Extracted chiefly from the newspaper “The Leader” (TL)
By oversight last week we failed to mention the marriage of Rev. Clauson and Maggie Evans. TL 2 Jan 1890
Minton Lockler and Francis L. Rains were married 18 Dec 1899. Also on the same day, Monroe G. Stover and Georgia A. Slater. TL 2 Jan 1890
Luna Luckey and T.R. Kelley were married. He is a teacher [No date.] TL 2 Jan 1890
Sheriff’s sale — Judgment against L.M. and Nancy E. Smith in favor of L.W. Smith TL 2 Jan 1890
Crab Orchard – Dr. Wolf returned Saturday eve from an extended trip to the river counties. The doctor has a fine match team and Dude knows how to handle the lines. Roy Norman smiles and continues to smile. It’s a boy. TL 16 Jan 1890
Rufus Hearn, son of Rev. P.N. Hearn of Corinth, was drowned the 6th in Arkansas. A letter written to Brice Holland explains the matter. The writer says that himself, Rufus and another man were going to Thayer, (a town nearby in MO.) When they arrived at the creek, they drove into the water and after a few feet from the bank, the wagon floated, the bed leaving the wagon. The driver held the reins, Rufus and the writer floated downstream a short distance. The writer caught the floating bed and was saved. Rufus was excited and did not try to catch [Story ends here] The letter was signed W.T. Gambill. E.W. Hearn went to look after the body. He telegraphed his father that the body had been found and buried. TL 16 Jan 1890
The Anna Talk announces the marriage of a former Marion girl. George C. Hanford of Makanda and Anna L. Pease, until recently from Carbondale, were married 7 Jan at Wichita, Kansas. She was a teacher in the public schools in Anna last winter. TL 23 Jan 1890
Tax sale — To W.D. DeWoody — M.R. Dewoody purchaser TL 23 Jan 1890
New Denison — Our good natured young friend Frank McDonald is in better humor than usual. The new corner at his house is just like papa.
Will Bradley has purchased the quarter section of land taken up under the Homestead laws by Rev. Willis Corder in the state of Kansas two years ago. It lies adjoining the quarter section which he acquired under the Homestead at the same time. TL 30 Jan 1890
A boy was born this week to Dr. L.B. Casey, also a son for J.M. Ray of Attila. TL 30 Jan 1890
Dora Ellen Weaver, wife of John Weaver and eldest daughter of E. and Nancy Moore, died 31 Dec 1889. TL 30 Jan 1890
J.N. Poor died at his residence in Vienna Friday night. His wife is the daughter of A.J. Duncan of Lake Creek. TL 30 Jan 1890
Non-resident notice — Matilda Legan vs John W. Legan — divorce TL 30 Jan 1890
Tax sale — To Peebles & Ridgway — Dr. J.L. Wolf purchaser
To Calvin M. Hayes, Randall Hayes, Ellen Hayes, James A. Hayes, Mary Hayes, Florence Hayes – George H. Goodall purchaser TL 30 Jan 1890
Stonefort — James Middleton and Lora Aldridge were married Sunday. TL 6 Feb 1890
Creal Springs — Blacksmith Lane and wife have a little daughter born Saturday. TL 6 Feb 1890
William W. Edwards, 31, died Tuesday at his home near Union Grove. TL 6 Feb 1890
A.J. Lewis was born in Davidson County, Tennessee 27 Mar 1817, came to Illinois in 1827, locating near where he died 4 Feb. He lost a son in battle near Marietta, Georgia 4 Jul 1864. TL 6 Feb 1890
Non-resident notice — Mary Landers vs John Landers — divorce TL 6 Feb 1890 Tax sale — To C. Shaw — James H. Stewart purchaser
To James Arterberry and John Gosnel — A.J. Benson purchaser TL 6 Feb 1890
Herrin’s Prairie — Sylvester McNeil wears a big smile. The new comer is a boy. TL 13 Feb 1890
Tax sale — To J.R. Culp, W.N. Culp and John Culp — W.P. Goodall purchaser
To J.H. Muriah or John Murrie and Elizabeth Brinkley — W.P. Goodall purchaser
To Keller & White, John Riddle, J.M. Eubanks agent — W.P. Goodall purchaser
To William Phemister and William Stout — W.P. Goodall purchaser
To N.E. Randolph — J.E. Gallagher purchaser
To E. Stites — J.E. Gallagher purchaser
To Joseph Martin — Jas. M. Young purchaser
To J.O. Connor, Mrs. Chris Nordling, Chris Nordling, J.M. Eubanks agent – W.P. Goodall purchaser
To Mary Etherly — H. Goodall purchased
To George Perry — W.H. Eubanks purchaser
To A.J. Vincent and E.G. Creal — W.P. Goodall purchaser TL 13 Feb 1890
Sheriff’s sale — judgment against William J. Fain in favor of G.T. Johnson TL 13 Feb 1890
Cottage Home — Mrs. George Ogden died of pneumonia the 8th. TL 13 Feb 1890
Tax sale — To J.U. Tanner, John Owen, Fountain E. Albright and Babie McElvain — W.P. Goodall purchaser
To W.R. Blackwell and agent Robert Donoven — W.P. Goodall purchaser To M.A. Carter — A.J. Benson purchaser
To C.L. Otrich, heirs of Jacob Rendleman — A.J. Benson purchaser TL 13 Feb 1890
Tax sale — To R. Borton — J.E. Gallagher purchaser
To N.J. Thornton — H. Goodall purchaser
To Cid Hutchison — W.H. Eubanks purchaser
To O.D. Phillips — J.E. Gallagher purchaser
To J.H. Deming — A. Benson purchaser
To Milton Childer — James H. Duncan purchaser
To F.M. Norman, C.J. Norman and H.C. Ralston — George H. Goodall purchaser
To M.M. Thompson — W.H. Eubanks purchaser
To John R. Thomas and E.C. Moore — J.E. Gallagher purchaser TL 13 Feb 1890
Non-resident notice — Elizabeth Brown vs Oliver S. Tippy, Leroy A. Goddard, Samuel W. Dunaway, Hardin Goodall, C.M. Henderson & Co., W.B. Westcott surviving partner of the firm of Westcott & Hall, Mary E. Goodall and William J. Aikman admrs estate of Thomas J. Goodall, John W. Burton Master in Chancery & Joseph Kent In Chancery.
To Susan E. Branson, Hiram C. Robertson, John D. Woods and W.S. Robertson — J.D. Baker purchaser
To Samuel Dunaway — James H. Duncan purchaser
To John W. Flood, A.W. Clements and Ralls Rains — J.W. Westbrook purchaser To A.W. Clements and Alfred Richerson — J.E. Gallagher purchaser
To Abraham Fletcher, Emiline Fletcher, John J. Fletcher, S.A. Fletcher, J.W. Fletcher, C.B. Fletcher, J. Fletcher, J.F. Fletcher, C.V. Fletcher, Silas Parker, Sarah A. Abner — George H. Goodall purchaser
To Goodall & Campbell, Virginia A. Dunaway, Oliver S. Tippy, Elizabeth Brown, Joab Goodall, Mary Gray, L.A. Goddard, J.W. Westbrook, Van Taborn, – George H. Goodall purchaser TL 13 Feb 1890
Stonefort — The wife of Wm. A. Clark died Tuesday after an illness of a few days. She leaves a husband and three children. Burial was in Bolton Cemetery. TL 27 Feb 1890
William Edwards died 4 Feb of pneumonia at his home near Grant, Ill, aged 30 years, 11 months and 28 days. He was born in Williamson County, ILL., 6 Feb 1857 and from that time until his death, he resided at or near the place of his birth at Grant, Ill. He married Caroline Avery and seven children were born to this union.
Is there no kind of healing art
To soothe the anguish of the heart?
Spirit of grace be ever nigh
Thy comforts are not made to die.
L. Loyd Hendrickson TL 27 Feb 1890
Creal Springs – Henry Herrin, of Spokane Falls, Washington, a brother of Mrs. Dr. Brown, made a short visit here. TL 27 Feb 1890
Tax sale — To Steve Collins and G.H. Kelley — A.J. Benson purchaser
To Sarah Cassady — H. Goodall purchaser
To David Bayless — W.H. Eubanks purchaser
To S. Dunaway — W.H. Eubanks purchaser
To S.W. Dunaway — John E. Gallagher purchaser
To W.F. Powell, L.J. {Powell, Sarah Williams and L. Powell — J.D. Baker purchaser
To Amanda Sulivan — A.M. Askew purchaser
To Bery Bender — James Young purchaser
To H.T. White and David Bails — W.H. Eubanks to Thomas H. Burnes — C.W. Bainbridge purchaser
To F.B. Bearden — Jas. H. Duncan purchaser
To J.W. Logan — A.F. White purchaser 27 Feb 1890
To J.W. Rayner & Son — Jas. H. Duncan purchaser TL 27 Feb 1890
Non-resident notice — John A. Huck, Annie C. Huck, Anton G. Oeth, Mrs. Anton G. Oeth, Elizabeth Oeth and George W. Oeth by Elizabeth Oeth mother and next friend and George C. Daub, Elizabeth C. Daub, Christina M. Daub, Annie C. Daub and Annie M. Daub, last five by John Daub father and next friend vs Catharine Daub and Henry Daub
Andrew Given vs Thomas Garrett & Jemima Garrett his wife
Albert H. McInturff vs Arminta McInturff — divorce TL 27 Feb 1890
Miss Minnie White died last Friday at the residence of her mother in Olney. The funeral was at the M.E. Church by Rev. Vancleve, pastor of the Olney M.E. Church and burial was in the new cemetery, this city. TL 27 Feb 1890
Mrs. Elizabeth Rich, 61, and Joseph Kent, 70, were married at Canaville. [no date] TL 27 Feb 1890
Canaville — Since our last writing C.C. Odum, John W. Atwood and the infant babe of the late O.P. Henson have departed this life for one in the great unknown. TL 6 Mar 1890
Tax sale — To I.G. Sixton and P.M. Post — W.H. Eubanks purchaser
To Ralph Salew, Thomas Williams and John H. Searing — J.E. Gallagher purchase TL 6 Mar 1890
Non-resident notice — Franklin Parks, Janie Parks, Juila M. Parks, Denton Parks, Ida Parks, Libbie Parks, the last three minors by Julia M. Parks their mother and next friend, Edgar M. Parks a minor by Franklin Parks his brother and next friend, Amanda Sronce, Stephen B. Sronce, Frances L. Absher and W.M. Absher vs Lewis C. Parks, Carroll W. Parks, Ann Travelstead, Letha A. Cline, Pate Parks, W.L. Parks, C.M. Parks, Stephen A.D. Parks, Felix G. Parks, Elizabeth Peebles, Leander Burnett, Sada Corley, Lura B. Burnett, Keane Patsy Parks, Hugh Parks, Geo. Parks, Flora Furlong, Frank Burnett, James Turner, Nora Travelstead, Amanda Ozment, Martha Pritchett, Adella Parks, Robert L. Parks, Minnie Parks, Lula Burnett, Oscar Burnett, Arthur Burnett, Nellie Burnett, Otto Burnett, Sherman Burnett, Ottis Burnett, Mary Burnett, Amanda Sheretz, Sula Turner and Wesley Turner — bill for partition and dower and homestead to correct deed and remove cloud, etc. TL 6 Mar 1890
Application for removal of guardian — Guardianship of Miles Bell, guardian of the minor heirs of Lorinda Bell, deceased TL 6 Mar 1890
Ralph Simmons, a lad of eleven summers, was brought before Judge Duncan’s court last Friday, charged with assault with a deadly weapon. He pled guilty and after hearing evidence of two lady witnesses, the court sentenced him to sixteen months in Pontiac reform school. He is a son of M.V. Simmons, deceased, once a resident of this city, but for three years past he lived near Union City, Tennessee, until a few weeks back, when he returned here he was taken to the Orphans Home but returned and slipped his head in the halter as above stated. TL 6 Mar 1890
Chancery sale — Phillip Mann vs Lewis Ebert and Ida Ebert, Jacob Goode, F.M. Westbrook, J.W. Westbrook and W.F. Westbrook TL 6 Mar 1890
New Denison — Will Askew died on the 2nd at his home. Burial was in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. TL 13 Mar 1890
Crab Orchard — Dr. Wolfe and Andrew Summersett have been trading property. The doctor has also bought the South Side Hotel. TL 13 Mar 1890
Quincy Downs, indicted at October term of Franklin County Circuit Court for rape and on a change of venue was tried in Nov 1884 in Williamson County, received a 40 year sentence. He has been pardoned. The girl now declares he was not guilty. TL 13 Mar 1890
Tax sale — To G. Dorris, Cordelia Steel, Mrs. Benjamin F. Morris and heirs of Benjamin Morris — J.D. Baker purchased TL 13 Mar 1890
Peter Follis died 15 Mar at his home in Lake Creek. Born in Tennessee, he was 77 years old the 6th. TL 20 Mar 1890
John Hayton and Anna Walker were married last Thursday. TL 20 Mar 1890
Col. Ben L. Wiley of Makanda is dead. He was a soldier in the Mexican War and Colonel in a regiment in the war for the Union. The funeral was last Sunday. TL 27 Mar 1890
Athiel Harper of Frankfort Township, Franklin County, died last Saturday. Another old soldier passes over the river. TL 27 Mar 1890
W.A. Harris of Lake Creek arrived on the 1:05 train with the remains of Morgan Avery. He was found dead at the Arlington Hotel, Washington, Kansas on March 15. The coroner’s verdict was death from heart disease. Nothing could be found on him to identify him and he was buried as an unknown person. His father heard of his death through the press and sent for his body. He was 19 years old. The funeral was at Lake Creek Cemetery. TL 27 Mar 1890
Grant – Uncle Enoch Duncan has been having a rat killing at which 54 were reported killed. TL 3 Apr 1890
Crab Orchard — Lizzie Edwards, wife of George, died 28 Mar. She leaves a husband and three children.
Andrew Summersett’s face is covered with smiles. It’s a boy. TL 3 Apr 1890
Mrs. J.A. Ensminger, 51, wife of Deputy Sheriff Ensminger, died last Saturday at her residence in this city. TL 3 Apr 1890
Final settlement — To U.G. Hill — W.J. Hill. Guardian. TL 17 Apr 1890
Martha J. Ensminger, wife of John A., who died 28 Mar, was the last of her father’s family. Her mother, 90 years old, survives her. TL 17 Apr 1890
James A. Dunaway died at his home here Tuesday, 18 Apr, aged 28 years, 8 months and 25 days. His death was very sudden. Albert, as he was known was a printer. He leaves a wife and little son. TL 17 Apr 1890 [Death date must be an error as April 18 would be Friday and this was reported in the Apr 17 issue.]
Eight Mile — Alfred Miller and his uncle were splitting rails when his uncle accidentally struck his hand and almost severed the three largest fingers off his left hand, causing amputation. TL 17 Apr 1890
New Denison — Gano Edwards wears a happy smile. It’s a girl. TL 17 Apr 1890 Willis Barringer of Lake Creek died last week, age 75. TL 17 Apr 1890
Lake Creek — The oldest son of Peter Hartkopp died last Saturday week. TL 24 Apr 1890
Crab Orchard — Uncle Wes Street died the 21st? inst. TL 24 Apr 1890
Pulley’s Mill – John and Jennie Latham lost a child. The little fellow wanted to go with his father to cut a tree but was told to stay at the house until the tree had fallen, then he could come. In the meantime, a neighbor came with his two little boys and enquired of his father. The little boy went with them to show where he was and the tree fell on him. He died within a few minutes. TL 24 Apr 1890
Circuit Court proceedings:
Ernest Duncan, 5 years for manslaughter of George White on 4 Jul 1888 in Marion
Mahala Calvert, assault to murder, off docket with leave to reinstate
Sandy J. Ray, perjury, off docket with leave to reinstate
Richard Bruce, killing domestic animal, off docket with leave to reinstate
I.A. McKinney, assault to murder, by agreement pled guilty to assault with deadly weapon, $5 fine
Silas Morgan, assault to murder, continued
Harry Winters, assault to murder, not guilty
Richard Lundy vs Dick Lundy, assault to murder, continued
Richard Segars, assault to murder, continued
Geo. Evett, Joe Evett, Jas. Lind, Thomas Vaughn and William Deaton, conspiracy, continued
Richard Cash, arson, continued
William Henshaw, perjury, continued
I.A. Mckinney, Frank Anderson and Wilson Bradley, conspiracy, continued
Pete Holland, perjury, off of docket with leave to reinstate
Green Cherry, attempt to produce abortion, continued
Fred Stevens, malicious mischief, pled guilty, $25 fine
Ernest Duncan, three counts of assault to murder, all continued
Henry Cavanaugh, burglary, off docket with leave to reinstate
Geo. Gulley, burglary, off docket with leave to reinstate
Robert Holland, gaming, $10
Chas. Link, contempt, continued
Dora Stilla, contempt, continued
Corder Henshaw, contempt, continued
John Baker, burglary, guilty, reform school 2 years
Robert Alvis, assault with deadly weapon, pled guilty, $25 fine
Sherman Nangle, assault to murder, continued
James Young, gaming, pled guilty to first count, fined $10
Lee Hall, gaming, pled guilty to first count, fined $10
James Davis, gaming, pled guilty to one count, fined $10
William Barham, gaming, pled guilty, fined $10
Common Law:
James M. Fowler vs St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute R.R. Co., $100 for plaintiff
William Hudgens vs I.A. Mckinney, trespass, $200 damages for plaintiff
Joseph Tibs vs Williamson County, continued
City of Marion vs W.S. Washburn, appeal case dismissed at cost of defendant
James B. Walker vs St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute R.R. Co., $100 for plaintiff
S.W. Dunaway vs County of Williamson, assumpt., continued
Henry C. Mitchell vs County of Williamson, assumpt., continued
John R. Russell vs St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute R.R., damage (killing of a mule), damage assessed by jury at $120.
S.W. Powers vs Jno. H. Cagle, dismissed
John Nevils vs St. L. A. & T.H. R.R. Co., appeal, verdict for defendant
City of Marion vs B.F. Lowe, appeal, dismissed at plaintiff’s cost
Road Corn. Of Road Dis. No. 3 10-1 vs Joseph Swofford, appeal, dismissed
John R. Powell vs I.S. Jones, appeal, jury finds for plaintiff
Divorces granted:
Lucinda Ogden vs P.W. Ogden
Albert H. McInturff vs Arminta McInturff
Mary Landers vs John Landers S.T. Calhoun vs Mary J. Calhoun
The grand jury returned 92 indictments. 25 were against men and boys of Marion for gaming and many of them contained several counts. TL 24 Apr 1890
Stonefort — Barbra Toppas, of this place, and J.S. Crum of Vienna, were married the 17th at Cairo.
A double wedding was celebrated the 18th at Samuel Arnold’s between William Arnold & Minta Barger and W.G. Martin & Martha Barger. TL 24 Apr 1890
Final settlement — Wesley Burnett admr estate of Sarah J. Tanner TL 24 Apr 1890
Adj notice — Jas. L. Richerson admr estate of E.P. Follis TL 24 Apr 1890
Tick Ridge — Will Motsinger wears a broad smile. It’s a girl. TL 1 May 1890
Miss Anna Binkley, 19 years 5 months 28 days, died Saturday at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Binkley, 2 miles northeast. TL 1 May 1890
The widow and heirs of Silas Gulley of Co E 60th Illinois Vol. cashed a $2,000 pension check in this city last Tuesday. TL 8 May 1890
Died the 5th day of March 1890, Harry, infant son of D.M. & Ida A. Davis, aged 1 year 0 month and 30 days. [This is a lengthy item written by D.M.D., apparently the father. He mentions Harry and Freddie awaiting them at the gate of Heaven.] TL 8 May 1890
Crab Orchard — Solomon Thompson and Miss Sis Clarida were married Sunday at the residence of A.H. Wilson. TL 15 May 1890
Pulley’s Mill — Will Adams and Miss Rispia Newton were married 4 May at the old Newton residence. TL 15 May 1890
Stonefort — The wife of James Mofield died Saturday. She leaves four children and a husband.
Freddie Wolf, a ten year old boy living with Mrs. Mary Kelley, died Monday after an illness of about forty minutes. The doctors pronounced it congestion of the spinal column. TL 15 May 1890
Dr. S.H. Bundy, after several years service in the Pension Bureau, has opened an office at 717 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Having served both in the army and pension office, he understands all about the pension mill and method of getting claims settled. He is well known throughout Southern Illinois by all of the old soldiers. TL 15 May 1890
Ed Jeter, living in the west part of this city, was in the woods Friday. He stuck his hand in a hollow limb, searching for a squirrel and was bit twice by a five and a half feet long snake. The bite was painful, but otherwise not hurtful. TL 15 May 1890
Chancery sale — W.H. Campbell vs R.M. Jones and E.E. Jones Sarah Malcolm vs J.L. Smith TL 15 May 1890
Creal Springs as seen by a visitor:
Creal Springs is growing to be quite a noted health resort. It is now superintended by Dr. Brown but will soon be controlled by a stock company which will erect a magnificent hotel and other conveniences. There are six springs; each adapted to chronic diseases. The town has twelve or fifteen hundred inhabitants. Esq. J.M. Eubanks may be considered the most enterprising and influential citizen. Whiskey dealers will soon be shut down and with the influence of the seminary which is located here under the principalship of Mrs. Murrah, the society can but be pure and elevating. Messrs. Chamness of the Eastside or Graham of the Creal Springs Hotel will supply the inner man with good, wholesome food. TL 22 May 1890
Mrs. Minnie Lowe, former resident, now living in Kansas City, MO, spent several days visiting here. TL 22 May 1890
Wm. A. Harris and Rachel D. Grant were married 14 May at the residence of the bride’s parents, 4 miles northeast. TL 22 May 1890
Chancery sale — Andrew Diven vs Thomas Garrett and Jamima Garrett TL 22 May 1890
Excerpts from an article about some of the men who have represented Wiliamson County:
County judge
David Norman, died at his residence near Davis Prairie.
I.M. Lewis, died 1866 of cholera.
County Clerk
John Bainbridge, dead
Elijah McIntosh, dead
Thomas Davis, dead
A.P. Corder, dead
John H. White, killed at Ft. Donelson 15 Feb 1862
John M. Cunningham, died in Ogden, Utah, buried in Marion
W.N. Mitchell, died in Marion 28 Dec 1879
L.H. Spencer, died at his residence in Marion George W. Sisney, assassinated in Carbondale Alonzo N. Owen, dead
E.N. Norris, dead
States Attorney
J.B. Calvert, supposed to be in Texas
J.D.F. Jennings, supposed to be in Oklahoma
Hamilton Wiggs, enlisted as First Lt. In Co E 60th Illinois, died at Camp Big Springs, 4 miles south of Corinth, Miss on 20 Ju 1862, brought back to this county and buried in the Corinth Cemetery
Newton Bradley, dead
Superintendent of schools
Virgil S. Perry, died in this county
____ Sellars, died in this county
George W. Brock, last heard of in Kennett, Mo
Associate justices
Addison Reese, died at the residence of W.P. Reese John H. Manier, resides in Kansas
County Commissioner
Reuben Borton, died at his residence in this city
Circuit Clerk
George W. Goddard, died at his residence in this city TL 29 May 1890
A doctor hides his mistakes in a graveyard; a lawyer hides his in the Supreme Court, but an editor puts his in the most conspicuous position possible. TL 29 May 1890
Crab Orchard — Mrs. Mary Stricklin attempted suicide last week by taking rat poison and morphine, but with the skills of Drs. Tidwell and McDonald she pulled through alright. TL 29 May 1890
Mrs. Martha Watson died Monday at Creal Springs at the age of 102 years. She was born in Tennessee and came to Illinois about 50 years ago. Her husband, Josiah Watson, a resident of Southern precinct, was killed in 1853 by the bite of a rattlesnake. Mrs. Watson was probably the oldest person in the county and was a pensioner, by reason of her husband’s service in the War of 1812. TL 29 May 1890
Chancery sale — Hardin Goodall vs Ed Campbell and Joann Campbell TL 29 May 1890
The body of Col. John H. White was removed from Carbondale and buried in the new cemetery here last Thursday. Colonel White was killed in battle at Fort Donelson, February 15, 1862. TL 5 Jun 1890
Wolf Creek — Thomas Walker and Nethe Gallemore were married the 25th at the residence of J.W. Gallemore. TL 5 Jun 1890
Joseph Chaney and Margaret I. Uhles were married the 8th. TL 12 Jun 1890
Stonefort — Mrs. Hiram Vaughn died the 6th after an illness of many days. She leaves a husband and three children. TL 12 Jun 1890
Capt. William Hendrickson, of the Southern Illinois Penitentiary, came over here last week to attend the funeral of his father-in-law, William Aikman. TL 19 Jun 1890
Johnnie Pillow, son of John Pillow, escaped death in a runaway. He was riding with his grandfather, W.W. in a buggy, delivering cherries. While Mr. Young was in a house, the horse ran away. The boy fell out just before he reached the public well on the southeast corner of the courthouse. TL 19 Jun 1890
George 0. Mitchell and Kate Dwyer were married 12 Jun. TL 19 Jun 1890
W.H. Gilliam, publisher of Vienna Times and Dimple Perkins were married 9 Jun. TL 19 Jun 1890
Edwin Barrow and Alice Hartwell of Marion were married 4June by Rev. J.H. Plank at his residence near Badger. The happy pair started for Denver where they will reside for a time. Harrisburg (Col.) Pioneer The groom was formerly of Carbondale but went to Colorado a few years ago to make a home for his bride. The bride is the daughter of Capt. J.W. Hartwell. TL 19 Jun 1890
William Aikman, of the firm of Aikman & Co., died 11 Jun at his residence one mile southwest. He was 64. TL 19 Jun 1890
Crab Orchard — Frank Crossley wears a broad smile. It’s a boy. TL 3 Jul 1890
Carterville — The infant daughter of Henry Belts died in Crainville Saturday. TL 3 Jul 1890
A.B. Grogan died after a brief illness at his home here last Thursday. TL 3 Jul 1890 Rachel Smith, wife of Peter, has been returned to the Anna asylum. TL 3 Jul 1890
Master in Chancery sale — Franklin County – Zadoc T. Stewart, Virgil A. Stewart, John S. Stewart, Felix J. Stewart, Cordelia A. Malone, Hulda J. Brown, Angela A. Stone, Minnie H. Stone, Nancy D. Ing, Willie Short, Nancy S. Stewart, who sues by said Cordelia A. Malone, her conservator vs John R. Wier, Leander Harris, Virgil A. Harris, Nancy M. Cowan, Jane Harris, Mary Harris, Catherine Mckellan, Myrtle Harris and Cordelia Harris. TL 3 Jul 1890
Mrs. Charity Shaw, 81 years 1 month 5 days, died last Sunday at the home of her son in law, Isaac Stephens in this city. TL 3 Jul 1890
Dr. Titsworth, of Franklin County, was harvesting with a binder and his team became frightened at a sharp peal of thunder. They ran away, throwing him off in front of the sickle. Our informant, Elija Spiller, says the doctor was unconscious when last heard from. TL 3 Jul 1890
Taylor Rodgers, of Northern, was plowing corn Wednesday of last week and became overcome with heat and fell. He died in less than 2 hours. TL 3 Jul 1890
Adj notice — J.S. Strike admr. estate of Morris Stewart TL 3 Jul 1890
Carterville — Ethel Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.N. Watson, died 6 Jul and was buried at Hurricane Cemetery. TL 10 Jul 1890
Adj notice — Martha J. Williams admrx estate of Henry Williams TL 10 Jul 1890
Hugh Graves was taken to the Southern Insane Hospital. at Anna last week. TL 17 Jul 1890
M.J. Motsinger, formerly of this city, now of Malden, Mo, is visiting. TL 17 Jul 1890
Benj. H. Willeford, 1 year 6 months 25 days, son of Dr. W.C. & Lou, died here last Tuesday. TL 17 Jul 1890
Carterville — The family of John Fry of Herrin’s Prairie was increased by the arrival of twin girl babies last Sunday.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cash died last Sunday at Crainville. TL 17 Jul 1890
Maggie Groves, daughter of Harris and Elmira Groves, died at her parents’ residence near this city last Thursday, aged 22 years 1 month 20 days. TL 17 Jul 1890
Crab Orchard — Eva Allen, daughter of John Allen, died and was buried 14 Jul in Coal Bank Cemetery.
Oral Watson and Lois Culbreth were married 9 Jul on Tick Ridge. TL 17 Jul 1890
Canaville — Granny George, mother-in-law of N.B. Donelson was buried at Cana Church last Wednesday. She was somewhere near 100 years and died of heart disease. TL 17 Jul 1890
Carterville — A few weeks ago Riley Williams buried his wife and father on the same day, and last Monday one of his twin girls died. The other child is also very sick. TL 24 Jul 1890
Lake Creek — John Hudgens Sr. and Mrs. Hall were married 7 Jul. TL 24 Jul 1890
John Jeter was appointed keeper of the Poor Farm to succeed J.R. Copher. TL 24 July 1890
The new jail is to be built on a lot south and near Postmaster Hendrickson’s. TL 24 Jul 1890
Crab Orchard — Dr. Wolfe and Columbus Stricklin have bought out the Tinsley Bros. Show Co. and they will be known hereafter as Wolfe & Stricklin’s All Featured Show Co. TL 31 Jul 1890
Mrs. Rogers, a widow, died Friday. She leaves seven orphans on the charity of the world. TL 31 Jul 1890
Mrs. Mary Mann, wife of S.M., died Sunday at her residence here. TL 31 Jul 1890
Miss May Willeford left on the train last Monday for East Prairie, Mo, where she will teach school. TL 31 Jul 1890
A.H. Grider, 60, died last Friday at his residence here. He was a tinner by trade and had resided here since 1849. TL 31 Jul 1890
The total population of Franklin County is 17,132, a gain of 1,003 since 1880. TL 14 Aug 1890
A lady named Mrs. Walker, living near Akin, Franklin County, committed suicide last Saturday week by drinking carbolic acid. TL 14 Aug 1890
Last Sunday week, Mrs. Emery, 103 years old, living near New Burnside, was baptized into the fellowship of the General Baptist Church. TL 14 Aug 1890
Moses Elliott, 16-year-old son of Green Elliott, was instantly killed in this city yesterday by a team of runaway horses. He had been hauling railroad ties all day. TL 14 Aug 1890
Last Sunday evening John L. Cassell and family, consisting of himself, wife and two daughters, was driving home from a visit with relatives near Anna. His team became frightened by a vicious dog belonging to Jacob Kendall. The team ran away, throwing the whole family out, killing the youngest daughter, Pearlie, 14 and badly mutilating Lula, 16. Dr. G.J. Baker and Miss Minnie Sanders, M.D. of Jonesboro were called to the scene. TL 14 Aug 1890
Non-resident notice — Samantha J. Mcelyea vs Perry M. Mcelyea — divorce TL 14 Aug 1890
Mrs. Chas. Hagler of Fredonia died the 20th. [Date torn off paper.]
Non-resident notice — WM. Nolen vs Tinsley Nolen [Date torn off of paper.]
Union Democrat – E.E. Kimmel of Marion and Mollie Williams of Dongola were married Wednesday evening. She is the sister of Mrs. F.E. Brevard of Knoxville, Tenn. He is principal of our public schools and she will have charge of the primary department, of which she has been teacher for several terms. [Date torn off.]
Sylvester C. Sanders died at Crainville Thursday night and was taken to Benton for burial. TL 21 Aug 1890
Carterville — Miss Addie Russell was baptized Monday morning in the Thompson pond.
The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stroud died last Thursday night.
A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson died Friday, aged 7 years. TL 21 Aug 1890
Canaville — Grandpa Bratton died Saturday after a sickness of a few days. TL 21 Aug 1890
Adolph Doerring, one of our old reliable German friends of Lake Creek, is here as a juror. He came to America in 1860 and located in Williamson County and when the 81st Ill Vol was enrolled, his name was on the rolls for duty. TL 21 Aug 1890
B.F. Copeland and Rosa Bush were married 6 Aug. [A lengthy account.] TL 21 Aug 1890
Lake Creek – P.W. Duncan expects to start on a tour through Missouri soon. He intends to teach mathematics in its condensed form as he goes. He will be accompanied by S.A. Harrison of Marion. TL 21 Aug 1890
Mr. Nathan Dean, former citizen of this county, has returned from Jenny Lind, Cal. to Thompsonville. TL 21 Aug 1890
The population of Williamson County is 22,172, an increase of 2,848 from 1880. TL 21 Aug 1890
Carterville — Mrs. Frank Johnson of Crainville died of consumption Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jackson lost a child Friday.
An infant of Joseph Piltz died Sunday.
A baby girl was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Albery Munro.
A boy was born to George Walker and wife Monday.
Marion Glover died Monday. TL 4 Sep 1890
Harry Whitacre, 1 year 10 months 24 days, son of O.B. & Lizzie, died 6 Jul. Harry and Carrie were twins. She survives. Harry was called away to meet his little sister, Anna Bell, who died two years ago. TL 4 Sep 1890
Samuel Tyner died last Friday at his residence in this city after months of lingering and suffering. Our sympathy to his widow. TL 4 Sep 1890
Crab Orchard — Dr. Wolf is on the sick list. TL 4 Sep 1890
Lake Creek — Aunt Elizabeth Odum, one of Lake Creek’s oldest inhabitants, died a few days ago. TL 4 Sep 1890
A boy named Kleniert, about 14 years old, was killed Monday by a team of horses. He came with his parents from Europe one year ago and located on the Bloomingstock (Blumenstock) farm three miles southwest of this city., where the accident happened. TL 4 Sep 1890
Canaville — Mrs. Savannah Willard, 84 years 6 months 18 days, died 2 Sep. She had suffered for 5 or 6 weeks with heart disease. Burial was in Cana churchyard. TL 4 Sep 1890
Daniel L. Lence, of Makanda and Eliza I. Sherhil were married 10 Sep. TL 18 Sep 1890
Mrs. Eliza J. Aikman died Wednesday of last week at her residence here at a ripe old age. TL 18 Sep 1890
Carterville — The infant daughter of Sarah Ozborne died the 13th. TL 18 Sep 1890
Samuel H. Tyner was born in Williamson County in 1837. He married Lucretia M. Holbeurt in 1856. He was the father of 10 children, four living. [No death date.] TL 18 Sep 1890
Joel K. Oakes, for years a resident of this county, died at his residence in Grassy Precinct Saturday. He was about 64 years old. TL 9 Oct 1890
Pulley’s Mill — William Green and Mrs. Mary A. Shadowens were married 28 Sep. Uncle Bill is nearing his 71st birthday and his wife is near the same age. TL 9 Oct 1890
Carterville — A boy was born Sunday to Dick Hampton. TL 9 Oct 1890
Dick Toney may be a little late getting to his shop now. He has a new daughter to entertain. TL 16 Oct 1890
Luster Bond and Mrs. Cyntha Norman on Wednesday.
James Davis and Lavina Kelley. [no date]
Duke Ensminger and Dora Davis. [no date]
Thomas Browning of Benton and Etta Robinson of this city on Tuesday. TL 16 Oct 1890
Last Saturday about 7 p.m., Charles Herrin, of Creal Springs, while attempting to board a local freight train at Simpson, after coupling cars, was thrown under the wheels, the train passing over his legs. He was put on the train and carried home. Sunday morning both legs were amputated, but the injuries were fatal and he died about noon Sunday. He had been working on the road about a month. He leaves a wife, three children and his mother Mrs. W.J. Caplinger. It is said Mrs. Herrin last Saturday seemed to realize the danger of her husband’s calling and during the day took the children and went to the road weeping, watching for another look at the father and husband. But to her sorrow misfortune overtook him before his arrival at home. TL 16 Oct 1890
Pulley’s Mill — Dr. J.J. Fly wears a rainbow smile. It’s a girl. TL 16 Oct 1890
The body of Mr. Alfred Pease, buried in the city cemetery here some years past, was removed to Carbondale for burial last Tuesday. TL 16 Oct 1890
Marriage licenses:
J.L. Bond and Miss Cyntha Norman
James Davis and Lavina Kelley
Edward Weiss and Hannah Tate
Thomas Browning and Ettie E. Robertson
James M. Norman and Mary Thompson TL 16 Oct 1890
Non-resident notice — M.S. Weitley vs Hannah Hunt alias Crawford, Abel Hunt, Chas. S. Hunt, George D., Hunt, Herman Hunt and Aukerdy Hunt heirs at law of Perry Hunt, deceased. TL 16 Oct 1890
B.F. Moore, of Nebraska, returned here, his former home for a short stay. TL 23 Oct 1890
Pulley’s Mill — Uncle Perry Fly is dangerously sick at this writing and not expected to recover.
Some person yet unknown set fire to Hickory Grove Church near this place Tuesday night and it was quickly consumed. TL 23 Oct 1890
Crab Orchard — Thos. Motsinger and Julia Ensminger were married 12 Oct. James Norman and Mary Thompson were married 15 Oct. TL 23 Oct 1890
We were misinformed last week on reference to the body of Alfred Pease being removed to Carbondale. The remains were transferred from the old burying ground here to the new cemetery. Mrs. Pease was over here, leaving today for Makanda to visit her daughter. From there she goes to Wichita, Kansas where she will spend the winter. TL 23 Oct 1890
Attachment notice — Arthur B. Manning vs Samuel A. Sawyer, David L. Wallace and Thomas Miller, also Michael W. Manning vs same. TL 23 Oct 1890
Emma G. Booth, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth, died Friday. TL 13 Nov 1890
B.F. Lowe died yesterday at his residence in this city. Frank Lowe was born in Illinois and was 52 years old last February. He is survived by two daughters and three sons. He has one brother, Joshua in Texas and two sisters, Mrs. G.W. Binkley and Mrs. W.P. Springs of this place. TL 13 Nov 1890
Pulley’s Mill — The burning of Hickory Grove Church did not have the effect of stopping the meeting. The people just moved down to the Log Church and continue to have meetings as before. TL 13 Nov 1890
W.J. Spiller has invented a new rat trap. Four pieces of plank are nailed together, making a square, leaving an entrance at both ends, with the tap fixed in the middle. TL 13 Nov 1890
Adj notice — William Aikman and Mary E. Aikman admrs estate of Wm. Aikman TL 20 Nov 1890
Elizabeth Cain was born in Tenn. In 1820 and died in Northern Precinct 15 Sep, aged 70 years 4 months and 5 days. She was formerly the wife of Jonathan Miller of the South Illinois Conference of the Methodist P. Church and for 30 years she underwent all the hardships of the early itinerancy and by her Christian deportment and religious influence was a great help to her husband. She professed religion at age 11. She leaves three daughters and four sons. Jonathan Miller died in 1868 from disease contracted in the army. She married John Cain in 1873. He died in 1885. She has lived since then most of the time with her son in law W.D. Dewoody. The funeral was at Dillingham Church. TL 20 Nov 1890
A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin died in this city Monday. TL 20 Nov 1890
Ethel Thompson, infant daughter of Harrison and Susan died Saturday. TL 20 Nov 1890
Mayor Davis, on the last year of his first term, has born into the family, a son. The event was celebrated last Sunday evening. TL 20 Nov 1890
Mr. Willis Aikman was in town Saturday, calling at the Leader office. He informed us some of his plans for the coming year. Near his residence, one mile from town, he is erecting another brick building in which he will manufacture submerged butter. So complete is the building arranged that one person can stand in it and water the horse and feed the hogs buttermilk by means of pipes from the well and also from the department used for churning. In addition to this Mr. A. says he will erect a building in which he will hatch 10,000 chickens by the first of February. It is generally known that he does not do things by the halves, hence there is no surprise when he says in addition to the above, that should the weather permit, he will fill his large ice house with ice for the summer market. He is not one of the class who believe that “hard times” will force him to live on buttermilk and lettuce, but in his own language,” if things don’t boil, make them boil.” TL 20 Nov 1890
Barton’s Free Press – Frank Deming, 17, son of John Deming Esq., was killed last Tuesday. The boy and his father were sawing down a tree. The tree hit him in the head. Drs. Mitchell and McAnally were called and performed the operation of trephining, but he died in the afternoon. Mr. Deming resides five miles southeast of this city. [Carbondale] TL 27 Nov 1890
W.W. Duncan and Ella Goodall were married Thursday at the Christian Church. [A lengthy article.] TL 27 Nov 1890
Crab Orchard — Leonard Potter who has been teaching school in Missouri, returned home last week. TL 27 Nov 1890
Pulley’s Mill — Wit Hudgens, about one year old, son of J.B. and Annie, died 14 Nov TL 27 Nov 1890
J.H. Malcolm and Anna Mayer were married Tuesday. TL 27 Nov 1890
Chancery Sale — Alfred M. Moulton vs James M. Ray, Minnie A. Ray and George W. Ray.
J.M. Burkhart vs Adelia E. Henson, James L. Henson, Sarah A. Henson, Hannah E. Henson, Amanda F. Haynes, Moody P. Haynes, Thomas L. Henson, John B. Henson, Dora M. Henson and Elsie Henson. TL 27 Nov 1890
Carterville — John Owens, a miner, was killed at the Carterville mines Monday morning. The sad occurrence was brought about by handling cars at the shaft. TL 4 Dec 1890
Canaville — See that smile on Luke Simmons’ face? It’s a girl. TL 18 Dec 1890
The Womens Aid Society of Freedom Church will give a supper at that place on the evening of Dec 20th. The most interesting feature of the evening will be the sale of a quilt containing the names of two hundred and sixty one person’s residing in this community. The names are elaborately embroidered on red, white and blue squares and to say the least it is quite a novelty within itself. Supper will be ready for service at 4 o’clock. TL 18 Dec 1890
Milton Childress, an honored member of the 81st III. Inf., died at his residence in Carbondale the 5th. TL 18 Dec 1890
H.T. Newton died at his residence in this city yesterday. He was born in Tennessee in 1820 and has resided in this county a number of years. Burial was in Barham Cemetery. TL 18 Dec 1890
Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by Mrs. Clementine Beers, late of my wife. George Beers TL 18 Dec 1890
Dog Wood — Reuben Fozzard of Williamson and Mrs. Martha E. Gregory of Alto Pass were married the 19th. He was born in England 14 Nov 1817 and came to this county in 1848. The bride is 46 years old. TL 25 Dec 1890
Lou Stone and Ed Hinchcliff were married last Thursday. TL 25 Dec 1890
(Extracted from microfilm at Morris Library and/or Illinois State Library by Helen Sutt Lind, published in Events in Egypt, Vol. 4)