1912, News Clippings, October thru December


Mrs. Ezra Dillon shot her husband, the street cleaner, Monday night. He did not want to press charges, so she released from detention Wednesday. She rushed to her home and infant. Her mother, Mrs. Wolverton of Carterville, came over Wednesday and spent the day with her. She is 18 and he is 37. She was angered by his alleged relations with a 14-year-old girl. The shooting took place at Maiaer’s livery barn where she found him preparing to enter a buggy for a drive to a beer house. He told her to shut up and go home and take care of the baby. She shot him with a 44 in the muscle of his right arm. In jail, she said he had beat and abused her. He said he had in times past whipped her, but not lately. EP Thursday, 3 Oct 1912

John Burns, 64, of New Denison, a veteran miller of the county, died Tuesday from liver and bowel trouble. He leaves a wife and children: Dr. J.E. Burns, Mrs. Wilbur Furlong, Wallace, Bert and Rudolph, all living at New Denison. Burial will be in Rose Hill cemetery. EP 3 Oct 1912

A marriage license was issued Monday to Frank Moak, 25, Hudgens & Mattie Harris, 19, Whiteash. EP 3 Oct 1912

Dr. Zach Hudson, who recently sold his Hupp roadster, has returned from St. Louis with a fine five passenger Rambler which is now to be seen in the streets here. EP 3 Oct 1912

Marriage licenses issued Tuesday

William Adams, 43 & Jessie Bames, 32, both of Herrin

Raymond Barter, 20 & Edith Absher, 20, both of Crab Orchard

Charles Byrd, 21, Herrin & Martha McKown, 22, Johnston City EP 3 Oct 1912

Grand Jury indictments

William M. Abney, murder of T.J. Smothers

William Black, murder of Andy Jones

Mike Russo, murder of Mrs. Anna Manfredo

Robert Simpson, burglary and larceny

Jim Ates, burglary and larceny

John Kitt, burglary and larceny. He is the strange Negro who locked a fellow up in the refrigerator at Colp and robbed the meat market.

Ernest Marshall, rape     EP 3 Oct 1912

Roy Webb, 22, died Monday at the home of his father, F.L. Webb, 713 North Madison, after an illness of about a year. EP 3 Oct 1912

Mrs. John H. Duncan, accompanied by Mrs. G.W. Mercer and daughter, Miss Florence, left Wednesday with a couple of little orphans named Hall from Johnston City. They will be placed in the Christian Orphans home there. EP 3 Oct 1912

W.A. Wood of New Burnside died at his home Saturday. EP 3 Oct 1912

Myrtle Ritchey and Mont 0. Zimmerman, both of this city, were married Saturday in Springfield. The bride is a niece of Mrs. P. Rick, wife of the West Side Hotel proprietor. The groom came here from St. Louis and is a book keeper at Peabody Coal Co. here. EP 3 Oct 1912

Work on the county’s new jail began this week. The excavating work is finished and connections made with the water mains. The work of laying the foundation will begin next week. EP Monday, 7 Oct 1912

Feldon Wilson, 30 & Nellie Lindsey, 19, both colored of Dewmaine, were married Wednesday. EP 7 Oct 1912

A girl, their second child, was born to Mr. & Mrs. Roy Grider, 905 North State. EP 7 Oct 1912

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Marriage licenses issued Wednesday

Tony Vegessi, 24 & Carolina Berre, 20, both of Clifford

Joe Lineti, 24 & Anna Kubelino, 17, both of Herrin EP 7 Oct 1912

Roy E. Webb, son of Mr. & Mrs. F.L. Webb, was born 25 Nov 1889 in Johnson County and died 30 Sep 1912. He leaves his parents and one brother, Edna Webb [as written] of Denver, Colo. EP 7 Oct 1912

Will Duncan, unmarried, aged 36, driver at Rend mine north of Herrin, fell in front of a pit car and it went over him. He was fatally injured. EP Thursday, 10 Oct 1912

A meeting took place Wednesday on the Illinois Central platform when three brothers who had been parted for 37 years, were joined. They are Rev. William Banks of Herrin, Dave Banks of Clarence, Colo. and Robert Banks of Gilbertsville, Ky. Until a few months ago they had not corresponded and none knew the whereabouts of each other. EP 10 Oct 1912

Marriage licenses issued Monday

Walter Emerson, 26 & Gertrude Holdrege, 28, both of Chicago

Clyde Cook, 21, Harrisburg & Estella Cook, 20, Marion

Licenses Issued Saturday

Sam 0. Lindsey, 21 & Verlie Benton, both of Herrin

Urban Bryn, 21 & Ethel Ohle, 19, both of Johnston City EP 10 Oct 1912

Christine Senter of Paducah, KY. and Albert Singleton of Mayfield, KY., were married Saturday at Metropolis. They then came to this city and were entertained at a twelve o’clock dinner at the home of the bride’s aunt, Mrs. F.G. Davis. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Nan Senter, formerly of here and a granddaughter of Mrs. A.C. Reynolds of this city. The groom begins duties Monday as cook at the Little Gem Restaurant. EP 10 Oct 1912

Clyde C. Cook and Estella Cook were married Monday. They have been married before and divorced. The bride was formerly Estella Youngkins. He is 21 and she is 20. EP 10 Oct 1912

Funeral services for Mrs. George A. Henshaw were held Thursday in Oklahoma City. Burial was at Fairlawn. Mrs. Martha A. Leonard, mother of Mrs. Henshaw, arrived at the family residence from Illinois. EP 10 Oct 1912

A boy, the third child and first boy, was born to Mr. & Mrs. Fred Landers. EP 10 Oct 1912

A new born baby of Mr. & Mrs. John Fisher, living near the White school house west of Marion, died Sunday. Burial was in Rose Hill cemetery. EP 10 Oct 1912

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Joseph Prince, two-year-old son of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Prince, Italians at Scottsboro, choked to death Friday on a screw which became fastened in his windpipe. Burial will be in the Catholic Cemetery in Herrin. The name is also given as Printz. EP Monday, 14 Oct 1912

Mrs. John Mauer of this city has gone to Lebanon to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Joenna Stiedle who died Wednesday at the age of 70. EP 14 Oct 1912

Marriage licenses issued Friday

Lawrence V. Fletcher, 24, Banklick & Floy Searles, 20, Thompsonville

Leo Walker, 18, Herrin & Eva Whitesides, 18, Cobden

Chas. J. Motsinger, 41 & Laura Cline, 57, both of Crab Orchard

Frank Chapman, 22 & Hester Emeret, 19, both of Clifford EP 14 Oct 1912

A low split bottom rocking chair which was taken from Robert G. Ingersoll’s father for a debt in 1850 when the family lived here, is a historic article of furniture that is owned by a Marion lady, “Aunt” Martha Goodall, living on West Main Street. The chair is now at the E.T. Durham grocery on South Market Street, where it was left for a few days by D.A. Davis, who is repairing it. The chair was the property of Robert G. Ingersoll’s father at the time the family lived here and when the great orator was a very small boy. Misfortune came the father’s way and he was obliged to let his furniture go to pay debts. The chair went to the late Jim Aikman, father of J.M. Aikman, the first husband of Aunt Martha Goodall. It has ever since been in her possession and has been in use daily. It is not a great deal unlike other split bottom rockers but because of its relation to the Ingersoll family it became a highly prized piece. EP 14 Oct 1912

[Note: This rocker is now (2005) in the boys bedroom of the Williamson County Historical Society Museum, 105 South Van Buren Street, Marion, IL.]

A baby born Thursday to Mrs. Gussie Howard, wife of Oscar Howard, at the home of her father, B.F. Owens, west of this city, died a number of hours later. EP 14 Oct 1912

Marriage licenses issued Thursday

William L. Henderson, 19 & Lora E. Cannon, 16, both of Cottage Home

August H. Broeking, 23 & Gertrude Feurer, 21, both of Marion EP 14 Oct 1912

A boy was born to Mr. & Mrs. Ottie Cline. EP 14 Oct 1912

August H. Broeking, son of August Broeking and Gertrude Feurer, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. E.C. Feurer, were married Thursday. EP 14 Oct 1912

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Charlie Baldisino, a Whiteash Italian and son of Nick Baldisino, a merchant at Marion, was arrested Wednesday for trying to pass counterfeit fifty cent pieces in Johnston City. Sixteen pieces of the money was found on him. EP 14 Oct 1912

A marriage licenses was issued Thursday to Clyde M. Cochran, 20 and Pauline Chance, 21, both of Marion. EP 14 Oct 1912

A.R. Robinson, a former Mt. Vernon hotel man, died Thursday of Bright’s disease at his home in Creal Springs. He was 68 and had been living at Creal Springs. Burial will be at Wayne City. EP 14 Oct 1912

Harrisburg Chronicle  While playing near a small pond near Ledford Sunday morning, a boy discovered the lifeless body of Starney Jennilla, the eight-year-old deaf and dumb lad who so mysteriously disappeared from his home one week previous. The most feasible theory is the boy was drowned by his dog. He was in the habit of leading the dog around with a string and was probably throwing sticks in the pond and the dog jerked him in. EP Thursday, 17 Oct 1912

J.V. Smith, 55, of Creal Springs, died Sunday at the Mayfield Sanitarium in St. Louis following an operation Saturday. He had been ill for some time and it was thought he had appendicitis. In the operation it was discovered he suffered from a tuberous growth in the side and could not live. He leaves the following children: Mrs. Clara Darnell, Mrs. Minnie Darnell and Mrs. Myrtle Darnell all of Fordville, Mrs. Dona Creal of Marion, Hosea Smith of Fordville and Ben Smith of Creal Springs. Burial will be at Creal Springs. EP 17 Oct 1912

A little baby of Mr. & Mrs. P.O. Smith, who moved from Chester to this city Sunday before the little one passed away, died about 2 o’clock Monday evening. It was their only child. Burial was in Rose Hill. EP 17 Oct 1912

Cora Nelson, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. W.S. Nelson, died Saturday at the family home in Johnston City. Had she lived until December, she would have been 26 years old. All her life she has been afflicted and helpless. Burial was at Fountain, south of this city. EP 17 Oct 1912

A six-month-old baby of Mr. & Mrs. Jnergo Sgrmbra, Italians living at 1505 West Dewey, died Sunday. Burial was in the Catholic cemetery at Herrin. EP 17 Oct 1912

Marriage licenses issued Monday

Flaminio Eurihl, 25 & Favolina Galli, 22, both of Johnston City

Frank L. Gunter, 30 & Ethel Coleman, 19, both of Stonefort EP 17 Oct 1912

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Judge W.C.S. Rhea, accompanied by Judge Geo. W. Sawyer, left Wednesday for Anna where he will enter the medical department of the state hospital through his own petition filed in the county Wednesday. The judge is suffering again from nervous trouble and asked permission for treatment in the hope and belief that he will be benefited by them. EP 17 Oct 1912

Marie Oneal, five-year-old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Art Oneal, was so badly burned Monday when her dress caught fire from matches she was playing with, that she is dying. EP 17 Oct 1912

Though workmen on the new Williamson County jail have not yet more than begun work on the foundation, the keys to the jail are now here and in the hands of County Clerk John M. Dodd. The cells, with their locks, etc, are to be supplied by the Pauly Jail and Iron Company of St. Louis. They have been made and to guard against possible attempts at duplication of the keys, they were sent out ahead of time. EP 17 Oct 1912

Marriage licenses issued Saturday

Brince Armstrong, 19 & Eunice Phemister, 19, both of Carterville

Giovini Perrello, 30 & Rosario Perrillo, 22, both of Marion

S.B. Meredith, 62, Stonefort & Manerva Taylor, 63, Creal    EP 17 Oct 1912

Attorney Joseph A. Meade of East Chicago, Indiana and Alberta Campbell were married Saturday at the home of the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. & Mrs. T.J. Binkley on North Market Street, where she had been living the last few years. The groom is a former Marion boy, son of Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Meade. They left for East Chicago, where they will reside. EP Monday, 21 Oct 1912

Mrs. Luther Pritchett died Friday at the family home at 500 East Parham. Her death followed a few days the birth of her first born, a fine healthy girl. She was 18 years, 11 months and 4 days old. She was married on January 20, last. Her name was Lora Bradley, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Sam Bradley. She leaves besides the husband, daughter, and parents, the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Sherman Perry and Mrs. W.L. Perry of this city, Mrs. Oscar Cash of near Creal Springs, Misses Lulu and Lilly Bradley of this city and Jack, William and Jeff Bradley all of this city. Her husband is the son of Justice George Pritchett. His own health is failing. Burial was in Rose Hill. EP 21 Oct 1912

Marriage licenses issued Friday

J. Carter, 36, Dewmaine & Gertrude Sams, 22, Mound City

W.J. Smothers, 26 & Bonnie Andrews, 18, both of Marion. EP 21 Oct 1912

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Little Marie Oneal, who was badly burned, has a chance for recovery. EP 21 Oct 1912

A girl was born to Mr. & Mrs. Glen Goddard, their second child and first girl. EP 21 Oct 1912

John R. Finley, a Marion insurance man, was charged with wife desertion. His wife is suffering with tuberculosis and is so wasted that she is unable to go up a flight of stairs. She is a sister to his first wife, who died a victim of the same disease. EP 21 Oct 1912

Marriage licenses issued Wednesday

John Vanionskas, 29 & Evas Ukanutte, 20, both of Clifford

Harry Robinson, 20 & Jennie Hewlett, 17, both of Herrin EP 21 Oct 1912

Mary Josephine Davis, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Davis, died Thursday of scarlet fever. She was their only child and would have been three years old next December 20. She will be laid to rest in Rose Hill cemetery Saturday without services. EP 21 Oct 1912

Frank Johnston died Tuesday after suffering many months from tuberculosis. He died in the prime of life. He leaves a brother, Claude Johnston and a sister, Miss Grace. His mother, Mrs. Martha Johnston, died a few months ago. Burial was in Rose Hill cemetery. EP Thursday, 24 Oct 1912

The body of Mrs. Richard Starnes who died of tuberculosis at her home in Osceola, Arkansas, arrived here Monday. She was 40 years old. Funeral services were held at the home of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. W.H. Forebush, 205 North Bentley, with burial in Rose Hill. She was born in Carbondale. EP 24 Oct 1912

A marriage license was issued Tuesday to Bob Wisawski, 24 & Stafauge Glanc, 19, both of Spillertown. EP 24 Oct 1912

Marriage licenses issued Monday

Andrew J. Tygett, 22 & Lora E. Hopkins, 18, both of Carterville G.F. Comstock, 22, Carbondale & Hattie G. Holland, 19, Marion EP 24 Oct 1912

A Russian woman, Anna Chernalis, was adjudged insane and taken to Anna for treatment. EP 24 Oct 1912

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Baker Borton, cracker jack first baseman on the Chicago White Sox, and his young wife arrived here for a visit with home folks before going to St. Joseph, Mo. where they will live until next season. EP 24 Oct 1912

Joe Carnaghi and Grace Adams of Herrin, who applied for a marriage license Saturday and were refused until later when the girl’s father filed an oath that she was 16 years of age, were given a license and were married before they left here. EP 24 Oct 1912

Hattie Holland, daughter of C.T. Holland, and G. Fred Comstock were married by Rev. F.W. SPICER. EP 24 Oct 1912

Marriage licenses issued Saturday

J.S. Barwick, 34, Carterville & Dora McCane, 26, Hurst

Joe Carnaghi, 21 & Grace Adams, 16, both of Herrin

John Marcunk, 27 & Mary Panas, both of Weaver EP 24 Oct 1912

Marriage licenses issued Friday

Barney Bolinski, 21 & Nettie Williams, 16, both of Clifford
Donne Lejrune, 50 & Wilma Lecross, 49, both of Marion EP Monday, 28 Oct 1912

The fifteen-month-old baby of Mr. & Mrs. Hosea Robinson died Wednesday of pneumonia fever. Burial was in Rose Hill cemetery. EP 28 Oct 1912

Marriage licenses issued Thursday

Thomas Gardner, 27, Johnston City & Mary Warwick, Novinger, Mo.

John Stahlheber, 27, Zeigler & Minnie North, 19, Pinckneyville

J.H. Bord [Boyd]. 27 & Viva Lind, 18, both of Stonefort     EP 28 Oct 1912

Joseph Blackburn, a coal miner, claiming this city as his home, shot and killed a man in a duel Thursday at Taylorville. Inquiry about this city Friday resulted in finding no one who ever knew a man by that name here. EP 28 Oct 1912

John Riggs died Monday at his home at Halfway. He was 83 years and 5 days. Death was said to be from excessive use of tobacco which he used believing it gave him relief from catarrh from which he suffered for many years. He was taken ill Sunday evening and his family discovered he had swallowed practically all of the tobacco he had chewed during the day or so previous. He was a soldier of two wars, the Mexican War and Civil War, He was born in Tennessee and came to this section forty years ago. He leaves a wife and children: Sam Riggs of Anna, Albert Riggs of St. Louis, Nicholas Riggs, a merchant at Halfway and Mrs. Mary Ingram of near McLeansboro. Burial will be at Union Grove. EP Thursday, 31 Oct 1912

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Hardy A. Perry, 30, of Hudgens and Ida Mann, 28, of Johnston City, were married Wednesday. EP 31 Oct 1912

Mrs. N.L. Stone left Thursday for Anna in response to a message that her grandson, the fourteen-year-old son of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hertz, had died of diphtheria. EP 31 Oct 1912

Marriage licenses issued Saturday

John Swatzell, 19 & Flora Lane, 18, both of Herrin

W.H. McInturff, 30 & Annie Harris, 28, both of Hudgens

John B. Pillow, 28 & Nellie M. Barth, 20, both of Marion EP 31 Oct 1912

Marriage licenses issued Tuesday

Bill Minchokoski, 22 & Victoria Bolinski, 18, both of Royalton

Tony Frank, 22 & Della Warren, 21, both of Marion

William G. Smith, 37, Ewing & Oma Atchison, 25, Belle Rive EP 31 Oct 1912

John B. Pillow, son of Mr. & Mrs. John M. Pillow, and Nellie M. Barth, daughter of Uncle John Barth and wife, were married Sunday. EP 31 Oct 1912

Mrs. Patience Parks, known by her friends as “Aunt Pate,” died Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Askew. She was 76 and death was due to old age and a broken hip three years ago. She was the only surviving sister of “Grandma” Cline, perhaps the best-known elderly lady in this city. Her death and that of their only brother about which news was received here two hours after her death Saturday, leavers Mrs. Cline the sole survivor of a large family. The brother, John R. Absher, died in Sumner County, Tennessee on August 26, but news of his death was not sent until this time. Besides Mrs. Askew, she leaves sons: R.D. Parks and Wess Parks, both of this county and Charley Parks of Texas. Burial was at the old Motsinger camp ground. [Shed] EP 31 Oct 1912


Guy B. Bradley, a Johnson County citizen, died Wednesday at the home of his father, Beverly Bradley in the west part of this city. He was employed by contractor J.B. Walker and on Tuesday while at work, was taken with an illness so critical that it was necessary to take him in an automobile to the home of his parents. He was suffering from congestion of the stomach and died in less than 24 hours. He was 36 years old and leaves a wife and six sons. The oldest is a deaf mute aged 13, who has been attending the state school for the deaf and dumb at Jacksonville and arrived in this city Thursday night and accompanied the remains to the old home in Johnson County for burial. He also leaves his aged father, three sisters, three brothers and two half-sisters, one of whom is Mrs. Joe Walker of Marion. EP 4 Nov 1912

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John R. Riggs was born 23 Oct 1829 in McMinn County, Tennessee and died 28 Oct 1912. He married Zella Hendrickson 20 Mar 1862. To this union was born eight boys and two girls, five of which died at a tender age. He was a Private in Capt. Loyal’s Independent Company of Georgia Volunteers in the Mexican War and he was also in the War of the Rebellion. He leaves a wife and five children.  EP 4 Nov 1912

Mrs. Elbert Sanders died Wednesday at his hometown south of Johnston City. A baby was born the same day and did not survive. She leaves a husband, three small children, her aged parents, MR. & Mrs. “Doc” Norman and a brother Charley Norman of Trinidad, Colo. Funeral services were held at the family home and burial was in Maplewood cemetery. EP 4 Nov 1912

Walter C. Rogers, 30, a farmer living two miles north of Pittsburg, is lying at the point of death from wounds self-inflicted with suicidal intent on Thursday. Worry over the division of his mother’s estate is attributed as the cause. A few days since his mother started to make a division of her possessions, a fine large farm north of Pittsburg. Though there are only two children, Rogers and Mrs. Thomas Harris, the mother could not make a division to suit her son. EP 4 Nov 1912

Marriage licenses issued Saturday

George Ceresoli, 21 & Mary Lwonitti, 18, both of Bush

Chris Airghi, 28 & Mary Carneghi, 18, both of Herrin

Albert Rose, 27 & Albina Ciworowiezer, 29, both of Royalton EP 4 Nov 1912

Notice of publication

Mabel Rutledge Vs Verner Rutledge, he a non-resident, bill for divorce. EP 4 Nov 1912

Final settlement notice

E.E. Pulley administrator of estate of John A. Burgner, deceased. EP 4 Nov 1912

Former Marionite’s Trouble   Noah Bridenstein, 38, living at Eldorado with a wife and three children, was arrested Friday on a charge of criminal assault. The complaining witness was Mrs. Dare, a young married woman who was on her way from Missouri to visit her father, Logan Belt, in Hardin County. She arrived in Eldorado shortly before 9 p.m. on the Big Four and was making inquiry about a hotel. Bridenstein picked up her suitcase and told her he would conduct her to a hotel. Thinking he was a hotel runner, she followed him until they reached a very dark and secluded spot about two blocks from the depot. He left the sidewalk and started around a building and when she refused to follow him, he seized her by the throat and choked and dragged her until her screams brought several men to the scene. He fled, but she gave such a good description he was easily identified. EP Monday, 11 Nov 1912

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The funeral service over the body of Rev. S.L. Hearn, who died Tuesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E.H. Scoby, was held Wednesday at Union Grove Church. The body was laid to rest there. EP 11 Nov 1912

Bessie Day Norman, wife of F.M. Norman, was born 6 Jul 1888 in Beren County, KY and died 4 Nov 1912. She married 15 Oct 1905. She leaves a father, three brothers and two sisters. EP 11 Nov 1912

The newborn baby boy of Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Reynolds was born Tuesday and died Thursday. This was their first child. Burial was in Barham Cemetery. EP 11 Nov 1912

Mrs. C.T. Holland was called to Creal Springs by the death of her mother, Mrs. C.C. Roland on Monday. She was 86, born in Tennessee and moved to Pope County, Ill. while very young. She moved to Creal Springs about 18 years ago. She also leaves another daughter, Mrs. M.J. Lauderdale of Creal Springs, one brother and one sister. EP 11 Nov 1912

Walter C. Rogers is getting along better than at first hoped and it is thought he will recover. He is a son-in-law of John Huffman. EP 11 Nov 1912

Marriage licenses issued Tuesday & Wednesday

Robert Banks, 21 & Olivia Moore, 19, both of Herrin

Lee H. Baysinger, 27 & Lillie Roberts, 19, both of Marion

Giaconna Bandera, 28 & Carolina Valloni, 26, both of Herrin

Carlo Branca, 26 & Germania Rodoni, 18, both of Herrin EP 11 Nov 1912

The five-month-old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Blumerstock died Tuesday. Funeral services were held near Crab Orchard where burial also occurred. [Crab Orchard Church & Cemetery?] EP 11 Nov 1912

Mrs. John W. Burnett died Thursday at her home in Creal Springs of cancerous troubles. Burial was at Creal Springs. EP 11 Nov 1912

Cleveland Kirk, a young Herrin man, was accidentally shot and killed Tuesday while hunting by a companion, Charley Corbitt. He was hit in the leg above the knee and died almost immediately, the shock causing death. He was the son of Will Kirk of Herrin. EP Thursday, 14 Nov 1912

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A marriage license was issued Monday to Harrison Waldron, 21 and Lula Green, 18, both of Cambria. EP 14 Nov 1912

Marriage licenses issued Saturday

William F. Spiller, 53 & Sarah D. Eason, 48, both of Fordville

Roy Vanbarber, 25 & Ethel Phemister, 22, both of Herrin

B.H. Brown, 27 & Mabel Butler, 19, both of Herrin   EP 14 Nov 1912

A girl was born Sunday to Mr. & Mrs. Chesley Sanders of Cottage Home, their first child. The mother was formerly Miss Mellie Brown of this city. EP 14 Nov 1912

John Edwards Dwyer, of Scottsboro, died Tuesday at his home. He was over 30 years and had lived here nine years. He leaves a mother and sisters and brothers: William Dwyer of Gillespie, Ill, Ornelius Dwyer of Scottsboro, Mrs. Kate Patterson, widow of William Patterson who was killed in the Big Muddy accident several months ago and Mrs. George Thomas of this city. He also leaves half-brothers: John and George Connell both of Scottsboro. His step father, John Connell, died at Scottsboro a number of months ago. Burial will be in Rose Hill Cemetery. EP 14 Nov 1912

Mrs. Wiley Turner died Monday at her home near Absher. Burial was at Coal Bank. EP 14 Nov 1912

Stephen Lee Hearn was born near Lebanon, Wilson County, Tennessee 17 Apr 1833 and died 5 Nov 1912 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E.H. Scobey. His father died when he was a small boy and he came to Illinois with his mother about 60 years ago. He was the youngest of a large family and the last to be called home and we trust the prayers of a widowed mother were answered yesterday when her youngest and last child was called home to Heaven. He in early life gave himself to Christ and for about 37 years he has spent preaching the gospel in this and adjoining counties. He was united in marriage to Miss Phoebe Hendrickson 10 Oct 1861. Their children: Walter died in infancy, Lowe, Oran, Mammie, Lizzie, Burnett, Hester, Alma and Jammie. His wife died 14 years ago. He was a member of Old Squat M.E. Church. He helped to build the first church at Union Grove, being a carpenter he was very active and a leader in building. He was also a leader in building the new church, although on account of his age he did no manual labor, yet you can see his labors in many places. EP 14 Nov 1912

John McGill was shot three times at Herrin Friday night and it is believed he will die. He was shot by a man named Thompson, the husband of McGill’s former wife. McGill had gone to Thompson’s home and attempted to see his former wife and made dire threats. McGill is a well-known police character. He has been shot several times. Two or three times it was thought he could not live but he always managed to do so. He has been in jail here more often than any other man and he is an ex-convict. EP Monday, 18 Nov 1912

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George Thompson Jr, night engineer at the power plant of the Marion Electric Light, Water & Power Co., perhaps fatally injured Saturday by having one of his arms drawn into some huge cogs and ground off between the elbow and shoulder. EP 18 Nov 1912

Louie Newton of Scottsboro and Myrtle Ward of this city were married Saturday at Murphysboro. They were accompanied by the bride’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ward. The groom is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Luke Newton of Scottsboro. EP 18 Nov 1912

Marriage licenses issued Friday and Saturday

Rufus Tanner, 22, Stonefort & Miranda Motsinger, 19, Creal Springs

Robert Long, 24 & Omey Pedigo, 24, both of Herrin

Willard Johnston, 37, DuQuoin & Mary Smith, 29, Dewmaine EP 18 Nov 1912

Sheriff M.L. Duncan Received a nice present, a gift from a friend living in another state. It is a solid gold officer’s star, finely engraved and embellished with the black enamel letters, “Sheriff, Williamson County, Ill.” The piece is worth more than $25. It has replaced a once-gold badge he has been wearing since being in office. EP 18 Nov 1912

Old Age and Youth Hook Up   A Murphysboro judge, G.W. Andrews, who has outlived three score and ten years, and a young woman, Miss Dora Davis, aged 26, eloped to St. Louis and were there married. They have gone on a bridal tour and before they get back home will have seen Niagara Falls. EP 18 Nov 1912

Little Marie O’neal, the five-year-old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Art O’Neal, 201 North Vicksburg, died Thursday. She was badly burned 14 Oct. There are two other daughters in the family. Burial will be in Maplewood Cemetery. EP 18 Nov 1912

Card of Thanks   For assistance during the last month both before and following the death of our beloved little one, Marie, who died on Wednesday from burns received in an accident in our home. MR & Mrs. Art O’Neal. EP 18 Nov 1912

John Lindsey of Buckner was charged with killing Jack Scarlett about a month ago in Franklin County. EP 18 Nov 1912

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Marriage licenses issued Thursday and Friday

Willis Sanders, 23 & Fleetah Freeman, 18, both of Pittsburg

Richard White, 28, Dewmaine & Frances Hogan, 21, DuQuoin

J.F. Smothers, 42, Harrisburg & Mary E. Rice, 39, Murphysboro

Joe Malinskis, 22 & Oni Gudalancti, 20, both of Johnston City EP 18 Nov 1912

Ed Ward, 47, a former Marion citizen, engineer at the power plant of the Coal Belt between here and Fordville, died Saturday night while on duty. In some manner he fell into one of the great engines and was found with his head beneath the rapidly moving pistons. He leaves a wife and five children two of whom are married. He was born and reared in Grassy Township in this county. Burial was at Grassy. EP Thursday, 21 Nov 1912

L.A. Sanders and Minnie Harris were married Wednesday at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. W.T. Harris. The bride is a school teacher and the groom is employed at the post office. EP 21 Nov 1912

Jackson Boyd, 66, living north of this city about two miles, died Tuesday. He leaves several children. Burial was at Fairview Church near Willeford. EP 21 Nov 1912

A marriage license was issued Tuesday to Harvey Dillon, 26 and Viola Stentz, 19, both of Herrin. EP 21 Nov 1912

The two-and-a-half-year-old child of Mr. & Mrs. W.R. King died Tuesday. Burial was at Mt. Pleasant. EP 21 Nov 1912

John McGill died Sunday of pistol shot wounds. Frank Ripey was charged with murder. Mrs. Ripey, McGill’s former wife, was also held. Mrs. Ripey shot and almost killed him one time. She is also the woman over whom McGill and another fellow had a shooting match about two years ago in Herrin, at which time McGill was dangerously wounded. The body was brought here to the home of his brother, Raymond McGill. [A lengthy account.] EP 21 Nov 1912

R.M. Turner and Jane Reed, both of Crab Orchard, were married at the home of the bride’s grandfather Reed. EP 21 Nov 1921

Bessie Chamness, 24, oldest child of Mr. & Mrs. Ben Chamness, living near Cedar Grove, died Tuesday of typhoid fever. EP 21 Nov 1912

Marriage licenses issued Saturday

Chas. Hains, 22 & Myrtle Roberts, 19, both of Carbondale

George Sargent, 25, Murphysboro & Bessie Dunston, 18, Marion

Walter Harris, 21 & Hattie Rowe, 18, both of Herrin EP 21 Nov 1912

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Mrs. William McGill, living in the south part of the county, died Sunday. The funeral was at Fountain Church. EP 21 Nov 1912

A marriage license was issued Monday to John Monroe, 22, Carrier Mills and Maude Miller, 19, Stonefort. EP 21 Nov 1912

The body of a small child of a family named Dodds, living at West Frankfort, was brought through here Saturday enroute to Grider, Ky. for burial. EP Monday, 25 Nov 1912

Who is Isaac Clayton?   Mrs. Bertha Kraft, 1205 East 59th Street, Los Angeles, Calif., has addressed a letter to the police of this city asking for information relative to the whereabouts of her father, Isaac Clayton. He is a man 60 years old and not large in size. He once was a blacksmith and worked for the Deere Plow Co. of Moline, Ill. His daughter has not seen him for 17 years and does not know where he is, more than perhaps he is in Williamson County. EP 25 Nov 1912

G.J. Owens, 65, living at Red Row, north of this city, died Wednesday of tuberculosis. He leaves a wife and 12 children: Mrs. Eva Douglas, Mrs. Bertha Wicks, Laura, Rena, Lela, William, Gilford, Cherry, Thomas, Harrison, Charley and Arthur. He also leaves one brother and two sisters. Burial was in Rose Hill Cemetery. EP 25 Nov 1912

A boy, their sixth child, was born to Rev. and Mrs. James Williams, 807 North Vicksburg. EP 25 Nov 1912

Mrs. Thomas Guffey, wife of the man who was shot to death in a duel with his sister-in-law at Carterville ten weeks ago, was the first wife of John McGill who was shot to death a few nights ago. Mrs. Guffey was Miss Oda Mousehart. Mrs. Frank Rippey, who with her husband is in jail charged with murdering John McGill, was also a former wife of the dead man. EP 25 Nov 1912

Herrin Girl Disappears   The fourteen-year-old daughter of Andrew Carraghan, of Herrin, has been missing from her home since Monday. She told her family a few days ago she intended to leave and threatened to kill herself. She was dressed in a brown cloak, white cap with red trimmings and has light hair. She had $5 in money. It is thought she may have gone to St. Louis. EP 25 Nov 1912

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Ed Carson Disappears Ed Carson, a well-known and highly respected young man of the city has disappeared from his home here. He has been gone several days. Mrs. Carson and also his mother, Mrs. J.B. Harris, have received several letters from him written while he was in St. Louis stating that he was going west. No cause is given for his peculiar action. He has been living here several years and until the present has always borne an excellent reputation for honesty, integrity and good habits. EP 25 Nov 1912

A boy was born to Mr. & Mrs. Lucian Holland. EP 25 Nov 1912

Marriage licenses issued Thursday

F.A. Norman, 33 & Ora Smoot, 25, both of Marion

Nick Curinga, 27 & Angeline Ielase, 33, both of Johnston City   EP 24 Nov 1912

Arthur Norman, son of H.E. Norman, and Ora Smoot, daughter of Rev. & Mrs. L.L. Smoot, were married Thursday. EP 25 Nov 1912

Robert Field, section laborer on the Coal Belt, was found dead Tuesday in a shanty where he batched at Fordville. He had been dead for two or three days. If he had any relatives anywhere in the world, he never told of them, and unable to find anyone to claim the body, he was buried in the potter’s field. EP 25 Nov 1912

Lena Gill, 20, of this city and Dr. Carter Foltz, 24, of Western, Neb. were married Friday. The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. E.E. Gill And the groom is the son of Mr. & Mrs. 0. Foltz of this city. He is a veterinary surgeon. He returned here about a week ago after finding a location in Nebraska. He is planning to soon return to Western, leaving his bride here a few weeks. EP 25 Nov 1912

While sitting in a rocker at his home at noon Thursday, George Hart passed away suddenly. He is survived by a wife and two children, Virgil and Harry. EP 25 Nov 1912

Mike Russio (Russo?) pled guilty to killing his mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary Manfredo and was sentenced to life Monday. By his side sat his consumptive wife whom he tried to slay before he killed his mother-in-law. Mike held one of their three children in his arms until time to step forward for sentencing. A movement is on foot to raise enough money to send the wife and children back to Italy where she has a mother and other close kin. She is in the advanced stages of tuberculosis. [A lengthy article.] EP Thursday, 28 Nov 1912

Nancy Smith, five-year-old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. George Smith of Clifford, was burned to death Tuesday night in her father’s barn. She was hunting eggs with her seven-year-old brother, carrying a lantern. Her clothing was ignited. Her brother ran for help, but when her parents reached the barn it was afire, and they could not enter. EP 28 Nov 1912

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S.E. Haines, 66, died Sunday. He had moved from Marion to Centralia and was on a business visit when he suffered a stroke one night last week at the National Restaurant. He suffered another stroke Sunday. He was born in North Carolina, coming to Illinois when 21 years old. He lived in Marion the last 12 years. His wife died six years ago and a son, Marion “Shorty” Haines, was killed while at work on a railway line in New Mexico and brought back here for burial. Mr. Haines leaves a daughter, Mrs. T.F. Womack of Centralia, a son, Louis who has just arrived from Canada and a son, Charley who is at work somewhere in British Columbia but cannot be located. He would have been 67 the 11th of next month. EP 28 Nov 1912

E.T. Oneal of Hurst and Rhea Harris of Carterville were married Monday. She is the daughter of James H. Harris. EP 28 Nov 1912

Bessie Chamness was born 21 Oct 1888 and died 19 Nov 1912, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ben C. Chamness. [A long obit.] EP 28 Nov 1912

Marriage licenses issued Monday

Herbert Hendrick, 27, Carbondale & Lina McClintock, Marion

E.T. Oneal, 25, Bush & Rhea Harris, 19, Carterville

Blaine Simmons, 21 & Lula Walls, 17, both of Creal Springs  EP 28 Nov 1912

A marriage licenses was issued Thursday to Fred Irwin, 25 and Mate Maller, 18, both of Marion. EP 28 Nov 1912


Creal Springs Tribune   In a letter to friends here Uncle John Dempsey, who is now at Clarkstown, Mo., announced his wedding. He is 94 years old. The Tribune wishes the young couple much joy. EP Monday, 2 Dec 1912

Marriage licenses issued Wednesday

B.K. Nall, 62, Johnston City & Mrs. Emma Nelms, 42, Herrin

James Poston, 28 & Mattie Ferrell, 26, both of Dewmaine

George Blackmore, 43 & Stella Addy, 33, both of Dewmaine EP 2 Dec 1912

Italian Children Dead   Joe Angelo, five-year-old son of Mr. & Mrs. Joe Angelo, died Tuesday at his home on West Dewey Street of pneumonia fever. Burial was at Johnston City. Also, an 11-month-old boy of Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Russio, living on West Faust Street, died Tuesday. Burial was at Johnston City. EP 5 Dec 1912

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Mary Eura, 27, colored, wife of James Eura, living on West Maplewood, died Tuesday evening following childbirth. She leaves a husband and five children. Burial will be at Dewmaine. EP 5 Dec 1912

Marriage licenses issued Saturday

Joe Carbonator, 26 & Minnie Detto, 20, both of Herrin

John F. Haynes, 28 & Birdie Sparks, 16, both of Herrin

Harry Gersbacher, 21 & Lillie Edwards, 20, both of Marion

Luther Gabrill, 22 & Rita Norman, 18, both of Marion

Bonnie White, 20, Creal Springs & Golda Peebles, 19, Marion EP 5 Dec 1912

Harry Gersbacher, son of Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gersbacher and Lillie Edwards, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. W.T. Edwards, were married Saturday. EP 5 Dec 1912

Mrs. John Moody Jr, living at Carterville District mine, died Sunday of tuberculosis. She leaves a husband, mother, Mrs. Jennie Erwin and brothers & sisters. She had been married about two years. Burial will be in Rose Hill Cemetery. EP 5 Dec 1912

Murphysboro Independent  Philip Russell, who accidentally shot himself in the bowels Saturday while hunting, died at 11:15 o’clock Sunday night. He was the son of Mr. & Mrs. James Russell of near Harrison and lacked thirty days of being 17 years old. EP 5 Dec 1912

Ed Carson, who suddenly disappeared from his home here recently, is back from the west. He came in Monday night. EP 5 Dec 1912

The funeral of Mrs. Mary Ann Askew who died Monday will be held Wednesday with burial in Rose Hill. EP 5 Dec 1912

W.P. Throgmorton went to Ewing to preach the funeral of Mrs. R.R. Link, an aged lady of that place. Her husband died two years ago. EP 5 Dec 1912

Aud Erwin returned to Marion from Kankakee to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. John Moody Jr. He is employed at a state institution there. About six months ago he was in very ill health and it seemed he could not last long. He then weighed less than 100 pounds. When he arrived Tuesday, his friends did not know him, he had improved so much. He now weighs 190 pounds. EP 5 Dec 1812

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Mary Ann Askew, 76, was found dead in bed Monday morning. She married John Mcintosh and had one son. After his death, she married Marion Askew by whom she had two children. He died a number of years ago. There was a time when she was quite wealthy, having been left by her first husband an estate said to have been worth about $250,000. For the last few years, however, she has been dependent upon relatives. Lately she had lived in property on West Cherry Street purchased and given to her by her daughter. Her grandson, Ollie Mcintosh and his family lived with her. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Frank Ramsey of St. Louis, sons William Mcintosh and Frank Askew of Tulsa, Okla. EP 5 Dec 1912

Monroe Oneal died Saturday at his home at 601 North Logan Street. He had been confined to his bed the last month and a half, suffering with asthma and dropsy. He was born near Crab Orchard 57 years ago, the son of “Uncle” Sam Oneal who died less than two years ago. He leaves a wife and daughters: Mrs. Ervin McDonald living east of here, Mrs. Pearl Boles of Marion and Miss Frances living at home. Among his several brothers, sisters and half-brothers, one brother is William of Marion. Burial will be at Pleasant Grove. EP Monday, 9 Dec 1912

A marriage licenses was issued Friday to Joe C. McCarmish, 70 & Ruth Phemister, 50, both of Carterville. EP 9 Dec 1912

Uncle Phil Cruse, 92, left here Saturday to visit a daughter, Mrs. Geo. Murphy at Benton. In company with relatives, he attended a moving picture show Friday night in this city, enjoying the show very much and understanding everything he saw. He is a pioneer of this county and though not far from the century mark, is quite active as the average man of 70. EP 9 Dec 1912

Mrs. 0.B. Jenkins was awarded $1,687.50 Friday by a jury. She sued S.H. Goodall because of injuries received by being struck by his automobile on Thursday afternoon of the 1911 fair on East Main Street. EP 9 Dec 1912

Resolutions, Carnation Camp No. 4476 Royal Neighbors, Creal Springs  Death of our beloved sister Ruth Burnett. EP 9 Dec 1912

George Thompson Sr. fell dead Wednesday in the yard at his home at 1015 North Court Street. He was 72 and had lived in Marion 30 years, was formerly in the ice business here. He leaves a wife and children: Lee Thompson, Harry Thompson, Mrs. Will Smith, George Thompson, Charley Thompson, Ed Thompson, Jo Thompson and Mrs. Lily Nicholson, all living here but Mrs. Smith who lives at Sesser. Burial will be in Maplewood Cemetery. EP 9 Dec 1912

A marriage licenses was issued Wednesday to Emil Francisovick, 28 & Franca Otrin, 20, both of Johnston City. EP 9 Dec 1912

Notice of publication

Anna Gahagan vs Thomas Gahagan, he a non-resident, bill for divorce. EP 9 Dec 1912

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The laying of the corner stone of the new First Baptist Church took place Tuesday. The address was given at the First M.E. Church by Rev. E.V. Lamb, pastor of the First Baptist Church of East St. Louis. In the stone was placed the following articles: a copy of the Holy Bible, a copy of the Illinois Baptist State Association minutes, a copy of the Williamson County Baptist minutes, a copy of the Illinois Baptist, a copy of the Marion Evening Post, a copy of the Egyptian Press, a copy of the Marion Leader, a small folder or prospectus of the city of Marion and a list of names of the architects, contractors and others employed on the new edifice. EP Thursday, 12 Dec 1912

Leslie Jones, 20 and Eva Baxley, 17, both of Herrin, were married Tuesday. EP 12 Dec 1912

The three-month-old baby boy of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Wiggins was found dead in bed Saturday at Herrin, their first child. The coroner’s verdict was accidental suffocation. Also, the 26-day old baby boy of Mr. & Mrs. Loy Williams was found dead in bed Monday at Corinth. The verdict was the same and it was also their first child. Both were found dead at 5 a.m. EP 12 Dec 1912

Charley Thompson and wife of Elgin are here on account of the death of his father. EP 12 Dec 1912

Constable Clark Calvert arrested the wife of Sam Morrison and placed her in jail. She is charged with abandoning her husband and children. Some of her time, it has been said, has been spent in the company of “Punch” Jeter and about some of Fordville’s strongest dives. EP 12 Dec 1912

Notice of adjustment

J.W. Osteen administrator of estate of Josephine Schuey, deceased. EP 12 Dec 1912

George Perry died Sunday at the county poor house, aged 83 years, 2 months and 27 days. He leaves a brother, Worth Perry of this city and a sister Mrs. Hy Mcintosh living south of here. These are his only close relatives except grandchildren. He was the father of John Perry, a former merchant of Crab Orchard and Marsh Perry, a former merchant of Pulley’s Mill, both of whom are dead. During his life he was married three times, but all of his wives are dead. EP 12 Dec 1912

Guardian’s sale of real estate

Burgess Smith, guardian of Arvil Stephen Harris, a minor. EP 12 Dec 1912

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Marriage licenses issued Monday and Tuesday

Gregory Ruedisnuelli, 23 & Cecile Burris, 21, both of Marion

Leslie Jones, 20 & Evedeen Baxley, 17, both of Herrin

Herman McGuire, 24 & Rosa White, 18, both of Creal Springs EP 12 Dec 1912

Notice of publication

Anna Barley, Griffin Cantrell and John Cantrell Vs Louisa Erwin, George Erwin, Elmer Erwin, Cora Motsinger, Samuel Motsinger, William Motsinger and unknown heirs of William Montgomery, deceased, bill for partition. EP 12 Dec 1912

Marriage licenses issued Friday

Nick Telasse, 24 & Neta Jordan, 19, both of Johnston City

George G. Strike, 45, Marion & M.A. Mclean/Mclaren, 25, Thompsonville EP Monday, 16 Dec 1912

Marriage licenses issued Saturday

William Baxley, 20 & Mary Duncan, 17, both of Herrin

John Stanley, 24 & Maggie Burk, 18, both of Herrin EP 15 Dec 1912

While in a demented condition, Mrs. Robert Miller, an aged and always highly respected lady, leaped into a well at her home ten miles south of here Monday evening about 5 o’clock. She was 70 years old and leaves her husband and a son who lives not far from the parents. The husband is a half-brother to the late Campbell Miller, former Marion citizen who was the father of Sandy Miller, deputy post master. EP Thursday, 19 Dec 1912

Mrs. Thomas J. Claxton died Tuesday at her home in Carbondale, where they moved a little over a year ago. She was the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hill, born 68 years ago, the oldest of sixteen children, ten survive: Mrs. Elizabeth Dunn living south of here, S.R. Hill of this city, F.M. & G.W. Hill living south of here, Mrs. “Pole” Owens living in Clay County, Ill., W.R. Hill of this city and Mrs. A.W. McAnally living southwest of here. Among those survivors are two sets of twins and two of the dead are twins. She leaves a husband and six children: MRS. William Kelly, Thomas Claxton Jr. of Villa Ridge, Claud Claxton of Johnston City, Fannie Tippy living near here. Chloe Claxton of Creal Springs and Worth Claxton of Carbondale. Burial will be at Shiloh. EP 19 Dec 1912

Mrs. Joe Jackson, 19, wife of the Goodall Hotel porter, died Monday of tuberculosis. Funeral services will be held at the M.E. Church, Colored, by Rev. Fred Douglas, with burial in Rose Hill. EP 19 Dec 1912

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A marriage licenses was issued Saturday to T.W. Price, 30, Hanaford & Ruby Lloyd, 22, Marion. EP 19 Jan 1912

Charles A. Walker, about 55 years old, living near Morris Crossing on the Coal Belt interurban, died Monday of Bright’s disease. He leaves a wife and three children. EP 19 Dec 1912

Tony Crisco, a Sicilian merchant of Murphysboro, was found dead Friday in the bottom of a creek southwest of Johnston City, a short distance from the Williamson County mine. George Clark had been trapping for mink, muskrats, otters, etc and saw the tail of an overcoat floating on the water. The theory is he was killed Thursday night. He was beaten on the head with a pick and stabbed. One pocket was turned out, showing it had been rifled. Four heavy iron pieces known as “flash plates” and used on the railroad to join rails together had been tied on the body with wire clothes line and were placed on the body like splints on a broken limb. Two were on the upper body and two on the lower. A letter written with an indelible pencil was found on his body and his identity was established by it. The body was found in the creek near where the Herrin-Johnston City branch of the Coal Belt crosses it. It is not far from where fifteen other persons have met various mysterious kinds of deaths within the last five years, most of them being killed at night on the railroad supposedly by trains. EP Monday, 23 Dec 1912

Gertrude Manning, the small daughter of Mr. & Mrs. E.T. Manning, 801 West Boulevard, died Wednesday of pneumonia fever. She was the youngest of five children and would have been three years old next March. Burial was at Carterville. EP 23 Dec 1912

Marriage licenses issued Thursday

Peter Wenzel, 22 & Zella Drew, 19, both of Johnston City

Theodore Hill, 28, Freeburg, Ill. & Gethei Shreve, 19, Carterville EP 23 Dec 1912

Marriage licenses issued Friday

Edward J. Joy, 26, Herrin & Bertha M. Mercer, 22, Centralia Edwin Bowen, 76, & Catherine Davis, 72, both of Herrin

Lawrence Deaton, 26 & Mattie Purdue, 21, both of Creal Springs EP 23 Dec 1912

Charles F. Martin, 79, died Thursday at his home in Carbondale. He was a veteran of the Civil War and one of the oldest Oddfellows in the state, having identified with that order more than half a century. The funeral will be at Carbondale. EP 23 Dec 1912

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Mrs. Sarah Allen, 72, living with her daughter, Mrs. John Wilkins at 704 North Garfield, died Friday of dropsy. She also leaves a daughter, Mrs. Newman of Harrisburg and sons, Carley of this city and Seth of Springfield. Burial will be in Miller Cemetery, 15 miles east of this city. EP 23 Dec 1912

Murphysboro Independent   August Cicca, a member of the firm of Sciales & Co., whose store at 903 Chestnut Street was burned Sunday night, was murdered in Williamson County last week. His body was found in a creek near Johnston City Friday. It was first thought his name was August Lebue, then that his name was Tony Crisco, He had a sister at Whiteash, one in St. Louis and a family in Italy. It is believed he had collected a goodly amount of money and was waylaid on his way to his sister’s home in Whiteash. He spent much time traveling through the mining communities in Williamson County taking orders for the Sciales & Company store and a week ago Saturday he went to Johnston City to collect, that being payday. That revenge may have been the motive is given some credence by reason of the fact that friends of the Sciales & Company believe their store was set afire Saturday night by enemies. EP Thursday, 26 Dec 1912

Ina Manier, four-year-old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J.A. Manier, living near the Atwood mine, died Saturday of diphtheria. She was the first born of two children. Burial was in Ward Cemetery, twenty miles east of Marion. EP 26 Dec 1912

Marriage licenses issued Saturday

Mike White, 33 & Mayme Wiggins, 22, both of Johnston City

Mike Ward, 34 & Margaret Jones, 24, both of Herrin

Frank Odum, 27 & Grace Brown, 24, both of Marion

Jesse Newlin, 30 & Libby Follis, 24, both of Johnston City

John H. Krumrey, 24 & Ella S. Fluck, 22, both of Marion EP 26 Dec 1912

Frank Odum and Grace Brown were married Saturday. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John W. Brown. The groom is the only son of Deputy U.S. Marshal Dick Odum and wife. EP 26 Dec 1912

Marriage licenses issued Monday and Tuesday

Harvey Hoffard, 18 & Lizzie Daub, 18, both of Johnston City

Leslie Gambill, 21 & Elsie Tolbat, 18, both of Johnston City

J.K. Blades, 23, Johnston City & Bessie Smith, 18, Thompsonville

Aud Beasley, 21, Creal Springs & Amanda Norman, 20, Crab Orchard EP 26 Dec 1912

Sam Mitchell, a young Johnston City miner, was crushed by falling top coal and slate Friday night in the Williamson County mine and died a few hours later on a train that was taking him to the hospital in Murphysboro. He was an unmarried Italian. EP Monday, 30 Dec 1912

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Edith Roe and Prof. H.H. Houston were married this morning at Caldwell, Idaho. The groom is a teacher at LaGrande, Oregon, where they will reside. The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Roe who live on South Marion Street. She has been a teacher in the Marion High School for six years and it was there she met Prof, Houston when he taught two years there. Thursday’s Free Press EP 30 Dec 1912

Mrs. Privett, widow of Isaac Privett, was adjudged insane and taken to the Anna hospital. Her husband, not many months ago, was adjudged insane and taken to Anna where he died within a few weeks. EP 30 Dec 1912

Rosa Naugle, wife of W.L. Naugle and daughter of J.W. and Mary Killman, died 22 Dec 1912. She was born 30 May 1887 near Crab Orchard. She married 24 Oct 1904 and two baby girls, Leva and Feru [as written], were born to them. She is survived by her husband, children, parents, brothers, W.C. and Robert Killman, sister, Mrs. Louie Boatright. A few minutes prior to her death she said, “Oh, the pretty music I hear. They’re coming after me.” Funeral services were held at Union chapel by Rev. F.M. Latham of Galatia. EP 30 Dec 1912

A marriage license was issued Friday to Stanley Stonbeski, 28 and Della Ragmuski, 20, both of Freeman. EP 30 Dec 1912

Mary Boston McGill Tippy, the Herrin woman held in jail with her husband, was released from custody. EP 30 Dec 1912

Marriage licenses issued the day before Christmas

George Runnels, 30 & Ella Lewis, 18, both of Johnston City

Thomas C. Lucky, 24 & Edna Lavier, 18, both of Herrin

Liston Striker, 28 & Leona Jones, 18, both of Herrin

Albert Kobler, 28 & Lula Edwards, 20, both of Crab Orchard

H.W. Helms, 30 & Florence Leaman, 18, both of West Frankfort

G.S. Cox, 20 & Ruth Cooper, 16, both of Makanda

Blaine Stevens, 21 & Virgie Smith, 21, both of Marion

Chester Watson, 18 & Anna Tanner, 17, both of Carterville

H.F. Ramsey, 20 & Anna Duncan, 20, both of Johnston City EP 30 Dec 1912

Marriage licenses issued the day after Christmas

Robert J. Smith, 25, Harrisburg & Hazel Bleash, 20, Marion

Steve Tanner, 25 & Mollie Price, 17, both of Carterville

John Howard, 29 & Mazie Stone, 20, Herrin

Connel Miller, 24 & Hallie Lee, 18, both of Dewmaine

Emmet Key, 24 & Belle Hunter, 20, both of Marion

W.F. Fitzpatrick, 36 & Golda B. Owens, 20, both of Metropolis EP 30 Dec 1912

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