Extracted chiefly from the newspapers, The Leader (TL) and Egyptian Press (EP)
Fredonia — Cass Russell starts today for Mobile, AL where he will spend three weeks hunting and fishing on the Gulf coast. He will be the guest of his brother, M.F. Russell and family. TL 1 Jan 1894
Alice — Grandma Anderson died Thursday evening after a lingering illness. She was buried Saturday in South County Line Cemetery. TL 1 Jan 1894
Chancery sale — Josephine Moy, et al, complainant and Samuel W. Dunaway, et al, defendants — bill for partition of dower, etc. TL 1 Jan 1894
Non-resident notice — Celia Lewis vs Charles C. Lewis — bill for divorce. TL 1 Jan 1894
Notice of adjustment — Julia A. Corder, admrx estate of Willis Corder. TL 1 Jan 1894
With this issue of the press, Mr. X Davis’ contract for publishing the same expires and he will retire from the office force. Mr. J.C. Watson will hereafter do the mechanical work for the paper. EP 4 Jan 1894
Judge W.H. Williams, of Franklin County, was ambushed and shot with a double barreled shotgun some two weeks ago near his home at Parrish, by John Martin. This makes the second time Martin has attempted to kill Williams and he also dangerously injured the women on two occasions. Nearly all of our readers remember the scandal in regard to Williams’ present wife, who was formerly Martin’s wife some years ago, the sensational wounding of Williams and divorce proceedings. Martin made his escape and his victim will recover. EP 4 Jan 1894
We clip the following from the Carbondale Herald as Mr. Burton and his sons John W. and Charles Jr. have many friends among our readers — Charles Burton, who resided in this city from 1867 until 1886, died at his home in Mt. Vernon the 215t. He was born in Virginia 19 Jul 1823 and moved with his parents to Meigs County, TN at the age of two years and came to Jackson County at the age of ten years. He moved to Mt. Vernon 19 years later. He married Miss Caroline Russell in 1846. Seven children were born, five living: Mrs. Frizzell, of Athens, Tx, John, clerk of the Appellate Court in Mt. Vernon, Arista, of the faculty at Southern Illinois Normal University, Julia and Charles Jr., attorney at law at Edwardsville. A few months ago, he was appointed by Gov. Altgeld a member of the state grain inspection department. EP 4 Jan 1894
Hundley Fitzgerrell, 3-year-old son of R.C. and Laura, died Tuesday of diphtheria. Burial was immediately in the New Cemetery. Dan Fitzgerrell and mother, Mrs. J.J. Fitzgerrell, of Mt. Vernon, were called to his bedside. EP 11 Jan 1894
Harry X. Cline returned Sunday to Upper Alton, where he is attending the Western Military Academy. EP 11 Jan 1894
Chancery sale — J.C. Jackson vs Flem Gent et al
Orlena Groves admrx of estate of Wm. M. Groves, vs Samuel J. Groves et al vendor’s lien. EP 11 Jan 1894
Thomas Waters, of Creal Springs, came up yesterday with Buck Wilson, of that place, who has been insane for a short while. They left on the afternoon train for Anna. EP 18 Jan 1894
Assignee’s notice — On 11 Nov 1893, W.S. Washburn , druggist, made an assignment to S.A.Lancaster, all his property contained in a drug store on North Main Street in what is known as the Perry building. EP 18 Jan 1894
Mrs. Nancy Davis, widow of Gen. John T. Davis, who was in the Black Hawk War, has been granted a pension. TL 25 Jan 1894
Maude McFall and G.C. Cantrell will marry 31 Jan at the residence of the bride’s father, W.W. McFall. EP 25 Jan 1894
Having served out his time at the Southern Illinois Penitentiary, Henry McInturff returned home last Thursday. EP 25 Jan 1894
Thomas Outhouse and Emma Ellis were married Sunday at the residence of the bride’s father, Ben E. Ellis. The groom is an engineer at the Marion Electric Light Plant. EP 1 Feb 1894
The infant son of J.W. Wilder died last Monday and was taken to Sparta, Ky for burial. EP 1 Feb 1894
Lou Clemens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Clemens, and Frank Joyner, of Harrisburg were married yesterday. The groom, formerly of this place, is now cashier at First National Bank of Harrisburg. They will make their home in Harrisburg. EP 1 Feb 1894
Lon Davis, of Pinckneyville, and Hana Barham, of this city, were married last Sunday evening at the residence of Thomas Barham. EP 8 Feb 1894
Theodore Leander Campbell died 5 Feb at his residence in this city. He was born 31 Mar 1852 about four miles east of this city. He married Julia May 5 Dec 1876 and moved to this city in 1881. He was a stock dealer and a member of the firm Campbell Bros and has been on the City Council since 1893. He was a member of Monitor Lodge No. 236 U.R.K. of P. and also Knights of Honor. He is survived by his wife and three children. Burial was in the New Cemetery. EP 8 Feb 1894
Trecil Tippy, son of M.C. and Bettie E. Tippy, died 1 Feb, aged 1 year 7 months and 9 days. Burial was in the New Cemetery. EP 8 Feb 1894
Hon. W.S. Morris was married to Mrs. Mollie Wiel of Evansville, IN last week. After the marriage, they returned to Golconda. EP 15 Feb 1894
The public schools:
Mr. Will Bradley of Crab Tree School was called to Belleville last Saturday by the death of his brother, James Bradley who died from the effects of an accident a few days ago.
During the past week, the County Superintendent visited Rendleman School, Miss Daisy Baker, teacher, enrollment 20, Phelps School, J.A. Felts, teacher, enrollment 36, and Walker School, John M. Kilbreth, teacher, enrollment 40.
Mr. A.J. Gambill finished his regular term of school last Friday, but had made such a success of his work and governed the school so admirably, the directors refused to allow it to close and have extended the length of term two weeks and probably a month longer.
Mr. Eugene Cowan expects to teach a subscription school in the Lance school house this spring. His work in his winter term has been received with great favor by his patrons.
Messrs. A.J. Gambill, Ed. M. Stotlar, M.N. Swan and J.L. Potter have agreed to contribute an article to the Educational Column in the near future. All are successful teachers.
W.W. Williams of Moake School mentioned.
Teachers, Marion Public School: Gussie Jackson, May Gallagher, Lilly Holcomb, Ada Feator, Sarah Davis, Mary Bently, Dora V. Evans, W.R. Kimzy, J.A. Shunk. A literary and debating society was organized by W.H. Goddard at Gulledge School. George and Samuel Watson also organized a literary society in connection with their school work. TL 15 Feb 1894
Tax sale notice:
John H. Burnett purchased real estate assessed to Nancy Grimes.
Notice to John W. Murrie, Elizabeth Brinkley and Aultman, Miller and Co., Geo. H. Goodall purchased real estate assessed to John W. Murrie.
J.H. Burnett purchased real estate assessed to Chas. Malone, W.C. Phemister,
John Price, Nancy Grimes, C.C. Howard, L.M. Williams, James Kennedy. W.P. Goodall purchased real estate assessed to Wm. Phemister, Wm. J. Stout, C.K.T. Willard.
Geo. H. Goodall purchased real estate assessed to W.H. Henshaw.
H. Goodall purchases real estate assessed to Jas. A. McMillan.
Notice to Geo. L. Owens — W.P. Goodall purchaser. TL 15 Feb 1894
Geo. Parrigan and Martha Pulley were married last Sunday at the Freewill Baptist Church by Rev. G.B. McBride. After the ceremony, a number of their friends were entertained at the residence of Thos. Perrigan, the groom’s father. TL 15 Feb 1894
Circuit Court:
F. Gent on trial for murder. Case dismissed.
Carol Waggoner indicted for murder of his wife, pled guilty to manslaughter. Sentenced to natural life at hard labor. [The issue of March 1 corrects this and says it was Warren Waggoner.]
Chas. Maynard, murder, continued.
Jas. Chamness, murder, not guilty. TL 15 Feb 1894
Central examinations for 1894 will be held at the places below and conducted by the teachers listed:
8-4 — Corinth School — J.L. Potter
8-3 — Grand Center — Thos. Kelley
8-2 — Bandy SCHOOL — Logan Bandy
8-1 — Hickory Thicket — W.A. Perrine
9-1 — Carterville — A.L. Bliss
9-2 — Bainbridge School — Minnie Owen
9-3 — Crabtree School — W.A. Bradley
9-4 — Crab Orchard — A.J. Fleming
10-4 — Hinshaw School — Will White
10-4 — Creal Springs — Owen E. Harper
10-3 — Moake School — W.W. Williams
10-2 — Robinson School — M.M. Pickles
10-1 — Oakes School — R.M. Damron TL 15 Feb 1894
Crainville — Several from this place attended the funeral of Jno. Moore last Wednesday.
Lum Williams and daughter Elsie, of St. Louis, are visiting relatives here. TL 15 Feb 1894
Resolutions of respect — death of T.L. Campbell, a faithful officer of the city. S.W. Walker, J.V. Grider, C.M. Kern, Corn. TL 15 Feb 1894
Louis Belford, of Carterville, was pronounced insane last week and taken to the asylum at Anna. EP 22 Feb 1894
Last Wednesday, Warren Wagoner pled guilty to manslaughter and was given a life sentence. He and his wife were having domestic troubles which culminated in a divorce. On 15 May 1893, he went to Frank Ewell’s store in Crainville and loaded his gun with good sized squirrel shot and, threatening Ewell, who tried to prevent him, went out on the street and shot her in the left side. She lived in agony until the next day when she died. EP 22 Feb 1894
Tax sale
J.C.B. Smith purchased real estate assessed to David Vinson
J.C.B. Smith purchased real estate assessed to John Ward
To A. Richison, Robert Clemens and unknown heirs of Aaron Clemens, J.C.B. Smith purchased real estate accessed to A. Richson EP 22 Feb 1895
Tax sale notice:
J.H. Burnett purchased real estate assessed to M.M. Parks, Wm. R. Davis, J.L. Mayer. A.M. Askew, F.C. Bevard, W.S. Coffman, Daniel Turner, Leroy Norman, Jno. S. Norman, A.J. Marks, M.L. Carter, Thos. Gaunt, G.H. Dunn, John L. Dunn, C. Osburn. TL 15 Feb 1894
Annie Abney, Carrier Mills, stuck a nail in her foot Monday and died on Thursday. TL 22 Feb 1894
In Franklin County, Thos. McReynolds emptied a double barrel shotgun into the stomach of Thomas W. Miller, killing him instantly. Both lived in Frankfort Township. The trouble grew out of family dissensions. TL 22 Feb 1894
The Public Schools:
Ellen Simmons, teacher at Cherry Valley School.
Joel Norris closed his term of school in Ferges District.
A.J. Gambill was attending court last week, during which time Stringtown School was closed.
Samuel Riggs and W.C. Fly mentioned. TL 22 Feb 1894
Tax sale notice:
Notice to Hannah Osborn and A.B. Davis – J.V. Grider purchased real estate assessed to Mary Davis estate, H. Goodall, assignee.
Notice to Jane Meece — J.C.B. Smith purchased real estate assessed to Jane Meese, R.A. Meece, assignee. TL 22 Feb 1894
W.B. Meredith, formerly of this city, died Friday night at his residence in Creal Springs. TL 22 Feb 1894
Alexander Hudgens, formerly of this place, died Monday at his residence in Arkansas. The corpse arrived and was buried at Fountain yesterday. TL 22 Feb 1894
F.M. Bennett, of Little Rock, Ar. formerly of this county, and Addie Stark were married Thursday night at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. S.A. Stark, of this county. Elder Woodside presided. After supper at the Goodall House, they left for their southern home. TL 22 Feb 1894
Word comes from Malden, Mo that the marshal is holding Alvis Whitehead, Frank Pritchett and Minnie Ferrell, charged with burning Creal Springs. Sheriff Dowell went to Cairo yesterday where he expects to meet the accused and escort them here. It appears Miss Minnie knew of the matter and told on the boys. TL 22 Feb 1894
Indian Camp – Uncle Steve Tanner has now rounded out his four score years and though much of the time a victim to a painful illness, he is still able to get ’round among his friends, the number of whom we are glad to say is only limited by the number of his acquaintances.
Grandma Beasley has now entered upon her seventy fifth year, having been born on the farm where she still resides, the same year in which Illinois became a state, 1818. Until very recently she was in the full exercise of all the mental faculties. Her memory was excellent and is still wonderfully preserved. Many are the amusing stories she can tell of the days when the land was still a wilderness, when people preferred to carry water a mile rather than brave the danger of a well in the yard; when the girls wore home-spun and the young men courted in buckskin and were married in calico breeches. TL 22 Feb 1894
Lake Creek: Our people feel quite jubilant over the prospect for a railroad from Mount Vernon, via Lake Creek to Metropolis. TL 22 Feb 1894
Crainville: Frank Shreve, of Eight Mile School, visited our school this week. H.P. Crain wears a pleasant smile on his face. It’s a girl. TL 22 Feb 1894
Eight Mile: Cletus Williams, infant son of Geo. and May Williams, died 8 Feb. IL 22 Feb 1894
Tax sale notice
J.H. Burnett purchased real estate assessed to James Kennedy, Leroy Norman, Sarah Edrington and Wiley & Dunaway.
Notice to B.A. Hilliard, J.L. Jordan, Mary Stilley and Peter Wastier – Ed Goodall purchased real estate assessed to B.A. Hilliard, Don Goodall, assignee. TL 22 Feb 1894
Non-resident notice — Donie Bona vs Angello Bona — bill for divorce. TL 1 Mar 1894
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Norman are the happy parents of a baby girl. TL 1 Mar 1894
Last week we mentioned the sheriff had gone to Missouri after parties charged with arson at Creal Springs. We mentioned Minnie when it should have been Mattie Ferrell. The sheriff returned Thursday night with Pritchett, Phelps and Mattie Ferrell. They gave bond and came up for trial. No evidence was produced and they were discharged. TL 1 Mar 1894
Indian Camp:
Miss Fannie Ozment completed a successful term of school at Black School. TL 1 Mar 1894
Blairsville — Prof. A.A. McMurry closed his term of school at Bethel.
With sorrow we chronicle the death of W.J. Campbell who has passed away from time to eternity. He was born and reared in Tennessee. When the south went into rebellion and brought on the war, he enlisted in the Federal Army, passed through many hardships, lost his health and through fear of assassination, he left the place of his birth and located in this vicinity shortly after the war. He was granted a pension under the dependent pension law. He had not been able to work for several years, but Hoke Smith got his name as an unworthy pensioner and ordered him before a board of examiners, and being very feeble, he succumbed to the exposure and died within a week after he returned home. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Riley Bush, of the Christian order, of which Mr. Campbell was a member for several years.
Thus one by one we pass away from sorrow, care and pain Hope, as an anchor to our soul That we will meet again. TL 1 Mar 1894
J.D. Denning, who so mysteriously disappeared from Benton a few weeks ago, and who was thought to have been murdered in St. Louis, has been heard from, alive and well in Colorado. TL 1 Mar 1894
Thos. R. Stone died at his residence, four miles south of town, Friday night. He was a first class citizen, strong, and to all appearances destined to live many years. Yet disease was quick to do its work when it made its attack. He was a brick mason and well known in this county. TL 1 Mar 1894
Herrin’s Prairie: Benjamin A. Pope, of this place, married Miss Minnie Murphy 22 Feb at the residence of her father, John Murphy, Franklin County. Miss Emma Pope came home from her school in Benton to attend her brother’s wedding. TL 1 Mar 1894
Lake Creek: Lodey Moore and Monroe Moake of Herrin’s Prairie were married Sunday week.
Mr. Beam, who for some time has been at Walpole, has returned home. Quite a decided change in his appearance is noticeable, for he has found the ‘p’eal of great price’ and his friends are glad of the change. TL 1 Mar 1894
The public schools:
Marion Sanders closed a six month term at Rascal Ridge School.
W.W. Williams will close his school in the Moake district Wednesday.
Partridge School, J.B. Fowler, teacher, 67 enrolled
John Stewart, district 1, 8-4, 45 enrolled
Carterville Public Schools, under principalship of Prof. Bliss, 400 enrolled
Colored school in northeast part of county, David Lockett, teacher, 32 enrolled, all of them colored.
The following schools have closed:
Poplar Grove School, W.O. Yeckley, teacher
Shelton School, G.W.S. Turner, teacher
Central school, 9-4, N.W. Crosson, teacher
White School, 9-4, Emma Wroten, teacher
Bethel School, 8-1, A.A. McMurry, teacher
LaMaster School, Ben Lamaster, teacher
Beaver Pond School, Kate Donnelly, teacher
Tygett School, John Venable, teacher
Miss Laura Drake and Miss Fannie Ozment have also closed their schools.
C.A Bauder will, close his school at the Foreville district Friday.
Stone School, J.F. Cowan, teacher
Lance School, G.W. & Samuel Watson, teachers TL 8 Mar 1894
Notice of adjustment
Richard F. Hudson, admr estate of Mary M. Lindsey. TL 8 Mar 1894
Non-resident notice
Mary J. Haynes vs Moody Haynes — bill for divorce TL 8 Mar 1894
Dr. Casey now lives upstairs in a new building over Bracy & Reid’s store. TL 8 Mar 1894
Mrs. Snyder returned home from Colorado Thursday night, where she had been looking after her brother, Jack Denning, who so very mysteriously disappeared from St. Louis a few weeks since. She found him all okay and surprised that his visit west should cause so much excitement. TL 8 Mar 1894
Mr. Johnson, of St. Elmo, is here this week looking over the ground and talking Railroad. He reports the surveyors south of Benton and that next week they will be here. He says the road will be built this year. TL 8 Mar 1894
Alice — The family of our postmaster, Mr. and Mrs. John Province, are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter.
New Hope school closed Friday of last week.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stocks died 22 Feb. It was brought here for burial the 24th. TL 8 Mar 1894
Herrin’s Prairie — Noah McNeill has a new boarder. It is a boy.
Central examinations for schools in township 8-2 were held last Saturday at Stotlar Schoolhouse. Among the teachers present was Dollie Benedict of Hurricane School. D.R. Harrison’s store was broken into 23 Feb and a pair of shoes, some tobacco and four dollars in money taken. TL 8 Mar 1894
Resolutions of respect — T.L. Campbell, member of Marion Lodge No. 1944 K of H. Sympathy to his wife, children and relatives. TL 8 Mar 1894
Crab Orchard — Monroe O’Neal and Sam Jones left for Missouri last Saturday, intending to make it their home. EP 8 Mar 1894
Notice of Adjustment — J.A. Campbell admr estate of Theodore L. Campbell, EP 8 Mar 1894
The public schools:
Cooksey School, J.C. Sanders, teacher, closed 8 Mar.
Odum College School, District 1, Robert Rains, teacher, closed Thursday last. TL 15 Mar 1894
Lake Creek — J.M. Hunter sold his farm to Noah Murrah. Mon will buy again nearby and wait for the advance in real estate that we will soon enjoy, for we certainly will have a new railroad through our county soon. TL 15 Mar 1894
Miss Adelia Wilmore, an orphan and cripple of this vicinity, died the 3rd inst. She left a bright testimony of her future hope.
Prof. Steward and Prof. James Johnson will close their schools next Wednesday.
The bear and monkey show that visited our vicinity last week frightened Mr. Dow Miller’s team so badly that it ran away and smashed his new plow. TL 15 Mar 1894
Mrs. Alice Henry died of consumption Monday.
Mr. M.N. Swan closed a successful school Friday. TL 15 Mar 1894
Herrin’s Prairie — Mary Atwood, of the Chitty district, closed her school last week. TL 15 Mar 1894
Chancery sale — George W. Sitter and Francis M. Sitter, admrs estate of Solomon H. Sitter, complainants. George A. Mccoy and Dosha Mccoy, defendants — bill to foreclose mortgage. TL 15 Mar 1894
Monday last, the surveyors of the Chicago, Paducah and Memphis Railroad reached this city and finished the line now surveyed from Altamont to the south side of Marion. Mr. Johnson, superintendent of the construction of the road, was here and met a number of the citizens in a mass meeting at the courthouse Monday night. He stated all the company asked was the Right of way. The condition is should the road not be completed by 1 Feb 1895, the company will forfeit their right and the land will revert back to those conveying the land. TL 15 Feb 1894
S.J. Riggs closed his school Thursday at Willeford school house
W.H. Goddard closed his second term at Gulledge School Tuesday. He has the choice of either of three schools at $40 a month for the next school year. TL 15 Mar 1894
Robert T. Pulley was born in Wilson County, TN 24 Feb 1823, died Friday at the residence of Jas. Pulley, northeast of this city. To all appearances, he was enjoying excellent health up to the moment of his departure. He fell and expired without a struggle and almost instantly. Apoplexy is supposed to have been the cause of death. He came to Illinois about 1850. He long lived a consistent member of the Christian Church. He gave up his companion some years ago and was ready for the summons. Burial was in New Cemetery Saturday. TL 15 Feb 1894
Non-resident notice — Cassie Stilley vs Absolom Stilley — bill for divorce
Chancery sale — First National Bank of Marion vs Jacob S. Fry and Martha Fry foreclosure of mortgage
Sheriff’s sale — Judgment against Eph Thompson in favor of E. & E. McInturff Judgment against Virgil A. Scurlock in favor of Geo. W. Young TL 22 Mar 1894
Elder A.T. Benson died at his late residence in this city Tuesday last. TL 22 Mar 1894
Crab Orchard — R.L. Parks will teach a select school at Lake Creek this spring. TL 22 Mar 1894
Lake Creek:
Boom the new railroad.
James A. Jones closed school here today.
Western Star School, Mr. Simmons, teacher, closed Saturday.
James H. Felts and R.W. Jones attended the nuptials of King Norris and Fidely Stephens last Sunday at the residence of Mr. Chamness.
J. Hunter and Eliza Gambill were married at the church house last Sunday evening.
Samuel Richerson died the 12th of typhoid fever. We regret very much to lose such an honorable citizen but must be submissive to a higher power. TL 22 Mar 1894
The Southside School closed Thursday due to the illness of the teacher, Caleb Chamness.
Anna McCabe, of this place, and Elias Berry of Fredonia, were married 18 Mar. TL 29 Mar 1894
Non-resident notice — Flem Gent, Charles A. Gent, Parthenia E. Gent, Hardin Goodall, J.M. Aikman, Wm. E. Gallagher, F.M. Westbrook, W.F. Westbrook, J. Vick, S.S. Vick, Arthur Campbell, James H. Duncan, A.F. Askew and First National Bank of Marion vs Ed M. Spiller, assignee of F. Gent & Son, T.L. Dowell, sheriff, etc, Satley Manufacturing Co. and other creditors of F. Gent & Son. TL 29 Mar 1894
Lafayette Hunter Of the Piggett, Arkansas bar is visiting friends and relatives in Williamson County this week.
Arthur Hunter, son of Dr. Hunter of Stringtown was visiting friends here this week. TL 29 Mar 1894
Last Tuesday, Marshall Parks, of Rock Creek, came into town with a note to which M.J. Turner’s name had been forged, went to First National Bank and borrowed $25. He drove out of town with his sister-in-law, Miss Turner, aged about 16, leaving his wife, Miss Turner’s sister a deserted and sad woman. Mr. Turner returned from St. Louis on the 12:35 p.m. train and left in company with W.J. Pulley in pursuit of them. Later — they were caught at Cape Girardeau. TL 29 Mar 1894
Crab Orchard — The death angel has lately taken three from our little village: Edgar Willeford, Elisha Farris and an infant. TL 29 Mar 1894
Sheriff’s sale Judgment against Annie Lufkin and H.G. Lufkin in favor of Clemens & Warder
Chancery sale — Joseph Dugger complainant vs F.L. Rice, Sarah Bennett, Willie Rice and Myrtle Rice
James Alcorn complainant vs Samuel Wright, E.A. Wright, W.F. Wright and T.C. Cain EP 29 Mar 1894
Marriage licenses
Solomon Perhamous, 23 — Elrosa Davidson, 19
J.C. Odel, 31 — Lydia E. Stearns, 32
James McGill, 26 — Maude Boles, 18
B.E. Cooper, 23 — Emma Roberts, 19
M.J. Hunter, 34 — Sarah F. Dial, 20 EP 5 Apr 1894
Lake Creek — Lawyer Lafayette Hunter, of Piggot, AR, spent last week with his aged father, Uncle Allen Hunter of this precinct. EP 5 Apr 1894
William Felts of TN is visiting Lake Creek friends that he has not seen in years. Bill looks as natural as hoe cake. EP 5 Apr 1894
Ab Eason is a papa to a little daughter. EP 5 Apr 1894
S.B. Crain, sheriff of Dover, Stewart County, TN, was in this city last week. EP 5 Apr 1894
Last Sunday afternoon, Nelson Killion was enroute to one of his neighbors in Northern Precinct, a short distance from his residence, and was shot, he says, by Milton Allen, his brother-in-law, who was secreted by the wayside. The gun was loaded with shot and lodged in one side of his neck and one arm. Allen is in jail. TL 12 Apr 1894
Dr. L.B. Casey was called last Monday when a child, about 6 years old, of Allen Suratt near Crab Orchard was burned almost to death. The mother was out of the house, leaving the child alone, when its clothes ignited. It is thought death may result. The mother’s hands are burned so badly she cannot use them. TL 12 Apr 1894
Jude Walker, alias Chas. Johnson, was captured by Sheriff Dowell near Fredonia two weeks ago and lodged in jail here to await the arrival of the sheriff of Steward County, TN, where Walker is wanted. Walker informed us that in August 1891 he was in Weaver’s store ten miles from Dover, where he met and killed J.S. Henson. He says they were both drinking and that he was assaulted by the deceased, when with a wagon standard he struck Henson just above the eye, inflicting a wound from the effects of which he died in about ten days. Sheriff S.B. Crain came and escorted the prisoner to Dover for trial. TL 12 Apr 1894
Grant — J.A. Riggs is going to Malden, Mo in a few days to teach school. IL 12 Apr 1894
Mr. Nyberg, of Harrisburg and Mrs. M.E. Goodall of Marion were married 5 Apr. Captain Nyberg volunteered in Company F 6th Ill Cav and was transferred to Company D, 15th, Ky Cav and is now a merchant in Harrisburg. They will make their home there. TL 12 Apr 1894
Notice of adjustment — Mary Elliott admrx estate of P.L. Elliott EP 12 Apr 1894
Annie Wright and William Dietz were married 7 Apr at the home of Bud Wright The groom is from DeSoto. They will reside near Fredonia. TL 19 Apr 1894
Lewis Kinser died at his residence three miles south of this place Saturday night. He has long been a resident of Williamson and a member of the Christian Church. TL 19 Apr 1894
Lake Creek
Benton West, who recently moved his sawmill from Rock Creek, is doing a good business.
Rev. W.P. Chamness preached in the schoolhouse here Saturday and Sunday and effected the removal of Union Church to this place. There were eighteen additions this trip with still more to follow. This church promises well and will soon begin building a house of worship. TL 19 Apr 1894
Ed Cash, son- in- law of Lon Perry, in Southern Precinct, this county, was called out from his residence in Texas Monday night the 9th inst. by a mob and hanged. After hanging, the body was fired into by the mob with their pistols and guns. Ed was in this county and worked on A.M. Townsend’s farm last summer. He is the son of the Cash who, at an election several years ago, shot and killed Mr. Stanley in this county. The cause of the trouble is unknown here but it is supposed he (Cash) walked contrary to the Texas code. TL 19 Apr 1894
Crab Orchard
H.P. Duty and Annie Grider were married the 28th inst.
Rolling White died at his residence, two miles south of this place, on the 17th of rheumatic fever.
Wyat Ferrele, aged 69 years and Annie Summers, aged 21, both of Crab Orchard, were married on the 18th at the residence of the bride’s father. TL 26 Apr 1894
J.A. Riggs returned from Malden, Mo. He has engaged to teach school for nine months for $45 commencing the first of July.
F.M. Riggs of Minn. died the 26th of la grippe and rheumatism. He died easy and told his children he was not afraid to go. He leaves several children and a wife to mourn his loss. He was a soldier in the late war. He leaves some property and 1,700 acres of land for his wife and children. TL 26 Apr 1894
Mother Catrell was born 4 Mar 1809 in Tennessee and died 28 Mar 1894. She was married to Sullivan Catrell in March 1836 in Clark County, IL. William Catrell emigrated to the state of Illinois in 1836. [Not clear what this is saying.] She is the mother of four children — three sons and one daughter — the two oldest sons she leaves with no hope in Christ, which grieved her very much. Her burial services were conducted by Rev. J.C. Kinison. S.S. Thompson [This is a very lengthy obituary.] TL 26 Apr 1894
Miss Darrah Corder commenced her first school in Corlie district 16 Apr. TL 26 Apr 1894
My wife left me 19 Apr and I will be responsible for no bills incurred by her after that date. Isaac Chamness EP 26 Apr 1894
Lake Creek
W.T. Newton has sold his farm of 280 acres to parties connected with the new railroad. The farm was real cheap at $25 per acre though the damage caused by the railroad was considerable.
The Messrs. Brown with thirteen teams and about thirty hands began work on the new railroad last Monday. They were at work on the farm of Henry Spiller. EP 26 Apr 1894
H.M. Midgett, of Southern, died last week. He was a native of Tennessee. Living south when the flag of his country was fired upon, he had the courage and patriotism to enlist in the Union Army. He came north after the war. TL 3 May 1894
W.T. Newton sold his farm five miles north of town on the C.P.M. Railway and will likely buy property and locate in this city. Twenty-five dollars per acre was the price paid. TL 3 May 1894
Resolutions of respect
Henry Fry, 60 years, died 27 Feb 1894 at his residence in Williamson County. He was born in Tennessee 1 Feb 1834 and removed to Illinois in 1842. He was made a Master Mason in Chapel Hill Lodge No. 719 A.F. & A.M. in 1880. I.N. Lentz, N.A. Norris, J.C. Presson, Committee. TL 3 May 1894
Fredonia – Fred Clark, of Jackson County, and Laura Hestand were married 3 May at the home of the bride’s father, John Hestand. TL 10 May 1894
Lake Creek
The firm formerly known as Barham & Leigh is now in the full control of W.W. Barham. EP 3 May 1894
W.A. and Fred Landers called on the Leader Friday. They left Williamson County in 1883, the former going to Texas, the latter to Kansas City. James, their brother, is a pressman in New York. Their only sister, Mrs. Gertie Marvin, resides in this city. TL 10 May 1894
The following prisoners are in jail: Jno. McCormic and Walter Cowgill for burglary, Edgar Huddleston, forgery and Andy Maynard, murder. TL 10 May 1894
Lake Creek
Dr. B.R. Felts was called to Missouri to the bedside of his sick sister. EP 10 May 1894
Final settlement notice — Nancy J. Snider admrx estate of W.R. Snider EP 10 May 1894
An account of the killing of Ed Cash from the Star, a Texas newspaper: Mrs. Cash stated she was married to Ed last August in Illinois. He was on a visit there and she formed an acquaintance with him. They came to Texas almost immediately. She was asleep when the men broke the button off the door and rushed in. She grabbed a gun and tried to use it, but one of the men stuck a pistol in her face. She says she knew one of the men. They dragged her husband out and hanged him from a Spanish Oak tree seventy feet away. TL 17 May 1894
Dr. L.B. Casey received last week from the County Clerk of Johnson County two commissions issued to his father, Capt. Casey. The first for 2nd Lt., Co D 31 III, issued 29 Sep 1861; the other as Captain of the Co, bearing the date 29 Mar 1862. These papers have been filed away with other papers (belonging to the estate), in the clerk’s office over 30 years. Mr. Casey, when the regiment was organized, was elected 2nd Lt., Jas. J. Bridges 1st Lt, Captain Williamson was killed at Fort Donelson, Lieutenant Bridges resigned and Lt. Casey promoted to Captain, afterwards killed at Vicksburg. TL 17 May 1894
Circuit Court
People vs McCormick & Petigo. McCormick pled guilty to larceny and was
sentenced to 2 years.
This week has been devoted to Andy Maynard charged with the murder of George Kelly at Carterville. EP 17 May 1894
Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell, 77, died Sunday at her residence here. TL 24 May 1894
Sheriff Dowell turned over to the warden of the Southern Illinois Penitentiary last week John McCormick, two years for burglary, Edgar Huddleston, two years for forgery, Andy Maynard, ten years for manslaughter. TL 24 May 1894
Blaine Peebles, son of O.P. and Lizzie Peebles, three miles south of Crab Orchard, died 20 May after an illness of four weeks, brought on by an attack of spinal effection. He was 2 years, 11 months and 7 days. Burial was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. [His name is given as Alvin elsewhere.] TL 24 May 1894
Walter Jennings, formerly of this place, now with the Vienna Times, attended the funeral of his grandmother here last Monday. EP 24 May 1894
Laura Young and Eph. E. Snider were married last Thursday evening. EP 24 May 1894
Elizabeth Campbell wife of the late Isaac Campbell, died 20 May at her residence in this city, aged 77 years 5 months and 17 days. Burial was in the Old Cemetery. EP 24 May 1894
The following were arrested as a result of the strike trouble at Carterville: Geo. Tygett, Al Tygett, Mat Stocks, Adam Barth, Math Walker and Parson Mcginnis. TL 7 Jun 1894
Card of thanks — To those who assisted us in our sickness and hour of sorrow. Mrs. J.E. Gallagher and family. TL 7 Jun 1894
Chancery sale
James E. Campbell, Eva Campbell and Maud Campbell, minors who sue by Geo. E. Benson as next friend and Julia L. Campbell complainants vs Charles Jennings, Emma Jennings and Elizabeth Campbell — bill for partition and dower.
Emma V. Lindsey, Franklin J. Lindsey, Newton I. Lindsey and Guy Raymond Lindsey, minors who sue by Richard F. Hudson, their next friend – bill for partition. TL 7 Jun 1894
Deputy Sheriffs Sisney and Miller arrested Geo. Tygett, Al Tygett, R.D. McKinnis, Adam Barth, Wat Stocks and Mathew Walker at Carterville yesterday for disturbing the peace and displaying deadly weapons. They were brought to this city and placed under $200 bond. EP 7 Jun 1894
Pulley’s Mills — Mrs. Lon Perry is visiting her daughter at Gatesville, Texas. TL 14 Jun 1894
Sheriff Dowell brought in the last of the disturbers Thursday from Carterville:
Jas. Harris, Willis Carney, Luke Newton, Jas. Merred, Stind Hall, Richard Jeffrey, Jas. Nisbet, A. Broylis, Duey Henderson, Wesley Shadowue and Jno. D. Phillips. Meanwhile, Samuel McNeill was brought in, pled guilty to disturbing the peace and was fined $10 and cost. TL 14 Jun 1894
Chancery sale
National Home Building Loan Association vs Charles A. Jochum and Hattie Jochum, bill to foreclose mortgage.
Charles P. Kane, receiver of National Homestead and Investment Association vs H.C. Walston and Anna E. Walston, Willis Smith and Margaret Smith – foreclosure of mortgage. TL 14 Jun 1894
Lake Creek
Last Saturday the Brown Brothers finished the work on the 16 foot fill and the 11 foot cut on Henry Spiller’s farm and folded their tents like the Arab and silently stole away to the farm of G.W. Leigh, one mile west of Lake Creek P.O.
Mr. and Mrs. Mart Duncan are the parents of a fine girl, also Dave Clayton is the papa of a girl.
George Sanders is grandpa now and Cora and the daughter are doing well. EP 14 Jun 1894
Fredonia — Gussie Sprague and Tommie Newkirk were married the 6th at the home of the bride. They departed for Southern California where they will probably locate. In this wedding, the country loses its fair-haired post mistress. She has kept books for the Fredonia coal mines for the past two years. The groom has been weighing coal for the Fredonia mines for the past few years. TL 21 Jun 1894
Arthur Fuller, 18 years and 6 months, died at Dexter, Mo the 12th and was brought back to the home of his childhood for burial. His body was interred at Pleasant Grove the 14th. He is the son of L.C. Fuller, well known in this city and the east part of the county. TL 21 Jun 1894
Peter Crossley, of Crab Orchard, started last Monday to Lancanshire, England, to visit his sister, Miss Alice Crossley, who will probably return with him. He will be gone about two months. TL 21 Jun 1894
John Louis Hartwell, eldest of twelve children, eight boys and four girls, was born in Virginia 29 Jul 1830. When eight years old, he moved with his parents to Smith County, TN and in 1839 came to Williamson County. He married Didama Slater 2 Sep 1849. They had eleven children, five living. In 1856, he united with Lake Creek Missionary Baptist Church and continued his membership thirty-eight years — until his death. In 1861 and ’62,when party prejudices, caused by the war, almost dismembered the church, he was importuned to take his letter from the church and join some other order, he replied that his mother prepared the meals and fed the men who built the old log house, and although all might desert her, he would be one who would remain single and alone in the church and in the Baptist faith. He died the 15th at his home, in the presence of family and friends, after a week’s illness. TL 21 Jun 1894
Conservator notice — Elizabeth Duncan filed petition praying for the appointment of a conservator for John W. Marian and George A. Duncan, alleged to be idiotic. TL 21 Jun 1894
Mrs. Catherine Reeves, 63, died 12 Jun at her home in Fredonia. She was born 10 April 1831 in Posey County, Indiana. She married A.P. Reeves 12 Jan 1853. She had been a member of the Christian Church over 49 years. She leaves a husband and several children. She had lived here 54 years. Burial was in Hurricane Cemetery. TL 21 Jun 1894
Burton Thorn of Big Bay and Laura Williams of this city were married last evening. EP 21 Jun 1894
J.B. Mason of Frankfort committed suicide the 12th by taking morphine. EP 21 Jun 1894
Absher – Joseph Lanham and Laura Wolfe were married a few days previous. TL 28 Jun 1894
J.B. Thorn, of Creal Springs and Laura N. Williams were married Wednesday evening at the bride’s residence. This union broke the record so far as age is concerned, the parties each in their 17th year. TL 28 Jun 1894
Henry Jordan, son of Jack Jordan, near Lake Creek, was bitten by a mad dog Wednesday of last week. The dog belonged to Mr. Jordan and on the previous day had licked a bruise on his owner’s hand. After biting the boy, the dog left home and was at large until Friday. Friday morning, he was in the village of Jeffersonville where he bit a hog, killed a goose and did other harm. The day following the boy’s misfortune, telegrams were sent over the country in search of a mad stone and one was found in the vicinity of Golconda, where the unfortunate was taken. The result is unknown to us. TL 28 Jun 1894
Marriage licenses during the month of June
T.I. Newkirk — Lillie A. Sprague
William Huffstuttler, 67 — Mary A. McKinnis, 50
Geo. W. Bevard, 27 — Jennie Linehan, 24
A.L. Stallings, 22 — Sula Parks, 21
Jas. G. Lanhan, 54 — Laura M. Wolfe, 24
Thos. W. Robinson, 43 — Eunice Tucker, 19
Daniel Starlin, 22 — Nancy Payne, 21
James R. Gosnel, 45 — Martha A. Lee, 33
Geo. N. Moore, 33 — Mary Lowe, 23
J.B. Thorn, 17 — Laura N. Williams, 17
Wm. McKinnie, 27 — Mary Clementine Morris
Isaac Akin, 29 — Amanda Green Rod, 22
Chas. C. Stover, 21 — Dollie M. Benedict, 19 TL 28 Jun 1894
Carbondale Herald
William Walter Hinchcliff, son of Vincent and Sarah A. Hinchcliff, was born near what is Fredonia station, Williamson County, 15 Sep 1869. He received an education in the common schools and the Southern Illinois Normal University and was a graduate from one of the best commercial colleges in the west. He began business three years ago as the junior member of the firm of W.H. & W.W. Hinchcliff, withdrawing from there one year ago. A few months afterwards, he opened the Globe Shoe Store in the new Hundley block and was thus engaged at the time of his death early Friday morning. His death was sudden and unexpected. He had but one enemy — a weakness that he or his friends could not control. The funeral took place at the residence of his mother, Mrs. Sarah A. Snider last Saturday. EP 28 Jun 1894
Cary Lorenzo, son of W.E. & Hattie E. Meads, died 24 Jun at the age of 7 months and 14 days. Burial was in the New Cemetery. EP 28 Jun 1894
Lake Creek — Chas. C. Stover and Dollie Benedict were married last Sunday. The bride is a school teacher and the groom is a farmer of the Carterville vicinity. EP 28 Jun 1894
George N. Moore and Mary Lowe were married last Wednesday at the residence of MRS. B.F. Lowe, the bride’s mother. EP 28 Jun 1894
Notice of adjustment — Dorathy Everhart admrx estate of Godfrey Everhart
Chancery sale — W.F. Smith & Sons vs John R. Meador, Elmira Meador and the National Home Building and Loan association of Bloomington, IL.
Lou S. Hinchcliff and William H. Hinchcliff vs Sarah A. Snider and Isaac Hammer EP 28 Jun 1894
(Extracted from microfilm at Morris Library and/or Illinois State Library by Helen Sutt Lind, published in Events in Egypt, Vol. 5)