Extracted chiefly from the newspapers, Marion Monitor (MM) and Egyptian Press (EP)
April 1881
Judge T.B. Tanner, of Mt. Vernon, died the 24th. He had held the position of representative in the legislature….was member of Constitutional Convention of 1862 and judge of Circuit and Appellate court. EP 7 Apr 1881
We are sorry to learn Jim Webb and Frank Rice are leaving us. Jim leaves on account of his wife’s poor health. He thinks a trip down to Texas will help her.
C.R. “Doc” Palmer returned Friday __________________ had been in West Tennessee 11 months, visiting relatives and friends …. has taken position as clerk for H.G. Price & Co.
Snow #40 Thursday, #41 Friday, #42 Sunday and #43 Monday.
Charles W. Perkins, son of Uncle Jack Perkins, of this city, died 31 Mar of pneumonia at Farmington, Missouri. Last Friday at Thompsonvi11e, two men named Carter and two named Rains got into a fight. The older Rains was shot and killed and the younger one wounded. Neither of the Carters were injured. Cause – an old grudge. EP 7 Apr 1881
Carterville – Mr. James Wimring Jr., who left here some time ago for Rock Island, has returned. EP 14 Apr 1881
Attila – J.A. Angel and Margaret E. Peebles were married 7 Apr at residence of bride’s parents.
Miss Stelle Lodge was baptized Wednesday evening. EP 14 Apr 1881
Carterville – Joseph Walker died Sunday at his residence three miles west…. left large family ….buried Hurricane.
The wife of Pryor Skaggs died Monday in this city.
Truman Hall, living in southwest part of the county, died a few days ago. EP 14 Apr 1881
Crab Orchard – Boss Burnett died the 1st of typhoid pneumonia….leaves wife and one child.
Laura Miles, 19 years and 3 months, daughter of James and Sarah A., died 29 Mar at Stonefort of phthsis pulmonalis.
Saline County Sentinel – On April 1, in Thompsonvi11e, Rol Rains and and his son, John, got into a difficulty with Dr. Carter of that place, on account of some trouble between other members of the two families. Carter fired two shots from a double barreled shotgun, several taking effect in the face of the old man. Young Rains received a shot in the side, from which he died Tuesday. MM 14 Apr 1881
Many of the old soldier boys remember the old eagle which the 81st Wisconsin Regiment used to carry on the march and in battle. He died a short time ago, aged 28 years, and was buried with the honors of war at Madison. He was in 27 battles and never received a scratch. He was named “Old Abe” in honor of President Lincoln. General Sterling Price, the Confederate leader, once said during the war, “I had rather capture that eagle, ‘Old Abe’, than a whole brigade of cavalry.” MM 14 Apr 1881
Tax purchase notice – L.C. Parks purchased land assessed to James and J.W. Parks
Non-resident notice – Joel Corder vs William T. Moon, bill to correct deed.
Adi. notice – J.L. Richerson admr. estate W.L. Baldwin MM 14 Apr 1881
Carterville – Scott Smith has quit giving music lessons and gone to clerking for Elles Brothers. EP 21 Apr 1881
George W. Tate, living near Benton, was robbed of $100 on a train at Sedalia, Missouri. The robber snatched a roll of money from his hand while he was in the act of cashing a check offered to Tate by a confederate in the plot. MM 21 Apr 1880
A young man named Jackson, about 19 years old, of Carterville, was ran over by a train and killed there Saturday. MM 21 Apr 1881
Carterville – Dr. John W. Vick left for Springfield, Missouri last Tuesday. He is seeking a location. After looking at Springfield, he will probably go out to Arkansas. Bob Lauder, of Oakland City, Indiana, formerly of this place, was in our town last week looking for miners. 25 are wanted from here, to work in a coal mine – don’t think he got his number. EP 28 Apr 1881
Marion Spiller, about 16, son of B.P., died the 20th at his father’s residence near Crainville. EP 28 Apr 1881
Adi. notice – Sallie S. Binkley admrx. estate of Jane E. Lee MM 28 Apr 1881
Adi. notice – Brice Holland admr. estate of Elizabeth Chenoweth
Tax sale notice – Linnie Cole bought land 16 Aug 1878 O.S. Tippy bought land 2 Sep 1879
Amrs. sale of real estate – Arabella Mayhew and John M. Cline admrs. estate of P.A.C. Mayhew EP 28 Apr 1881
Lake Creek – George Gambrell is one of the happiest men in the prairie. It’s a boy this time. More help to plow corn.
May 1881
Scott Rea is teaching school at Williams Prairie. MM 5 May 1881
Col. R.M. Hundley, 60, died 2 May, He had been in critical condition 5 months ….opinion of doctors is cancer of the stomach or severe ulceration ….married first a daughter of late Willis Allen. She died several years ago and he married Miss Huffstuttler, who died about two years ago. His children have kept house for him. He is survived by 2 children by his first wife and 5 by his last, all girls, the youngest 12 years old. About 5 years ago, he was baptized into the Missionary Baptist Church ….later he went to the Christian Church…. was perhaps the oldest Mason in Williamson County…. buried Marion Cemetery. He had lived in Marion over 40 years. All businesses were closed from 10 till 12, yesterday, out of respect MM and EP 5 May 1880
Ida Mitchell, about 28, wife of George H., formerly of this city, living temporarily at home of husband’s father, S.F. Mitchell, dropped dead last Sunday afternoon, a victim of consumption. EP and MM 5 May 1881 CMM says she died at her home in Franklin County.]
Elijah Estes, of Eldorado, well known in Williamson County, died and was buried in the family graveyard in Franklin County last Sunday….born and raised in Franklin County. MM 5 May 1881
Lake Creek – Rev. G.W. Lamaster will preach the funeral of Isham Copher next Sunday at Perry Church, 3 miles northwest of Marion. MM 5 May 1881
The wife of A.M. Pace presented that gentleman with a bouncing baby girl last Friday morning.
Rev. George May fell out of his barn loft on his head last Monday and stove himself up considerably.
Carterville – Mrs. Taylor and William Glassy were married Saturday at residence of the bride. EP 5 May 1881
Tax sale notice – Samuel M. Beasley bought land 26 Aug 1879 that was assessed to Nancy Beasley EE 5 May 1881
Dr. John W. Vick has returned, satisfied that Southern Illinois is good enough country for anybody. EP 12 May 1881
Fellowship Lodge AF & AM wi11 attend the funeral of William C. Cash on the 5th Sunday this month, the 29th, at the grove of William B. McCormack, in this county. MM 12 May 1881
Carterville – E.E. Warren and Miss Gold, both of this place, were married Sunday.
Sylvester Eubanks and Martha Gould, both of Marion, were married 15 May. He is of the grocery firm of F.M. Eubanks & Brother, this city. She is the daughter of C. Gould, a farmer living 2 miles southeast. EP 19 May 1881
Monroe Mosley was found guilty of attempting to commit an abortion and sentenced to one year. The prosecuting witness was Miss Sarah Tibbs. The jury hung for 12 hours. EP 19 May 1881
The old home of Abraham Lincoln was recently torn down at Springfield. A boy bought all the shingles for a dollar and with a scroll saw, is turning them into mementos, which he easily sells at from 50 cents to one dollar. EP and MM 19 May 1881
A lively baby boy appeared Saturday at J.C. Mitchell’s EP 19 May 1881
Mrs. Crain, a pauper, died Sunday at the poor farm. EP 19 May 1881
W.D. Claridy and Martha M. Meace were married last Monday by Rev. Oliver Cox at the residence of Elijah Meace, Northern Township. MM 19 May 1881
Our old friend, Mat Bolin, formerly of here and now of Mt. Vernon, gave us a call Monday.
William Watson and John Bevard, miners, were in an accident at the Carterville slope yesterday morning ….coming up slope behind a train of coal trucks, the trucks broke loose and run them down…. Watson is so severely hurt that he cannot live Bevard will recover. EP 26 May 1881
Henry Thedford, living near Creal Springs, stabbed a grown son so badly that he will probably die, last Monday, because the son failed to obey his father’s orders regarding some work on the farm. He fled. EP 26 May 1881
Fannie Sparks, 39, wife of Frank M., died 22 may at her home, Elm Wood Farm, one and a half mile northeast. She leaves a husband and 7 children. The funeral and burial was at the Marion Cemetery. EP 26 May 1881
Grassy- Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Brookhouse lost a child on the 4th and another one on the 8th. MM 26 May 1881
The friends of J.M. Mosley are to make an application to Gov. Cullom for a pardon. Mosley alone has been prosecuted for an offense in which both parties are guilty (if either of them are). He was convicted for an attempt to complete an offense, but it was not completed. We do not believe either of the parties had any idea they were violating the laws of the state. Mosley bears a good character. EP 26 May 1881
We learn that over 500 of our citizens have signed a petition for pardon. We believe the general settlement of justice has been fully met and no good could come from further punishment of Mosley. It was simply an attempt in which both parties acted in conjunction. In as much as there has been no prosecution against the girl, it might be well to now let Mosley go home and let the subject rest without any further prosecution. MM 26 May 1881
John A. Logan’s coal shaft at Murphysboro is a failure, after an expense of $20,000. The vein found by boring cannot be found by digging, which seems to be an indication that the fellows who bored, lied. MM 26 May 1881
Judge Browning heard testimony in the case of John M. Robinson, indicted for murder. MM 26 May 1881
Attachment – J.B. Holland vs Jasper N. Conley
Conservator’s notice – Praying for appointment of a conservator for Mary P. Nolen, alleged to be an idiot
Final settlement – W.F. Fowler and J.M. Fowler admrs. estate of J.M. Fowler
Tax purchase – John B. Willeford bought land assessed to H.F. Willeford and land assessed to Susan D. Cash MM 26 May 1881
Non-resident notice – Martha E. Hundley vs John T. Hundley, bill for divorce and injunction
Adi- notice – Giles Nelson admr. estate Alexander L. Crain
Sale of desperate claims – C.G. Manees and J.W. Bradley admrs. estate of James Manees EP 26 May 1881
June 1881
Linked For Life – Andrew J. Benson and Addie L. Fellows were married 1 Jun by Rev. G.W. Scawthon, pastor of the Christian Church. The bridesmaids were Emma E. Benson, sister of the groom, Ella Hundley and Helen Yost. The groomsmen were L.A. Goddard, W.L. Benson and R.M. Allen. The bride wore a dress of bronze silk and orange flowers and, the bride, being tall and stately with large brown eyes, looked truly handsome. The groom is the proprietor of Benson’s brick drug store. The bride came from Livonia, New York in 1874 – four sisters came before her. They are: Libbie, wife of D.R. Harrison of Herrin’s Prairie; Annice, wife of W.W. Clemens, States Attorney; Annie E., wife of John R. Little and Emma, wife of the County Clerk, W.H. Eubanks. Her aged mother lives in Marion with her daughter, Mrs. Eubanks. They leave this morning for St. Louis, from there will go to Emporia, Kansas, to visit the family of Judge William Elstun and will be gone about a week, [lengthy account of gifts.] EP 2 Jun 1881
Foo Choo’s Balsam of Shark’s oil positively restores hearing and is the only absolute cure of deafness known…. only imported by Haylock & Co., the sole agents for America. 7 Dey St., New York. EP 2 Jun 1881
Strayed or stolen Saturday night May 22, 1881 from my farm 7 miles southwest of Marion, one dark bay mare and a black mare mule colt. A reward of $20 will be paid for the return of property to me. June 2, 1881 Timothy Cagle EP 2 Jun. 1881
Monroe Mosley was taken to the Chester Penitentiary yesterday. EP 2 Jun 1881
Attila – Mother Cunningham went to Crab Orchard the other day and will also visit her daughter at Stonefort before she returns. She is the oldest citizen in this community.
Mr. Gill and his wife have a new son.
Mr. Davis and Mrs. Thompson were married this week. MM 2 Jun 1881
The little son of John Mann had the ends of two fingers cut off last week while playing with a corn sheller at the brick mill. MM 2 Jun 1881
Chancery sale and petition for partition – D.C. Smith, John C.B. Smith and Nora Smith, the last three being minors, sue by D.C. Smith, guardian
Chancery sale and bill for partition – John C. Bundy, Thomas Bundy, Louisa McDonald, Nancy A. Motsinger, Pimbrew Motsinger, Minerva Motsinger, Sarah F., Bundy, Mary Susan Motsinger, John J. Motsinger, Matilda Motsinger, Amanda Motsinger, John W. Edwards, Nancy C. Edwards and Martha Edwards
Tax purchase – Mary Hall bought land assessed to W.P. Sloan MM 2 Jun 1881
Final settlement – John C. Lee guardian of minor heirs of Jesse Ralls
Chancery sale – Exparte – Francis Gardner, T.S. Ridgway, John M. Peebles, William A. Peebles, Henry M. Peebles, Hattie Fleming, John Fleming, Robert Fleming, the last three are minors who sue by Robert H. Fleming, their guardian, bill for partition. EP 2 Jun 1881
Henry Goddard, now of Conway, Missouri, writes us. EP Jun 9, 1881
Dr. George W. Willeford, formerly of this city and now of Washington, Indiana, was here last week visiting old time friends. EP Jun 9, 1881
Attila – Uncle Will Caplinger is a grandpa. MM Jun 9, 1881
Lake Creek – The funeral of Mother Jones was preached at Union Church by Bro. Lamaster, a Methodist, and Bro. McMim, a Freewill Baptist. Eight children still living, seven of whom were present, having come from Jefferson, Franklin and Williamson Counties. She was born in North Carolina in 1799, moved to Indiana and thence to Williamson County. She joined the Methodist Church at age 17. MM 9 Jun 1881
Chancery sale – Charles E. Roper, by William C. Roper, his guardian and William Roper by Seth Roper, his guardian and Charles C. Barnett, petition for partition. MM 9 Jun 1881
Chancery sale – exparte – Helen Groves, Mary J. Norman, William A. Groves, Miles H. Groves et al, petition for partition -Helen Groves is widow of William Groves.
Chancery sale – exparte – N.B. Calvert et al, petition for partition
Chancery sale – exparte – C.H. Denison, Francis M. Price, Amanda Price, Gilfred W. Price, Etta J. Price, the last three are minors who sue by C.H. Denison, guardian.
Adi, notice – Perry Hess and Truman Hall admrs. estate of Truman Hall. EP 9 Jun 1881 [EP 14 Jul says Perry Hess and J.F. Hall admrs. estate of Truman Hall.]
There is a movement in Franklin County to get Robert Ashby pardoned. He is said to be badly afflicted in his mind from a concussion from his fall and may never recover. MM 16 Jun 1881
Morse, who invented the telegraph and Bell, inventor of the telephone, both had deaf mute wives. Little comment is necessary, but just see what a man can accomplish when everything is quiet. MM 16 Jun 1881
Seaburn A. Walker died at Carterville last Sunday of consumption.
Golda Simmons, 1 year, 2 months and 10 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.V. Simmons, died Friday. MM 16 Jun 1881
Assignee’s notice – Seaburn A. Walker having made deed of assignment 3 Jun 1881, appointed William Wykes assignee.
Chancery sale – Sarah Morris et al, partition and assignment of dower. MM 16 Jun 1881
Henry Casey vs Nancy Casey, bill for divorce.
Chancery sale – E.P. Gram, guardian of minor heirs of William 0. Tait vs Sarah Nichols and Absalom Nichols, bill for foreclosure of mortgage
Non-resident notice – Mary Durand vs John Durand, bill for divorce EP 16 Jun 1881
Go to Little and McKean and buy a Massilon threshing outfit. Terms and prices to suit. EP 16 Jun 1881
Last Saturday at Spillertown, James Collins run over a scythe blade and cut his foot nearly in two. EP 16 Jun 1881
Beverly Dowdy, a colored man of this place, died Friday of consumption.
Tuesday night at Carterville, Patrick Connor shot and killed Theodore Metzgar…. quarreled over a foot race…. shot in right side of abdomen and died one and a half hours later…. also shot at Cabe Watson. MM and EP 23 Jun 1881
Agnes Pamela, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Pace, was baptized at the Methodist Church Sunday morning by Rev. G.W. Scawthon. EP 23 Jun 1881
Chancery sale – L.D. Clayton vs Edgar T. Garrett, admr. estate of William M. Garrett and Ellen Garrett et al – bill to foreclose and correct mortgage
Chancery sale – Charles H. Denison vs Martha Crain, Elizabeth C. Crain and Martha J. Crain – foreclosure of mortgage EP 23 Jun 1881
Trustee’s sale – A. Nicholes and wife Sarah of Bolton, Illinois, did convey to J.C. Johnson as trustee. J. Van Trammell appointed trustee by power of attorney from Johnson of Washburn, Barry County, Missouri – promissory note of $80 to Mary Hall MM 23 Jun 1881
Metzgar, who was murdered at Carterville Tuesday night, was a member of Mutual Aid. His wife will receive the snug sum of $2,000. MM 30 Jun 1881
The cork leg that Santa Ana left behind in his hasty flight from the battlefield at Cerro Gordo, has lately been returned to Sgt. J.M. GILL of Pekin, Illinois, who was one of those who captured it. It has been, for a few years past, in the possession of a lady in Paris, France, it having been sent to her “with other articles of virtue” upon the death of her father. MM 30 Jun 1881
Olney News – One of the greatest human monstrosities is an exhibition this week south of Niblo’s marble works. Viola J. Sanders, now a young lady of 18, was born in Williamson County, Illinois, with four feet and 20 toes and double joints in her ankles and wrists and with double hands, ten fingers on each, making twenty fingers, webbed together with a solid nail around each hand, forming a perfect hoof. This is one of nature’s wonderful feats and can be seen at the place mentioned, for a few days only. MM 30 Jun 1881
Chancery sale – Elizabeth Odle and Sarah Harris et al vs Mary Maxey, partition and dower.
John W. Burton admr. estate of Robert M. Hundley. EP 30 Jun 1881
(Extracted from microfilm at Morris Library and/or Illinois State Library by Helen Sutt Lind, published in Events in Egypt, Vol. 2)