Darby, Richard A. 1937-2001

Darby Richard  1937-2001Family members and colleagues remember Richard Darby as a solid journalist and a patient teacher. The retired managing editor of the Marion Daily Republican died this morning at Arlington Memorial Hospital in Arlington, Texas.

Darby, who passed away at 6:30 a.m., had been splitting time between his Marion home and the Dallas-Fort Worth area while undergoing treatment for lymphoma. He had been fighting cancer for almost five years. Continue reading

Goddard, Leroy A. 1854-1936

Leroy A Goddard 1854 1936Leroy A. Goddard was born in Marion, Illinois, June 22 1854, the son of James T. and Winifred (Spiller) Goddard. His grandparents from Virginia settled in 1832 near where Marion was afterwards located. Mr. Goddard’s father opened a general store in Bainbridge, near Marion, in 1841, and later moved to Marion and erected a three story brick building where the Marion State and Savings bank was located. Continue reading

Colp, Leonard A. 1881-1968

Leon Colp 1881 1968Leonard “Leon” Allen Colp was born on a farm in Eight Mile Prairie near Carterville, on January 18, 1881, the son of John H. Colp and Isadora North. His father was a farmer and later a prominent miller.

Educated in the country schools and Carterville grade schools, he passed into the Northern Indiana Normal University at Valparaiso, Indiana, where he prepared himself for the University of Illinois which he entered later and was graduated from in 1904 with the degree of LL.B (Bachelor of Laws Degree). Continue reading