Just thirty minutes past midnight of Fire Prevention Day, the day observed throughout the country as the fifty-second anniversary of the great Chicago fire of 1871, in the basement of the Cline-Vick drug store was discovered a fire that caused $180,000 damage before it could be extinguished. Continue reading
Category Archives: Government
Fire, believed to have started from a defective flue, caused considerable damage to the St. Louis Shoe Repair Store of which B. Marcus is owner on Tuesday evening. Continue reading
Two grocery stores and two dwelling houses at the edge of the city limits on E. Main St. were destroyed early Friday morning by fire which originated in the store of H.L. Davis about 1 am. Continue reading
A fire call was placed early Tuesday night reporting that the Fire Dept. was on fire. It seems some sparks from electric light wires ignited some rubbish in the rear of the building.
(Extracted from local newspapers and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at http://www.marionfire.us/ )
A fire begun in the wash room in the basement of the Masonic and K.P. Building on W. Main was discovered and reported to the fire dept. at 6:45 am by H.O. Robertson, mgr of the Brown’s Business College. No serious damage.
(Extracted from the Marion Daily Republican and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at http://www.marionfire.us/ )