Fire Chief Cash and his assistant were called out of their warm beds at 1 o’clock this morning to fight one of the worst fires that Marion has experienced for a long time. With the thermometer below zero and the fire already burning fiercely the chief saw that he had a tremendous task on his hands. Continue reading
Category Archives: Government
The fire committee from the city council met with other city officials to decide on the proposition of removing the fire department to the building recently purchased for a city hall. It was decided to make the change as soon … Continue reading
The most disastrous fire in the way of damage to visit this city for a number of years occurred about one o’clock this morning when the Holland building located in the southwest corner of the square caught on fire. Continue reading
The large two story frame structure known as the Elliott Hotel on West College near the C&EI yards was practically destroyed by fire on Friday night at about 9 o’clock, together with practically all of the contents. The fire originated from the explosion of a coal oil stove in the kitchen on the ground floor. Continue reading
A large livery barn located on an alley at the rear of the new Christian Church building has been demolished. The property which belonged to Mrs. Geo. C. Heyde, was deemed a more or less dangerous fire hazard and its presence insurance rates in that section to be considerably higher. Continue reading