A fire at 4 o’clock Sat. morning destroyed the tailor shop of Frank Norman in the rear of the Ford and Graves Barber shop on N. Market. Continue reading
Category Archives: Government
Marion’s twenty horse power fire truck purchased from the International Harvester Company could hardly ascend the hill from the fire barn to the square this morning when summoned to a fire in the rear of the Nance Store on West Main Street. Continue reading
February 12, 1916: About eleven o’clock last night, Fire Chief Harry Cash was again summoned to the bank building to extinguish a blaze that had started among the ruins of the burned structure. The blaze was not a serious one, but had been smoldering all day and had just broken into flames again. Continue reading
Marion was visited last night by the most disastrous fire experienced in this city for many years and for a time it threatened to take out the entire block on the northwest side of city square. Continue reading
The north wall of the Lowe Building collapsed shortly after noon today and three men barely escaped with their lives. The walls have been in constant danger of falling since the fire last Monday morning and were condemned by the city building inspector. Continue reading