The following post is a series of three articles from the Marion Daily Republican related to the opening of the Marion Youth Center located on East Boulevard next to the city reservoir. Construction began in May 1962 and was completed in May 1963. Continue reading
Category Archives: Departments
The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Collins lying in pools of their own blood with a gunshot thru the temple of each head was the sight that greeted two night policemen who entered the Collins home at 104 North Russell Street about two thirty o’clock Tuesday morning. Continue reading
How the Marion City Recreation Board went from a $1.33 treasury and $250 in bills in 1944 to a more than $16,000 a year budget was outlined at the regular meeting of the Lions Wednesday by retiring recreation director, Cliff Storme. Storme was appointed principal of the high school and will no longer have time for additional duties. Continue reading
After four days of intensive searching in an abandoned strip-mining area, dotted with mine shafts, caves and water-filled pits, divers recovered the bodies of two Marion brothers Thursday afternoon. Continue reading
City officials are beginning to use technology to help keep track of gravesites. Continue reading