City Annexes Pepsi Plant
The Marion City Council last night annexed the Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. plant and surrounding property owned by Harry L. Crisp II on Old Illinois Route 13. Continue reading
City Annexes Pepsi Plant
The Marion City Council last night annexed the Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. plant and surrounding property owned by Harry L. Crisp II on Old Illinois Route 13. Continue reading
Relief Work Starts Aug. 15 in Marion
Marion Mayor Robert Cooksey reported to the City Council Monday general assistance recipients will begin a work program in the city on August 15.
He said the city will have to arrange tools and water supplies for 50 to 60 men who will begin work with improvements of drainage of Mule Creek. Continue reading
City Annexes Right of Way West of Marion
State right of way along New Rt. 13 westward from Interstate 57 to Broeking Road was annexed this week to Marion by the City Council.
Robert Hall clothing store is included in the annexation.
This council action paves the way for businesses along the highway that want city service to petition for annexation into the city. Continue reading
Marion Street Lighting Improvement Planned
Plans are being prepared for improvement of Marion Street lighting, Commissioner Robert Connell said Monday.
One third of the old incandescent type street lights will be converted to mercury vapor lights. Continue reading
Marion Council OKs Annexation Step
The Marion City Council Monday authorized abstractor John K. Miller to begin preliminary work towards annexation of a northeast section of the city.
Miller said there are 279 parcels of property involved in the area east of Fair Street and North of the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Continue reading