Extracted chiefly from the newspaper “The Leader” (TL)
Dr. C.W. Willeford and wife have a new, healthy boy. TL 3 Jan 1889
C.M. Williams, indicted for the murder of Warren Jordan, was taken to Belleville jail for safe keeping. TL 3 Jan 1889
Jefferson Aikman, son of William, died 11 Jan, aged 27 years and 3 days. Burial was in the William Aikman burial ground, one mile south. Jeff had never enjoyed good health, suffering from broken limbs. In his short life he has had every limb broken at different times. TL 17 Jan 1889
Bennie Bundy, son of W.H., fell in the yard Monday and broke his right limb above the knee. He had suffered amputation just below the knee about three months ago. TL 17 Jan 1889
Marshall Hudgens, a young man residing near Pulley’s Mill, accidentally shot an arm off Tuesday. He was attempting to extract a load of shot from his gun when it discharged. TL 17 Jan 1889
Dr. B.F. Pease was born near Binghampton, Broome County, New York 30 Nov 1828. He moved to Williamson County with his parents and settled near Corinth. He was converted at a camp meeting at Old Pleasant Grove Church in 1852, under the pastorate of Rev. John Thatcher and united with the M.E. Church of which he remained a faithful member until his death. He attended Medical College lectures at St. Louis in the fall of 1857-58. He commenced practicing at Crab Orchard. When the M.E. Church was organized in Crab Orchard, he was enrolled as a charter member. He married Celenda J. Mccoy 25 Jun 1862. She survives with their four children. He died 13 Jan, aged 60 years 1 month 13 days. TL 17 Jan 1889
Tax sale notice — To Sarah J. Ellett, G.A. Ellett, F.E. Allbright, and all unknown heirs of Jonas G. Ellett — A.F. White purchaser. TL 17 Jan 1889
Lewis Corder orders the Leader sent to his address at Rosendale, MO. TL 24 Jan 1889
The Egyptian Press died the 15th. It had a powerful constitution, surviving the death of its party nearly three months. We regret Jim’s retiring. TL 24 Jan 1889
Charlie Arnett, a young lad, shot and killed Johnnie Bridges, another boy at school, west of Vienna week before last. TL 24 Jan 1889
James Fletcher, a young man of this county, who has been in the asylum at Anna for some time, died there Sunday. His father and brother brought the body here Monday night. Burial was near his home in the northeast part of the county. TL 24 Jan 1889
A child about 20 months old, of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thompson, was almost burned to death yesterday at their residence here. The mother was out of the room and the child and an older brother in the house when it happened. The child is not expected to live. TL 24 Jan 1889
The total cost of the new courthouse is $17,893.16. [This article breaks down the various costs.] TL 24 Jan 1889
Mrs. Tom Davis died the 13th of consumption and was buried at Pleasant Grove Cemetery. TL 24 Jan 1889
Sheriff’s sale — Judgment against B.G. Hilliard in favor of Jo C. Stark.
Judgment against 0.S. Tippy & M.C. Campbell in favor of W.B. Westcott TL 24 Jan 1889
Chancery sale — Samantha C. Norman et al vs Jesse Edwards — bill for partition. TL 24 Jan 1889
Mrs. James Tippy died at her residence here Monday after a lingering illness. She was a member of the Baptist Church. TL 31 Jan 1889
Precely Norman and Ella Gill, daughter of Rev. Frank Gill, were married 23 Jan. William Dodd and Cinda Young were married 24 Jan at the residence of the bride’s uncle, Judge G.W. Young.
Frank Ramsey of St. Louis and Maggie Askew were married last evening at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Askew. They will make their home in St. Louis. TL 31 Jan 1889
The little girl of Lee Thompson, severely burned last week, died the 24th. TL 31 Jan 1889
The widow of Judd Jenkins returned last week from Kansas. The young couple went to Kansas about a year ago. Mr. Jenkins died in April and was brought home for burial. She was sick at the time and could not come. TL 31 Jan 1889
Chancery sale — Daniel N. Shields vs John S. Gulledge, John T. Gulledge, Martha A. Gulledge and F.P. Roberts — foreclosure of mortgage. TL 31 Jan 1899
Crab Orchard — Mrs. H.L. Travelstead died the 23rd of fever. She leaves a husband and several little children to go through life without that kind motherly help.
Mrs. Martha Thompson, wife of S.D., died of fever the 25th at her residence 2 miles west, after an illness of four weeks. She leaves a husband and seven sons and daughters. TL 31 Jan 1889
Ed Gallagher and Stella Davis were married last night. TL 7 Feb 1889
L.H. Spencer was born in Glasgow, KY 8 Feb 1830 and died 13 Feb in Marion. He married Miss Manier in 1857. She died in Grand Tower of phthisis pulmonalis. Afterward he married the widow Cady of Grand Tower. He was sheriff of Williamson County in 1862. He graduated at Missouri Medical College 15 Mar 1878 and delivered the valedictory address. He was a Mason and a pharmacist. He leaves three children by his first wife: Mollie, Paul and Georgia. The girls are married and living in St. Louis and Paul was at last account in San Diego, California. He has held the positions of magistrate and city attorney of Grand Tower and been in the drug business at Marion, Carbondale and Creal Springs. TL 21 Feb 1889
Stonefort — Robert Parks died Friday 15 Feb of pneumonia, aged 47. His wife died about a year ago. He leaves several children. Another account says he died Saturday. TL 21 Feb 1889
Jno. W. Alexander, Crainville, was adjudged insane. Sheriff Ensminger took him to Kankakee Tuesday. TL 21 Feb 1889
Tax sale notice
To A.J. Lance (or A.J. Lane), M.M. Thompson — W.P. Goodall purchaser.
To C. Osburn, J.C. Dwieller — J.E. Gallagher purchaser.
To Henry Doering, Mrs. Mary Sauls nee Doering, surviving widow of Henry Doering, Mary Sauls, Margaret Frazer, Kate Sauls, Ameal Doering and A.J. Doering children and heirs of Henry Doering and E.J. Sauls, Wm. G. Sauls, William Sauls and Elzie Frazer — H.S. Harris purchaser.
To M.C. Elders, C.P. Elders, Marion Elders, Minerva Elders, Porter Elders, Thomas Elders, Emmanual H. Bulliner, Wm. Elders and Mrs. George Williams, Henry Elders, Flora Elders, Mary Griffin — W.P. Goodall purchaser.
To Levi Preston, William R. Preston, Fred A. Catlin of the firm of Preston Bros., Samuel A. Sawyer, David L. Wallace and Thomas Miller of the firm of Sawyer, Wallace & Co., W.B. Westcott, surviving partner of the firm of Westcott & Hall, and Brooks Hall, H. Leroy Hall, Mary Hall and Willie Hall widow and heirs of W.H. Hall, A.T. Kelley and J.S. Goodfellow of the firm of Kelley, Goodfellow & Co., C.M. Henderson and other unknown members of the firm of C.M. Henderson & Co., O.S. Tippy, John Goodall, M.C. Campbell, J.N. Miller and S.W. Dunaway — J.W. Barham purchaser.
To M.M. Thompson — J.M. Cline purchaser
To WM. Hundley — J.W. Barham purchaser
To George W. Perry, Virginia Scurlock, Marshall Scurlock, Emma Bellah, Johnnie Calvert and unknown heirs of William S. Calvert – J.D. Baker purchaser
To J.H. Pinkerton, Jorden Pinkerton, Amanda Pinkerton – J.E. Gallagher purchaser
To W.T. Rainey — J.W. Barham purchaser
To Edgar Farmer — J.D, Baker purchaser
To G.W. Pemberton — J.E. Gallagher purchaser
To F.M. Norman — W.P. Goodall purchaser
To F.M. Sparks — E.E. Mitchell purchaser TL 28 Feb 1889
Sheriff’s sale — Judgment against B.G. Hilliard in favor of Jo C. Stark Judgment against 0.S. Tippy and M.C. Campbell in favor of W.B. Westcott
Non-resident notice — Sarah A. Wyatt vs Geo. W. Wyatt — divorce Louisa M. Cunningham vs Harry Cunningham — divorce TL 28 Feb 1889
Stonefort — The death angel invaded our ranks on the 19th and called to another world Miss Theodosia Gunn, aged 20 years.
Washington Gard and family and James Stalions left Monday for Lincoln County, Kansas. TL 28 Feb 1889
Tax sale notice — To N.E. Randolph — J.W. Barham purchaser
To N.G. Thornton — W.P. Goodall purchaser
To F.M. Norman, Leroy Norman, E.M. Norman, Wm. E. Norman, Henry W. Norman and Nichols Shephard & Co. — J.W. Barham purchased
To Moses Armes — J.M. Cline purchaser
To Eli Skidmore and W.A. Spann — E.E. Mitchell purchaser
To Nora Weber, Minnie Caldwell, Emma Lusk, A.C. Goe, H.S. Goe, T.A. Jenkins, Mary Ellender Jenkins, John Weber, Lacy Caldwell and Edward Lusk – M.L. Baker purchaser
To Burt or Bunt Mayhew — J.W. Barham purchaser
To Isaac Hanks — W.P. Goodall purchaser
To J.M. Smith and J.H. Smith — W.P. Goodall purchaser
To M. Finn — W.P. Goodall purchaser TL 28 Feb 1889
The German Lutheran Evangelical Church of this city was dedicated Sunday last. In the forenoon the services were conducted by the German ministers and in the afternoon by Revs. Bascom, pastor of the M.E. Church; Clauson, pastor of the M.E. Church South and Rev. Webster, pastor of the Baptist Church. English was spoken to a large audience, followed by German ministers in their mother tongue. The building is a neat frame, 28 X 40, and is in Denison’s addition to Marion. Besides the church, the Association has underway a parsonage near the church. The Leader hails with delight the enterprise and congratulates our German speaking neighbors in their success in such a laudable enterprise. TL 7 Mar 1889
Mr. John Echols died the 10th of general debility. TL 7 Mar 1889
Perhaps one of the most cowardly and extremely disgraceful conspiracies that ever existed in the east part of the county, or perhaps in any other part of it since the famous “Vendetta” was the assault upon some school boys at the Henshaw school house last week. It appears that there was a dance in the neighborhood of the school and two Hughes boys, aged 17 and 15, attended where some roughs and outlaws were present and in the course of its progress, a difficulty arose between these two Hughes boys and some other parties, who, in their own neighborhood, have the name of being quiet and peaceful boys, and Tobe Evitts, Jim Evitts, Jim Leird [Lind] and Tom Vandyke, all great “cronies” and “pals.” Matters passed on until last Friday, when they slipped around in the vicinity of the school house awaiting an opportunity. When the teacher, Miss Powell, went to her dinner they, the Evitts, Lerid [Lind] and Vandyke, armed with clubs, rushed into the school house where the Hughes were, and began with loud oaths, simultaneously attacking them with their bludgeons, killing one of the boys for several minutes by striking him over the head. It is in evidence that the least club was more than an inch and one half in diameter. After this, they went before Squire Henshaw and plead guilty to an assault and were fined. The next day they were arrested for riot and upon their preliminary examination they were bound over to the grand jury. It has since been developed that they had had formed a conspiracy and carried it out to the letter. Every good citizen in that part of the county favor the prosecution to the bitter end and appeal to the County Superintendent and the States Attorney to see that these outlaws are prosecuted to the full extent of the statue. A community is not safe where it is infested with criminals of this type. One of them made some pretensions toward culture when he came to this country from Ohio, but people soon sized him up when they became acquainted with him and learned whom he associated with. A set of young men who will go to a school house where a young lady is teaching and raise such a disturbance are such toughs as criminally assault women in the dark and terrorize community. We do not want such men among us, they are a menace to all that is decent and progressive in a county! Away with them! Let it be made an example at once, that all lawbreakers may profit by it. Their room may be utilized with better material. A teacher. TL 14 Mar 1889
Crab Orchard — George Duke has purchased of Dr. Wolf the residence on Mt. Pisgah. TL 14 Mar 1889
Stonefort — Mrs. Sallie Parsons, of Saline Precinct, died Monday after an illness of 24 hours, aged 70 years. TL 14 Mar 1889
Corinth — Col. Marvel died the 16th of pneumonia. TL 14 Mar 1889
Land sale — George W. Odum admr estate of Thomas Odum. TL 14 Mar 1889 Tax sale notice — To Isaac Hanks — W.P. Goodall purchaser TL 14 Mar 1889
Carterville — Matilda Talley, who has been suffering with consumption a long while, died Friday and was buried Saturday in Hurricane graveyard. TL 21 Mar 1889
Mrs. Hezekiah Davis died at home in this city Sunday. TL 21 Mar 1889
Chancery sale — In the case of Sarah S. Odum, formerly Sarah S. Havens, admrx of estate of John A. Russell, deceased, Sarah S. Odum, Amanda E. Turner, Rachel P. Legrand, Millie A. Cawthon, Nancy E. Boyer and James Russell, heirs of John A. Russell, deceased vs David B. Russell, Ada Russell — bill to cancel deed, remove cloud and foreclose vendors lien. TL 21 Mar 1889
Stonefort — Elihu Mofield and Linnia Arnold were married Wednesday. TL 4 Apr 1889
C.F. Edington, formerly of this city, but now of Paragould, Arkansas, was the guest of his brother-in-law, J.W. Samuels. TL 18 Apr 1889
Alta Walker, 12 years 5 months 19 days, daughter of Samuel W. Walker, died 14 April at the residence of her parents on west Main Street. Burial was in the new cemetery. TL 18 Apr 1889
James R. Goodall, 19 years 5 months 27 days, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Goodall, died 14 Apr at the home of Dr. H.C. Mitchell in Carbondale. Burial was in the new cemetery. TL 18 Apr 1889
Sylvester McNeil and Iva Jones were married Sunday. TL 18 Apr 1889
Chancery sale — John A. Davis et al vs Robert Davis et al. TL 18 Apr 1889
Wm. B. Spiller was born 24 Dec 1812 in Tennessee, removed to Illinois when 3 years old and died last Saturday at the home of his son, E. Spiller in this city. He was 76 years 3 months 28 days old. 45 years of his life were spent in the church. TL 25 Apr 1889
Cases in Circuit Court:
Ed Calvert — perjury — off docket with leave to reinstate
Van Z. Pribble — burglary — nol pros
Noval Anderson — assault to murder — off docket with leave to reinstate
Mahala J. Calvert — assault to murder — continued for service
Jas. Mifflin — assault — fine $30
Geo. W. May — forgery — nol pros
Jacob Reisinger — obtaining money under false pretenses — off docket with leave to reinstate
J.A. Ward — forgery — off docket with leave to reinstate
X Davis — larceny — nol pros
Jas. Ballou — assault to murder — nol pros
Steve Clutts — murder — not guilty
Ernest Duncan — manslaughter — con.
Grant Fowler — assault to rape — con.
Green Lasley — assault and battery — not guilty
J.B. Calvert — embezzlement — off docket with leave to reinstate
J.W. Morray and Green Lowery — appeal — not guilty
Dick Bruce — killing domestic animal — continued for service
_ A. McKinney — assault to murder — con.
Silas Morgan — assault to murder — con.
Harry Winters — assault to murder — con.
Dick Lundy — assault to murder — con.
Edney Seger — assault to murder — con.
Hardy Powell — larceny — pled guilty in two counts, four years each Lon Durham, larceny — not guilty
Divorces granted:
A.J. Follis Vs S. Iola Follis
C.M. McConnell Vs I. McConnell
L.M. Barham Vs W.T. Barham
N.J. Williams Vs A.J. Williams
Chas. Peters Vs Rebecca Peters
Amd’a Hudgens Vs Wm. Hudgens
Martha Cannon Vs E.S. Cannon
Willis F. Norris Vs Mary Norris
Eliza Taborn Vs Hend. Taborn
M.J. Carter Vs W.P. Carter
M.J. Thompson Vs Levi Thompson
Sarah A. Wyatt Vs Geo. W. Wyatt
Lina J. Allen Vs A. Logan Allen
Louisa M. Cunningham Vs Harry Cunningham
In the following cases, no decrees: E. Halstead Vs J.C.S. Halstead
Arista Forehand Vs Jesse Forehand
Alice Lands Vs George Lands S.K. Tanner Vs Sarah E. Tanner TL 25 Apr 1889
Mrs. Sarah Wyatt made us a pleasant call Monday. She left Tuesday for her home in St. Louis. TL 25 Apr 1889
Final settlement — James Wright admr estate of Willoby Bush TL 25 Apr 1889 Chancery sale — Elsie Robinson et al vs Ben W. Robinson et al TL 25 Apr 1889
Stonefort —Woodie Ward, son of John, died Friday at his parents’ home here. Burial was in Joyner Cemetery. TL 25 Apr 1889
Robert Carter and Ida Foster were married 28 Apr at Carterville. TL 2 May 1889 L.B. Casey and Laura Lowe were married Thursday. TL 2 May 1889
We are glad to learn that Mrs. Emily Mitchell has been granted a pension on account of the death of her husband, Mr. W.N. Mitchell. Her first husband, Col. John H. White, was killed at Ft. Donelson and her last husband contracted disease in the army from which death resulted. TL 2 May 1889
Charlie Williams who murdered Warren Jordan at Thompsonville last fall received a sentence of fifteen years in the Chester penitentiary. TL 16 May 1889
Harold B. Hartwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Hartwell, of this city, died Friday, aged 7 years 1 month 10 days. The death was unexpected, they having been reassured but an hour before his death that his condition was not alarming. Card of thanks from L.D. and Cora Hartwell. TL 16 May 1889
Chancery sale — Trustees of Schools of Township 8 south range 1 east vs Ethan A. Sprague.
Jefferson Motsinger vs Martha A. Bollinger et at TL 16 May 1889
Adj notice — Wesley Burnett admr estate of Robert Parks TL 16 May 1889
Chancery sale — WM. Gallagher and J.M. Aikman vs W.H. Bentley and H.E. Bentley TL 16 May 1889
Rev. J.L. Hudgens will preach the funeral of Louella Parks at Mt. Zion C.P. church the third Sunday in June. TL 23 May 1889
Harrisburg Chronicle – Miss Lizzie Norman, daughter of George who recently moved from Marion to this place, was visiting at the former place last week when she was suddenly attacked by erysipelas and died Friday. Her funeral was attended by her parents, W.T. Skaggs and wife and Priestly Norman and wife, all of this place. IL 23 May 1889
J.G. White was born 20 Mar 1824 in N.C. and died 21 May at his residence here. He resided in Tennessee several years and came to Illinois in 1865. He was a member of the Baptist Church. He bore his affliction patiently to death, though confined to his room one month, during which time his wife died (twenty days before his death.) For a number of years, they have been alone and often expressed a desire to be called from labor to rest at the same time. They leave three daughters: Mrs. Herrin of Bloomington and Mrs. David Coake and Mrs. WM. McIntosh of this place. IL 23 May 1899
Chancery sale — Gaar Scott & Co vs M.J. Gill TL 23 May 1899
George Neely and Ella Hicks, daughter of H.H. Hicks, were married Thursday. TL 23 May 1889
Chancery sale — Lavinna Owens vs John W. Morris et al John I. Horn vs William J. Swan TL 23 May 1889
Creal Springs — Sol White Jr., living about one and a half miles north, died of consumption Sunday. The body was buried in the family cemetery. TL 23 May 1889
Mrs. Mary Mann of this place was adjudged insane and taken to the asylum in Kankakee Monday. TL 30 May 1899
Eight Mile — Reuben Fozzard has lost his wife and is left entirely alone in his declining years. TL 30 May 1899
William Alsup, the young man that recently committed suicide, was a complete physical wreck and often spoke of being tired of life. TL 30 May 1889
Carterville — Arrived at the house of Chas. Burnett Saturday, a boy. The largest on record, so Charlie says. TL 30 May 1889
Stonefort — News reached here Friday of the death of Ray Marshall. He was killed in a wreck on the Missouri Pacific Railroad.
Duff St. John and Mary Gurley were married Sunday at the church in Old Stonefort. TL 30 May 1889
Sheriff’s sale — Judgment against Ben Wharton in favor of J.C. Mitchell TL 30 May 1889
Next Sunday week, Rev. Hudgens will preach the funeral of Misses Louella Parks and Lizzie Norman at Mt. Zion C.P. Church. TL 6 Jun 1889
Final settlement — J.W. Absher admr estate of Harlin Absher TL 6 Jun 1889
Final settlement — John Stocks admr estate of C.C. Baird, to Ella Baird, Emma Baird, Mary Wells and unknown heirs of C.C. Baird. TL 11 Jul 1889
Final settlement — George B. Chamness admr estate of George W. Ramsey TL 25 Jul 1889
Spring Grove M.E. Church, 12 miles east of Marion, will be dedicated Sunday Aug 11th. Elders Wallace and Vancleve will be present; also Elder Nash is expected. Revs. Laughlin, Flint and others will be there. The invitation is to all. TL 1 Aug 1889
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Cash have a new boy. TL 1 Aug 1889
Walter M. Pride, of Marion, and Cora Butler, of Pinckneyville, were married Tuesday at the residence of Squire Steele. She is the daughter of O.S. Butler who used to be a resident of Coulterville. TL 1 Aug 1889
Last Tuesday, the dead body of Clem Norton was found in a pond on the farm of L.L. Sanders. She left this city Sunday and went to the residence of Mr. Sanders. She left there Monday afternoon and the next heard of her was in the pond the next morning. An inquest was held at the home of I.J. Sanders and the coroner’s jury found that Loucinda C. Norton was a suicide. TL 1 Aug 1889
Creal Springs — An infant child of J.J. and Sarah Gill died Monday. TL 1 Aug 1889
Pulley’s Mill — Ne1tie Fly and Newton Lance of Wolf Creek were married last Thursday. The groom is an ex-teacher of this county. TL 1 Aug 1889
Wolf Creek has the largest shop in Southern Illinois run by Trease and Lance. TL 1 Aug 1889
For the first time since 20 years before the birth of Washington, there will, this year, be a total eclipse of the sun. It will not come to pass again until the year 2057. TL 8 Aug 1889
William Robert Goodall, son of Geo. H. and Altha, was born 27 Mar 1883 and died 2 Aug of flux. He was the oldest son. The following lines are by Rev. G.T. Clemson:
An Angel Visitor
He came when all was calm and fair, He came on dewey wings.
He came and called for one so fair, I am sent this rose to bring.
Not so! Not so! the mother cried, Not so! the father said.
But the angel passed swiftly by, And smoothed the boy’s head.
A seat’s prepared, said angel death, A harp is ready strung
On which the angels dare not play, It was tuned for Robie’s lungs.
It’s true it’s hard to give him up,
But Christ the Saviour said,
Suffer the children to come unto me,
He has only gone ahead.
So Robie can’t come back no more
But waits with angel band To welcome Mama and Papa Home to dwell in angel land. TL 8 Aug 1889
Creal Springs — B.S. Weaver, an elderly and well known gentleman of this place, died last Thursday night. He was the father-in-law of Daniel Simpson and visiting in his home at the time. Burial was in Zion Cemetery at Corinth with Masonic honors. TL 8 Aug 1889
Stonefort — A little child of Thos. Hamilton died Friday. TL 15 Aug 1889
Creal Springs — A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hill died last week. TL 15 Aug 1889
Final settlement — W.W. Young admr estate of James M. Edwards TL 15 Aug 1889
Creal Mineral Springs affords relief to suffering humanity unparalleled in the history of this country. For dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, rheumatism, nervous prostration, diabetes, diarrhea, constipation, scrofula and many other maladies to which the human is heir, it has no equal. In addition to the two first class hotels, now under the management of the genial, clever and liberal minded Chas. C. Chase, of the Creal Springs Hotel and George B. Chamness, owner and proprietor of the East Side Hotel, there have been added, since last year, several commodious private residences. The hotels having been improved and refurnished offer inducements never before to be had in Creal Springs. The springs and bath house are under the control and management of Dr. Curtis Brown, former proprietor of the Creal Springs Hotel. The elegant bath house has been repainted and refitted, the springs cleaned out and everything done to make it attractive as well as beneficial. TL22 Aug 1889
Chas. A. Edwards, of Crab Orchard, received on 27 Aug an increase in pension from $4 to $12 per month. He received a gunshot wound in the right side and was a prisoner in Andersonville prison. John W. Peebles was the agent who worked up the case. TL 29 Aug 1889
Franklin Eubanks, 71, died Sunday of flux at his residence near Sulphur Springs, this county. TL 29 Aug 1889
Non-resident notice — Thomas A. Boren vs Martha E. Boren — divorce TL 29 Aug 1889
Henry Scurlock was arraigned before Justice Smith, charged with furnishing whiskey to Isaac Wiley and William Gibbs. He was fined $75 and trimmings. TL 29 Aug 1889
Rev. B.S. Weaver was born 19 Aug 1819 in Shelby County, KY and died 2 Aug at Creal Springs. He married Rebecca Pedley 12 Apr 1840 and moved to Illinois in 1860. He enlisted in the army in October 1861 and moved his family to Williamson County in March 1862. He was a member of the Methodist Church for fifty years and served his church in all the offices from class leader to local preacher. He was a Mason. The funeral was preached at Zion M.E. Church, Corinth, by Rev. James McNeil, after which his body was interred by the Masonic fraternity. TL 29 Aug 1889
W.S. Hampton and Mrs. Elizabeth Biers were married Tuesday by Judge W.W. Duncan. The groom is 75 and the bride is 68. TL 29 Aug 1889
Crab Orchard — Old Uncle Billy Parks and Geo. Crossley, two genial old bachelors, have both entered the field of matrimony. TL 29 Aug 1889
Non-resident notice — Susan Washburn vs G.L. Washburn — divorce
Thomas Ludlow & Rodgers vs Harriet S. Pemberton et al — non-residence of Berry L. Pemberton and Sarah Pemberton
James M. Trusty vs Amanda J. Trusty — divorce TL 29 Aug 1889
Rollo Helton, infant son of J.J. and Hattie, died 2 Sep. TL 5 Sep 1889
The entertainment given for the benefit of Miss Kate Hayes, the blind girl, at the Christian Church last Friday, was not very largely attended; the proceeds amounting to between $6 and $7, for which she returns her sincere thanks. TL 5 Sep 1889
Reuben Borton was born in Guernsey County, Ohio on 17 Nov 1822 and died at home in Marion on 2 Sep. He was the oldest of eight children. He was educated in the schools of his native county and married at the age of 23, following the business of distilling essential oils. In 1850 he went to California. He had seen not only every state and territory, but had traveled through Mexico. He came to Marion about 20 years ago, but only remained a short time, going to the mining regions in the west again to seek his fortune. He returned to Marion 12 years ago. He married Mattie Simmons in 1880 and three children were born to them. He had much to do with the public, being in the milling business. His funeral services were conducted by Rev. N. Bascom of the Methodist Church and his body was laid away in the tomb by his Masonic brethren. TL 5 Sep 1889
Adj notice — M.J. Turner exec of estate of W.S. Allen TL 5 Sep 1889
Stonefort — At Hancock School, 7 miles east of here, at a meeting last Wednesday evening, William Mort and Frank Marshal engaged in a quarrel. Mort refused to fight. He and some others urged Marshal to fight James Melton, a boy 13 or 14 years old. Marshal said he could whip both of them. Melton stabbed Marshal in the heart causing instant death. TL 5 Sep 1889
Lula Jane Franklin, daughter of A.B. and F.M., was born 17 Aug 1888 and died 10 Sep, aged 1 year and 24 days. Burial was in the old cemetery. TL 12 Sep 1889
Mrs. R. Borton has removed to the home of her mother, Mrs. M.F. Simmons. TL 12 Sep 1889
On 9 Sep, on the farm of John W. Snider, one half mile east of Carbondale, a terrible accident happened. Five men: John W. Snider, Thomas Tygett Sr., Andrew J. Tygett, John Biggs and Isaac Miller — the last one colored — were working with a clover huller propelled by steam. Thomas Tygett Jr., who knew little or nothing of the engineer trade, was in charge of the boiler. The boiler was leaking. An explosion occurred and all the men were blown into eternity. William G. Spiller had been talking to the men and started for home. He was a few yards away and was blown some distance and injured. A man named Bain, driving a team, escaped injury. Thomas Tygett was blown a distance of 75 yards and over a barn, Andrew Tygett was found a short distance from the boiler and Biggs was picked up nearly fifty yards away. Miller was scalded to death. Portions of the boiler were thrown several yards. All of the men except Andrew Tygett have large families. TL 12 Sep 1889
Pulley’s Mill – James Stanley died of sporatic cholera after an illness of 49 hours. He was attended by Drs. Fly and Linsay who report the symptoms are almost identical to the dreaded Asiatic cholera. TL 12 Sep 1889
Chancery sale — John W. Givens, John W. Headley, James D. Headley Jr. vs Joseph T. Rainey and Margaret M. Rainey, his wife TL 12 Sep 1889
Adj notice — Nancy M. Carter and L.M. Carter admrs estate of Laban Carter TL 12 Sep 1889
Non-resident notice — H.S. Harris admr estate of E.L. Darrow vs Elizabeth Darrow, George W. Darrow, Georgie Ann Dorris, Martha Gosnell, Julia Joiner and John Brown — non-residence of William Darrow, son of E.L. Darrow TL 12 Sep 1889
Adj notice — M.J. Turner exec estate of W.S. Allen TL 12 Sep 1889 Chancery sale — Wm. L. Henderson vs A. Luke Ralls TL 12 Sep 1889
Final settlement — Edward F. O’haver admr estate of George L. Owen – to Gertrude 0. Fisher, Vinna E. Owen and children as heirs TL 12 Sep 1889
Adj notice — Celinda J. Pease admrx estate of B.F. Pease L.D. Hartwell admr estate of R. Borton TL 19 Sep 1889 Jennie Ethel Parker, daughter of Charles E. and Sarah E., born 28 Feb 1889, died 30 Sep. Burial was in the old Cemetery. TL 3 Oct 1889
Last Friday noon, the saw mill boiler at the Rentfro Mill, 2 miles from this city, exploded killing Dave Rentfro, the owner and sawer. He lay in great agony until 12 o’clock Saturday night when death called him into eternity. He leaves a wife and three children and a mother and father. Burial was in the old cemetery. TL 17 Oct 1889
Final settlement — Mahala Hall admrx estate of J.C.B. Smith TL 17 Oct 1889
Rev. R.W. Laughlin was called to attend the funeral of Mr. J.R. Stewart at Corinth last Saturday. TL 17 Oct 1889
Malcolm A. Butler was born 27 Jun 1852 in Bainbridge, Chenone County, New York and died 8 Oct at his residence in this city. He came to Illinois with his parents when a child. Burial was at Pinckneyville. Mr. Butler came to Marion 6 years ago and took charge of the depot, in the employ of the St. Louis Coal Railroad Company and when the line was transferred to the St. L.A. & T.H. Company, her was retained in that office. He was a member of the M.E. Church. TL 17 Oct 1889
Final settlement — Jasper Williams admr estate of Elizabeth Rodgers TL 17 Oct 1889
Carterville — A little child of Hosea Hindman died last Saturday.
Esquire B.P. Bandy, while out hunting, was loading a muzzle loader shotgun, in which one barrel was loaded. His right hand was on the muzzle of the loaded barrel when it discharged. Dr. Ferrell, assisted by other physicians, amputated the hand just above the wrist. The loss of his hand will prove a severe loss to him for all time to come. His co-workers in the mines and business men of this town showed their sympathy by presenting him with something like one hundred dollars in cash. TL 17 Oct 1889
Final settlement — H.M. Richart admr estate of William Thompson TL 24 Oct 1889
A prisoner named Ogle made his escape Tuesday night from the guards at the courthouse. TL 24 Oct 1889
John H. Caplinger died at his residence near this city Saturday. TL 24 Oct 1889
Another case of long deferred justice has reached a final decision. Ehud Jeter is allowed about sixteen hundred dollars pension on account of disability contracted while standing between the Old Flag and traitors. TL 24 Oct 1889
Earnest Duncan is being tried on a charge of killing White. TL 24 Oct 1889
Stonefort — Frank Johnson and Missouri Penninger were married Sunday night at the M.E. Church. TL 24 Oct 1889
Mr. F.M. Sparks will leave in a few days for Olympia, Washington to visit his father. He has not met his father in 38 years. TL 24 Oct 1889
In Circuit Court, Baily Martin, 14-year-old son of Thomas Martin, was sentenced to reform school in Pontiac. Sullivan pled guilty to larceny and was sentenced to one year in the pen. The jury failed to agree on the manslaughter charge of Earnest Duncan, so that case is still on the docket. TL 24 Oct 1889
Mrs. Mon Dowell presented her husband with a son Tuesday. TL 31 Oct 1889
Creal Springs – E.J. Cooksey, the hotel man of Parker City, was in town Monday. Uncle Jack is a genial host and always entertains his guests well. TL 31 Oct 1889
Crab Orchard — Eliza Wolf, daughter of Dr. J.L. & Emma, died the 18th of typhoid fever. TL 31 Oct 1889
Stonefort — The daughter of Levi Henderson died Sunday after an illness of two days. Thomas A. Boren and Lourisa Whipple were married last Sunday.
George Henshaw, teacher at Pleasant Valley, informs us that he has 77 enrolled, the largest number ever in this district. TL 31 Oct 1889
The mother of J.H. and T.J. Duncan, of this city, died last night, nearly eighty years of age. TL 6 Nov 1889
William Fitzgerald was killed near Corinth a few days ago by his nephew. Parties were firing pistols on the premises of Mr. Fitzgerald who asked them to stop. Ad Johnson said, “Here is one you may have,” and fired. Johnson said he didn’t know it was loaded. TL 6 Nov 1889
E.E. Eubanks and Roena Binkley were married last evening. TL 6 Nov 1889
John S. Woods Esq. died at his residence in Carbondale Thursday. TL 6 Nov 1889
J.L. Hall and Minnie Cline were married Tuesday. TL 14 Nov 1889
Adj notice — J.M. Campbell admr estate of M.A. Butler
J.H. Stewart admr estate of John R. Stewart TL 14 Nov 1889
Benton Standard — J.A. Watkins started his son, Alvadus, aged 15, to the mill at Mulkeytown on 31 Oct. That evening a man found the team hitched in the woods. The boy had disappeared. Mr. Watkins and his wife are very much distressed over the loss of their only son. It is supposed the boy became dissatisfied and went off to see the world. TL 14 Nov 1889
Esquire James Dunn of Douglas Precinct, Saline County, died the 4th. He leaves a wife and 6 children. TL 14 Nov 1889
Henry F. Spiller and Mrs. Nannie A. Spiller, of Lake Creek, were married the 17th. The bride is the widow of John Spiller. TL 21 Nov 1889
Crab Orchard — The weather vane at the Academy stands sixty feet from the ground. It tells the weather for miles `round. It is very ornamental. TL 21 Nov 1889
Chancery sale — Thomas Ludlow & Rodgers Vs Harriet S. Pemberton, Sarah Pemberton, Charles Pemberton, Gussie Pemberton, Berry N. Pemberton, Donna Pemberton, Margaret J. Pemberton, Joseph T. Pemberton, Della Pemberton, Samuel M. Pemberton and Alice E. Pemberton TL 21 Nov 1889
Creal Springs — J.B. Askew died of consumption a few days ago at the residence of Levi Ferrell.
George W. Schuey died the 17th at his home 4 miles west of town. TL 21 Nov 1889
Final settlement — E.E. Mitchell admr estate of John D. Sanders TL 21 Nov 1889
Sherman Scoby of Crab Orchard and Victoria Sizemore of Carterville were married last Thursday. TL 28 Nov 1889
Dr. J.L. Wolf, of Crab Orchard, was in town last week looking after business matters. The Dr. has for nearly 40 years devoted his time to his profession and reports startling cases. He informs us he is making a specialty of chronic cases and the eye is treated very successfully. For further information address Dr. J.L. Wolf, Crab Orchard, Ill. TL 28 Nov 1889
Adj notice — J.W. White admr estate of John H. Caplinger TL 28 Nov 1889
To Mrs. Nancy S. Stewart — On 18 Nov Delia Malone filed a petition for appointment of a conservator of your estate. TL 28 Nov 1889
We neglected last week to announce the arrival of twin sisters at the residence of W.M. Davis in this city. TL 5 Dec 1889
Nannie L. Gent, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Gent and Dr. Walter P. Moore were married last Thursday. The groom is a dentist. TL 12 Dec 1889
Final settlement — Sally Ann Ralls exec estate of Allen Lewis Ralls TL 12 Dec 1889
Chancery sale — George H. Goodall vs Frances L. Cruse and M.L. Cruse TL 12 Dec 1889
Stonefort — J.C. Hughes died the 7th. He leaves a wife and 2 children. TL 12 Dec 1889
James Duty was born 26 Nov 1833 in Posey County, Indiana and moved to Franklin County, Illinois in 1853. He married Louisa J. Jett 10 Sep 1857. He enlisted in Co F 40th Illinois on 10 Aug 1861 as a private in Col. Hicks regiment, under Capt. Sherley. He was discharged 10 Nov 1862 and moved to Williamson County, Illinois 28 Oct 1863. The last 9 years were spent at Crab Orchard where he died 29 Nov. TL 12 Dec 1889
R.P. Throgmorton of Grassy reported the death of Mr. Tippy at the age of 80 years. TL 19 Dec 1889
Creal Springs — The little babe of Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Crawford departed this life for a home with the angels on the 15th.
Mrs. Levi Vaughn died of consumption the 15th. She leaves a husband and three children. TL 19 Dec 1889
Silas Morgan, commonly known as Bud Morgan, of Western Precinct, was shot Friday by his brother-in-law, Thomas Nangle. TL 26 Dec 1889
New Burnside — The Widow Cook was called to her final resting place one day last week. She leaves a son to mourn her loss and struggle with a hard-hearted world without father or mother. TL 26 Dec 1889
Dr. J.L. Wolf has been called away on professional business. He has a large practice in the river counties. The doctor makes a specialty of chronic cases and has worked some wonderful cures, two cases in our town prove his skill, that of Minnie Parks and Tom Wicks. TL 26 Dec 1889 Drs. Mitchell and McAnally of Carbondale removed on the 17th a fatty tumor from Abe Fozzard, one of Dr. Baker’s patients. It weighed one pound. TL 26 Dec 1889
(Extracted from microfilm at Morris Library and/or Illinois State Library by Helen Sutt Lind, published in Events in Egypt, Vol. 4)