1891, News Clippings


Hosea Malone, who attempted suicide Christmas day on account of rejected love, died today. He was 22 years old and the son of a prominent farmer. TL 1 Jan 1891

Henry Newton was born 8 Nov 1820 in North Carolina and died in Marion, Ill Dec 17, 1890. His parents emigrated from NC to KY Dec 1820 and resided there until 1827 when they moved to Sumner County, TN. The deceased came to IL in 1856. He married Sarah A. Barham 8 Nov 1842 in Sumner County, TN. Five sons and one daughter were born. He is survived by his wife, two sons and one daughter. They moved to Logan County, KY in Jan 1844. TL 1 Jan 1891

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Keeler have taken unto themselves another [the second] son Dec 27. TL 1 Jan 1891

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. V. Scurlock 27th Dec. TL 1 Jan 1891

A report reaches this place that E.J. Cooksey, proprietor of the Cooksey Hotel in Parker City, was shot four times by a woman named Smith. TL 1 Jan 1891

Eliza McGowen, 67 years 10 months 15 days, wife of S.H., died Tuesday in this city. TL 1 Jan 1890

Ephraim J. Cooksey was shot by a woman named Smith at Parker City last Wednesday evening, Dec. 31. Mr. Cooksey moved to Parker City something over a year ago and built a house and established a hotel for the accommodation of the public. He and his wife had not got along very smoothly for some time and had not been living together for several months. Mr. Cooksey found it necessary to procure a housekeeper to assist him in the hotel business. It seems that he and his housekeeper got along very agreeably except when the old man was in liquor and, unfortunately, he was very much addicted to the use of intoxicants. From what we can learn the old gentleman was considerably under the influence of whisky and began a tirade on his housekeeper and made threatening demonstrations toward her with an iron poker, threatening to brain her and kill her in the house, when she drew a pistol from her person and fired it four times, three of the balls taking effect, two of them in the abdomen and one in the back. Mr. Cooksey lingered until Friday night when he passed away from the effect of the shot received in the abdomen. We understand that Mrs. Smith was tried before Esq. Wise at New Burnside and acquitted of all blame connected with the difficulty. The affair but adds another to the long lists of crimes and homicide caused by the too free use of whisky. But it has ever been thus and we suppose it will ever be until there is a complete revolution of public sentiment upon the whisky question. Those who knew Mr. Cooksey best unite in saying that he was a very peaceable and agreeable man when sober and free from liquor. From what we have heard of this unfortunate affair, we are satisfied it would never have occurred had Mr. Cooksey been sober. TL 8 Jan 1891

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Chancery sale — Letha A. Lowe, Laura B. Casey, L.B. Casey, Mary Lowe, Charles Lowe, Robert Lowe and Frank Lowe were complainants. TL 8 Jan 1891

George D. Oglesby, one of Williamson County’s foremost young men, dropped in on his friends last week and during vacation captured one of the teachers in the public schools, Miss Etta Lang, and led her to the hymeneal altar last Saturday forenoon. In the afternoon George and his bride boarded the train, the former for Chicago where he has an excellent position in a drug house, the bride to Carbondale, returning Monday to sever her connection with the school board, after which she goes to the city on the lake. TL 8 Jan 1891

The Whitacre family held a reunion at the residence of Judge H.F. Whitacre in Bainbridge, in which brothers who have not for 36 years met. They were born in Ohio and came to Illinois when young. Thirty six years ago, E.J. and W.B. went to Texas, where they have since lived, the former having never before this trip returned to Illinois. Besides these, there were Dr. H.N. Whitacre of Goreville, E.L. of Vienna, O.B. and C.D. of Crainville, the latter four sons of the judge. TL 8 Jan 1891

The new jail, under the keeping of Frank Chitty, is being patronized by eight boarders. The register shows as guests:

Henry Hollecks, 26, Anna, petit larceny

James Higgins, 35, Clayton, Mo, attempt to burglary

Richard Bruce, 22, Crab Orchard, malicious mischief

Geo. Wilson, 36, Fort Plains NY, petit larceny

Pony Holderfield, 31, Johnson County, P.O. Pulley’s Mill, assault to murder and keeping house of ill fame

Curtis Askew, 27, Johnson County, P.P. Pulley’s Mill, assault to murder and keeping house of ill fame

Wm. Askew, 31, Johnson County, P.O. Pulley’s Mill, assault to murder

Margaret Bowen, 40, Creal Springs, keeping house of ill fame

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Crab Orchard — Norman Brothers have finished a 100 foot bridge over Rock Creek in T9 R4. The bridge is a fine structure and speaks well for the builders.

Albert Clarida and Annie Duke were married 21 Dec.

Frank Bones and Emma Motsinger were married on Christmas Eve.

Archibald Tanner and Miss Deering were married. [no date]

Nora Corder, only child of John and Laura, died Saturday. TL 15 Jan 1891

Mrs. Lydia Smith was arrested and brought here last Friday evening, kept in jail overnight and taken to Vienna Saturday where she will be held to await the action of the grand jury. She is the woman who killed E.J. Cooksey. TL 15 Jul 1891

Winifred Bainbridge, 4 years 3 months 22 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A., died last Thursday of scarlet fever. Burial was in the new cemetery. TL 15 Jan 1891

Thomas Davis, a businessman for several years in this city, but more recently residing on a farm 3 miles east, died last Friday night. TL 22 Jan 1891

James Tippy, engineer on the Globe Democrat train, met with a serious misfortune near Belleville. His train was coming around a curve at 45 miles an hour and came upon a freight train standing on the track. He jumped and was badly mashed up, with a broken arm and lacerations on his head. He was brought to Carterville and left under the care of Dr. Ferrell. TL 22 Jan 1891

Mrs. Sarah J. Gent died Tuesday. TL 29 Jan 1891

Mrs. Pheba Pulley, 88, died here Tuesday. TL 29 Jan 1891

Jas. Tippy was brought home from Carterville last Monday where he has been under medical treatment for the wounds and bruises heretofore mentioned. TL 29 Jan 1891


Coal Bank Church — Death has taken away one of our sisters who was old in years and old in Christianity. Sister Margrette Thompson was born on Sunday, married on Sunday, professed religion on Sunday, joined the church on Sunday, was baptized on Sunday , died and was buried on Sunday. TL 5 Feb 1891

Charlie Gent has a new boarder at his house. It’s a boy. TL 5 Feb 1891

Geo. Carpenter of Holden, Mo and Mittie Davis were married Wednesday and left for Holden Monday. TL 5 Feb 1891

I will pay four hundred dollars for the return of $800 lost at or near the fair grounds during our last county fair. Or will pay one half of the amount of the money returned and will also give $100 for the thief. J.T. Otey, Grant, Ill. TL 5 Feb 1891

Tax sale — To Preston Brothers — Jas. H. Duncan purchaser

To N.A. Tranbarger, G.W. Bradshaw, James Wilson, Thos. North, John G. Campbell, Sam North, firm of North, Campbell & Co., Ed Hayes and Bud Gill — Jas. H. Duncan purchaser. TL 5 Feb 1891

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Thomas B. Woodside, prominent farmer living near New Burnside, committed suicide 2 Feb by shooting himself in the head in the sitting room at his home. He was engaged to be married in August to Stella Fisher, a young school teacher and daughter of States Attorney R.W. Fisher. She claims he tried to accomplish her ruin while they were out riding and threatened to kill himself if she did not submit. He had been a widower for about three years. He leaves 5 children — two boys and three girls — two of whom are grown and a gray haired father and mother. TL 12 Feb 1891

Tax sale — To David Barth, L.A. Goddard, R.D.W. Holder and Mrs. David Barth ­W.P. Goodall purchaser

To A. Richardson and A.W. Clements — H. Goodall purchaser

To W.L. Laney, Monroe Tanner, Margaret J. Trammell and W.D. Dugger — Geo. H. Goodall purchased TL 12 Feb 1891

Sheriff’s sale — Judgment against E.R. Mckinney in favor of Lazarus Scharff and Adolph Scharff TL 12 Feb 1891

Lark Arlington returned to Marion Saturday after a few years away. He is 91 years old. He has been in California with relatives. TL 12 Feb 1891

Tax sale:

To James W. Lemens and David Richmond — Geo. H. Goodall purchaser

To George Bradshaw and Solomon Sitter — H. Goodall purchaser

To J.B. Calvert and J.C. Jackson — W.P. Goodall purchaser

To J.E. Hayner & Co. and Clark Calvert — G.N. Moore purchaser

To John R. Thomas Jr. — A.F. White purchaser

To J.L. Grasty, William Hail, A. Goodwin, James Powell and W.P. Goodall – H. Goodall purchaser

To Eph Cannon — W.P. Goodall purchaser

To M.M. Thompson — G.N. Moore purchaser

To James Snider and heirs at law of William Thompson, O.S. Tippy, Wm. A. Greathouse — Geo. H. Goodall purchaser

To J.P. Butler — W.P. Goodall purchaser TL 12 Feb 1891

Tax sale:

To H.G. Lufkin — J.M. Cline purchaser

To John Simmons — J.M. Cline purchaser

To R.H. Edmonson, Wm. Joiner, J.T. Harley NY Store Co and C.O. Patier – H. Goodall purchaser

To I.A. Mckinney, R. Donovan and E.G. Creal — H. Goodall purchaser

To H.F. Cain — H. Goodall purchaser TL 19 Feb 1891

Crab Orchard — It is reported that James Wolfe is studying medicine under the direction of Dr. Wolfe. TL 19 Feb 1891

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Dave Klutts arrived here Friday with his child for burial. He was 3 years old and died at the Klutts home in Memphis, Tenn. Mrs. Klutts was unable to attend because of sickness. TL 19 Feb 1891

Pulley’s Mill — Uncle Ham Baysinger is once more called “pap” so they say.

George W. Mccoy runs his hands in his pockets up to his elbows very early in the day now and walks around over his plantation whistling very shrill. It’s a girl.

The beloved child of Ed and Lydia King died. [no date]

It’s a girl for Eph McInturff. TL 19 Feb 1891

Non-resident notice — Lewis Wagner vs Mary Wagner — divorce TL 19 Feb 1891

Tax sale

To Mitt Henderson — J.M. Cline purchaser

To Wm. Lemma, F.M. Albright, J.C. Phelps And J.E. Eubanks – J.R. Little purchaser

To J.W. Murrah, John W. Murrie, Elizabeth Brinkley and D.W. Morris – Geo. H. Goodall purchaser TL 26 Feb 1891


George Warren died at his residence west and near this city Monday of pneumonia. TL 5 Mar 1891

News of the death of Miss Emma Hudgens, a former resident, reached here yesterday. TL 5 Mar 1891

Cartervillle — A little boy of Milo Hindman of Eight Mile died Saturday. TL 5 Mar1891

Mrs. Lydia A. McKean died at her residence here 27 Feb, aged 55 years 2 months 10 days. TL 5 Mar 1891

Crab Orchard — Daniel Allen and Mrs. Lizzie Jennings were married 22 Feb. TL 5 Mar 1891

Mrs. Eliza J. Painter, daughter of Samuel Russell, died the 3rd. She married S.V. Painter 30 Nov 1848. Five children, two boys and three girls, were born to that union, four of which survive. Their first, a boy, died in infancy. She united with the Christian Church in 1850, under the gospel preaching of Rev. Matthew Wilson. She was taken with consumption six years ago. She leaves a husband, four children, ten grandchildren and five sisters. Funeral services were at Foreville Church, after which they repaired to the Russell Cemetery. TL 19 Mar 1891

Mrs. Lizzie Klutz, wife of David, died at her home in Memphis last Tuesday. She will be buried in the new cemetery today. TL 19 Mar 1891

Adm sale — J.M. Campbell admr estate of M.A. Butler TL 19 Mar 1891 

Adj notice — Amanda Heflin admrx estate of Aseinth Johnson

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H.L. Roberts admr estate of J.T. Hearn TL 19 Mar 1891

Crab Orchard — William Wicks has been confined to bed for several weeks from injuries received in the war.

Dr. J.L. Wolfe has bought of Charles Barnett that celebrated buggy mare, Kitchen. TL 27 Mar 1891

Joe Hayton and Rossie Powell were married last Thursday. The groom is a farmer and teacher and the bride is a teacher. TL 27 Mar 1891

I.B. Carter of Grassy died Tuesday. He was a soldier in the war for the union but now is encamped with the majority on the other shore. TL 27 Mar 1891


William Brown of Lake Creek and Miss LEE were married Wednesday of last week. TL 2 Apr 1891

W.B. Blankenship died at his residence 2 miles west last Thursday. His wife died Monday night, surviving him but a few days. TL 2 Apr 1891

John J. Motsinger was found dead in his garden Monday where he had gone to plow. Heart trouble was the cause, says Coroner Privett’s jury. TL 9 Apr 1891

Mrs. Sarah Henderson and Mrs. Tillie Taylor of Creal Springs were brought to this city Monday and lodged in the county jail, charged with murder. On Friday afternoon, the little 2 year old blind child of Mrs. Taylor was taken suddenly ill. Medical aid was called in Saturday but the child died. The two women, who are sisters, began telling conflicting stories as to the cause of death. One said the child had swallowed some glass while the other said they had given the child a teaspoonful of laudanum, not thinking it would be too much. Dr. Sutherland, the physician called in, expressed his opinion that the child had died from some narcotic poison. The coroner was called and the verdict was the child died from poison administered by the two women. TL 9 Apr 1891

Vienna Journal – Lydia Smith was tried Wednesday on the charge of murdering S.E. Cooksey [E.J. Cooksey] at Parker City last winter. She was acquitted on the ground of self defense. At the time of the shooting, she had a preliminary investigation before Squire Wise of New Burnside and was discharged. After his death, she was re-arrested and had a preliminary investigation before Squire T.J. Parker of this place and committed to jail to await the action of the grand jury. She was indicted by the special grand jury and tried with the above results. TL 23 Apr 1891

Thos. H. Keeler died the 16th at his residence near this city. He was born in Tennessee and came to this county when a young man. He enlisted in the 31st Illinois in 1862. He was a member of the G.A.R., by which he was buried. Thus another discharge is sealed and the great majority on the other shore has gained another recruit. TL 23 Apr 1891

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Vienna Times – Last Monday morning Jas. H. Arnett was going home from town. About one and a half miles west of town, just opposite the cabin on Burb Stanley’s place, he was shot and instantly killed. The party or parties who fired the shots were secreted in the cabin. The only witness was Marsh Dooley who was at work in is field 250 or 300 yards distant. He said he heard the first shot, heard Arnett’s cries and groans and saw a man come around the corner of the house and shoot again. He then went back around the house and in company with a man and dog left and went across the field in the direction of Burb Stanley’s house. Mr. Dooley swears to the best of his knowledge, the men were Mr. Stanley and his son ED and the dog was Mr. Stanley’s. The first men on the scene were Mr. Dooley and Rufus, a son of James Hester. Mr. Stanley and his son were arrested. Arnett and Stanley had been at a very bad understanding for three or four years and had each been carrying guns for the other. Arnett was considered a bad and dangerous man and had been tried and acquitted three times for murder. Burial was in the D.Y. Bridges Cemetery. Monday night the barn of Bennie Arnett, son of the deceased, was burned with all its contents. TL 23 Apr 1891

Crab Orchard — Homer Crossley, son of F.P. and M.E., died 22 Apr. TL 30 Apr 1891  W.H. Edwards and Mrs. R.J. Brock were married the 18th. TL 30 Mar 1891 

F.A. and Mary Channaberry have a daughter. TL 30 Apr 1891

Jas. Evett, late of Saline precinct, was killed by a falling limb while at work Saturday on his premises. TL 30 Mar 1891

Emma Durham, 16, daughter of Wm. T., Pulley’s Mill, died Sunday night. She was a half-sister to our townsman, Joe Taylor. TL 30 Apr 1891


W.C.S. Rhea and Ella Lamaster were married Wednesday. The bride is the daughter of Rev. George W. Lamaster. TL 7 May 1891

Chancery sale — Irene Josephine Harris and William Austin Harris, minors who sue by Cynthia Norris, their mother and next friends James A. Howerton. TL 7 May 1891

Adj. notice — John Grimes, admr estate of Josephine Miller TL 7 May 1891

A serious shooting and cutting took place 3 miles east of Benton. Ex-County Judge W.H. Williams had been attending court and started for home with his wife and some other parties. They met John Martin who fired three times, striking Mrs. Williams in the right thigh. Williams jumped out of the wagon and took the revolver away from Martin, but not before Martin had snapped it at him, and tried to shoot Martin, but the revolver would not work. Williams then stabbed Martin in the back and abdomen, inflicting serious, if not fatal, injuries. Mrs. Williams was Martin’s former wife, by whom he had three children, but was divorced from her on account of adultery with Williams. Martin tried once before to kill Williams, shooting him in the back when he found him on his premises with his wife. Mrs. Maggie Williams, obtained a divorce from Williams and he then married his present wife.

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Dora Jennings of this city and U.G. Crum of Vienna were married last week. TL 14 May 1891

J.B. Willeford and daughter Maude returned home Saturday from Missouri. While there she secured a school at East Prairie. TL 14 May 1891

Eight Mile – Mary A. Holder is suffering much from a cancer of the breast. She is believed beyond medical help.

Aunt Peggy Fowler, the oldest resident in Williamson County, has been sick almost all winter and spring, but is now slowly recovering. TL 14 May 1891

Women who marry old soldiers after June 1 of this year will be compelled to do without a widow’s pension when their better halves go the way of all flesh. It is a rather singular fact that the government still has a large number of widows of Revolutionary veterans on its rolls, although the old soldiers themselves have long since been gathered to their fathers. The penchant of old men for young wives is said to account for the fact. TL 21 May 1891

In Brushy Township, Saline County, John Wilson Abney and his son in law Riley Henderson were out hunting last Friday. A rabbit jumped up and Henderson tried to shoot it with a shotgun, shooting Abney instead. Abney died Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. TL 21 May 1891

Adj notice — Alice Neely admrx estate of J.B. Neely TL 21 May 1891

Eight Mile — Helen Robertson of this place and Riley Boren, late of Missouri, were married the 21st. TL 21 May 1891

Fred Wolf, 38, died Saturday of pneumonia at his residence near this city. Burial was at Perry camp ground. TL 28 May 1891

Daniel Simlick, residing near this place, suicided Tuesday night, while under the influence of liquor. He had threatened to shot himself and his wife took the cap from the gun. The family left and when they returned, they found him dead in a chair, having placed the gun in the fire, causing the deadly load to do its work. TL 28 May 1891

Grassy — A newcomer has arrived at William Hayton’s. An eight-pound boy. He says with two boys and two girls he can sit on the fence and take life easy. TL 28 May 1891

Eight Mile – Mary A. Holder was born 20 Jan 1839, daughter of Billy Fowler, one of Williamson County’s pioneers. She married James J. Holder 28 Nov 1858. Three children were born, two survive. The youngest died in infancy. Her husband served in Co G 81st Ill Vol and died 7 Sep 1863 while home on furlough. Mary A. Holder left a mother, three brothers, two children and seven grandchildren. She had suffered with a cancer of the breast for about two years and for the last three months had been almost helpless until death relieved her suffering on the 11th. TL 28 May 1891

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Minnie Brandon, 15, daughter of L.J. Brandon, residing near this city, committed suicide Wednesday. She and her mother had been setting out sweet potato slips and the mother came in the house and lay down to rest. Minnie asked her to cut a dress for her. The mother told her she would do it the next day. Minnie said if she did not do it that day that she never would. When supper time came, another daughter went to the smokehouse for meat and found her hanging. She was cut down and Squire H.P. Crain of Crainville was called and a jury impaneled. TL 4 Jun 1891

A Memorial Day service was held Sunday afternoon. At 1:30 p.m., Marion Post 319, G.A.R., assembled at Odd Fellows Hall and formed a line of march led by Company M 4 Regiment Illinois National Guard, Capt. Joseph Fozzard in command. They marched to the Christian Church. An address was given by Rev. C.C. Cash, pastor of the Southern Methodist Church. He was a loyal southern man, a resident of East Tennessee. Early in the struggle he enlisted in the Union Army. After the service, the people went to the two cemeteries and placed flags on and decorated these graves:

L. Col. John H. White, 31st Ill.

Col. R.M. Hundley, 128th III.

Lt. Col. J.D. Pulley, 128th III.

Maj. J.D. McCown, 128th Ill.

Capt. G.W. Goddard, C, 31st Ill.

Milton B. McCoy, C, 31st III. J.T. Sanders, C, 31st Ill.

Thos. H. Keeler, C, 31st Ill.

Geo. W. Winters, 81st Ill.

Lewis Ross, 81st III.

Capt. Jefferson Allen, 128th III.

Levi Davis, 128th III.

Charley Metz, unknown.

Alfred Pease, unknown. M.V. Simmons, 7th Tenn. Cay.

J.T. Privett, K, 7th U.S. Inf.

Wm. Nickles, unknown

J.D. Walden, unknown.


H.C. Hopper, 7th Tenn.

P.T. Corder, 7th Tenn.

W.C. Tinker, 7th Tenn.

A.J. Lowe, 7th Tenn.

W.B. Blankenship, unknown.

Mexican War

Capt. Jno. M. Cunningham, 2d Ill.

Lt. N. West, 2d Ill.

E. Phillips, 2d Ill.

W.S. Calvert, 2d Ill.

P.H. Lang, Ky. Regt.

Wm. M. Eubanks, Lt. B., 2d Ill.

Black Hawk War

O.H. Wiley

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Services were also held at Coal Bank Church, Judge A.K. Vickers of Johnson delivering the address. At Union Grove, the speakers were Judge Duncan, Elder Perviss and Dr. Fowler. Fifteen graves were decorated at Zion Cemetery, Corinth. The Speakers were comrades Oliver Cox, James King and H.J. Fuller. M.N. Swan gave a short talk and recitations were by Andy Burns, Sam Wright, Riley Burns, Misses Minta Rogers, Ella Wright, May Burns and Olla Wright. An essay was read by Miss Emma Beers. TL 4 Jun 1891

I have for sale a good fruit evaporator containing three towers, bleachers, chopper, slicer and peelers for $200. Anyone wishing to buy please call at my residence two miles northeast of Lake Creek. Peter Wastier TL 4 Jun 1891

Last Monday, Thomas Bundy, 16, shot his brother William, living on the Green Mitchell farm in Franklin County, a few miles from Corinth. They became engaged in words of temper concerning matters in which they were directly concerned, which resulted in the untimely end of the matter. Thomas went into the house, followed by William. Stepping on the stairs, Thomas pointed a gun at his brother and fired. The load took effect in William’s right breast, passing down and through the heart, killing him instantly. The coroner’s jury returned a verdict of accidental killing. TL 11 Jun 1891

Crab Orchard — Dr. J.L. Wolff and Chas. Parks went to Johnson County last week. An infant of William Norman died Sunday. TL 18 Jun 1891


John Doty, living six miles north of Benton, shot and instantly killed his mother-in-law last Thursday. TL 2 Jul 1891

Chancery sale — C.D. Carr vs N.P. Bracy and P.C. Bracy TL 2 Jul 1891

A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.M. Parker fell on a stick which penetrated her eye, causing great pain and loss of sight. It is thought the eye will have to be taken out. TL 16 Jul 1891

Thos. Russell, one of the first arrested under a complaint as being connected with the unfortunate troubles originating in this county in 1873 between the Sisney, Bulliner and Russell families, returned home last week and was here Monday last. He was sentenced from Jackson County to 50 years, but has been reprieved. Not one of those on either side of the affair is now in prison and be it said to their credit, those who have returned are good citizens. The curtain has long since been rung down on the last sad act of the scene since which another generation has almost come upon the stage. TL 16 Jul 1891

Wolf Creek — Esquire A.W. Coleman, Union County, was thrown from his wagon on a public highway near Tilford’s Brook on 2 Jul. The wagon ran over his body killing him almost instantly. He was the father of Dr. J.H. Coleman of Wolf Creek. TL 16 Jul 1891

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Johnson County Journal — In the trial of Ed Stanley and Burb Stanley for the killing of James Arnett, a verdict of acquittal for Ed and insanity for Burb, who did the killing. Ed took his fiddle and went his way while his father returned to jail to await further action of the court. TL 23 Jul 1891

T.C. White, of Arkansas City, formerly of this county, is here for a few days. He reports his father, now 74 years old, at Garden City, Kansas. TL 23 Jul 1891

The courthouse fence has been completed by closing the openings at the four corners. TL 30 Jul 1891

Last Friday, a sad misfortune beset Mr. and Mrs. Green Perry near this city. Their youngest child, 9 or 10 months, was left alone sleeping and a pile of quilts fell upon the little one, smothering it. TL 30 Jul 1891


Mrs. J.D.R. Turner, of Shawneetown, was called here — her former home — on account of the death of Uncle Wiley Pope, which occurred Saturday. TL 6 Aug 1891

A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gill was attacked with cholera infantum Tuesday evening and died Wednesday of last week. It was their only child. TL 6 Aug 1891

Non-resident notice — Louisa Borum vs James M. White and Maude C. White. Geo. H. Moore, Samuel Roberts, Flem Gent, Chas. Gent, Geo. W. Moore, a minor who sues by Geo. H. Moore his next friend, James M. Kent, Samantha G. Kent and L.J. Kent, the last two minors who sue by Geo. H. Moore, their guardian vs Horace Sims and Harriet Sims TL 6 Aug 1891

Mr. and Mrs. Will Mayer lost one of their twins Monday. TL 6 Aug 1891

Last Friday, Chester Clark, son of Rev. O.H. Clark, pastor of the Methodist Church in Carbondale, was shot by Robert W. Morten, City Marshall. The coroner’s jury found it was without sufficient cause. TL 13 Aug 1891

W.D. Dewoody, agent for the Carmi Marble Works was in the Leader office Tuesday and says he has an order for an eight-foot monument for Wm. Aikman, late of this place. TL 13 Aug 1891

P.M. Parker will go to Quincy where he enters the Soldiers Home. For several months he has been in failing health and doubtless he could find no place where he would be better cared for. TL 19 Aug 1891

A daughter was born Friday to Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Dodd. TL 19 Aug 1891

Prof. Lafayette Hunter, for several years a teacher in the public schools of this state, has gone to Piggott, Ark., where he will engage in the practice of law. TL 19 Aug 1891

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Joe Stocks has moved back from Ogden, Utah where he has lived the past two years and Scott Stocks has returned from Malden, Missouri where he has resided the last year. TL 19 Aug 1891


S.V. Painter, of this place, and Mrs. Anna V. Powell of Carterville, were married last Thursday. TL 2 Sep 1891

The wife of T.J. Helton, 32, died Saturday at her late residence at Cairo. She lived almost her entire life in this county, the place of her birth. Burial was in the new cemetery. TL 9 Sep 1891

Caroline Reidle and John Issler were married 5 Sep at the residence of the bride’s parents, 31/2 miles northeast of Marion. TL 9 Sep 1891

Clay Hartwell returned Sunday after a few years in the west. TL 9 Sep 1891

John H. Reynolds died last Tuesday after long suffering with Bright’s Disease. He was born in Wilson County, Tennessee 24 Aug 1833. The Masonic fraternity, of which he was a member, officiated at the funeral. Burial was in Barham Cemetery. TL 9 Sep 1891

J.W. Westbrook and Maude Bainbridge were married Tuesday. The groom is president of First National Bank. TL 9 Sep 1891

Another murder at Stonefort. It is the same Flo Mahan who some years ago left a child at Stonefort with its father while the little fellow was very young and totally abandoned it. It did not live long and was buried in Trammel Graveyard. She did not even attend the funeral or express any remorse over it. Sometime in 1888, perhaps, she showed up again there and has been there the biggest portion of the time since. It appears she again became intimate with the father of her first child and consequently became in a delicate condition. A week ago today, a 7- or 8-month child was found in Simeon McMahan’s privy vault. Inquiry developed Flo Mahan had given birth to the child at Dock Penninger’s, a house just north of the privy, one week prior to the finding of the dead baby. The next day after giving birth, she went across the street, east one block and went to work at John Weber’s and remained there until the finding of the corpse. The night following the finding, she and other parties procured a livery rig from W.R. Mofield & Son and was driven out of the country. TL 16 Sep 1891

I have for sale or will trade for land in Kansas, 120 acres of land about 5 miles north of Carterville, Ill. For particulars, address J.W. Wright, Mcpherson, Kansas. TL 16 Sep 1891

Cinderella Davis, wife of T.R., died 13 Sep in the 55th year of her life. TL 16 Sep 1891

Mrs. Amanda Bainbridge Gorham, of San Diego, Cal., was visiting her Saturday and Sunday, for the first time in half a century. While here she visited Bainbridge and recognized the house she was born in 56 years ago. TL 16 Sep 1891

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Fredonia – Susan A. Snyder, daughter of Samuel F. Russell, died at her home near Carbondale, Jackson County, 9 Sep 1891. She was born 2 May 1828 in Williamson County and married Isaac M. Snyder 10 Oct 1858. 13 children were born, 9 of which are living. She was taken with a wasting disease in 1890. Burial was at the Russell graveyard on the farm of C.C. Russell. TL 16 Sep 1891

It is hereby given that on the 3rd day of October 1891, there will be a church house let out to be built at the Old County Line Church, three miles southwest of Creal Springs. The house is to be 26 feet by 40 feet, with four windows in each side and two windows in the back end, with two doors in the front end. Studding to be 14 feet in length. Sealed bids will be received by giving them to F. Gent, Marion, Ill., Lem Ford, James Westbrook, C.W. Horsley and John W. Sanders. TL 23 Sep 1891

Their third — a daughter — registered at the residence of W.H. Campbell on Monday. TL 23 Sep 1891

Mrs. Mary Davis returned home to Memphis Tuesday. She was called here on account of the sickness and death of her father, John H. Reynolds. TL 23 Sep 1891

W.L. Benson and wife are entertaining a girl at their residence. She is nearly two weeks old. TL 23 Sep 1891


Notice of adj. — Otis Sanders exec estate of I.R. Sanders. TL 1 Oct 1891

W.B. Lane, of Creal Springs, says the site for the new church has been selected at County Line and that the building is a fixture. The sight was given by Mr. L. of property by him recently purchased. TL 1 Oct 1891

Carterville — News was received here Thursday of the death of Ed Cox in Janesville, Wis. The company he worked for sent him to Wisconsin and while there he was stricken with congestion of the bowels. His mother went to his assistance but he could not recover. His body was brought home for burial. TL 8 Oct 1891

Circuit Court

Chas. Rodgers, larceny, 2 years

Southerland, forgery, 5 years

Charles Whitlock, larceny, reform school 2 years

Dr. John Vick, for shooting “Buckskin Jim”, acquitted

On the 6th, W.A. Thornton came upon Amos Burns, highway commissioner, as he was building a bridge over Sugar Creek. He pulled a pistol and began abusing him. He put the pistol away and sprang upon him with knucks, inflicting ugly wounds on his head. It seems that Laughlin, who was a juror, went home last Saturday and told Thornton what Burns had testified to before the grand jury. Thornton was escorted to jail until Web Turner went on his bond.

Charles M. Furlong ‘s case was called the 7th and it went over to next term on account of the absence of witnesses. He is charged with abduction. He has a noble wife and grown daughter, which should be an incentive to stay at home and love and cherish them. Louie Barth was one of his witnesses and was not on hand. He was brought before the judge and when asked for an excuse, he said he was sowing wheat. The officer said he found him under a bed. The judge asked him if he sowed wheat under the bed and when he replied “no,” the judge fined him $25 and costs. TL 8 Oct 1891

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The Odd Fellows will organize and build a hall at Fountain. TL 8 Oct 1891

W.A. Smothers, a Grand Juryman from Grassy precinct, was arrested Saturday on a charge of bastardy., sworn out by his step daughter who is said to be scarcely 16 years of age. TL 8 Oct 1891

Coal Bank Springs — Only a few days ago, Susie Parks, wife of Freeman, passed away. TL 15 Oct 1891

Violet Rice, 4 years 7 months 4 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.N. Rice, died Thursday. TL 15 Oct 1891

John Davenport, formerly a resident of this city, died yesterday at the residence of S.S. Ireland. TL 22 Oct 1891

Mrs. Amanda Grider, wife of J.V. Grider, died Monday at her residence here. She was 44 years, 7 months and 4 days old. Burial was in Odd Fellows Cemetery. Sympathy to her husband and children. TL 22 Oct 1891

J.W. Hartwell has gone to Dwight to be treated for the alcohol habit which has had so complete control over him for some time. It is hoped Joe will return a sound man. TL 22 Oct 1891

Carroll Mccormic died Wednesday at his home near Carterville. He had been suffering for some time of a disease of the head and recently had been operated on for relief. He was buried by Carterville Post No. 237 G.A.R. TL 29 Oct 1891

Elder Mathew Wilson and Mrs. J.H. Caplinger were married yesterday. TL 29 Oct 1891

J.D. Crossen of Lowery City, Mo. returned recently for a visit to his parents in Rock Creek. He moved from here in 1883. IL 29 Oct 1891

The new church at Fountain is enclosed and will soon be completed. It is 26 x 44 and 23 feet high. The upper or second story is Odd Fellows property and will be neatly finished. In addition to the church building, the society owns 9 acres of ground, 2 acres for a cemetery. TL 29 Oct 1891

Mr. S.B. Youngblood, 64, of Stonefort died Monday. He was the father of Supt. T.J. Youngblood and Deputy County Clerk J.R. Youngblood. He was a long-time resident of Southern Illinois and for a while a resident of Missouri, living there when war’s alarm startled the nation. Although a resident of one of the so called Southern states, he felt that his first and greatest duty was to defend the flag and the nation’s honor. He enlisted in the 24th Missouri. TL 29 Oct 1891

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Fredonia — Mrs. Alice Hinchcliff Ward of Murphysboro was interred in the Fredonia Cemetery 25 Oct. TL 29 Oct 1891

A letter from J.W. Hartwell from Dwight, Illinois describing the bi-chloride of gold treatment. TL 29 Oct 1891

Fredonia -Tom Russell sold his farm near here to Cyrus Whitaker. 29 Oct 1891


Frank Shreves and Alice Simpson were married Sunday at the residence of the bride’s parents. TL 5 Nov 1891.

Pulley’s Mill — Brownlow Sturdivant and Jane Thedford were married 1 Nov. TL 5 Nov 1891

Crab Orchard — Death has again visited us and called away one of our best female citizens, one Mrs. Emily Wolfe. She was struck with paralysis the second time. Taken sick in the morning and died at 1 p.m.

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Jas. Wolfe has returned home. TL 5 Nov 1891

Chancery sale — Louisa Borum vs James M. White and Maud C. White.

Geo. H. Moore, Samuel Roberts, Charles Gent, Flem Gent, Geo. W. Moore, James M. Kent, Samantha G. Kent and L.J. Kent vs Horace Sims and Harriet Sims TL 5 Nov 1891

Dr. J.L. Wolfe of Crab Orchard has been passing through life’s severest tests. Until quite recently he has been confined to his bed since the reunion with typhoid fever and about the time he recovered was called away from home overnight and in his absence his wife was suddenly attacked and died before his return. The doctor has the sympathy of friends but in the darkest hour that friend who sticketh closer than a brother has the only light to light up the path. TL 5 Nov 1891

Ezra Jones and Miss Rex were married Wednesday. TL 5 Nov 1891

Eight Mile — Albert Hogg, son of J.L. & Julia Hogg, died 27 Oct, age 19. Burial was in Beasley Cemetery. Foreville and Stone Schools closed for the burying. TL 5 Nov 1891

Miss Lydia Morgan, living near this city, died Thursday. TL 12 Nov 1891

W.H.C. Fowler and Malissa A. Moore of Lake Creek were married Sunday. TL 12 Nov 1891

Lloyd Elles, son of John and Anna, died Saturday. TL 12 Nov 1891

Robbie Lowe, 14 years 8 months 21 days, son of B.F. and Leatha, died Saturday. Burial was in the new cemetery. TL 12 Nov 1891

Mrs. L.C. Edwards of Centralia came down to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Hendrickson. TL 19 Nov 1891

Anna Hayton, wife of John, died 6 Nov at her residence in Grassy Precinct. She was among the ablest teachers in the public schools of the county. TL 19 Nov 1891

Pulley’s Mill — Mark Stanley will have, when finished, the deepest well in the neighborhood. It is now 50 feet deep. TL 19 Nov 1891

Eliza Carl Hendrickson, 73 years 9 months 16 days, died 13 Nov at her residence in Marion. She was born 28 Jan 1818 in Wilson County, Tenn. And moved to Illinois in early life. She married H.K. Hendrickson 14 Nov 1844. Six children were born, 4 survive. The funeral was at Union Grove. TL 19 Nov 1891

A poem written by Jas. A. Wolfe in tribute to Emily Wolfe. TL 19 Nov 1891

Mrs. Mary M. Thompson died at her home near Attila June 1891, aged 78 years 2 months 20 days. She married Terry Thompson 24 Feb 1834 by whom she bore 12 sons and daughters, two of whom preceded her to the spirit world. She was born 20 Mar 1813 in Wilson County, Tenn. And came to Illinois in 1837. Her husband died in 1856. She sent 5 sons into the late war and all returned. Two of her sons are ministers. She leaves 55 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. TL 19 Nov 1891

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Olympia Tribune, Saturday, 14 Nov — Judge John G. Sparks, 80, died today of pneumonia. He was an appointee of Abraham Lincoln. He was born near New Albany, Indiana and came to Illinois in 1832 and studied law under Judges Allen and Underwood. He was admitted to the bar in 1844. In 1852, he went to Columbia, California, then to The Dalles, Oregon and then to Walla Walla, Washington where he was appointed internal revenue assessor by Lincoln, which office he filled until Lincoln’s death. He was a brother to J.A. Sparks, Commissioner of the general land office under President Cleveland. He leaves two daughters: Mrs. Clarence Peterson and Mrs. J.S. Brewer and one son, Frank M. Sparks who now resides at Marion. The judge once lived in Marion. He funeral will be held at the Methodist Church tomorrow by the pastor, Rev. F.F. Drake. Services will be under the direction of Thurston County Bar Association and burial will be conducted by the Masonic Fraternity. TL 26 Nov 1891

Fredonia — Aunt Nancy Beasley died 23 Nov, the last of the old Russell family. She emigrated to Illinois from Tennessee in 1818, being here nearly 73 years. She was possibly the oldest pioneer in this county. She was 86 years old and spry and active till the last illness. Burial was in Beasley Cemetery. TL 26 Nov 1891

Pulley’s Mill — J.E. Hamilton of Franklin County and Amanda Veach of Johnson County were married at this place last Thursday. TL 26 Nov 1891


Pulley’s Mill — J.D. Johnson of Carterville and Dade King of this place were married 29 Nov. TL 4 Dec 1891

Eliza Ann Willyard, wife of Albert, died two miles north of Pulley’s Mill 28 Nov. TL 4 Dec 1891

Notice of Adl — Martha P. Carter admrx estate of Parham Carter TL 26 Nov 1891

Roy Powell has been pardoned by Gov. Fifer, the pardon to take effect 20 Dec. TL 4 Dec 1891

P.W. Parker and sister of Edina. Mo. are visiting their brother P.M. Parker. TL 4 Dec 1891

Fred Eaton, 12-year-old son of Joseph Eaton, was killed at Carterville Tuesday. He tried to board a moving coal train and slipped, falling under the train. TL 4 Dec 1891.  The Dec 10 issue says he was taken to New Denison for burial.

Carterville – Hazel Jones, 3 years 5 months 17 days, daughter of Thomas Jones, died Wednesday. Burial was at Marion.

Robt. Liddell and Mary Winning were married Sunday TL 4 Dec 1891

Dr. A.J. McIntire of Corinth, Geo. Willmore and lady of Frankfort, Dr. Poindexter of Chicago and Miss Sophia Hogue of Thompsonville were in Marion Friday, enroute home from Murphysboro where they attended the wedding of Dr. Jno. Poindexter of Benton to Miss Hattie L. Ross of Murphysboro. TL 4 Dec 1891

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Leah Holland was born 21 Feb 1822 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania and died 9 Nov 1891. When a young woman, she moved with her family to what is now Mongahela County, West Virginia. Here she met and married Reason Holland. At the breaking out of the Rebellion in that part of Virginia that refused to secede, Mr. Holland joined Co I 14 W. Va Vols. From West Virginia, she and her husband moved to Lickering County, Ohio, then to Williamson County, Illinois. She is survived by 4 of her eight children, 15 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. TL 4 Dec 1891

Blairsville — A baby boy arrived at the house of Jacob Snider. TL 10 Dec 1891

Crab Orchard — Married at Evansville, Indiana, C.M. Parks of this place and Lucy Rhodes of that city on 15 Nov.

Lietha Furlong, daughter of C.M. and N., died 28 Nov.

Dr. Wolfe is seriously ill, but we hope for the better. TL 10 Dec 1891

Word comes from over the sea to M. Cantor announcing the death of his mother. TL 10 Dec 1891

Capt. Joe Fozzard has received another recruit. The young soldier will not take part in public parades with the company for a while but it is likely he will have the captain mark time for him while Mrs. Fozzard attends to other duties of the house. TL 10 Dec 1891

Eight Mile — Henry Myers of Jackson County and Laura Horne of Eight Mile were married 22 Nov. TL 17 Dec 1891

Wolf Creek — I.N. Lance and C.S. Collins can both say “my son.” TL 17 Dec 1891 

A baby boy arrived at the house of I.N. Lentz last Thursday. TL 17 Dec 1891 

Louis Christy died last week at his home near Corinth. TL 17 Dec 1891

Metropolis Democrat – George Jordan was sentenced to 2 years for bigamy. He left a wife in Williamson County, daughter of Newt Parks, came here and after a time he was jailed on complaint of Ida King, daughter of Henry King of Black Bottom, charged with the paternity of a child. To get himself out of the scrape, he was allowed to leave jail long enough to marry the girl and now has his foot in it worse than ever. TL 17 Dec 1891

M.C. Pulley was killed while trying to board a moving train. He lived perhaps an hour. He was 30 years old the fourth day of last month and a resident of Marion all his life. TL 17 Dec 1891

Flem Gent and Mrs. Lizzie Davis were married Thursday. TL 17 Dec 1891 

Josie Tyner and Robert Tyner were married Tuesday. TL 17 Dec 1891

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A little girl was killed Monday at Hickory Thicket, Western Precinct. The daughter of Mrs. Fate Grasty was struck in the temple by a ball. She told her teacher she wanted to go home and fell unconscious at the home of a neighbor enroute home and soon passed away. The ball was made of rubber boot or shoe and wrapped with cotton twine. TL 17 Dec 1891

Cases in court Monday, all carrying concealed weapon

Robert W. Ray, guilty, $25 and costs

Willie Drake, guilty, $25 etc.

P.W. Ogden, plead guilty, same order

Wm. Everett, plead guilty, same order

Bill Murry, plead guilty, same order

Marshall Lence, plead guilty, same order

Silas Morgan, not guilty

Doctor Dunn, not guilty


Henry Scurlock, plead guilty, $10

S.H. Goodall, not guilty Keeping gaming house

Man Holman, plead guilty, $10

F.M. Goodall, not guilty

Mahala Calvert, on trial for keeping house of ill fame

Ed Chamness, plead guilty to assault, $25 TL 17 Dec 1891

Judge W.J. Allen and family, of Springfield, are here on account of the death of Mrs. Dr. Lodge. TL 24 Dec 1891

Rev. Robert Howell was called last Monday to attend the funeral of a relative, Mrs. Gosnell, near Blairsville. TL 24 Dec 1891

The mother of Rev. Cash died Monday at the residence of her son. Burial was in Nashville, Ill. TL 24 Dec 1891

Paulina Lodge, wife of Dr. A.N. Lodge, died Sunday. TL 24 Dec 1891

Crab Orchard — Nathaniel Wolfe has returned home after an absence of six years. We are glad to report Dr. Wolfe Better. TL 24 Dec 1891

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Fredonia — A newcomer at Monroe Tyner’s — a boy.

Allie Hindman, wife of George, died 27 Dec at her home near Fredonia with a lingering disease. She leaves a husband and 3 children.

Morven Fakes of Jackson County and Hattie Clark were married 17 Dec. TL 24 Dec 1891

James White died Sunday at his home near Canaville. He was among the first in Williamson County to answer his country’s call and served with the 31st. TL 24 Dec 1891

Eight Mile — A 10-pound boy for Grant North.

Thos. Tigue and Mrs. Mary J. Paine were married Saturday.

Milton Stocks is here on a visit from his home in Malden, Mo. Mit has succeeded in getting a Missourian for a wife. TL 24 Dec 1891

Blairsville — Mie Elliott wears a broad smile. It’s a girl. TL 24 Dec 1891

Mrs. Frank Reese Died Saturday at her residence 3 miles southeast. TL 31 Dec 1891

David Klutz of Memphis is visiting his mother, Mrs. Perrigin, in this city. TL 31 Dec 1891

Lewis M. Roberts and Sophrona Parker were married 23 Dec at the residence of A.I. Cooper in Northern Precinct. TL 31 Dec 1891

Clara B. Davis, daughter of Elmo and Ida, died Friday. TL 31 Dec 1891

Mrs. Matilda Wiley, 83, died last Thursday at her residence here. TL 31 Dec 1891

Eight Mile – Thomas Council and Helen Williams were married 23 Dec.

Rufus Stanley and Edith Alexander were married. [no date] An infant son of Wm. McCree died 25 Dec. TL 31 Dec 1891

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