1864, A Shooting Affair in Marion Illinois

Confederate FlagThe Hon. James D. Pulley, owned one of the first businesses in Marion and was apparently a strong Southern sympathizer. In 1841, Pulley built “Our House”, a saloon, on the west side of the Public Square. His attempts in 1861 to promote efforts to secede from the Union early on in the Civil War landed him in “hot water” on more than one occasion, including charges of treason. To later save face, Pulley was involved with R.M. Hundley in the raising of the unsuccessful 128th Illinois Infantry.

This post is composed of two articles, the first notes the dismissal of treason charges by a Grand Jury in June 1864. The second article notes an incident in which Pulley takes exception to his name being disparaged and confronts the source, resulting in a shootout in a Marion alley the next month. Continue reading

1897, Fatal Shootout at Freedom Church

Fatal Affray at a Church

Marion, Ill., July 17, 1897 – A shooting affray (fight) occurred at Freedom Church last night, in which Isham J. Price lost his life. For several months a feud existed between Price and the Hamptons. The men met at the church and without words the fight began. Sylvester and Earnest Hampton, 22 and 17 years of age, shot Price several times, killing him. The Hamptons were arrested.

(Chicago Daily Tribune, Sunday July 18, 1897, Page 13)

1960, The Cold Case Murder of Bunice Tyner

Bunice Tyner was a Marion businessman who owned a handful of taverns in Marion and the surrounding area from 1941 up to his murder in 1960. Tyner also owned Wimpey’s Café at 106 S. Court Street, but the business was actually operated by his wife, Louina. The amusements in local taverns in those days, popular since WWII, were pinball and jukebox machines. Also, slot machines, which were technically illegal, but often tolerated under the right conditions. Continue reading

Wimpey’s Cafe 1953-1966

Wimpey’s Café was a converted trolley car diner that was located at 106 S. Court, squeezed into a small lot between the Marion Motel Courts and a corner gas station located at the intersection of W. Main and S. Court Streets. It was established by Bunice Tyner in 1953. Tyner also operated numerous taverns in Marion and the surrounding area since 1941. Continue reading

1974, Marion News in Brief

Annexations Big 1974 Marion Story

Marion may have overreached in its last effort, but 1974 was still a big year in annexations pushing the city limits outward.

About 125 residents in an area westward from Interstate 57 to and including the Boswell Addition voted 30 to 5 on July 23 to be annexed into the city.

A 4.5 acre subdivision in which 10 homes will be built in Moore Park west of the Marion limits was annexed into the city on September 23. Continue reading