Fire believed to have started from defective electric wiring, caused several thousand dollars damage to the Marion Presbyterian Church Friday evening. Continue reading
Category Archives: E-F
Fire which broke out in a warehouse of the Farmer’s Produce Co. on East Union Street early Wednesday morning caused damage estimated at several thousand dollars principally to a stock of feed and seed on the second floor. Continue reading
The Farmer’s Produce Co., operated by Lloyd McMichael, was open for business in temporary quarters Monday morning after fire which broke out at 3 pm Saturday destroyed the entire retail stock of flour, feed and of the store located in the Dunston Building in the rear of the city hall. Continue reading
Fire discovered at noon in a stock room of the F.W. Woolworth in the Walker building on the West side of the Public Square caused damage which is estimated will run into the thousands of dollars and threatened an entire business block Continue reading
Two fires in the city Monday night caused considerable loss, one of them damaging a residence and second burning the office at the Family Theatre. Continue reading