1925, “Over the Hill”, Life on the County Poor Farm

On the eve of Thanksgiving 2013, I decided to post this series of articles about the Williamson County Poor Farm that were originally published in the Marion Daily Republican newspaper in December of 1925 and later republished in the Williamson County quarterly “Footprints”. It serves as a reminder to all of us that fairness isn’t always disseminated equally and we all have reasons to be thankful for what we have, how much or little that it may be. Continue reading

Ferrell, Denton 1899-1966 Engineer and Inventor

Denton “Dent” Ferrell was born in Crainville on November 11, 1889, the son of Hosea V. Ferrell and Mildred Cassandra Davis. His father, Hosea, was a physician and prominent citizen in Carterville. Of his many siblings, a brother named after his father, Hosea V. Ferrell, became a leading attorney and prominent citizen of Marion for decades. Continue reading