Description of Marion; the report of the fire inspector of the fire fighting facilities for this county reads partially as follows: Area – 1-1/2 miles square, 2-1/4 square miles Topography – generally level with a slight grade toward the east. Continue reading
Category Archives: Government
Marion’s new fire truck was taken to the dept. headquarters on W. Union St on Saturday evening and the equipment has been installed by Chief James Swain and his assistants. Continue reading
The new city commission met Monday evening at the city hall with the mayor and all comm. except H.C. Jones present. The most important matter taken up by the commission was the subject of purchasing a fire truck suitable to the needs of the city of Marion. Continue reading
The grocery store of John Griffith at 307 S. Monroe, was destroyed by fire at noon Wed.
(Extracted from the Marion Daily Republican and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at )
A fire at 4 o’clock Sat. morning destroyed the tailor shop of Frank Norman in the rear of the Ford and Graves Barber shop on N. Market. Continue reading