Marion on Monday night at about 11:45 suffered the most disastrous fire it has had for some time when a business building located west of the C&EI tracks at the bridge on West Main Street burned to the ground. Continue reading
Category Archives: Government
Fire destroys big fire trap. North Market Street has lost one of her sorest eye-sores. It wasn’t the will of the city or it wasn’t the will of the owner of the property, but the city has lost the historic old landmark just the same. Flames Monday night about 12 o’clock, did what the city has put off doing – fire burned almost to the ground, the old row of frame shacks located just south of the old Gent hotel building on the west side of North Market St. Continue reading
A NOONDAY BLAZE. A careless boy cook in Gill’s Restaurant played the part of Mrs. O’Leary’s cow while cooking dinner, Tuesday. He let the grease in the skillet catch afire and then threw water on it, which action only served to enlarge the blaze. The ceiling of the restaurant, which was located in the basement of CH. Denison’s building on the north side of the square, was very low and the blaze soon got a start on it. Continue reading
Once More! Shortly before 2 o’clock Tuesday morning, fire was discovered between the clothing store of F.M. Westbrook and the grocery store of E Hocks. It was under considerable headway when discovered and was gaining rapidly, so very rapidly that its headway could not be checked by the means at hand. Continue reading
The $10,000 Fire. About 2 o’clock, Saturday night, an alarm was turned on this slumbering city and the citizens awoke to see flames arising from the Goodall House, a $5,000 brick on the north side of the square, on the east side of North Market Street. Continue reading