1876, “The History of Williamson County”, by Milo Erwin

Bloody VendettaMilo Erwin was 29 years old when he wrote “The History of Williamson County, Illinois” in 1876. Our country was 100 years old and Williamson County was 37 years old. The Bloody Vendetta was scarcely over and many wounds, no doubt, were fresh. His book had 283 pages and only 123 were used to tell that story; the remaining pages told the history of our county from formation to 1876. Many pages were used to tell of his admiration of the hardy stock that settled here and shaped the history of Williamson County. Continue reading

1913, Marion, Illinois “Opportunity City”

The Marion Development Co. was formed in 1913 by progressive Marion Business and professional men, and was the community’s Chamber of Commerce of that day. It continued until July, 1916 when World War I which had enveloped Europe was threatening to involve the United States, and preparedness in this country was taking first place in demands upon the public’s thinking and investment capital. Continue reading

Askew, Homer L. 1913-2005

Homer Askew 1913-2005Homer Lee Askew was born August 17, 1913 to Edward Eugene Askew (1882-1972) and Ava Narcissus Johnson (1887-1947) in Tunnel Hill, Johnson County, Illinois. Homer was only one of thirteen children belonging to the large farm family.

In the 1920 federal census, Homer was aged 6, living with his parental family on the family’s Tunnel Hill farmland. Siblings present in the home were Raymond Askew 14, Gomer Askew 12, Allen Askew 10, Beatrice Askew 8, George Askew 4, Mildred Askew 2 and Otto Askew, 8 months old. Continue reading

1954, Improvements for Marion and Vicinity Planned

Over Two Million Dollars in Improvements For Marion and Vicinity Planned For 1954

Over two million dollars will be spent in Marion and vicinity during this year on new construction and the purchase of right–of-way for relocating of State Highway 13, according to figures compiled this week by the Marion Daily Republican. Continue reading

1925, “Over the Hill”, Life on the County Poor Farm

On the eve of Thanksgiving 2013, I decided to post this series of articles about the Williamson County Poor Farm that were originally published in the Marion Daily Republican newspaper in December of 1925 and later republished in the Williamson County quarterly “Footprints”. It serves as a reminder to all of us that fairness isn’t always disseminated equally and we all have reasons to be thankful for what we have, how much or little that it may be. Continue reading