This post is a compilation of photos that show the 1904 Marion Illinois High School Class that graduated from the Logan High School at 414 E. Main Street. Continue reading
DeWitt Talmage Hartwell is descended from a long and distinguished citizenship of Williamson County, where his family forms a thread of the pioneer fabric of Southern Illinois. Continue reading
William Oscar Potter was born February 17, 1871, in a log cabin in the southern part of Rock Creek precinct, near Crab Orchard in Williamson County. Continue reading
Dausa Dow Hartwell was born on October 7, 1878 near Johnston City, Illinois. His parents were John L.D. Hartwell and Nancy Elizabeth Hartwell. Hartwell had completed his medical education and was practicing under the tutelage of Dr. Alonzo Baker in 1900. He lived with Dr. Baker’s family in Grassy Precinct on the west side of the county. Continue reading
On December 10, 1906, the “Thorne Club Place” was certified as a legally organized corporation by the State of Illinois. The club consisted of five men who created the club as a social gentlemen’s club. The Club was constructed in 1907 and used as a social club and residence by the five men. The Club was located at 601 E. Thorn St. Continue reading