The Goodall Hotel stood as an imposing monument to the business efforts of George Henry Goodall (1860-1945) who started building the hotel in 1897 and completed it in 1899. Continue reading
Category Archives: Businesses
The old poultry house, pictured here, was owned by Edward G. Sullivan, this building was on N. Van Buren, just west of the Illinois Central Railroad track. Continue reading
A brochure reflecting the architectural style and history of several of Marion’s homes, business and civic buildings. This brochure was created at the College of Technical Careers, Quigley Computer Graphics Laboratory, Southern Illinois University. Funding was provided by the Greater Marion Area Chamber of Commerce, Williamson County Tourism Council, City of Mairon, Illinois.
Fire which was discovered last midnight destroyed the 63 year old Illinois Central Gulf depot on N. Market St. in Marion and 2 passenger cars of the Crab Orchard and Egyptian Railroad’s tour train. Continue reading
Insurance adjusters and business owners were engaged Friday in a study of the damage caused by Wednesday night’s fire which destroyed the remodeled New Marion Hotel Continue reading