What might have been a disastrous fire was quickly extinguished early Friday evening due to an early discovery and prompt action by the fire department at the Smart shop on the South side of the Public Square. Continue reading
Fire of unknown origin at 7:30 am Wed. damaged the ware room of the B.F.J. Furniture Store on W. Main St. Firemen reached the scene as the fire spread to other rooms adjacent on east and west. Continue reading
The new fire department built of brick salvaged from the old Public Square paving was occupied today by two fire trucks instead of one and the firemen were singing the praises of WPA commissioner Walter Williams for his prompt approval of the project.
(Extracted from local newspapers and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at http://www.marionfire.us )
Early Monday morning workmen for the Concord Construction Co. of E. St. Louis began taking up the brick of the pavement on the public square to make way for the new concrete pavement which is to be laid on the four corners of the square and about the court house. Continue reading
Fire at midnight destroyed the stock of the Clyde Hankins grocery and feed store on N. Madison adjacent to the hitch yard and badly damaged the building. Continue reading