1880, News Clippings, July thru September

July 1880


Mrs. Kate Kern, 25, wife of CM., died at home in this city Sunday …. sickness was long and severe…. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.F. Mitchell of eastern part of county ….buried Monday at Corinth.    MM and EP 1 Jul 1880

Mrs. Adams, sister of Mr. Francis Eubanks, and her two children of Shelby County, are visiting this city.

Mr. Cantor returned Friday from New York with wife and baby. EP 1   Jul 1880

H.J. Duncan, of Franklin County, paid us a visit Tuesday … is 63 years old and full of hopes for the future. W.H. Weaver, late of Clinton County, has taken up residence in this county.

Crab Orchard – Thomas Bones, our clever post master, will be kept in office four years longer by Garfield.    MM 1 Jul 1880

All old settlers are invited to meet at the fairgrounds Aug 12. A.T. Benson – Chairman, James M. Luckey, Dixon B. Ward, S.S. Vick, Benjamin Walker, Campbell Miller, Oliver Davis, Christopher Maneese, A.J. Perkins, William Chitty, John Stroud, Wiley Chamness, William Groves, P.H. Lang, Secretary. MM 1 Jul 1880

Nancy Eugenie Russell, 12 years and 11 days, died of typhoid pneumonia 16 Jun…. near death she seemed to catch a glimpse of the “beautiful beyond” ….last words were “Mother, you go on, I’m coming.”  She talked to her mother and sisters constantly of going…. was member of MCTU 2 years, took pledge and proudly wore the badge of blue …. with own child hand wrote her name on her card and had it neatly framed from her own little earnings and hung it up near her bed and ever pointed to it as her richest treasure ….  buried in McKinney Hill Cemetery, 3 miles east of Carbondale, beside her father. MM and EP 1 Jul 1880


Admr. sale of real estate – Permelia Sanders and W.C. Sanders admrs. estate of Joseph Sanders.    EP 1 Jul 1880

William Brock and Alice Boyd were married Sunday.

Jeff Sims, formerly of this county and a resident of California the past 21 years, arrived Friday for a visit.

Census taker J.B. Willeford found 875 people living in Marion. He will be in his office the 9th and 10th to correct this. EP 8 Jul 1880

Mrs. Mary Logan and daughter, of Chicago, has been visiting in this city with Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Campbell, during the illness of Hannah Campbell.    EP and MM 8 Jul 1880


The son of Carrol Sanders, 4 miles north, died Friday of pneumonia.    EP 8 Jul 1880

J. Monroe Sanders, a one armed man of Lake Creek Precinct, drowned Friday at 6 p.m. in the headwaters of Crab Orchard Creek ….was bathing with several friends and had been in water 3 hours ….being of a frolicsome disposition, he gave the alarm that he was drowning and when they got him to shore, he joked about how he had fooled them … repeated this and the third time he was in earnest, but they thought it was another trick and he went to the bottom…. body recovered Saturday morning at 7, short distance from where he had last been seen with his arm caught under a log … was unmarried ….served in Co E 60th 111 Regiment and lost his arm on March to the Sea with Sherman.    EP and MM 8 Jul 1880

The news reached this place Sunday last that Dr. Alley shot and killed a deputy marshal named Raines in Galatia. Alley has not been captured.    EP 8 Jul 1880

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A.H. North, of Eight Mile is going to Colorado to look at the country.

Elder John Washburn has returned from Texas.

Mrs. J.B. Bainbridge returned Friday from a visit with relatives in Missouri.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay Palmer rejoice in the possession of a new son and heir.

21 years ago the 14th of last April, Mr. Jeff Sims moved from this county to California.    Last Friday, he arrived in Marion on a brief visit to his children whom he has come to remove to the Pacific Coast. MM 8 Jul 1880

Marriage Licenses:

Leander W. Spencer – Della A. Eckoles

George H. Pritchett – Frances Lewis

W.B. Crain – Hannah A. Hedgecock

Jeremiah Odum – Etta 0. Griffith

William Watson – Agnes Gerdon

Neaville Elliott – Lou M. East

F.C. Bevard – Mary F. Gould

William Smith – Mary E. Smith  

MM 8 Jul 1880


Adi. notice – A.G. Pulley admr. estate of James M. Sanders

Adm. sale – W.W. Young admr. estate of James M. Edwards

Petition for sale of real estate – George F. Crain admr. estate Of James W. Landrum vs Matilda Landrum, Wesley A. Landrum, James L. Landrum, the last two non-residents

Guardian’s sale – John O’Neal guardian of Lola Cole, application to sell real estate.   MM 8 Jul 1880

15 yards of calico for $1 at New Cash Store. MM 15 Jul 1880

Take the Press until election for 35 cents.

Elder M.C. Kurfees, formerly of this place, who has been in North Carolina the past two years, arrived here Sunday.

Wil1iam Watson and Agnes Jordan were married at Carterville on July 2, also F.C. Bevard and Mary F. Gould were married at same place.    EP 15 Jul 1880


Mrs. Sallie Palmer, 35 years and 5 months, consort of H.C. Palmer, died 7 Jul after short illness…. member Eastern Star and Christian Church…. lived entire life in Marion…. leaves husband and 4 small children.    EP and MM 15 Jul 1880

Marriage Licenses:

Sylvester Fitzgerald – Mary E. Taylor

John Burns – Mary Wagoner

Rueben Borton – Mattie Simmons

John L. Jones – Mollie Moore

Joseph McDonald – Fannie Williams

John A. Edmondson – Mary A. Johns  

MM 15 Jul 1880

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R. Borton and Mattie Simmons were married Sunday at residence of bride’s parents, the Pulley House. The groom is a miller and a manufacturer.    They honeymooned in Chicago. EP 15 Jul 1880

Hannah Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Campbell, has been near death’s door several days past.    MM 15 Jul 1880

W. Meredith authorizes us to say a few days ago a girl was passing his house in Union Precinct on an iron gray filly. Supposing the animal to be stolen, he made the rider dismount and took possession of the stock which he now holds subject to the order of the owner.    MM 15 Jul 1880

The old settlers met in Marion on Saturday, July 10, 1880 at 2 o’clock p.m. and organized a second time by appointing Dr. Bundy chairman and Dr.  Lodge secretary. On motion of Rev. A.T Benson and seconded by R.T. Pulley, it was resolved, “That all persons a resident of Williamson County prior to 1860 and fifty years of age or over, be invited to meet each other at the Fair Grounds near Marion on Thursday, Aug 12, 1880 and have an old fashioned barbeque and talk over old times.”

The committee of arrangements appointed is composed of the following gentlemen: R.M. Hundley, Chairman; R.T. Pulley; M.C. Campbell; Lark Arrington; Jack Perkins; A.T. Benson and S.S. Vick.

On motion of Mr. Maneese, a committee of 5 persons were appointed to solicit donations of money and provisions in each precinct:

Marion – P.H. Lang, R.T. Pulley, A.J. Benson, J.A. Ensminger, W.E. Wiley

Southern – C.G. Maneese, J.C. Miller, H. Boles, Jasper Bradley, Sam Dowdy

Union – Jack Ward, Dr. Graham, I.W. Williams, Wes White, J. Pritchett, Buck Meredith

Saline – J.V. Trammell, Watt Mofield, W.T. Davis, Robert Parks, Carroll Henshaw

Rock Creek – Hez Beasley, Dan Richey, Sam Turner, W. Parks, Judge Spain

Crab Orchard – F.M. Norman, Wyatt Starrett, John Erwin, Dr. Huddleston, Samuel Pulley

Northern – J.H. Stewart, H.C. Mitchell, Steve Hearn, Amos Smith, George Ray

Lake Creek – W.G. Durham, A.J. Duncan, John Baiar, John Everett, David Willard

Herrin’s Prairie – D.R. Harrison, Wilshire Bandy, John Brown, K.J. Parsons, J.K. Dillard

Western – A.P. ReeveS, John W. Morris, Jones Elliot, C. Kennedy, W.A. Sprague

Eight Mile – Lem Boren, Sam T. Russell, Giles Nelson, Dr. Hayton, Riley Farmer

Grassy – William Collins, John Tygett, Dr. Miles Baker, Lark Gallimore, Mart Gentry

Bainbridge – Frank Brown, Ben Walker, Worth Tippy, W.T. Chamness, A. Hudgens

Carterville – J.M. Crain, Thomas Matthew, W.H. Phillips, James M. Washburn, George McNeil

Dr. Lodge, P.H. Lang, Sec’ys.        MM 15 Jul 1880

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Tax purchase notice – Wiley Pope purchased real estate assessed to Lucy Manning.    MM 15 Jul 1880

William Rice, of Texas, son of J.S. Rice, late of Marion, is now in Marion.

J.R. Stewart informs us that George Pemberton’s barn, containing a considerable quantity of corn and hay, was destroyed by fire Saturday night, supposed to be the work of a scoundrel.    MM 22 Jul 1880


Ambrose Elliott, of Western Precinct, died of overheat in the harvest field a few days ago.

The infant child of H.C. Palmer died Monday last. MM 22 Jul 1880  [EP says Clay Palmer]

Ridge Township, Jackson County, pans out 15 pairs of twins for the census taker.    MM 29 Jul 1880

Sparta PIain Dealer – Miss Lou East, who has been teaching in Williamson County the past spring, was married the 2nd to Mavel Elliott, son of Jonas Elliott, of Williamson County Ku Klux fame.     MM 29 Jul 1880

John Russ and W.P. Springs have contracted to build a new school house in Bainbridge District. It will be one half mile south of the old one.    MM 29 Jul 1880

Carbondale Observer – Old Mrs. Bulliner, who lives some three miles from Carterville, widow of George Bulliner, who was assassinated some years ago, met with a very serious accident last Saturday….was in wagon at Sam Smith’s, some two miles from Carbondale….mules took fright, wheeled around, tipping wagon over ….left leg was broken in two places below the knee and left arm broken near the shoulder…. she is 59 years old, Lightfoot and Roberts attended her.    MM 29 Jul 1880

Hannah E. Campbell, 8 years, 8 months and 25 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Campbell, died 25 July…. sickness was long protracted…. buried Cunningham graveyard, east of and adjoining this city.    MM and EP 29 Jul 1880

MCTU notice – Sarah Ann Palmer, eldest daughter of James D. and Amanda Pulley, late widow of John M. Young, by whom three children were left and consort of H. Clay Palmer, d 7 Jul, aged 32 years and 8 months. Her departure was quite unexpected. She had been in poor health and quite despondent for some time and though there seemed no reasonable apprehension of danger, her family and friends were quite unable to dispel the gloom that had gathered around her heart – so true it is that “coming events cast their shadows before.” She seemed constantly impressed with the monition that her earthly pilgrimage was soon to close and frequently assured her family that she would never again be well in this life. Since the above report, Mrs. Palmer’s premature infant, John R. Palmer, died 20 Jul, aged 16 days. He was buried beside his mother.    EP 29 Jul 1880

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Adi. notice – Lewis B. Pulley admr. estate of Washington Pulley MM 29 Jul 1880

Sheriff’s sale – Judgment against A.M. Askew and Mary A. Askew in favor of George F.  Crain.    EP 29 Jul 1880

August 1880

The Republicans had a grand blowout at Shakerag with 200 people attending. A flag pole was raised and George W. Young and J.W. Hartwell made speeches. John Peebles took the rostrum and said the Press had said he could “bray” and he proposed to show them that he could do just that thing. When he got through, no one doubted his ability to imitate the long eared animal.    EP 5 Aug 1880

On Thursday, July 22, Wes Stocks, son of Henry Stocks, who was killed by John Russell, went to the home of Mat Bolin, one mile west of Carterville and shot at him and his house ….the last shot grazed Mrs. Bolin’s head and took away some of her hair, Bolin is a brother-in-law to John Russell Stocks is still at large. In another incident on the 31st, Albert and John Stocks, brothers, met Webb Lewis and threatened his life near the scene of the other affair. The Stocks boys are in a desperate state of mind since their father’s death. EP 5 Aug 1800

MCTU notice – Our young sister Hannah Campbell joined CTU on its organizing in Marion over 2 years ago…. then think not of Hannah:

As confined in the tomb

But as dwelling with angels above

Forever released from mortality’s gloom

To bask in the Saviour’s love

EP 5 Aug 1880

Charley Davis, of Carterville, has gone to Kansas.

Mrs. W.E. Wiley has gone to Ft. Worth, Texas to stay 3 months.

EP 5 Aug 1880

Anna Advocate – Last Thursday, Joseph Hunsaker of Jonesboro was riding home on a horse, leading ponies … fell 12 feet off bridge near Town Spring…. fell on sharp pointed rocks with horse on top…. pommel of saddle cut a gash in his abdomen, his intestines were mashed to a jelly and his back and breast fearfully bruised…. died 2 hours later, unconscious all the time…. had traded horse “Knight of St. Louis” for 4 Texas ponies and lately brought them to Anna.    EP 5 Aug 1880

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The Mosley-Tibbs bastardy case went to trial Tuesday, not disposed of.    MM 12 Aug 1880

Marriage Licenses:

John W. Shaw – N. Askew

E.W. Grimes – C.J. Phillips

Thomas F. Matthews – Harriet E. Welborn

T.G. Parks – Martha E. Jackson

Samuel T. Madden – Sina E. Harris

William A. Perrine – Mary Cruse

C.W. Ditmen – C. Mavelock

Thomas M. Tanner – Martha E. Banes

Aaron Ivsey – Eliza Good

John E. Adams – Elizabeth Jones  

MM 12 Aug 1880

A.B. Grogan started for Missouri Monday to select his future home. He will stop near Springfield.   MM 12 Aug 1880

George L. Dunaway, 22, came from Carbondale on morning train last Monday and stopped at his mother’s house in this city…. ate dinner at noon and complained of a pain in the chest, reclined on the bed, gasped 2 or 3 times and was dead …. Dr. Bundy pronounced “congestion of brain” caused by intemperance…. in youth contracted the terrible habit…. born and raised in Marion…. Dr. Bundy officiated at funeral and he was buried in the family graveyard at Bainbridge. EP and MM 12 Aug 1880

Robert Norman, son of Ananias Norman, living 3 miles east, died yesterday of typhoid fever.    EP 12 Aug 1880

Sunday afternoon Esquire Brice Holland went to residence of George McInturff and united Marcellus Perry and Miss Reece in marriage.

Lost on the road between Marion and Herrin’s Prairie, a gold charm locket containing a small picture of A.T. Benson and wife. The finder will be rewarded by returning the same to Benson’s Brick drug Store. EP 12 Aug 1880

Our esteemed friend, William F. Chitty, was married to Mrs. Sarah Dillard in Herrin’s Prairie on the 5th, inst. Nothing peculiar about that, you may say. Well, let us see. Mr. Chitty (we know him as Uncle Bill) had matters so arranged that this marriage was a celebration of the 50th anniversary of his first marriage. Time has dealt kindly with Uncle Bill. May that kindness be continued and though at least 70 winters have frosted his hair, we hope he may live to become a centenarian and may the honeymoon of this last marriage be as enjoyable, if that were possible, as that of the first.    EP 12 Aug 1880

Grant Corder, 12 years, sentenced by Judge Young for burglary, was taken to reform school by Marshal Hendrickson. Mrs. R.S. Holderby of Billings, Missouri is visiting here with her brother, J.B. Roberts.

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Last Thursday at the Old Folks Barbeque, an epileptic named Emerson, from the Poor Farm, tried to take some meat from one of the tables…. Pit Springs, one of the guards, tried to stop him and he struck Springs in the face ….Springs clubbed him severely…. two scalp wounds were sewn up…. Springs was arrested.    EP 19 Aug 1880

Some time ago George Leman, a painter, took the contract to paint the seats in the Christian Church here. He had not been at work long when he found someone had tampered with the paint. He went on working and after completing the job, he found someone had put something in the paint which kept it soft…. washed off all the paint and painted seats again, then found someone had gone in a window and sprinkled some kind of acid over the seats, which took the paint off in splotches. It is sad to know that such a mean person lives in our community. [Another column says: Owing to the seats being freshly painted, services were held at the courthouse last Sabbath.] EP 19 Aug 1880

A horse kicked and killed the little son of Joseph Kelley on Sunday of last week near Sulphur Springs.    EP 19 Aug 1880

William Ferrell informs us he will move to Missouri in a few weeks.

Elder Kurfees returned to school in Lexington, Kentucky. MM 19 Aug 1880


C.H. Mitchell and Nancy E. Caplinger, the 10th at Pleasant Grove by Elder C.E. Cline.

Thomas Jones and Anna Birdwell, the 5th by Rev. J.S. Gulledge near Frankfort, Franklin County. MM 19 Aug 1880

Benton Standard – Prof. John Washburn, R.D. Swain and Miss Laura Holland are teachers engaged for Ewing College so far. MM 19 Aug 1880

Marriage Licenses:

M.J. Perry – Phidelia Reece

Herman E. Scarbrough – Martha J. Morgan

C.H. Mitchell – Nancy E. Caplinger

Henry H. Jones – Milly T. Beavers

J.H. McRee – M.M. Spiller

William J. Henson – Martha J. Willeford

J.A. Cabaniss – E.P. Cooper

J.R. Smart – Dora A. Rodd

MM 19 Aug 1880

Among the noted old landmarks present at the old folks meeting last Thursday was Mr. Samuel T. Russell of Eight Mile. Mr. Russell was born in Montgomery County, TN, came to IL in 1818 and was at the first election the state ever held, when Gov. Bond was chosen governor. Mr. Russell has lived to see the rise and progress of our beautiful state, has witnessed its various changes and is one of those who rejoice in our standing as a state and nation and will, at the next election, as in the past, help to ratify the Republican nominations. Long may such grateful men live to enjoy the fruits of the land. 

MM 19 Aug 1880

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Two weeks ago, a little child of Joseph Kelley, near Stonefort, was kicked and killed by horses. While en route home from the funeral, the same animal that killed the child ran away with a wagon, throwing Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and two ladies out, seriously crippling them. Mrs. Elliott has some ribs broken and Mr. Elliott is injured about the head.        19 Aug 1880


Adm. sales – W.W. Young admr. estate of George W. Hunter, sale of real estate , lands conveyed by George W. Hunter and wife to A.J. Marrs and Field Henderson, also by same to James L. Hunter and Thomas R. Hunter. W.W. Young admr. estate of James M. Edwards

Adi. notice – E.E. Mitchell admr. estate of Frank Lager

Guardian’s sale – John O’Neal guardian of Lola Cole, minor. MM 19 Aug 1880

A letter to the editor from Sarahville says some men raised in Williamson County were in a Confederate squadron that was at an Arkansas post in the winter of 62-63….were attacked by the Federals …. Confederate squad was composed mostly of new recruits from Eastern Texas and contained men from Williamson County, among them, Hez Ferrell, Cab Violett and others…. taken prisoner of war to Cairo, then Alton, Chicago and Camp Douglas, nearly all died.    EP 26 Aug 1880

Mr. Hogue and Thomas Teague leave our city for Arkansas soon. Prof. E.G. Hill and family arrived in Marion Saturday after a few years stay in Minnesota and Iowa. He is principal of Marion Public Schools.    MM 26 Aug 1880

Mt. Ayr, Missouri, August 11, 1880, Brother Copeland;

Will you please send my paper to Nashville, Jackson County, Iowa instead of Allendale, Missouri and oblige. My health is steadily improving. I shall be home the 1st of Sep. This is a
fine country. Success to the Monitor editor. Great boon for Garfield here. G.W. Toothaker           MM 26 Aug 1880

Adi. notice – A.J. Morgan admr. estate of A.J. Morgan MM 26 Aug 1880

September 1880

Jackson County is somewhat sensational again. Last week developed one murder at Grand Tower, John E. Crain dangerously stabbed his son at Murphysboro and Charles Bishop threw a stone at a woman and cracked the skull of a boy. Other localities not heard from.    MM 2 Sep 1880

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Henry Lamaster and Nannie Hendrickson were married by Rev. Ransom at home of bride’s father, Bruce Hendrickson.    MM 2 Sep 1880

William A. Dunaway, 24 years, 7 months and 27 days, died Tuesday at his mother’s residence in this city after a long and painful illness…. third in family to die in 6 months – John L., George L., and W.A. leaves wife and 2 small children…. buried family burying ground at Bainbridge. [EP says died at his residence.]   MM and EP 2 Sep 1880

Sulphur Springs – School teachers of this vicinity are Douglas Goddard, J. Thomas Smith, J.W. Brown, Will E. Casey, Will Westbrook, Alice Miller and G.W. Westbrook. Will T. Casey will teach Sulphur Springs School this coming winter…. is son of Capt. Levi Casey who received his death wound at Vicksburg…. Will’s first vote will be polled this fall for Garfield in honor of his father…. J.W. Brown is a thorough Republican, a volunteer in the 31st Regiment, attended school this past spring and will vote entire Republican ticket next November and will teach school this winter.    MM 2 Sep 1880

Sulphur Springs – We unluckily witnessed the killing of Scott McCormick on the 21st.    Politics was not the cause. Strike a dividing line – array those on one side who are visitors of the grog shops and the gambling table and those who are for peace and morality and quietude on the other and you have the line. MM 2 Sep 1880

New Burnside – After the Democratic flag raising and pow wow on Saturday, Marshal Thomas M. Wilson was trying to keep order and was assaulted by Scott McCormick and John Smith, the former having a knife. Wilson shot McCormick. [Lengthy account] MM 2 Sep. 1880

Walter Pillow, infant son of James and Myrtle, died yesterday. MM 2 Sep 1880

The old log house on the Poor Farm was destroyed by fire last Monday. 80 bushels of wheat and a lot of hay belonging to Mr. Lewis was lost. It is supposed the fire was caused by a pipe in the possession of one of the inmates.   MM 2 Sep 1880

Shawnee News – Last Monday, some men digging a well at Omaha, this county, went through 30 feet of clay, then 3 feet of driftwood mixed with stone coal, then 2 feet of boulders, when they struck blue clay, in which they found a hollow gold ring about three fourths inch in diameter.    MM 2 Sep 1880

Mrs. Zeraiah Hopper, 73, wife of Uncle Joe, died at residence here Sunday. Aunt Ruia was one of oldest citizens. [EP says Aunt Ruey]    MM and EP 9 Sep 1880

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James W. John and Samuel Shaw passed through here last week enroute to Montgomery County where they will reside.

Rev. J.W. Toothaker will go to his new field of labor in the Salem circuit in a few days.   During his stay in Marion, a new parsonage was built. MM 9 Sep 1880

Notice is hereby given that a certain note, given by me to Uriah Sanders for the sum of $47.50 was obtained from me by misrepresentation and fraud and I warn all persons not to trade for said note, as I shall not pay it. Abraham Moake   MEP 9 Sep 1880

John Russell, who shot Henry Stocks, was arrested last week 15 miles northeast of Waterloo and brought back…. was working with a threshing machine…. A.J. Miller captured him. EP 16 Sep 1880

B. Gallagher, 50 years, 5 months and 15 days, died Tuesday at his residence here….    came here 10 years ago from Olney ….was cabinet maker and dealer in furniture and member of Knights of Honor….buried Barham Cemetery. MM and EP 16 Sep 1880

John White has resigned his position at the post office to accept one as guard at the Southern Illinois Penitentiary. MM 16 Sep. 1880

Vienna Times – A man who represents himself as G.W. Thompson came from Marion or nearby and located at New Burnside some time ago, advertising himself as a machine mechanic. He not only beat the Times office out of $3.50, but he beat his board bill at Burnside and stole three chairs from the landlord and sold them, besides beating others out of smaller bills. Thompson is known in Marion. He patronizes Democratic papers and votes the Democratic ticket.    MM 16 Sep 1880

Adi. notice – Hugh H. Copher admr. estate of James F. Edringt0n MM 16 Sep 1880

William Watson, living near Cottage Home, was bitten by a rattlesnake last Sunday while taking a walk in his bare feet. His limbs and body swelled to enormous size and for a time his life was despaired of. Dr. G.J. Baker attended him. He is now working again.    MM 23 Sep 1880

Rev. A. Ransom left the first of the week for his new station in Bunker Hill…. was in Marion 2 years.

Rev. Scawthon will preach his first sermon at the ME Church Sunday morning.

Rev. Sentor, new ME Church S pastor, preached his first sermon last Sunday.

Elder W.H. Boles has been delivering a course of lectures at the Christian Church the past ten evenings.    EP 23 Sep 1880

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George F. Crain admr. estate of J.W, Landrum

William M. Hindman will present petition that Mary E.G. Brown is an idiot and praying he be appointed conservator.

Sarah Lang, plaintiff in error, vs E.A. Hitchcock, assignee of Appleton, Noyes and Maude, defendants in error.

I.C. Fuller admr. estate of James A. Gray

Trustee sale – Timothy Cagle and wife Martha Cagle. James S. Childers, Trustee.

Adi. notice – Hugh Tygett and A.J. Phemister admrs estate of Annie Phemister.    MM 23 Sep 1880

Trustee sale – 13 Sep 1878, Rufus Parker promised to pay Jesse Abney and on same day he and wife Annis gave trust deed. George W. Goddard, Trustee.       EP 23 Sep 1880

Uncle Joe Hopper will be 80 years old in December. Mrs. L.A.C. Litaker, one of the best milliners in the state, is again in the employ of Mrs. M. Broad and will remain 3 or 4 weeks yet.    EP 30 Sep 1880


Adi. notice – James M. Aikman and Mary Gallagher admrs. estate of B. Gallagher.

Michael J. Gill vs Silas Parker, foreclosure of mortgage. MM 30 Sep 1880

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