Fire originating in the vicinity of the large furnace used to heat the big tabernacle, damaged the Marion Presbyterian Church Sunday night and will prevent usage of their building for some time to come. Continue reading
Category Archives: Departments
Fire, which broke out in the tire and battery department of the S.J. Chapman auto accessory stores in the Holland building on North Street about 5:30 o’clock Wed. afternoon was brought under control after a few minutes of strenuous fighting under difficulties by the fire department and employees of the company. Continue reading
Fire which threatened the destruction of the Norman building in the rear of the Family Theatre Friday night was blocked by firemen who braved the intense smoke and climbed through a sky light to fight the blaze in the attic of the building. Continue reading
Fire starting, it is believed in the motor of the pipe organ, left the Christian church a mass of ruins on Monday night. The building estimated at $75,000 is a total loss although the walls are still standing and are believed by contractors to be of sufficient strength to be re-used without danger. Continue reading
What will probably be the worst automobile garage fire in the history of these disasters which have fell upon the automobile industry in this city during the past few years left the two adjacent two-story buildings of the Davis Bros. Ford Motor Sales Co. on N. Market St. in ruins Sat. morning. Continue reading