1900, News Clippings


Dwina   Leander Smith and Mallie Jent were married Christmas Eve. TL 4 Jan 1900

Ed Hartwell was delighted this morning to inform us that a new girl arrived at his house. TL 4 Jan 1900

Sarah C. Belcher, wife of R.M. Belcher, was born 17 Oct 1822 in Wilson County, Tennessee, the daughter of Thomas and Jane Biles, died 1 Jan 1900. She married 11 Apr 1844 and moved from Smith County, Tennessee to this county in Dec 1851 and settled four miles south of where she died. She confessed our savior at the age of 13 and joined the Methodist Church soon after. She was the mother of eight children, four surviving with her husband. She died at the home of her son, J.T. Belcher where she and her husband had lived a number of years. She had been an invalid several years previous to 18 Sep 1899 when she became almost helpless and remained so until death. Burial was in Jeffersonville Cemetery. TL 11 Jan 1900

Louisa Gibbs, daughter of Irena & Levi Gibbs, died yesterday, aged 3 years 10 months and 18 days. TL 11 Jan 1900

The new Goodall Hotel opened yesterday at noon. There are 30 sleeping rooms and all except 4 were occupied last night. TL 11 Jan 1900

Jack Donaldson, about 45 years old, died this week of smallpox northwest of Creal Springs. Five cases are in quarantine at Mr. Donaldson’s. TL 11 Jan 1900

Non-residence notice

Mary 0. Canady vs Thomas J. Canady — bill for divorce and custody of children.

Mary Moulin vs Regis Moulin — bill for divorce    TL 11 Jan 1900

The defendants in the Lauder riot case were acquitted. Four of them were rearrested for violating an injunction and taken to Springfield. The rest were met at Carterville by a band and given a big ovation. TL 11 Jan 1900

James Thomas Harris was born 26 Dec 1819 in Cheatham County, Tennessee and died 7 Jan 1900, aged 80 years and 11 days. He moved to this county in 1854. He joined the Christian Church in Robinson (now Cheatham) County, Tennessee in 1845 and joined the same order at Spillertown until it moved to Marion. He joined the CP Church at Roberts Prairie in 1867. After the death of his first wife, he married Louisa Richardson, a member of that church. It died away and he joined Liberty #6. He left a wife and 8 children: G.W. Harris, Jasper Harris, H.S. Harris, Dr. J.T. Harris, Catharine Benedict, Una Arterberry, Alice Vaughn and Luellen Harris. Two children preceded him in death. TL 18 Jan 1900

Southern   Aunt Becca Butts is lingering with dropsy. It’s a blessed consolation to hear her talk of Heaven as her anticipated rest. The young and the gay have but to wait for old age and affliction and they will cry unto the Lord for refuge. TL 18 Jan 1900

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Mrs. Ben Morris, commonly known as one of the washerwomen, died at her home yesterday. TL 18 Jan 1900

Moody Tidwell sold his interest in the drug store at Crab Orchard and left this morning for Talvern, Indian Territory, seeking a business location. He will stop at Miami, I.T. to visit Prof. E.A. Brewer, formerly of Crab Orchard.  TL 18 Jan 1900

John Flemings, of Johnston City, and Ollie McDonald, of Dennison, were married yesterday. TL 18 Jan 1900

W.C. Fairless and Nolie Farrell, both of Creal Springs, were married last Wednesday. The bride is a teacher at Creal Springs and the groom is a member of the firm of Dupont & Fairless roller mills at the same place. TL 18 Jan 1900

Mt. Olive   Winfield McGhee, of the 1st Tenn. Reg., a returned soldier from the Philippines, has made this place his residence and showed his gallantry in facing the mud and rain last week and bringing his bride, Miss Mary Crawford, from Tennessee. TL 25 Jan 1900

John York, aged 45, died last Saturday at his home in this city after a four week spell of pneumonia. TL 25 Jan 1900


Mrs. William Rex died Tuesday of last week at her residence at Spillertown. TL 1 Feb 1900

Rev. J.H. Slankard died in Dallas, Texas 29 Jan 1900, of consumption. He was born in Pope County, this state and was a minister of the C.P. Church and well known in this vicinity. He enlisted in the 29th Ill Vol in ’61 and did his duty as a soldier and a citizen. Peace to his memory. TL 1 Feb 1900

Frank Reynolds of Marion, Ill and Wylie W. Griffey of Clinton, KY, were the first visitors at the marriage license office Monday. They were stylishly dressed and the young man carried a valise. There ages were given as 21. The prospective bridegroom indignantly resented the clerk’s polite query as to their being strangers in the city and asked sharply for the license to be issued. Justice Walker performed the ceremony.  Post-Dispatch Frank left here one day before his bride and it is supposed he met her at Murphysboro and they went to St. Louis together. They are now visiting Frank’s sister in Coulterville. TL 1 Feb 1900

Frank Reynolds left on the 11:04 train Wednesday night and it is not known yet where he had started. Wednesday night he left a note with John Earls and instructed him to not open it until yesterday. It stated no one need worry for he was going to visit his aunt in West Va. Mrs. Reynolds went to Murphysboro this morning but could find no trace of him. No fear is held for his safety as he has left before in this manner. TL 1 Feb 1900

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George Thomas Waldron of Carterville was before the court here today and upon investigation was found a fit subject for the asylum. He left on the noon train for his new home. TL 1 Feb 1900

Misses Lillie & Wiley Griffith, who have been spending several days in this city, left yesterday for Murphysboro. The latter left there today for her home in Clarksville, Tennessee and the former returned to this city. TL 1 Feb 1900

J.B. Willeford’s family are selling their household furniture and otherwise preparing to leave. They will go to some point in Texas where Mr. Willeford is at present seeking a location. They are going there for the benefit of Mr. W’s health. TL 1 Feb 1900

W.H. Ridgway, a distinguished and well-respected citizen of Stonefort, died at his home last Thursday. Uncle Hale, as he was known, was about 70 years old. TL 1 Feb 1900

Creal Springs News  A German capitalist from the north has purchased the Silvester Chamness place and adjoining farm that belonged to Mr. R.J. Morray. It is a fine piece of land and will be converted into a sheep ranch. There is nearly three 300 [?) acres in the tract. He will place 1,000 sheep on this land. TL 1 Feb 1900

Wolf Creek   Successful money hunters of Williamson County still meet with victory. It is evident that money belonging to the estate of Isaac P. Rowland has been taken from his place of secret hiding, from statements of W.A. York and others, that sometime before Christmas, his fencing and also the fencing of the estate had been destroyed, but was rebuilt, and reported fence being torn down but not very public until after Jan. 11, when the report was investigated by parties interested, who went to see if further evidence could be found. Upon going to the place where these reports led them, they found in a rail pen, constructed by the union of three fences, a hole dug about a foot and a half deep, and two feet in diameter, with the following articles: A glass fruit jar broke in several pieces, an iron rod 2 feet in length and one silver dollar with the following marks, W X [. The crowd which consisted of seven men relinquished further search and returned home. They left the glass can and rod, but the money they were able to show anyone. They have the pleasure of knowing these facts and will deliver the dollar to any of the heirs on application. TL 8 Feb 1900

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The 9-year-old daughter of Porter Elders was badly burned when her dress caught fire from burning grass.  Later — The little daughter of Porter Elders that was burned last Saturday morning died at 8 p.m. the same day. The body was interred at Carterville. TL 8 Feb 1900

Mrs. Mary Harris of Northern was brought here today by her children, to be sent to the asylum at Anna. She was discharged from there as improved. The court can now send her back without a trial. TL 8 Feb 1900

Mt. Olive   Mr. & Mrs. Will Brandon are the happy recipients of a new girl. TL 15 Feb 1900

Southern   The infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Will Turnage was interred at Crab Orchard Cemetery Sunday. TL 15 Feb 1900

Johnston City   Johnston City has a new store. Maynor and Capp are proprietors.

W.E. Clayton and family are now citizens of this place.

Lue Becker purchased the old homestead.

Aunt Marie Moore is dangerously ill with pneumonia. She will hardly recover as she is very old and has been quite feeble some time. It is said she also has overcome her insanity and now reasons with good judgment and does not fear the death angel.

Roy Muhr has smallpox. Dr. Hickman of Benton thinks it rather doubtful as it has not thoroughly developed. TL 15 Feb 1900

Thos. Bones and wife left on the afternoon train for Citronelle, Ala. where they will remain until spring for the benefit of their health. TL 15 Feb 1900

Geo. B. Calhoun and Eva Campbell were married yesterday at the home of the bride’s mother, Julia Campbell. TL 15 Feb 1900

Geo. Wiles and Loucinda Hollinger were married last night at the residence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Chas. Rice. TL 15 Feb 1900

Johnston City  Ed Duncan’s child is ill at present.

Mrs. Gussie Redden of Carterville is visiting Felix Henderson.

Sigh Lawrence and Ola Clayton were married Sunday at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. L.S. Clayton.

Aunt Mariah Moore, after suffering 8 days with pneumonia, has been taken from the earthly scenes and the places that have known her so long. She was 77 years old and a member of Hartwell Church many years. Some 35 years ago, her husband, Sam Moore, was murdered at Jeffersonville. Since that time, she has not had proper control of her mind. She was the mother of 9 children, 7 living. Burial was at Hartwell. TL 22 Feb 1900

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Miss Kate Beasley was born in Rock Creek Precinct 29 Dec 1874. Professed faith in the Lord in the year 1892, was married to Geo. Crossley April 1896, died 16 Feb 1900. Her remains rest in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. TL 22 Feb 1900

On 12 Feb death with noiseless tread entered the home of Mr. Van Cleave Hendrickson and claimed his own. Frances Adeline Hearn was born 22 Feb 1831 in Wilson County, Tennessee, daughter of William H. & Susan H. Hearn and died 12 Feb 1900 at her home near Halfway. She professed religion at Good Hope Camp Ground, Tennessee at the age of 12 years and joined Zion ME Church in 1843. She moved with her mother to this county in 1854 and united with Union Grove Church the same year. She married Van Cleave Hendrickson 25 Oct 1865 and was the mother of three children: Susan E. Hendrickson, Marcellus H. Hendrickson and Sarah F. Hendrickson. Susan, the eldest, preceded her in death. Frances suffered greatly for four weeks but the Holy Spirit filled her heart with peace. She said she was glad she was converted while young; her religion had become better and better. She asked if anyone wanted to send messages to loved ones on the other side, gave directions for her funeral and requested the writer to preach it. She said, “Tell the people while you preach I will be with loved ones in glory.” Her request was that none weep for her. Her death was peaceful. She fell asleep in Jesus. Burial was at Union Grove. Thomas 0. Holley TL 22 Feb 1900

Crab Orchard   Ed Dwyre and Nora Travelstead were married on the 15th.

Harry North received a telegram on the 16th of the death of his brother and left for home. TL 22 Feb 1900


John A. Pulley and Brunette Hearn were married Sunday. TL 22 Feb 1900 J.R. Stewart and Mettie Fivash were married 22 Feb. TL 1 Mar 1900

Corinth   William Mitchell died the 24th at his home in Corinth and was buried in Corinth Cemetery.

A dear little baby girl has arrived at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Malone. TL 1 Mar 1900

One week ago, Mrs. Flo Moulton was buried at Pleasant Grove Cemetery, the Thursday following a child of Mr. & Mrs. R. Welborn and Friday a child of J.M. Anderson. Young, old and middle aged must answer to the call of the master-worker. TL 1 Mar 1900

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Captain John Brown died 19 Feb after a short illness at his home in Creal Springs. He was born 16 Mar 1826 at Jonesboro, Illinois and served in the Mexican War at the age of 20 years. He married M.J. Wilkins in 1847 and was the father of 10 children. The 9 living ones were with his wife at his deathbed. They are: Mrs. E. Herrin, Mrs. G.B. Murrah, Mrs. Cornelia Hammer, Dr. C. Brown, Mrs. Josie Herrin, Mrs. A.K. Elles, Mrs. Steele, Dr. L. Brown and Miss Brown. He settled on a farm near Herrin and moved to Creal Springs in Aug 1898. He served in Co D 128 III Vol in the civil War. He was converted and joined Hurricane Church 24 years ago. Burial was in Hurricane Cemetery. TL 1 Mar 1900

Henry Swigley and Louis Ozment were married last Tuesday. TL 1 Mar 1900

Milton Whitlock and Sallie Gregory were married Tuesday evening. TL 1 Mar 1900

A daughter was born to Mr. & Mrs. Jas. Davis on East Main Street. TL 1 Mar 1900

Johnston City  Rev. Holly of Benton will soon hold a series of meetings at the M.E. Church.

Ernest Forcum and Cora Weaver were married Saturday.   TL 8 Mar 1900

Mount Olive  Mrs. Della Weiss died of consumption last week at her home at Wolf Creek. TL 8 Mar 1900

The jury in the Carterville miners trial at Vienna returned a verdict of not guilty of the charge of the murder of the Negro, Rev. Floyd at Carterville last September. TL 8 Mar 1900

Mr. & Mrs. Riley Wooton are the proud parents of a baby girl which arrived yesterday. TL 15 Mar 1900

Mrs. Bill Copeland died today at her residence at Ozark. Burial will be near that place. TL 15 Mar 1900

David D. Mitchell was born 24 May 1817 in Lebanon, Tennessee, Wilson County, son of Zadoc Mitchell, died 3 Mar 1900 at his home near Corinth. He came to Washington County, Illinois in 1830 and moved to Franklin County a year later. His father and mother both died in 1833. Soon after, he spent four years in Saline County at Harrison Barnett’s learning the tanner trade, then came to Williamson County. He married Nancy A. Stewart 7 Oct 1841 and had 11 children. His wife and 5 children preceded him in death. He was converted at the age of 15 years and joined the M.E. Church at Liberty. Burial was in Zion Cemetery. TL 22 Mar 1900

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Seth Duncan was born 3 Aug 1882 in Williamson County, Illinois and died 28 Jan 1900. TL 22 Mar 1900

Mrs. Lida I. Lence, wife of D.L. Lence, formerly Shererets (Sheretz?), died 12 Mar 1900 at Cape Girardeau, Missouri. She was born near this city and lived in Marion at the time of her marriage. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery, Makanda. TL 22 Mar 1900

Miss Edith Paddleford came home last night from Tuscola where she had been attending school to attend the funeral of her stepfather, W.L. Benson. TL 22 Mar 1900

The remains of Mrs. Robinson, mother of Monroe and John Robinson, were brought from Missouri last night for internment near their home, about 3 miles south of Marion. TL 22 Mar 1900

The remains of Esther Kimmell were brought on the noon train from Little Rock, Arkansas. TL 22 Mar 1900

Mr. & Mrs. L.C. Parks of Crab Orchard have shared 65 years the fortunes and misfortunes of married life together. Mrs. Parks is 80 and Uncle Lew is in sight of the eighty ninth mile post. TL 22 Mar 1900

W.L. Benson died last night after a long illness. He spent the major portion of his life here. TL 22 Mar 1900

Horace Jeter died this morning at the residence of his father, Ben Jeter. He was about 18 years old. Burial was in the new cemetery. TL 22 Mar 1900

Miss Susie Willeford left for Malden, Mo this morning where she will spend a week visiting relatives before proceeding to her future home in Texas. TL 22 Mar 1900

George B. Chamness of Creal Springs informed us Monday of the death of his mother at the old home about 7 or 8 miles southwest of here. She was 88 and survived her husband since June 1870 when he departed for the land of rest at age 70. She had been quite sick but after treatment Sunday night became easy and went to sleep, the family supposing her better, thus leaving her to rest till morning when they discovered she had passed away. TL 22 Mar 1900

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Resolutions of respect, Corinth Lodge #592   IOOF Death of Wm. P. Mitchell.

Killing at Vienna Yesterday, Barney Gurley, a laboring man of this city, received a telegram from a friend in Vienna stating that his ex-wife, Clara, had been shot and killed by Vesta Hogg, wife of Isaac Hogg at Vienna. Over a year ago, Mrs. Gurley deserted her husband and took up with Isaac Hogg, who, in turn, deserted his wife. Mr. Gurley got a divorce, remarried and came to this city. He left on the noon train to take possession of his children. TL 29 Mar 1900

Mrs. J.M. Burkhart gave a family dinner yesterday in honor of her sister, Mrs. Amanda Willeford, who leaves Saturday morning for her future home in Texas. TL 29 Mar 1900

Mrs. John Broad died this morning at her residence on East Street. TL 29 Mar 1900

Mrs. Sally A. Brack died at her residence 3 miles north yesterday. She was 72 years, 5 months and 5 days. Burial was at the new cemetery. TL 29 Mar 1900

An amusing incident occurred Monday in a trial at Creal Springs in which John Smith was tried for stealing 180 pounds of peas. Ed. M. Spiller defended Mr. Smith while States Attorney Fowler looked after the interests of the prosecution. The prosecuting witness was Elijah Riddle and he endeavored to fasten the guilt upon Mr. Smith by proving that he tracked him from his (Riddle’s) barn to Smith’s house. In the path was a road where the tracks were lost. Mr. Riddle swore that Smith jumped the road. Upon cross examination by Attorney Spiller he was asked if he thought a man could jump a 7 foot road with three bushels of peas on his back which weighed 180 pounds. Mr. Riddle became confused and angry and finally declared that he could jump that distance if the peas weighed 300 pounds. It is needless to say the defendant was acquitted.  TL 29 Mar 1900


Pleasant Grove   Doc. Peebler of Marion and Ida O’Neal of this place were married Sunday. TL 5 Apr 1900

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Ed Brewer, formerly of Crab Orchard, left yesterday for his home in Miami, I.T. He has been teaching school the past two years but informs us that he is about to embark in the insurance and real estate business. TL 5 Apr 1900

Miss Jessie Bird died yesterday of quick consumption at her home in Johnston City. She was just budding into womanhood. The remains were taken to Troy, Illinois for burial. TL 5 Apr 1900

Mrs. Anna Clay (Nee Robinson) and Hazel Thornton were married yesterday at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. Chas. Edwards and wife. TL 5 Apr 1900

William E. Wiley was born in Marion 6 Aug 1834 and died 4 Apr at his residence on East Main Street. The time has been when but few, if anyone, was better known in Williamson than the deceased, but the current of his life in recent years led him to more seclusion. Burial was in New Cemetery. TL 12 Apr 1900

The following is a list of towns that went dry in yesterday’s election. Johnston City, Herrin, Benton, Eldorado, Harrisburg, Carrier Mills, Stonefort, New Burnsides and Creal Springs. Carterville and Spillertown are the only towns in which saloon tickets carried. TL 19 Apr 1900

Denison   Charles Williams and Effie Heisle were married a few days ago. TL 19 Apr 1900

Wolf Creek  A child of Willis Yansey died Wednesday of whooping cough.

Dr. R.M.C. Throgmorton made a trip to Piggott, Ark last week where he is thinking of locating. TL 19 Apr 1900

Albert Jack views life from the brightest side. It’s a boy, born yesterday. TL 19 Apr 1900

It’s a girl for Ed Hinchcliff, born Friday. TL 19 Apr 1900

Mrs. Lizzie Peebles died at her home near New Denison Saturday after a long illness with consumption. TL 26 Apr 1900

J.B. Samuels and brothers Ike and Bob moved their Grandmother Mason from Marion to Carterville Saturday. She is nearly 93 years old and feeble. TL 26 Apr 1900

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Resolutions of respect   Death of Marion T. Wright. TL 26 Apr 1900

J.M. Campbell and family went to the country yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ward. TL 26 Apr 1900

Marriage licenses issued during past week [paper is cut 

Chas. Calcatera, Marion & Lizzie Young, Marion

Otis Burnett, Marion & ___da Henry, Attila

W.S. Treece, Cottage Home &        H. Davis, Cottage Home

Jacob Snider, Cottage Home & Mollie Lloyd, Cottage Home

H.M. Morris, Herrin & Sarah Gusnes, Desoto

Joseph H. Thompson, Marion & Mary Allen, Lake Creek  TL 26 Apr 1900


Notice is hereby given that on this day, May 8th 1900, my wife, Lucinda Wiles, has left my bed and board, that I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by her. George Wiles TL 10 May 1900

Marriage licenses

T.L. Edwards, Elkville & Eva J. Mccuan, Ci Springs

Richard Tyner, Fredonia & Lora Campbell, Same

Charlie Sullins, Creal Springs & Flora Brogan, same TL 10 May 1900

Belleville, Ill   Willis H. Hendrickson, 25, of Marion, Ill and Mabel M. Burns, 19, of Coulterville, came to Belleville Saturday evening and procured a marriage license from County Clerk Hilgard and were married by Rev. C.S. Schumard of the M.E. Church. They said they went to St. Louis to see the Dewey parade and concluded to get married. The St. Louis office was closed, so they took a trip to Belleville. Willis is a Marion boy who recently moved to Coulterville. TL 10 May 1900

City Marshal Joe McCabe shot and instantly killed Geo. Hudson in that city Monday while the latter was resisting arrest. A party of men were drinking beer in front of a saloon on the public street and was told by McCabe to go to the rear. Both drew revolvers. Hudson had trouble with the marshal about a year ago in which the marshal was cut with a razor. TL 10 May 1900

W.E. Hutchison, representing Blair & Filley Lumber Dealers in Terre Haute, was a Leader caller Tuesday. TL 17 May 1900

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Walter Swafford, about 9 years old, was killed Monday by a southbound local freight train on the IC Railroad. He was “riding” the train. TL 24 May 1900

Wolf Creek   Richard Durham, son of Rev. Bent Durham, died of consumption at his home south of Liberty Church. TL 31 May 1900

For Sale   A hotel in central location in Johnston City on easy terms. The reason for wanting to sell is ill health and no help. Noah W. Avery, Lake Creek, Ills. TL 31 May 1900

Wolf Creek   George Craig and Fannie Chitty, daughter of T.J. Chitty, were married 26 May. TL 31 May 1900


Dr. G.M. Kimmel, aged 39, died 27 May at Elizabeth, Colorado. He is the son of E. Kimmel of Carbondale. Our people remember well Dr. Kimmel as a teacher and citizen of Marion in 1885 and ’86. TL 14 Jun 1900

Palzo   P.L. Nelson preached the funeral of Laura Parton at Springhill Church on Sunday last. TL 14 Jun 1900

Cawthon   Aunt Mary Mosley died 26 May in her 70th year. Burial was at Coal Bank Springs. TL 21 Jun 1900

R.D. Bridwell, nephew of A.D. Brandriff, reported the death of Mr. Brandriff last Saturday at his home in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He was 83 years old. He came to this county 15 years ago and bought a large body of land 5 miles south of Marion. He is survived by an aged wife and 2 children. TL 21 Jun 1900

Anna Democrat   William Atwood of Caneyville, Williamson County and Birdie Moss of Anna were married Wednesday. The bride is the daughter of Frank Moss. The newly married couple are hospital employees. TL 21 Jun 1900

Deputy Sheriff Frank Throgmorton went to the Southern Illinois Hospital last Wednesday with Payton Smith off near Creal Springs. Mr. Smith had showed signs of a deranged mind for a few days and on Tuesday took a teaspoon full of strychnine with suicidal intent but was rescued by emetics immediately applied. TL 21 Jun 1900

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Application for pardon L.R. Hampton will make application for pardon of Sylvester Hampton who is now serving a term of 8 years for manslaughter at Chester, II, convicted in the May term A.D. 1898 of the Williamson County court. TL 28 Jun 1900.


Southern   Sam Durham and wife buried an infant babe Sunday at Fountain. TL 5 Jul 1900

Blairsville   Wash Russell, father of P.T. Russell, was a noted fiddler among the early settlers of Eight Mile. He often entertained and amused the Indians at their camp, playing upon the fiddle various comical tunes. P.T. Russell states he was born in Eight Mile Precinct in 1835 and now resides within four miles of his birthplace.

John Fowler was born in Eight Mile on 20 Nov 1834 and has lived within half a mile of his birthplace all his life. TL 5 Jul 1900

Johnston City   Lorin Felts has broken the record as census enumerator, as he has already finished before the allotted time.

Charles Belcher was buried last Saturday in the Old Lake Creek Cemetery. He died of consumption, aged 21 years, 2 months and 7 days. TL 5 Jul 1900

Wilshire Bandy was buried on the 4th. TL 5 Jul 1900

Wolf Creek   A child of Alex Wolsey was buried Friday.

George Bloodworth, 10-year-old son of James Bloodworth, died the 26th of scrofula of the throat.

Lydia Burpo, wife of Rev. Mead Burpo, died the 30th at the residence of her father, I.N. Walker at Carbondale. Burial was in Hall Cemetery. TL 12 Jul 1900

Charley Dunston was bit by a dog thought to be rabid. He went to a point above Ava to have a mad stone applied. TL 12 Jul 1900

Southern   Elder Allen, former pastor of the Methodist Church at Fountain, died almost suddenly at his residence Tuesday evening. He preached the memorial Sunday with unusual enthusiasm and seemed very lively when he went away Monday. After eating heartily Tuesday evening at supper within twenty-five minutes he was dead. He was near to 72 years old and had been preaching 50 years. We feel that he was honorably discharged. TL 12 Jul 1900

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Charley Crain, a bartender of Willisville, Perry County, for several years has given way to his appetite for strong drink. He made an escape from home and was captured with only his underwear on. He is awaiting transfer to the insane asylum. He is the son of Terry Crain, 10 miles southwest of Marion. TL 12 Jul 1900

Southern   Uncle John McAnally died Monday southwest of Marion. He was a soldier in the Mexican War. TL 19 Jul 1900

We failed last week to mention the death of A.H. Wilson of Magnolia, California a few weeks back. He is a brother-in-law to ex-Coroner Privett and lived here in the 80’s. He served in the Civil War. TL 19 Jul 1900

Mrs. Matt Pulley died of consumption and was buried Saturday In Mount Pleasant. TL 19 Jul 1900

Ed Campbell of this city and Eugenia Lewis, daughter of County Commissioner Lewis, were married Sunday. TL 19 Jul 1900

Robert Whitnel, a young man known in Marion, died last_______ day night at the residence of Theo. Whitlock. He was buried at Goreville Monday. TL 19 Jul 1900

A son was born a week ago to Mr. & Mrs. Will Harris. TL 19 Jul 1900

Wyatt Scoby and Etta Jenkins were married Sunday. They have gone to Tennessee where Mr. Scoby has a school for the next term. TL 19 Jul 1900

Leonidas Pierce Askew was born 3 Sep 1833 in White County, Illinois and moved to Williamson County while a youth. He died 10 Jul 1900. He was the last of his father’s family to cross the last river. TL 19 Jul 1900

Uncle John McAnally was born in Tennessee, the exact date unknown and died 16 Jul, about 85 years old. He came to Illinois in 1831 and married Nancy Jerdon in 1840. After her death, he married Matilda Butts. He was the father of 21 children in all. 9 by his first wife and 12 by his second. He is survived by a wife and 13 children. TL 26 Jul 1900

Denison   Willis Roberts, brother of A.R. Roberts of this place, died a few days ago in Evansville, Indiana. TL 26 Jul 1900

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Blairsville   Joe Hogg, living at Vancil Bend, recently from St. Louis, drowned Saturday while swimming in the Big Muddy. TL 26 Jul 1900

Pleasant Grove   John F. Angel was born 1878 and died 16 Jul, the youngest of 2 sons of W.F. and Polly Angel. He has a younger sister. His mother died when he was small. He served 12 months in the Spanish American War. TL 26 Jul 1900


Johnston City   W.W. Whittington has moved to Marion.

Lath Gosneld and Huey Smith were injured by a fall of slate last Saturday.

Edwin Stilley & Miss Higgins were married Tuesday. The groom is a teacher in Jefferson County. TL 2 Aug 1900

Guy Cole, Wiley Cole, Eph Evett, Abe Priddy and Bert Welsh were charged with the murder of A.T. Roberts near Herrin Sunday night. They employed Roberts to haul them to a “bear drinking” near town and hauled him back dead, claiming he fell out of the wagon. TL 2 Aug 1900

Creal Springs   Isaac Gifford took a wife two weeks ago. She is Martha Partington, the last remaining daughter of Mr. Partington. The groom is a school teacher.   TL 2 Aug 1900

Attorney Morton of Carterville informs us of the death of Mrs. Jas. Thompson Sunday. TL 2 Aug 1900

Crab Orchard Church will celebrate its 50th anniversary the second Sunday in August. TL 2 Aug 1900

Arthur Winncht and Mary C. Singler were married Tuesday. TL 2 Aug 1900

Minnie 0. Parks was born 4 Apr 1878 and died 19 Jul 1900 after an illness of several months’ duration of lung trouble. She married Albert Birkholz 28 Feb 1898 at Murphysboro, Ill. She was a member of the M.E. Church in Crab Orchard. She is survived by her husband, mother, Patience Parks, brothers, W.L., Chas. & R.L. Parks. TL 2 Aug 1900

Johnston City   Sam Crawford has been ill several days. Jesse Hillar has been on the sick list recently.

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Mrs. Condace Grant was born 26 Apr 1864 and died 2 Aug 1900. She was the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. M.V. Felts. She was a member of old Lake Creek Baptist Church and leaves a husband, children and two brothers. TL 9 Aug 1900

Blairsville   Justice John Morris and wife of near Marion attended the funeral of Mrs. Florence Brandon, preached by Rev. A.R. Tucker of New Burnside at M.M. Church South on the 31st ult. TL 9 Aug 1900

Southern   Another aged mother has gone home. Aunt Lucretia Perry was born 4 Mar 1808 and died 5 Aug 1900 1/4 mile from Hudgens, aged 95 years, 5 months and 1 day. She lived with her son, W.W. Perry and had long been living on borrowed time. She was the mother of 11 children, 4 surviving: George Perry, Worth Perry, Leonidas Perry and Mrs. Henry McInturff. Burial was in the family cemetery.

Will Mckinney and wife have a new boy. TL 9 Aug 1900

Pleasant Grove   Dwight H. Cole and wife, Mrs. Delia Cole have been visiting at the Grove for over two weeks. Mr. Cole was convicted of insanity and sent to the insane asylum at Anna. Religious matters are the supposed cause of the trouble. TL 9 Aug 1900

Among the many visitors to the fairgrounds are D.B. Ward who is in his 99th year and his sister, Mrs. Hall who is 17 months younger. TL 9 Aug 1900

Grandma Graetz was born 9 Mar 1813 and died 3 Aug 1900. She was a consistent member of the Jewish faith. A short prayer service was held at by Rev. Harris at the residence of H. Spieldoch. Her remains were taken to St. Louis for burial in Mt. Olive Cemetery.

Card of thanks — For kindnesses in the death of our mother. Mr. & Mrs. H. Spieldoch & Barney Graetz. TL 9 Aug 1900

To whom it may concern — My son, Ely Pulley, has left me against my will. I will not be responsible for any contracts he may make. Mary E. Pulley TL 9 Aug 1900

Johnston City   It has been reported that Harvey Howell bought out the restaurant formerly owned by W.T. Powell.

Rose Duty, daughter of Hiram Doty, died Sunday of typhoid. Another flower cut down while in youth and beauty. Burial was in old Lake Creek Cemetery. TL 16 Aug 1900

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Bainbridge   Uncle John Grantz departed this life the 11th inst. TL 16 Aug 1900

Robert Spires reports his visit to Tenn a failure, so far as finding things as he left them 33 years ago. Probably “the same old bricks are in the wall and the bells swing,” as they did then, but the current of time does its work and changes must come. TL 16 Aug 1900

Marion Sanders, of Johnston City, with Dr. Harter’s Medicine Co, was a caller Monday. About one year ago he left this place and since then has been working in Arkansas and Missouri. He will likely return to the latter state in a few days to resume business. TL 16 Aug 1900

Frank Grider & Annie Manard were married yesterday. TL 16 Aug 1900

Mrs. Lucinda E. Parks Peebles was born 23 Jan 1861 and died 21 Apr 1900 of chronic lung disease. She married Rev. O.P. Peebles 7 Oct 1876 and was left a widow in 1899. She was a member of Mount Pleasant Church. Survived by 4 sons and 2 daughters. One son preceded her in death. TL 16 Aug 1900

Non-residence notice Emma Cottrell Vs Thomas W. Cottrell, bill for divorce. TL 23 Aug 1900

Martha J. Dunn was born 1 Aug 1851 in Williamson County, Illinois. She joined Williams Prairie Church 22 years ago and moved her membership to Harmony Church 12 years ago. She married W.W. Harris 26 Oct 1873. After the loss of her first husband, she married William Dunn who survives along with 2 children. One child preceded her in death. On August 13, she went to milk the cows in the morning when she was struck with a stroke of paralysis. She said but a few words until her tongue was still. At 1 o’clock that evening she was dead. Burial was in the family cemetery on Uncle Thomas Harris’ place. TL 23 Aug 1900

Mrs. McDonald, sister of J.W. Peebles, died last Thursday. TL 23 Aug 1900

Dwight Cole, sent to Southern Illinois Hospital at Anna, was returned a corpse last Monday and buried in Pleasant Grove. He was a well-known traveling man in Southern Illinois. He married Delia Harrison of Attila. TL 23 Aug 1900

Mrs. Margret Mathews died at her residence in this city Tuesday. She lingered many weeks before passing over. TL 23 Aug 1900

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Capt. Ben Howard died at his home in Metropolis Sunday, aged 69 years, 3 months & 7 days. He was a master of a great number of the steamers on the western rivers. TL 23 Aug 1900

Andy Starrick has moved to the mines near Marion. TL 30 Aug 1900

Southern   W.D. Dunn is very much grieved over the loss of his wife. Lee Goley and wife, his son-in-law, will move in with him. This is his youngest daughter.

Hosea Boles & Maud Hudgens were married Sunday. TL 30 Aug 1900

Eight Mile  A child of Monroe Brand died of whooping cough the 18th. TL 30 Aug 1900


Dwight H. Cole was born 28 Feb 1852 in East Shelby, Orleans County, New York and died 19 Aug 1900 while suffering the terrible effects of a lost mind at Anna Insane Asylum. At the age of 9, he went with his parents to Union City, Michigan. He was married at the age of 20 to Ellen Gillett of Athens, Michigan. She died 6 years later. After her death, he devoted his time to art work. In October 1899, he married Miss Delia Harrison of Attila and continued to work until about a year before his death. He leaves a father, two brothers, one son and a wife. TL 6 Sep 1900

Bainbridge   Sister Caroline Chamness died 24 Aug. TL 6 Sep 1900

Carterville Herald    On 24 Aug about 9 p.m., the night of the last day of the reunion, Francis Chitty was found lying against a tree with 30 to 40 feet of the speaker’s stand at the reunion grounds in an insensible condition. He was aroused by the police and accompanied the officer to Royce Cash’s livery stable and employed Cash to take him home to Brush camp in a buggy. He claimed he fell against a tree and hurt himself, but circumstances show he was struck by an unknown person. A cousin of his, standing by him at that time, was struck in the back of the head. Chitty died 28 Aug. He was buried near Walker’s store, 10 or 12 miles south of here. TL 6 Sep 1900

Creal Springs   Mr. Stubbles of the I.C. made his last run from St. Louis Friday. He hurt himself turning the brakes, thereby causing hemorrhage. He was taken to the boarding house and gradually grew weaker until his death. His mother and brothers were with him to the end. His remains were taken to Indiana, his old home.   TL 6 Sep 1900

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Blairsville   James R. Gosnell died 31 Aug aged 53 years and 1 day. He served in Co A 9th Illinois Volunteer Infantry for over 3 years. He was a member of the Methodist Church. TL 13 Sep 1900

Last Saturday morning, George Crisp, 16-year-old son of Richard Crisp of this city, was thrown from W.D. McCowan’s horse, “Happy John,” at the fairgrounds and killed. The horse left the track while running and the boy hung by one foot in the stirrup, being dragged until kicked loose by the horse.  TL 13 Sep 1900

Casper Carieso and Ciro Shiro, two Italians, drowned Sunday at Spillertown. Their bodies were taken to Murphysboro and buried in the Catholic Cemetery. TL 13 Sep 1900

Southern   Grandma Presley, wife of Andy Presley, was buried at Fountain Thursday. She had been an invalid many years but we feel she is now made whole.

Weddings the past week:

Wes Price & Susan Hill

Emery Miller & Martha Cox

Frank Camel & Mary Dockens

Mr. Dugger & Barbara Ollis    TL 20 Sep 1900

George Binkley of Marion and Myrtle Evett were married at Cobden _nday. [paper cut] TL 20 Sep 1900

Tom Hunt, 20-month-old son of Thomas Hunt, died Monday. TL 20 & 27 Sep 1900

Thursday morning, the 6:30 freight train drawn by engine no. 223, one of the largest on the C & E I, with engineer A.F. Badgett of Chicago and fireman Hardin Rains of West Frankfort, left Marion. After switching at Johnston City, it pulled out on its run and went a short distance when an explosion took place, completely wrecking the locomotive and killing the engineer and fireman. The boiler was blown over the telegraph wires and 60 or 70 feet forward and to the edge of the right of way. The engineer was blown about 80 feet high, passing over the telegraph poles and falling quite a distance beyond the right of way. His neck and arms were broken. The fireman was blown back into the tender and covered with coal. He was found unconscious with both legs and both arms broken. His body was scalded from his chin down until the skin slipped. He survived for two hours, the latter part of the time he was conscious. He called for his wife, at home a few miles north of here and she reached him just before he died and he recognized her. One piece of iron was picked up in the street a quarter of a mile away. The leaves were burned to a crisp for 100 feet and leaves in a nearby apple orchard were burned black. Mr. Badgett had 30 years’ experience. TL 27 Sep 1900

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Monroe Hastings and Daisy Goodwin were married Tuesday at her home near Cross Roads. TL 27 Sep 1900

Tillie Durham, wife of E.T. Durham died in this city Sunday after a lingering illness with consumption. TL 27 Sep 1900

Ralph Abney, son of W.D. & Aggie Abney, died Sunday last, aged 1 year 5 months and 16 days. TL 27 Sep 1900


Blairsville   Weldon Perrymore of Thompsonville and Elsie M. Eubanks of Blairsville were married the 27th ult. TL 4 Oct 1900

Wm. Gray died at his home near Pulley Mills last Friday, aged 76 years, 6 months and 17 days. He was a native of. S.C., but a citizen of this county many years and a Union soldier in the Civil War. TL 4 Oct 1900

James Jordan was killed last Friday night on the Alschuler train enroute from Herrin. On account of the Alschuler meeting at Herrin, a special train left here at 5 p.m. Friday. On the return trip a row began and Jordan went to the scene and soon engaged in a battle. He was shot through the heart, walked 1/3 the length of the coach and fell. An investigation showed the shooting took place in Jackson County. On Saturday p.m., he body was taken to Jackson County, but officials there refused to take the case up. Lem Shadowens and Robert Hatfield of Carterville were indicted. Hatfield gave bond of $5,000 and Shadowens was discharged. TL 4 & 11 Oct 1900

A.J. Duncan, 69, was struck last Monday morning about 10:30 by the Bryan train at Johnston City and died at noon Tuesday. It is said that in crossing the track, he was struck by the arm of the pilot just before clearing the roadbed. He was a merchant and tobacco dealer on a large scale at the old town of Jeffersonville. When the C & E I was completed, he moved to the new town, one mile from his home and up to his death was a strong factor in building up Johnston City. He has three sons in business and one, W.W. Duncan, is a prominent attorney in Marion. Funeral services were conducted by the Masonic Order, of which he was a member. It can and is said of him that he was an honorable gentleman in every respect. TL 11 Oct 1900

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John Holcomb of Freeburg, St. Clair County, returned to this place last Friday with the remains of his son, Roy Holcomb, for burial. Roy was about 20 years old and but a lad when his mother died in Marion. TL 11 Oct 1900

Mrs. S.W. Carter, of Canaville, died 9 Oct after a long spell of suffering. She leaves a husband and 5 children. TL 18 Oct 1900

Rev. Oliver Cox, of Crab Orchard, was in the Leader office and in talking politics said that his intention was to vote for Dick Yates on the 16th of November, just 40 years from the time he voted for his (Yates) father. Mr. Cox voted in Corinth in 1860 and said but one besides himself still lives, so far as he knows, of the 6 who voted for Mr. Lincoln then and there. They were: Isom Cox and son Oliver Cox, Rev. Gosland and son Ben Gosland, John A. Roberts and Roll Rains. They voted in spite of the insults. TL 18 Oct 1900

R. Woodard and family arrived Monday from California where they went a year ago. Mr. Woodard said they were as anxious to return as they were to go. TL 18 Oct 1900

Miss Lula Gulledge was returned to the Southern Illinois Hospital at Anna on Monday. She came home several weeks ago, her relatives hoping they might care for her at home, but recently her condition grew worse and they took her back for treatment. TL 18 Oct 1900

Mrs. Ragsdale, an aged resident of this city, died last Saturday. TL 25 Oct 1900

Mrs. Ella Broadway, daughter of Thomas R. Davis, of Halfway, died 14 Oct of consumption at her home in Tempe, Arizona. TL 25 Oct 1900

Sparta Plain Dealer Old Kaskaskia is wiped off the map. On Thursday of last week, the Gus Pape building, in which was held the first session of the first legislature of Illinois, succumbed to the embrace of the Mississippi River and went the way of the others before it. TL 25 Oct 1900

Advertisement Don’t get thin, get fat, get nice and plump; there is safety in plumpness. Summer has tried your food — works; winter is coming to try your breath — mill. Fall is the time to brace yourself. But weather is tricky; look out! Look out for colds, especially. Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the subtlest of helps. It is food, the easiest food in the world; it is more than food, it helps you digest your food and get more nutriment from it. Don’t get thin, there is safety in plumpness. Man, woman and child. TL 25 Oct 1900

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Wm. Ballard and Martha Bush of Greenville were married last week in this city. TL 25 Oct 1900


Resolutions of Respect, Alumni Association of Crab Orchard Academy Death of Mrs. Dana Brewer. TL 8 Nov 1900

The announcement has been made than an equestrian statue of General John A. Logan has been shipped from Rome and will be placed at Washington, D.C. TL 15 Nov 1900

Raleigh Raymond McKinney was born 9 Aug 1900 and died 23 Oct 1900. He suffered from bronchitis, tonsillitis and at last taken pneumonia. He has a brother, Harry and a brother in Heaven. Burial was in Freedom Cemetery. Obit written by his bereaved parents. J.W. Mckinney and family. TL 15 Nov 1900

The Johnston City Milling Company has spent over $100 in the enlargement of the millpond. TL 22 Nov 1900

Lloyd Hinchcliff, 8-year-old son of Edward and Lulu Hinchcliff, died the 19th of membranous croup. Burial was at Fredonia. Robert M. Hinchcliff came up from Fredonia with his daughter, Jessie to the funeral of his grandson. TL 22 Nov 1900

Cy Wiseman, a tonsorial artist of Johnston City, was arrested Sunday charged with wife-beating. He admits to getting on the outside of too much whisky and made the assault, claiming as an excuse that his wife was keeping objectionable company. TL 22 Nov 1900

Some Prices At New York Store, south side of public square, Marion, Ill

umbrellas — 50 cents

tin dipper — 4 cents

glasses — 15 cents

pins per paper — 1 cent

chewing gum, 5 cakes in package — 1 cent

bone collar buttons, per dozen — 3 cents

jackets & capes — 75 cents and up

heavy cotton blankets — 50 cents a pair and up

butter dish & sugar bowl — 8 cents each

tin cup — 1 cent

ladies’ underwear, drawers, heavy fleece — 25 cents

men’s heavy fleece lined undershirts & Drawers — 22 cents and up TL 22 Nov 1900

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Mr. & Mrs. M. Cantor invite friends to the marriage of their daughter, Bertha Cantor to Chas. W. Schwerdt of Evansville, Indiana on 5 Dec 1900. TL 22 Nov 1900

Forty years ago Samuel Stotlar, George Cox, Houston McMurray, Bennett Hurst, Wesley Bandy, Wm. Watson and Samuel Hestand cast the only Republican votes (at that time) in Herrin’s Prairie. These are all dead. TL 22 Nov 1900

Dexter, Mo., Nov 21, 1900 — I desire to say, for the information of my friends in Williamson County and elsewhere, that the report in the Globe-Democrat last Sunday morning stating that “F.M. Travelstead, formerly of Williamson County, ILL, was arrested at Malden, MO on Nov 16, charging him with having stolen a team of horses and buggy from the livery stable at Donivan, MO” is false. I am at home in Dexter, MO where I have been for the past two months, surrounded with many friends who know the report to be false. F.M. Travelstead TL 29 Nov 1900

A girl was born to Mr. & Mrs. John Spiller, their first born. TL 29 Nov 1900

Joe M. Bond, foreman of the News, is the happy father of baby boy #2. It came to our town Friday. TL 29 Nov 1900

A letter from Jesse F. Odum, of Lindale, Texas, tells of the killing of John Cawthon on 27 Oct 1900, 4 miles east of Lindale, Texas by 4 drunken devils. Cawthon was a young man who formerly lived in this county. A literary was in progress and the men were using all minds of bad language. Cawthon and a man named Steed went out and politely invited them in. The mob came at him and he knocked all four down once or twice. They came at him with spring dirks and stabbed him in the heart. They fled and were captured. Cawthon went to Texas 2 years ago. He leaves a father and mother. TL 29 Nov 1900


Thomas J. Duncan was born 14 Feb 1847 in Williamson County and died 1 Dec 1900 at Ina, Jefferson County, Illinois, aged 43 years, 9 months and 17 days. He married Harriet Bowen 20 Dec 1876. They had 6 children, 2 died in infancy. Those living are; Maude Baker, wife of Dr. G.J. Baker, Claude Duncan, in the Army in the Philippines, Hartwell Duncan and Hattie Duncan. Burial was in New Cemetery. TL 6 Dec 1900

Monroe Peterson and family spent Sunday in the country with his uncle, Benjamin F. Spiller, who is dangerously ill. TL 6 Dec 1900

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B.J. Hubbs died a few days ago at Parker City. He was an old soldier who served in the 31st Illinois. He was at the Soldier’s Home for some time and was sent back to Parker City a few days before he died. TL 6 Dec 1900

Johnston City   Thomas Benton wears a broad smile on his face. He says, “It’s a boy.”

Marshal Henry Weaver and Sam Barlow had some trouble of their own. Barlow received a revolver shot in the leg.

Mine #2 of Johnston City will soon be ready to commence putting in buildings and machinery. They are down to a depth of 110 feet. TL 6 Dec 1900

Marriage licenses this month

W.W, Gulledge, Marion & Minnie Gold, Canaville

W.H. Weber, Marion & Annie Cowan, Carterville

Wesley Swafford, Marion & Edney Groves, Marion

J.H. Troxel, Herrin & Sarah Rice, Herrin

Chas. W. Schwerdt, Evansville & Bertha Cantor, Marion

Fred Teague, Carterville & Daisy Watson, Carterville   TL 6 Dec 1900

Johnston City   Edgar Harris, son of Uncle Isham Harris, has been sent to the Anna Hospital for treatment.

Mary Hathaway and Eugene Pike were married Sunday at the home of the bride’s parents. She has been clerking at Leigh Store Company and he is one of our reliable carpenters from the laying out of the town. TL 13 Dec 1900

Southern   Delbert Ward was born 14 May 1865 and killed in a mine 29 Nov 1900. He married Rosilia Smith 19 Jan 1890. On Thanksgiving Day, he ate his last dinner with his family and went to work and died at 4 o’clock. He is survived by a wife, 5 children, an aged father, 2 sisters and 4 brothers. Burial was at Fountain. TL 13 Dec 1900

Mrs. J.B. Roberts committed suicide Tuesday night at her son’s home in Makanda. She was found about 4 o’clock hanging to a bedpost in her room. She had been in poor health since her husband’s death. TL 20 Dec 1900

Bainbridge   Rev. Timothy Cagle has returned from Kentucky where he met his sister for the first time in 65 years. He will be 75 on Jan 6 and she is 12 years older.   TL 20 Dec 1899

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Johnston City — “Dick” Jones received a slight injury while driving in the mine last Monday.

A good vein of the “black diamond” was struck at 116 feet. As reported, the coal is overlaid with 15 feet of solid limestone.

Lewis Kuykendall left for Kentucky Monday to visit his father and mother. IL 20 Dec 1900

Amanda J. Pulley, nee GoodalL, was born 18 Aug 1825 in Wilson County, Tennessee and died 20 Dec 1900. She came to Williamson County at the age of 4 years. They settled 2 1/2 miles southeast of Marion. She was the second of 14 children who have all gone before except F.M. Goodall, Mrs. Susan Spiller and Mrs. Mary Gray. She married James D. Pulley in 1847 and they had 8 children: Sarah Ann Young, William 3., John H., Nannie White, Annette, James D. & Charles (twins) and Monroe C. All have preceded her except William, Nannie and James. She leaves 3 grandchildren to whom she was a mother: James M. Young, Mrs. Laura Snider and Charles F. Young. Also, a grandson, Amzi Young. She was left a widow in 1866 with 5 small children. She is probably the oldest resident of Marion. TL 27 Dec 1900

Dr. Edward L. Denison was born 16 Aug 1835 at Senaca, New York and died Sunday. He had been to the country to attend a patient and was sitting and talking to his wife. He complained of feeling bad and sank in death. He moved to Huron County, Ohio in 1844 and to McHenry County, Illinois 10 years later. He attended college at Marengo and came to Southern Illinois in 1857. He taught school in Jackson, Union and Williamson Counties and studied medicine. He graduated from Chicago Medical School in 1866. He married 31 Mar 1861 Marietta Bentley, daughter of Alonzo and Rachel Bentley and sister of Dr. W.H. Bentley of this city. In 1888, he moved with his family to Spokane Falls, Washington. He returned 2 weeks ago to his old home to which his family had came to 6 months before. The day before his death, he was heard to remark that he came back to his old home to spend his remaining days among his friends of former years. He was a member of the State Legislature 1868-69. He is survived by a brother, Charles H. Denison of Marion, sons, Emmett L. and Charles H. now living in Spokane Falls, Washington, Dr. Edward Lyman Denison of Chicago and a daughter, Carrie M., a widow. He was a Mason and a member of the Christian Church. TL 27 Dec 1900

Johnston City   J.E. Pike, age 32 years, died 20 Dec 1900 and was buried in Jeffersonville Cemetery. He suffered two weeks with rheumatism and heart disease.

We have a new bakery. TL 27 Dec 1900

Alice Dorris and John C. Coons were married 23 Dec. TL 27 Dec 1900

Griffin Young of Battle Creek, Michigan and Mattie Maltby of Johnston City were married Christmas night. TL 27 Dec 1900

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