Fire discovered at noon in a stock room of the F.W. Woolworth in the Walker building on the West side of the Public Square caused damage which is estimated will run into the thousands of dollars and threatened an entire business block Continue reading
Category Archives: Departments
Fire which originated in a stationary cabinet Friday night in the division office of the Peabody Coal Co. in the Alexander building on the south side of the square did damage estimated at $3000 to the offices on the second floor and resulted in heavy damage due to smoke and water in the Alexander Bargain store on the first floor. Continue reading
Fire broke out in the city hall building Wednesday at 8:30 pm. Damage was slight. Continue reading
Lt. Lawrence C. Breitrick, who assumed command of the Marion CCC camp with the transfer of Lt. Toft to the army school at Ft. Sheridan, saw the need for help during the fire Monday morning and rushed a truck load of men from the camp to the city which the blaze was at its high point. Continue reading
Fire which broke out at the close of the morning service gutted the Presbyterian Church on N. Market St and left the commodious building a mass of wreckage, smoke and water damaging what was left undone by the flames. Continue reading