1922, New Buildings on North Market

Fluke, Maurer and Duke Plan Business Houses for North Market Street Soon

Ground was broken Saturday morning for the foundation of a two story brick building on a part of the site on North Market Street formerly occupied by the Garden Airdome and plans have been made for the erection of another business house on the remainder of the site within the near future.

The entire plat of ground at the corner of West Calvert and North Market Streets belonging to Fluke and Weber has been sold into three lots, the corner site being purchased by George Duke for a consideration of $6,500, the center lot by John Maurer for $5,500 and the third part of the site being retained by Louis Fluke who has already started work on his building. Continue reading

1946 Public Square and N. Market Business Improvements

Many Improvements in Business Houses on the Square and North Market

Despite Shortages of Building Materials, Stores and Sales Rooms Are Being Modernized As Rapidly As Possible Now.

The Republican recently printed a story about some of the improvements made on West Main Street and today a few of the business places on the Public Square and North Market Street are listed. This is still, only a partial list of the work being done to modernize and improve the business places of Marion and vicinity. Continue reading

1946 West Main Business Improvements

1946, Many Improvements and Changes Since First of Year on West Main Street

More than a dozen Marion business firms on West Main Street have remodeled, redecorated or otherwise improved their places of business since the first of the year. Some of these are still in the process of construction and still more improvements are planned as material becomes available. All this has taken place despite the many inconveniences and shortages that face prospective builders today. Continue reading

Boatright’s Electronics and Record Shop

When Charles Boatright graduated from VTI (located in the old Ordill administration buildings) in May of 1958 and got married the following weekend, his direction wasn’t absolutely clear. He and his new bride drove to Cleveland, Ohio and applied for a job working in a factory. When that didn’t pan out he returned to Marion and went to work for Paul Gore who was operating an RCA dealership where Walt’s Pizza is now located. Continue reading