1960, Marion Public Square Bypassed by New Route 13

On Friday, October 28th, 1960, the Marion Public Square was bypassed by new Illinois Route 13. For the first time, east and west bound traffic on Route 13 no longer had to pass through the middle of town and around the square with the completion of DeYoung from N. Fair Street on the east side of Marion.

Traffic at this time still had to enter and exit Marion from the east on old 13, but got jogged by way of N. Fair which had to have three blocks from Boulevard to DeYoung converted from the old tar and chip city street to a paved surface as is explained in the following article.   Continue reading

1924, The Miracle of Turning Water Into Wine

Used Pump To Get Wine Out of the Ground

The amount of wine necessary for the proper rearing of an Italian baby reached alarming proportions Wednesday afternoon when Mrs. Mary Mentala of 406 West Goodall Street told city officials all the wine she had was for her baby, and the officer found 150 gallons.

Mayor J.H. Clarida, Chief of Police H.T. Boyd and Officers Elmer Smith and John Smothers conducted the raid. Continue reading

1924, Troops Called in “Coal Belt Booze War”

On January 8th, 1924, Williamson County Sheriff George Galligan requested of then Governor Len Small to send in the Illinois Nation Guard troops to ensure order. Galligan stated that the raids performed by S. Glenn Young and his Ku Klux Klan counterparts had assumed the proportions of mob violence and was afraid the raiders’ actions would create another mob. Young had recently been raiding personal homes and businesses and was said to be beating up people and officials and stealing money and property. Continue reading