John Hartwell Duncan is a Kentuckian by birth, and the son of a Kentuckian. His father was Captain Samuel Duncan, of Co. A, 15th Kentucky Cavalry, who died September 25, 1867, at New Burnside, Illinois, at the early age of forty eight. Continue reading
I am fairly certain that the Commercial Hotel at 303 N. Market Street was created out of necessity. For years this location had been the home of a very large family. John Henry and Almira Catherine (Barham) Reynolds had seen the birth of 12 children and already the deaths of at least three or four. Continue reading
Almira Catherine Barham was born in Robinson County, Tennessee, September 12, 1841. Her parents were Judge Thomas N. Barham and Elizabeth Perry, both natives of Tennessee, who came to Marion, Illinois in 1856, bringing Mrs. Reynolds, then only 15, with them, and where Judge Barham died in 1867. Continue reading
The White Shrine of Jerusalem Dorcas Shrine # 61 was chartered in Herrin, Illinois on May 2, 1922. The Charter officers were Mary Maughn, Worth High Priestess; Reese Heator, Watchman of Shepherds and Florence Poston, Noble Prophetess. Continue reading
The Marion, Illinois Leroy A. Chapter 350 of the Eastern Star was chartered October 14, 1896. Continue reading