1893, News Clippings


May D. Benson, wife of W.L. Benson, died 30 Dec 1892 at Creal Springs, aged 29 years 9 months 17 days. The funeral was in this city with burial in the new cemetery. TL 5 Jan 1893

Sallie Dowell, wife of J.C. Dowell, died 26 Dec. She was married 27 Dec 1847 in Dover, Tenn. There were five children. The oldest was buried 40 years ago where the battle of Ft. Donelson was afterward fought. Those surviving are: W.C. Dowell, Assistant Warden at the S.I. Penitentiary, 42 years old; Alice Gulledge of Carterville, 34 years old; A.M. Dowell of Pinckneyville, 32 years old and T.L. Dowell of Marion, sheriff, 28 years old. Her husband also survives. She was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery, Carterville. TL 5 Jan 1893

Karl Zimmerman, infant son of F.C. and Alice Zimmerman, died 22 Dec, age 3 months and 12 days. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery. Christ has taken him in his purity — may he also be the comforter of the bereaved parents. TL 5 Jan 1893

Dr. A.B. Tomlinson died 29 Dec after a long illness of consumption. He was a member of Makanda Lodge A.F. & A.M. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery. TL 5 Jan1893

R.P. McKinnes and Cora G. Cash were married Christmas Eve. TL 5 Jan 1893

Edward N. Copeland, son of B.F. and Rosa Copeland, age 19 months and 7 days, died 1 Jan in Marion, Ky. Liquid fluid had preserved his life for 3 days. The funeral was held at the M.E. Church in this city and burial was in Odd Fellows Cemetery. TL 5 Jan 1893

Guy L. Whitacre, son of O.B. and Lizzie Whitacre, died 27 Dec, aged 5 months and 1 day. A brother and sister passed away a few years ago. TL 5 Jan 1893

Carterville — A girl was born the 24th to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown. Also, a girl Tuesday to Lum Walker. TL 5 Jan 1893

Last Saturday night 19 arc lights were turned on in full force. It is understood that four more are yet to be placed in the circuit. With them, it appears the city will be well illuminated. TL 12 Jan 1893

F. Hawkins died 27 Dec at his home near the fairgrounds. Mr. Hawkins had long suffered with consumption. Burial was at Fountain. TL 12 Jan 1893

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Grassy — William Baggott and Lucinda Rushing, both of Cottage Home, were married 4 Jan. TL 12 Jan 1893

J.T. Clark and Mrs. Cynthia E. Belcher, both of Lake Creek, were married 16 Jan. TL 19 Jan 1893

Dr. John Fry of this city and Kate L. Tidwell of Crab Orchard were married Wednesday. TL 19 Jan 1893

Wolf Creek — A girl was born the 13th to the wife of J.M. Kilbreth.

The new church house at New Liberty is just completed under the leadership of L.L. Gulledge. Uncle Sam Dowdy worked with much energy in securing funds to build the house. TL 19 Jan 1893

John H. Rumage reports a new bell at the Mt. Pleasant CP Church. TL 26 Jan 1893

John Elles died yesterday at his residence in this city. He was a barber. TL 26 Jan 1893

W.C.Travelstead and Ora Claton were married 22 Jan. TL 26 Jan 1893

Carterville — John McMurray and Mrs. Doug Walker were married 18 Jan.

Mrs. Brack has brought suit against the Cairo Short Line for the loss of her husband who was killed in the yards here last week.

Mrs. J.T. Brack left Wednesday for her home in Mississippi. Her stay with us has been short. She lost both husband and child, leaving her to return home empty handed. TL 26 Jan 1893

Mrs. Abe Wingate died 15 Jan at her home near Fredonia. Services were at Oak Grove Church. TL 26 Jan 1893

Moses Duty of Attila died Saturday of consumption. TL 26 Jan 1893

Willis F. Westbrook and Nellie Bowker, were married Wednesday at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Joseph Bowker in Metropolis. TL 26 Jan 1893


Carterville – A three year old child of Grant Elder fell into a tub of hot water last Wednesday and died that night. The mother was scrubbing the kitchen and the child became overbalanced and fell in. IL 2 Feb 1893

Resolutions of Respect — Death of Private Aaron Kinser, Resolved by members of Co. M 4th Regt. 1 N.G. TL 2 Feb 1893

Charley Norman and Grace Pride were married Sunday. TL 9 Feb 1893

J.F. Otey died 31 Jan at his residence near Corinth. He was 52 years old and leaves a widow, three sons, S.F., Clint and Thos. and 2 daughters. IL 9 Feb 1893

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Bob Newton of Crainville was charged with assault to rape upon the person of a young lady named Greenrod. TL 9 Feb 1893

Miss Lala Russell died 9 Feb at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Russell at Fredonia. She leaves a mother, 3 sisters and 2 brothers. Burial was in the old family burying ground, Greathouse Cemetery. Nineteen beautiful summers and a life has passed away. TL 16 Feb 1893

Tax sale notice — A.J. Benson bought lands of J.W. Murrie, John 0. Johnson, J.L. Wolfe, Jacob Hayes, G.W. Kent and Henry Drake.

J.D. Baker purchased land of C.L. Palmer and John Simmons.

To Wm. Trammell and Gennette Taylor — J.D. Baker purchaser.

To T. McGuire, C. Shaw and heirs of Colon Shaw — J.D. Baker purchaser.

To J.C. Baird est, W.J. Burgess, E.L. Darrow and Elizabeth Darrow — J.D. Baker purchaser.

To L.A. Goddard, Thomas R. Smith and John R. Belcher — J.D. Baker purchaser. W.P. Goodall purchased land of L.A. Goddard, Keller & White and M.W. Thompson.

To Joab Goodall, M.C. Tippy, A.F. White, Charley Cassells, Marshall Ayers and Sawyer, Wallace & Co. — Geo. H. Goodall purchaser.

To John Everett, Nancy Everett, Wm. B. Everett, Emily Everett and Hardin Goodall — M.C. Tippy purchaser. TL 16 Feb 1893

Adj notice — Geo. W. Duty admr estate of Moses Duty. TL 16 Feb 1893

Last week a daughter arrived and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Bainbridge. TL 16 Feb 1893

Blairsville – Hardin Piatt of Dexter, Mo., visited his relative, Jas. Jarvis of this place, 3 weeks ago, intending to go to Carbondale for the Keeley treatment. Mr. Piatt has been drinking very excessively since he came here and is now almost dead. TL 16 Feb 1893

Columbus Koons died Saturday at his residence 3 miles south. He was buried Sunday by the Odd Fellows of Marion and Fountain. TL 16 Feb 1893

John Ogden, of Grassy, died the 4th. He had suffered for years with cancer. TL 16 Feb 1893

Tax sale — To John C. Davis, Sallie A. Davis, Callie V. Davis, Robert C. Davis, the Chicago, St. Louis & Paducah Railway Co. and J.H. Davis — J.D. Baker purchaser.

To James Penland — W.H. Warder purchaser.

To Cyrena Starling — W.H. Warder purchaser.

To Mrs. E.J. Henley — W.H. Warder purchaser.

To R. Henson — W.H. Warder purchaser.

To M.C. Campbell — W.H. Warder purchaser.

To L.H. Fitzgerrell — W.H. Warder purchaser.

To W.R. Stalions — W.H. Warder purchaser.

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To Goodall & Dunaway — W.H. Warder purchaser. TL 16 Feb 1893


Chancery sale — Mahala E. Craig, Leona C. Craig, Mary F. Craig and Marion E. Craig minors by William Collins their guardian and Frank Ewell were complainants. TL 9 Mar 1893

Mrs. H.T.B. Moy and children arrived Tuesday from Washington, D.C. to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Dunaway. TL 9 Mar 1893

Mrs. Julia A. Dunaway died Monday at her residence in this city. She was born 24 May 1817 in Washington County, Virginia. She was buried at Bainbridge. The family secured an extra train for friends desiring to attend the burial. TL 9 Mar 1893

Mr. N.A. Edington was born 6 Nov 1866, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. James Edington who have long gone to join that heavenly choir. He was budding into manhood and had been in delicate health for several years. Burial was in Camp Ground graveyard. TL 9 Mar 1893

Lena Reel, 4, daughter of John Reel, died after a 4 day illness. no date] TL 9 Mar 1893

Blairsville – Hardin Pyett, the excessive whiskey drinker spoken of some time ago, died before getting to Carbondale to be treated with the Keeley treatment for excessive drinking. TL 9 Mar 1893

Crab Orchard — The new belfry for the C.P. Church at Mt. Pleasant is being framed at this place, the work speaks well for its contractor, V.D. Ferrell. TL 9 Mar 1893

Hall of Fountain Lodge No. 396, I.O.O.F., Pulley’s Mill, Ills Feb. 23, ’93. The death of Brother W.C. Koonce on the 11th. Sympathy to his wife and children. TL 9 Mar 1893

Tax sale — To J.H. Davis — M.C. Tippy purchaser, also to same — J.H. Burnett purchaser. TL 9 Mar 1893

Rock Creek — John Clarida and Samantha Caplinger were married the 9th. Harrison Ozment was in the 56th Illinois Infantry and is one of the few survivors of the wreck of the “Gen. Lyon.” TL 16 Mar 1893

Tax sale — To heirs of J.L. Wolfe — A.J. Benson purchaser. TL 16 Mar 1893

Mt. Pleasant — John Carmicle disturbed the community one night last week and Dr. M.M. McDonald was called to investigate the cause and pronounced it a girl. TL 16 Mar 1893

Carbondale Republican – Edward Thompkins of Cottage Home and Alice Jordan of this place were married Wednesday. TL 23 Mar 1893

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Chancery sale — Mary E. Hunt vs Rufus Parker and Annis Parker. TL 23 Mar 1893

Henry McInturff, sent to the penitentiary at the last session of court here, tried to commit suicide by stabbing a few days ago. The wound is said to be very bad. TL 30 Mar 1893

Cawthon — Lewis Furlong and Melvina Allen were married last Thursday. TL 30 Mar 1893

Chas. W. Bainbridge, late of this city, and Maude Lemmon of Norris City were married yesterday at Norris City. The groom’s mother, Mrs. J.B. Bainbridge and his sisters, Mrs. L.A. Browning and Mrs. J.W. Westbrook, attended the wedding. TL 30 Mar 1893

Gen. E. Kirby Smith, well known Confederate soldier, died at Sewanee, Franklin County, Tennessee Tuesday. He was the last survivor with the full rank of general and the last to surrender in the Rebel Army at the close of the war. TL 30 Mar 1893


Lake Creek – Grandma Nall died 12 Mar in her 70th year. TL 6 Apr 1893

Crab Orchard Academy — 3 classes of study:

Academic — extending thru for a period of 4 years

Teacher’s — extending 3 years

Optional — for accommodation of pupils who do not care to take a regular course

Teacher’s course – $8

Teacher’s classes not including sciences – $7 Intermediate classes – $6 TL 6 Apr 1893

Mrs. Nancy M. Simmons died Wednesday of last week at her residence here. TL 20 Apr 1893

Geo. M. Nelson, son of Elder Giles Nelson of Bainbridge precinct, was killed Friday afternoon by a falling tree during a rain and wind storm. He had gone fishing and not returning when expected, the family went looking for him. He was about 14 years old. TL 20 Apr 1893

Judge W.M. Buckley, 77, died Friday at his home 3 miles northeast of this city. Burial was in the new cemetery. Elsewhere – Wm. J. Ennis of Chicago, G.W. Warner and family of Freeport, T.M. Alexander and wife and W.B. Buckley and wife of Murphysboro, were called to witness the death and burial of their friend and relative, Mr. W.M. Buckley, last week near this city. TL 20 Apr 1893

Mr. Evans of Murphysboro and Sarah Holt of this city were married here Saturday. TL 20 Apr 1893

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Marriages — no dates:

James Stanley and Mary Lockare

James Chitty and Ellen Lockard

Ed Deming and Ida Weiss TL 20 Apr 1893

Blairsville — Melvill Smith of Pomona and Ellen Smith of this place were married at Murphysboro. [no date] TL 20 Apr 1893

William M. Buckley was born near Unadilla Center, Otsego County, New York 3 Jun 1816. While a young man he taught school near his home. His family moved to Illinois when he was about 32 and settled near Freeport. At various times he was City Supt. Of Schools, then treasurer and probate judge for Stephenson County. Soon after the close of the Rebellion, he moved to Alabama and settled in Lowndes County and bought a large plantation with a view of the culture of cotton. Here he lived for 11 years. He came to us then and his face has been a familiar one for 16 years. On Sunday evening, while he was quietly reading in his chair, something like neuralgia attacked him in his left shoulder and that side of the head, causing him to cry out in pain. He died 14 April. [This is a very lengthy obituary written by Frank M. Alexander] TL 27 Apr 1893

J.W. Keeler admr estate of Thomas H. Keeler TL 27 Apr 1893

Guardian’s notice of final settlement —To Malissa Street, formerly Bush and Jane Wallace, formerly Bush — James Wright, guardian. TL 27 Apr 1893

Adj notice — Geo. B. White admr estate of N.S. White TL 27 Apr 1893

Indian Camp – Dewitt Snoddy, of Carrier Mills, has purchased the original Santa Maria, the flag-ship of Columbus, and has rigged it up for a peddling wagon. He will exhibit it at the World’s Fair.

Marion Tanner, who left here about two weeks ago, has located near Wichita, Kansas.

Mr. Wroton was up a few days ago and witnessed the first survey of town lots at this place. TL 27 Apr 1893

Mt. Pleasant — Nute Venus and Jennie Jackson were married Thursday evening. TL 27 Apr 1893

Frank Brown died yesterday. He was born 31 Jul 1831 in Union County and came to Bainbridge in 1850. He moved to Marion a few years ago. He joined the Baptist Church in 1854 and has been a consistent member. TL 27 Apr 1893

John Outhouse of Ava and Carrie Springs of this city were married 23 Apr. James M. Young and Grace Hundley were married Tuesday. TL 27 Apr 1893

Cawthon — Uncle Joe Mosley died almost instantly on the 22nd of heart disease. Burial was in Coal Bank Cemetery. TL 27 Apr 1893

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Corinth — Mrs. Jennie Greeney, who has been sick the past week, is improving. It’s a girl. TL 27 Apr 1893


Frank Brown, born 31 Jul 1831, died 26 Apr 1893. He married Elizabeth Dunaway in the 21st year of his age. Five sons and two daughters were born to them, two sons and one daughter long since have been taken to their reward. He united with Hurricane Church 25 Sep 1854 and joined the Baptist Church at Bainbridge 15 May 1875.

TL 4 May 1893

George W. Stephens and Effie Carter were married Sunday. TL 4 May 1893 Chas. E. Brewster and Nora Grogan were married Sunday. TL 4 May 1893

Last Friday afternoon an extra was wrecked at Cana, caused by the engine lifting a plank out of the Cana crossing and pushing it along until one end reached a trestle. Engineer Tippy was thrown 25 feet and lodged on a wire fence where he was held and severely scalded. A man “beating” his way over the road was found under the trucks of a car load of ties, lying in the ditch with just his head above water. He lived about one hour. He said he was from Pittsburg, Pa., where he has a mother and sister. He said his name was BELL. TL 4 May 1893

Chancery sale — W.R. Tally, Viola Tally and Sarah Tally, minors by J.W. Wade, their guardian vs John Tippy, Hary Tippy and Tipton Whitecotton. TL 18 May 1893

Adj notice — H.J. Fuller admr estate of Thomas Beardon TL 18 May 1893

Warren Waggoner shot his wife Monday night at Crainville. It was the end of an old quarrel beginning last February when he left his family in almost destitute circumstances and went to Cape Girardeau, Mo. After arriving there, he sent word to his wife to sell off the household goods and come to him if she wanted to. She sold a mare and after paying the mortgage and settling store debts she went to visit friends in Elkhart, Ind. She sent Waggoner his share of the things. Learning she was gone, he returned and took her goods from storage and sold them. As soon as she returned, she retrieved the goods on a writ of replevin. A trial for the rights of property followed in which she was successful. She then sued him for divorce on the grounds of cruelty and won. Waggoner went to Frank Ewell’s on Monday and loaded his gun with good sized squirrel shot. Ewell asked him what he was going to do and he replied “nothing.” Seeing his former wife coming up the road, he started toward her and Ewell attempted to stop him two or three times. He said, “You have followed me to the gate and I have warned you three times to stop. Do not come any further or you may regret it.” He then went into the street and shot her in the side. Not satisfied, he attempted to brain her with the butt end but was stopped by Pierce Crain who held him until he was taken to the calaboose. Sheriff Dowell went to the calaboose and heard him groaning. He said he had killed his wife and taken poison. Dr. Perry administered an emetic and he came around. His wife died Tuesday morning. TL 18 May 1893

Jesse Gray, an old colored gentleman in his 77th year, residing near Corinth, while coming into town last Saturday, was thrown out of his road cart the city limits inflicting injuries from which he died Saturday night. TL 18 May 1893

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X. Davis and Alice Reynolds were married the 10th. TL 18 May 1893

Aunt Nancy Motsinger celebrated her 76th birthday May 22. Her relatives gave her a surprise birthday party. The total amount of her presents amounted to over thirty five dollars. Attending were her three children and 14 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren. Total number of people was near 100. TL 25 May 1893

Eight Mile No. 2 — John Cundiff and John Hastings are of late wearing an unusual smile. A girl at the home of the former and a boy at the latter. TL 25 May 1893

Lake Creek – That is not an electric street car you see over on Brown Ave., near Burgess front, but it is J.E. Pike’s Art Gallery on wheels. He will soon be ready to do anything that comes up in his line of business.

Mary Jones and Frank Atwood were married last Thursday. TL 25 May 1893


Circuit Court — divorces

E.L. Hasten vs Lucinda Hasten

Mary Keller vs L. Keller

Mary L. Barnett vs Wm. E. Barnett

Mary Kennedy vs Isaac Kennedy

Nancy E. Boles vs Spencer Boles

L.A. Waggoner vs Warren Waggoner


Thomas Kelley, disturbing the peace, continued

John Belcher, assault to murder, continued

Eak Cruse, burglar, nol pros

David Byrn, burglar, con.

W.A. Thornton, assault to murder, continued

Robt. Thornberry, assault with deadly weapon, nol pros

Chas. Maltby, assault to murder, nol pros

Charles Childers, assault to rape, trial, guilty of common assault, $25

Daley Groves, keeping house of ill fame, guilty

Daley Groves, allowing female under 18 years of age to live with her, continued

George Wilkerson and John Wade, murder, Wade tried, not guilty

Lum Barnett, forgery, nol pros

Aud Stone, grand larceny, continued

Flem Gent, assault to murder, continued

Allen Surratt, assault to rape, nol pros

Claude Barham, grand larceny, continued

Ira Carmical, rape, guilty, 1 year in pen

Samuel McNeil, murder, continued TL 1 Jun 1893

Rev. Oliver Cox was in town Monday. He has again taken up abode in this county near his home in former days. TL 1 Jun 1893

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Last Tuesday Drs. Denison and Denison performed an operation on Herman Burnett and removed 130 shotgun wads, pieces of clothing and quite a number of dead bones. TL 1 Jun 1893

Pound Master Martin sold a cow last Monday for eight dollars at public auction on the public square. TL 8 Jun 1893

John T. Roberts, just east and near town, announces the arrival of a daughter at his home the 1st. The same state of affairs exist at Dr. Stankard’s and Surveyor Taylor’s, all girls. 8 Jun 1893

Rock Creek — Sarah Russell was interred in Coal Bank Cemetery 1Jun. Adaline Henry recently attempted suicide by taking morphine. TL 8 Jun 1893

Non-resident notice — Sarah G. Williams vs William Williams — divorce TL 15 Jun 1893

Chancery sale — Amanda McCowan vs H.L. McNeil And Nancy J. McNeil. TL 15 Jun 1893

Sale of real estate — John Hunt, guardian of minor heirs of William Stroud TL 15 Jun 1893

John C. Landers, for 10 years a citizen of the west, returned to Marion last week. TL 15 Jun 1893

Dr. A.N. Lodge returned from Battle Creek Saturday. He was gone one month but received no relief. TL 15 Jun 1893

W.C.S. Rhea and wife and Judge Bishop and wife went to Chicago Tuesday to look at the World’s Fair. TL 15 Jun 1893

Carterville — A new girl at Sam Evett’s, born last week. TL 15 Jun 1893 

Corinth— J.L. Roberts is taking in the World’s Fair. TL 15 Jun 1893

Isaac Lacy and Mrs. Eliza J. Stroud were married 17 Jun. TL 22 Jun 1893

A United States Marshal arrested W.M. Williams of Northern yesterday for peddling tobacco. The two left for Springfield this morning. TL 22 Jun 1893

Clarence Brandon was brought to this place Sunday in a precarious condition. He has been a brakeman on the Cairo Short Line for some time and went south about 4:15 a.m. Sunday. Before the train arrived at Parker City, he was missed. The crew on a northbound train was notified and they found him about a mile south of Denison, lying along the tracks, unconscious. He has a skull fracture. Dr. Ferrell dressed the wound, but little hope is held for his recovery. TL 22 Jun 1893

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Adj notice — Geo. H. Goodall admr estate of Juila A. Dunaway TL 29 Jun 1893  Miss Belle Robertson started to the World’s Fair this morning. TL 29 Jun 1893

W.M. Williams returned home Saturday from Springfield about $75 short. Rather a severe experience. TL 29 Jun 1893

Indian Camp — A baby girl arrived at Billy Tanner’s on the 20th. TL 29 Jun 1893

Mathew McAnally died 20 Jun at his residence in Southern Township at the age of 71 years. He was born in Robertson County, Tenn. In 1822 and came at the age of 7 with his parents to Illinois. On 28 May 1847 he was enrolled in Capt. J.H. Cunningham’s company in 1st Regt. of Illinois Vols and served until the close of the war. He married Nancy Jones in 1849 and has lived where he died since. He was also enrolled in the War of the Rebellion in Captain Wagoner’s Company, 9th Regt. D of Illinois Infantry Vols. and again honorably served until the end of the war. By a curious coincidence, he died just 9 years and 3 months after the death of his wife, on the same day of the month and the same hour. On the day before his death, he did a fair day’s work. In the evening, he requested his son to play on the organ his favorite tune, “Let us Walk in the Light” and requested it to be repeated and retired. He raised a family of 10 children, 8 survive, all members of a Christian church. TL 29 Jun 1893

Last week the members of J.L. Parks Post G.A.R., at Crab Orchard, lost from their roll a tried and true comrade. William Wicks, one of Company H 81st Illinois, who for several months lingered with consumption. Deceased passed away at 8 p.m. Monday. TL 29 Jun 1893

Otis F. Brown, of Marion, and Clara E. Pindell were married at Cairo 22 Jun. TL 29 Jun 1893

James A. Dun, 76, was born in 1817 in Tennessee and came to Illinois and settled in Williamson County in 1835. He married Mary McAnally in 1837. He served in the Mexican War. He professed religion in 1840, united with the Freewill Church and lived a consistent Christian life. The last 8 years he suffered with paralysis and was speechless 2 years. He died June 25, 1893 at 10 o’clock p.m. He leaves a companion and 8 children, the children are all of age and all religious and by the grace of God intend to meet their father in heaven where parting shall be no more. Funeral services were conducted at the Hartwell Cemetery attended by a large crowd of weeping friends, by Rev. A.H. Seay. TL 29 Jun 1893 [NOTE — He is buried in McAnally Cemetery, near Marion City Lake.]


Lake Creek — Scott Harris went to Dwight Friday to be treated for the whiskey habit. John R. Powell returned from the World’s Fair last week. TL 6 Jul 1893

Indian Camp — Uncle Steve Tanner, notwithstanding his great age, is our most successful fisherman. It has been seventy years since he first cast a hook into the Saline and he still likes the sport as well as ever. TL 6 Jul 1893

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At Sarahsville-Davis bridge, the people of that neighborhood had an old folks fishing party and picnic, a grand old fashioned fish fry and good time. Among the old folks were: Nancy Davis, 87; Harris Moren, 83; Nancy Motsinger, 80; W.J. Caplinger, ??; Sam Groves, 67. TL 6 Jul 1893

Lizzie Cundiff, infant daughter of John and Jennie Cundiff, died Saturday. She was born 21 Apr 1893 and died 1 Jul 1893, aged 3 months and 10 days. She took sick about 5 days before she died. Burial was in Russell Cemetery. TL 6 Jul 1893

Non-resident notice — Mary J. Haynes vs Moody Haynes — divorce TL 13 Jul 1893

S.C. Duryea died 8 Jul at Corinth. He was born in Tioga County, Penn. He joined the I.O.O.F in Penn., moved to Kansas before the war, joining Hallowell No. 205 Kan. 30 Jun 1880, from which he withdrew and joined the Corinth Lodge No. 502 14 Jan 1888. He served his country in Co G 2nd Nebraska Cay. He lost his wife last spring. TL 13 Jul 1893

Among the many things exhibited at the World’s Fair is the suit of clothes which were worn by President Lincoln on the fatal Friday night he was killed. It is shown in glass to prevent vandals from destroying it. The gun that fired the first shot at Fort Sumpter and opened the late Civil War, is also on exhibit in the Government Building. It is a four pounder and well preserved. TL 13 Jul 1893

Charles Emory Mitchell, son of C.E. and Daisy Mitchell, died Tuesday at the home of F.M. Westbrook, this city. Burial was in Benton. TL 13 Jul 1893

N.M. Herrin, of Spokane Falls, Wash. is visiting his mother, Mrs. Wils Caplinger, at Dennison. TL 23 Jul 1893

Heza Davis had a hand torn off with a thresher yesterday. TL 23 Jul 1893  L.A. Malone and Anna Stewart were married 13 Jul. TL 23 Jul 1893

A little child of Marcus Bearden died suddenly Tuesday. The child was recovering from diptheria and was almost well, asked for a drink of water and in a few minutes was a corpse. TL 23 Jul 1893

Mrs. Ruhama Duncan, wife of the late Samuel Duncan, died Tuesday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John Bandy in this city. Her death was very sudden and unexpected, heart failure being the cause. She is the mother of Hon. John H. Duncan, Representative from this Legislative District. She was 70 years old.  TL 23 Jul 1893

Fredonia — An infant child of Jno. Colp died 15 Jul and was buried in Russell Cemetery. TL 23 Jul 1893

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Lake Creek — An infant child of Matt Duncan died Saturday.

C. Waller, the blacksmith, died very suddenly on the 8th. He was a member of the G.A.R. One by one the ranks are broken. TL 23 Jul 1893

Mt. Pleasant — On the first Sunday in September ’93, at Spring Grove Church, Blazing Star Lodge 458 A.F. & A.M. will attend the funeral of Brother John R. Cragg.


Gano Edwards of Bald Knob — or Tick Ridge — informs us he found two terrapins with the following inscriptions cut in plain letters and figures on their hulks: No. 1 – C.W.E. 1860 in two places, No.2 – W.H.E. Co C 31st Regt. Ill. Vol 1863, U.S.A. It is supposed that W.E. Edwards of Co 3 31st Regt cut the letters on terrapin no. 2. We invite him to make a full statement to the editor of the Leader at an early date. TL 3 Aug 1893

Pulley’s Mill — Miss Sula and Oscar Hudgens, of St. Francois, Ark., were visiting here Saturday. TL 3 Aug 1893

Mrs. Logan was the guest of Mrs. S.J. Cline last week. TL 3 Aug 1893

Non-resident notice — Gertie Allen vs Thos. C. Allen — divorce

Rena Cobb vs Wm. Cobb — divorce

Thomas Moake vs Thomas Kramer and the children and unknown heirs of Thomas Kramer.

Trustees of Schools Township 9 S R 3 E vs Mary J. Swofford, Joseph Swofford, Catharine Hall, Wm. Hall, Jennie Hall, Emma Hall, Lena Hall and John Hall. TL 3 Aug 1893

Cunningham Kennedy died 21 Jul at the residence of his son in the City of Mexico. He passed away as the day was dawning at the age of 67 years. He had been in Mexico several months for his health. He was born 26 Feb 1826. He leaves a wife and 6 children. During his term as County Commissioner, he did a grand job. He laid the plan and managed the building of our splendid courthouse. Burial was in the American Cemetery in the City of Mexico, this place being the home of two sons and a daughter. TL 3 Aug 1893

Non-resident notice — Frank vs Margaret A. Hoover — divorce TL 31 Aug 1893

Adj notice — Ada Truman admrx estate of Jesse Gray. TL 31 Aug 1893

Mrs. Taylor Bowers, late of Perry County, Mo., was buried in the Mclnturff Cemetery south of this city Saturday. Mr. Bowers formerly lived in this county and will likely make it his future home. TL 31 Aug 1893

Why don’t some of the Republican papers who are harping so much about Gen. Black’s pension say something about the pension allowed Gen. Logan? They were for the same amount ($100 per month) and allowed at the same term of Congress, yet the history says Black received 5 balls to Logan’s 1. Egyptian Press Republican papers never said “something about the pension allowed Gen. Logan” because Gen. Logan was never allowed a pension. Republican papers confine their remarks to facts, you know. A few days ago Mrs. Logan’s attention was called to the above and following is what she had to say.

Calumet Place Washington, D.C. August 31, 1893

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Mr. Copeland dear sir:

I am very glad that you have referred this matter to me. I can assure you on my honor that General Logan never applied for a pension and never received a dollar as pension money from the government. This statement can be verified by the records of the office.

A pension was granted to me after his death by a special act of Congress. General Logan could have received a pension for wounds received in the army, but he would not ask for it.

I cannot see what good it does people to misrepresent in this way, when it can be so easily proven that the whole thing is false.

Very truly,

Mrs. John A. Logan TL 7 Sep 1893

A little child of Mrs. P.M. Parker died last week of diphtheria. TL 7 Sep 1893

Josiah B. Morphew was born in Knox County, Tenn. 28 Aug 1823 and died near Marion 31 Aug 1893, aged 70 years and 2 days, leaving 1 son and 2 daughters. He was married in his native state to Melinda Davis on 24 Sep 1847. She died 17 Feb 1893 after 14 years of sore affliction. Mr. Morphew enlisted in 20th Ky Inf and was discharged in 21 Aug 1862 for disability. On 21 Aug, that same year, he was mustered into service again in the 120th III. And served 3 years 8 months and 25 days. TL 7 Sep 1893

The wife of George Chamness, southwest of this place, killed herself Thursday evening with a pistol. Conflicting reports leave the matter in doubt as to the cause; whether accidental or intentional. At any rate, she blew a hole in her head and died instantly. TL 21 Sep 1893

Johnnie Tippy, 8-year-old son of Jas. Tippy, was kicked by a horse on the fairgrounds last Saturday and died Tuesday about 4 o’clock. TL 21 Sep 1893

A little child of Jno. W. Pillow died last Friday in this city. TL 21 Sep 1893

Will Baldwin of Cobden and Lina Cunningham of this city were married Sunday. The bride is the daughter of Capt. J.T. Cunningham. TL 21 Sep 1893

Crab Orchard — Taylor Tarpley died the 15th at his residence 2 miles south of slow fever. He was 39 years and 4 months old and leaves a wife and 2 children. TL 21 Sep 1893

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Corinth — Eva Malone, infant daughter of L.A. Malone, died Friday. Her mother had recently preceded her in death, also apparently a brother as the obit mentions Master John, Eva and Mama meeting the others in Heaven. TL 21 Sep 1893

Cordelia E. Spiller and W.L. Eskew were married 17 Sep at the home of the bride’s father, W.J. Spiller. TL 21 Sep 1893

Fredonia — Aunt Cinda Meyers has gone to Saline County to visit her brother, Tom Russell. TL 21 Sep 1893

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Newton, of Lake Creek, brought to Drs. Denison & Denison a child last Tuesday and Wednesday for treatment under very unfavorable conditions. 12 days ago the little one swallowed a latch off a valise, from which it is a great sufferer. The iron catch has lodged in its throat and has not been removed. The parents have gone to St. Louis to have Dr. Mudd use his skill in removing it. TL 21 Sep 1893

Creal Springs _Herald, 14th inst. – Mrs. Florence C. Wells, of South Fork, Tennessee, who has been here several days for her health, was struck by a moving train at the depot here last Tuesday night, breaking her arm and crushing her shoulder and back. She died yesterday morning at 12:30. She and another lady had gone meet a friend. The train stays here of a night and had run in on the side track and struck a box car that was standing off the switch near the side-track. Mrs. Wells had her little child in her arms and started across the track, not seeing the moving car. Her child escaped with slight bruises. Her father left today with her remains for her home in Tennessee. TL 21 Sep 1893

Surveyor Taylor lost a child to diphtheria last week. Mrs. Taylor is also quite sick. TL 28 Sep 1893

John R. Belcher was found not guilty of the shooting of Thos. Kelley. TL 28 Sep 1893

Mrs. Addie Van Hemert, daughter of Rev. G.W. Lamaster, died Saturday at her home in Grand Meadows, Wisconsin. TL 28 Sep 1893


Cards are out announcing the marriage of Dr. E. Lyman Denison, of this city, and Margaret L. O’Grady, 53rd and Atlantic Streets, Chicago, October 18, 1893. TL 5 Oct 1893

James Fowler, of Eight Mile, and Laura Crowell, of Western, were lately united in matrimony. TL 5 Oct 1893

A grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Simpson died Sunday and was buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, 7 miles east of Marion. TL 19 Oct 1893

Miss Susie Blankenship, 19 years 4 months 16 days, died Tuesday of typhoid at her mother’s residence in this city. Burial was in the new cemetery. She has a sister, Mrs. Edrington of Paducah. TL 19 Oct 1893

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Carterville — George Culbertson, a miner at the Brush shaft, was killed instantly by falling slate Wednesday. This is the first fatal accident at the Brush mine. TL 19 Oct 1893

Harrisburg Chronicle – Wm. Knowlton of Harrisburg and Marion Knowlton of New Castle took charge of the Stone Fort flouring mill, which has been operated for many years by Erwin and Mchaney. Mr. Erwin will move to Marion and take charge of the large grain elevator of Burnett & Parks and Mr. McHaney goes to Galatia where he will engage in the hotel business.

The solemn tolling of the church bells Tuesday morning announced that Robert Mick, one of the oldest and best known businessmen of Harrisburg, had passed over the dark river from whose borne no traveler returns. He took sick 30 Sep with kidney trouble which was followed by typhoid fever and after an illness of 6 months, died in his 74th year. TL 19 Oct 1893

Mrs. Blue, of Northern, was adjudged insane last Monday at a trial in the courthouse. This is the second time the lady has been demented and she is now separated from a 6 month old babe and other little children. The case is a sad one, but shows the condition of many of the race. TL 19 Oct 1893

The Cairo Telegram under “court Notes” says: “In the case of Kitty May Sams for shooting with intent to kill, the prosecuting attorney entered a nolle pros.” We understand this to be the daughter of Mr. Sams of Carterville. She was wronged by a man and driven to the act of shooting. TL 19 Oct 1893

Crab Orchard — John H. Davis was called to Belleville last week on account of the death of a grand child. TL 19 Oct 1893

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Groves lost a child Saturday to diphtheria. TL 26 Oct 1893

Jas. Chamness was thrown from his cart Saturday near the city limits and seriously and probably fatally hurt. TL 26 Oct 1893

Wolf Creek — Wolf Creek was represented at the World’s Fair last week by Rev. T.J. Throgmorton, I.N. Lintz and J.D. Walker.

Frank Lence and Mrs. Sarah Jones were married Wednesday and Bun Chamness and Gussie Childers were married 22 Oct. TL 26 Oct 1893


Dora Harris committed suicide Tuesday at Muddy Valley by taking strychnine. Burial was in Hurricane Cemetery. TL 16 Nov 1893

Final settlement — Estate of Cordelia Stewart, deceased. On 4 Dec, the bondsmen of Cordelia Malone, Nancy S. Stewart will present a final report. [This is how it is worded.] L.A. Malone, F.M. Roberts, Calvin Brown, J.H. Stewart and Add Stewart, bondsmen. TL 16 Nov 1893

Chancery sale

M.A. Burnett Vs Martha A. Hesaker, William Hesaker and George Robinson.

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National Home Building and Loan association vs J.E. Allen and Lovina Allen

T.L. Campbell and W.T. Davis vs Thomas J. Miller, Cordelia A. Miller and E.J. Turner TL 16 Nov 1893

New Denison — Tom Linzey says since his visit to the World’s Fair the ferris wheel would make an excellent roller to prepare the ground for sowing wheat.

A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eaton was buried last week at Davis Prairie Cemetery. TL 16 Nov 1893

During vacation death removed from our midst one of the little buds of promise, little Daisy Wiley. Primary School TL 16 Nov 1893

A 4-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis, north of town, was burned to death Saturday. Th child was alone in a room when its clothes caught fire. It lingered until afternoon. TL 16 Nov 1893

The widows of Wesley Barnes and Henry Miller, two men killed last June on the Creal Springs Short Line, were recently paid $1,000 each in full settlement. TL23 Nov 1893

Clarence B. Gallagher, 3 years 4 months 27 days, son of L.? T.and STE? Gallagher, died Friday of diphtheria. Burial was in the new cemetery. TL 23 Nov 1893

Capt. S.C. Mooningham died at his residence in Crab Orchard Precinct the 10th. He was Captain of Co C 31st III. His body was assigned to rest in Davis Prairie Cemetery until the final reveille by his comrades of the G.A.R. TL 23 Nov 1893

Geo. Kelley was shot and instantly killed by Andy Maynard Monday at the Brush mine near Carterville. They had been in town drinking and started home in company with Jas. Sanders. Kelley kicked Maynard in the eye and Maynard went home and got a shotgun and shot Kelley in the breast. IL 23 Nov 1893

John H. Sinks committed suicide Monday with a pistol at his residence in Lake Creek Precinct. The ball passed through his head and killed him almost instantly. He had for some time been a government employee as postal clerk on the Cairo Short Line from Paducah to St. Louis. He had for a dozen years or more been at times insane. He was recently taken to the Anna Asylum and was home on leave of absence when the fatal shot was fired. TL 23 Nov 1893

Miss Birdie Eubanks, cashier at the Exchange Bank at Creal Springs, eloped Saturday with someone unknown to the public. Thos. Waters Jr. was a prominent figure in the transaction. He furnished transportation and escorted the lady to the shades beyond her father’s house. Just why she made the unexpected leap and where she is, is not generally known. TL 23 Nov 1893

Chancery sale — Eliza Anderson vs Joseph P. Kimmel and Mary A. Kimmel TL 30 Nov 1892

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Resolutions of respect, Crab Orchard Public School — Death of Logan S. Norman TL 30 Nov 1893

R.R. Fowler and Lena Bundy were married Wednesday. TL 30 Nov 1893

Indian Camp — Mrs. Betty Lanham died of congestion on the 22nd and was buried at Indian Camp Church. She leaves a husband and quite a large family of little children. TL 30 Nov 1893

Pulley’s Mill — Mr. Addison Reese and son of Cobden were among old friends here the first of the week. TL 30 Nov 1893


Charles Felts, son of W.H. and Parlee Felts, was born 9 Feb 1877 and died 10 Dec 1893, aged 15 years and 10 months. TL 14 Dec 1893

Harry Lee, brakeman on a freight train, was killed near the depot Tuesday morning at 1:30. Mr. Gent was the engineer. F.A. Nance went out from the powerhouse and found the man dead. He was 21 years old and lived 2 1/2 miles from Tamaroa. TL 14 Dec 1893

Notice of adj. — S.W. Carter admr. estate of Solomon C. Mooningham TL 21 Dec 1893

Chancery sale — Josephine Moy vs Samuel W. Dunaway et als TL 21 Dec 1893

A double burial from one family in Eight Mile last Monday. Mr. Joel? B. Alexander and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Clark was consigned on the 15th. TL 21 Dec 1893

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