1899, News Clippings, January thru May


Isaac Wilson was brought over from Stonefort Friday by Deputy Sheriff Dick Odum, charged with assault to murder about Christmas time against R.C. Parton at Stonefort. Wilson gave bond and goes his way rejoicing.  EP 5 Jan 1899

John Jeter, keeper of the poor farm, died of consumption Friday.  EP 5 Jan 1899

L.A. Goddard, of Chicago, was here to attend the funeral of Hartwell Hendrickson and stayed over until Monday with his sister, Mrs. J.B. Bainbridge. Hartwell died Friday and was buried in the New Cemetery Sunday. He was an old soldier and connected with the C & C Railroad. At one time he was Circuit Clerk. EP 5 Jan 1899

R. H. Miles and family are here from Helena, Ark. He doesn’t like Arkansas as well as Southern Illinois. EP 5 Jan 1899

John Brandon and Cora Kelley, of Carterville, wanted to celebrate Christmas by committing matrimony. They went to Paducah, but failed in the attempt and finally landed in Metropolis. Judge Liggett tied the knot in a few minutes and the happy couple returned to Carterville as man and wife. EP 5 Jan 1899

Stonefort Mrs. Nora Watson, of Charleston, MO, is spending the holidays with her father, John Keel, the past week.

John Jenning, who lived on the Wes Burnett farm, departed last week with his family to Arkansas to make their future home. EP 5 Jan 1899

Elijah Lewis, who is teaching Schoharie School in Lake Creek Precinct, while going home from school one evening recently, was met by Jeff Maxey, a 200 lb. patron of the school, who had a crow to pick with ‘Lige because the teacher had chastised a daughter of the patron’s. Jeff picked up a rail and Elijah pulled a gun. Maxey had Lewis arrested for carrying a concealed weapon and Lewis had Maxey arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. EP 12 Jan 1899

J.M. Tanner, a prominent merchant of Bloomfield, MO, is visiting Marion, the guest of his brother-in-law, E.F. Bones. EP 12 Jan 1899

A son of Chris Curtis, living three miles southeast of town, died Sunday. EP 12 Jan 1899

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West Coon Ridge   After a long suffering and severe illness of rheumatism, Isaac Bearden passed over the river of death last Wednesday. He was born 13 Nov 1825 and died 4 Jan 1899, aged 74y 1m 22d. He leaves eight children. Burial was in Old Bethlehem Cemetery. EP 12 Jan 1899

Mrs. Mary McBride, aged 80 years, died last night at her son’s home near Ava, IL. She was a cousin to James K. Polk, her father being his brother. EP 12 Jan 1899

Eugene Bones bought half interest in the Egyptian Press. TL 12 Jan 1899

HERMAN JONES BECOMES TIRED OF LIFE AND DIES BY THE CARBOLIC ACID ROUTE.  This morning north and near the city limits, a man was found by the wayside, dead. He was a miner, lived near town and was on a spree. He came to town yesterday and while here bought an ounce phial of carbolic acid of Joe Vick, saying he wanted to disinfect his room with it. He started to his boarding place and when reaching the place where his body was found, was seen drinking from the bottle. He came from New Mexico here; was separated from his family, he here, they in Colorado. No papers to show cause of the rash act. Had 15 cents in money and a small bunch of paper when found. TL 19 Jan 1899

Non-residence notice

Mary E. Hackley vs Ed J. Hackley — bill for divorce

D.L. Bush vs Sarah Bush — bill for divorce  TL 19 Jan 1899

James Davis died at his residence south and near town Saturday at noon, aged 80 years. TL 18 Jan 1899

John White, a well-known citizen southeast of this city, died Tuesday. TL 19 Jan 1899

Marriage licenses issued 17th

Wm. J. Summersett & Evaline Teal, new Denison

A.D. Willfiny & Rhoda Murray, Chamness

Luther Stinne & Kate Smith, Carterville   TL 19 Jan 1899

John Leary and Cora J. Mcgee of Carbondale were married in this city Thursday. The bride is a Carbondale lady of 19 summers. TL 19 Jan 1899

W.D. McCowan and Charley Lowe, after a brief visit in the west, returned home Wednesday. They were in Colorado to visit a brother of McCowan who left Marion 26 years ago for the “wild west” and this was the first meeting of the brothers. They met at a hotel where they renewed old acquaintance. The long absent one did not recognize W.D., but to the contrary was identified by the one in search of him. TL 19 Jan 1899

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Mrs. Thomas Bones had a painful experience yesterday with an owl. She was passing through the yard at her home on East Main Street when the little savage flew at her, thrusting its talons through Mrs. Bones’ fingers. With the other hand she choked the owl to death and then removed it. TL 19 Jan 1899

The dead body of Amos Jones was found early Tuesday morning about 1/2 mile north of the city, under an oak tree about 50 yards from the public road and 200 yards from the residence of Chas. Binkley. Lee Thompson found the body. He had seen him lying at the same place Monday evening about sundown, but he was alive at the time. He was a miner, from New Mexico where he had a wife from whom he was separated for two years, four sons and two daughters. He had been boarding with Mrs. Drowm, one mile north of Marion, and was working for 0. & M. V. C & M. C. Found on his body were 15 cents in money, a sack of tobacco, a pair of gloves, a pair of spectacles, some writing paper and envelopes, a lead pencil and an ounce bottle half full of carbolic acid. It was the opinion of Dr. G.W. Evans that he came to his death from drinking carbolic acid and had been dead ten hours. The writing paper was to write to a daughter. He was buried in Potter’s Field. And another weary traveler has gone to rest. May his slumbers awake in bliss when Gabriel blows his horn. EP 19 Jan 1899

G.R. Brewer, of Co F 9th Ill Vol, wrote a letter from Camp Columbia, Havana, Cuba. EP 19 Jan 1899

A letter from Sgt. Chas. Dwyer, Bat. C 1st U.S. Art., Sullivan Island, S.C., to Mrs. Parks and family offering sympathy in the death of her son Walter Parks. EP 19 Jan 1899

Uncle Arch Odum, a veteran of the Civil War and once an inmate of Andersonville prison, walked down from Johnston City yesterday and ordered the Press and Republic sent to his address during ’99. He was accompanied by his brother, Thos. Odum, of Benton. Uncle Arch is 6 feet 4 and straight as an arrow and remarkedly chipper for a man of his age. EP 19 Jan 1899

Prof. E.A. Brewer, formerly of Crab Orchard, but now superintendent of Miami, (Ind. Ter.) City Schools, sends the following message under date of January 13, “Black-haired, blue-eyed boy born 9 o’clock p.m. Proud of him, you bet.” EP 19 Jan 1899

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Attila Items  Nora Ozment, daughter of Harrison Ozment, died Sunday and was laid to rest at New Bethel Cemetery. EP 19 Jan 1899

Mrs. E.S. Grisham died at her home in the Fitzgerald addition in this city Sunday night at 10:30. She was buried tomorrow [that’s what it says] at Union Grove. She leaves a husband and one child seven years old to mourn her loss. TL 19 Jan 1899

A few days ago, a Mr. Rains died at Herrin of spotted fever and the corpse taken to County Line cemetery in the northeast part of this county for burial. Since then, the widow and child of the deceased have died of the same disease. Where the spotted fever goes, the death rate is very large and the stricken one survives but a short time. TL 19 Jan 1899

Carbondale Herald   Thursday night William Woods, living about three miles east, was held up by highwaymen at the covered bridge on the Carterville Road. He was hit over the eye with a club, cutting a deep gash that required several stitches to close it up. Some other parties came along at the time and the rascals fled without securing any booty. TL 19 Jan 1899

Wolf Creek   Wiley Vaughn died last week leaving a wife and several children.

Clarence Walker, son of J.D. Walker, died of measles the 16th inst.

Lucinda Walker, [wife?] of J.D. Walker, died the 3rd inst. She had measles, complicated with cold on the lungs. She leaves a husband and five children. TL 19 Jan 1899

Southern   George Watson is rejoicing over the advent of a girl baby in his home. They tell it on him that he stuck his head in an empty barrel and screamed “Papa” to see how it sounded. TL 19 Jan 1899

Blairsville  The infant of Curtis Guthrie and wife died at their home in Herrin. Burial was at Blairsville. TL 19 Jan 1899

New Denison  Lottie Hartkopf & a Mr. Collins were married one evening last week.

The remains of J.H. Rains of Herrin, formerly of this place, were placed to rest in the county line cemetery near this place and before the family returned to their home, other members of the family became ill and the little daughter was called to meet her father. It is thought the mother will soon follow. The cause is said to be spinal meningitis. TL 19 Jan 1899

The arrival of a daughter at the home of Mr. & Mrs. T.V. Williams Saturday night was reported. TL 26 Jan 1899

James S. Mifflin returned home Thursday from a visit with his brother, Clark Mifflin at Rector, Arkansas. Clark has bought 120 acres of good land. EP 26 Jan 1899

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Stringtown   Lillie Nelson, 7-year-old daughter of Wm. Nelson, died on the 9th. EP 19 Jan 1899

Johnston City   Johnston City was on a boom Saturday night. Some of the bummer element engaged in a regular melee; pistols, knives and other instruments generally used in such sport, were used and it finally wound up in a foot race. It is said the city marshal is noted for his absence when there is a row in town. EP 26 Jan 1899

Grayville Independent   Mrs. Betsy Frazier, a widow living a few miles west of town, had half a dozen turkeys stolen from her barnyard. On going out to feed them the next morning, she found in their stead a pocketbook containing $15.40. As this is equivalent to $2.50 apiece for the turkeys, she feels fully satisfied that a fair exchange is no robbery. EP 26 Jan 1899

Crab Orchard   Aunt Patience Parks has returned to again make her home here after a few years absence. We welcome her and her son Robert as citizens once more.

Jas. Bullock, an old resident of near Crab Orchard, was buried at the Edwards Cemetery last Tuesday. He was 54 years old.

C.C. Gulledge was buried at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Friday. Lum was a hard-working good young man who left a wife and two small children.  EP 26 Jan 1899

A letter from F.M. Morgan of Atlin Lake, B.C. to his wife in Marion. EP 26 Jan 1899

Saline Precinct   An infant child of Sile Tanner’s died last Saturday. A bouncing big boy arrived at Charley Holmes. EP 26 Jan 1899

A baby boy was born to Gurn Blackburn Friday. EP 26 Jan 1899

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On Saturday, the 14th, three boys, George Holloman, George Bain and Evan Russell were taking a ride on the hull of an old water closet in the electric light plant pond at Benton, when it turned and threw them into the water. Holloman drowned. EP 26 Jan 1899

Harry Akrid, 14, fell down the shaft at Ledford Mines near Harrisburg Saturday night and was killed. He and two others ran away from home at Carmi and were put off the train near the mine. He fell asleep in the boiler room while waiting for the midnight train, awoke and ran to catch it. He fell 150 feet and lived long enough to tell them his name. EP 26 Jan 1899

In June 1893, Dr. R.E. Farris moved with his family from Anna to Roswell, New Mexico, taking a young printer named Theodore Vick whom he had virtually raised. On Tuesday the 10th inst., he had a quarrel in a drug store which the doctor is part owner and Vick shot Farris in the abdomen. Farris died the following Friday. EP 26 Jan 1899

Marriage licenses Saturday

Wm. A. Storme & Jane Brown

Ambrogia Delainaso & Altaninia Rosa TL 26 Jan 1899

Ira Watkins, an old resident of this portion of Williamson County, died near Anna last Friday night. He was on a visit to his children who reside in Union County when he sickened and died. TL 26 Jan 1899

Mr. & Mrs. Brandon, mentioned in Monday’s paper as suffering from diphtheria, lost two and the only children they had. The little ones were aged 3 and 5 years. One died Saturday and the other Sunday. The third child mentioned was a son of Jo Brandon. It was very sick when last heard from. TL 26 Jan 1899

Stonefort   James Hubbard’s infant child died last Friday. TL 26 Jan 1899


Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hunt have another son. TL 2 Feb 1899

Mr. & Mrs. Will Ashley, of Carbondale, are the proud parents of a son.  TL 2 Feb 1899

Mr. & Mrs. John Cameron, living in the east part of town, lost a child Friday night, of measles. TL 2 Feb 1899

The Dark Side Of Life   Our home is sad and hearts full of grief today. The jewel of the family circle, little Emory Whittier Copeland, passed away at 10:35 p.m., Sunday, Jan 29, ’99. Sep 17, 1897, his eyes first greeted ours and in him we found joy and hope for the future was ours, believing that in declining life Whittier would be with us. “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” The funeral services of little Whittier Copeland were held at the family residence Tuesday. The remains were laid to rest in the Hebron Cemetery, Union County. TL 2 Feb 1899

A little child of Wm. Fight fell into a kettle of boiling water and was painfully scalded. TL 2 Feb 1899

Carterville Extras   David Waldron, one of the old landmarks of Carterville, died at his home here Thursday night and was buried in the Hurricane Cemetery. Uncle Dave had reached an old age and has been identified with Carterville almost from its infancy. TL 2 Feb 1899

John G. Walker, of Lake Creek, clerk of Road District Number 7, appropriated trust funds in meeting his personal needs and has left for parts unknown. He was $250 short, but made $150 of that safe, which bridged him over until a thirty-dollar order was presented for payment. Finding no cash at his disposal, he became despondent and left the matter for his bondsmen to settle. He wrote a postal card to his mother on the 21st from St. Louis saying, “This poor rheumatic body will soon be in the Mississippi River.” His brother says John has never been out of the state before. EP 2 Feb 1899

A whole block in Marion burned Tuesday at 2 a.m. while the temperature was below zero. It started under the stairway between the clothing store of F.M. Westbrook and the grocery store of E. Stocks. The families of Dr. Casey and Charles Gent lived above the doomed buildings and were almost suffocated when they woke up. They were forced to let themselves down from the window. Eight of Marion’s business rooms are in ruins. Destroyed were Egyptian Press office, Col. George W. Young’s steel building, Ed Gallagher’s store, D.A. Davis Bakery, F.M. Westbrook’s store, H.M. Parks’ brick hardware store and the I.O.O.F. Hall. EP 2 Feb 1899

Mr. & Mrs. J.P. Copeland lost their infant son, Whittier, Sunday evening. The little body was taken to Mt. Hebron Cemetery, Union County, Monday. EP 2 Feb 1899

Corder Henshaw, well known and respected citizen of Stonefort Precinct, died the 25th and was buried at the Henshaw Grove. EP 2 Feb 1899

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A little child of William Fight fell in a kettle of boiling water and was painfully scalded. EP 2 Feb 1899

Mrs. Columbus Spiller and family moved back from Arkansas to Spillertown. EP 2 Feb 1899


Mother’s Friend is an external liniment for expectant mothers to use. It gives them strength to attend to their household duties almost to the hour of confinement. It is the one and only preparation that overcomes morning sickness and nervousness. It is the only remedy that makes labor short and delivery easy. Don’t take medicines internally. They endanger the lives of both mother and child. Sold by druggists for $1. Bradford Regulator Company, Atlanta, Georgia.    EP 2 Feb 1899

Uncle Sol Motsinger was found dead near his residence Friday. Heart trouble is supposed. EP 2 Feb 1899

Another one of Carterville’s old residents has passed away. Mrs. Eliza Council died at her home in this city Monday night at a ripe old age, having been born in 1814. TL 2 Feb 1899

Carterville Herald   Jos. “Tobe” Lattimore of this city was married to Miss Posten at Pinckneyville last Wednesday.

A little child of David Tippy at Crainville probably met a horrible death Sunday. Its clothing caught fire from an open grate and before it could be extinguished, the child, it is thought, was fatally injured. Since the foregoing was put in type the child died. TL 2 Feb 1899

O.C. Simmons and wife are parents of their first born — a son. TL 9 Feb 1899

Harry Vick, infant son of Samuel & Virginia Vick, died Monday aged 1 year and 11 months. TL 9 Feb 1899

Wm. Bowers died yesterday at the residence of his son-in-law, H.C. Jones, on West Main Street. Burial was in Mclnturff Cemetery. TL 9 Feb 1899

Final settlement notice

John Harris, admr estate of F.M. Maxey. TL 9 Feb 1899

Stonefort  We regret the announcement this week of the death of Mrs. Felix Parks whose soul took its flight to the Great Beyond last night while the wintry blast was raging. Mrs. Parks was a generous, kind hearted Christian mother. She leaves five sweet, bright little children who will never know the smiles of a mother on account of their tender age. It was our good fortune to know Mrs. Parks in 1853, when she was a school girl at the Black School. She was a daughter of Hugh Groves and Anna, for that was her name, was always an obedient, forgiving pupil, always wearing a beautiful smile which betokened the sweet disposition. She carried this quietude of manner with her in the domestic duties as wife and mother and when she came to die, she assured her husband and friends that she was ready and prepared to die, but hated to leave her little children. May the Great Author of the Universe, who doeth all things well, provide some way for this bereaved family. TL 9 Feb 1899

Southern   Richard Cash has returned from Arkansas. Caroline Martin, wife of Jack Martin, was buried Thursday. TL 9 Feb 1899

Five prisoners’ broke jail and escaped by driving a hole through the south wall. They are: Pat Murphy, Roy Chamness, Ben Ogle, Frank Wallace and John Morgan — all held for larceny. Three prisoners declined the opportunity to escape and remained in jail. EP 9 Feb 1899

J.M. Brandon, of Grassy, is here for a few days. He has just passed through severe afflictions, resulting in the death of two grandchildren and a close call for his youngest son, of diphtheria. EP 9 Feb 1899

Harry Vick, infant son of Samuel & Virginia Vick, died Monday, aged 1 year and 11 months. EP 9 Feb 1899

Charles F. Young, of this city, and Emma Jean Russell of Fredonia were married Monday at the residence of the bridegroom’s sister, Mrs. E.E. Snyder. The bride is the daughter of John R. Russell, deceased. EP 9 Feb 1899

A son was born to O.C. Simmons, their firstborn. EP 9 Feb 1899

L.L. Rushing of Cottage Grove reported the death of James Boyd, an old soldier, Saturday night. He served in the 7th Tennessee Regiment (Federal Army). EP 9 Feb 1899

William Bowers died yesterday at the residence of his son-in-law, H.C. Jones on West Main Street. Burial was in McInturff Cemetery. EP 9 Feb 1899

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Benton Standard   Mr. Ryan, the umbrella mender, was found out in a summer garden, constructed of weeds. He had a newspaper for a mattress, his umbrella kit for a bolster and the sky for a quilt. He had been there for two or three days without food. He was thawed out and taken to the poor house, where he died. Ryan was an ex-soldier and was drawing a pension. He was discovered by accident out in the fields by the railroad. The poor old man had a hard time. He was brave, tough and tried to take care of himself. Our people are charitable and if they had known that the old man was out there in a destitute condition, he would have been promptly relieved. EP 16 Feb 1899

Wm. Rockhould, of Kinmundy, one of the crew on the work train on the C & E.I., was run over by his train Saturday evening near Johnston City, the wheels passing over his legs, resulting in injuries that caused his death in a few hours. EP 16 Feb 1899

The wife of Dr. Huddleston, of Carrier Mills, died last night. The funeral will be tomorrow at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, two miles south of Crab Orchard. The doctor is also very sick with the chances against his recovery. TL 16 Feb 1899

Carterville Extras   B.F. Gargus died at his home in this city 11 Feb, being at the time of death 76 years, 1 month and 1 day old. He was born in Giles County, Tennessee Jan 10, 1823. He moved to Franklin County, this state, with his father when only two years old. He was a soldier in the Mexican War and was a witness to the battle of Buena Vista in 1846. May 5th ’96, he became a citizen of Carterville and on June 7th, ’97, his youngest son, George, died with that dreaded disease, consumption, whose remains rest with his father’s in Oakwood Cemetery, this city. It has been only a short time since a son of the deceased and his wife were brutally murdered at night while quietly sleeping in their home at Craighead County, Arkansas. C.W Gargus and one other son are the only children that survive. He has one brother, sister and a loving companion, together with his children and many friends to mourn his loss.  Benjamin Gargus, of Franklin County, attended the funeral of his brother at this place Sunday. Walter Stringer, of Frankfort, was at the bedside of his stepfather, B.F. Gargus, at the time of his death Saturday. TL 16 Feb 1899

Doria Morrisey vs Wm. Morrisey — divorce granted Saturday. TL 16 Feb 1899

Joe Deset, a highly respected citizen of Carbondale, died last Saturday. His wife was buried Wednesday and his mother’s death is only a matter of a few hours. His two sons are also sick, one in a serious condition. For four days he was unconscious but Saturday he rallied and, calling his daughter to his bedside, bade her goodbye and in a few minutes died. His death was due to pneumonia. TL 16 Feb 1899

Southern   The cold weather doesn’t stop a wedding. Sherman Perry was married to Josie Bradley Sunday evening.

Sister Arrena Conley was buried at Crab Orchard Cemetery last Wednesday. Brother Emmett Stark was buried in Fountain Cemetery last Thursday. He died of consumption. Emmett was a nice man but was called away in the morning of his life as was his brother, Will, but a few years ago. Young men “watch therefore for ye know not neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. TL 16 Feb 1899

Court notes

B.P. Bandy vs Illinois Central R’y Co., suit for $5,000 damages for causing death of Maggie Bandy who was run over by a switch engine about a year ago. Case continued.

Henry Schiller vs Williamson County Coal Co., suit for $5,000 damages for death of Charley Schiller who was killed in an explosion of natural gas in the mine at Johnston City in September 2897. [1897]. Case continued. EP 16 Feb 1899

Nashville Democrat    Charles L. Duncan, 27, a merchant at Lake Creek, and Minnie B. Weaver, 23, of that locality, were married yesterday afternoon at the Central Hotel. They arrived in this city yesterday and after taking dinner at the hotel, the groom visited the court house and secured a license and the services of Judge Verner to tie the nuptial knot. They left for home on the evening train. EP 16 Mar 1899

Mrs. James Jordan died at her home here on Sunday. She left a husband and two children, one an infant. EP 16 Feb 1899

A brakeman names Grubb of Centralia fell between the cars and was killed Sunday at Anna. EP 16 Feb 1899

Mrs. Joe Phemister won a divorce. She received $1,000 alimony. $200 to be paid in 60 days and the balance in 6 months. She also got a lien on 160 acres of land he now lives on and $20 attorney fees. EP 16 Feb 1899

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The wife of Dr. Huddleston of Carrier Mills died last night. The funeral is tomorrow at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, two miles south of Crab Orchard. The doctor is also very sick with the chances against his recovery. EP 16 Feb 1899

The temperature was 25 to 30 below zero at 5 a.m. Monday. EP 16 Feb 1899

Divorces granted

James Williams Vs Marthy Williams of Greenville, near Carterville

Rhoda Stotlar Vs Charles Stotlar

Ida Shadowens Vs Matthew S. Shadowens

John Kays Vs _____ Kays

Dorris Morrisy Vs William Morrisy EP 16 Feb 1899

Wolf Creek   The Adams boys assaulted their teacher, Albert Bain, at School No. 10 Friday morning. They put him under a doctor’s care and he put them under a constable’s care. TL 16 Feb 1899

Capt. George Owen died last Wednesday at Cobden. TL 23 Feb 1899

John Neely died at his home Tuesday near Canaville of pneumonia fever. His stepson, Charlie Bradley, died Wednesday morning at the same place with the same disease. TL 23 Feb 1899

James Warren’s baby daughter, aged 18 months, died at his residence on East Main Street Thursday evening of the measles. Mr. Warren has six children down with the same disease. TL 23 Feb 1899

The remains of Thomas C. Watkins were interred in the Odd Fellows Cemetery at DuQuoin last Monday under the auspices of the G.A.R. He died at Cairo Friday. He was quartermaster many years of the Southern Illinois Soldiers and Sailors Association and lived in Marion during the early part of the eighties. TL 23 Feb 1899

The little four-year-old son of Mr. Hughes was handling a shotgun Monday when it accidentally discharged, the contents lodging in the stomach of his 6-year-old brother, Raleigh, resulting in almost instant death. TL 23 Feb 1899

Carterville   Uncle John Grasty, one of Williamson County’s old pioneer citizens, died at his home in this city last Thursday. TL 23 Feb 1899

At 6:45 o’clock Tuesday, Feb 21, 1899, Dr. John Huddleston’s spirit passed in the beyond. He was born in Tennessee. While a young man, war, with all its horrors, spread over the country and every man took sides. He enlisted in Col. Hurst’s Sixth Tennessee Federal Cavalry. At the close of the war, he came to Williamson County, locating at Crab Orchard where his life, until quite recently, was spent. Burial was at Mt. Pleasant by his wife who was buried last Thursday. TL 23 Feb 1899

George Cox, a citizen of Grassy, after refusing to comply with a notice to work the highways, was tried before a justice of the peace and fined. An appeal was taken and the case disposed of Wednesday by the jury holding that the defendant was not an able-bodied man. The cost in the case amounted to about $300. But inasmuch as the districts do not pay costs, the matter is passed over ­the county pays the jurors. TL 23 Feb 1899

Card of thanks   Myself and wife wish to return our heartfelt thanks to neighbors and friends for their kind assistance rendered us in our sad affliction, losing our daughter.  J.M. Hogan TL 23 Feb 1899

Dwina   Thomas Dorris is the happy father of twins. TL 23 Feb 1899

Crab Orchard  Uncle Dick Smith died yesterday. His wife is reported very low. EP 23 Feb 1899

The engine house at the Johnston City Coal Mines burned to the ground Sunday night. EP 23 Feb 1899

Julia Tanner, wife of Sile Tanner, died 16 Feb after a long spell of sickness with an untold amount of suffering. Burial was in Beasley graveyard in Rock Creek Precinct. She leaves a husband and six children. EP 23 Feb 1899

Dr. J. Huddleston of Carrier Mills, many years a citizen of Crab Orchard, died Tuesday. Burial was at Mt. Pleasant, near Crab Orchard, less than a week from the date of the burial of his wife. EP 23 Feb 1899

A little son of Sol Thompson was badly burned by getting too close to the fire. Also, a son of Ike Pulley was burned the same way, about the same time. TL 23 Feb 1899



Stonefort — A man has been here from one of the counties north of us looking for one Marsh Parks, of Williamson County fame. It is said that he married the man’s daughter and induced him to leave up there and move “down on his farm where he owned a fine house with seven rooms besides of hundreds of acres of fine land.” His father-in-law concluded to stop in Williamson County and Marsh started ahead with eight horses and other stuff, telling his father-in-law he’d come back for his (Parks) wife. Parks didn’t stop at the big farm he owned — he never went back for his wife — he is gone yet and continues to be afflicted with the “goneness” and likewise cussedness. This is the boy who eloped with his sister-in-law in this county once. The father of the wife in this last episode so far has failed to hear anything of the whereabouts of Parks.  TL 2 Mar 1899

Stonefort   Uncle John Spence, an old citizen of this place, died Monday at the age of 80 years. TL 2 Mar 1899

P.M. Smith died at his residence about one mile south of Crab Orchard on the 22nd instant. He was born in Ohio in 1820 and came to this state in the early fifties. He professed a hope in Christ at an early age and was a member of the Presbyterian Church at his death. He leaves an aged wife, two sons and three daughters to mourn his demise. Two sons have gone before. Martin enlisted very young in Co C 110 III Vol and died in Nashville, Tenn, Calvin died at this place in 1888. He was one of the survivors of the 1836-40 campaign and held a badge awarded to the William Henry Harrison voters. His companion, in her seventies, who survives him, is very sick and the indications are that her departure is very near. TL 2 Mar 1899

Roy Calvert, aged 19 years, son of Mr. & Mrs. Clark Calvert, died at his home three miles east of this city, Sunday night, of spinal meningitis. TL 2 Mar 1899

At Anna Monday, while standing before a mirror combing his hair, Ed Sexton, aged 21, was accidentally shot and killed by Otha Wright, aged 20. The coroner’s jury exonerated Wright. TL 2 Mar 1899

A middle-aged man, giving his name as John Oglesby, applied to the foreman of the work train crew, located at Spillertown, for a job Sunday, the 19th, inst. He went to work on Monday and took sick Monday night with a chill and remained sick the rest of the week. Dr. Walker pronounced it pneumonia fever. Sunday, at noon, while the rest of the crew was at dinner at their camp at Spillertown, Oglesby secured a razor and deliberately began to severe his jugulars. He then arose and walked out of the car and lay down in some weeds and then returned to the car. A doctor was sent for, but the troubled spirit had flown. In his pocket was found a note that read, “My name is J.M. Oglesby. If anything happens to me, notify J.F. Ferguson, Galatia, Ill., on a branch of the I.C. Railroad.” Ferguson is a brother-in-law of the deceased. He had no home, no money, no friends and not sufficient strength to earn his bread. The remains were buried on the poor farm Monday. EP 2 Mar 1899

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Henry Willeford informed us a post office was recently re-established at Cawthon with Wilfred Davis postmaster. EP 2 Mar 1899

Carl Miller, 4-year-old son of Sandy Miller, died Sunday. Burial was at New Cemetery. EP 2 Mar 1899

Prof. R.W. Jones and Ida Leigh will be the faculty of a select term of school at Johnston City which will open April 3. Tuition ranges from $2 to $5 for ten weeks. EP 2 Mar 1899

Mrs. John A. Logan is seriously ill with la grippe at her home in Washington, D.C. EP 2 Mar 1899

Sunday, the 19th inst, Zachie Hughes, 6-year-old son of Zach T. Hughes, living four miles east of Carbondale, found his father’s gun, an old Army musket, sitting in the hall where a neighbor, who had borrowed it, had left it. Pointing it at his four-year-old brother, Adolphus, he said “I’ll shoot you” and pulled back the hammer. It slipped from his grasp and exploded. The barrel was so close to the younger brother that his clothing was set on fire. The load entered his abdomen and he died in less than an hour. EP 2 Mar 1899

Johnston City Our highly respected townsman, John Jennings, has procured a divorce.

The two year old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Hathaway died the 25th ult.

Anyone wishing to employ a wet nurse call on or address Wash Leigh, Johnston City, Ill. EP 2 Mar 1899

Sheriff Gray received a request from Sheriff Manion, of Jefferson County, to arrest and hold a young couple who would arrive in Marion on the C. & E.I. passenger train. He locked them up until Manion arrived for them. The young man was W.F. Ferguson, of Creal Springs and his charming companion was Maude Savage of Mt. Vernon. Ferguson said he met Miss Savage in Mt. Vernon and it was a case of love at first sight and they were on their way to Pinckneyville to get married. The story came from Mt. Vernon that she was fifteen years old, and it was an abduction. Anyway, they went back with Sheriff Manion. Ferguson was brought back here to answer to a charge of kidnapping. His lawyer was W.W. Duncan. The girl’s father withdrew his charge and gave his consent to the union. The wedding will be solemnized this evening. Both parties are from Creal Springs. EP 2 Mar 1899 & 9 Mar 1899

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Sarah J. Brantley, 72, living with her son, John McCall, 2 miles southwest of Carbondale, was alone in the house while her son and his wife doctored a sick horse in the barn. She was found on the floor dead with her clothes burned off. It is supposed they caught fire from her pipe or match as she was smoking when they left the house. Her chair was partly burned. EP 2 Mar 1899

Carl Miller, son of Sandy and Rose Miller, died 26 February, aged 4 years, 4 months and 26 days. Burial was in the new cemetery. TL 2 Mar 1899

Canaville   Mrs. Pruda Slatlar died Saturday and was buried at Cana Cemetery.

We are sorry to announce the deaths of John Neely and Charles Bradley, both taken from the same family. TL 2 Mar 1899

Mrs. Cornelia Hall died at her home in Carterville very suddenly Tuesday morning at 3 o’clock. Her husband was awakened by her struggling and before he could light a lamp, she died. TL 9 Mar 1899

The last that remained on earth of Comrade John T. Davidson of New Denison was consigned to the earth Friday. TL 9 Mar 1899

Southern   Lloyd Stephens & Lydia Kelley were married 26 Feb. TL 9 Mar 1899

Crab Orchard:  While Mary Norris, wife of Willie Norris, of Marion, was visiting here with her mother, her little daughter, AVA, aged 2 years, took sick and died. Burial was in Edwards Cemetery. EP 9 Mar 1899

An 11 1/2-pound girl was born Monday to Mr. & Mrs. O.M. Williams of Marion. EP 9 Mar 1899

Saline Precinct:    Rev. & Mrs. T.A. Rescetter are the proud parents of a bran new baby boy who arrived the 28th ult.

John Patterson, a stockman, died last week in Indianapolis, Ind and was brought back and buried at Carrier Mills, his old home. EP 9 Mar 1899

Sam Dunaway left Monday morning with the supposed intention of returning to Quincy to attend school but he took with him Miss Mattie Oakley and went direct to Murphysboro where they were married. They went from there to St. Louis for their wedding trip and will go from there to Quincy. EP 9 Mar 1899

William Wallace Peebles was born 10 Nov 1826 in St. Louis County, MO and at an early date moved with his parents near Fancy Farm, Graves County, KY. From there he moved with his parents to Franklin County, IL then removed to Williamson County 26 Jan 1872. He married Frances Ann Baldwin, of Gallatin County, on 11 Dec 1848. To this union was born four children: William P., George B., Margrette E. and Wallace C. He united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church when he was 12 years old. He was taken with a severe chill March 2, about 9 a.m. and pneumonia developed about 8 p.m. the same day and on the following day at 2 o’clock p.m., he departed this life at his home near Attila, Williamson County, Ill, aged 72 years, 3 months and 21 days.   EP 9 Mar 1899

Backward, turn backward, 0 time in your flight,

Give me the nose I breathed through last night,

Bring back the smeller that ten days ago,

Knew not the torment of continual blow.

Wipe from my mustache the moisture of sneeze,

Put wooden splints on my poor weakened knees,

Rub my red nose as you have before

With tallow, dear mother, oh, it is so sore

Backward, flow backward, 0 tide of the nose

I am so tired from my head to my toes

Tired out with napping and coughing and sneezing

Weary from handkerchief constantly sneezing

I have got weary from snuffle and snuff

Of wiping my bugle until it is rough

Stick my poor head in a pillowslip

And sew it up, mother, for I have la grippe.  EP 9 Mar 1899

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The Bernie Independent is a new addition to our exchange list. It is a bran new paper published at Bernie, Missouri by Mrs. W.T. Smith, formerly Miss Dora Jennings of this city. Walter Jennings has been in Bernie the past few days helping his sister. EP 9 Mar 1899

Messrs. Casey & Bones — Will you please change W.N. & H.M. Midgett’s papers from Thomastown to Fortran, Victoria County, Texas? EP 9 Mar 1899

Last Thursday, Mrs. Jones, a 60 year old widow, was killed by a train at Anna. She had gone to town with her brother on the train. As she was getting off, it lurched and threw her beneath the wheels. EP 9 Mar 1899

Wife Wanted Ladies, I want a nice, good-looking housekeeper. I am light complexioned, blue eyes, weight 200 pounds and six feet tall. John Jennings, Lake Creek, Ill. EP 9 Mar 1899 [It didn’t take him long to miss his housekeeper ]

The infant child of Mr. & Mrs. Gurn Blackburn died at their home on East Main Street Friday and was taken to Brushy, Saline County, for burial. EP 16 Mar 1899

Cyd Mifflin died the 9th of pneumonia, while his child lay a corpse in the same house, having died of brain fever the day before. He lost a grown daughter two weeks before. Burial was at Lake Creek Church. EP 16 Mar 1899

Mrs. Al Warren, of East Marion, died Saturday. EP 16 Mar 1899

J.E. Allen of Crab Orchard tells us of the death of Uncle Johnny Sullivan of near Akin. His coffin was made from a tree which sprouted from a walnut he had planted in his yard 56 years ago. In the shade of this tree was his favorite resting place and he had made known his desire to be buried in a coffin made from it. He died Monday of last week and the tree was cut down and sawed up Tuesday. A nice coffin was made from it and the old gentleman interred in a nearby cemetery, just as he wished. He was 82 years old and the father of Hon. Thomas Sullivan who once represented the old 47th Senatorial District in the legislature. EP 23 Mar 1899

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Mrs. A.M. Wilcox, manager of the orphan’s home at DuQuoin, was here the first of the week with three little orphans named Allen, which she was taking from Creal Springs to the home. EP 23 Mar 1899

Elizabeth H. Harrison, wife of D.R. Harrison, died 10 Mar at Herrin. EP 23 Mar 1899

Bailey “Dummy” Allen, a deaf mute, was killed by the engine on the C & E I Railroad Tuesday evening at 6:50. He left home Monday morning in search of work. The work train took him as far as the Johnston City tank where he alighted and started down the C & T track toward Herrin. Tuesday morning, he was seen in West Frankfort and again in the afternoon by the work crew this side of that place. The next place he was seen was when the engineer and fireman saw him ahead of them at the northeast corner of the New Cemetery. The engine knocked him about 50 feet. He leaves a wife, also deaf, and a boy 9 years old, a bright little fellow with all senses perfect. He was an engineer and a good workman. Isham Copher is a brother-in-law. EP 23 Mar 1899

Mrs. Blue was adjudged insane and taken to Anna Sunday by Sheriff Gray. EP 23 Mar 1899

Mrs. Clark died of consumption at her residence south of Marion Monday. Her husband, on account of serious injuries received in the mines at Johnston City, was unable to be with her in the departing hours. TL 23 Mar 1899

W.N. Davis, of Rock Creek, lost a child, aged 8 years, Sunday from the effects of rheumatism. TL 23 Mar 1899

Creal Springs items   Frank Anderson and family, of Johnston City, attended the funeral of Mr. Vickery’s little child whose death occurred March 10. TL 23 Mar 1899

Johnston City   Gracie Davidson, 4-year-old daughter of Thos. Davison, was called to pass through the valley of the shadow of death into the beautiful beyond last Saturday. Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church Sunday evening. Widow McElyea died last Monday and was buried at her old home in Franklin County Tuesday. TL 23 Mar 1899

Johnston City    Mrs. Cy Lawrence died Saturday and was buried at East Fork Cemetery. [Boner Cemetery]

Dr. Burgess is having a new tin roof placed on the Harrison Building.

The C & E I should put in a crossing on Broadway without being asked for it, for you know it humbles the pride of our town board to ask for such improvements. EP 30 Mar 1899

Isaac Roland, a bachelor aged 30 — 33 years, who made his home with his half-brother, Mr. Boswell near Cottage Home, committed suicide last Friday by severing his jugular vein with a razor. A will in his pocket left his 40-acre farm, some stock and money to two sisters. EP 23 Mar 1899

Chamness   William Huffhines’ 14-year-old son was killed when his gun went off as he was climbing over a log. He suffered 21 hours.

Mrs. Cinda Windfield died the 21st of dropsy. She leaves a husband and two small children, the oldest a boy aged 10 years. EP 30 Mar 1899

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The family of Clark Calvert, three miles east, has suffered losses. Two weeks ago, their oldest son, 19, died of meningitis, last Saturday the youngest child, 14 months old, died of measles and pneumonia and another child, aged 4 years, died of the same disease. The oldest living child, age 17, lies at the point of death with spinal meningitis and another child is sick with measles and pneumonia. EP 23 Mar 1899

A baby boy was born to Mr. & Mrs. Ed Barth Saturday. EP 30 Mar 1899

A double wedding occurred last night at the residence of J.H. Burnett. The brides were Eliza Burnett, daughter of J.H. Burnett and Lula Burnett, a niece left an orphan as a small child. The grooms were John Spiller and Bert Scoby. EP 30 Mar & 6 Apr 1899

Modell   P.G. Davis died the 12th inst. His death was the fourth one within three years, all four being grown.

Mrs. Martha J. White celebrated her 64th birthday the 20th inst.   EP 30 Mar 1899

W.L. Benson of Marion and Mrs. Eva B. Paddleford of Tuscola, were married 28 Mar at Effingham. They will live in Marion at the residence of Mrs. Minnie Hall on South Market Street. EP 30 Mar 1899


Plez Clay died Thursday morning, aged 28 years. He leaves a wife. Burial was at the new cemetery. TL 6 Apr 1899

John Crosson, nine years of age, died this morning with spinal meningitis at his home near the German Church. TL 6 Apr 1899

Mrs. Peebles died at her home in this city last Friday at quite an old age. TL 6 Apr 1899

Wolf Creek   Prof. Henry Childers has returned from Werner, Arkansas where he has been teaching school the past year.

Frank Huffine, son of Wm. Huffine, while out hunting accidentally shot himself with a shotgun, the contents of the gun entering the left side, probably proving fatal. TL 6 Apr 1899

On Sunday morning, March 19, 1899, the death angel entered the home of Wilfred and Ludie Davis and hovered over the form of dear little Howard, stopped and unlocked the casket of day and a convoy of angels bore his spirit to the realms of eternal day. He was born 28 Sep 1890 and was taken ill Friday night, March 17, with that painful disease, rheumatism, Funeral services were held at Coal Bank Springs. Rev. John Adams conducted the services preaching a text from the 19th chapter of St. Matthew. TL 6 Apr 1899

Ann Tate was born 21 Dec 1827 in Smith County, Tennessee and died 31 Mar 1899 at her home in Marion. She moved to Illinois with her parents in 1840 and married Oliver P. Peebles 8 Oct 1846 in Hamilton County. They settled on government land near New Denison in 1847. She and her husband were charter members of Mount Pleasant C.P. Church — Shed. Her husband was a Col. in Co H 81st Illinois Regiment Volunteers and died 21 Feb 1863 in the service of his country at Memphis, Tennessee. They were the parents of 7 children, 5 living: Rev. O.P. Peebles of Denison, John W. Peebles and George W. Peebles of Marion, R.F. Peebles of Crab Orchard and Mrs. McDonald who lived with her at the time of her death. EP 8 Apr 1899

Saline Precinct   John Tanner and wife are the proud parents of a girl baby which arrived last week. It is her first born while it is his tenth, this being his fourth wife, the other three having crossed the river of death. EP 8 Apr 1899

Thos. R. Malone and Daisy Roberts were married 26 Mar at Zion M.E. Church of Corinth by Rev. T.O. Holly. The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J.L. Roberts. EP 6 Apr 1899

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Business Cards

New harness and saddle shop, North Market Street, first door north of Goodall’s Livery Stables. J.S. Fry, manager. A.W. Doty, proprietor.

Paints, oils, harness, stoves, sewing machines and hardware, one block north of square. George C. Heyde

Wallpaper and paints. J. Abney and Son.

Barlow Check Row Planter. Tiger Hay Rake. J.B. Heyde, North Market Street. E.N. Rice, agent for Champion Mowers and Binders. Machinery displayed at Blacksmith shop one block northwest of post office.

The latest in novelties in the millinery line. Corder Sisters, Wilder Building. Denison & Spieldoch Clothing Store      EP 6 Apr 1899

Southern   Ed Gamlin and Mrs. Belle Robertson were married 6 Apr. TL 13 Apr 1899

Johnston City   The Central Hotel is in need of a proprietor, Mr. Johnson having moved to other quarters here in town.

Roy Mewer, the genial porter at the Simmons House, is spending a few days at home. TL 13 Apr 1899

Last Saturday, the 11-year-old daughter of James McCormick, of Southern precinct, was shot by her 15-year-old brother. The boys were playing in the barn when they were joined by their little sister. One playfully pointed a revolver at her. Of course it wasn’t loaded, but when he pulled the trigger, it went off anyway and the ball struck her in the stomach, passing through a kidney and lodging near the back bone. Little hope is entertained for her recovery.    EP 13 Apr 1899

Absher    W.O. Beasley is the proud father of an 8-pound boy. EP 13 Apr 1899

Lora Belle Denison & Chas. Lane were married Wednesday at the residence of C.H. Denison, known as “The Oaks.” The bride is the only daughter of Mr. Denison and the groom is from Memphis, Tenn. [A lengthy article.]  EP 13 Apr 1899

Saline Precinct   Last week, three children of Mrs. Artie May Hill, widow of James Hill, living near Indian Camp, died of spinal meningitis. Two were buried at Indian Camp while the third one lay at the point of death.

A child of Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Ivy was buried at Palzo Saturday.   EP 13 Apr 1899


Dr. Williams pink pills for pale people. 50 cents per box. Dr. Williams, Schenectady, New York. Girls who have tried the pills will tell you it means red lips, bright eyes, good appetite absence of headache and that it transforms the pale and sallow girl into a maiden who glows with the beauty which perfect health can give.  EP 13 Apr 1899

The silly sparrow law has been repealed, but not any too soon. EP 20 Apr 1899

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Saline Precinct   A 6 year old child of Mrs. C.A. Powell which has been very low for some time died and was buried in Drake graveyard last week. EP 20 Apr 1899

Mrs. Oscar Johns, living three miles south of Creal Springs, was sitting up with her 3-month-old sick baby at 3 o’clock Sunday. She fell asleep by the fire and her clothing caught fire. She died at 10 o’clock Sunday night. The baby is badly burned but still alive. EP 20 Apr 1899

Elizabeth Smith died 22 Mar at her home near Crab Orchard. She was born in Ohio and married P.M. SMITH there. They moved to this state in the early 50’s. She is survived by 2 sons and 3 daughters. Her husband and 3 children preceded her in death. EP 20 Apr 1899

Dennison   The Germans have almost got their church house done at Dennison. Their carpenter, H.C. Schnoke, has built the house in a hurry. TL 20 Apr 1899

Non-residence notice

Maud Dillinger Vs Isaac B. Dillinger – bill for divorce and custody of child

Josephine Walker Vs James W. Walker — bill for divorce

Mary E. Hackley Vs Ed. J. Hackley — bill for divorce

Flora Brogan Vs Chas. Brogan — bill for divorce

Joseph J. Martin Vs Minerva J. Martin — bill for divorce TL 20 Apr 1899

Cottage Home   Rev. T.J. Throgmorton preached the funeral of John Boggett’s wife last Saturday at Pleasant Hill. TL 20 Apr 1899

Stonefort   Quint Radford and Miss Walls were married last week.

Smith and Moore have sold their livery stable to Trammel Bros. If you want a good rig, call on Charlie. TL 20 Apr 1899

Henry Webber died Monday at his home in Galatia. TL 20 Apr 1999

Newt Parks, formerly of Creal Springs, came in on the southbound I.C. train today, after several years spent elsewhere. TL 20 Apr 1899

The county jail and courthouse will soon receive a new coat of paint which will greatly approve the appearance of both. TL 20 Apr 1899

Dr. J. Melvin Sims, of Crab Orchard, returned home Thursday night from St. Louis Medical College and is now armed for the battles of life that lie out before him. The Doctor has given most of his time to study — burning the midnight oil that he might accomplish the task completed in the last term of school. For him is a bright future and the Leader congratulates him upon his success. TL 27 Apr 1900

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From Friday’s daily   The home of T.J. Erwin was the scene of excitement and sorrow almost unbearable last night. Miss Blanche, a young lady of about 17 years was sick and her father called at Dr. Baker’s office for medication. The doctor prescribed for the case and told Mr. Erwin to give his daughter a dose of Cream of Tartar. With the prescription, he went to Abney’s drug store and while there called for tartar medic, having mistaken the name given him. At least, that is the way it is understood. When he got home, he gave her a teaspoon or 80 grains. The young lady at once became very sick and alarmed the family. Dr. Baker was called in and then Dr. Casey to assist. After about three hours work, the patient was restored to consciousness and left in a condition very much improved. At this time, she is considered safe. The mistake was serious, but no one is blamed. Later — Miss Erwin has fully recovered. TL 27 Apr 1899

W.A. Harris of Lake Creek was born on an adjoining farm to Jeff Davis in Mississippi but knew better than to follow his neighbor’s teachings. He moved with his parents to Tennessee where he remained during the war. TL 27 Apr 1899

A dozen or more couples of young Marionites went down to Alum Cave in buggies and carriages Sunday. They took a magnificent lot of grub along. EP 27 Apr 1899

Marriage licenses

E.H. Waters, 23, Marion — Elsie Holland, 19, Marion

Albert J. Boss, 41, Lake Creek — Celia I. Bainbridge, 38, Lake Creek

J.M. Fletcher, 28, Rileyville — Sarah E. Foster, 28, Rileyville

William Gossett, 32, Carterville — Lydia Brow, 26, Carterville

R.H. Jones, 40, Bloomfield, Missouri — Harriet West, 25, Attila

S.O. Clarida, 25, Crab Orchard — Susie Davis, 23, Marion

Henry Snider, 22, Herrin — Florence Elders, 20, Carterville    EP 27 Apr 1899

Johnston City Steve Harrison’s little dog, Bruce, has established a reputation as a rabbit dog. He caught and killed six white rabbits in one day for Dr. Felts.

The village election passed off quickly, resulting in the election of D.J. Clayton for president and the entire ticket.

It is currently reported on the streets here that O.S. Tippy will open a saloon here.

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It is hoped our newly elected president and board of trustees will quit paying fifty or sixty dollars a year office rent when they have a good house that belongs to the village which can be shaped up with but little cost to serve all practical purposes. EP 27 Apr 1899

Wednesday of last week, Oden Smith shot and seriously wounded H.M. Harris of DuQuoin in the jaw after meeting him on the street. Smith was in love with Harris’ daughter several years ago but she married another. EP 27 Apr 1899

Miss Addie Bennett of Little Rock, Arkansas, returned home Monday, accompanied by her sister, Birdie Stark. Mrs. Bennett came here three weeks ago to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Stark of Serilda neighborhood. [She is called both Miss & Mrs. Bennett.] EP 27 Apr 1899

William Jack died 21 Apr 1899 at his home two miles northwest of here. He was 64 and had lived on the place where he died for the last 15 years. He was born 11 Oct 1834 in Gibson County, Tennessee & moved to Johnson County in his youth and to this county in 1854 where he married Elizabeth Copher 26 Nov 1856. They had four boys and five girls. He was converted 38 years ago and joined the M.E. Church. The funeral was at Cedar Grove and the remains were taken to the cemetery on the old Camp Ground, there to remain until he is called forth to the last day to meet loved ones again and to receive his reward. EP & TL 27 Apr 1899

Ernest Slaten who killed his brother at Ava was sentenced to 14 hears. EP 27 Apr 1899

Mrs. Mary E. Davie, wife of Frank Davie and Miss May Millstead, a hired girl, were found murdered in bed Sunday morning at Mount Carbon, a mining suburb of Murphysboro. They had been dead about 36 hours. They had all three lived in a tent last winter. The husband had gone to Carterville and his wife and the hired girl accompanied him to the depot. Their skulls were crushed and the girl was shot in the head with a 38 which lay on the floor by the bed. Two trunks were ransacked and an insurance policy for $500 in favor of the husband was among the papers. The husband came into Murphysboro Sunday evening with his mother-in-law, Mrs. MAYS of Fredonia and was taken into custody. He is 26 years old and was sent to Chester in 1894 from Murphysboro for burglary and was pardoned out. EP & TL 27 Apr 1899

Sam Duckett, colored, was shot and killed 20 April on North Division Street in Carterville by George Cloud. His wife, in company with Cloud, boarded the southbound train for Paducah yesterday at noon, taking all of Duckett’s savings ­$53. Cloud returned on the 11:30 train and with two other negroes started for home near the Brush Mines. On the way out, Duckett accosted him and asked for his money. Cloud shot him just above and between the eyes. After the shooting, Cloud went on to Greenville and left this morning for parts unknown. TL 27 Apr 1899

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Rev. Ford was called to attend to the funeral of Mrs. Fisher near Crab Orchard south — Bainbridge. [paper cut] TL 27 Apr 1899


Last Saturday evening, Noah Bearden, living 5 miles east of Marion, was climbing down the wall of his barn from the loft when his foot slipped and he fell astride of a spike nail in the wall. The nail caught in his privates and tore his left testicle from the scrotum, leaving it hanging on the wall. Besides the intense pain, he was in danger from loss of blood which flowed to amount to almost a gallon before medical aid arrived. After recovering from the first shock, he seems to be getting along nicely. EP 4 May 1899

George Pride and Luther Sheretz made their escape from jail this afternoon by working their way to the roof and swinging themselves down on blankets to the ground. They made quick time, passing out on East College Street, reaching the woods at the most convenient point. Chase was given at once on foot and horseback. Elsewhere — After a warm race yesterday afternoon, Luther Sheretz returned to jail. Pride, however, refused to be comforted and is still hanging out. TL 4 May 1899

Mrs. W.H. Bundy went to Mt. Vernon today on account of the death of her brother at that place. TL 4 May 1899

The funeral service of Mrs. Mary E. Summersett will be held 21 May at Davis Prairie Church at 11 o’clock. TL 4 May 1899

Court notes:

William Adams — attempt to suborn witness

Charles England — assault to murder

Dick Jordan & Ed Wiley — assault to murder

Austin Hill — passing forged instrument

John Bain — assault to murder

Ben Ogle — larceny

John McEwan — rape

Thomas Maxwell — conspiracy & c

Alonza S. Crain — forgery

Alonza S. Crain — passing forged instrument

August Brant — assault to murder

M.M. Williams & Joe Wright — concealing mortgaged property

Ben Kelley, Richard Kelley & Dillie Carter — assault to murder

Will Minson & Ben Green — willfully killing a horse

C.W. Wright — forgery

Pat Murphy — burglary & larceny

C.W. Wright — uttering forged note

Isaac Wilson — assault to murder

John Morgan — burglary & larceny

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Next Saturday will be divorce day and if your husband refuses to have the Press sent to you, file your petition early so as to get in on the ground floor for the next dance. EP 4 May 1899

Wanted Twenty-five good teams to work on the first four miles of the new railroad near Marion. Will pay $3 per day for team and driver and furnish the scrapers. Jas. Finucane EP 4 May 1899

Henry Brunot of Pana, though a mere boy, 16 years old, confessed to killing an aunt and implicated Fred Sibley, 20-year-old son of Thomas Sibley. Forgeries, burglaries and murders have been committed. Fred lived at Marion and moved to Crab Orchard and from there to Pana about 15 years ago. His father was a painter in Marion and Crab Orchard. Fred and his brother Charlie were out to Crab Orchard about 4 years ago to visit their grandmother, Sarah Lewis. EP & TL 4 May 1899

A.J. Miller of Cobden killed himself with a gun Saturday. Two months ago, the bank of Linnell & Miller failed and both men were indicted by the grand jury. They were able to pay every dollar, but the disgrace rested heavily on his mind. Mr. Linnell died some two weeks since of a lingering illness. TL 4 May 1899

Waldo Meads, son of Rev. & Mrs. Joseph Meads, died of meningitis of the brain at Murphysboro Friday night, in his fourth year. TL 4 May 1899

A.L. Watson, 36, a married man of Carterville, came to his death in a mysterious manner last Saturday. About 10 a.m., he started out hunting with his gun and a butcher knife which he almost always carried in his breast coat pocket. He was seen returning across a field west of Carterville. Near John Colp’s residence, a mile west of Carterville, he climbed out of the field and, approaching a passing wagon occupied by a woman and a ten-year-old boy, he attempted to climb in from the rear. He dropped his gun and the noise caused the occupants to look around and they saw him pick up his gun and begin following the wagon. He seemed to stagger and the lady, seeing blood on his clothing, asked him if he was shot. He cooly answered, “No, but I am bleeding to death.” He reached under his arm and drew the knife out of his left breast, tottered a few steps and keeled over into a ditch, dying without making a statement as to how the knife was imbedded in his person. The keen blade, which had been sharpened only the day before, entered under the left arm, and passed under the left collarbone and came out the back part of the base of the neck. His clothing was saturated with blood and a bloody trail was visible for 60 yards back. Did he fall over a fence or was he assaulted? The conclusion seems to be that it happened as he tried to climb on the wagon. He leaves a widow and a fatherless child. EP & TL 11 May 1899

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Frank Hosic, who killed his brother-in-law, George Garner, at Broughton, Hamilton County, about a month ago, hung himself in the jail at McLeansboro Wednesday. He at first tried to crush his skull with a stick and failing in that hung himself with a towel. EP & TL 11 May 1899

Miss Mattie Willeford has gone to Malden, Missouri with her brother to spend the summer. TL 11 May 1899

Females will be obliged to “fess up” during the taking of the 12th census. The new law says that women who refuse to tell their age or indulge in inaccurate statements thereof, shall, on conviction, be fined $100, as shall all other persons refusing to reply to questions or making false statements. The census taker ought to be sworn to secrecy. TL 18 May 1899

The new German church has been completed and was dedicated last Sunday. IL 18 May 1899

Alex Lauder died last Tuesday. TL 18 May 1899

An infant of Mr. & Mrs. Foster, on West Main Street, died last week. Burial was in the new cemetery. TL 18 May 1899

Dr. George Bratten died Thursday at his home in Vienna. TL 18 May 1899

Wm. Reid went to Lexovia, MO Monday to look after the estate of Leroy Dorris who was killed there a short time ago. Mr. Dorris left a son as his heir, Ralph, the bright eyed little grandson of Mr. Reid. EP 18 May 1899

Resolutions of respect and condolence by the Christian Sunday School on the death of little Alice Burnett. EP 18 May 1899

The following teachers have been employed for the following year: Gus Jackson, May Gallagher, Sadie Willeford, Etta Oglesby, Hattie Mccoy, Alice Samuels, Mary Bentley and Ada Edwards. EP 18 May 1899

Johnston City Mayor Clayton has expressed himself emphatically against the Sunday opening of saloons.

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The demand for Johnston City flour is so great that our mill runs night and day to supply the demand.

James Copher is now the proprietor of a restaurant which he has just placed in his building formerly occupied by the drug store. He has just recovered from an attack of the measles.

The C & E.I. Railroad will start running a special strawberry train May 5. It will leave at 12:45 p.m. and arrive in Chicago for the early next morning market. It will run daily except Saturday. TL 18 May 1899

Mrs. W.A. Dale, wife of Conductor Dale of the I.C., died Tuesday of last week at the Baptist sanitarium in St. Louis. She was 33 years old. TL 18 May 1899

Herrin has 162 school children, a good start for the new town. TL 25 May 1899

Dick Sturgis, of Michigan, attended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Dowell. TL 25 May 1899

Mr. Crockett and Vina Dodd of Thompsonville were married this week in that city. The bride is the sister of J.M. Dodd. TL 25 May 1899

The little babe of Mr. & Mrs. Walter Turnage, of East Marion, died Tuesday after a long illness and much suffering. EP 25 May 1899

Eugenia Dowell, wife of A.M. Dowell, of Pinckneyville, died Sunday of consumption after many months of suffering. The remains were brought here and the funeral held at the home of her mother, Mrs. Gallagher with burial in the New Cemetery. She leaves a husband and two sons. EP & TL 25 May 1899

Jimtown Jim Smith, son of Wilson Smith, was buried at Zion Sunday. TL 25 May 1899

At 11:24 this morning the sufferings of Worth Wootton ceased and his spirit took its flight to the Great Beyond. Burial was in the New Cemetery. Our hearts bleed in sympathy with the widowed mother, Mrs. M.E. Wooten, whose support he was, the sister and brother who have sustained an almost unbearable loss and Worth’s many friends whose hearts are saddened by his untimely death. In memory of our esteemed friend and fellow printer we turn these rules. He was a type setter for the Press. He was born 5 Nov 1877 in Monroe County, Tennessee. [The paper reported the week before that he was sick with bilious fever.] EP 25 May & 1 Jun 1899

Armor Rice, of Carterville, and Kate Bones, of Marion, were married last Sunday. The groom is the son of V. Rice, druggist of Carterville and has been a salesman for Elles Store Co. many years. The bride is the daughter of Thomas Bones. EP 25 May 1899

Carbondale Herald

Miss Violet Duncan, of Stonefort, was arrested at Ozark station Thursday by Deputy Marshal Dowell and brought to this city charged with sending an obscene letter through the mails to Miss Carrie Wilson, at Stonefort. EP 25 May 1899

Wesley Park, of Crab Orchard, who has been near death the past week, suffered a hemorrhage of the lungs Friday. His brother, R.L. Park, got sick at the sight of blood, went outside, fainted and struck his face on a boulder, cutting a gash in his forehead along his nose and under one eye to the bone. EP 25 May 1899

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