Mills — Samuel Allen was out in the road last Friday morning shouting “It’s a girl.”
Elijah Harris stopped the work on his new residence since the death of Mrs. Harris.
Hez Tanner plans to start for Florida in a few days for his health. TL 4 Feb 1892
Crab Orchard — Mr. Austin Groves died 53d ? Jan at home one mile west of typho malaria fever. TL 4 Feb 1892
Pulley’s Mill — Smith Morgan, who has been low with consumption, died Sunday. TL 4 Feb 1892
Sarah M. Marks, 39 years 3 months 24 days, wife of Wilson, died 30 Dec. She leaves a husband and 8 children. TL 18 Feb 1892
Tax Sale — To W.P. Sloan and Geo. H.Kelly — W.P. Goodall purchaser
To John Rufus Presley and Hugh Lauder — W.P. Goodall purchaser
To John Rufus Presley and Hugh Lauder — W.P. Goodall purchaser
To Jno. R. Thomas Jr. and E.C. Moore — Geo. H. Goodall purchaser
To Geo. Roberts and O.A. Harker — Geo. H. Goodall purchaser
To Cid Hutchinson, John H. Hutchinson, Wm. Trammell, Frank Trammell, Roy Trammell and Wm. Jackson — Geo. H. Goodall purchaser
To Eli Skidmore and W.A. Spann, A.J. Benson purchaser
To E.G. Creal, C.L. Otrich and W. De Bolt — A.J. Benson purchaser
To G.C. Phillips, J.R. Christie and W.T. Newton — A.J. Benson purchaser
To John Mathes, Elias Teal and James Arnold Sr. — W.P. Goodall purchaser
To S.W. Dunaway — F.M. Goodall purchaser
To Moses Arms and Henry Hudson — W.P. Goodall purchaser
To Grace Episcopal Church, R.B. Abbott, Rector, M.M. Greathouse and W.H. Warder — W.P. Goodall purchaser TL 18 Feb 1892
Crab Orchard — It’s a girl for Felix Furlong. 18 Feb 1892
Lake Creek — S. Beam, jeweler, has purchased the old Bidwell house and will remove his jewelry thither as soon as it undergoes some repairs.
M.A. Carter is ill with blood poisoning of a wound he received eight weeks ago while trimming a piece of timber. TL 18 Feb 1892
Wolf Creek — Maudie Townsend, 7, only daughter of A.M. and Jennie, died 12 Feb of pneumonia. TL 18 Feb 1892
Lake Creek — The 600 pound bell for the Christian Church has arrived. It is a beauty but it seems to be doing no practical good at present. We presume it will be hoisted in a belfry when the weather permits the building of it.
Lake Creek has more square miles of land than any precinct in the county; has 12 fairly equipped school houses and an enrollment of nearly 600 pupils; contains the village of “Shake Rag” on the hill and generally goes Republican; so why not chronicle these things in print? TL 18 Feb 1892
Tax sale — To Thos. F. Burns, Ezekiel Pritchett, David Jackson and A.F. White A.J. Benson purchaser
To the heirs of Peter Gilley and Thos. Tanner, Martha F. Tanner, and F.M. Westbrook — A.J. Benson purchaser
To Nancy Williams and the heirs of Presley E. Powell — A.J. Benson purchaser
To Mack Williams — M.L. Baker purchaser TL 18 Feb 1892
John Gee Sparks, 22, died at the residence of his father, F.M. Sparks, Tuesday. Burial was in the Old Cemetery. TL 18 Feb 1892
The widow of N.B. Calvert was buried in the old cemetery yesterday. TL 18 Feb 1892
Creal Springs — Mrs. Solomon White, a lady of advanced years, died Sunday. TL 25 Feb 1892
Lake Creek — One more Republican voter will be registered in the poll books of Lake Creek 21 years hence. Ask William Brown.
Mrs. Anna Belle Casey (nee Stilley) died 23 Feb at her home near Lake Creek. She had lingered for some time in a hopeless stage of consumption. She will be remembered as one of the prominent teachers of the county in by gone days. Our heartfelt sympathy to the husband and little daughter.
Some unknown miscreant entered the tobacco barn of J.M. Chapman and took 100 pounds of his best ‘natural leaf’ then tried to enter the barn of Mr. Barham, but the door fell and caused an alarm. May they chew to their heart’s content. TL 25 Feb 1892
Tax sale — To B.S. Young, H.S. Coe, Alice Goe, Nancy Tucker, C.O. Patier and New York Store of Cairo — A.J. Benson purchaser
To J.H. Deming and Rolla B. Thompson — A.J. Benson purchaser
To Stephen Holmes, John Holmes, John Arnold and L.A. Goddard — A.J. Benson purchaser
To O.S. Tippy, M.C. Campbell, Z. Hudgens, J.W. Westbrook, L.A. Goddard and Noah Killman — Geo. H. Goodall purchaser TL 25 Feb 1892
Among our callers last week was Jas. H. Lowery, a veteran of two wars and a wide-awake Republican. He has passed the milestone of three score years. TL 10 Mar 1892
Ambrose Owens and Fidella Blankenship were married Wednesday. TL 10 Mar 1892
J.E. Rice died Monday of consumption at his residence 2 miles east. The funeral was at Bethlehem Church. TL 10 Mar 1892
Lake Creek — Lake Creek can probably boast of the oldest person in the county in the personage of Aunt Susie Felts who is now in her 90th year. Grandma Harrison comes next in her eighties. Uncle William Right died on the 3rd while yet in the prime of his eighties. TL 10 Mar 1892
Cawthon — Uncle Joe Springs died Friday and was buried in Coal Bank Cemetery. He leaves 1 son and 1 daughter. Mrs. Springs died only a few months ago.
Bennie Dallas and Eliza J. Mandrell married recently. TL 10 Mar 1892
John R. Belcher of Lake Creek was tried at the February term of court for attempted murder. The verdict was two years. A motion was filed for a new trial and continued until the May term. TL 10 Mar 1892
Non-resident notice — Samuel V. Painter, Peter Miller, Elizabeth Miller, Samuel D. McNeil, Matilda J. McNeil, Calvin Wagoner, Mary S. Wagoner, D.H. Evett, Ray Evett, Samuel E. Evett, A.A. McMurrah, Sarah McMurrah, William J. Evett, Ephraim J. Evett, Rebekah Evett, John Evett, Cora Evett, Elmer L. Stover, Nora Stover, Edward Stover, Joshua Stover, the last four being minors who sue by George L. Stover, Ira Vincent Brown a minor who sues by William Terrell his guardian, vs Samuel G. Evett, Martha Evett, Alexander Warren, Franklin Warren, Calvin Warren, Mary McCown, Mattie V. Myers nee McCown whose husband’s Christian name is unknown, Chester A. McCown, M.L. McCown, Luther L. McCown and Marian McCown. TL 17 Mar 1892
Non-resident notice — Isham Harris vs Jesse Gray, Howard Harrison, Sarah Harrison, Matilda Kinkaid, Fisher Kinkaid, Fanny Elliott, John Elliot, Rebecca Stewart, Timothy Stewart, Ellen Steward, William Harrison, Elbert Harrison and Howard Harrison Junior TL 17 Mar 1892
Non-resident notice — Nancy Ann Abney vs Alexander Abney — divorce
Hezekiah P. Arnold vs John Campbell, Saluria Poteet, Michael Poteete, Ellen M. Agee nee Campbell, Millard Agee and Mary L. Campbell
James Caplinger Vs Paralee Caplinger — divorce
Ora May Thomas VS E.P. Thomas — divorce TL 17 Mar 1892
Final settlement — Mary F. Avery admrx estate of A.D. Watson TL 17 Mar 1892
The hand of affliction rested heavily last winter upon the family of H.M. Parks. On 21 Oct, Roscoe was taken with typhoid and soon after Alma was stricken and following her, Mrs. Parks was prostrated by the same disease and until now some of them have been down. Mrs. Parks is better. TL 17 Mar 1892
Fredonia — Oak Grove Church will soon be complete. TL 17 Mar 1892
Lake Creek — Martin Odum ought to be the happiest man around with nothing to do but feed the ducks and rock little Maude. TL 17 Mar 1892
Cawthon — Steve and Albert Absher have each taken a girl baby to raise. TL 17 Mar 1892
Lena Burkhart, 17 years 4 months 22 days, daughter of J.M. and Ellen, died 12 Mar in this city. TL 17 Mar 1892
Fredonia — Mrs. Nancy Tyner West died 12 Mar at the home of her son, John Emerson, where she had made her home the past few years. She was 63 years old the 2nd of this month. Burial was in the old Emerson Cemetery, one mile north of Fredonia. TL 17 Mar 1892
Ed Meads of Ava and Hattie Wiley were married here Tuesday. TL 17 Mar 1892
Grant — Thomas A. Henson of Sato, Jackson County and Mrs. Lucy C. Gill were married 6 Mar. TL 17 Mar 1892
Cawthon — Mrs. Hanks dropped dead from her chair Friday. She was feeling bad and had pulled off her shoes to go to bed.
Joe Russell, an old and respected citizen of Saline County, died the 16th and was buried in No. 7 Cemetery. TL 24 Mar 1892
Eight Mile — An 11-pound girl for John Painter. TL 24 Mar 1892
Fredonia — Henry Dillinger and Ella Hestand were married 16 Mar at the residence of the bride’s father, John Hestand. TL 24 Mar 1892
Crab Orchard — It’s a boy for Frank Bones. TL 24 Mar 1892
13 waifs from Southern Illinois traveled by train to Chicago with J.E. Field, District Superintendent of the Children’s Home Society. Seven of them were children of George Easton, of near Marion, Illinois. The mother is blind and the father is hopelessly sick. They have been about as near starvation as could be and still live, as a result, they are stunted in body and mind. They will be taken to the home in Aurora and proper homes found for them. TL 31 Mar 1892
Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Cline report the arrival of a son Monday. Albert is planning for the future success of the Democratic party. TL 31 Mar 1892
Cawthon — Lit Shackleford is supposed to be the happiest man in the world. He says it is the sweetest and best little thing on earth but he would rather by twenty cents it was a boy.
A specimen of wee humanity made its appearance at Dan Allen’s the 20th. Mrs. Allen has been seriously ill with pneumonia but is now convalescing. TL 31 Mar 1892
Lizzie Boyd and Hartwell Marks were quietly married Sunday. TL 31 Mar 1892
Crab Orchard — Helen Pulley and H.A. McFadden were married. [No date.] TL 31 Mar 1892
Creal Springs — Amanda K. Jones married Henry Lane Monday of last week. The bride is the second daughter of Henry C. Jones and had assisted her father, acting in the capacity of deputy postmistress. The groom is a blacksmith and junior member in the firm of Lane Brothers. TL 31 Mar 1892
P.M. Parker died 30 Mar at Quincy and was buried in Davis Prairie Cemetery. TL 7 Apr 1892
Sam Weaver was in an intoxicated condition and tried to board the coal tram as it pulled out of the yards at Carterville last Monday. He was thrown to the ground and the wheels ran over him. Dr. Ferrell amputated his left arm and he died at 4 a.m. Tuesday morning. He was an old soldier and a member of the G.A.R. He leaves a wife and 8 children. His remains were taken to Carbondale, where he lived, for burial. TL 7 Apr 1892
George Crowther, 50 years a resident if Williamson, 3 years in the 81st (one year of that time in Andersonville) was in town Saturday. TL 14 Apr 1892
Adam Weber has been remembered by Uncle Sam at the rate of $12 per month. Comrade Weber was one of the 43rd III. who stood on the trembling earth of Shiloh, April 6, 1862 when it appeared the elements would melt in fervent heat and time should be no more. A grateful Republic remembers its defenders. TL 14 Apr 1892
Cawthon — James Springs and Mrs. Mary Weaver were married Monday. TL 21 Apr 1892
Grant – Amelia Harris, daughter of Wash Harris, died. [no date]
Files M. Otey and Martha Davis were married 23 Mar at the residence of the bride’s father, Thos. Davis. TL 21 Apr 1892
Wolf Creek — Gertie Grimes and Sylvester Mann, both of Pulley’s Mill, were married 7 Apr.
Mary Fly and Thomas Kennedy were married 10 Apr. TL 21 Apr 1892
Lake Creek — Since our last, death has claimed 5 from our midst within a week. Mrs. Mary Clayton, an aged woman, and Mrs. John Felts of Franklin County who was afflicted with cancers. To have them removed employed Drs. Ferrell, Vick and Perry of Carterville, Stradly of Plumfield and Felts and Burgess of our place. She only breathed a few times after the chloroform was applied. Next was Miss Viola Gambill, a young lady and W.H. Leigh, who leaves a wife and two children and Mr. M.A. Carter who lingered between life and death some time — cause blood poison. TL 21 Apr 1892
Jas. A. Goodall and Annie Aikman were married Sunday. TL 21 Apr 1892
Robert Morton, ex-marshal of Carbondale was tried and acquitted last week for the killing of Chester Clark. TL 21 Apr 1892
Card of thanks — To my friends and neighbors at Lake Creek for their kindness during the late sickness and death of my husband… Mrs. U.H. Leigh. TL 28 Apr 1892
Dr. W.C. Willeford and family left last Thursday for Washington, Indiana, their future home. TL 28 Apr 1892
Cawthon – C.C. Cawthon and family returned home last Friday from Kansas and is again a citizen of Williamson County.
Jesse, small son of George and Francis Arnold, is seriously ill from the effects of a serious burn received two months ago while burning brush.
A.M. Garrison and Elmora Absher were married Thursday. They will move to his farm near Union Grove. TL 28 Apr 1892
Dr. A.N. Lodge returned home from Cincinnati last Saturday. While a few of the old land marks and familiar faces are left around the home of his childhood, the doctor says many are the changes wrought by time. As an unerring indication of the rapid passing away, he says that with his sister and other friends several years ago, he watched the measuring out of a piece of land for a cemetery, where not a body was buried. His sister says, “Wonder who will be the first to be buried there?” It was her lot to be first and now 12,000 sleep in that silent city of the dead. TL 28 Apr 1892
Amelia Harris, 14 years 11 months 21 days, died 8 Apr. She leaves a father and 7 brothers and sisters. TL 28 Apr 1892
Fred M. Yost, 21 years 22 days, died 27 Feb in Dundy County, Nebraska. He appeared in good health, except he had not fully recovered from la grippe, when he left home on Saturday but was found dead next day about noon not more than a half mile from home. He was born and spent most of his boyhood near Corinth, this county. When about 15 years old, he went with his mother to Iowa and afterwards to Nebraska where he became a prosperous farmer. TL 28 Apr 1892
Non-resident witness — John Clarida exec estate of Elizabeth Clarida – D.L. Mosley of Acorn Ridge, Mo. is a subscribing witness to will. TL 5 May 1892
Final settlement — John S. Strike admr estate of Morris Stewart TL 5 May 1892
Adj notice — M.J. Turner, admr estate of Emily Wolfe TL 5 May 1892
Postmaster Hendrickson has the Springfield rifle he carried in the war for the Union. Seventeen years past it has been loaned out, but is now in the hands of its owner. With it is the leather strap belonging thereto and the one used in swinging the faithful gun over the shoulder in the long ago days. [note — H. Hendrickson is the postmaster.] TL 5 May 1892
Mount Fitts was buried Sunday. He had passed three score and ten. At one time, he was one of the largest tobacco dealers and also took part in the War for the Union. One by one they are gathered home. TL 12 May 1892
Lake Creek — Little Roy Miles died last week. He will be missed at home and school. TL 12 May 1892
Mary Strickland, generally known as Lady Furlong, died Friday morning at the residence of Isaac Stephens from the effects of arsenic. She left a note saying none were left to speak a kind word to her. Burial was in the old family cemetery, one half mile southeast of Crab Orchard. TL 2 Jun 1892
M.R. Hopper, formerly of this city, died 25 May at the M.W. Robertson farm near Fort Meade, Florida. Burial was in the Fort Meade Cemetery. TL 2 Jun 1892
A 14-month-old child of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Cunningham, formerly of Crab Orchard, now of Mountain Glenn, Union County, fell in a cistern and was drowned Sunday. Burial was in Union Grove Cemetery. TL 2 Jun 1892
Adj notice — Agnes M. Knickerbocker admrx estate of Demons S. Knickerbocker TL 2 Jun 1892
Lake Creek — Mrs. Elizabeth Darrow died at home Saturday night.
Mrs. Wealthy Clark died a very sudden death last Monday evening while she was attending decoration services. TL 2 Jun 1892
Ethel Norman, 6 years 1 month 21 days, daughter of H.W. and Harriet, died 27 May. TL 2 Jun 1892
Veterans graves were decorated at the old and new cemetery, Cunningham and Allen graveyards. The same graves as reported a year ago were decorated, plus the following:
Ambrose Grogan, Co K 31st Francis M. Simmons, Co K 128th George W. Winters, Co F 81st J.D. Waldron, unknown. TL 2 Jun 1892
Fredonia — Paton Young, one of the oldest men in Williamson County, died last week at his residence near here. He was 97. He professed religion a few days before his death and was baptized by Brother Harris of the Christian Church. TL 9 Jun 1892
Lyman A. Miller died 27 May at his residence in Carbondale. He was a 2nd Lt. in Co K 60th Illinois. TL 9 Jun 1892
The wife of R.H.H. Hampton died Saturday of consumption. TL 9 Jun 1892
John M. Bainbridge, 29 years 5 months 10 days, died 7 Jun. He lingered for several months with consumption. At no time was he without the best care, a mother’s love and wife’s ever watchful and prayerful attention. His soul went to Him who gave it and the body was by the order to which he belonged, the K. of P., deposited in the tomb where it awaits the consummation of all things in the order God has decreed. Peace to his memory. TL 9 Jun 1892
States Attorney Bishop and Coroner Privett were called to Carterville to hold an inquest over the body of Charlotte Wilson who had died in childbirth under peculiar circumstances. She was unmarried and all evidence pointed toward a case of abortion. It was decided that the mother and child’s death were caused from the effects of medicine taken to produce an abortion. TL 9 Jun 1892
C.C. Gulledge and Lizzie Furlong were married 2 Jun at the bride’s residence in Crab Orchard. [A list of gifts.] TL 9 Jun 1892
Sheriff’s sale — Judgment against John W. Murrie in favor of Elizabeth Brinkley TL 9 Jun 1892
Chancery sale — Samuel V. Painter vs Samuel G. Evetts TL 9 Jun 1892
Horace Calvert, 1 year 2 months 9 days, son of Charlie E. and Hattie, died 30 May. Burial was in the new cemetery. TL 16 Jun 1892
Chancery sale — Mary A. Kelley vs George Emery and Sarah Emery TL 16 Jun 1892
A man works from sun to sun, but a woman’s work was never done, Until Clairette Soap came to her ken, and now she’s through before the men. TL 16 Jun 1892
Dr. White of Creal Springs died Monday. His sickness was of long standing and death was expected. TL 23 Jun 1892
H.G. Cash and Minnie Parish and E.H. Cash and Maggie Perkins, all of Caldwell County, Ky arrived here last Monday and were, in the sheriff’s office, by Esq. Fowler, united in matrimony in the order named. Later — the latter couple failed to materialize. Miss Perkins declined the gentleman’s hand in matrimony, hence Esq. Fowler had to return the papers without service. TL 23 Jun 1892
Pulley’s Mill — Albert Willyard and Mrs. Jane Bradley were married last Thursday. TL 30 Jun 1892
Tribune [Carterville] – Marion Stocks, better known as “Shay,” was accidentally killed Wednesday by his own gun. He had went hunting on Big Muddy with James Lane, James Jones and J.T. Murphy. On the way home they were shooting at hawks from the buggy. His gun discharged and the load hit him just below the right ear. They took the corpse to the home of Albert Harris and conveyed the news to his wife who became frantic and nothing could be done with her until opiates were administered. He leaves a wife and 3 children. Burial was in the cemetery in this city. TL 30 Jun 1892
A baby girl arrived Friday at J.W. Westbrook’s. TL 7 Jul 1892
Last Saturday morning Thomas Phemister was found dead near his home in Grassy precinct. He left home the evening before with his gun and told his family if he did not return by bedtime, he would be in the next morning. Drs. Ferrell and Perry decided he died of brain trouble. He was a slave to strong drink, so it was said, and was doubtless a victim of that evil that is the nation’s curse. TL 7 Jul 1892
Last Thursday morning the body of a colored man was found on the railroad track at the depot in this city, badly mangled. It was supposed that he was killed by the north bound train sometime in the night and the south bound freight passed over the body also. It was learned from relatives that his name was Mayberry and his former home was Nashville, Tenn. TL 7 Jul 1892
In Memoriam — Dr. George W. Thomas was born in Ohio and came to Illinois, professed religion and joined the M.E. Church at age 14, He died at Blairsville 3 Jun after 10 years successful practice of medicine there. TL 7 Jul 1892
Fredonia — A baby girl for Henry Dale and wife. TL 7 Jul 1892
Indian Camp — William Tanner, who has been in Arkansas for some time, returned a few days ago to visit. He says cotton and coons are the chief products of the part in which he is located. TL 7 Jul 1892
Adj notice — S.A. Harrison admr estate of Miles A. Carter TL 7 Jul 1892
Indian Camp — A fine boy arrived at John Allen’s on the 12th.
Hugh Graves who was at the asylum about two years ago has returned, apparently completely recovered.
James Hill received an addition to his homestead on the 16th. It’s a girl. TL 21 Jul 1892
Pulley’s Mill – Little Irl P. Hicks, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Hicks, died Saturday. The funeral was at Friendship Church. TL 28 Jul 1892
Thos. N. Swan was buried at Union Grove Tuesday. He was born in North Carolina but had lived in Illinois 40 years. He was nearly 80 years old and had been a member of the Methodist Church 50 years. TL 28 Jul 1892
Speaking of old people, Marion has a few who date well back:
Daniel Peters: “I was born in Mulenberg County, Ky. and came to Illinois in 1840. I made the first brick ever made and built the first courthouse ever built in Marion. Of those who lived there, A.T. Benson and myself are all that remain here.” He gave a son to his country who was enlisted by Thos. R. Davis in 1862 and assigned to duty in the 60th III. “He was taken sick in camp at Rossville, Ga. and sent to Cumberland Field Hospital at Nashville, where he died. I am a pensioner by reason of his death. I am now in my 85th year.”
J.F. Perkins: “I will be 81 years old next September if I live till then. I was born in Buckingham County Va., went to Mo. when young and lived there until 1873, when I came to Marion. I was here and enlisted in Capt. Olmsted Holman’s Company in the Black Hawk war. Of that company, Dick Ward and myself are the only survivors I know of. I married Miss Sarah Tarpley at Bainbridge Jul 16, 1837. She died in 1878.” Uncle Jack talks of incidents of early life with more precision than of matters of more recent date.
Hiram Beers: “I am not an old man, but I can remember when my father moved to this state there was but four wagons within ten miles of us. The farmers would pull their corn and pumpkins and pile them up in the field and haul out on a sled. The next improvement was trucks, the wheels sawed out of round logs. When starting the trucks, soap was applied to the wooden axle to deaden the sound, which was like hounds in a fox chase.” Hiram, for his years, has seen much of the outcome in Williamson, but when Mulholland’s popcorn lie was told, he started to Northern. Mulholland was discussing the power of imagination and said, “During a cold snap in Miss. in July, a rail pen of popcorn caught fire. It popped and popped until the field was covered and a horse in a stable nearby looked out, saw the white popcorn and thinking it was snow, froze to death.” TL 28 Jul 1892
Indian Camp — Samuel Turner died the 28th of consumption. He was about 30 years old and leaves a wife and 5 children.
The establishment of a post office at this place has been at last secured. The name is Absher, with W.A. Absher postmaster. TL 4 Aug 1892
Sheriff’s sale — Judgment against Robert Alvis in favor of Samuel L. Russell. TL 4 Aug 1892
Wesley Trammell was born in this county 18 Aug 1818, and at his death [no date] was the oldest man living in the county that was born in Williamson. He married Cynthia A. Buckner in 1840 and raised 5 children who survive. His first wife died in 1874 and he married Mary A. Neely in 1876. As a public man, he was ever known along the front line of his party (Democratic) until recent years when by reason of age and ill health, he retired. He was a Civil Magistrate for 20 years and served one term in the State Legislature. He was buried at Stonefort on Friday. TL 4 Aug 1892
T.M. Mitchell, of Northern, reports that a young colored man, Henry Cavanaugh, working for Dr. S. Mitchell, was thrown from a horse Tuesday of last week and dragged, crushing his skull. Drs. McIntire and Roberts trephined the skull and had it not been for intussusception of the bowels, it is thought he would have recovered. He died Sunday. TL 11 Aug 1892
Non-resident notice — Lavina L. Harrison vs Lavisa A. Carter, Henry Carter, Ruth Nave, W.H. Nave, Eliza A. Nave, Mary A. Nave and the unknown heirs of Nancy Nave, John R. Dunn and unknown heirs of Mary Dunn, George W. Reeves and unknown heirs of Fannie Reeves. TL 11 Aug 1892
Non-resident notice — R.S. Mitchell vs Lucinda G. Mitchell — divorce TL 11 Aug 1892
Sheriff’s sale — Judgment against John W. Murrie and Ollie J. Murrie in favor of Aultman, Miller & Co. TL 11 Aug 1892
James R. Brown, a school teacher living in Grassy precinct, was found dead near his home Friday morning. He had been partially paralyzed for 3 or 4 years and it is supposed he received another stroke, causing his death. TL 11 Aug 1892
Mrs. S.E. Goddard, widow of Capt. Geo. Goddard, with her family are now residents of St. Louis. Mrs. G, Mary and George went up on the Baptist excursion this morning. Julia and Lodge having gone on before. TL 11 Aug 1892
Mrs. W.J. Allen died the 17th at Wequetoving, Michigan. At this time, it is not known where she will be buried. Dr. Lodge went to Springfield today to attend the funeral, and should she be brought here or Carbondale, friends will be notified. TL 11 Aug 1892
Wm. A. Stevens, of this city, died Wednesday of last week at St. Mary’s Hospital in Cairo. He was reared in Marion and here took his first lesson in the printing business. For some time he has been elsewhere to work at the trade of his choice. The remains were brought here for burial. TL 18 Aug 1892
The case in which Geo. Wilkerson and John Wade were held for the killing of Segers of Creal Springs, was tried yesterday and today. Segers and Arnold were in the defendants’ place of business, disturbing them. They were ordered out and Segers left his coat, returning half an hour later for it. He slapped Wilkerson and firing began. Wilkerson was cleared and Wade was held in $1500 bond. TL 18 Aug 1892
Adj notice — W.B. Bloodworth admr. estate of M.R. Bloodworth. TL 18 Aug 1892
Mahala A. Lance died 28 Jul aged 43 years 3 months 15 days. She was converted in her young days and joined F.W. Baptist Church at Lem Branch, then joined Methodist Protestant Church at New Liberty, near her home, where she and her husband raised their family. She leaves a husband and 4 children. TL 1 Sep 1892
Non-resident notice — R.S. Mitchell vs Lucinda G. Mitchell — divorce TL 1 Sep 1892
John Perrine and Ettie Grogan were married Sunday. TL 8 Sep 1892
William S. Mitchell and Jane O’Halleran of De Soto were married Tuesday. TL 8 Sep 1892
John Phillips and Mary King of Carterville were married Monday. TL 8 Sep 1892
C.R. Anderson and wife of Red _ , Ill [paper cut] rejoice in the birth of a son 2 Sep. The mother was formerly Mary Hendrickson of this city. TL 8 Sep 1892
Eight Mile — Since our last writing, there have been an increase in the following families: Abe Russell, Joe Drury, Gen. Stocks, Jim North, E.P. Elders and G.A. Hogg and the best part is they are all boys but one and a still better part is they are all Republicans. TL 8 Sep 1892
Eight Mile — We forgot to mention in our last letter the marriage of Sam Russell and Cora Orwin. The bride was born and raised in Kentucky and came here with her parents about a year ago. TL 15 Sep 1892
Among the distinguished survivors of the late war was I.N. Wilhite of Franklin County, who registered at the Creal Springs reunion. Wilhite was one of five rescued from the wreck of the General Anderson [General Lyon] in 1864. [1865] The parties saved were I.N. Wilhite, Thompsonville; M.S. Brocket, Enfield; M.A. Ozment, Attila; Geo. W. Williams, Shawneetown and Jasper Fitzgerald, Metropolis. They were five hours in the water when rescued. TL 15 Sep 1892
Fredonia — Minnie Beavers of Fredonia and Monroe James of Crainville were married 7 Sep at Carbondale. TL 15 Sep 1892
Pulley’s Mill — Alonzo Evans and Mrs. Smith were married Tuesday. TL 15 Sep 1892
Adj notice — Sarah Jones admrx estate of Wm. J. Jones TL 15 Sep 1892
Clorrence, son of L.W. and Sarah G. Throgmorton of Carbondale, died 7 Sep, aged 7 years 6 months 15 days. He went to bed Sunday night well and hearty and before morning he was in the agonies of pain. Four doctors attended him, but the dreaded disease, whatever it was, could not be ascertained and he died Wednesday. TL 22 Sep 1892
Rev. Giles P. McBride and Clara Russell were married Tuesday. TL 22 Sep 1892
Eight Mile — Tobacco John Adams and Sarah Rich were married the 22nd. TL 29 Sep 1892
Dr. A.N. Lodge was struck with total paralysis on the left side Tuesday, at the residence of John Hartwell. He is past 61 years old. TL 29 Sep 1892
Joseph Lodge and Gaven Lodge, of Madison, Indiana, Mrs. Lee of Cincinnati and Mrs. Whorton of Madison, brothers and sisters of Dr. A.N. Lodge are visiting the doctor in his affliction. TL 13 Oct 1892
Jessie Sparks, 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Sparks, died yesterday. TL 13 Oct 1892
Martha Mosley, 7-year-old daughter of W.E. and C.E. Mosley, died Monday of scarlet fever. TL 13 Oct 1892
Charles Hamm of this city and Julia Goddard of St. Louis were married last night. TL 13 Oct 1892
Rev. Robert Howell, pastor of the Southern Methodist Church in this city married Lou Nance Sunday. TL 13 Oct 1892
Chancery notice — Cora E. Gent, a minor, sues by J.M. Burkhart, her guardian, Samantha E. Teter and Phillip Teter, husband of Samantha E. Teter, Ella Aikman and Edward Aikman husband of Ella Aikman and William J. Spiller were complainants. TL 13 Oct 1892
Dr. Lodge was carried to the Southern Methodist Church last night to attend divine service conducted by Rev. Tomlins, an Episcopalian minister. Oct 1892 No day on paper but probably 20 Oct
Last Saturday night a sad accident happened at Crab Orchard. George Duke was in a barber shop handling a pistol. By some means it was fired, the ball passing through the wall and also through the head of James Corder, a young man who was standing 20 feet away from the building, causing death. TL Oct 1892
The public square is now graveled. TL 27 Oct 1892
Julia Russell died in this city Monday of consumption. TL 27 Oct 1892
Chas. Nausley of DeSoto and Lizzie Hayton of this city were married Tuesday at Murphysboro. TL 27 Oct 1892
Fredonia – Mary Boren and Sam McNeil were married 10 Oct.
Richard Rodd and family have removed to Kentucky.
Jennie Cruise and Lee Sizemore were married 20 Oct. TL 27 Oct 1892
Sherman Burlison and Ella May Wright were married 23 Oct at the residence of Marion T. Wright. TL 27 Oct 1892
Indian Camp – Aunt Margaret Potter is preparing to move to New Hope, Saline County, where she will live with her son, Oscar, who is teaching school at that place.
Corum Turner died 27 Oct of typhoid. He was about 20 years old, a robust man who was stricken with fever 4 weeks ago. TL 3 Nov 1892
Notice is given that an application will be presented on 18 Nov 1892 to Gov. Joseph W. Fifer for a pardon of Earnest Duncan, convicted of manslaughter at the April term 1890. James H. Duncan TL 3 Nov 1892
John Adams of Pulley’s Mill was buried Tuesday. He was thrown from his horse several days ago and died from the effects. TL 10 Nov 1892
S.S. Ireland, old and respected citizen of Marion, died Tuesday. He was a Mason TL 10 Nov 1892
Dr. R.S. Mitchell and Lizzie Gill of Louisville, Ky., both formerly of Flora, Ill., were married 23 Oct and will make their home in Oakland, Ind. TL 10 Nov 1892
Lake Creek — T.N. Duncan came up from Malden, Mo. to cast his first vote.
Ethel Higgins, daughter of A.I. and L.D. Higgins, died 1 Nov with membranous croup. She was 4 years and 4 days old and their first born. TL 10 Nov 1892
E.O. Roberts and Maggie Chadwell were married Wednesday at the residence of the bride’s father, James Chadwell of Corinth. TL 13 Nov 1892
Chancery sale — Wm. A. Borum, Sarah A. Ward, Susannah Borum, Lizzie Borum, Samantha J. Borum, Susan E. Borum, Mary E. Borum, Cora A. Borum, James A. Borum, Herman T. Borum, Delia A. Borum, Otto Reese, Ella Reese, Irl Reese, James H. Borum, Thomas S. Borum, Ewen 0. Borum and Elmer Borum were complainants. TL 17 Nov 1892 [This issue is out of order.]
Marriage licenses issued Monday:
John Foley of Golconda and Antis Balden of Eddyville
Wm. E. Melton and Delia Hallack of Creal Springs TL 17 Nov 1892
Lake Creek — Rev. Chamness will preach the funeral of Mrs. Sydney Gambill next Sunday at Williams Prairie Church.
R.W. Jones attended the marriage of his cousin, Nannie McAnelly to John Phillips last Sunday near Pulley’s Mill. TL 17 Nov 1892
Lottie Johnston, daughter of Rev. Johnston, pastor of the M.E. Church in this city, died Tuesday of diptheria and their youngest and only daughter is ill with the same disease. TL 17 Nov 1892
Crab Orchard — Buck Groves died 14 Nov near this place. He fell Thursday and received a fatal injury. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. TL 17 Nov 1892
TO THE HEIRS OF LUKE SANDERS Calumet Place, Washington, D.C.
My Dear Friends;
I wish to thank you for Uncle Luke’s fife, which I received through the kindness of Mr. Mitchell. I have placed it among the historic things connected with General Logan and will be glad to leave them with the National Museum when I die. This will insure them being perpetuated forever. I have written a history of the fife and attached it to it so that anybody who sees it will know it.
With thanks for remembering his wishes in this matter I am
Very truly yours
Mrs. John A. Logan 14 Oct 1892 TL 17 Nov 1892
Willis Corder fell from his wagon on Wednesday the 16th. He had just moved to Marion and on his return to the farm, about one and a half miles away, he fell and was dragged a few yards. His leg was broken in two places, besides other injuries. He lay about an hour before anyone found him. He died Saturday and was buried in Davis Prairie Churchyard. He was 52 years, 9 months and 2 days old and was a Baptist preacher until his death. [obit says 53 years 9 months 2 days] He leaves a wife and 4 daughters, Sada, Sarah, Helen and little Lora. He was the son of Hamilton and Phemelia Corder who came here in pioneer days and settled on the claim where the village of Crab Orchard stands. He enlisted under General Logan, the 31st Regiment. During his ministry, he baptized 400 converts and tied 198 matrimonial knots. Over one thousand people paid their last respects at Davis Prairie Cemetery. TL 24 Nov 1892
Carterville — The remains of Mrs. H. Olian were taken to St. Louis Friday where they were interred Sunday morning at 9 o’clock under the ceremony of the Jewish Church, conducted by Rabbi Spitz. TL 24 Nov 1892
Robert Hayton and Nettie Powell were married 16 Nov at the residence of Mike Peterson. TL 24 Nov 1892
Indian Camp — Doc Horn, recently from Texas, settled on the farm of Geo. and Rufus Neely. He has been in the Lone Star state 17 years, but likes Williamson County, which is his old home, better. TL 24 Nov 1892
Fredonia – A 6 year old daughter of Mr. Allsup died Friday and was buried in Hinchcliff Cemetery.
Belle Tippy, wife of John Tippy, died at her home near Fredonia 26 Nov and was buried in Hinchcliff Cemetery.
A boy made his appearance at the residence of W.H. Hinchcliff a few days since. TL 1 Dec 1892
Resolutions of respect — The death of our little friend, Lotta Johnson. 1 Dec 1892
A daughter arrived at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C.T. Holland last Friday. TL 1 Dec 1892
Gov. Fifer pardoned Ernest Duncan last Saturday. Monday night following he was with his parents in this city. TL 1 Dec 1892
Geo. Harrison of Herrin’s Prairie and Laura Blankenship were married Sunday. TL 1 Dec 1892
Anna Barham, 1 year 5 months 2 days, daughter of W.T. and S. Barham, died Thursday. TL 1 Dec 1892
M.L. Baker went to Jonesboro last week on behalf of Samuel McNeil, charged with killing Mr. Frick. Judge Robarts granted bail and now awaits further action by the Circuit Court. TL 1 Dec 1892
Mr. P.M. Park of Creal Springs was murdered at the Union depot in St. Louis yesterday. TL 8 Dec 1892
Dr. T.H. Stankard and Mary May were married Sunday. TL 8 Dec 1892
Crab Orchard – Little Sula Norman, daughter of Lum Norman, died 1 Dec of pneumonia. TL 8 Dec 1892
A daughter arrived Wednesday at the residence of J.M. Burkhart. TL 15 Dec 1892
A little son of Mrs. Townsley died of brain fever Monday in this city. TL 15 Dec 1892
H.T.B. Moy came home from Washington Tuesday to bring his child for burial. TL 15 Dec 1892
Mr. Appleton of Herrin’s Prairie was found dead by the roadside near his residence Tuesday morning. TL 15 Dec 1892
William Dunaway Moy, 14-month-old son of H.T.B. and Josie Moy, died at the family residence in Washington, D.C. 11 Dec of hydrocephalus. Services were held in the home by Rev. Eldridge, also in the home of Mrs. Julia A. Dunaway of this city. Burial was in the family cemetery at Bainbridge. TL 15 Dec 1892
Grace Samuel, 6-year-old daughter of J.B. Samuel of this city [Carterville], met with a sad fate Saturday morning. While her mother was downtown, she climbed in a chair to secure a lead pencil to write a letter to Santa Claus and her clothes caught fire. Dr. Perry dressed her burns, but she died that afternoon. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery. TL 22 Dec 1892
Rev. J.C. Doering, formerly of Lake Creek, has been in Iowa for a year. He is a graduate in English and German, hence well equipped for the work. TL 22 Dec 1892
Lillian Campbell, only daughter of S.F. and Mary Campbell, four miles south, died 24 Dec after a short illness of quick consumption. She was 19 years 6 months and 17 days. Burial was in Shiloh Cemetery. TL 29 Dec 1892
Preamble and Resolution of Mt. Pleasant C.P. Church — on 14 Nov 1892, death removed William Groves in the 64th year of his life. Sympathy to his wife and children. TL 29 Dec 1892
W.A. Guinn died 8 Dec at his home in Southern precinct of pneumonia. Burial was in Moulton Cemetery. TL 29 Dec 1892
Edward Lewis of Lake Creek was killed by the cars in Mount Vernon Saturday. He was on a handcar with others crossing a trestle when the train caught them. All escaped but him. His remains were brought here on the southbound train Monday for burial. TL 29 Dec 1892
Grassy — J.I. Bush and Louvenia McDaniel were married 25 Dec. TL 29 Dec 1892
Carbondale Republican – Free Press – Messrs. John Arnold and John Hayden have just completed for Mrs. George F. Snider, a mausoleum. It is situated upon the highest point in the old Snider Cemetery, on the hill southwest of the city, overlooking miles of magnificent country in every direction. The style is purely gothic. The outside dimensions are 2 feet long, 15 feet wide and 13 1/2 feet high; inside 15 feet long, 9 1/3 feet wide and 11 feet high. Inside is a hall 7 feet deep and 10 receptacles 8 feet deep and of ample height and width and faced with fine Italian marble. The foundation is 4 feet wide and 3 1/2 feet deep of large blocks of Bosky Dell sandstone laid in Portland cement. The superstructure is of Indiana limestone, cut by Mr. Hayden, each stone of the proper size and form so that when all are placed in position the result is a beautiful and symmetrical Gothic chapel. The front is ornamented with some fine carving. The year “1892” is cut in a marble slab in the arch and around the arched door the name “Snider” is cut in a solid stone. The gate is solid bronze highly polished. Altogether the structure is one of the finest and most substantial in the state, not excepting any. It is a credit to the builders and will be a comfort to the family whose loved ones repose within its walls. TL 29 Dec 1892
(Extracted from microfilm at Morris Library and/or Illinois State Library by Helen Sutt Lind, published in Events in Egypt, Vol. 4)