The city’s dire need of a new fire truck was disclosed at the meeting of the city council on Monday night when Fire Chief Harry Cash reported that the present equipment of the fire department has become practically worn out. The truck now used as the sole fire fighting apparatus of the fire department was purchased in 1919. It was overhauled and equipped with a pumper in 1925. In use since that time the pumper has been called upon for service in some big fires and under the strain of frequent hard work it has become worn until it is no longer effective in boosting water from the city mains. The ineffectiveness of the fire pumper was demonstrated on the fourth of July when the fire department was called upon to pump water out of a well. It was discovered at that time that the pumper was no longer capable of pumping water except when supplied to it from hydrants, under pressure and even then under that condition, it is said the value of the pump in increasing the pressure of the hose is negligible. No action toward the purchase of a new fire truck was taken. The council will try to find a plan of financing such a purchase.
(Extracted from local newspapers and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at )